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    IDIOT FRENCHIE Student ‘GUARDS’ the King’s Guard with a CRUTCH at Horse Guards! It’s packed! 06.03.2024 (Part 1 of 2).

    Folks it is packed look at this I have no idea why it’s so incredibly busy uh at the front this morning but that’s the Bell the uh first main Bell of the day are 11:00 and look at how many people there are already oh they’re waving morning there we

    Are hey good way to start the day friendly happy people uh gatesman just gone out blues and Royals have just arrived and ladies and gents it is remarkably a long guard yeah I’m not trying to join this uh School group everybody I just noticed the uh the longard coming through this side

    Sh okay I’ve been given permission guys rather fortunately to go onto the other side this morning lucky me not sure why there’s so many people here I did no this actually when I arrived though that it was flipping packed zillions of tourists around traga square is there a major event that I’m

    Not aware of happening this morning oh oh it’s okay always ask okay everyone today guys is on the other side no one’s allowed on the corner including Mah not sure why but there it is hello I think it might just actually be because of the numbers the officers are spread out in two

    Positions at the front gate and at the tunnel why is it so busy I have no idea what’s going on and I don’t even know which country they are from I was going to show you actually as my opener um the poster guys that’s at the front because we are getting very

    Very close to the commencement of military season yes military season will be starting shortly what is military season well trooping the color times three I think it’s a a major general pretty sure it’s a major joural is doing the first inspection the second trooping the color this year has been

    Announced as the Princess of Wales uh and the third and final as ever uh his majesty the king now you’ll be delighted to hear ladies and gents that uh Yours Truly already managed to grab tickets to the uh major General’s inspection um and to the princess of wales’s inspection uh that’s done and

    Dusted um I’m also in the ballot I added myself to the ballot for the Kings inspection um at the third and final trooping the color um no one can buy tickets for that it’s an open ballot and the reason I’m mentioning it is that I would encourage any of you that either

    Visiting or indeed live in London apply put yourself in the ballot you know we’ve all got an equal chance of getting those tickets last year I didn’t get a ticket luckily at the last moment somebody did sort one for me um I’m not as optimistic this year I will say

    But and this is arguably even more important after trooping the color after that part of military season is done there are the military musical spectaculars what do I mean by that well we were at one last year in fact we at all of them last year what happens

    Is fireworks music oh hor he looking back at us like good morning music fire Works marching Etc Cannon the King Street ra horse artillery also feature Etc there is a lot like a lot a lot a lot to look forward to there are still tickets available for the military

    Musical spectacular um I hesitated to announce it the other day because I was still unsure whether or not it would be possible to go it is possible to go and more importantly guys uh I got us a good ticket ah look Corp Force at the front

    This morning not leading uh ra sorry not leading from the back couple of forces of at the back two fourth fifth and sixth with a smile lots of lots of smiles not sure why everyone’s laughing this one lots of smiles here the sun’s out guys I mean to be

    Honest what is there not to smile about that’s the way I would uh I would view it high gods are probably happy to because they’ve nearly finished he’ll be off just finishing up first of all these fellows will leave they’re going to go back to the front guys and show you that

    Poster uh there’s a link obviously as well to to the website Etc one second everyone here it is on the wall look a military musical spectacular celebration here horse guards prayed 16th 16th 17th 18th of July ju at 7:30 p.m. it was great last year like it was really

    Really great we had the uh the guard guitarist on the roof guys he was on the roof of horse guards playing Queen okay it was extraordinary I already booked a a super ticket in the front row in the best spot just so that I should hopefully uh be

    Able to film it in a pro way IE landscape as I do here at horse guard for all of you there won’t be any talking over it because obviously there’ll be uh lots of other people there but I will try to record the entire ceremony in glorious 4K

    HDR uh so that we can all enjoy it as well as the same with troop in the color they are a little teeny weeny bit and rightly so teeny weeny bit fussy about tripods and kit but I thought you know what if I grab my tickets early I can

    Then try and you know speak to to certain people and see if I can get a dispensation to be able to use the kit to record it properly will they agree no idea but hey if you don’t ask you don’t get uh speaking of not asking you’re not

    Getting uh I got this today as well from Over the Road look Tada making new friends that’s raffle camera’s useless that’s Raffles I’m going to try everybody no guarantees it will happen but I’m going to try it try my hardest uh to get us bit of a look around inside Raffles for

    A couple reasons one the turret Suite across the road has the single best view of horse guards that exist in London right there was no better view uh and two we know how many exceedingly uh important VIP and Rich guests stay at Raffles and then pop out in their Loro

    Piano lard blah blah blah whatever uh to film here take pictures of each other make little Instagram videos and so on and most importantly of all get nibbled by the horses get their expensive bags coats shoes and everything else nibbled and bit to shreds it’s an absolute

    Deluge is every single uh Echo not open uh this week or what oh she was like yes you’re right they are closed we have no schooling that would explain it now the good news guys is that we are temporarily past rainy season yes Amazonian Monsoon that we had of

    Last week is firmly behind us for now and I think that’s partly if I’m honest why there are so many people out and about it is lovely and bright and sunny and I might even say it’s warm it’s actually warm I mean it’s so warm I’m the only idiot wearing gloves that’s

