In this video, I go over all of the controls in Gunner Heat PC (GHPC) as of October 20th, 2023. I made this since although there is a designated controls menu, the way the controls work can be pretty confusing for new players! Others may not make much sense, like commander aim, delta-d and dump lead. This controls guide for ghpc should answer any questions you had and also explain the controls.

    0:00 Intro
    0:26 Assets Menu
    1:05 Controls
    1:38 Time Scale
    1:02 Pause
    2:45 Map Guide
    5:17 Briefing
    5:50 Movement Controls
    6:53 Cruise Control
    7:55 3rd Person View
    8:35 1st Person View
    8:58 3rd P Aim
    9:53 Gun Sight Aiming
    12:30 Gun Selection
    13:23 Ammo Selection
    14:15 Restocking & Quick Actions Menu
    16:05 FCS
    16:29 Toggle Stabilization
    17:22 Dump Lead
    17:53 Lasing & Ranging Targets
    19:30 Bottom Left Info
    21:56 Direction & Point Stabilization
    24:03 Delta-D
    25:25 Dump Lead
    27:28 Thermal Vision
    29:20 Night Vision
    30:32 Reticle Illumination
    30:46 Commander Aim
    31:21 Mute, Screenshot
    31:36 End Mission View
    33:41 Free Cam Controls
    35:10 Hide HUD & Outro
    36:17 🙂


    Hey everyone La productions here and today we are in gunar BC because I’m going to be doing a full guide on all of the controls in the game I have made this video before but that was a really long time ago the game has changed a ton

    I’m going to have the same format as the previous video but as always skip around I’m going to have time stamps so you can skip around to the different sections of controls either way let’s stop wasting your time let’s get right into it so I’m currently in the proven grounds just cuz

    This is all I easy way to show you the controls we going to start off with the very first control is going to be Tab and you can see there’s this assets menu and this is going to be everything you can swap to in the game uh well not in

    The game but in the game that you’re playing right now like we are in The Proven grounds there’s all these vehicles here that I can play as if I press tab I can swap to all the different Vehicles here and then I can play as them if you’re in a level you’re

    Going to CS assets menu and it’s basically just going to be your side or whatever you can play as whatever vehicles or people you can control is going to be seen in this assets menu now there are a few interface controls the first one is F1 oh I have to hold F1 and

    This is all of your controls and you might be thinking why are you even doing this video if I can see it right here well they have added the free cam controls which they didn’t used to have so this video was very purposeful but now it’s just mainly I’m going to be

    Telling you what all these things mean like what the hell does dumple Delta D mean well I’m going to tell you that it’s just also easier to see what everything means and what it’s used for uh in a video format always just this big old list the next control is

    Controlling the time scale so if you press plus and you press minus uh you can control the time scale going up or down or like increase or decrease you can only go up to one times you can’t speed up unfortunately probably break something if you did but you can press

    Minus one at a time and it’ll half it and you can get really slow uh if I fire yeah you can see there goes the Sabo really really cool for cinematic shots and getting that perfect perfect angle and whatnot uh or if you just want to see how things work in slow

    Motion then there you go you can also press p and that will pause the game I I’m moving my mouse around pressing ws and D I can’t do anything uh let me unpause that is different than just lowering the time scale obviously if you lower all the way you can still fire you

    Can still move around stuff but if I press P it will completely pause everything everything will be stationary and this is especially important just because if I just press Escape you can see the game still is running so if you need to go take a break or something

    Make sure you press P before you press escape and not just Escape so I just load into a game if I press M you can see here is the map if I click and drag I can move around if I scroll out or scroll down and then scroll up then I

    Can zoom in and out you can see there are different markings so position one position to expected enemy expected enemies this is all just basically trying to tell you uh the position obviously is positions to go to expected enemies that’s where you’re going to expect enemies I know that’s shocking

    But then up here you’ll see some other things there’s artillery elimination flare and cast now this depends on the mission what you can use you can see there are gray out this one I can uh I put my mouse over and it turns black

    That’s cuz I can use it so if I click here uh you’ll see see this this is just to cancel it if I click one of these in this case artillery and I click on the map I’ll do position one this is going to call artillery on this position you

