The long-awaited Scotland vlog is here! 10 days spent between Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Gleneagles! Apologies if the dates on the screen conflict with what I was saying each day- to clarify, the on-screen text is the overall length of the trip and I was speaking to the time spent at each stop 🙂

    If you want more details or miss a recommendation, I have tiktoks and reels posted for each leg of the trip as well as an Instagram highlight saved for Scotland! I hope you love this Scotland Travel Vlog! Special thanks to VisitScotland for making this happen and my friend Francesca for maxing out her PTO to join me.

    Catch up on my other platforms:
    TikTok: @clararpeirce
    Instagram: @clarapeirce

    My website:
    My amazon storefront:

    If you’re new here, hi! My name is Clara, I’m 24, & I live in Raleigh and I work in marketing! I started filming my productive work vlogs on TikTok and now I’ve branched out to post longer content & postgrad vlogs on YouTube. Follow along for daily motivation, daily vlogs, morning routines, and more productive days in my life!

    FTC disclaimer: This video is NOT sponsored, but the trip was provided by VisitScotland in exchange for other deliverables on my other accounts. AKA this is a weird gray area where they didn’t know I would be making this video and have no review or say in what gets posted! Just an FYI 🙂

    Music by Damien Sebe – Skate Park –

    Thank you first hotel room tour of the trip starts with this hallway that leads to our actual room and we have a full-length mirror which I love around the corner we have the bathroom this little open closet area with drawers we have a safe in here which I need to lock up our

    Passports in we have a hair dryer and an iron two things that I didn’t expect to have so that’s kind of nice and then I don’t think anything’s in there we have like an extra sheet which is nice place to hang stuff up there’s a fan there’s a

    Yoga mat this is a water that Francesca bought in the lobby but the bathroom is really nice this is like the perfect amount of space moving on to our bedroom love this blanket and I think that’s a white noise machine which I actually packed one so I guess I didn’t need to

    Bring that and then we have a little sitting area and then we have a little kitchen and a washer which is really nice because we’ll definitely do we’re here for four four nights five days in this hotel so we’re definitely gonna do a little laundry before we leave just to

    Get some socks and like underwear and stuff cleaned up and then we have another little seating area more of our stuff that’s kind of already all over the place there’s a little jar of honey and our view just looks out onto other buildings but it’s a

    Beautiful day today we left DC at 10 o’clock last night and we got in around what like 11 o’clock this morning then we took the tram from the airport into the City and got ourselves a day went to lunch went to a couple stores kind of

    Got that like shopping itch out of the way but my friend Francesca and I are in Europe for the next 14 days 10 of which are going to be in Scotland so I’m gonna break the Vlogs into my Scotland portion and then my London portion so this kicks

    Off the Scotland portion of the Vlog like I said I haven’t slept much in the past 24 hours so I need to take a shower I need to you know reset myself and then I will catch up with you guys as we get ready for dinner and kind of explain

    Everything that we’re doing here and what this trip is all about setting up my little makeup station and I realized that my base mirror cracked in transit I’m gonna slap on a quick face of makeup and then pick out my outfit I didn’t really plan outfits for

    This trip I just passed a lot of um ingredients a lot of pieces if you will this is an ingredient household type of vibe for this trip so I’m just gonna pair together what that’s calling to me the place that we’re eating is just a two minute walk

    Away so I’m not pressed about my time what time is it actually and I didn’t wash my hair because I realized that I’ll probably want to do like a full everything shower tonight and if I wash my hair now blow dried it went out to dinner came back I would probably want

    To wash my hair again so I’m just probably gonna do like a slicked back Pony or something but the weather is gorgeous here right now we’re visiting in September for reference we’re going it’s Labor Day weekend actually we’re here Labor Day weekend and into like the first half of September so if you’re

    Planning a trip to Scotland that’s kind of the time frame for reference for this trip if you’re watching this video later and we’re wondering like when it actually was versus when it was uploaded we’re here the first two weeks of September and the weather is stunning so

    Far like light jacket but also like hot like once you’re walking around like you don’t really need a light jacket during the day obviously we’ve only been here for a couple of hours so it’s too soon to give generalizations on that but I really like this time period to visit

    And technically I think we’re visiting in a shoulder season so there’s not as many tourists so it’s not as busy it’s still a pretty busy City but not as busy as I guess it could be well the plan to take Instagram pictures before dinner did not work out we are running late so

    We’re gonna go straight there but I just have on this little pixie Market black top that I got from shop Bob I have on little black heels from Princess Polly jeans are from Lulu’s my tan leather jacket is from h m and so is this little