    How warm it is oh hold on a second who is this important looking military fellow gu’s coming towards us first person in the comments to mention which regiment sare I think actually no wait no no he’s uh Al Cav going say he looks like a gerka but no

    Green Beret everybody what is the Green Beret and there’s another green one look that’s airor I believe somebody said before I think actually we’re going to start seeing an awful lot military personnel out and about in London because next week uh we have Commonwealth day which uh is pretty

    Pretty much a major event if in fact we’ve got a lot of major events coming up we’ve got Commonwealth day we’ve got Anzac Day for you Aussies we’ve got VE day then we’ve got the trooping season then we’ve got the military musical spectacular it just goes on and on from

    April May June J I mean those three four months of the year April May June July the calendar is packed there is so much going on in central London around this area around the palace Vis military season Visa guards Vis police Vis V flipping everything and I dare say we’re

    Having a lot of important people visiting dignitaries uh diplomats foreign heads of state just like last year okay we are getting luckily guys toward the absolute peak of the year of horse Cs and that will begin pretty much at the end of next month or at least I hope which horse this is

    Everyone Sun flaring in the uh in the lens gur oh one second that’s someone that I recognizeing you haven’t been here for ages you think you’re joining up you joining up join up with what joining up with your new haircut oh Lord no you join up with I’m not why not it actually

    Suits you funly enough it really does seriously I’m not no I actually mean it I got a two last time so I I trust me when I say I like it all good yeah same pretty oh everybody’s being told to get out the Arches and keep to the

    Left here is the horse guard’s postwoman everybody look every day she brings over the God’s mail come rain sleep or indeed hail wa that was almost like a little oh the lady in pushing the lady in the wheer said I’ve seen you on YouTube to the officer thank you

    Classic oh good lord I’ve seen you on YouTu it’s true actually a lot of the um Ministry defense police that here uh there are four or five that are super super super super well known for two reasons one they’re very firm when it comes to taking the nonsense from idiots

    Uh and secondly they’re here a lot like a lot a lot I about 50% of the time this place is functioning we’ll see a kind of a a core there are a lot of offices in to about 2025 but there’s a core five or six that we see here very frequently

    That have been a lot of very famous videos dealing with morons um and obviously that’s made them popular famous whatever you want to call it Etc and I see that as a huge positive why because their work here is super important just like the guard’s work dealing with stupid people and

    Keeping or rather upholding uh you know the law keeping the public in line going stay at the front I’m kind of wandering around because next up it will be the blues coming out we’ve got the blues horses the first two of the day the thing I’m wondering about is whether

    It’s worth getting on the corner because this little beauty at this end is being very croppy this morning so I’m wondering actually if he’s going to kick off the other one this end uh is super chill I’m not B into ID them folks because we almost certainly saw them

    Already yeah I’m already undecided actually whether it’s better to be in the yard or at the front here I think we’ll stay in the yard until the blues boxmen come out and uh take their spots and then we’ll head into the yard again for the completion of the change over

    This horse is pretty much decided to uh to stand Diagon in the Box he’s a little bit shy this point he’s like no I don’t want to be on YouTube and I can’t say that I blame him or her actually wait hold on this

    Has got to be a m this horse is way too looking to be a boy let’s have a quick peek and see poof is super clean yeah a little bit Restless this one oh okay that’s an interesting number let’s have a quick look wait is this horse on the list ah

    God damn it there me thinking why do I recognize this horse because it’s not on the list everyone but pretty much every other number oh I can’t tell you whether it’s a m or not wait let’s get a visual I’m pretty sure hold on I’m about actually no wow guys it’s not it’s

    A gilding yep yeah he’s hiding a very very large tool I’m not sure if it’s a spanner or a sledgehammer but it’s pretty large so that’s definitely a guilding very very handsome young gilding that hoof is so clean and clear with the stamping would surprised if it’s a new

    Horse yeah very very very clear number I could even see it without zooming in oh is that what you mean you can see it without Zo this is coming across as being a young one oh I wonder if uh heat is worried about these two cloppy beauties behind look that might be

    Why cloppy clopp morning cppy clop clop their coats are spectacular not the officer uh florescent Coates guys the horses codes so this beauty is going to stay nameless folks for the time being that’s a very distinctive looking horse look we’ve got three socks and one leg is pretty much black

    How curious is that not to mention that very unique marking on the on the nose goodbye beautiful anyway I’ve got the number so uh I will try and find out it is who he who who he yes who he is he’s my mind this morning I will try to find out the name

    Of this course okay more luck when the blues come over in a second they’re out the junior boxmen are out there they are honestly fol FKS it is so warm this morning I would happily be here in shorts it is crazy warm in the sunshine

    Thing is once the Sun Goes we’ll be back to about 89° but at the moment it’s just it’s glorious beautiful morning feels like those early June mornings that we have to look forward to this hops is very very very verbal amazing to know what uh what he’s saying

