Mathieu Van Der Poel is having a dominate spring season and Flanders was no exception. The Move team discusses uncertainty further Quick Step and a bright future for American cycling.

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    He figures everything out he he had to do it by himself when he was on Movie Star but he already put in all the work whenever the team didn’t support him he did it individually now he went to a team where he’s fully supported now I mean Mato Jorgenson let

    Me tell you in the Tour of France we are going to see an [Applause] animal all right everybody welcome back to the Move podcast talking about the 2024 tour of Landers the rondan vanderin AKA donda I’m Lance Armstrong joined by Johan brunal who clearly is not at home

    Where I’m in uh are you an aquar if you’re watching the show are you in an aquarium or what’s what’s happening the background of a hotel room I’m in I’m in cycling cycling Paradise in Europe I mean on the Costa Blanca in ALA okay good okay good JB you you’re here looks

    Like you’re right across the street from me in the new weo setup one uh one of three Studios yeah what do you have I guess the wi I guess the Wi-Fi is working there yep yep yeah we’re getting there we’re up and we’ got a sign out

    Front I saw that the other day that that’s pretty official that’s legit I was pretty psyched I mean not quite the font I would I would pick but you know I figured you know for Austin it’ll do and George happy Easter man you’re uh H happy Easter guys good to see

    Everybody now before we came live and we were talking we were doing our pre-show with the members uh you know we call it the the members meeting um George George was very nervous he wanted to hurry up and get started with the show uh he’s

    Got he’s got I get it all right it’s Easter happy Easter everybody um but he’s got to be done at a certain time uh which is understandable he’s got kids and and little kids are excited about Easter egg hunting uh we will get to the tour Flanders in a

    Second but these kids are excited and as you all know you people that listen a lot you know that George I he rolls big right he’s got rich fancy famous friends right jizzes Mansions you know five star everything right well in the members only meeting

    He he he tell this is this is perhaps Takes the Cake all right he has to hurry up and talk about to our Flanders because not only does they have an Easter egg hun but the just told us that this is no ordinary Easter egg hunt right he’s at another one of his

    Swanky friends places God knows where but but this is this is a special Easter egg hunt this is this is these Easter eggs are being dropped or delivered by helicopter by helic helicopter and by the way it’s a mutual friend of yours and johans James Whitley’s uh golf club here in South

    Carolina and it’s going to be a great event for the kids so very excited to I’ll send you some videos how about that I was just gonna say would you please drop some video to us I mean I mean literally speaking of drops like what do

    They do they just drop eggs outside of the hel like hover the helicopter over the field and drop you rednecks in South Carolina first remember remember a year or so ago y’all tried to go shoot down that now y’all don’t shoot the balloon don’t shoot in the air now you you think

    It’s a good idea that we’re going to drop Easter eggs above children from a helicopter okay correct note to parents all right I don’t know how far up this thing GNA be but if it’s got some chocolate in it and it’s plastic I don’t know I would probably get my kid out of

    The way or at least wear a helmet I was gonna say yeah all children must wear a helmet yeah we’re going to get into all the action what an incredible performance by Matthew derpo was you know clearly the odds on favorite if not by a factor of a

    100 he didn’t disappoint but um interesting race a lot of interesting things happened and and and and and I my initial take just right quick is that it was just so perfect for him right every part of this race obviously he’s on top form but even the technical side was

    Just so good for him but before we get into the action Today’s Show brought to you by element you hear us talk about it all the time we are approach in the summertime I’m here in Austin JB’s in Austin it’s already warming up we’re going to be out there we’re going to be

    Out there on the bikes running on the trail doing whatever we’re going to be sweating I sweat my ass off I gotta I had to find something uh to replace all of the sweat that I go through I’ve been training like crazy I found the perfect solution it is element th000 milligrams

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    Two jeans jean brands in the world right I knew one that’s been around forever hundreds of years and now I know the perfect Jean and I just I don’t wear jeans but they sent me these jeans okay and y’all know what I wear right I roll around literally six days a week in

    Sweatpants like I just do if I’m on a zoom I mean this shit’s business on top party on the bottom like I don’t even care I go Comfort first anyhow these folks at the perfect Jean sent me a couple of pairs of jeans I’m not kidding I feel like I’m wearing sweatpants gee

