The Essential Bordeaux Travel Guide with where to stay, where to eat, and what to do during your visit in this quintessential French City
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    Visiting bordo was a city that was on my bucket list so in this video we’re going to visit bordo for 48 hours and we’re going to see all the sites to be seen we’re going to go to the C du and try some amazing wine we’re going to try

    Some of the local dishes and we’re going to have a wine tasting in a world renown Castle in one of the most beautiful Village in all of France all right On we just an early morning train from G palas and in just over 2 hours we arrive in Bordeaux it’s so quick to get there this destination can really be a day trip now to get to Bordeaux we use train line to book our tickets it’s the easiest place we found for booking

    Trains all over Europe and I’ve put a link in the description below one of the clear advantages of taking a train like right here in Bordeaux is that you’re close to everything and you have public transportation that will take you anywhere so it’s super convenient now once you get to Bordeaux

    The public transportation is easy and efficient we bought our tickets from the tram from the machine right outside and after a quick 15-minute ride through town we got to our rental apartment so this is our apartment in Bordeaux we decided to go with the rental apartment instead of a hotel this

    Time it’s not really busy season but this year is the world rugby cup so there’s a lot more Travelers here than usual this one has two bedrooms I’ve got one nice space like that and a gorgeous view of the city I mean come on look at

    That so here we have a foldout sofa so we got two bedrooms and a sofa so if you’ve got a group this is a good spot and here’s the view you can see straight back there the city of wine the city duvon museum is is just there and of

    Course you have a place to eat you got a little fridge little two burner stove in the kitchen but that’s not the best part let’s go upstairs there’s a separate private space you have to climb but trust me it’s worth it and come all the way up before you

    Look around Antoine but check that out check that out that is act it’s like a giant wine vat we need a bottle of champagne bubbles to go with a bubble bath how about that nice big open space this apartment will do toilet closet I am happy here now once we got settled in

    We took a quick walk through town to pick up our city passes from the tourism office along the way the horses in the monument oine Fountain cut our eyes that Fountain is gorgeous after that we walk to the tourism office to pick up our city passes for our visit the City Pass is

    Really cool and gives you an unlimited access to public transportation including the River shuttle now Colleen wanted to take the boat ride to the C Museum once we had our city passes in hand we walked towards the river through the Treeline esan K what I can say so far is I’m in love

    With Bordeaux this place feels a little bit like Paris a little bit like New Orleans none of the crowds none of the pretentiousness or any of that stuff it’s just an amazing place I’m happy to be here so we are headed over to the city duon which is the wine museum that you

    Need to go to so we’re going on that little boat right there I always love being on a boat and I think the boat is one of the best ways to see a new city in Europe so looking right at the Bor is Stunning that funny looking building is the city of wine museum and on this bridge The Columns change color they’re lighted and the color changes whether it’s high tide or low tide that’s pretty cool very cool elev we’re going upstairs to try some cool stuff come

    On now we had heard that the seated was a great museum and we were not disappointed this is an informative and playful interactive Museum that gives you a whole new perspective to enjoying wine from around the world this museum is a must stop in Bordeaux even if you’re not a wine Lover after seeing all the information smelling the smells learning about the grapes I chose a French provos Rosie good choice all right let’s go outside and drink the fairy boat dropped us right here we went through that bridge and it dropped us right here

    Yeah to BAU I like it here I like it here very much if going to Bordeaux is on your mustsee places then check out guide right here it includes some of the best places to stay of course all the sseeing to do in Bordeaux some wine tasting and some of the best restaurants

    In town check it out there’s a link in the description and see if it’s a good fit for you now at the end of a beautiful day we headed into the old city to try some classic local dishes so the best way to look at a menu

    Is with a beverage that has bubbles in it they put that in a bread basket oh there you go I’m actually hungry we’ve been walking all day in Bordo yeah I like bordo this is 48 hours in bordo but I think we’re going to come back there’s a lot of things that we love about this city and the food so far doesn’t disappoint try it you can see the jelly here with the with the Pate that’s a

    Country style Pate so it’s not smooth like aagra but that bread like look at that that is a thick European bread this is going to be a good dinner [Applause] Awesome that looks yummy I want to try it on our table I was wondering what this little pot was with this cute little spoon that is my salt for the table oh yeah so this is a Jud B which is a piece of the cheek and it is very tender like

    They cook it for I don’t need a knife in here this is falling apart already look at that that thing is falling apart I almost ordered something else and the waiter suggested this like oh my God I’m glad he did I was telling him what I like and he said maybe you really

    Want to try this one like wow I don’t know if I can film because I’m going to be busy eating you got to try some of this yeah oh I definitely want to try some yeah yeah that’s next level this is good look at this look at

    This and I got the coule white beans pork slow cooked roasted for hours they got the flavors right wow you have multiple pieces of meat in there I’m going to have a piece of the sausage like if you like beans and pork and and slow roasted stuff I mean this