    Or thinking is that who’s this horse coming up behind me and why is the guard wearing blue not red good boy that perfect now who is this massive frothy mouth monster in front of us it’s got to be eity guy surely we would recognize that McDonald’s V milkshake mouth anyway wouldn’t

    We that said let me just double check before I announce it oh wait again it looks like I can read the hoof number somebody in pop contact lenses in my eyes I was asleep last night involuntarily all the ho numbers were this clear folks our job in ver commers

    Would be a lot easier this is not it’s not not not not not your Cy um instinctively I didn’t think so because your C is a lot bigger but looking at that frothy mouth obviously that would immed make me think hey it’s just this horo everybody uh is wait a

    Look ah it is your CET why was I thinking the blaze was different picture like what saved on the phone is your cemet oh thought you recognize his name I’ve said the wrong one everybody comparing this horse facially to the list the blues and roals list this is

    Youre Fluffy mouth you see multiple times but I’ve saved the wrong horse’s face in my list which is very very foolish why is it foolish because it means I’ve made a mistake this is the danger with having a gallery and a list sometimes I’ll get one or the other

    Wrong which is semi- problematic okay let’s head inside while they’re uh doing the gatesman and the chitman quick March there they go into zel super [Applause] duper ready to your quick gosh his voice is very impressive right here comes a new gatesman is anybody going to get shouted at probably

    Not cuz you saw how quickly they will moves hold on taus and there he is into the archway meanwhile finishing up over here with litzman the relief is done everybody you what I said about there being lots of military folk uh around here look lots and lots and lots these are

    Uh folks in uh in suits with lanyards civil servants no idea which department you like the mod but you never know lots of prep here going on for forthcoming Celebrations very glamorous people oh ah yeah mod I know the Army photograph at the back I’m just thinking actually they’re opening Up that might well be why they decided actually that the other corner is closed this morning I think they’re keeping it closed still still closed aware that we got some guests so I think they’re mod aren’t they I don’t know I don’t know AR FAL Army photographers yeah I would think so

    Military season wow busy busy busy okay that explains it guys so that’s why they’re keeping that side clear and secure this morning unlike most mornings when there is a little bit of flexibility it’s for the VIPs in the corner I didn’t recognize the uh the fellow here

    Anyone ideally he seems in a very good mood he’s not hcav one of you will know who he is oh some guy just came in on his bike he got thrown out again there he goes oops okay at least now we understand why uh the other side is closed folks I was

    Going to go in the corner pause the video and cry for a little bit uh having been told I can’t go over there you know it’s my favorite spot but there we are you can tell how warm it is if the official photographer has got short sleeves and no

    Coat so we’re waiting at the moment for uh bles to to finish coming through and the life gos to leave that might take a while I’m going to go back to the front that might take a while he says they’ll rush out the minute I’m at the

    Front let’s try an ID while it’s relatively quiet before the floods come from the palace let’s see which horse we got on the other end so you now we’ve got uh youri after a minor bit of confusion even youri is a bit B vocal St hes seem very vocal let me Zoom us

    Back out again folks we at 1.8 silly me zoom in on people’s freckles spots and nostril hairs hopefully one of you will know who the uh the military chap is inside right who have we got here let’s have a quick look this is a very very very very very very

    Small Blues horse actually one of the smallest one is like what do you mean I’m not small you can’t say that this this has got to be a may wait yep I’m not seeing any Crown Jaws guys and that it’s not because I’m not filming the Tower of London it’s because

    I’m pretty sure there aren’t any he’s like yep that’s right it’s a really cute horse though almost like a sort of a minized blues horse which one is it let’s try and find out allot of you are screaming at the screen right now oh it’s blah blah how

    Do you not realize blah or recognize blah blah because ladies and gents blah blah might well be a new one see gosh they’re either redoing the hoof numbers slowly or we’re getting uh brand new horses because I don’t remember the hoof numbers on the blues horses being this clear

    Ever let’s have a good look ah it’s lyric so you would have been right folks to say to me how do you not recognize this horse yep so my initial guess that it a May was correct it’s definitely lyric 100% without a doubt I was hoping guys we could sort of

    Snoop in on the briefing here look trouble is it’s not going to be much use without the uh without the sound is it he’s like so yes you uh Trooper you are going to be on the roof of horse guards playing your guitar uh we’re expecting Ed Zeppelin queen or failing

    That a piece of your choosing just like last year oh yes it might seem that the areir is how do we say you know sometimes we got those Crystal Clear days where you can see everything absolutely everything last night in fact even early this morning when I woke up last night there

    Was very heavy fog very heav pervy fog you could sort of just about see 6 to 8 ft in front of you that’s clear you can see but there’s still a little bit of a foggy residue in the air it’s not my camera guys it’s not that I haven’t cleaned it

    Certain shots especially on White Hall look you see in the distance you can still see it somewhat foggy teeny weeny weeny bit it’s rare actually to get a super heavy fog in London it’s quite Eerie as well why do we think that this horse guys is

    Still the one that has the uh the issue with a super frothy mouth just stop playing he’s listening to our Conversation yeah I know you’re listening hor is like John did you buy Bitcoin we see I did yeah I actually did buy some Bitcoin uh but luckily it was a while ago but did I sell it yesterday I didn’t why because I’m not a paper hand that’s