    Black shoulder bag and I swapped out my everyday jewelry for gold hoops and then I just kept on my little heart necklace foreign Airport you can see I really needed a new one and then if you’ve owned a brush for like three or four years and then you buy the same one from the same company like I swear they’ve changed it yeah do you like the Charlotte Tilbury little Contour one things like those

    Yeah yeah I like that a lot I like still have that blush one that you gave me I like it a lot I haven’t done their bronzing one this is like tarte’s version I have that and I have tarte’s version of the little like highlight and blushes too and I really like them

    Trying out my new travel hair tool today we’ll see how this works we noticed that you can’t plug your hair tools into the bathroom outlet it says Shavers only so we’ve been doing our hair out in like the living room area I feel like my like baby hairs and face rearing pieces will

    Get stuck in my face oils at night and then my hair like just looks greasy the next day but it’s not like higher price you know I feel like my hair like looks as fast after blow drying it’s like I just here I brought a hair dryer who you did yeah

    And there’s a hair dryer up here I know but it’s like Dyson dry today’s outfit assuming that this is seasonally appropriate it’s like 65 and windy I’m just wearing these little leather shorts that I got from free people and my sweater is also from free people I love this so much I’m

    Wearing little Flats so I’ll have to try them on and make sure they fit but I’m planning on wearing little flats and I did straight hair today and these are the shoes I’m talking about they’re from Jeffrey Campbell I got them on free people but they feel comfortable we’ll

    See do you want to show your outfit I’ll put some Reformation my shoes are from Nordstrom and my bags from shop ball and this is Claris and then these are from shopbot too our first stop is going down to the coffee shop in the lobby and getting a

    Little breakfast and a little bite to eat some coffee Francesca does matcha I do coffee so throughout this trip you will be getting a copy review and a lunch review for every place we got which is good because I feel like no one really talks about matcha options and then Francesca gets

    Screwed over What sweater Thank you hello to me Francesca and I just got back to our hotel and we’re sweating it’s so hot out it’s one of those temperatures where when you’re in the shade and there’s a little bit of a Breezer like wow I should be wearing jeans and then you

    Walk 10 feet and then you have to walk up a hill and it’s sunny and I want to be in like a tank top and shorts so definitely pack like a variety of layering options this sweater was perfect for like the morning and honestly now that it’s like 1pm I

    Definitely need to change out of it because I’m getting very very hot but I stopped at Primark which I studied abroad in London in 2019 so what is that four or five years ago I love Primark we used to go there like to get our little going out outfits

    Because no one packed accordingly to go to like clubs we were used to like American college bars but I just went back I didn’t get any clothing but I did get this candle because this candle seemed like something that would be an anthropology for like 50 so I got this

    For like shelf Decor in my next place and then I got this little headband that Francesca and I can share during the trip and then I have one outfit in particular that I’ve thought that this type of necklace would look good with and this was like five bucks so I grabbed it

    For an Instagram picture because that’s what I do but I filmed a tick tock shop with me at Primark so I’m gonna edit that up and get that posted sometime today I am so out of breath but we are going to like a gin tasting experience thing

    In about an hour so I’m going to change try and figure out a more like seasonally or not even seasonally appropriate like weather appropriate thing to wear to that because I am miserably hot I hate being hot I would rather be cold than hot let me look

    Maybe like a little dress this is what I’ve settled on I’m gonna do this white T-shirt dress from Free People the tan leather jacket I wore to dinner last night and my little white golden gooses I think I’m gonna switch everything from this bag that I wore today into my

    Little shoulder bag that matches this coat perfectly I just need to decide what’s worth transferring over that’s like the pain of switching bags is like you know actually switching them so what we’re going with and I think we’re going to either Uber or taxi there because it’s

    Kind of a long walk and I don’t want to like Risk getting blisters on the very first day you know oh and I’m addicted to Celsius so I bought some in the airport so I could have some while we were here foreign tasting and we didn’t really finish the

    Little shots of gin because we’re just on day two you know we we can’t we gotta Pace ourselves you know we can’t go too hard on afternoon of day two so we are on our way to a little cocktail like light Bites Restaurant it seems this one has been recommended we don’t really

    Know anything about this oh wait this is a store that I think we should go into later it’s like a good little gift shop it’s all local stuff do you want anyone know yeah okay okay my camera is doing a flashy light thing because of the lighting in here but I’m

    Trying to show you that they have this cocktail chest experience and I think we’re gonna do it okay wait I just don’t think I can film in here because I’m gonna give someone a seizure we didn’t end up doing the chest but we did get

