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    Boots: https://bit.ly/Z1R-Boots

    Best Beginner **Dual Sport/ADV** Gear:
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    Boots: https://bit.ly/CTA-Leather-Boot



    What should my first bike be? A Turbo Hayabusa.

    Very funny, no seriously. What should I get? A TURBO BUSA.

    What is this channel? The premiere source of motorcycle edutainment (educational + entertainment) on YouTube. We take on everything from the best bikes you should buy all the way to praying to our lord and savior Rossi.

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    Music: https://amplelife.bandcamp.com/

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    Taking a trip on your motorcycle it’s one of those things that might have brought you to motorcycling in the first place it’s one of those things where you watched long way around and been like i’m gonna do that one day i’m gonna take my motorcycle to the edge of the world

    And back and then you got onto your bike and you realized hmm it’s a lot harder than i thought you might be sitting at home thinking that you need to buy a new motorcycle invest thousands of dollars into gear or you know go and find some advanced rider course so you can ride

    Off road all so that you can go to some destination out of your bucket list like the pch or the grand canyon or tail of the dragon all of these cool places that are best experienced from the seat of a motorcycle you might be sitting at home

    Thinking you can’t do it because you don’t have the right gear well if you’re on two wheels you’ve got the right bike for the job and we’re gonna talk today about how to get you and your bike ready for a long distance ride without spending a ton of money

    You don’t want to drain your bank account just on fancy saddle bags in a narrow stitch jacket so you can blend in with those bmw boys going to the coffee shop right stay tuned it’s going to be a good one That is right it’s another list that’s not really a list because i’m in here and not in the closet shouting well some of it is gonna be shouted in a closet you’ll see eventually just stick with me and we’re gonna start out today with the first thing you don’t need to buy a

    Touring motorcycle to go touring on your motorcycle if you have two wheels it can go basically wherever you want to take it yes some motorcycles will struggle going long distance i’m thinking bikes like maybe a wr250 with a tiny little thumper you’re probably not going to

    Have a great time on it and similarly with super sports you’re really not going to have a lot of fun you’re not going to be able to cover distance effectively because you’re going to need to get off and do a bunch of stretches and make sure that your

    Back is in one piece and that’s not a lot of fun however if you do have any motorcycle you can get it ready to go long distance and you don’t need to run out and buy a whole nother bike and even if you want to you don’t need to spend

    Thousands upon thousands of dollars for the king gold wing you just need to get a motorcycle that’s a little bit more comfortable and something that you have enough power to pass on the highway now if you already have a bike like this tuono right here it’s worth remembering

    That aprilia actually has made the tuono more sport touring oriented which is wild because it’s making 175 horsepower but they have made this a more touring biased motorcycle obviously we have the factory here but you can get yourself all the non-factory bits and bobs put it

    On your factory be ready to go we are going to talk mods a little bit later on but i really want to impress upon you guys the fact that you do not need a special motorcycle to go touring i’ve done long days on my smcr i’ve done long

    Days on my drz and been just fine that is 300-ish miles or something like that in a day which i know some of the gatekeepers out there are going to be saying that that’s not real long-distance riding well to some people it is some people they just ride around

    Their local town and 300 miles is a big day for them so if you’re thinking about going out and riding i would say just take the bike you got and see what it’s like this might sound obvious but you need to know where you’re going and how

    Long it’s going to take but you don’t want to just take the most direct route to your destination because while it might sound corny it’s the journey and not the destination if all you’re doing is slamming it down route 66 that’s gonna suck after hour number two but if

    You add a few diversions maybe some back roads down some local twisties then you’re gonna have a lot more fun because touring dads have nothing better to do with their days they spend a lot of time logging their routes and documenting roads that you can take to avoid

    Highways and see cool sites spending a little time on the internet looking at cities or towns that you’re going to be passing through will give you at least a few places to check out and avoid to keep you from getting stuck in traffic another thing to consider is your fuel

    Range this isn’t too big of a concern if you’re staying on blacktop but for you adv boys who like to venture off into the woods guess what there aren’t a bunch of gas stations out in the sticks if you’re gonna travel through long stretches without gas stations you’ll

    Want to make sure that you’re carrying some extra gas honestly though in my experience carrying some extra gas isn’t a bad idea regardless the next thing you’re going to want to do when you’re getting ready to go on a big ride is actually do your basic maintenance now