    Why if you can hold it for years to 70 looks like you’re right if you can hold it for years to 70 you can hold it for a few more until it’s 170 am I right horsey same ethereum at $815 will I sell it at 5,000 I will not

    Sell it at 5,000 no I’ll sell it at 50 All or nothing for me just to confirm folks I’m not uh suggesting that any of you buy crypto uh it’s not a good investment trust me I would not at all dream with getting involved in the crypto market now I was

    Used to be a bit of an IT geek so I got in quite early luckily I would not buy in at the moment no way you can see how it was massively pumped up yesterday by uh a few ETFs and hedge funds who then bailed just after we hit 69 as

    Usual dropping all the way back down however however within a decade from now I personally think Bitcoin will go over a million dollars I’ll be genuinely shocked surprised and disappointed if it doesn’t go for a million dollars very given the ramp nature of inflation savings accounts Etc unless

    They’re uh paying your decent rate which they’re not yes I mean the money is relatively safe but hey we’ll like a little bit of a gamble here and there don’t we a measured minimized risk kind of gamble in other words better to buy into an ETF than buy a by Bitcoin

    Outright now the interesting thing is that I could have sworn unless I’m going completely mad that uh right it’s the light playing around I thought initially that the officer sitting opposite his colleague at the back on the playground um was wearing the Scarlet cloak but again it’s that slightly odd

    Light partly due to the fog he’s not wearing Scarlet cloak he’s wearing the same cloak as everyone else so I was kind of wondering hold on a second if it’s a long guard then where on Earth is the uh there the trumpeter see look that cloak looks

    Scarlet am all right folks uh looks burgundy it doesn’t look Scarlet very curious actually wait let’s have a quick walk through what’s going on at the back Hold on it is a long wait hold on a second wait wait wait the blue the LIF guard long guard is leaving wait lifegard long guard is leaving but there’s not a blue there is a blues but we where why did the trumpeter not come in to the yard

    Today because they come when they all come in don’t they no because normally when they arrive the trumpeter goes in alone this is super unusual this morning folks anyway we’re in a good spot for the LIF guards rest of lifeguards to leave it’s a super super spot I’ll stay

    Here actually for the blues to go in as well oh course supps to nibble the camera wow super light out the back here actually compared to White Hole white hole is still very very patchy everyone it’s going to be a matter of dashing through that tunnel pretty damn

    Quick we’re not going to get on that corner however but one second I’ve just noticed something is more interesting I’ll head over in a second for show something else okay so there’s the uh the trumpeter horse that gray wandering into the frame there we are how’s that for the whole lot

    I wonder if it’s because of the VIPs that are here today folks that the trumpet was in the yard unless in fact he came in much earlier before I arrived oh here we go everyone pushing in yeah huge number of people who surviv folks they going to get pushed back by

    The P if they keep pushing in ah it’s the lady Captain leading the Lifeguard troop out this morning here she comes so was actually right in my initial um suspicion that we had a burgundy cloak at the back here There she Is cple of horse there the at the Back okay That’s that’s how it is folks it’s a little bit better for the blues one Zoom folks here we are so here is the uh trumpeter’s horse Splendid two three sovereign’s standard folks is the official name for the flag it’s a sovereign standard not the colors Sovereign standard new guys left the

    Left oh my goodness May that made me come I think it’s a Captain I can’t see the third pip under his cloak but I think it’s a captain instinctively okay luckily the yard is pretty empty folks get a very good shot wow they’re amazing look at this oh one horse is facing the

    Other way look he’s like which long guard there we are we’ve got a perfect shot on the corner here look at that super duper and super light as well Trooper marching out now is going to take the Sovereign standard carry it through the uh Archway into the Stables there we go handed

    Down light this morning now wow on this side gleaming swords okay there we are sovereign standard going into the Stables T slute there from a couple of horse folks on the right a teeny bit into 1.5 that’s a little bit better always a trumpet’s horse First magnificent eh really and the officer last I’m also noticing that the officer’s cloak uh is a much much darker richer Navy than the Troopers reason being he’s got a new cloak 100% or his cloak cloak is not worn anywhere near as much as the trooper’s cloak such a difference in the

    Color massive difference to the fronts everybody and a good spot before this massive horde come out let’s stick with your this morning because he’s a beauty he’s really interesting and more importantly he’s got a frothy mouth so he can easily deal with too many tourists if he needs to but get

    Ready for it look at this we can get the horse and the gate and the trooper in the frame sunlight on the stone on the Fallen Stone Glorious scared of eity that’s the thing look our first Brave visitor going to say victim but not yet there we are froth going everywhere as usual I’m one Zoom folks but I’m pretty close today that’s why we can really really see the hores full Lo very intently uh the horse is

    Listening to us as well aren’t you yeah you are I can tell yes I am yep oh good lord way is going all over the place he’s even pushing me back now with his Floy mouth you cheeky froy devil tourist repellent fro is it yep you’re right okay the