    Three small plates a glass of wine and a gimlet apologies for the lighting I don’t know how to fix this but it is delicious and this should definitely be on your list if you’re coming here all right we’re about to head to dinner I’m just wearing a little black tube top

    Dress and I need to pull down a lot because it’s too short on me but I have on that little choker that I got earlier today I curled my hair slapped on a little bit more mascara and blush and we’re running late so we’re gonna leave right now foreign Day three in Scotland today is a jam-packed day if I haven’t mentioned we’re actually here with visit Scotland so they planned our entire itinerary for this trip we do have like pockets of free time and we’ve been switching up on like kind of like open-ended lunches and stuff to take recommendations that we’ve

    Gotten from other people but for the most part our entire Scotland part of this trip and the itinerary is planned through visit Scotland so they obviously just like know the best things to send us to do and today’s is called a trike tour and it looks like it’s like a the

    Three person like motorcycle I have absolutely no idea what to expect like we tried to like Google This and like research and see what we were walking up to we have no idea all we know is we have to meet them downstairs outside of our hotel in six minutes we are getting

    Ready we had a late start to the morning because we were up to until probably like 2 A.M last night I think the jet lag was hitting us when we didn’t even realize it because we were like talking up until 2AM and then realized like oh

    My gosh we need to go to bed and then yeah like our alarms this morning just weren’t waking us up so we’re getting a little bit of a late start kind of throwing ourselves together but after the trike tour we’re going to hike Arthur’s C which is something I’ve already done

    And it’s like it’s a hike but it’s like more of like a walk you know it’s not like a very extreme hike so I want to show you what I’m wearing I got this Free People movement onesie in the mail right before I left for this trip of

    Course that’s like sloped let’s try this okay much better so this is the onesie it’s like a little v-neck I really like this and then the back is open I’ll wear sneakers and probably like either a denim jacket or that tan a leather jacket that I keep wearing just because

    We’re doing the hike after but I think it will be kind like I think we’ll get hot on the hike but I think we’ll be kind of cold and Breezy on the actual Bike Tour thing that’s a plan for this morning then I think we’re gonna grab

    Lunch and then we head back here which is when we’re gonna like shower and actually get ready for the day and I’m drinking my second Celsius I only have one left here’s a better look with the shoes and the jacket but it’s 10 o’clock now so we’re about to walk down and go

    See what we’re in for for the day you’re hard to miss we just assumed it was with you but random bikes oh wow oh wow We just finished our little trike tour and had the best time honestly we were saying that when you visit like a city like this I feel like you’re really missing out if you don’t do at least one form of like guided tour to like learn more about the city from someone that

    Actually lives here obviously you can like Google it and stuff but I don’t know if you’re just coming here to like eat and shop and like walk around on your own I feel like you’re gonna miss stuff you should like do something like that so we started our

    Hike up to our third seat so there’s like a lot of people up there I just wanted to catch up the Vlog on the way up I have not done a walk or a hike like this in a while it’s so pretty we already made it like a decent amount up

    He just dropped us off at the bottom and we’re going right up there there’s really no way to document this it’s like you have to be there kind of moment but these swans are massive oh my gosh they’re so big but you can’t really tell on camera I swear that’s the size of

    Like a golden retriever here we made our way to Urban Angel it’s so cute in here but we got some coffees well I got a latte Francesca got a matcha and we got a little Breakfast Brunch situation it’s like 2 20 now but I’ve got eggs benedict I’ve never had

    Everything like before and I figured like what a better time to try them and Francesca got a frittata with me all right quickly switching over my purse yet again for tonight’s dinner I’m wearing leather pants and this little black bodysuit just gonna do black bag and block heels and Francesco looks cute

    What are you wearing Francesca um I’m wearing Chris Brown’s shirt Clara’s belt jeans and little black heels too and Francesca’s on probation from Sharon brand names because her clothes are too expensive I’m just kidding but um odds are it’s shop up or Reformation what’s so funny about Francesca is if you’ve ever seen

    Those memes of like who actually shops at revolve like is it just like these influencers um no the first time I met Francesca she had like a giant revolve order and like if you’re wondering who actually supports her ball it’s this one out here thank you today marks our third day in Edinburgh

    And we sorry fourth day and we started the morning at the pantry we got some brunch and now we’re just making our way down the road that that sits on and going into like little shops or having a little Stockbridge day and we’ve been told there’s like really good thrifting