    You get yours I think they sent I think they sent all of us some I did in fact I wor the other day sent them a picture I love them they’re like you said super comfortable stretchy you don’t they don’t feel like normal jeans no yeah that they stretch that’s what I’m saying

    I feel like I’m wearing my sweats like if you’re standing around cozy if you sit down cozy if you’re walking Co they just everything about it pretty sick jumping jumping on the ebite go get a bite to eat it’s perfect perfect yep so they make six fits from skinny just for

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    Bas in New York anyways let’s talk about the tour fin I touched on it I mean Matthew Vanderpool I every time he does something like this Johan you’ll you’ll appreciate this it’s probably been a year or so and and we gotten this especially you me and George got in this

    Debate comparing wal vanard and Matthew vanderpol and we cited I certainly cited with wal vanard every time he does something like this I’m like what was I thinking when the guy is so special yeah yeah he’s listen he’s he’s a super talent I I think I said you know they’re

    They’re kind of equal performance- wise but Matthew’s a bit more talented and you guys went crazy over that statement um I to say you know the guy is special it’s like you know the everything he does just works out and for some reason wal is super strong and he just I don’t

    Know if it’s bad luck on his side I mean obviously today’s race with or without vanard was was always going to be completely different but still you know if you are the the the main favorite the only favorite a race like this uh to win it and to keep it under control is

    Extremely difficult U but he even has that under control I I think yeah Johan we were mentioning with about 100 kilometers ago that uh Vander pole seemed a bit isolated didn’t have that many teammates although they kept coming back but like you said to be a like

    Standout favorite in a race like T fanders where everybody’s gonna pretty much race against you and to still be able to pull it off not panic let some pretty dangerous break Rays go go up the road um just incredible what he was able to pull off uh really really impressive

    In my opinion T land is the hardest race on the calendar no place to hide you burn the most you burn the the most calories um there’s danger there’s risk there weather changes just you have a little bit of everything and they said a lot of them were saying it was the

    Hardest tour planers they’ve ever done Matthew vanderpol said that uh in his post race interview that that was uh Far and Away the hardest one that he’s ever done which isn’t surprising right we and we’ve talked about this you just we’ve seen better weather over the last

    Few years which it makes these races they’re never easy but it makes them easier uh and they just had you know at least when my coverage started it was still basically dry and then when that rain and wind came it was it just makes it very hard just one thing I want to

    Say about tour Flanders because I agree with everything you just said George but for the folks listening who maybe don’t follow the classics or or or don’t know these races that well here’s the here’s the thing like uh there are a few races you probably do know you probably most people know what

    Perry Ru is right the what’s that race where they ride across the bricks that’s per rebe um and then you have another race which again not that well known but still a monument and that’s liage bestone leage which is there are no cobblestones uh it’s very hilly uh very

    Very difficult the beauty of the tour Flanders so just picture this is it’s a perfect combination of those two right you have very difficult climbs that are cobbled so you’re just combining Le and Perry rebe equals tour Flanders I I agree with I mean if I could go back and

    Um as I reflect on my career and if there was one race if they just said okay dude you get to pick one race that you never won that you could win or be in a position to win there is no doubt it would be the T Flanders it’s it’s

    Just such a cool race yeah yeah we’re talking the best riders in the world technical abilities far superior than most of the pelaton Lance like you mentioned in the pre in our members only meeting three Riders made it up to cobber without having to walk I mean you

    We haven’t seen something like that I think since the 70s Joan correct me if I’m wrong I did point out to my son while we were watching that 17 T Flanders I never had to walk up to cinberg I have was very proud that was

    One of my and I’ve done it in the rain I’ve done it in everything never had to walk up but one thing you can’t you can never get in a race like T Flanders you can never give up I mean there’s guys when I got third in Tor Flanders lifeo

    Walked up the calenberg and still came back and ended up getting second so it’s a race that it’s a race of attrition where people even if they’re a minute up the road there’s a good chance that they’re GNA blow up and crack and come back and pelon’s not going to work there

    Was no pelaton today but there’s in lots of individuals but you know there’s there’s just so many different things going on that you just got to keep pedaling and there’s a good chance that you’ll come back at one point or or yeah I mean exact or or or somebody catches

    You and you form this Collective that all has shared interests and perhaps has the legs to work together and uh and you do make it back right it it’s I would have loved to have been in one of those positions the the few times that I did it I never was um