    Is just Heavenly wow this is good watch this down with a local yeah I’m a happy man the good news is Antoine is filming and I have the spoon hold on hold on oh that crispy thing oh yeah oh my God no I have a spoon and I’m not afraid to

    Use it bring it back here that is so good yeah cream puffs with ice cream and whipped cream and something but oh dripping in my hand all I can say is it tastes like more after dinner before we headed back to our apartment we walked to PL labus

    To check out the beautiful lighted Fountain it’s day number two and time for a good French breakfast and in Bordeaux a Peno Chaka is called a Chaka te oh my goodness is as crispy and delicious as I’ve ever had an almond croissant wow those excellent so now that we had breakfast

    We’re going to go get our rental car and we’re going to drive off to the santon area and the actually Cent medal Village and visit all the little Vineyard Villages and we’re going to go and have a wine tasting and a castle on top of

    The hill Colleen and I can’t wait to go and experience that so this is going to be a great Day from the moment we pulled up to this Hillside Village I couldn’t stop smiling I am excited to explore these cobblestone streets and Tiny Alleyways of course you have a lot of wine shops here but there are also plenty of Art Galleries and cute little Stores 350 So we just left the bakery where the original macarons were made they started making them over 400 years ago but these little babies right here are made not with a crushed almond flour these are with crushed almond and they don’t have them stacked up together like a sandwich

    They’re just a little cookie like that and we need to try those and they also had some other ones that were with chocolate oh it’s falling apart M there’s no eggs no gluten no any of that stuff in there it’s more like a cookie than a macaron what I’m used to

    But it’s very nice it’s like a crumbly biscuit almond cookie and I think I like it but that is the Cameleon macaron just typical from here and then we got these which are completely typical of the area this is a canala and that is made with a

    Crepe batter uh put into a copper pot it looks like it’s chocolate or something else it looks like maybe a baba rum but it doesn’t have any rum it’s just a simple little CP battered cake so you want to try one I do yeah it’s basically it’s a little

    Cake I mean there’s no chocolate no rum I don’t know I want to have something with it I want to dip it in Nutella or chocolate but it’s very nice and that’s can of late from Bordeaux like so today we’re sitting in a little cafe Terrace at a restaurant

    Called bon oh yeah look at that this is how you start your day mer that is a bon salad it has toast with fagra some different kinds of meats some tomatoes lettuce some olives a whole bunch of yummy in there and I am very excited to have this salad today

    That is Duck and my salad and oh boy that’s good the server was telling us that the thing to order here is uh duck like because duck is a very Southwest thing yeah and she wasn’t wrong that’s delicious two of my favorite decadent Pleasures champagne sagra and a beautiful

    Setting this is Heaven on toast a bit of salt on top of it man this is extraordinary wow it’s not a thin slice but it says M Canal good salad like that oh this is good great salad wow big mix of a little bit of everything so Colleen

    Stayed with champagne but I had to have a glass of Bordeaux in sanon I mean the Sant Milo Village in Bordeaux I had to have it Cheers this is like mountain climbing after lunch we headed up the hill to see the ABY at the top of town where I lit a healing candle for a dear Friend now we have a quick 10-minute ride to an amazing Castle to try some wine Here at the vineyard we started off with the history of the castle we walked through the vines we checked out the wine making process and of course we tasted a little bit of their Wine it has been another long and wonderful day and it’s time to head back to Bordeaux for some dinner tonight we’re having dinner in a restaurant called leare which is a lovely outdoor Terrace in that square around the Leal area which is just restaurants all

    Around it and this should be good it was recommended by a guy who hangs out in bordo all the time I can’t wait to try it so tonight we’re toasting with champagne because we are having oysters and Bordeaux is known for oysters it’s right by the coast there’s a long

    Estuary that comes in and some of the best oysters in the world come from Bordeaux so cheers with oysters and champagne so in France oysters come with the vinegar that has chopped shallots in it uh normally and they there’s a lot of different Gourmet vinegars that I’ve

    Seen with them but this should be very nice with the little bit of buttered bread you know what uh goes great with uh oysters what goes great with o oysters champagne champagne and oysters yeah I’m not a big fan of uh vinegar with oysters I prefer lemon on them oysters and

    Champagne that’s the way to do it this is a chunk of meat and they give it to you with this sauce which I’m not entirely sure what it is it looks like a baret and then I’m going to take just a little bit of that bone arrow and drop it right up

    Here that’s a fresh Bern sauce yeah it’s two totally different flavors with the bernes and the bone marrow but both of them are amazing so I got scallops with ravioli look at those oh wow they say this is a great place for seafood and I’m getting the idea that it