    And cute little like independent shopping shops yeah let’s go in there but so cute I feel like this is a good place to spend like a whole afternoon because it’s all in one little area foreign ER tonight’s dinner is actually like a three-part event kind of we’re doing

    Wine and cheese on a place called spry wines and then we are going to eat at Edinburgh Street Food which I think is just like a food haul type of vibe with like a bunch of different vendors I think it looks really good um then we’re gonna eat like kind of a

    Bite there we’ll probably split something just because we’re gonna have like the wine and cheese first and then after that I got us reservation at Panda and Sons which is somewhere that we were told to go by like so many people it’s a speakeasy like cocktail lounge so we’ll

    Go there as the last place for like a little night cap but I think tonight I’m gonna do a slickback pony with this knit black dress that I actually just got at um Abercrombie foreign We are back from our evening adventures and we just spent a little bit of time packing up our suitcases because we’re heading out in the morning to go to Glasgow so we just want to get as much as we can packed up tonight we didn’t

    Stay out too late I think we got back here I’m like trying to multitask and pick up while I walk but we got back here at around like 8 30 9 ish I put in a load of laundry and I have another one that’s gonna go

    In after that I just use these little they’re supposed to be for hand washing in the sink but clearly using them in this we’ll see how that turns out but we’re just packing up collecting our items so it’s a quicker exit in the morning I also booked a workout class to

    Take in the morning while I’m here so I’m gonna go do that but I just want to have everything zipped up as much as it can be so I’m not panicked in the morning and forgetting things that is one downside of unpacking and getting yourself settled in is you really need

    To spend the same amount of time and Care like repacking it all or else you run the risk of like forgetting something foreign we have made it to Glasgow we took a train this morning we actually took an earlier train than we were supposed to

    Take so we have a little bit of time to kill before our room is ready at the hotel but we dropped our bags and we are walking to get some Thai food that was recommended To Us by our itinerary by visit Scotland so we’re walking there now we’re saying that this feels like

    More of a city than Edinburgh like this is like more of like a new Yorkie type City feel so we’re excited to explore this because it already feels like a different vibe so good yeah we’re in the hotel room and it’s a couple hours later after we ate lunch at

    That Thai place which was so good we went to a couple of stores like near the actual Hotel our hotel in this city is kind of like the same Vibes as the last one just like different Aesthetics but it has like a little kitchen I’ll show

    You later it has like a little kitchen um but anyways we went to the West End to kill some more time today and we went into a couple of thrift stores there’s so many thrift stores like along that little strip so if you’re like me and you really like thrifting go there and

    Like kind of Bounce Around between them but anyways I went into one and I’ll show you what I got I just put it in my bag it’s kind of funny because the two things I got are like new with tag Zara and it’s just because I guess that’s

    Where they like liquidate their old stock but look at these shoes that I got in my size I’m obsessed they’re like little silver slingbacks like Square toed so cute in my size and they were 20 pounds so I mean not like super cheap but for new

    Tags and like super trendy I was okay with it and then I also got this necklace which is oh yeah see this was at the British Red Cross one and it says kindly donated by a corporate partner so I guess like Zara donates to the British

    Red Cross so if you want to try and find the Zara stuff go to one of those thrift stores but I got this Zara necklace that’s like beaded and it just has a little goldfish trying to focus it come on of course it’s not gonna Focus but it’s just a

    Little goldfish and like a brightly beaded necklace we stopped at waitrose this was the grocery store that I used to shop by when I studied abroad so we stopped there because we passed by one and I was like we should get some snacks snacks for the room since we have the

    Little Kitchen Lyme and rosemary chips sounds amazing some organic British raspberries and then I wanted to get this vitamin C and D shot because I’m kind of getting to the point where I’m like because I feel so run down I’m a little bit nervous I’m like if I run

    Down and soar because I’m tired or might run down and tour because I’m getting ill so I got this shot and then I also got this raspberry and elderflower organic Equinox kombucha let me drag the luggage out of the way but we’re gonna go walk to dinner now we’re going to

    Like Francesca told me it was a burger place she looked at the itinerary she told me it was just like a burger place turns out it’s like a really nice looking restaurant that would have been great for an Instagram picture but I just don’t want to change so I’m going

    In this I’ll probably freeze to death on the walk back but it’s okay because I am about to devour a burger so I’m just wearing what I was wearing all day but here’s a better look at it second day in Glasgow first full day and

    We just had a brunch at Urban West and it was so good we’ve noticed that this is like a more brunchy city than Edinburgh was Edinburgh Edinburgh we’re noticing that Glasgow is like more of a brunchy city and I think it’s just because there’s like a younger crowd here for sure

