You want to be safe, clean, healthy and not broke, Check out these cycling tips.
    How to look back without weaving into traffic – How to get your chain back on – Group ride etiquette. Not every cycling tip should be about “How to get faster”.

    About me:
    I am Jurgen Beneke, a 50 year old Bicycle nut, dog fanatic and recovering raceaholic. Former MTB World Cup winner, X-Games Winner and National Champion. Owner and operator at


    1. Get your chain back on without getting dirty hands? I thought that was why all/most bike shorts were black. Wipe your hands on them black shorts… LOL Kidding of course, great tips here.

    2. MY trail bike has left and right rearview mirror . i don't understand why most of the bikers hate to put a pair of rearview mirror on the bar ……. mirror do not make you look like a idiot !!!! mirror do not increase ao much of the wind drag =.= and i don't think mirror will make the bike looks ugly =.= but i saw 90% of bikers ( in my city and on youtube ) have no rearview mirror on their bike when riding on a MAIN ROAD …..

    3. Darwin Award applicants be warned. If something happens to you because you were playing with your toy in traffic., I won't stop, and if I see someone else hit you, I didnt see a thing. If you want to ride a bike in traffic, there's this neat-o invention called a motorbike. Google it.

    4. So why do cyclists have to blow snot rockets? As someone with perpetual allergies, I just bring a hankey with me. No need to be gross, I don't believe something so simple is affecting anyone's times.

    5. I like it. It actually is stuff that aren´t talked about nearly as much. Just two minor details in my opinion… The second option in the second tip – you can get your hand quite dirty even from spinning the pedals or even just grabbing that seat tube. Instead you can use the hand for holding the bike and spin them pedals with your foot. Worse but your hand sure stays clean. And the other one is about the best bike. I get the point and agree with it but of course it your bike is totalled or just wrong type or geometry, it simply isn´t the best bike at all.

    6. As an older rider, thought I was the only one who didnt have the right knack for turning to look back while in traffic. Thanks for these tips.
      PS: per your final comment, I think I'll also keep going on my Marin 18 speed, upright, Lady Fairfax(2018) – so far, so good !

    7. Wearing hi viz colors would help a lot as well as a flashing taillight. When you ride through any shade, you become invisible to drivers, so it's not their fault if they can't see you. It's yours.

    8. Just adding another data point to the many ones already posted by those who ride with a mirror. Mine's on my glasses. Never ride without it. Using it is second nature and knowing what's behind me without having to look back all the time is very reassuring and makes me a more confident and safe cyclist. If it's not for you then it's not for you, but it works for me and many others.

      Now if I can only find an indoor riding mirror… 😂

    9. When there is little to no shoulder to ride on, I ride on the left side of the road. This way I have a chance to save my life if a car is coming at me. On the right side, you are totally at the mercy of the motorists and have zero ability to save yourself. And I could care less if it is in anyway against the law.

    10. Tip 2 is pretty neat! Will try it at the next opportunity. Chance 3 would be to wax your chain, not perfectly clean to touch but fairly close. Plus I've never had it mark long pants legs & if you have to bring your bike into your home it's not smelly or liable to stain anything nearby.

    11. #2 Lifting bike by hooking seat notch behind neck on a roadside is asking for trouble.
      You cannot swivel head to notice approaching hazards!

    12. Hoping it was an icecream… 😅 Thanks for great tips!
      Never buy your bike through Internet, it's not wedding. Always try it in person.

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