    Can see it’s this big old red circle here and in a little while we will have artillery uh pop up or not pop up but slam down right in front of us in that position and uh well it’ll just take a little while this can actually work against enemies it will actually do

    Damage to them it can be extreme oh there it is it’ll be extremely temperamental if it actually does damage I found that it sometimes works against tanks but for the most part if there’s like a if there’s a tow missile or something like that anti tank weapon

    That you just need to make sure is not there you can use artillery and I’m sure that will do the job just fine you can see it’s a very widespread attack and I think that is I think that’s done elimination flare that’s mostly just for the night I don’t

    Know why you’d want to use it for the day but that you can call down and it’ll illuminate the entire area you’ll be able to see without your night vision which can be extremely helpful Cass is air support so again this depends on what that will be specifically but it’s

    Basically dropping a bomb on a specific point you’re going to have to be a lot more accurate with the cast and the artillery it again can be temperamental if it actually works but it is there at your disposal and you can see the artillery I can use it again and call in

    It again they have a little bit of a coold cool down wow what the hell did I just say but this Arrow it doesn’t face in the direction your tank is facing or the gun is facing it faces in the direction your uh your view is facing so

    If you’re looking this way that’s where the arrow is facing that way that’s the where the arrow is facing and lastly J is the briefing so this going to be different for every Mission obviously but is it this is the same thing that you see before you load into a level in

    That menu select if you in the kind of bottom left section this is the same thing it just tells you the situation the enemy friendly contacts your mission what you have to do other things that you might want to know the end conditions if I kill 100% of the enemies

    Or destroy 100% of the enemies then that’s when we’ll win but we’ll get a defeat if my tank is destroyed so now to the actual controls of the tank I went to move out here just so we’ve got a little bit more space but if we hold W

    We’ll go forwards both of the tracks will move forwards and then we hold s we’ll move backwards both of the tracks will back move backwards if we hold a to turn left you can see that both of the tracks are still moving but one is moving faster than the other and then we

    Hold D and the exact opposite happens we’re going to turn right still though the inner track is moving slower than the outer track this is not we don’t have one track staying in place and basically drifting with the other track moving completely both tracks are moving

    At the same time time uh and with that if you hold W I’m holding W and d right now it’s the exact same thing as just holding D but whenever you turn even if it’s at high speed if I just hold down a it will completely slow down my tank and

    I’ll just start turning in place so you do have to kind of like tap it a little bit if you want to keep on moving forwards which is a little bit unfortunate but the next one cruise control so this is going to be the num

    Pad plus and minus as I said earlier the plus and minus on the keyboard keyboard is a time scale you don’t want to mess with that so if I hold or if I press Plus on my numpad NP I press it a few more times I’m my currently my hands are off

    The keyboard and I’m still moving forwards now I press minus and I’ll incrementally go slower this is not changing the gears I’m actually not exactly sure the increment size cuz the kilom if you look in the bottom left the kilm an hour it changes by quite a bit it seems not consistent between

    However many or between the increments but you can see there are plenty of speeds for you to cruise at I’m going extremely slow right now I might just stop yeah just stop but if I press it once it’s just a nice cruising speed this is just so you can you don’t have

    To focus on holding wsnd all the time I really don’t ever use it but it is there I think this is pretty self-explanatory but I’ve been using my mouse the entire time to look around pulling my mouse downwards is looking downwards and you can see there’s this kind of limit that

    It like it hits and then I start looking downwards that’s because well they don’t want you cheating and stuff so you can’t look up too much because if I scroll if I scroll outs by scrolling down it will reach that limit and I’ll soon just be looking downwards instead of looking

    Like above or over something it just prevents you from cheating and on the other side if I go downwards it just kind of drags along the ground and then the same thing will happen when I just start looking upwards at uh Towards the Sky if I press C that will swap between

    My Views this is how you start the missions if you scroll just once just one scroll click inwards you can go into these I mean it’s kind of it looks like a binocular but it’s probably binoculars and this is just a really easy way to look independently from your tank gun

