Today we visit hampton hall illegal migrant hotel in coventry.

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    Hello guys welcome back to the channel today we are in centry at the Hampton Hall uh now this place here I’m just going to show you this place here uster house um students and the students were kicked out and now they’re housing the migrants uh yeah I’m just going to have a quick

    Wander on and stuff I want to spend too long on here it is raining today guys uh so if I have to keep wiping me lens I’m very very sorry about that see the bikes there um nothing really much around there but there is a lot more of this uh

    Accommodation shall we say um that meets the eye there’s a lot around the back that I’m not going to be able to get to it’s lovely looking building I must say there like that I’m not going to get up to the windows or anything so I think with it being Stu

    Like ex student accommodation it is very sort of and they’ve got their own sort of self-contained Flats I [Applause] think like there like selfcontained Flats here we are here the bikes anyway you know that’s for deliver a it just it there so they’re delivering for just it here aren’t

    They there just like us so they working as well aren’t they now um but there is a hotel next door and we’ve been looking at that’s just next door there we’re going to take a look at that in a minute and but uh there is it does look very suspect and there

    Is some uh sort of H reviews on that hotel that people have gone to stay so it’s run by Spring Housing Association so spring Housing Association have sort of let this out today well they haven’t let it out cuz the migrants don’t pay anything do they but

    Yeah there’s a lot of rooms in this one I would say they sort of selfcontain flats as well sorry about wiping the lens guys well that’s this one anyway now I’m just going to bring your attention to the hotel next door because there’s been a lot of reviews on this about um

    About uh people going to stay they’ realized it’s a bit of a shit all and they found out that they’re housing uh the migrants in um I’m not going to spend too long on this hotel I don’t even think I’m going to go on uh but we actually parked on

    Here um to to scope out the place and we saw the migrants going in out but I can’t be sure of that so I’m not going to go onto their land I definitely definitely think they Rousy migrants here I can see primes in the window and stuff like that that is the highlands

    Hotel obviously we got the cones outside says it all so I think they’re in there and in the next door building um I can’t see any security uh which I don’t think they would have Security on if that place is run by an Housing Association um they shouldn’t get

    Security anyway but yeah that’s a big building uh just in there you can see a pram I’m not going to get the zoom out on this one guys cuz he’s absolutely pissing it down and we’ve got other places to be today as well so I just thought I’d show you that that has

    Definitely got migrants in I know that for a fact um on a lovely part of centry but a few just a little bit further down the road there there’s a nursery as well so you know I’ve got to be careful about filming and things like that we’ll just have another little

    Wander on and just get a few last shots oh yeah the general waist bins centry Council they’re empty in the bins for them obviously you can tell it’s them you know take away rappers and all that sort of stuff um or I think the migrants are are doing things like

    Learning to drive from here and stuff like that being they they stay here and then be integrated into society as they call it um let me wipe the lens again guys sorry about that yeah it seems very quiet uh there is lights on I think they’re just all in there little

    Self-contained Flats sort of thing um anyway guys I’m going to leave this one here cuz I’m getting absolutely soaked um but this building was built in 1885 don’t forget it was to house stent students and they’ve kicked the students out so that the migrants the illegal immigrants can stay

    Here and they can be integrated in society that one next door has definitely got illegal immigrants in I can tell you that for sure we know they working for deliver room now cuz we we’ve documented that so anyway guys if you have liked this video do give it a

    Thumbs up and I will see you on the next one so guys we’re just by the hotel here and I just want to point out that we’ve got just over there some guy living in a tent or some woman I don’t really know but a homeless person uh living in a

    Tent don’t forget it’s pissing down don’t forget it’s cold uh so I’ll Zoom back out and they get this that’s what they get Unbelievable


    1. Thing is every time I go to McDonalds just to get a coffee on my way to work the place is swarming with these insects and you have to wait ages because the board is full of delivery orders, so the fat lazy sods who order food instead of getting up and fetching stuff is funding illegals.

    2. Deliveroo do check right to work, need passports etc. However theres lots of fake accounts getting sold. probably a group has provided them with accounts and kit and take a cut of all their earnings. Plus the kit is very easy to get they could just be working for a local takeaway using deliveroo bags, paid cash in hand, plus free takeaway at end of shift. That will explain all the takeaway rubbish in the bins. The money they get from government wont be enough to fund takeaways every night.