    That might seem obvious because you’re going to probably go over 600 miles or whatever but you want to make sure that your motorcycle is in good shape before you commit it to the long haul highway route that you’re taking it on because if you bust your chain 300 miles in

    You’re going to need to fix it on the side of the road and if you don’t have a master link blah blah blah it could be a nightmare so obviously you want to make sure that you’re doing all your basic maintenance this includes stuff like making sure

    That your chain is in good shape obviously your sprockets are in good shape make sure that your cables are cleaned and lubed make sure that you have enough oil in your motorcycle that’s one thing that i see a lot of people be like oh it’s a modern

    Motorcycle it’s not going to burn oil you never know you might have yourself a little bit low on oil and then running at high rpm on the highway you end up burning through more oil than you think so make sure that you’ve done all of that basic maintenance before you even

    Get out on the road and that is also going to include tires too before i forget make sure that your tires have plenty of life on them make sure that that nice center band has tread on it and if your tires are low air them up

    Like we talked about in the last list video you want to make sure that your bike is in good shape now it doesn’t just include basic maintenance either if you’re getting out on the road and you think you’re going to do 1500 miles or something like that and your valves are

    Due in 500 miles you don’t want to be halfway through your trip trying to find yourself some kawasaki or ducati dealership in the middle of like marfa texas where there’s literally nothing but art studios and cactuses basically you don’t want to have to be searching for a spot halfway

    Through your trip to do big maintenance items if you’re like five or six hundred miles away from your next major service interval just get it done early there’s no difference between servicing a motorcycle 500 miles early versus right at the service interval you’re going to be just fine and most

    Shops are more than happy to take your cash for it you just might need to accelerate the rest of your maintenance schedule just a little bit or who knows maybe you buy yourself an extra 500 miles before you need to go out get your bike serviced again so before you hit

    The road do maintenance on your motorcycle now this is the fun part or at least it was for me i like checking out parts online and then waiting for them to show up it’s like christmas morning whenever i’m feeling financially irresponsible now if you’re anything

    Like me you looked up a bunch of videos on touring mods for motorcycles and saw a bunch of cool looking stuff like new windscreens dashboard companions speakers hard cases vibration dampening mounts for your handlebars and then by the time you added them all to your cart you were horrified at the price yeah

    I’ve been there but you don’t need to spend your kids college tuition on a set of hard cases for your motorcycle if you’re looking to load up your bike for the road then i would highly recommend spending your cash on things that actually make a difference first just

    Look at a set of throw over saddlebags they are way cheaper than hard cases and you can usually find a solid set for around 100 to 150 bucks and if you get some more bike specific ones they can be a little bit more expensive next up look

    At some wind protection if you’re on a naked bike you can pick up any of the universal windscreens that do a solid job keeping the wind off you and if you already have one and just need a little bit more protection you can get the clip-on thing that for some reason costs

    As much as a windscreen on their own but they actually do work then i would recommend a cruise control throttle lock don’t get the one that goes on the end of the handlebar rather get one that clips onto the handlebar itself and rests on the brake lever or squeezes the

    Throttle closed they’re usually dirt cheap and while i used to think that they were a safety hazard i’ve softened on that outlook a little the last thing i would recommend upgrading is your seat if you can sit on your bike comfortably for longer then you’ll actually enjoy

    The trip rather than begging for death anything else is icing on the cake and while you’re looking at mods don’t forget to click the link down below to shop.yammynew.com where you can check out all sorts of luggage options from tail bags to tank bags to all sorts of

    Saddle bags you can throw over adventure bikes naked bikes any sort of motorcycle you want and while you’re there don’t forget to look at all the other parts that we’ve got we’ve got sport touring rubber mods for your motorcycle as well as some gear for you to wear while

    You’re out on the road click that link down below and go to shop.yummy new back code check out all the kinds of cool gear that you can get for your motorcycle and remember every dollar that you spend is an entry to win one of our giveaway motorcycles alrighty folks

    The next thing i want to talk about after you’ve bought all your cool new saddlebags is what should you put in it how should you pack your motorcycle obviously do not pack your bike like this this is just to illustrate a point i just took a bunch of stuff that’s

    Lying around the shop and i just stacked it on the toner while precarious like to prove a point don’t do this obviously you’re going to put stuff in your saddlebags you’re going to strap it down nice with bungee cords you want to make sure that load isn’t going to shift

    On you while you’re riding because then you have to take it all off put it back on again another thing you want to consider when you’re loading up your saddle bags make sure that if you have a roadside tool kit if you’re carrying oil for your motorcycle if you have anything