    Obviously I’m not controlling the gun right now I can just look around now do controlly gun to look around if I hold right click you can see this little indicator in the center it’s there you go now you can see it it’s this I don’t even know

    How to describe that but that is telling you that you are controlling a gun so if I just hold it it will go towards where I’m looking left and right downwards as well you can see the gun went downwards if I hold upwards you can see gun went

    Upwards for some reason with the t55a I don’t know why I’ve I’ve always thought this was a bug but it’s it’s been a while it still hasn’t been fixed if it was if you just right click just like single tap it you don’t have to

    Hold it down it’ll just go to where you right clicked again I don’t know if this is a bug or not I would assume it is but it hasn’t been fixed so it must be at least somewhat intentional don’t C me on that though just went in out hold down

    Right click now if I press shift I will go into the view of the gun now I just tap shift shift you don’t have to hold it but in this view the aim is a little bit different instead uh you can change this in these settings if I go to

    Settings and then input you can see uh first of all show input I have that toggled off but I will actually turn that on temporarily this right here invert aim control this is what it’s going to change what I’m just about to talk about uh if I hold down right click

    I’m holding down right click right now and I move my mouse just going to move it like a centimeter to the left and leave it there while holding right click you can see this little arrow has been made and I’m moving very slowly to the

    Left now I’m not moving my mouse at all right now I’m just holding down right click if I let go of right click it will stop moving what this is basically doing is you’re moving your mouse a little bit to the in a certain direction and is

    Going to continuously move the gun in that direction so I don’t have to you know move my mouse across the ENT ire mouse pad a lot just to go from one side of my view to the other all you have to do is just move it a little bit and then

    It it’s basically controlling your velocity or the speed of your gun moving around and this also works for upwards and downwards it’s a little bit weird to get used to but uh trust me if you get used to it it is actually very helpful and it’s a lot easier to control uh

    Believe it or not it’s a lot easier to control this than it is moving your Mouse run directly now if I go back to the settings I’m going to get rid of this input I’m going to invert the Palm switch or invert aim Control Palm switch instead of holding down right click I’m

    Just going to move my mouse a little bit I just move it to the side my hands are off my mouse instead is the exact same thing except you don’t have to hold right click in order to uh move around I can just move it around and let go of my

    Mouse and it’s just still moving instead what you do is you press right click and it’ll stop moving I don’t like this I in the past it originally was enabled by default just make sure this is disabled the reason I say it is just because it’s really distracting and hard to get used

    To this way is a lot easier to get used to just knowing you were inputting when you’re holding right click and then in this uh in this zoomed in mode if you scroll upwards you will Zoom inwards scroll outwards Zoom outwards now I’m going to swap to the t72 M1 uh for this

    Next section because fire it’s left click pretty self-explanatory but to swap between your weapons you’re going to press left bracket and right bracket and this specific gun right here it is also controlled with the controls of the main gun so if I aim upwards you can

    See the the 762 is also aiming upwards I am downwards it’s also aiming downwards some tanks or some just things in general have them independently controlled for example if I go to the M60 main gun going to press right bracket that is this 50 caliber that is

    The the the commander controls you can control that independently from the turret you have to hold down right click to move around and then you also have the 762 in the gun manlet to change ammunition you’re going to press 1 2 3 or four all of these are going to be

    Different type of amunition depends on the tank or the thing that you’re using some of them don’t have more than two uh some of them have all four for example if I press or let me make sure I’m on the 125 if I press one we’re on the

    Apfsds press two it is going to go to heat FS 3 is H and I don’t have a fourth one some of them have a fourth one but all of these are different ammunitions you can use the thing though is that this is going to be your next round of

    Ammunition you can see it says next in the bottom left you’re going to have to fire the gun for you to swap to the next round so just be mindful of that if you realize you’re going to have to shoot something with h in this example then

    You don’t now you have an H round loaded and you’re going to not do anything to the next tank that you face and if we press Q this is going to open up this menu right here so it says vehicle we got FCS lights bailout and toggle

    Restocking this is an important one cuz it took me forever to find out that this thing actually exists you’re going to have your radi rack in the tank that is going to deplete so what you have to do is press this toggle restocking button this is going to lock