    But just right quick on the copen BG I think and as everything we just said is exactly right um these are the best riders in the world uh if anybody listening just went and rode the cop and you wouldn’t believe it right it’s very steep the cobbles are very rough in the

    Old days we get to go on the side and there was it’s slightly paved you go in the drainage part you catch some smooth P pieces it is so hard and and it’s almost like they went in before the race and just added a little mud and and only

    Three guys could get over it again the best riders in the world only three of them but here here’s the thing that that stuck out to me is is obviously Vanderpool is exceptional he’s also the best cycle cross rider in the world and so you have all of those things but

    If even if you’re technically great and you go right up that thing and you have the technical skills to make it okay fine but if you hit the bottom and your heart rate’s 200 and you’ve been fighting per position and you’re 20 whatever 30 kmet into the race and

    You’re maxed and you have to tap into those technical skills it’s impossible like it’s it’s so hard to combine all of these things being Anor robic being focused on the technical pieces and watching in front of you because if if the dude in front of you goes down or

    Stops or pulls his foot out you’re done you you cannot you can’t get around them and as we saw it’s so steep it’s very hard I mean when do you see guys walking and and let’s not forget by the way we had the same thing in the women’s race I

    Mean it’s it’s you get stuck behind somebody that stops you have to stop let’s not forget let’s not let’s not point out the the the equipment I mean the equipment today in today’s AG the gearing we had 25s in the back about think maximum they got 30s they got

    Bigger tires they have more traction and there’s still only three guys making it up that tells you like you said Lance their heart rate was 200 at the bottom it’s wet the crown is is slippery um so three Riders making it up it’s just it’s

    Just crazy yeah I mean you know if if if there’s somebody in front of you who does one wrong maneuver and you have to I mean first of all you have to get off and you can’t get going anymore that’s that’s even worse you know once you stop

    You walk you walk to the top there certain people have tried to get back on their bikes it’s just not possible um what are they using nowadays George like would they use 3630 or something or yeah I would say 3630 and then at least 30 mil tires um yeah 60 pounds of pressure

    Uh so just the the equipment choices are a lot uh better for those types of uh conditions wet cobbles but still very difficult and this the way they’re racing the only way that a lot of these teams felt like they had a chance was to race early on like we saw with Matt

    Peterson attacking with 100K to go on the mullenberg and yeah you know to me it was a bit I mean with how good he’s been riding of course he crashed pretty hard the other day but man he just kept burning so much energy we we got to talk about that I mean that

    That um one of the if if obviously while Matthew vandero was five stars mattz Peterson had to be four stars in terms of rankings of favorites Before the Race like I get mat Mato Jorgenson also had a great week came into the race is is is not a five or a fourstar probably

    A three star uh but young inexperienced doesn’t know how this race es and flows doesn’t know how you have to conserve and wait you have to wait as late as possible um but a guy like peton man he he he should know when I was watching this I’m like this dude’s either

    Superman today or he’s about to make a huge mistake and that comes down he should know that and Johan I I sent it on the group chat during the race like who’s in the car like I mean dude if any of us ever did that you would have been

    Like set up right now what are you doing you’re not this is not especially when you saw when you saw that bson was in front he had Johnny verir with him so teammate of the big favorite uh they basically little track where were in in a situation where they knew this was not

    Going to go anywhere you can try okay you can try and see what happens but once you see after five six kilometers that the situation stays the same you have to change the strategy and that that’s why I don’t understand why from the car there there was no instruction

    To say okay you know what let’s wait the only explanation I can find is that Pon was probably not feeling 100% after his heavy crash uh and say okay I’m going to try early because I know I’m going to make it in the final but still I mean there was no

    Way he was going to stay away um with with with a teammate of um of thund thepool in in the wheel uh who collaborated once in a while um and at the end I mean it to me it looked like if Pon would have been more conservative

    He would at least have been able to be in that second group it would probably been impossible to match funder pool but he would have raced for second in my opinion and he didn’t so I think they little TR made a mistake there um I agree with you I agree with you

    Johan that that that’s if you know you’re not on a perfect day then then get see if you can get out there get a small Gap uh conserve some energy obviously also and we We messaged about this I mean that downhill uh going into the old Quon which they call the new

