And we’re off! Over the next two weeks, I will be traveling from Estonia to Russia, and then to Israel in a seven-part series. In this first episode, I explore Tallinn with two of my good friends, one of which you may know from my book, The Traveler’s Curse. After Tallinn, we make our way to the Russian border, where I will be crossing over for the next week.

    Buy The Traveler’s Curse on Amazon


    1. Interesting video – I can’t imagine what the adventure was like, I’m waiting for the Russia 🇷🇺 leg of this trip (when is that being posted).
      I’m also curious about your book, so I’ll consider buying it, to understand the motivations behind this trip.

      I’m a bit uneasy about the travel to Israel, a country currently committing what is “plausibly” a g*nocide – sadly I’ll most certainly skip that part as part of what I consider conscious boycott of problematic countries… was this filmed before 2023? I presume so?

      Anyway thanks for sharing your adventure

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