    Up the turret so you can’t control it obviously you can’t fire it either it’s essentially moving uh ammunition from the hole or from just around the tank into the radi Rack or in this case the ammo Carousel because it’s an autoloader I’m going to stop the we’re stalking this is a toggle

    Button so you can toggle on toggle off either way it has has a certain amount of time you need for the next round is going to reset if you toggle it again I would highly suggest you toggle the restocking anytime you’re just not doing anything if you’re just driving around a

    Lot you should toggle resong and just to make sure you have plenty of ammunition bailout it’s it’s bailing out I can’t remember off the top of my head why the bail is important but it is for one specific game mode the lights this is not important unless it’s at night

    Obviously the Gunner Spotlight and the Convoy lights now the Convoy lights uh they’re barely even visible they’re not really important just cuz you don’t play with other players right now uh Q I don’t know why I couldn’t press Q there uh Convoy lights you can see a few

    Lights just lit up it’s just small lights kind of dotted around the vehicle just so you can see the tank better uh and then Gunner Spotlight now if I talk of that nothing’s going to happen because in this specific tank think the Gunner Spotlight is going to be for

    Night vision so uh we’re just going to wait a little while to get into that onto the FCS or Fire Control System these all have keybinds so this is kind of redundant not really needed but it is there if you need it toggle stabilization you’re going to use l to

    Toggle your stabilization dump lead is going to be left control e Lees is going to be e and reset range is going to be left control and page down so toggle stabilization uh if I move backwards and forwards you can see the gun is staying at a certain level is aiming towards the

    Same point and it’s just kind of will stabilize if I go to the SCS toggle that you can see it is now not stabilized it is essentially fixed to the rest of the tank and why is that important why are you going to want to do that that is a

    Good question uh there’s not really much of a point right now for toggling the FCS but is again it is there if you need it there are real world reasons bit of a tongue twister uh there are real world reasons why you’d want to toggle stabilization but when you’re reloading

    The tank in this game it’s already done for you if you toggle the restocking the stabilization is already toggled off so the dump lead that is basically uh actually something I can better explain later and just a little bit that is going to be if I’m leading a Target and

    This tank it doesn’t work it’s going to work in the M1 if I’m leading a Target and I L it it’s going to create an a automatic lead on the Target and I can remove that lead by going to here and then uh dump lead it’s it’s easier just

    To use the keybind so you don’t you don’t need to do this but it is there if you need it for the Lays if you just press e it will do the exact same thing so in this tank think if you aim where the red circle or aim with the red

    Circle so I’m going to aim at this point this little Target so the distance between me and it is a certain number and I’ve set the range to that so if I shoot right now I will perfectly hit that Target at that point oh and I’m stopping the H I’m

    Doing the exact same same thing I mentioned earlier but the reason that’s important is because oh you can see now it Chang it way down there because H has a very steep curve uh in terms of firing but here you can actually better see the arc that a round has to

    Take you can kind of see the Tracer went up and then down because it has to range to a certain point you have to know the range the distance between you and the Target in order to hit the target if I just aimed if I set the range to zero I

    Just did I just held left control and scroll downwards you you can manually control the range with that by scrolling and left control if I just set the zero M it’s going to aim short it’s completely pointless so you have to range your target or in this case because it’s automatic I press

    E go way down there and now if I left click on it with the Crosshair it’ll hit it resetting range goes to zero and again keybind just hold left control and scroll and you can just scroll the way down it’s a lot easier in my opinion but how did I know the exact

    Number range well it’s because of the bottom left information you can see this this little list of stuff there’s a diagram to the right and then there’s the kilm an hour gear zero below it so first is the gun Direction This is the diagram to the right you can see it’s

    Like a little house with a line the line is where the gun is facing like think of that is the barrel the house is the hole or the uh the base of the tank where the the the tracks are and the arrow like the pointy the roof of the house that is

    The front of the tank so you can see here the diagram it matches up if I go to the or if I move my camera around you can see it’s Now inverted it’s in line with wherever you’re looking you can see I’m turning the hole right now and I can

    Use that so I don’t have to constantly go out and change my view and whatnot it does not show you the gun elevation if I look up I look down it’s going to be ex ex act same thing but then onto the paragraph looking thing we’ve got 125 mm