    Quon going down that very very stressful if you can avoid all of that that’s nice um but that that would in side it was um it just just just not the right move yeah yeah I agree like you said Johan I think he must have just not been feeling

    100% that crash looked like a very heavy crash he had bandages all over himself and man in the classics race like Flanders you got to be all you got to be perfect uh when you have those little injuries it’s going to really affect you especially in the latter part of the

    Race in race like today where it got cold it started raining um you know I think he was just trying to get a little bit of a head start before the qu Mount which actually on the qu Mount vandero did not look like a super vandero I mean

    He didn’t really ride away from those guys they brought him back um but I think it that goes to show you how hard the race was because once they got to the cinberg about 15K later I think everybody’s legs were just Rubber and vander’s legs was that he was tired he

    Even said he was dead at the end but perhaps he just not perhaps he did have a little bit extra to ride away and um you had a guy like jurgenson six seconds behind them and we just watched The Gap just slowly slowly get bigger and bigger

    On that you know 2 3% uphill section on the highway uh I know that quite well is a good there always a feed Zone there in the T Landers and that’s just a that’s just a harsh section you know you could just see for 3 4K straight ahead of you

    It’s a little bit uphill and that must have been really tough for jurgenson mentally to watch him right away um so close I thought at some point you know like logically you know or in you know back in the days you would say Okay VPO he knows he’s strong he’s the strongest

    He has jurgenson behind sit up and wait for five seconds have the guy with and initially I thought he would do it but you know nowadays they just once they have a gap L they just go they just go happen anymore a three to five second

    Gap anybody like Lance myself you on a downhill you’re going to close that any and any especially in a wet downhill like we would risk Our Lives to close that Gap but unfortunately you got V Vendo in front of you who’s one of the best bike handlers in the world and he

    Probably is not even going all out but he’s still taking those Corners as fast or faster than Jurgen sit and but in a typical situation you close that gap on a downhill all day long um but that could just goes to show you how complete

    Of a rer rider Mato vandol is he just bomb that wet technical narrow descent um like nobody else and and also and also also how confident he was because you know the The Logical decision have been okay you see jurgenson probably the second strongest team in the race you have him there

    Let’s get him let’s let’s join exactly work with me and whatever I’m gonna drop him on the poter anyway yeah you know would have been an easy I mean an easier ride in but yet you know he just went with 40K to go and just you know they

    They he just knows he can do it it’s it’s crazy yeah to talk about injuries I wanted to go back to Vanderpool here for a little bit cuz you remember that flip he did in the Olympic mountain bike and that was nagging him for a long time I think he’s

    Finally just over that you know so he was a bit hindered George just said it a minute ago you know riding injured it can ruin you but uh now we the pendulum swings the other way W vanart is the injured guy and I don’t know the latest

    Reports on his recovery but it’s it’s not good not even going to be the jro I don’t think but so where I’m going with this is what I what I don’t like in these situations and this week you heard it all week oh W that Art’s going to be

    There I and it detracts something from Vanderpool and how well he’s riding you guys live that times oh this year some and so’s not there so and so’s not there that’s bike racing is staying healthy is is a big part of the battle yeah getting getting through the

    Classics basically 50% chance of getting seriously hurt uh these guys are risking their lives uh that all seven hours of today’s race and the races leading up to it I mean we saw how dangerous U those races are in the in waram wild crash they were just basically

    Going on a straight road but the the the danger and the stress level is so high that so just you just make these little mistakes that you wouldn’t normally make in a in a in a much less stressful race yeah yeah I mean the dangerous around

    The corner of every every one of those preparation races George and yeah it’s I was I was watching the commentary in in Belgian media you know and there some people are really hard on vanart it’s like you know okay he is definitely an idol uh but man once something goes

    Wrong they criticize him so much oh you know like he he crashed in he crashed on the pober last week yeah why is he there you know I don’t think he made any mistake is just I mean now same thing in wam I mean he could not have avoided

    It’s just the circumstance of the race um but he is really banged up so broken collar bone had successful surgery so that’s should be fixed has seven fractured ribs which is very painful takes you know six weeks to heal at least and then a this reminds me of Al Philip’s

    Accident and look what that took out of him yeah and then he also has a fracture sternum which is really bad so um yeah the jro man listen I mean I don’t I mean his team obviously they know what they’re doing but I would just straight away call it

