Russia Vs Ukraine | Kyiv feels Putin’s Wrath as Russia Unleashes Deadly Revenge Attacks | N18V

    Russian president replies to yet another military humiliation with one of his heaviest bombardments yet.

    #russia #ukraine #news18 #cnnnews18


    1. Joe Biden told Z to stop blowing up Russia oil refineries doodads, yup, Joe Biden told Z!
      Can't jeopardize Joe Biden's reelection. ROFL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    2. In Russia they now glorify Stalin , Peter the great and Ivan the terrible I guess all dictators are glorified because Putin is one of them he kills anyone who thinks differently

    3. First, my condolences to the families of the people murdered in Moscow. Second, whether it was DAESH or Ukraine, the USA holds the strings and is ultimately responsible. Third, is it ". . . as Russia striked" or ". . . as Russia struck?" I thought it was supposed to be "struck," but this station spelled it as, "striked." What's "striked?" I don't remember hearing that before. Must be American pseudo-English, I guess.

    4. What I really honestly hate about the MSM and Ukrainians is that they always have to use children for their propaganda narratives and literally place soft toys around the place to make it out that Russia is killing innocent children this is exactly why I don't believe a single thing that is being told by the politicians and mainstream media networks.

    5. IN THIS WAR BOH SIDES ARE WRONG……this war is their fault of failed diplomacy…its a regioanl war and should be isolated no one should suply……on both sides are a natioions incapable to live in peace

    6. Zelensky and his cronies are pushing a false narrative in order to bankroll themselves from the West’s military industrial complex. Just like they lie to us telling us that Russia is bad and Putin most be replaced as they spend not just tax payers monies but our young people’s future as they print trillions.

    7. هاذا المهرج الغبي تسبب في دمار أوكرانيا زالنسكي يجب ان تستسلم أمريكا والغرب مشغولين بكلبهم المدلل نتنياهو الذي هوا على وشك الانهيار والهزيمه في غزه

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