1. How do you record such smooth hand held video? Are you doing any post production software stabilization? My hand held recoding are shit 🙂 And I don't think a fixed mound would make them any better.

    2. I hate merges onto the road like the one you pointed out, they are probably some of the worst parts of cycling"infrastructure" we have. How the designers think you can see over your shoulder whilst looking where you are going.

      Out of interest have you got a video / guide on changing the drum brake pads on a Dutch bike? I really need to replace the ones on my Union soon and the rear one in particular fills me with dread.

    3. As a cyclist I end up reading the road on these urban ride videos. That cycle lane near the big roundabout actually made me feel tense!

    4. Rowan, it's all bullshit. They don't want us on the road, simple as that. Government can shout and ball about fitness, health and mental well being; get a bike, do you good, and ride with lunatics in cars on third world surfaced roads. We pay no tax, use no petrolium, add nothing to the coffers, so why take care of us? Lip service, no more.

    5. Nice ride but you're braver than I am – I'd be pushing my bike along some of those roads as a pedestrian! Also it struck me the difference between the "smooth red asphalt" that @BicycleDutch constant mentions and the, er, "less smooth" grey tarmac we get on many roads in the UK. 🙂

    6. That superior feeling of wafting past stationary traffic is grand,!! Your comments on cycleways rings down here in Dorset. Some are best avoided, cheers, keep safe

    7. You have a knack for pleasant commentary as we travel the backroads and by-ways with you. Enjoyed today’s journey immensely. Appreciate your generosity and inviting us along!

    8. I tend to avoid major roads if I can, even if they have a "cycle lane" – these lanes often seem designed to endanger, sometimes are against the flow of traffic, and make you wonder if councils just slap them anywhere so they can say "We have x miles of cycle lane". I reckon the only people that should be allowed to design roads, should be people who actually use those roads on multiple forms of transport (including cycles). Enjoyed the vid, many familiar (and unfamiliar) sights in and around Blackpool centre.

    9. Nice bike! It must be nice to ride around on a 3 speed. Unfortunately where I live it's a bit hilly for that and I need my lowest gears. I choose my rides and my bike according to how steep the hills are going to be, also the wind speed and direction is a big factor, I've been caught out a few times. I guess I can be excused that, I'm 62 now. Luckily the roads are quiet and vehicle drivers are kind to cyclists, there are few cycle paths, but leisure cycling is popular and almost everybody has a bicycle. I have very similar handlebar grips on my old Raleigh, purchased from a well known Chinese website!

    10. I've just bought a Gazelle Primeur Three speed. Lovely comfortable bike with a great upright riding position. The three speed gears are just great and lovely and easy to shift. even when stopped and getting her into 1st ready to pull away at junctions. The bike is very similar in rider comfort to a Raleigh Trent Tourist I once rode.

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