Virtual Tour with Euro Maestro

    Visit Paris, France

    Virtual tour of Paris

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    Mestro and we are broadcasting Live from Paris on YouTube uh so a few minutes ago I had started a broadcast on X uh but it didn’t work out too well so I had to switch phones and uh so I’m doing it on YouTube live so hopefully we can find those people

    So welcome this is EUR Ro Maestro uh we’re broadcasting live here on YouTube uh as I was saying earlier I was on X but for technical reasons had to switch oh we got a boat passing let’s go take a look at that so there’s the boat passing uh unfortunately it’s probably going to

    Be difficult to get to the word out but I’m going to try let’s see I couldn’t do X on this phone for some reason so I have no idea why uh both phones have my ex account on it on the one phone um the X live is an option and on the other

    One X live is not an option so I have no idea why uh somehow X knows which account I’m on but how does the video quality and audio quality compare switching from X to YouTube so let me know that would be a good thing to know

    B are you happen to catch the YouTube notification okay that’s awesome so I’m going to walk around here we’re going to do one of our Paris walk and talks uh that I sometimes do on X but we’re going to do it on YouTube and if there’s anybody here that was in the previous

    One uh feel free to comment on the difference in video and audio audio quality now I know some people on YouTube if you’re not used to YouTube live have trouble finding out how to chat uh so I don’t even know the best way to explain it but you have to just

    Organize your window in such a way that the chat shows up usually at the bottom I believe and you just you just type in there just like you would elsewhere there’s no glare but videoos posted stamp size now that’s interesting I don’t know any reason why it should be

    Smaller except I am using vertical and maybe I should be using landscape so thanks for that uh Tommy what’s up man says Rico Suave how are you so we’re in Paris I was explaining earlier we’re going to have the summer Olympics here in Paris at the end of

    July beginning of August so I hope to do some live streams during the Olympics so you can see what’s going on in the city should be quite interesting very busy time Evelyn in Maine says hi hi Evelyn how are you oh my God thanks for

    The likes I see a bunch of you hitting the like button that helps out a lot also commenting I heard the Spire is back on notredam it is back I actually did a live live stream a week ago showing the Spire but I’m going to look

    Around the corner here and show you the Spire again I don’t know if it’s lit up though thanks for the Hearts by the way you can do hearts now on YouTube just like you can on X and like you were able to do on Periscope I’m assuming it’s by tapping the

    Screen here’s the famous Shakespeare and Company how have you been I’ve been fine do you ever do live streaming from Twitter I do live streaming from Twitter or from Ax in fact I did one just a few minutes ago prior to this broadcast but I had some technical

    Issues uh so yeah so unfortunately the Spire is not lit up uh tonight for some reason I think it was lit up last time or maybe I did it during the daytime I don’t remember remember but you can see the Spire there but it’s dark so we’re

    Not getting all the richness of the architectural features uh but you can see it is there it is standing and they took away the scaffolding around the Spire you and Steve were awesome well thank you so yeah so Steve is a YouTuber as well live streamer and uh he was here

    Here when was that 2 or 3 weeks ago maybe a month ago now I don’t know time flies by uh and he did a lot of live streams every day and I met up with him a couple of times and uh and we did a

    Live stream together so it was a lot of fun and we even walked around some of these neighborhoods he had uh dinner in this neighborhood one night so we saw behind me no no yeah was about a month ago and on this side we have another

    Church we’ll go inside if it’s open but I think it might not be open at this time of night uh but this church which is right across the street from notredam which is a classic uh Church of Gothic architecture is right across the street from this other Church which is only 16

    Years older but doesn’t use Gothic architecture it uses Roman architecture and you can see it’s uh it’s very different it’s much more simplistic in style so yeah the church as I was afraid is closed so we won’t be able to go inside and you can see there’s some scaffolding

    But the main thing you notice about this type of architecture unlike Gothic is it cannot go very high because it would require incredibly thick walls and uh and foundation and so the windows cannot as big so they cannot let in as much interior light so they’re much darker

    Much smaller and then the gothic churches was really an amazing um uh Innovation and architecture because it allowed the buildings to go so high and and bring in so much light for some reason you were like a popular guy in Periscope as a viewer LOL uh yes for some reason I was a

    Popular guy in Periscope uh you loved your month in France the French are friendly but observed oh yeah Robin is here hey Robin uh so look at that we’ve got another church so we’ve got a lot of churches in France uh not so much because people are very religious these