    Off you know there’s no point for him to go to the jro he just needs to you know change the focus at the end maybe he’s going to do you know he was not going to do the tour now he’s probably going to do the tour so it’ll make Vima stronger and and

    Obviously another great dmate for uh for yonas in July yeah you know the one the one part sorry Lance the one part I feel they got this all this training dialed in and we’ve spoken about it many times how do they mimic the you know the intensity of racing which is I still

    Have a hard time understanding that but also so how do you mimic the reaction that you need in a race like the classics when every you’re you’re a split second within crashing at all points in those races so perhaps all that training you know you just you

    Don’t have that a sharp of an edge as you would had you been racing leading up to those races and they may take another look at that next year leading up to the classics just there’s just so much going on that your reaction time and ability to react to somebody falling or somebody

    Making a mistake in front of you has to be on point at all times in those races yeah JB you you brought up Al Philip and and or you mentioned Al FIP I want I want to talk about him and I want to talk about quickstep um or I mean gosh I

    Don’t know what we call it now slow step thumbs up uh I want to touch on that but I also want to spend a little more time talk about talking about uh Mato Jorgenson who we’ve talked a lot about this spring and and even uh last summer during the

    Tour we we may be watching the the makings of something here but but before we get into it uh Today’s Show also brought to you by ag1 Taking Care your health isn’t always easy but it should at least be simple that you know me uh that’s why for the last five years I’ve

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    George is about to go to I mean I don’t know if it’s a first date or something but this guy’s trying to come in with a serious first impression he’s got a helicopter drop any eegs right but in in in uh in all honesty First Impressions

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    Do c and you go to the website there c a d Caldera use the code we do all right let’s talk let’s talk about jorens because he’s I I I I don’t know I look I I do know I I do know I know what

    It’s like when you come into the sport and you feel like you you’ve got some potential and and you get some you just that momentum right it just builds and this kid he took all the momentum from last year he switched steams he’s clearly on the right path he’s had an

    Amazing spring one Perry n uh he came into this race as as a top favorite outside of Matthew Vanderpool I mean Yan this is a question for Johan are because you know this stuff better than certainly we do like what do you see in Mato Jorgenson right and and and take

    Take us put aside that he’s a friend of ours and his so generous with his time to come on the show I don’t know I I I’m like and we get the question all the time from American fans like when are we going to have another great American and

    We’ve always said look just give it time we’re starting to see some stuff but now I mean now we have to start having a more serious conversation yeah I think we’re looking we’re looking at a potential great Rider um that’s not forget you know so he he won

    Parin uh as a stage racer against glit against Evan AOL against a lot of good Riders yes he just recently won this semi classic in belan which is a completely different kind of cycling right he won in wam um and now through circumstances he was the leader of of of visma personally

    I think that’s a step too quick I think I think today for example if if mat Jorgenson races on on to the flounders in visma Leisa bike with with Walt vanard as a leader he would have had a better chance because I think he would be strategically better used rather than

    Being you know the leader and having to race Mano am Mano against against M Pool but I saw something really interesting which I really liked don’t know if you saw that George uh before uh DZ Doren the race in in wam he won right you’ve done that race a couple of times it’s

    It’s a mini tour of flounders right y he he uh he published uh a little a little writing he did the day before like a little scenario this kilometer this kilometer be in front here and he went he visualized it before he went to bed and

    In the last so he said okay kilometer so much so be in front here we can recover then in the last 15 kilometers figure out a way to win solo w wow that’s amazing I did not know that so you know this is a guy knows what he’s doing for

    Sure you know he figures everything out he he had to do it by himself when he was on Movie Star but he already put in all the work whenever the team didn’t support him he did it individually now he went to a team where he’s fully supported now I mean Mato Jorgenson let

    Me tell you in the Tour of France we are going to see an animal in function in function of of course you as vingard but man that guy has a huge engine um and knows what he wants and and Yan we all know how difficult

    That is you can write it down you can visualize it but these are the most the most difficult races in terms of positioning so for instance like that downhill leading up to the qum one of the scariest downhills in all of cycling in my opinion um but yes for him to

    Write down I need to be up front there and I will be up front that’s no easy task that’s almost as hard as winning the race this is as hard as again in terms of positioning um so yeah unfortunately he didn’t have what it took to ride with vle today and you know