    VIPs VIPs are going into the stable area everybody it’s a massively vippy vippy VIP group VV v v 15 V’s IP at the end so folks does anybody recognize the uh the fellow here this the senior officer um unfortunately we can’t get uh get an image of his face definitely

    An important fellow though he’s the head of this uh delegation super morning oh Sunny that’s okay it’s still a very great picture thank you so much see if groups are forming around the other troop on the other side as well nice and active here today good movement of people quite fluid

    And most importantly folks no ignore me it’s okay it’s thank you most importantly um the tus are queuing up loving the contrast between his beret oh her overcoat and the trooper’s uniform magnificent eh no no go ahead go ahead go ahead fine so polite everybody this morning voila Wait I haven’t finished yet go went to run forward on my right and then realize that they are not quite done oh that’s it fed his up guys yeah I’m tempted to tell wait should I make a joke I was going to tell her folks that she’s about to be arrested troop is

    Really angry but then again I don’t want to don’t want to give her poor lady a heart attack and if I told that to some tourists they would believe me some people take it really personally when the when when the trooper moves or stamps uh it just happened on the other

    Side as well with it with uh with this guy they think they’re in trouble they’ve done something naughty but no in fact that’s not the case people oh somebody get in trouble there I think they tried to walk between the two officers that were at the front gate

    Which is not a good idea considering they’re carrying a lot of weapons that lyric did the trumpet come in earlier the Trump did you play the trumpet this morning they just like they just I think it’s maybe because that VIP group of military people so they didn’t

    Play it this morning okay basically just the good I’m glad super nice day there in fact it’s a magnificent day everybody well I was super interested in the back whoops it’s okay sorry folks kid almost bumps into a kid they right in front of me uh what I wanted to show

    You the back but I think I think he’s already left let’s have a quick look on the other side of the yard when we’re focusing on the troop movements in out of the tunnel uh were some Chelsea pensioners what are Chelsea pensioners well ladies and gentlemen uh L uh

    Chelsea pensioners live at the Royal Hospital in Chelsea why did they live there because it is a hospital for retired military personnel let me see if by any chance they’re still here I don’t think they will be actually occasionally get Chelsea pensioners here uh watching the guard change up Brazil

    Oh Brazilian flag hold on a second there is a Chelsea pensioner here look that’s the God’s Museum everybody I was sure I saw a Chelsea penion ear this morning and I did I wasn’t imagining it was I you were here about half an hour ago I’ve been here

    Since 10:00 this morning so to watch the uh the long guard oh wow beautiful morning for though isn’t it for sure they had a good morning this morning very very lucky I think a lot of big wigs in the in the yardo this morning so they didn’t play the trumpet properly

    But well never mind uh the last one as he went off the Blues he’s uh he lost a note cup halfway through oh did he really it’s because he saw you watching you see he got nervous hey have a good day enjoy see you what a lovely fellow Chelsea pens

    Absolutely genuine people if you see them out and about and they’re very recognizable from their Scarlet overcoats uh don’t be don’t be shy go and say hello go and talk to them go and ask them about their experiences they are super super friendly knowledgeable modest people all of them

    You’ll see the majority of them around the Kings Road SLO Square Etc uh because that’s very close to where the hospital itself is it’s a beautiful building the Royal Hospital in Chelsea magnificent building it really is and my my my do I uh do I like their long long long

    Coats so the the jump we just spoke to has been here as you heard folks since 10 this morning imagine that that’s quite the Wade okay Trooper is going back to the archers Tada right on time like it wasn’t me there getting in trouble I think actually I should have asked him

    I think he’s waiting for his colleagues who are in the museum because the uh the ceremonial part of this morning is now complete however it’s quarter 2 which means we don’t have very long to wait until we see which new horses come out after the change bit of flaring in the image guys

    This morning is so bright between the tourists get us the right side of the sun here we are you’re negative when it’s super Sunny is that uh lots of people if you walk along the river I day like this if I known it was going to be this bright everybody and

    Warm uh I likely would have started in that area something I haven’t yet done I will do it though I promise next uh next morning I know that the forecast says hey it’s going to be super bright super warm Super SU uh I’ll start in the

    River I the horses are going to react to the uh the Brazilian flag this gen got inside actually I’ve spotted somebody that I know to ask who the uh who the big wig is one second hey morning just a quick question who’s the who’s the big wig the chief

    This morning of the chap that was over here not he’s not H is he he was do you know who he is I know him to talk to but I don’t I don’t know his like specific job not which regiment or similar I didn’t recognize him I’ve never seen him

    Here before uh oh do you mean in the green un yeah yeah yeah oh I again I don’t know his name um he’s just a visit so he’s not normally here is he a big big wig no no he looks it then he get

    Say to you only a major oh okay so he’s a big wig H yes he is I know see you later okay so uh he was being modest as as Army for always are he was a major the chap in the in the greens was a major his uh Brazilian flag

    Everybody let’s hope that we hear a few or gods to the god this morning that perfect circle on the wall in the background look oh wait he’s got a Welsh lanyard maybe he’s Brazilian Welsh sorry no no I’m just wondering why you got you’re Brazilian obviously but