    These days uh but in the Middle Ages people were religious I mean religion was really the sort of the Cornerstone of life so there were churches all over the place as you can see right there uh and here we actually have some uh some medieval architecture that

    Remains so most of Paris has lost the medieval architecture you can see a little remnant of it here there’s a few other areas in par that have a few buildings next to each other uh with this middle middle age type uh medieval architecture you see most of it is more modern you

    Know quote unquote modern uh over here so this dating from like the 19th century and and look at these roads they’re mandering Cobblestone roads so is this post aze stamp for everybody or just for some people depending on your device I think for some people it’s normal

    Size you love the roads yeah so we have sections of Paris that just have roads like this you can see it’s mostly pedestrian sometimes exclusively pedestrian uh-oh we got a crowd up there do you know why we have a crowd up there cuz it’s Saturday night and these people are here sure

    Show I don’t see anybody dressed up though so the dressed up people are on in the inide uh but these people probably have things like rice and squirt guns and things like that so there there you can see it Rocky horor picture show every Friday and Saturday at 9:00 some people

    Are dancing already cuz they’re preparing uh for the show so if you’re not familiar with the show you not only watch the film but you sing it yeah there is a wedding inside so people bring rice to to throw at each other and on the screen and uh there’s a lot of

    Songs so people sing and dance to the movie people you know literally get up out of their seats and sing and dance either in place or up front it uh it’s worth probably experiencing at least once uh may not be your cup of tea but maybe you’ll love it and uh it has

    Been playing continuously since the 1970s yeah it’s audience participation so most most of the audience has seen the film multiple times they know the dialogue uh by heart and um and so as the film progresses they are responding to the screen so they’re talking to the screen

    With uh various jokes in connection with what’s happening on the screen or with the dialogue they they squirt by they have squirt bottles and they have newspapers and uh all kinds of stuff deck of cards um toast so the theater doesn’t want to get you doesn’t want you to get too crazy CU

    They don’t want to have to spend a lot of time cleaning up but you can get a little bit crazy you saw it when it was first released Robin if you saw when it was first released I don’t even think that’s possible because it was first released

    In the in the 70s I think mid ’70s or late 70s so it was released um more than 40 years ago almost 50 years ago uh here you can see some of the architecture around the building so so it’s definitely a fun film I’ve been to it

    Uh I’ve participated in it you know I’ve done the songs and the dances and you know all the craziness that goes along with it I’m that old well you don’t look it you’re young at heart that’s what counts so uh there you go go

    So it’s kind of fun I I I do in a way kind of prefer YouTube to X I don’t know what the experience is for the viewer but for the broadcaster it’s quite nice cuz I can see the likes and I can see how many people are

    Watching where is on X you used to be a B to see how many people are watching but now they changed it so you can no longer tell how many people are watching looks good here says Evelyn okay well that’s good to know so you can see this is pretty much standard Paris

    Architecture throughout the whole city it’s called hman and architecture and basically it consists of these rot iron um balconies that you can see over here here and everywhere and then uh typically you have an extended balcony up on the fifth floor and on the second floor as you can

    See there so the first floor is just businesses typically uh restaurants stores on the first floor generally speaking nobody actually lives on the first flooor and then uh or the ground floor uh for French people uh and then up on what we call the first floor what the Americans call the second floor

    That’s when you start having um residences starting to get mixed up on the floors here so very cool looking okay yeah and then we have a little Park here that’s closed at night so it’s closed right now but uh uh it’s nice during the daytime to relax and have a little lunch

    Smaller art picture on iPad with comments below and if I expand the picture I get no comments ah but is it post size I mean that’s really small so maybe it’s difficult on a iPhone uh so yeah if you have any questions feel free to put them in the

    Comments uh I did want to talk I had a space last night on X and I did talk quite a bit about AI in the beginning and then it switched over to news and politics like it often does but I think the AI is really the biggest

    News coming so it’s coming in and drips and drabs so people are probably missing it but by 2030 I think this will be the biggest news story of the century and probably even of the last maybe 300 or 400 years uh the biggest shakeup since the Industrial Revolution and

    Uh and it’s not just me or enthusiasts like me that believe this cuz some people are putting their money where their mouth is so Microsoft is investing a hundred billion dollar billion with a B dollars in one data center so if you think about the financial resources they’re dedicating

    To this this is huge and no company would do that yet unless they believe that the payoff is going to be huge so just to put this in perspective uh It is believed that the gp4 run so the the the enhanced version of Chad GTP that people use cost aund hundred