    Um because we have like five different brunch recommendations that we really want to go to that we’re just not going to have enough days to but that place didn’t have matcha so we’re heading across the street because Francesca only does matchas we’re gonna go to that little coffee shop and see what they

    Have about an hour we have to head to this one meeting spot because we are going on like this little busty gin tour thing so we’re gonna like see the city like I said like do one of those things where someone actually like explains the city to you we’re gonna do

    The botanical gardens in an art museum and stuff this afternoon and then maybe maybe maybe if we have time we’ll do um like a little shopping we looked and saw like a permanent bracelet place we might go get one together at so sometimes Day three in Glasgow I think we are off to brunch again and then we are going to take the train to Pollock Country Park which is where we’re going to see the cows like the little furry Scottish cows Glasgow seems to be a really good place

    To like get a hotel room and close to the train station and then use this as your point to like go see like outward parts of Scotland if you’re doing like cities and you don’t want to rent a car obviously to go out the train here and

    Maybe an Edinburgh too but it seems like the train here is like a good Central Point to like go out to see some of like the countryside a lot of people have recommended Loch lemoned but lock lemonde lamonde I think um we’ve had like a couple Uber drivers

    Recommend that and then some people in my DMs have but unfortunately we don’t have time to go to that that would be another idea of something you could do using Glasgow is like your central point so I think you can do the actual city of Glasgow rather quickly and then you

    Could just use this as like your hub thank you hi mister he is just posing for these pigs oh they’re so sweet back in the hotel and we just changed for dinner I’m in that black Abercrombie knit dress that I bought last week in Edinburgh I’m gonna wear my white

    Sneakers with this carrying that Abercrombie bag that I’ve been carrying a lot this trip I really like it and I’m very pleased with this dress I feel like I’m gonna get so much wear out of this and it’s sold in the United States too

    So am I kind of crazy for buying it in Europe yeah but that just means that I can link it and the majority of people can buy it too you know this is what it looks like with the sneakers and this is what our hallway looks like Like girl you’re holding it back from dinner and ready for bed gonna be up for another like hour we just put a little laundry in we did find washing machines they’re just like on the floor not in the actual units but I have a timer set

    For when I need to go get our stuff out but I’m wearing my little pajama set that I have from Urban Outfitters I filmed a haul in here of all the stuff that I’ve gotten so far like shopping wise we have some fake tan aftermath I

    Faked in last night by the way I don’t know if I said that I think it looks pretty good honestly I just got a mini St Tropez but Francesca and I are just gonna watch some TV we actually realized that the only like Channel we can find

    That we want to watch is like a crime Channel and I expected it to be like I don’t know British but it’s American Crime shows but it’s like True Crime like documentary it’s not like SVU or anything and we were just laughing about how funny it is that there’s like a

    Whole channel of American True Crime because like no wonder people hate America why is there a whole Channel based on our crime but I just checked my timer and I have exactly an hour and 10 seconds before I need to go get that laundry foreign it’s our next day and we have continued

    Our Scotland journey to Glen Eagles we’re only here for one night but this is the type of place that like as soon as we pulled up we wish we had like four more nights book this place is gorgeous it’s like a golf spa resort in the middle of Scotland

    It’s absolutely gorgeous but it’s relatively easy to get here we just took a train while it was actually a bus because the train was like under repair so they had rerouted us on a bus but it was like a quick 45 minute drive from Glasgow and then you could arrange to transport

    From the train station to the hotel by the hotel so we’re just exploring the grounds right now before we can actually check in we got some lunch earlier we got some salads now we’re just exploring this is the golf course we haven’t even seen our

    Room yet but they did tell us that they upgraded our room so we’re very excited to see it and because there’s so much to do here there’s like dedicated people that you can go that’s actually where we’re going right now but you sit down with them and like tell them what you’re

    Interested in and what you want to do and I think they call them party planners but they basically just like plan your whole time here based on like their openings and stuff so you don’t have to worry about making your own reservations and trying to like fit everything in like they have someone

    That does that for you that’s where we’re going right now we just did like our little walk around and we’re basically just gonna tell them like we’re interested in anything and everything that happens to be available we need it into our room and our luggage is kind of ruining the vibe but this

    Place is gorgeous the man that helped us with our bags was saying to come back if we’re gonna come back to come back during Christmas time because he says they put like a giant tree out here in that little circle and they light up and like everything is decorated for

    Christmas a fireplace in our room that we won’t get much use out of or any use out of let me just turn it on for funsies you know am I stupid all right well now I’m scared that I might have started a gas leak this is like a little mini