    Gun 2 a46 so this is the gun caliber 125 mm and the specific name which is gun 2846 if I swap with right bracket now it’s 762 mm that is the caliber machine gun pkt that is the gun name so then we have 3bm 15

    Apfsds-t 1 + 12 so what this means is first of all the 3bm 15 that is the specific name of the ammunition so like if you had to know like the model I guess of the ammunition it’d be called a 3bm 15 then apfsds the T at the end of basically

    Everything just means Tracer so if I fire right now you can see that red dot that is a tracer that’s just so you can see where your round is aiming or where it’s going for a lot of reasons that’s very helpful in this game it’s not exactly you don’t

    Have to know it it doesn’t have to be there but it’s just again it’s a handy thing to know and see where your round is going and apfsds stands for armor piercing fin stabilized discarding Sabo it’s a mouthful you don’t have to know what they all mean you just have to know

    What generally they’re used for and why they’re used so for this one it is essentially merely an anti-tank round then underneath of that the direction SLO stabilize depends on the tank but this is the kind of stabilization so in this tank we have Direction stabilized

    So if I uh let move out a little bit you can see if I turn left and right the barrel is still facing in this case forwards or actually it looks like basically exactly West so if I turn left and I turn right it’s going to look in that same direction so Point

    Stabilization is with the M60 I it’s easiest to show this if I zoom all the way out or Zoom all the way in to a Target really far away if I L this target okay so this is 1,684 M away if I move to the right or to left got him

    Kind of slow right now if I just keep on driving this way and the t72 or dire Direction stabilized in general I would just be still aimed in this Direction with this tank if I slow down and I zoom back in I’m still looking at the Target so with Point stabilization you are

    Looking not just in the same direction but at the specific point you were still looking at when you L the target what it’s actually doing is the point 1,684 M away from you when you move it is doing a lot of complicated math to basically find okay how much have you

    Changed in relation to this point this far away from you and is compensating by rotating the gun a very very small amount in this case but just enough so it stays looking at that specific point and under that stabilizer on this is what I commented earlier if I toggle the

    Stabilizers off you can see stabilizer off toggle it again stabilizer on then the last thing is 1,653 M that is the ls range in this case I if I just I’ll do it right now if I lay this point 1,624 M now the t72 has something

    Specific called Delta D this you can see it is in between stabilizers on and 0 MERS in this case it is currently disabled but if I lays like this target we’re now at 325 M so it was that far away from me okay so now if I look at it

    We’re actually I don’t even have to look at it I’m going to do a look all the way over here I’m not even looking at it but we’re in the same direction where if I just go straight forward I’m going straight towards it this is important because if you pay attention to that

    Number I’ll make it a little bit easier to see I go forwards towards the target you can see that range is now decreasing it is decreasing proportional to how close I’m getting to that Target now in the grand scem of things that’s really not important because a few

    Meters of range in this game will really never matter that only matters at the most absurd long ranges or specific targets Small Things whatever you’re not really going to ever need this but you can see I’m now well I’m I’ve now half of the distance so it’s a little bit

    More important but then again I just constantly lay things so it’s not that much that useful for me if you want you can turn this off by doing left control and e as the same thing is dumping the lead which I got to earlier in the uh

    FCS system you can see dump lead this I’m going to have to S back to the M1 so if I Blaze this target 280 M away okay so this thing is moving pretty fast fast and is really close to me so if I shoot

    This if I’m not ahead of it if I shoot it kind of like here I just completely missed it that’s because I didn’t lead the target but it’s still pretty dang hard to hit this target I think I I probably missed it there either way if I

    Look at it so so I’m just fing right now and I press e it will now move the site to the right side of the screen now if I start aiming to the right you can see it’s on the left side of the screen it’s basically lagging behind if I move

    Really fast you can’t even see it what this is doing is it is creating an automatic lead this is extremely powerful uh where is it there he is so if I now line this this lagging behind thing up with it so I’m now aiming with that Target

    Now on the center of my screen when the center of this Crosshair I now will hit the target every single time now it’s a little bit interesting just because uh the range is changing a little bit here especially if you’re at a long distance then the range