    Million so it’s considered a $100 million run they’re currently working on a billion doll run which is already considered expensive and they have plans for a $10 billion run and a100 billion run and they haven’t done it yet but they’re already talking about and envisioning a$1 trillion run so they are actually

    Contemplating before 2030 to invest a trillion dollars into one piece of software where so you know this is like the the EV the total evaluation of many companies yeah a trillion dollars I think this the platform isn’t suitable for iPad uh I saw that my con is in Brazil

    Is that true yeah he was in Brazil uh hey bro y all having a time change right so yeah we do have a time change uh tonight tonight going into tomorrow so Europe does the summertime at the end of March which was the traditional time and the time that the Americans used

    To uh change to Summertime and now the United States changes it uh uh I think 3 weeks earlier so as it stands at this moment Paris is 5 hours ahead of New York but tomorrow it will go back to 6 hours ahead of New York so so we’ll lose an hour of sleep

    Tonight so you can see all the people out on the street here eating and drinking or preparing to eat and drink so you see another pedestrian street that I was talking about these people have masks on so I don’t know if you saw that there’s a there’s a uh club that we just

    Passed by where everybody’s in costume wearing masks and uh Monday is a Monday here is a national holiday so we have a long weekend so people will be able to be out Saturday and Sunday night very late uh because people do not have to go to work on Monday

    So you can see this street and this neighborhood in particular is just filled with restaurants and gelato shops and souvenir shops so it’s very touristy and lots and lots of food mostly food Sunday what is it in Italy too so uh Sunday is is uh Easter which is a big

    Do big holiday religious holiday for the Christians and Monday is a secular holiday to have the day off so it’s not uncommon in Europe to have Monday uh after Easter off some people have the Friday before off and some people have both of them off uh very very common in Europe what’s unusual is it falls on April 1st this year which is of course April Fool’s Day which is uh not usually a holiday Friday was Good Friday here yeah so Friday was Good Friday here it’s just not a it’s not just just not a holiday uh I actually did a live stream

    On X showing uh some religious a religious procession that day which was interesting uh but in some places in Europe it’s it’s an actual public holiday what is the name of the street you are on oh let me show you the name of the street so in

    Paris uh if you’re ever wondering where you are we have street signs but look if you’re looking for where you would find them in the states on the street you won’t find them so we put them on the buildings so you just look at the building and it’ll have the

    Name of the street and then it’ll have a number up top you see that five there tells you the district we’re in so this is the street we’re on so it’s called Retta and you can see it’s in the 5th okay so that’s how you know where

    You are in Paris you can just look up at the street signs uh which are on the building and they will tell you and as you can see all of the streets in this whole neighborhood it goes a few blocks in this direction and over they’re all pedestrians streets so there aren’t any

    Cars as you can see people just walk in the streets and there’s restaurants everywhere so if you need food in a hurry you can come here and there’s a large variety of food uh and it has been this way since the Middle Ages well look at this we got a tourist group coming

    Through here so you see the guy he’s holding up like an umbrella or something so he’s the tour leader and look at the the crowd of people following him and then he’s going to they’re going to stop somewhere up ahead and he’s going to give them a little little mini

    Lecture of the history of the area and uh the tourist sites Robin knows this neighborhood as she said because she stayed in this neighborhood so I think she stayed in a place down here somewhere in fact we’ll walk down this street so you can see a little bit more

    Uh but since the Middle Ages this place has always been known to have lots of ethnic restaurants so I don’t know if you saw the signs as we’re walking by but some of these places this is the the ball okay the Balkans but you have things from uh you have Greek restaurants and

    Chinese restaurants Italian restaurants even French restaurants Thai restaurants uh we’ve got Vietnamese restaurants so it’s it’s just like a a panoply of different countries looked at the apartments in the fifth and sixth not cheap no they’re not cheap uh between you Steve and cupc is the most I’ve ever seen in Paris I

    Appreciate all of you showing us well I’m glad that that that was helpful to you uh that’s what we aim to do typical tourist spots will be closed during the Olympics I really yeah I mean I suppose I really I haven’t really looked into that it’s going to be so strange during

    The Olympics because we already get something like 80 million people that visit France a year so most of them are coming into Paris this year we’ll have an additional 15 million so I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit maybe even a 100 million this year so I have no idea how

    We’re going to handle those extra crowds across from the Blue restaurant the Blue restaurant so there’s an Indian restaurant there’s a South Tunisian restaurant not just Tunisian but South Tunisian restaurant uh Pizza play look at these uh this a hotel here so you can see the architecture is quite