    Bar situation they always put milk in the refrigerators in these hotels because like tea is so popular but like how stunning is this little makeup area Nespresso and then the bathroom is even more beautiful but Fran’s in there right now so I’m gonna give her a little

    Privacy like how often is it that you can’t remember where you put your room key why isn’t this in every Hotel Brandon and I just got a delivery of a tiny little Land Rover carrying treats chocolate caramels and what do you think that is Tableau tablet

    Who made a tablet I think we’re gonna order a bottle of champagne because it’s all we can think about right now I feel like you need to be treated Fran and I ordered a celebratory bottle of champagne to celebrate the last leg of our trip we have how many days would

    It say Saturday we have like five five true days and then one travel day like back to the States left so this is our halfway celebration but we’re getting ready in the bathroom I’m just gonna set up the camera I was gonna film a little

    Tick Tock get ready with me but I was like I haven’t really done anything for the Vlog dinner’s at 6 45 it’s five o’clock right now we both have like really pretty black dresses for tonight so we’re gonna do like flash photography with my digital camera in the room and

    Kind of around the hotel and stuff and I want to have time to truly like get all the pictures because we’ve kind of been rushing through the photo aspect of this trip and I think I mentioned that we were gonna go get like a service at the

    Spa or something or we were just gonna do whatever they had left for us what they had left for us was ziplining and then off road ATV which like would be fun just like not anything we brought clothing for or if we didn’t have dinner tonight like and we didn’t

    Get all dirty and then like 18 years yeah it was kind of expensive honestly to do the zipline thing it was like 70 a person which I mean this is an extremely expensive hotel I wasn’t expecting it to be like an affordable experience but I was

    Not eager to do zipline we should be wearing the robes yes can I use your curling iron tonight uh co-workers I saw this really cute here so I’ll wear the girl kept like her shorter pieces out did like a half up into like a little bun situation but I think I would leave

    It down into like a ponytail and then curled everything um I don’t know if that was a good explanation it looked cute on her it really wasn’t this is what I ended up doing with my hair I did like a half up half down situation I’m kind of scared to show you

    The back because I haven’t looked at the back yet how does it look it’s just like a little ponytail I feel like you can’t look bad but I have my little face framing layers pulled out for all of those and then obviously curled the rest of my hair and

    I slipped everything back with my little Bed Head stick running late for dinner per usual but Francesca and I are matching in Black this is the dress that I was talking about it’s the one I wore in Sonoma it has like its sheer which I kind of just like we’re just talking

    About like the price I mean it’s a gorgeous dress but I just wish I had come with something to wear underneath because I’m constantly like trying to find something I have a black skirt on right now and then I just have like pasties on um it’s a gorgeous dress it’s from

    Revolve I don’t know the brand but it’s so stunning and it’s so unique like there’s not I feel like I haven’t really seen this style a lot Francesca Reformation in the middle we have had the best morning here we’re only at Glen Eagles for one night which

    I think I mentioned but we definitely made the most of our 24 hours here we actually pushed back our train to Edinburgh if I didn’t mention our next stop is Edinburgh and we were supposed to leave at noon I think we’re gonna leave around two and just walk around

    Here and store our bags and just spend some more time outside because it’s so nice this weather is beautiful and since we already had like the four or five days in Edinburgh at the beginning of the trip we’re like not in a terrible rush to get back because we know exactly

    What we want to do and it’s like pretty streamlined you know what I mean I’m trying to find Francesca actually we split up this morning I went to the gym she packed up her bags I had packed up late last night and she still had to

    Pack up so I’m like kind of on a hunt for her right now I could just text her but I feel like it’d be more fun to just find her I know she was gonna go buy her boyfriend something in the golf shop so I’m gonna head over there and see if

    She’s in there but I got my coffee to go this morning and Jim was incredible I did like a little work out on one of the machines like I did a cardio workout and then I did and a YouTube workout in like their little pilates studio like free weights room I

    Could live here I could move in I want to come back so bad and everyone in this country is so friendly and helpful unlike some countries I visited where you feel like you’re bothering someone if you ask them a question like everyone here whether it’s another person or

    Someone that works here not even just here at this hotel obviously this hotel was extremely great service but just the country as a whole everyone has been so helpful like above and beyond I feel like they just really want you to like enjoy the country versus other countries

    They just want you to leave like as a tourist from a tourist perspective I just made it to the golf area I don’t know if you can see but there’s literally Swans in the water over there this place is unreal Francesca and I got one last little coffee chai latte and