    You’ve got whales on your lanyard really yeah no he we Wales oh okay yeah CU you went to you went to Wales yeah ah what did you think of it yes no I used I’m from Brazil thiss but why is it because you visited Wales ah okay I understand

    Okay where are you from here here yeah I’ve never been to Brazil my friend be here long time 18 years if you going to say if you going to say to somebody an English person to visit Brazil would you say go to sou poo or goas oh goas beautiful yeah

    Goas people always say that to me visit goas you’re going to love it but it’s really hot in go what can I say I mean I’m I can’t wait you know I can’t wait beautiful country yeah yeah yeah okay folks so there you have it Brazilians loving meeting the king’s

    Girl Earth best looking people what what was it I can’t get enough look he’s trying to lead them away saying we need to go but they don’t want to leave and you know what I know exactly how they feel Looking at the Gods eyes for Instagram they’re dark T it never ends oh I think she’s offering the phone to me then that’s a very casual Starbucks sponsored uh pose oh wait wonder what the go is about to move this time it’s for somebody with their bike must be P yeah for

    Sure never never ever finishes it goes on and on and on and on don’t folks I do know that we’re a bit zoomed in I had the carriages out earlier which I had the carriages out earlier which carriages Royal carriages oh going on the M down the M yeah I wonder what are

    They rehearsing for they weren’t rehearsing it’s for the uh Ambassador ambassadors I mean that actually that said next week is Commonwealth day isn’t it yeah the 11th i’ got so I’m taking while to find it I got back to the uh carriages lot of Roads yeah comeo big okay thank You I would try folks as well uh to get us a good spot for anac day easier said than done because it’s access is controlled via the Australian High commission which is problematic for multiple reasons it suddenly got absolutely packed out here like what is going on WOW goly gosh

    Wow I always miss the best bit about definitely for next week I think yeah I won’t be using I don’t even have the K do it sick we’ll find out next week Monday yep FY mouth is doing a super job of keeping everybody back this morning he really

    Is not sure if the camera is picking up how much uh of the saliva is going in the air every time the horse shakes his head he’s actually even to get all down his front good this me okay Troopers coming to open the boxes which means they’re going to be

    Treni over I can’t believe this actually this time have four minutes folks and they’ll be changing over so your somebody either is not like his time in the box or he’s still just a bit nervous what do we think or both minions coming arriving likeing through the gate

    Now why am I super intrigued as to what happens at noon well we know from last week that uh a certain horse has returned from Melton what we don’t know is where the said horse will be back here at horse guard anytime soon we saw the horse or M of course one and

    Only last week last Friday at High Park Barracks as part of the 12 in the competition Elizabeth cup now will we see Oman back here today I didn’t spot Oman coming through with the blues but that said we were not in front today and I tend to focus more on not

    Being too close uh than on either which Troopers or horses are coming through so we’ll see it’ll give us a good indication when the two come out in a minute as to which other two will likely be here for most of the day um the 12 noon

    Shift those two horses will be back again at 2:00 so they only have two shifts today 12 to 1 and then 2 to three so the horse is about to come out shortly well only work and build commas for 2 hours s maximum of 2 hours I’m not sure if you spotted that

    Just through the uh through the gates troop is really really giving it to everybody this morning look he’s coming at the front as well going to tell everyone at the front to get back as well but that’s going to be me he does a shout of me guys thank you

    Stay behind the B please oh what’s that okay the yard is not absolutely chocker jammed but it’s pretty busy I’m just looking what’s have one second everybody to the G thank you I thought I’d check thanks a lot okay he said it’s okay to come through the gate the reason being

    Everybody I noticed what’s happening in here it’s not as bad as it was a moment ago you know what you never know plus we’ll get a very good view of uh of the horses when they come out shortly so there’s that as an added bonus of being in the in the yard Frenchies seem to think it’s funny to play with uh crutch I’m person not seeing the human myself but then again it is what it is your horses Folks look like his bushy head in the frame there we are it’s a bit Better um there is a Facebook page that grabs L of my stuff and rep post it uh straight straight to Youtube one second sorry no no it’s all cool don’t worry one second one second guys let me okay all right there we go that’s how two new

    Horses I will find them in a second folks one second let me uh show the Gent YouTube there almost one of your group got squished there that’s that’s what I’m always afraid of that’s why I’m always ready jumping in full some would wouldn’t be good for the

    Reviews it it definitely would not yeah my tall guy got me trampled by a by a king’s horse a great story to tell London city that’s yours yeah that’s the actual main Channel that’s where all the original stuff goes to a lot of people are borrowing it now

    Posting it on Facebook and Tik Tok and stuff hey welcome what’s your name Ron Ron John nice to meet you man nice to meet you I always see you here because I’ve always I always bring the groups and then I always see you with the camera I

    I don’t recognize you I don’t remember seeing you here I usually wear a straight cap I look very different but I haven’t been here for a while because loads of my tourists from Israel so I didn’t have many tours but now it’s fluctuating ah okay okay well hey I mean it’s good to

    Meet you on uh it’s going to be an interesting morning look at this swarm coming through hey have a good one see you right Troopers coming out to close up the boxes oh hold on everybody the long guard trooper that we saw this morning uh is the trooper that’s actually closing up the