    Nice and uh tons of cre Brees happy Saturday Euro well happy Saturday sunny day won’t didn’t I hear that you’re getting extra police and people oh yeah so there’s a ton of people they’re hiring there’s a tons of people that have volunteered they’ll bring in police and they’re increasing security but I’m

    Wondering like how are we going to handle all these people in terms of logistics because we have to transport these people around the city and uh you know we already transport millions of people a day where Paris is the second busiest uh transport system in the

    World uh so we already move a lot of people around as it is and we’re going to have to move 15 million extra people so I have seen signs around Paris encouraging parisians uh to use to not use public transport basically and to use things like bicycles and scooters and walk

    Around to leave more space for the tourists uh so they will be developing lots and lots of supplemental Transportation Systems uh to try to handle all of this and then of course you have to you know the restaurants I imagine like all the restaurants I’m sure are going to be

    Packed uh they’re usually pretty busy as it is uh but I’m sure like restaurants will be packed and clubs and museums I I mean I don’t I don’t even can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like so you can see how the city is very has become very

    Pedestrian and the goal over the next few years is to make it even more pedestrian so we’re really trying to limit the use of cars inside the city and they’ll be used mostly like on some major roads and a lot of these smaller roads are going to all be pedestrian

    Like many of them are today see see how everybody just sort of walks in the streets and you typically do not see any cars where maybe 10 years ago or 20 years ago you would have seen cars here we have the fountains the hotel in the corner was

    Pretty good yeah Robin stayed at the hotel in the corner I believe what is the opening day for Olympics I to check I think it’s the 26th of July sounds about right uh so right there at the end of July will be opening day and like I said opening day is going to

    Be uh the opening day ceremony is going to be on the river uh the Eiffel Tower in Trocadero will be closed tourism well that makes sense to be honest uh uh yeah I think it would be very difficult to have the Eiffel Tower open the chodo not that surprising maybe a little bit

    Surprising but we I’m just going to continue walking around The Pedestrian neighborhood for a little bit to show you what it’s like uh here’s something some of you might not know about which is we have these Taco chains all over Paris and you see what it says

    O tacos original French tacos so who who ever knew the tacos were French but we have original French tacos and we have a two or three competing change now they’ve become pretty popular for people that like tacos now if you have a French Taco one of the things you’re going to realize right

    Away is it’s not the same thing as an American taco so what they call a French Taco Americans would call a burrito uh so it’s really a burrito uh and they’re fairly big and they’re stuffed with a lot of food oh wow did this place change I think this place may have

    Changed huh I’m a little confused right now I think they redid that redid that Pub you’ve heard oh tacos are very good yeah you should give it a try so they’re one of the two or three big taco chains here you have um a repertoire Cinema so we have these small independent

    Cinemas uh throughout throughout Paris especially here in the Latin quarter so instead of showing like the big Hollywood Productions the current Productions uh these theaters uh show art films so they’re uh films that are um a little bit more Specialized or they could be uh uh C Classics from the

    Past okay or there are films that you know attract a very Niche audience uh and so they tend to be in the small independent uh Cinemas so uh look at look at the graffiti on the wall I mean it’s it’s huge graffiti several several stories high uh this one doesn’t look uh may be necessarily that interesting but lots of times it’s like a mural and it’s and it’s beautiful so some of you probably have seen those as

    Well like Gone With the Wind Gone With the Wind would be a good example they could show Gone With the Wind or like an old carye Grant film or they’ll show like a specialized foreign film it could be a current film but that’s not going to

    Attract a huge audience so you don’t see them in the big theaters you know the the traditional movie theater tends to show you know these big Blockbuster pictures uh from Hollywood or from one of the the major European Studios thank you very much Robin so Robin confirmed the date so I was right

    With July 26 uh and it closes on August 11th now NBC has announced the host for the opening ceremonies and for the closing ceremonies and uh one of the host for the closing ceremony is going to be Jimmy Fallon so Jimmy Fallon is coming here in August probably a few days before the

    11th uh to host the closing uh ceremony right new releases yeah new releases and and the Blockbusters so the repertoire theories show new movies as well but the new movies they show are are uh movies that uh appeal to cop files people really into Cinema so the avanguard

    Directors you know a lot of the films uh you’ll see in Con the con Film Festival lots of times are art films as well as some of the popular films so um after we get past this section up here we’re going to get into a another busy busy uh part of this

    Neighborhood and you’ll see a lot of restaurants and restaurants in Paris means outside D outside dining people in Europe like to eat al fresco so they’ll often eat outside even in the even in the winter uh the other feature of Paris you see we’re on the sidewalk here we have