    They come with these little biscuits yeah yeah the phone was so good guys but we’re just gonna sit here we already checked out of our room and they have our bags and they called us a car for 120 so we have like 30 minutes to kill we’re just sitting in this little area

    We’re all checked into our hotel for the last leg of our Scotland trip we’re only here for literally like 36 more hours so we’re trying really hard not to open our suitcases one because this room is smaller than the rest but two because we’re just gonna have to like pack

    Everything up so we’re trying not to explode I have some laundry here that I just realized laundry that I did in Glasgow that doesn’t feel completely dry it doesn’t smell bad or anything it’s just kind of like that cold damn feeling so I’m hoping it dries out a little bit

    Right there but then I just set out the clothes that I will need for tomorrow I have a morning yoga class that I booked so I have my workout outfit and then it finally got a little dreary rainy which normally I feel like you’d be sad about

    But we’re very happy because we packed for that weather so we could finally pull out like some sweaters and stuff so this is everything that I’ll need for the morning you can’t really see it maybe you can but this room has like a view of the castle which is kind of

    Insane there you go see it it’s better in the daylight I’ll show you in the morning but I’m just gonna shower because we had quite the treacherous travel day we did get dinner once we got here but we just went like in the clothes we were wearing and I’m

    Literally still wearing the outfit that I like worked out in at the gym like I feel kind of gross honestly so I’m gonna take like a true Everything shower shave exfoliate the whole nine thank you I was so close to skipping that yoga class I haven’t taken a 7 A.M class in

    Like as long as I can remember I don’t know if I’ve ever but it was a hot yoga class so I got like a really good sweat in and now I just feel energized since I have so much energy and I’m already out I’m going to walk to Milkman because

    Everyone says that I would really like that coffee shop and then I’ll go back to the hotel and shower because we’re interested is obviously still there right now we’ll get ready and then we have a 10 o’clock slot to go to an exhibit at the Museum which I actually

    Just passed so I’ll be back up here in like a couple hours got my coffee and I’m walking back to the hotel and it took me down Victoria Street and we went down here but it was like packed with people so it’s so pretty in the early morning

    This is the Castle View that I was talking about we are ready to go to the museum exhibit we’re leaving early and we’re gonna get coffee and pastries on the way I just put on jeans this white bodysuit from free people tied around this little oops Siri tied around a little gray

    Sweater and I’m swearing my white golden gooses and carrying the same bag I love this bag I was not expecting to get so much use out of it I might buy like the actual designer version because this is just from Abercrombie and then this would be like my backup I like having

    Like backup similar versions and shapes and sizes of my designer bags for when I don’t want to wear like the actual one out for whatever reason but this is my outfit and we are going to stop at perluz on the way to the museum but the

    Museum’s only like a 15 minute like 10 to 15 minute walk from this hotel which is really nice but we will say out of the two Edinburgh hotels that we’ve stayed in this one I guess is technically a better location because it’s like on like the little grass

    Market area but we prefer the Eden lock Hotel so you have to like compromise maybe on the location the proximity to like walkable like touristy like notable areas but the actual size of the room and the like experience in the hotel we just like love to eat and lock Hotel so

    Much better than this one simply because of the people there Fran and I parted ways after the museum she’s gonna go tour the castle but that’s something that I’ve already done so I am shopping well I came here to do a Zara return and I popped into and

    Other Stories and I found a couple things that I really like but they’re kind of expensive so I’m gonna try them on and I mean feel free to give me your opinion but like the time has passed for that so this is the first thing and

    Don’t get me wrong this is cute but it’s a hundred dollars and I feel like do you ever have like a travel effect where you are in certain areas you’re like oh my gosh like that sweater is so cute because you picture yourself wearing it

    In that area that you’re in I think this is like the travel effect of I like this sweater because I’m in Scotland but like go back to America and like I probably wouldn’t that night at this so I’m not gonna get this but really nice if I

    Worked in an office I would probably get this honestly I feel like that would be a really good piece to have but I just don’t see myself wearing this a lot day to day I do really like this little sweater t-shirt I forgot to check how

    Much it is before I put it on so that will influenced my decision but I think this would be cute with a skirt even or shorts this could be like spring or fall type of thing that you could wear under a jacket that you plan to keep on all

    Day so you don’t you’re not like too warm under the jacket hmm okay let me set a price for myself if this is less than eighty dollars then I will get it it’s giving like aritzia and I should probably check the fabric composition too but I really like this

