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    Being a digital nomad sounds like a dream.. but there is something way better than being a digital nomad…

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    After being a digital nomad myself, traveling the world for 15 months while working from my laptop, making money online, I can honestly say, it’s not the dream that portrays it to be. BUT. there is something way better than being a digital nomad..




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    1. this idea is not new I also though of it, but I will start in 2025 because I'm early in my career and I'm from brazil and being an outsourced working for the US the wages are good for this country but not a 1st world one, but I also though about all the reasons you mentioned, staying from 4-6 months out, and owning a cheap appartment here as my base is the way to go.

    2. Intermittent nomading yes please. As a US citizen I'm just not able to afford living there, and as a remote worker I have a rational reason to stay out (tax exemption). So with only 35 days available to visit the US per year to stay within the tax exemption (FEIE), I've been struggling to figure out how to have a better homebase elsewhere.

      The relative level of savings needed to pull this off are a moving target. I've been aiming for residency in Mexico (residency status in another country is the only financially and temporally feasible way I can think of so far for securing "bona fide residency" so I can visit the US more than 35 days of the year while keeping my tax status). Right now my "home base" is a toolshed in my folks' back yard in the states. I can only really justify visiting once every 1-2 years.

      And since I'm still a tourist in Mexico I keep ending up putting more crap in storage, selling and buying again, startong over.

      Oh what to do.

    3. Only people who does light work in their computer can survive being a digital nomad. A programmer like me despises doing this sort of thing. Constant moving in and out, no permanent setup and dual monitors, small screens, etc. and a noisy environment?

    4. Truly, building something meaningful requires stability and routine. But what about picking a country, where the weather is not shit 😅, so you don't have to eascape? Spain, etc…

    5. Bro, honestly I felt every word you said as I used to have the same lifestyle, traveling in every free second when I still had a fixed job. After I quit I traveled the world whilst working and I couldn't get enough. At one point I felt the same, to get a base and focus. I was 32 at this point so around the same age. Living in Germany now which is a great country to live in, despite from the weather/winters. I build my business and I am super happy with how everything is right now. Tho traveling definitely came to short during the last years. I am planning on getting it back a bit. There is so many parallels and your plan sounds pretty cool and again you spoke from the bottom of my heart. Could have been me speaking this, as I always wanted to do a video about it 🙂

    6. This is so cool. I'm now looking into a semi-digital nomad life, and this sounds just like it. I have a few ideas on several bases, but I also like traveling and seeing the world. I appreciated this video!!

    7. Video was interesting. I think it comes down to the family/kids part and if you want that. Otherwise living in Europe where as you say the weather sucks for 6-7 months a year, and working in an office, is a very uninspiring existence (at least for me). Also it becomes harder to keep a network of friends with age, but kudos to you if you still have a big social network in your 30's. I think the right balance is as you say – locate a handful of locations around the world where you can see yourself settling down in for a period of time and then rotate. If I stayed in Europe, I'd live in Barcelona in winter and London in summer. In LA, Mexico is great to live in, with tons of different weekend getaways or places to visit to keep it interesting. There's no perfect answer though and it will be a different story for every individual. You should make more videos about your journey in this as it's a big area of interest for many. Good luck

    8. Intermittent nomading is not new… we've been doing it for a few years already… and we know many like us. We have a base in Europe and a base in Africa. We spend 8 months in our home base in Europe (from which we can travel for weekend getaways or roadtrips) and do the same in Africa (I am from both continents… which makes it easier). We might be adding south America and then do 4 months on each continent, as we develop our Real Estate Projects for Digital Nomads on all 3 continents.

    9. How about going to only 3-4 different countries and staying at each 4-3 months respectively?? I think this will give one peace and time to settling without rushing

    10. So basically the digital nomad life is not dead, you're just building a base and still traveling. I love this viewpoint, and "intermittent nomad" is exactly how I want to live. The best of both worlds, since you still are moving from place to place, traveling while working, but just having a "base".

    11. While I love traveling and experiencing different cultures, those things won’t love you and won’t be there for you during your highs and your lows. They won’t be there holding your hand at your deathbed. It will be Family and close Friends who you have real genuine relationships with. If you don’t nurture those relationships and are there for them during their highs and lows, then expect the same. It’s a big world out there and much lonelier when you only live for yourself.

    12. The concept of "intermittent nomad" is not new at all.
      Even before the existence of "remote virtual jobs" and still nowadays , people doing basic "physical" seasonal jobs for example (kitchen staff, fruit picking , part time jobs, short term contracts etc, ) in their own country or elsewhere , work several months a year , even in "low wages salary jobs , and when they saved enough money for a "root trip" , then just go, sometimes even 4 to 6 months in cheaper countries , or travelling in a cheaper way if needed (hitchhiking, bike travels etc). Nothing new under the sun..!

    13. this is a great idea to have 2 home bases – but it is not true that there´s never been thought of 😅 in fact many people leave countries like ours to spend winter in their "second home". still a great video 😊

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