    Boxes to see how different the trooper looks when he’s not uh the long God let me ask him one second pretty sure actually yeah it is wa it is oh my God there’s zero Chan to get even close look how many people there are I think

    This is pretty much demanding a part two folks just because of how many people that are around it is crazy crazy crazy packed like really packed and they’re almost all Frenchies in fact crazy W yeah I think the weather and the numbers kind of demand a part

    Two let’s see uh what the guard has to go through before that part two begins just he’s not going out the side gate look it’s completely full it’s packed oh they just moved out the way in time look to’s not realizing at all gosh goly gosh goly gosh it’s

    Chaotic right let’s see who we’ve got here which Beauties I’ve arrived from the blues and I make that final decision uh on a part two we can get any near the horse that is I mean look at it we got off front here today and notes although the guy the French kid had

    The the crutch uh I would say that he was more attempting to take a humorous picture than than mocking you can see that from the uh the body language of uh of his fellow students so don’t think he deserves to be shame for that but it is what it is

    Not ideal but let’s have a quick look then folks let’s see which horse we’ve got now oh another very very very very very clear ho number ah just found it I mean there hope has got a grand on it’ be lovely wouldn’t it yeah it would I doubt if

    They have that much on it Max it out back back and forward to zone eight today multiple times might not have nothing on it thaten before I see yep see you later all right folks let’s have a little look got the number horse if we got TR has been here

    For a while either actually spping down to the Blue List oh I think the reason the horse is partly staring at the camera so sort of uh affectionately uh is he or she knows that I know which horse it is uh it is the Glorious beautiful and very elegant

    Quintessence again there okay the VIPs are finished everybody the VIP trip is done today here we are they’re off hello doggy yep vippy trippy is done which means that things should return to relative normality here he’s not March into the yard is hoping to get uh a good picture of the major because

    We still don’t know okay we know he’s a major but major in which regimen is what I was wondering uh even the military photographer didn’t know and the reason being lots and lots of the staff military personnel that we see here in London out and about in the center the vast

    Majority of them are not based in central London they’re based at B like bford for example which is the armored side of hcav um or up in karck in North yire all over the place Chelmsford literally Colchester rather not chelsford Colchester absolutely all over the place and the vast majority of them

    Um are rarely in London now that fellow after filming year here for a year I’ve never seen him before uh and if the military photographer wasn’t sure which regiment he was with as you all heard uh then there’s a very very high probability of him not being permanently based in central

    London anyway folks uh we have reached the end of uh part one however shortly coming up uh will be part two actually I’ve just thought about something wait if the tour guide isn’t busy no he is I should have spoken to I should have had a chat with Ron Ron uh

    Thank you if you watch this video uh for coming introducing yourself to to me earlier on Ron everybody um is an Israeli tour guide here um I would actually love to have a chat with him I will try and do that next time I see him

    Uh about why he thinks there is that minor issue uh with a certain group of uh of tourists that come here and act in a certain way uh you all know who I’m talking about uh his group uh an Israeli group visitors here from Israel good as gold always every single time folks

    Every single time super respectful super polite super friendly we saw that with uh with Piney last week or week before when he uh introduced himself and then with Ron a little bit earlier so that I know we sort of briefly discussed it yesterday this issue of uh of whether or not pointing out

    Misbehavior by certain groups is T out to anti-Semitism it isn’t folks and do you really think anyone that has made an accusation like that that might be watching this video that tour guides from Israel would want to talk to me introduce themselves to me uh and find

    Out which channel the content is being posted on if for a moment they thought that the channel were in any way anti-semitic I would say that that in itself is you know atic enough we did address this yesterday but yeah I just wanted to clear that up so

    There we are I will attempt to have a chat with uh with Ron or Piney when he’s here again um and ask for their perspective because I would love to get um an Israeli perspective on why they think uh that hidic Jewish people come here and are very respectful uh sorry

    Very disrespectful because compared to Israeli visitors and everyone else who are very very respectful it casts a bad name and we all know that it is impossible to say that every single person that visits here um that is Jewish misbehaves because it’s an absolute nonsense it’s just like say

    Every Spaniard every kid from Slovenia every Frenchy student group that’s not the case at all what is the case is that there is a very very very very small minority teeny minority which are giving a very bad name to a larger group and I personally want to address that how by

    Finding out the root cause simple as that we will shortly be back I hope everybody uh for part two if not I’ll be back soon as ever by for now


    1. Dear friends around the world, please click the LIKE / 'Thumbs Up' 👍 button when you watch the video as it helps the Channel to grow! Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and I hope you enjoyed it! If you'd like to be notified each time a new video is published, please hit the 'Subscribe' Button ▶ and the notification 🔔

    2. I agree. kids will always be kids, no matter what Country they are from. The dont think as adults and there are always showoffs among them. They dont mean disrespect, it is just their stupid way of having fun.