    Ended end up probably running out of energy there because he he he he lost a lot but there’s a lot of pressure there and he’s had an incredible start of the year and he should be very proud of his performances I mean no by the way nobody

    Had the legs to ride with Matthew vanderpol today nobody so that’s let’s just establish we know that right that’s that’s he was next level um I I I as I watched the race I chalked that up to just an experience which is okay right you got to go do these things and make

    Mistakes and and know what it feels like to get to the last 45 minutes of the race and say h i mean even Matthew band I loved his he did two interviews at the finish one was in Flemish or Dutch and one was in English and of course you

    Know he doesn’t know who’s listening or if they’re recording it or if it’s streaming live he was like I am so like yeah yeah I bet you are so you know Jorgenson just doesn’t he didn’t he’s 270 kmet with the best guys in the world I mean it’s it’s it’s

    Impossible to know what that’s going to be like and by the way way one thing real quick George when you talk about riding stuff down folks just and I want to just make this easy to understand I mean if it’s the 100 meter dash you can

    Write it down right all right I’m G to get a good warmup I’m GNA uh I’m G to get in the blocks I’m gon to have a great start right I’m going to stay low I’m G to come up I’m going to hit full stride at at 50 meters and I’m going to

    Try and win this is the equivalent because to George’s point this is the equivalent of doing all of that but you didn’t write down that at 50 MERS or 60 MERS some guy runs out of the stands and tries to tackle you that’s because that’s what can happen you have 200

    Other guys that also have their own agendas and you know 20 other teams that have their own agendas like nobody does that yeah and since we’re pointing out Americans let’s not forget Magnus Sheffield sneaks in for sixth place didn’t even see him pretty much the whole race in my opinion vot wrote a

    Very smart race hid saved energy conserved and ended up getting six plays in Tor plers young kid too I mean I think he’s 23 years old so incredible results for magn Sheffield look y’all let’s not be mistaken this is Comming everybody that’s asked us the last five years where’s the Americans

    Where’s the Americans we had talk about you know there’s seven Americans in the tour we had to sit there and count them they were pack filling um it’s coming and it’s coming here’s why it’s coming it’s coming because even if these guys are friendly but believe me they’re watching each other and look

    We’ve all been there George like I’ll just be totally honest Bobby Julet gets third in the tour to France and I love Bobby I’m like all right yo if he can get third in the tour to France I can win straight up so even if you have a decent relationship you you

    You’re like wait they did that I read about the new contract I see all the headlines I see all the buzz I see all the talk okay all right all right let’s see let’s see what let’s see how this plays out like that’s just you see it in every you’re seeing it in

    Denmark for sure that’s why Denmark because of vingard is having this lift it it’s absolutely the reason you see it in all all sports and all business and all facets of life if you see someone who looks and sounds like you accomplishing things you know it’s attainable it’s com out as as Prime

    Says for those in England or wherever the hell you are listening to the show Prime is Deion Sanders he’s the football coach at the University of Colorado where my daughter is about to graduate in May which so we’re sort of Buffs but he says we coming that’s all he says we coming so

    For you American cycling fans I think you should just be walking around today saying we coming yeah hey um one let’s talk about JB you want to talk about Al flee because this is this is well vard’s injury reminded me of that tumble that Al Philip took and has not

    Been the same he’s getting closer but that affected him for two years well yeah and the whole and I don’t know Yan if I can’t remember if we said it on the show or in the in the members only meeting but um I said or I remarked that that Patrick lafaver must

    Be livid and you said I don’t think so but now that I think about it might that be the problem I mean if you have an owner and a legendary owner a guy who’s had the program for gosh 30 years who has I mean he he has been sort of the bill

    Bell I mean he’s driven that program he’s been very tough he’s he’s he’s in the Hall of Fame but if you got a guy that’s like man okay and it’s just sort of checked out well dude fish things from the head so gave he gave an interview he gave an

    Interview last week and he says you know what uh I I look myself in the mirror and I realized I’ve made mistakes uh in terms of how to run the team how who to hire who to renew too early um so I I I agree I agree I mean

    You know on a personal level at some point you you know he’s such a long time in the business that it’s basically you know it’s copy paste at some point right but but but he’s a winner and uh you know he he must not be happy it’s you