    These things called passages here’s one I won’t walk through it but this goes all the way to the next street over so then rather than walking down the street you can walk through the passage and you have buildings on their side and you have stores restaurants bars clubs and

    So you walk down and it’s very nice and it’s Cobblestone and it’s very quaint you’re missing my comment what time do bars close stop serving alcohol uh I’m going to answer that in just a minute cuz it’s a complicated answer did you get all your accredition for the Olympics so I

    Now have four of them so waiting for the fifth one I haven’t haven’t heard any notice yet and it was submitted a few weeks ago so I don’t know why it’s taking so long Turner Classic Movie stuff I don’t understand why France doesn’t have Chick-fil-A so you know France is very

    Slow on getting fast food so if you were in Paris I don’t know 20 or 30 years ago we didn’t even have very many McDonald’s I mean I’m sure we had had some oh no actually when did we have the first one I think it was in the 9s

    So and and not only Paris all of France so even McDonald’s is relatively new to France okay we’re talking maybe 30 years at the most uh and so I remember a time where I could think of all the McDonald’s and there’d be like maybe two or three in

    Paris uh and then I remember remember when we got our first Starbucks uh which was maybe 10 or 15 years ago we literally just had one but then they started multiplying pretty quickly and we had two three now we’ve got a lot of them but we don’t have a lot so because of

    That we don’t have a lot of uh fast food places I mean we have some but it’s not quite like the states so you see here this is what I was talking about earlier how the dining is outside see everybody hanging out outside eating and drinking and conversing with each other um so

    We’re not really a fast food culture we just got five guys a few years ago that’s relatively new uh Subway so we have a few of them but not many we only got um Chipotle relatively recently so we have a couple of them um but we don’t have a lot of

    Them oh what time do the bars close yeah very cool and it’s covered yeah they’re usually covered and they ALS they also have um uh they have like these little space heaters to make it warmer in the winter time but it’s kind of fun because you can watch the traffic go by

    You know and it’s much more animated much more interesting first oh there you go thank you somebody Robin looked it up was 1972 so a little bit longer than I was talking about but still you know in the scheme of things not that long ago so 72

    So like just a little over 50 years ago was the very first uh McDonald’s apparently they operate 61 restaurants across Maine in every corner of the state yeah I believe it you know and McDonald’s is popular now I would say uh I just watched a YouTube video about it actually and they

    Explained how McDonald’s in France is different from McDonald’s in the state I didn’t realize how different it was cuz they seemed pretty similar to me but apparently very this woman got her coat stuck on the on the pole here um but yeah there are apparent a lot of

    Differences in terms of design and food and whatnot I really wish that other countries can host you as a live streamer yeah well they have in the past uh back in the back in the day of pariscope uh so I would get invitations from different places like Jordan and from

    NASA and uh from a big convention in New York uh bars generally close at 2 a.m. yeah yeah so so it’s a very weird thing with bars uh and I’ll tell you why because the laws have changed recently uh so there was a time when the

    Bars had to close uh I think it was 2:00 a.m. uh you know so it was right after the Metro Clos so it was Universal and then somebody came up with a bright idea of why should bars close at 2: a.m. now there were a few bars

    That managed to get around the law somehow because I don’t know they had like a private party after two or something um so was you know a little a little way to kind of get around the law so they changed the law and said now you can apply for different types of

    Licenses uh so you can close at 2: a.m. or you can close at 5:00 a.m. uh so it’s no longer based on time so there are now a few places that stay open all night long and they close at 500 a.m. or 7 a.m. I think the only requirement that they

    Have is that they have to close for like at least an hour so you can’t stay open 24 hours uh but we used to have 24-hour pubs I remember those but I think um they probably stopped serving alcohol for an hour or two so so it’s comp

    Complicated so if you really need a drink after 2: a.m. you can find places to do it in fact one of them was right over here is a was a 24-hour uh beastro you know it depends too like if you serve food or not so if you serve

    Food and alcohol some places stay open 24 hours so here’s one right here what am I talking about here’s a braserie you see 2424 so that means it’s open around the clock so if you wanted to eat or drink you can sit here but it’s not a bar

    Obviously right it’s not a club but you can drink so if you you need more alcohol intake you can come right here to this little spot and drink uh you see these little pedestrian streets this place right here is a little rum place that uh one of our former French