    Is going to be a little bit hard to line up cuz if I L it again it’s going to kind of mess up the uh the lead that I’ve created but you just have to compensate with it a little bit just remember that this is going to aim to

    The point on on the Crosshair not in the center of your screen and if you let go of right click it’s back on the center it’s reset which again this is why I don’t think this key bind is exactly exactly helpful or necessary especially this thing uh the dump lead I don’t know

    How you get to that while you’re aiming but again it’s there you if you have a lead and you press left control and E you will dump the lead so you don’t have to let go of your aiming button you can just keep on aiming and dump your lead

    So now the thermal slight vision is going to be controlled with t if I press T right now you can see it goes to a completely different site now they did some pretty cool cosmetic changes in that it is not great quality uh it used to be

    Extremely easy to see things with this but now it is clear why you would not want to always be in thermals uh that is white hot or kind of white hot everything is green but if something is more white than something else like you can see this thing it’s more white than

    Its surroundings it is hot uh in this case it is literally just a piece of wood it’s not going to be that hot but it’s supposed to emulate a Target so if we go all the way over here I press T you can see the tanks are

    White hot now white hot is a little bit more of a term for black and white thermals but this case it’s the exact same thing basically uh you can see it is so hard to identify what this thing I’m looking at is I have no idea what it

    Is if I press T it is well it’s a BMP so if I zoom out so you can see I don’t have a sight here it’s just kind of looking around this is going to be mainly used for just well looking around trying to find a Target it’s so so much

    Easier to find Targets with thermals than seeing this white blob in Your Vision than it is here with a kind of camouflaged but it is a lot easier to identify the target see what it is specifically if you want to shoot it if you don’t want to shoot it what to shoot

    It with that kind of thing outside of thermals now that’s not exactly possible when you’re in a night game mode or something like that you’re going to have to always be in thermals and that’s a pain in the ass now you know why the uh why the flares are helpful why using

    Flares are helpful but if I swap the something like the t72 and I press T what the hell just happened it just all black I can’t see anything this is because the Russian tanks or actually it’s in this case it’s not technically Russian they use a different form of

    Other site instead of night vision or instead of thermal vision it is night vision and specifically just night vision it’s basically a specific camera or a specific lens to see night vision and that night vision is with an IR Spotlight which you can see is that little thing like circular thing next

    Next of the gun to the left of the Gun there’s an IR Spotlight that you’re only going to be able to see at night during night games you’re going to press T while you’re in here you’re going to go to this thing and then you’re still not going to probably see anything but

    You’re going to press n and you’re going to tell your Spotlight now that also means that the enemy will see your Spotlight as well so if they’re also in some tank like a t72 and they can see night vision they’re going to see a spotlight is literally going to be a

    Spotlight from your tank and you’re not going to be hidden so make sure you only use the spotlight when you absolutely need it if the enemy can also see it but if we go back to the normal View and I press I it is going to illuminate the

    Crosshair or reticle did not mean to do that and it’s just a little bit more contrast you can see it easier especially at night so now we’ve gone past the main things we’re just going to go through some rapid fire random things the commander aim is space this is going

    To be specifically in the act the gate games not this proven grounds but if you hold down space after your commander calls out something your gun will go directly to where he’s looking it’s kind of a cheat but sometimes you just have no idea where the hell the C is calling

    Out things they should be specific to the location but sometimes it just doesn’t make sense so if you hold on space after he calls it out you will look where he’s looking you can mute the gun with single quotation mark that is going to be for me at least to your left

    Of enter I press that you can’t hear you also won’t be able to hear the crew uh I don’t I don’t know why you want to do that you can take a screen sh with f11 to end the mission you’re going to press end on the keyboard you can press end

    And there you go we’re now in the end mission view now in this end mission view thing you can see a lot of things first of all you can see a lot of stuff inside the tank this is going to be basically anything you damage you can

    Hide this with O and inside the game like not inside this view specific end thing if you press o you’ll also see the ammunition and where it is in the tank but if you press hold or if you hold W hold s you can move around this path