    One this one’s alpaca and it’s 65 pounds which is like roughly 80 I believe so I’ll think on this I really like this floral skirt but only if it was like three inches shorter in the Torso I just feel like this is really high like it’s

    Nearly up to my bust but wow that’s really pretty I wish it just fit me a little differently here’s a better look at the print and this is the last thing I’m gonna try on I love the idea of the flowers on a pink sweater but these sleeves and the

    Shoulders are kind of intense for my frame I feel like just making me look a little bit broader I think this has been for like more of like a petite frame um but I love these flowers oh my gosh this is like so beautiful I don’t think the shoulders flatter me which stinks

    Because I would buy this in like a cardigan and a heartbeat I ended up just doing my return at the mall and I didn’t end up getting anything there but on my walk back I got things well things for myself but one gift I got this Loch Ness

    Monster Jelly Cat for Laura’s new baby oh my God I could cry I cannot wait to see him with this this is actually like why am I tearing up I got this at what was the tiger paper tiger paper I haven’t seen these anywhere else like I

    Went to a couple gift shops and I could only find the Loch Ness jelly cats at Tiger paper paper tiger there’s two locations in Edinburgh so if you want that go get it there but then on my walk back from the Jelly Cat store I walked past this little gift shop and

    They had well they had jewelry in it I went in because Francesca’s been looking for a gold ring and I was like okay well while I’m walking past this I’ll just stop in and see if they have a gold ring they didn’t have a gold ring but you

    Know what they did have all of these brass door knocker and like brass hardware that I got for some future home that I will one day live in because I couldn’t pass this up and how cool of a souvenir is this because I will totally have this for years to come this is

    Obviously for a door like a back door something I don’t know I love it it’s like a dragonfly door knocker obviously these are gecko poles like cabinet handles I don’t know I’m picturing these on like a backyard gate like the gate to a backyard beautiful or like a shed or

    Something or like an outdoor shower I don’t know love those these I’m thinking in entryway one day I want to have like a built-in in an entryway and if there’s three drawers on the bottom imagine oh my gosh and the guy gave me his card he doesn’t really sell online he wrote

    Some stuff on it and then scratched it out so I don’t know if I should really show that you happen to find yourself here and you want to get these it’s a Gekko guess he doesn’t sell online he has an Etsy shop but like this stuff

    Isn’t online and then lastly I got this little incense holder frog and I think I might go back and buy a couple more of these because I think these will be fun gifts for people so I’m gonna go back and be still open I’m gonna get more of these little incense holders because

    They were relatively cheap and I’m gonna take one more look at these because how beautiful and I got all of this I actually got one more drawer pull one more like handle thing for a friend who actually does own a house so she will be

    Able to use those but I got one two three four five six poles the knocker and the Frog for a hundred pounds like this man gave me such a deal and these are like heavy brass I am obsessed I did find these on eBay and they’re selling

    For 86 pounds each I don’t really care if you can get these elsewhere just because of like how amazing deal and now I have the memory like tied to being here and finding them here we just had dinner and we just made a return of something that we bought well something

    That Francesca bought on the first day I don’t know you know you lose the excitement and we saw the receipt so return that and now we’re headed back to the hotel but this is our last little stroll because we’re just gonna call an Uber directly to

    The front of the hotel in the morning should I replay the footage where I said we were gonna not not explode over this um hotel room this is everything I bought today by the way um I went back for more of the turtles these aren’t Turtles more the frogs

    And then I got these sardines salt and pepper shakers because I think that’ll be super cute for a dinner party um I got this rabbit tape because I think it’ll be cute for um Christmas paper like Christmas wrapping this year can you take on mushroom I’ve been watching step and I’m scared


    1. Clara this is one of my favourite vlog and your vlogs are too too too comfort to watch you are my inspiration and I wish you have a beautiful week ahead🤗💫💗

    2. is there any way you would post the full itinerary so we could go back and use it as a reference point? Or does VisitScotland offer that as an option? looks like an amazing trip, hope you enjoyed!

    3. Hi Clara, If you ever get flickering effect while filming indoors the easy way to stop it is change the frame rate you are shooting on your camera settings. It’s the frequency of the light that makes it look like it’s flickering. Enjoyed the video and glad you enjoyed Bonnie Scotland 👍. “Haste Ye Back” 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    4. Omg the Primark haul brought me back to 2012-2013 Zoella and her friend SprinkleofGlitter when they used to do primark hauls all the time! I felt instant nostalgia and cozy feels. I can't travel right now bc my husband is working on his phd so I am living through you until we can travel places lol!! Thank you for sharing this with us <3!

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