    Pre presidents likes to dine at and here here’s a place um I actually dined with uh some people that visiting me last year thanks for the info if an American wants to vote for the election in 2024 in Paris how does that work oh okay well that’s

    Actually pretty easy to do so there are quite a few Americans in Paris and xats around the world and they can vote uh so they vote by absentee ballot so uh you can apply to wherever you are domiciled in and ask for an absentee ballot and you

    Ma it in I believe some states allow you to fax it in uh and maybe some states allow email I’m not sure about that but you can definitely mail it in and uh and that’s how how you can vote hey Euro Maestro my man long time

    No see my friend nice to see you again sweet calling we got ocean blue our Swedish chess player I think his ELO met now right now is uh he’s slipped in the French there for a second his ELO right now is uh 2,200 so he’s uh he’s really up there and

    Climbing uh what is your favorite food huh I really don’t know I’m not really really a big uh Gourmet although I can be gouron uh uh but yeah I like a lot of foods I mean I can like a lot of simple Foods Italian foods are really good I find

    Um and uh some French foods are really good and some Middle Eastern foods do you like Sweden yeah of course Swedish Sweden people are cute yeah I I have to agree with you on that one everybody loves the Swedish swim team but anyways here look at the

    Architecture so this is sort of classic Parisian architecture right here but in a minute I’m going to show you uh well right here we have an example of some atypical architecture so this is a monastery but what makes it atypical is typical Paris architecture is all Stone so it’s typically Limestone

    Because we have these big Limestone quaries throughout Paris so everything virtually everything is made of limestone but we have some of these buildings like this one which is a mixture of limestone and brick so you see a lot of limestone but you see a lot of

    Brick uh so brick is a little unusual for us we have a few places with brick one thing we don’t have is buildings made of wood so wood is very popular in the states cuz you have a lot of forest um but wood is not considered a preferred material for homes here

    Because it’s considered too temporary you know wood buildings only last so long so if you know the three Pig story you know pigs prefer brick and stone and they don’t like straw and wood uh so here we have more brick but you know wood buildings can

    Burn down uh they don’t last long so they’re cheaper to build typically uh but they don’t last as long and uh in Europe you know they’re expecting buildings to last centuries and centuries and the States you know they’re very happy if a building lasts 100 years or whatever uh Euros greetings from

    Slim and yep wow is that who I think it is I’m not sure now from slim is that the is that the is that who I think it is uh I used to remember how you hosting the Dutch piano Guy young guy he’s a cool artist well Rico you have a good

    Memory so yes his name is Heist he’s also a YouTuber he’s a great guy uh he’s a Pianist as you said and he’s really really good and uh he can play any song that he hears for the very first time instantly so he hears a new song for the

    First time and he just starts playing it so doesn’t have to read it or everything hi Evelyn and me uh you like the lime and brick contrast it is and it is very interesting and people do love it and a lot of people come here to that particular Square

    Precisely for that reason and we have a a few places in Paris with brick uh there’s another one in the 13th and there’s another one up in the um over by Mount I think it’s the 18th 18 or 17th over by Mount but yeah the Dutch guy was was

    Fantastic and he used to come here he’s also a big Disney fan because I used to do a lot of uh Disney Scopes and uh he even eventually got hired by Disneyland Paris uh to play the piano in the in the hotel bars inside the Disney hotels and

    Uh he even did a a gig in Orlando at Disney World you have a few relatively old Sandstone buildings in Alberta hey Euro I I see a pharmacy do you have to get a prescription or without to get medication well it just depends because some medications require

    A prescription and others do not require a prescription but we do have pharmacies all over Paris I think were one of the highest pharmacies per capita and uh French people apparently use a lot of drugs so you know we do have uh our uh uh we have Universal healthc care here

    And so that allows us to get prescriptions uh for very cheap if not free and uh so a lot of people uh take advantage of that so somebody mentioned who was it VG 55 mentioned Alberta so Alberta is a very interesting place uh because we say that Alberta has been ratree since

    1905 so it’s pretty impressive so how did Alberta become ratree well if you know the history of rats uh rats are not native to the Americas so they came over mostly from Europe on boats so they came from the east coast and the Rats started marching

    Westwards and Alberta is in the west and the people the government of Alberta had the foresight to realize that the rats are coming so they built like uh ditches along the border and establish rat patrols uh uh to prevent the rats from coming into Alberta because rats are

    Very dependent on humans so they basically live off of our garbage or our sewer systems so you know they don’t they don’t live out in nature they live dependent upon us and uh so it is possible to set a barriers like that and you can you could have a a large