    That you’re going to need at a moment’s notice that it’s not buried at the bottom of your saddlebags you don’t want to catch a flat on your bike have to dig through your socks your underwear your toothbrush just to get to your patch kit keep it on the top of your saddle bags

    Another thing to consider you don’t want one saddlebag to be a lot heavier than the other one especially if you’re using a throw over kind because that can cause them to slip as the motorcycle vibrates you want the load to be nice and even across the back of the bike now while

    We’re talking about weight on the back of the motorcycle unless you are on a klr 650 your motorcycle does have a gross vehicle capacity the klr just doesn’t have one because those riders have been stacking crap on the back of those bikes forever and they just seem to work

    That won’t work on a bike like this you want to make sure that you’re not overloading the back of the bike if you’re carrying a bunch of bricks and stuff like that you really need to consider what you’re bringing along you don’t need 40 pounds worth of clothes for a couple

    Of days worth of riding you want to make sure that that stuff is you leave some stuff at home you don’t want to have to unpack everything and put it back in your bags again it’s just a lot of work keep your load light so it keeps the bike nice and

    Balanced too much load at the back might make it a little bit easier to wheely but it’s also going to affect the handling of your motorcycle that’s one thing to consider now while i have this poor tuono loaded down haphazardly with all this crap that i had lying around

    The shop it is worth pointing out that if you are getting out on the road for the first time with a bunch of stuff on your motorcycle and you haven’t done it in the past your bike is going to handle differently than it does with no

    Passenger no pillion no load on the back of it you should go practice with all this gear on your bike load it up the day before you go leave or the week before you go leave practice riding with the stuff on your motorcycle because it’s going to change the handling you

    Might find that you need to adjust the preload on your motorcycle or you need to adjust how much stuff you’re carrying with you because your bike just handles too funny or you need different you just need a different setup it’s best to find that stuff out when you can actually

    Pull over and solve it rather than five miles down the road you have to turn around drop a bunch of stuff off back at home and then get back out on the road find it out early especially if you’re stuck in an area where it’s cold right

    Now you don’t you don’t have anything better to do let’s go try it before you have to actually go test this setup out on the road alrighty ladies and gents the last thing on my list today is stop and take breaks while you’re out on the

    Road the last thing you want to do is turn your fun adventure into some grueling slog because you need to get where you’re going you have a schedule to keep to or you just want to shave time on the road and you’re just going to ride through the night or something

    Like that you need to know when to just stay step back from the bike call it quits and go get a sandwich i mean you really do want to just take a couple of breaks not just pull over for gas and walk around the gas station for a little

    Bit you want to be off the bike for a good little bit of time so you can actually recover get your head out of your helmet so you can get the ringing in your ears out so that you can you know get that pressure off the side of

    Your head where your sunglasses were whatever you want to make sure that you can actually enjoy riding the bike as opposed to turning it into some endurance test a lot of times you might be riding with somebody who’s like a veteran of long distance riding and they’re sitting there being like come on

    Just another 100 miles man but no if you need to stop and take a break just stop and take a break plus maybe you might see something cool while you’re out there you might pull into some national park and like take a hike or something like that

    That’s kind of the point of going on one of these long distance rides is seeing some stuff along the way so don’t be afraid to stop and smell the roses as it were now with all that being said those are my seven tips for long distance riding i am planning on getting

    Myself a lot more long distance riding coming up this season we’ll see what bike i end up doing it on because as some of you might know my bike situation is fluid right now but i want you guys to go out and ride just go somewhere even if it’s only 300 miles

    You might ride to some local destination in your state just go do it have fun on your motorcycle it’s one of the reasons why we have them in the first place and remember if you want to win one of these motorcycles maybe this one right here click the link down in the description

    Below go to shop.yammoob.com get yourself some of our touring gear that’s going to help you get this bike ready to roll so you can go see what’s over the horizon but until the next one i’ll catch you guys later keep watching yammy noob keep watching yammy new keep watching yay me noob keep

    Watching yeah me jump cake watch it gaby


    1. what about the YouTube sensation that go around the world on a small Vespa, scooter! you actually ever talked with him?… he is not complaining much! and his vespa is like the worst ever made machine for what he is doing, but still makes more miles than 90% of us here watching..