    3. anyone using there delivery drivers need to look at there bags….most of them are filthy wouldn't want anything I eat delivered in one….unless you want food poisoning. ..

    4. ….there is a secondary school and sixth form on that road… Literally seconds walking distance. And another just around the corner.. And another one just behind the park.. heaps of kids walk to and from school past those buildings. Used to live in Coventry those buildings were super posh fancy hotels when I was a kid. It's all so so very wrong.

    5. i use a lot of just eat and deliveroo so i cant complain because i enjoy the long as they are working and lubricating the economy im cool with it. better than a chav on benefits not working…. they are a worse drain on society.

    6. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE!!! Donal o Brien who owns the Dutch tulip 🌷 in mallow is buying up a load of vacant properties in the town and outside and Turing then in to iPas hostels for Africans and other foreigners,the town is destroyed and you’d hardly see an Irish head,all foreign nationals,shops and Roma beggars… DONAL O BRIEN NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED !!! The old ulster bank is being made in to an ipas centre and there’s another on in o briens street next to easons…. Please share this on social media,we need to save or town before it’s to late and I do believe it’s to late


    7. They normally pay someone to allow wages to go into a bank account they take commission and give them the rest meaning can still claim uc ? And benefits . Hence seemingly can afford bikes and mopeds That’s right this country gone to 💩🤷🏼‍♂️

    8. I'd rather starve than have food delivered by any of that lot. They probably spit in it. They despise us, everything we stand for and everything we have.

    9. The worst part is, young women order food from Deliveroo et al, thinking the food is being delivered by a vetted, registered person whilst in reality, it’s an unknown individual coming from a country where they think skimpily dressed Western woman are basically a free prostitute who will put out for any man. The whole situation is a tragedy waiting to happen, if not already happened. My sister was of the opinion that these young men should be able to work for money in this way…..that was, until I opened her eyes to the reality, having lived in India for 5 years (Delhi being the rape capital of the world), I know how the average uneducated Indian man thinks, she soon changed her tune when presented with the facts!

    10. Hi Joe, you know those bags outside make the perfect little nest box for Rats to cuddle up together, some are immune to any requirements of health and safety
      When every building is full of these men, will they stop coming, no they will not, why would they?
      Remember Food will drop from the sky for them to deliver, like you will have nothing, no food, no home, no family ,nothing and will be happy, Swabs said
      No more need of farmers, food or food getters or farm workers, nope, just open a cafe or another fast food store/delivery , it is all about gorging for the stupid one to buy food from, that`s after it is collected from dropping out of nowhere, like their god sent it because they are so special, delusional more like?
      Loads of men, would imagine they are not virgins? some are over thirty and fourty, what happened to their females, did they put them in refugee camps, we need to know, we have a right to know? bless their little cotton man socks? so what does these men mixing in our communities mean, others that came, came together and they still bother our women, these came alone after leaving their females in a place where they say is not safe, WHAT! we accept this? why do we accept their evident abuses of their own women, they are traitors ? they abandoned their women and children and want more with our women? you know community mixing, A go at our women? You do not reward cowards or filth like these, they deserve nothing, parasites are always in groups for protection , like Rats and when daddy rat has babies it does not turn him into a nice rat instead of a parasitic s+xual predator

    11. The local council bus service had this homeless English women dumped at their residence and over the road an Ireland where others are in tents and she was approached trying to get to the bus stop, she was scared, he went into the bushes and the road traffic noise would have hidden any verbal objections, the Hotel where this took place was near Police Patchway holding cells recently, Bristol pedo police
      The hotel Spa , the bus driver was training and he drove himself back to his hotel when his shift was over and where they dumped this women
      HOTEL SPA maybe South Gloucestershire, he was Somalian

      They dumped her in the middle of nowhere, no bus stop after paying her fare, and she had to walk across two roads to find the stop over the road from the Hotel, where she took a small side road to cut off the corner and this bloke was walking towards her and went into the trees very frightening and illegal treatment, this is why we can not trust them or even want them any where near women

    12. Don’t expect a tax avoidance company to have morals in employment pay and exploitin of illegal workers.
      Lobbying Tory ministers is the only thing keeping the corruption ticking over

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