This great social event is getting bigger every year it’s the annual bicycle ride around Milton Keynes area.
    This 10 mile ride been since being informed it was actually 11 miles long .. is done on heavy steel framed Bikes in the main & is great fun for families & anyone who wants to take part.
    Iconic Brands focuses on the people on this journey as much as the bikes themselves.
    Thanks to organisers Ken Price / Ron whitmill & the rest of the team


    1. My first time at this rideout, and it was a very enjoyable experience indeed. Lovely to see so many old bikes, lovingly restored and ridden. Wonderful reactions from the vast majority of the public [except for surly speed cyclist tearing along the cycle path, as if he were in a race!] — At the tender young age of 68, i never thought i'd be cycling 10 miles on a 50 yr old bike!

      A huge thank you to dapper Nigel, for his generosity in allowing me to ride his spare chopper bike!

      For the record, i was in bed fast asleep by 8pm … didn't wake up until 7am!! best nights sleep in ages!

      Thank you everyone involved in organising such a friendly event.

    2. Fantastic video of the day and great to see a few shots of the RN22 R&D Prototype MK-IV out, about and being "used in anger" as the saying goes, not often a prototype gets used. One small thing though, it was 11 miles, not 10 😛 LOL

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