    2. Nice post, I have a mint BMW R1150R but I would never go touring on it, (I Just don't trust it and it's hard work) I always use my Honda Forza 350 maxi scooter, loads of storage, weather protection, and cruising at 70 – 80 MPH sometimes all day it returns 80+ MPG. And it is far more comfortable than my BMW

    3. Areostich suits aren’t just for BMW riding coffee shop “tours”. I’ve logged a lot of miles on many different motorcycles. Yes the motorcycle will make a huge difference in comfortability on longer rides; however, having the best gear (Aerostich suit) on the least capable bike creates new opportunities. I would even argue (through experience) the gear you wear is actually equally if not more important than the motorcycle you chose. Obviously the best option would be to have both a long distance oriented motorcycle and the best possible gear. The way I see it to maximize comfortability for the long haul you have to have either one or the other. Either an ultimately capable motorcycle or the best of the best gear. With the proper gear you can ride a small CC naked for thousands of miles in relative comfort. On the flip side you can have the bare minimum in gear and ride a touring bike and ride the same route in about the same level of comfort. Bottom line is from my personal experience and opinion the best investment a rider can make is in quality gear that fits you well. In 2023 quality gear that fits well is still only a fraction of the cost of a motorcycle in good working order. I speak from experience when I say make sure whatever gear you chose regardless of price or quality that it fits YOU as close to perfectly as possible. A helmet that causes no discomfort for daily use will show its shortcomings when you logged 500 miles and 10 hours in a day. Just because a helmet cost $500 plus dollars doesn’t mean its the best helmet for your head. Regardless of your gear choice or motorcycle get out and enjoy our beautiful planet. Ride safe!

    4. All you need is a backpack and lower the straps, so it rests on the seat behind you. I like the $10 cramp buster too if you don't have cruise control!!! StreetMotoZ baby!

    5. A youtuber dismantled his honda C90 as the boat didn't allow a motorcycle on board while he was touring. 😅
      Most bikes can go long distances, but some mentally can't. Either too hot or some road too boring.
      If a lot of bicycles rider can do long-distance touring, i don't see why any reliable bike can't.😊

    6. i made 12 K (Georgia – GEMANY-GEORGIA) trip this summer on HANWAY Scrambler 250 cc. so yes you dont need a big tour bike, but not sure if i would enjoy it that much on NInja or other that type bike.

    7. Never forget that one Australian guy who went from Mongolia across the Himalayas into India on a gsx-r600 with knobby tires and otherwise nearly stock

    8. one of my favorite things to do, skip the first 2-3 minutes of a yammi noob video! your content rocks, the fucking retarded shit you put at the beginning, however, is less than annoying, it's pointless.

    9. it's so universally great skipping the first 30% of a yammie noob video. I can't wait 'til he posts a new one and I can avoid the pointless content of his newest one.

    10. Agreed. 😉
      I bought a Honda VFR800X crossrunner for an 1000 mile 4 day trip from Oxfordshire to Normandy. It ran like a pig on the second day and all the way back. Once it fixed im selling it.
      You cannot fix a modern bike by yourself.
      So I bought a Kawasaki Gpz500S 1996 30k. I can fix that myself!!! Its been ultra reliable for two years now. Will do 100mph and 65mpg.
      Im touring the UK on it next year too. Damn going to Europe again.😂

    11. ok, i'm on the way to purchase my first motorbike… a humble chinese 300RR (yes, i like full fairings) and i love to travel and go off the main roads, and if i was able to travel roughly 50k Km on my bycicle i think i can do the same on an RR bike, even if i have to go not touching the gas throtle at all. Will i have to do rest stops quite often? Maybe, i couldn't care less, in fact… Great! More time to shoot pictures and videos!

    12. I downsized from a Yamaha FJR to a Honda CBR1000RR for touring. Properly equipped and with a few simple modifications, a sport bike can be a great touring bike. I did a 13,000 Km ride earlier this year and plan on another one ( maybe two ) next year. Sure, the range is shorter than the FJR and it's not as comfortable but, I'm just as happy at the end of 400 mile / 650 Km day as I was on the FJR. If you see a red and black CBR with FJR hard bags on it on some back road, don't forget to wave.

    13. Any bike can do anything & don't buy into what the manufacturer and salesman says.
      I rode a Vespa GTS 300 from the UK to Azerbaijan via Cyprus and it coped brilliantly.
      I now actually prefer a light weight machine for touring as it's generally an all round easier experience.
      If you just want to put miles on the clock and only ride down motorways (highways) then a larger more powerful machine may be better, but who wants to do that ?

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