    Is it’s got a ravioli here a mushroom ravioli this is served with mashed potato which I expect is going to be nothing short of amazing yeah wow this is really good we were recommended this address by a French local and this is amazing this is amazing really Good on our third and final day in board we decided to walk through town and start with a quick breakfast we headed down the vibrant place the laedi where we found the giant sculpture this is where r s Katrina the longest pedestrian street in France begins we stopped in IG sample on our

    Way to La Port CL that place is super impressive and of course no trip to Bordeaux is complete without a visit to the Miro in front of BL de Labour one of the things that’s really cool is inside this park along the riverfront there’s little benches Shady spots and stuff

    Where you can just almost disappear read a book have a lunch and right here is the Bor the plaza of the borse which means the water mirror is right across we’re coming up I got to take off my shoes all right he’s going in I’m going

    In how is it Oh I thought it was going to be cold it’s not it’s not it’s nice it’s actually refreshing I can imagine in the summer this would be fabulous this is just awesome right in the middle of everything so if you’re concerned about coming Barefoot over here then you

    Don’t have to worry about that because you can walk here with shoes the water is not as tall as my little pinky but I promise you in the summer months this will be really refreshing uhoh what’s going on I don’t know what’s going on it’s just a little Mist it’s a little

    Mist that means that something is about to uh oh we better hurry yeah I’m fully dressed Daring what do you say we go have some seafood now I am so down for having some seafood cuz this is a marine Town we’re right on the giran Estuary so Seafood is Def definitely on the list so we’re here at the caban mar we’re right here by for

    Kayo just in the heart of everything and we’re here to have a seafood platter because this is a seafood Town we’re right at the end of the girl on Estuary right off of the Bay of bisque and this should be fabulous this is the start to something good

    Y that’s the way to conclude a 48 hours in Bordeaux it’s the best way to start it the best way to spend it and the best way to end it bottom line everywhere we go there is champagne yes oh did you okay Mery I know a lot of people don’t like

    To open up their own shrimps but that’s how they do it in Europe so you’re going to peel your own thing I never would have thought that was good but it’s pretty nice yeah only half of it is yours okay don’t get any ideas here what am I supposed to eat that with

    Bread butter Mayo right so fresh wash the lobster down with champagne so I’m going to have this bad boy right here longus this one you just crack it like that you know you just go pinch it in the middle and you open it I put some mayo my

    Shrimps and that that is the pincher from my Lobster do you have seafood platters like that in Florida no you can get a basket of shrimp or stone crabs on a dish you can get a lot of different things but I’ve never seen a platter done exactly like this it’s not

    Something I’m used to in Florida and I and I grew up in Florida yeah this is the best way to finish our trip in Bordeaux cheers if you like what you saw in this video next I would watch this one on 4 days Improval


    1. I’m feeling very special! On my trip coming back from Bordeaux, I ran into Colleen and Antoine in Paris. They are the nicest people and exactly like how they come across in their videos. The heck with Madonna 😜

    2. Merci!! Très intéressant! I am travelling to Bordeaux next Spring. I will definitely try a few of your picks. The food looks amazing and St-Émilion seems to be an incontournable!

    3. I added a few days in Bordeaux after les Jeux Olympiques. I can't book my train tickets this far out. We fly out of CDG at 12:30. Is there a 6:00 train? Should we leave Bordeaux the night before our flight and stay near the airport? Thanks for this great content!

    4. Colleen, we were watching your video and our son walked in and said "I know that lady!" He worked with you in Miami. Small world,. Thank you for the video and information.

    5. I love how the restaurant fills the glasses with wine (more than two mouth fulls 😊). In many places where I live the wine is so skimpy and to it is not cheap). PS: I don’t know how the two of you do not weigh a 1,000 pounds – must be all the walking 🙂

    6. Great timing for me. I just got back from a tip to Paris during which I did a day trip to Lyon. I really liked Lyon, but I thought it was going to be more like Paris–more Haussmannian–but it turned out to have more of a Renaissance look and feel. Bordeaux looks more like a Petit Paris. I think this will be my day trip when I'm back in Paris on my next trip. Enjoy!

    7. Great video! I just tried to book a ride on Trainline from Charles de Gaul airport in Paris to Bordeaux and to my surprise it takes almost 4 hours! In your video it was only 2 hours. How can that be?

    8. Train line is a horrible website. Longest rides for the highest price. Awesome.

      And both of the restaurants recommended in this video have terrible reviews on multiple review sites.

      Not sure what's going on here….

    9. Bordeaux has the look and feel of a warmer, sunnier Paris. All that 18th century stone and river-setting, you could be forgiven for thinking the first few Parisian arrondissements had been dragged 200 miles south. Bordeaux clearly is lovely; open, but with a manageable feeling of ‘see all my important bits in a day’. All it really lacked was a core of tightly packed narrow streets opening out onto a few squares and perhaps a nice Plaza Mayor centrepiece. Everything seemed like I was wandering around the French version of Edinburgh’s New Town when I wanted a bit of tumbledown Old Town magic too!

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