    Know quickstep the quickstep theme in the classics it’s not this year it’s not last year it’s been a number of years now that we’ve seen that in those races they’re not a factor anymore today their first Rider is 18th Place Steve Lampard uh but they have not been

    Visible at all and there was never any situation in the race where we see okay here’s Quick Step you know this is these things of these races and they’re you know they’re not there anymore so um of course we all know that they’ve shifted their attention towards ramco and and

    Building a team around him but still you know they are they are supported by mainly Belgian and mainly Flemish sponsors who want to have their name uh in the med in those races they were they were all there at the hospitality today the VIP section all this stuff boy I

    Mean these folks it it probably felt like a funeral that’s not that’s not fun this is this is their I mean if you are a Bel sponsor and you sponsor that team and it’s the tour Flanders it is the Super Bowl yeah that is the Super Bowl

    Straight up uh so but the last thing I will or the my last thing I’ll say about this is The Biggest Loser in all of this will be Remco I mean that that that culture is is not good that’s that’s and it’s hard to reverse it not impossible but it’s

    It’s hard and he’s not old he’s he’s a young kid he’s got tons of potential he will suffer from that yeah I mean I think they did what they could to support him but I think it’s not in the DNA of the team they they have a different DNA this team has

    Been dominating for decades in their specialty you know to shift that I think that you know they’ve hired good Riders they hired new staff but the people at the top are still the same and that’s just not in their blood you know the be a stage racer and be calculating and

    Being preparing meticulously for a long-term objective like this and we’ll see what happens in the next couple races but I’m sure a lot of the pressure is going to fall once again on Remco for leaz best only Ed see if they can save save their class season of course he

    Will be good he will be good there he will be good there yeah for sure yeah I actually you know where I am I I saw him training here because he lives here so he’s ready he’s he’s he traveled to the tour of the BS country I think we’re

    Going to see him next week in in in in the front of the race but um yeah it’s it’s it’s definitely a a big challenge to to to shift the focus from something that you’ve been dominating for decades towards you know trying to be a a ground tour team yeah

    Hey before we go this last thing um uh worth noting Michael Matthews relegated uh I I bring this up because it’s it’s it’s he was relegated he got third he was relegated to to whatever place um um so miss is an opportunity to stand on the podium but for him that

    Would have been two podiums in a row there’s a there’s a big deal like if you’re Michael Matthews and you’re that team and two World cups or two monuments in a row you’re on the podium that sucks I I didn’t I need to go back and watch what happened more

    Closely I feel for him that was a ragged that was a ragged Sprint nobody had anything left in their Liv all over the place yeah um it was unfortunate to see but it’s that’s that’s that sucks also I mean what does not suck is Alpin two monuments two wins yeah that’s you know

    That would have been nice to start say at the start of the show that’s actually really important I’m not very good at this I’m gonna give Johan some love before we go if you haven’t been paying attention Johan and Georgia been doing the the move Legends bringing in some

    Incredible people uh from the sport of cycling and we just released the interview of Johan and Bernard hno it’s on YouTube because it’s in French and it’s English subtitled highly recommend you go listen to it it it’s incredible and here are a few of the comments real

    Quick that people threw on there Spinosa writes Johan’s language skills are exceptional uh nfkb writes as a French listener of the move for a long time I second that they’re they’re fans of your uh your skills Chris writes if Mar if a martian came to Earth and leaves in 10

    Days Johan will speak perfect Martian I don’t know about that uh let’s see Michael writes that was one of the best videos I’ve watched and a revelation to hear from he know’s perspective shapo Bernard and shapo weedo and one more message for you from uh ma in the Attic Mt in the Attic

    Uh Johan no more excuses for leem French edition let’s find a few other a few more hours in a day then I know yeah and and find somebody that’s that’s got a enough find a a Frenchman has got enough wit you know this this is you know this

    Is this platform you can’t just stand there like a like a you guys hear that that the helicopter oh God the helicop you know what folks that’s the uh that’s our queue we gotta go George is I know we’re used to this we y’all

    Can we can make up a whole new thing you know jizzes and I don’t know an Easter egg hunt dropped from a helicopter what bro okay okay George go enjoy it thanks guys guys have a great [Applause] Day


    1. 7X! Never ever forget! Now…Gorge needs clear eye glasses. Was-up with that? All thee rest. On point. Through the eyes of experience. Dueces!