    Territory like that that is ratree uh however once they establish in your community they’re very difficult to get rid of so Paris apparently has a lot of rats in its sewer system and sometimes it spills over into some of the gardens and parks and then they have to have a

    Big uh program to kill the rats we use a lot as well but usually narcotics they are nasty yeah I think the drugs that people use here if I’m not mistaken are like anti-depressants and stuff like that nor rats I think are prevalent near you yes I’m not going to

    Lie if I ever met you in person I would have gotten a picture of you or even get an autograph it’s fascinating how you had over 15,000 views sometimes on Periscope yeah so on Periscope yeah I used to have lots of views uh yes over 15,000 I had some that went

    Much higher uh usually when there was something unusual going on like a fire or or something and it would go over 70,000 or 100,000 uh not very often but when I was on uh Google+ I used to get posts like in the millions uh but those are mostly Tex but

    Unfortunately the Google+ platform died out and then the pariscope platform died out so every time I get big on a platform the platform dies out so so I I I didn’t do a good job of choosing the right platform so so I I should have I

    Should have stuck to YouTube but I just didn’t have the uh commitment that it takes because uh YouTube really requires a lot of investment in terms of time uh even effort to some extent and consistency so I like like the random nature of uh Twitter and x

    Uh the Paris attack numbers must have been huging yeah I I I don’t remember those numbers but yes I believe that those were those were huge yes uh because unfortunately we we’ had some terrorist attacks in Paris and it happened to be around the time of uh of

    Periscope some of some of the attacks and so uh the time I was walking around Paris and events would occur and the Bon event I luckily I just missed that event like experiencing it in person uh because I was in part of Paris and to get back home I had to go through

    The through the Baton area where the attack occurred and for some reason that day I changed my plans and left you know like half an hour to an hour earlier than I had anticipated and by leaving early I just missed the attacks so it’s probably a

    Good thing CU I might have I might have been killed in them CU if I had left at my originally scheduled time I would have been right in the area where those terrorists were going around with their machine guns just shooting shooting random people in the streets before

    Going into the theater they you know they were shooting people like we tend to think of the theater because that was the biggest one but they were shooting people in the restaurants and the cafes along the way so people just sitting down having a little coffee you

    Know would would get sprayed with their these bullets so luckily I I missed all that seeing you showing seeing that was yeah so I got to show TNN because uh uh Anderson Cooper was here with his team and Burman and um Chris manur and so I got a chance to

    Show them but more importantly I got a chance to meet them and talk to them and uh and I even got to interview Christiana am Manipur who was kind enough to uh grant me an interview and uh so that was great and I got an exclusive because I was the very

    First person to interview the survivors from the bacon as they had come out of the theater uh some of them were hiding in rooms and stuff and I got the very first interview of uh of one of the people that had excaped from the bacon and CNN was second

    Cuz they were right next to me so that that was fun you yeah I showed the Today Show wow you’ve got a good memory Rico I did show the Today’s Show so one of the presenters on the Today’s Show uh invited me to go along with him so I got

    To go into the Today’s Show and show you guys The Green Room and the studio and uh and and the stage so I was on I was on the actual set of the show uh filming from behind the people the set so that was a lot of fun and

    Uh yeah I think that was probably an exclusive too is in London right now or the US I don’t know where she is she travels around a lot you really lead an interesting life it was those were fun times because uh you know pariscope was

    So new and uh yeah I was getting getting a lot of uh crazy opportunities and so yeah I met a quite a few famous people during that time and some of the things I did mostly that was like in the first year of pariscope that’s and a little bit the second year

    And then after that it trailed off but I was doing a lot of exclusive like um you know backstage past type stuff to Red Carpet Events so I filmed like an embassy an embassy uh party at the embassy and things like that fashion show at the

    Embassy but uh but am manapur was very interesting and I and the thing that really shocked me the most and this I owe you guys a big thanks when CNN came here with their crew to film the theater at one point to film The not the theater

    So much but the the aftermath of the terrorist attacks I approached John Burman and I started to introduce myself so look at this building so he would know who I was so you know I started off you know hi John uh you know I’m your own Maestro

    Blah blah blah and before I could finish my sentence he says oh yeah I know exactly who you are so that blew my mind cuz I was like wait a second how does John Burman know who I am so apparently he got wind of my broadcast and I think it’s because of

    You guys the viewers uh because you must have sent him messages saying talk to Euro or check out Euro uh because he he knew all about me he knew about my live streaming and everything and it was uh it was quite a shock to me I was like oh that’s cool so