    3. Hello John I love the horse with the three stockings on his legs and I thought it was awesome that two of the tourists ask the guard if they could take a picture with his horse that was super cool John you sound so much like a real horse when you nay lol right now I'm almost yelling at my television telling people to not stand under the arch he was a very lovely fellow just want to thank him for his service I love Starbucks for their hot chocolate and whipped cream yummy if Clifford saw that guy in that lady with sunglasses on he would be growling big time at them what's going on but what's up with the beautiful horse that has a white foamy mouth that looks like he's eating a bunch of frosted donuts your camera is picking up pretty much all the saliva by the way what kind of camera do you use we love you God save the King Jesus saves

    4. Hi John. Great video. I love watching these beautiful horses and of course their wonderful riders. We will be having the heavy horse festival near where I live next weekend and so more horses to see.I also love seeing all the great areas of London.Thanks, Val.🐨 💟

    5. ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corpd 25t April is a very special and big public holiday in both countries . The day starts with dawn parades across towns cities in each country, goes on to ANZAC DAY parades.

    6. Hi John are the Household Cavalry on duty on The Major General’s Review or only on the King’s Birthday. I’ve entered the ballot, The Colonel’s review is sold out. Amazing channel John for someone like me who is as fascinated with Horse Guards as you are Daily viewing of your channel for me is essential and your dry wit is hilarious:)

    7. Yasemety the horse with the frothy mouth .When he has a bit in he produces too much saliva.He does not like the bit in his mouth.I should imagine he’s not like that in the stable.He’s a beautiful horse and very patient.He shakes his head to try and empty his mouth.which he does at everyone’s cost lol!..

    8. You maybe on to something there John, they should put a sign up, you disrespect , mimic, whatever the guards, after 3 strikes, you will be arrested, as they are on private property, it is possible,
      But then, many of these idiots and horrible tourists don't read the signs at the horses,
      Especially the Israel's and Russians, many Asian countries, funny how they dont read or understand English, until they get shouted and told off, then the English comes out then,
      Yes, we get some, who don't understand the rules, but the rules are pretty basic, even a child can understand them,so using those and many other excuses, does not wash with me,
      They come to the UK, for one purpose , and that is come to Horseguards and disrespect fully,
      How, what,can be done, I don't know, but, while they are on MOD property, surely something can, banned, warned, even fined, if they continue its arrest,
      Pathways, different matter I know

    9. Of all the people, i counted 3 people saying thankyou to our guards
      Doesnt matter who country, language you speak, a simple thankyou, does not cost a penny, it shows the respect our Soldiers/Guards, and Horses truly deserve
      I hope if any of the many rude, tourists are watching,
      Learn, how much time in your day will it take just to say thankyou

    10. Count the Frenchies into my comment also, you would think the French would show a little more respect
      But it just shows, no matter the country, disrespect follows
      Hope the Frenchies, school, parents are proud, because we as uk are not 😡

    11. Just subscribed. Love your comments on the subject you are filming ie horses, people etc. Your voice sounds familiar. Have you done football play by play at the EPL?

    12. Hi John; you recently made a video of yourself being given a tour by Trooper Peter Ellis. He spent ages chatting to you and explaining all about what it is to be a guard. I can't find it anywhere. Please can you let me know the link, so I can watch it again? Many thanks.

    13. Je suis francaise et tres fiere de l etre.la France a eu et a une tres longue et glorieuse histoire.well,for those that dont know their history the english kings were even french.Richard the lion hearted days hi🤣🤣🤣as for the coat of arm of the English royal family,what does it say?…."Dieu et mon droit."en francais!!!!!.imbeciles!!!!🇫🇷

    14. 8:19 Commando green berets are worn by Royal Marine Commandos, plus other Services who passed commando course serveing with 3 commando brigade. Special boat squadron
      But when I dug some more and I found other regiments who wore the Green berets.
      The Dark (Rifle) Green Beret is worn by the Elite Rifles, the Small Arms School Corps (SASC),The Royal Ghurkha Rifles and the Essex Yeomanry. That's all I've found so far I'm sure there are more.

    15. There are times when the police need to be more pro active, on a lot of these videos they are standing around chatting to each other or so it seems.

    16. I wished you were doing the channel I watched the other day, there was a beautiful brown horse with a black face, mane and tail and black legs from the "knees" down, and I so wanted to know who he was….. but you've spoiled us. It didn't used to matter until you gave us that extra information. I think it was our favorite lady guard riding him.

    17. So you also think "Frenchies" need to be named as such as well. You are coming off as being a bigot, bad look for a country that needed the people to help win wars to enrich your country financially. The French, the Arabs and the Jews not only fought along side but the Jews helped finance your war with the Ottomans. Forget about all that? Forget that the Brits welched out on their promises after WW! and betrayed the Arabs and then the Jews.
      Call out bad behavior with tourists, but lose the bigotry you are making your countrymen look petty and ignorant.
      OH and lastly, this is a tourist attraction, a show, you aren't protecting the country with this over the top display of days gone by, they aren't fighting with swords and steads any longer, It's all theater.

    18. That FRENCHIE Student he was lucky I was not there I would taught him a History as an American Veteran if he would done that with honor Guard in USA My father served 24 years in British Army ww2 just want you to know that I would been really upset seen him doing that in front kings Guard.

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