    2. The commentators on sporza ,Belgium television, had a nice stat comcerning George Hincapie…….16 starts, 16 finishes in de ronde van Vlaanderen.

      Chapeau, chapeau
      Hehe, I just reached part of vid where Hincapie talks about his tour of Flanders participations and he talks about 17 starts…..even better

    3. I do not think it is fair to say only three people made it up the hill riding when MVP attacked. The single guy off the front lost his chain and was screwing around on the side of the road when MVP passed him. He blocked up the road for all the rest behind when he tried to get restarted and once the first few riders had to stop it screwed all the riders behind as well. I am sure many others were capable of riding up it as well if they had a clear road like the first three had.

    4. finally they punished Matthews … he should have been DQ in MSR as well…guy riding like this entire career and now wants to kill ppl in some classics

    5. Every Time Pogi or Mvp wins, we've Lance smiling on the thumbnails. If Jonas win or takes time… We've a confused looking Lance on the thumbnails, like TDF 2023 stage 5-16-17, lol

    6. Please Lance get rid of the F bomb! We have youth that love to watch your podcast and still believe you are an all time Champion! As well as I do. We admire you and your team!

    7. Did they even mention runner-up Luca Mozzatto name? They prefer to talk about same s**t from a couple of years like "oh, what happened to Quickstep?" Disrespectful.

    8. great episode! you know despite i listen to other recaps from other channels about the same race, i keep listening here because I value the different exp, the analysis, and your individual takes as experienced professionals on this field. More races to come, keep it up^

    9. Speaking about WVA, our heart goes out to him. Wish him a complete speedy recovery and a super strong comeback. 🙏 for peace and comfort during this time of healing.

    10. I am really looking forward to LBL this year, since MvdP and so many other big names are on the startlist. Could you imagine Remco, Roglic and Mathieu fighting it out on La Redoute?

    11. You aren't correct, if you say only three riders didn't have to walk on the Koppenberg. The television didn't show it well, but I think about half of the peloton did keep on cycling on the Koppenberg.

    12. What would have happened if Tadej Pogačar raced? He's also at a different level…breaking every one. Let's remember, he won last year. It's a "shame" we couldn't see the battle MVP – Tadej P. – WVAert.

    13. Disgraceful for not mentioning the youngest rider to finish a monument in a top 10 position (was actually 5th) in the last 62 years (since 1962).

    14. Matteo was clearly the rider that came closest to MvdP in terms of the shape of the day and that’s very impressive.. He’s 24, we are witnessing a star in the making. He’s clearly in the right team and he’s eating, breathing and dreaming cycling… Just like…. that’s right a certain MvdP….

    15. WVA is under too
      much pressure at Visma, making mistakes cause of that, same happened with Gesink….it's not a fun team to ride for. you do not see the same pleasure at WVA as At MVP.

    16. I wanted to see the TT in Basque today. How the f… do they get to start with the favorites before TV gets on. There must be some sponsors who thinks the same as me. This will lose the fans for sure if it continues. What are wedu`s take on this?

    17. Great edition of The Move. JB in Austin, keep crushing it, thank you. I love that the cycling world seems to be ablaze in content lately, but The Move is VERY hard to beat with the four. Loved the comment from George on 17 and never walking up. Insane. Good reminder on Hinault… will watch… and thank you again Team WEDU.

    18. regarding MVDP flip & injury: there is an interview in Czech cycling magazine with his father Adrie where he mentions it: 

      "His back pain no longer bothers him. He came up to last yeat during the WC in Hoogerheide and said: "Damn, Dad, I haven't felt any pain anywhere for a really long time". And fortunately it remained like that for the whole year 2023. Today he rides the bike in a completely different way and moving to Spain also benefited him incredibly"

    19. Hey doper amn I thouoght you were going to hit the beach with all your stolen cash… does it feel to steal cash and get away with it? I mean millions….must feel good….what do you have lined up now? can you come clean on motor use and how you closed huge gaps easily? Or how you doped early on and f^&%cked Frankie and every other kid that rides bikes…..what a disgrace LA

    20. Doper man trying to convinve everyone he knows anything other than doperman ways……When and where did you use motors? Who paid the Million to the motor developer? Was it you doperman?

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