    This this is the this white line is the shot that you made you can see a lot of information in the bottom center the green text you’re going to see the shots the three of six is going to be three your third shot that you ever took in

    This game of however many to shots you made you’re going to see the shooter who shot it you going see the target what you’re trying to hit in this case I actually hit something the distance that is that the round traveled 17222 M the ammo that is the ammo that I

    Shot then the time that is not the time that it took to fly it did not take 48 minutes to fly that is how long into the Miss mission that it took an A and D that is going to be between the shots that you had so you can cycle between

    Them all and then then as I said earlier W ands is the ride shot path holding shift is going to be speeding up wow that goes really fast and then press Z you’re going to go to the shooter press X and you’re going to go back to where you

    Hit after you hit something you can see all of these uh red and yellow stuff this is going to be trapnel so if you hit inside of a tank you’re going to see a lot of these lines Bounce Around inside of it in this case it just over

    Penetrated this piece of wood so the white line continued otherwise you’d probably see the white line end at the well the tank if you hit a t you didn’t penetrate it it would just be a white line that abruptly ends you’re not going to see this uh you’re not going to see

    The shrapnel now you can also press F3 and that’s going to go into the free cam you can also do this inside the game mode really all these controls I’m going to say after this point you can also do in the game modes W as and D moving

    Around uh this not if you press W and F if you look down you’re not going to go upwards or downwards or something like that instead you have to hold space and left control to go upwards and downwards respectively hold right click and you’re going to have this nice cinematic view

    Very smooth if you scroll with your scroll wheel you can change the speed at which you fly at scroll down going to go a lot slower and you can also left shift and then scroll and zoom in a lot and scroll and you’ll zoom out technically it’s fov that’s not really zooming out

    Because now you’ve got as Minecraft would say Quake Pro uh and then again you can zoom in an absurd amount but what if you’re like screwed up and you’re disoriented you just want to get back to the normal Zoom press X and you’re back going back into a level if

    You press o you can see that’s what I was talking about with the ammunition and the three Cam and everything you can still do that here I’m going to press F3 to go back but the reason why I went back into levels because let’s just aim

    At this target but what we’re not we’re not just looking and admiring we’re going to press left shift and left click and you can actually fire the currently selected gun from the tank and the absolute last control is going to be left control and F1 and you just hide

    Your Hut that is that’s it uh it can technically break some things as you can see I press tab I just see my mouse uh you probably don’t see my mouse right now but now I can can’t control what tank I’m going to so I I need to press

    Left control and F1 and now I can see it again so just you know if you’re like where the hell did everything go you probably hid your HUD and that is the last control there is no other control for me to say if I managed to miss something or do something wrong then

    Absolutely correct me in the comments quite a few people did in that last video and I do actually appreciate it because that made this video that much better if you like this video consider liking consider subscribing if you want to see see more of this content I have

    Quite a bit of other Gunner heat PC videos I do actually really like this game I seriously support it I want to see it succeed that’s a lot of things starting with s I’m realizing interesting bars but either way thank you very much for watching and I’ll see you in the next

    One what that means is it used a laser to find the range of between me where I am right no eventually I’ll get my controls right M-5 Target I guess that’s what that called what that called we’re going to press left control and left click we’re going to press left shift and left click


    1. very good guide 🙂

      also good job explaining the difference between direction and point stabilization as a lot of new player's don't understand it and also GHPC and steel beast are the only games i have seen model this

    2. 30:47 the commander aim is to show hunter killer capability

      also the us tank will not have this in the future as non of the US tanks in-game had any hunter killer capability while the Warsaw pact tanks including the T55a have it

    3. Well would you look at that.. This video isn't even 2 weeks old and the devs already released an update that improved a bunch of things! I won't be redoing this video just for it, since no controls changed, but the map UI and some other visual changes were made that will take some inferring. As with the last, I probably make the next guide once enough has changed in the game that it can hurt new players by watching this video.

      P.S. In the quick actions menu, I forgot that there is sometimes a box for formations (it's rather intuitive). I may include it in the next controls video, but its not really a control and this video is already getting really long. I may split the next into two, one with the controls and one with the mechanics, but we will see.

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