    It made it it made it a lot easier was expecting a cupcake and found your row I don’t blame you I’d want a cupcake too uh I’m going to turn around and show you guys this building look at that building it’s so beautiful at night lit up so this

    Building is uh the asud of F and what it’s famous for is over here behind those doors and behind those windows there’s a big uh interior cord in a library uh but it’s very famous for a group of people that meet only once a week on Thursdays on Thursday nights as a matter

    Of fact and it’s 40 people generally speaking 40 men who meet here every Thursday can anybody guess who who might these 40 men be so they’re called in in French we call them the Immortals and uh these people have the role which is considered the most prestigious the most important role you

    Can have in France is to become one of these 40 people The Immortals uh but they do die and they get replaced but they’re still called The Immortals uh shiners I don’t know what shiners are aren’t those are the people that uh have a circus in the States look at this

    Beautiful building do you see this building across the river there all lit up isn’t that building gorgeous they secure the French language Robin oh my God Robin comes out exactly so those people are belong to what’s called The Academy fanes the French that woman got this is where they sell the love ice

    Cream woman got all excited for something started screaming oh my God oh my God it has something to do with ice cream I’m not quite sure what that was about but in any case yeah so the academy fronts uh the French Academy in English so yeah so those people secure

    The French language they come up with the official French dictionary they Define the rules for French spelling and French grammar who doesn’t get excited over ice cream but she got really excited I don’t know she was like tied of screaming oh my God but the thing is

    I don’t even know what she’s talking about because I don’t see any ice cream but but maybe maybe there was an ice cream stand here here before I don’t know can always tell Americans yes that’s true they do stand out in a crowd um you can see the the island here

    That’s the island of notam you can see it’s in the middle of the river so when I talked about the uh French Summer Olympics opening ceremonies taking place on the river it’s not going to be on that narrow part of the river where you see us divided in half it’s it’s going

    To be on this big wide part of the river okay looking in this direction you can see the Lou there okay and over this way uh you can see the more expansive part of the river so there’s going to be these large boats going down in the

    River all decorated with the athletes on the boats representing the different countries and then along the river banks is going to be the p and they’ll have uh in some areas they’ll have VIP seating where you’ll need a special ticket for the VIP SE seating and there’s other places where the crowds

    Will be able to just stand and watch so uh it should be an amazing event I think hope you cover that yeah I I hope to cover that as well uh thank God for the [Laughter] Americans yes they’re very helpful in many ways so

    Actually I I I put out a post on X today and I shared it with some people it’s a great YouTube video that explains that the English language does not exist who knew that so it sounds like I’m speaking English and you may think you speak English and you read English

    And write English but uh the premise of this YouTube video and he’s not the first person to mention this by the way as he points out on the video there’s books about it and historians have mentioned in a long time that the English language does not exist and in fact the English language

    Is just badly pronounced French so that may come as a shock to some people uh maybe some people that know history a little bit more might understand what this refers to but um there used to be a language called olding which we call today Old English uh which is the original basis

    Of English which is a dramatic language but it got dramatically transformed after 1066 uh because the Normans who are in you know northern France France uh spoke French and they conquered England so will you know William the conquer in 1066 the Battle of Hastings cons conquers England and so

    They become the royalty and they become the nobility in France so the elite the aristocrats are all speaking French and then the poor farmers are all speaking English meaning Old English and just like today everybody likes to copy the Rich and Famous right the powerful and the celebrities so anybody

    That wanted to climb the social ladder uh or wanted to make more money would learn and speak French to communicate with the with the royal family and the nobility and and The Aristocrats and so over time the French language transformed English into what’s now called Middle

    English which is nothing to do with the old English so old English you you can’t even read or understand unless you’re fluent in German maybe uh but Middle English you can uh because of the French influence uh if a Us official is visiting Paris and is dining the Eiffel

    Tower is there huge security yes hoping you can cover the Olympics yes hey you are you talking of teaming up with Steve on aftv for some Olympic coverage um I think we will be talking about that so we didn’t get into any specifics but he and I did talk about

    You know when when the news events happen in Paris uh it could be very helpful to his channel uh if I was covering it live so rather than just talking about it to show live live uh video footage from the event so the Olympics is like a perfect

    Example of that because obviously there will be big news over the course of the entire Olympics and it would be good to have you know a man on the ground filming it so yeah it would be great if we team up but anyways if you’re interested in the

    History of language check out that vid YouTube video it’s on my X feed it’s pretty interesting uh and it shows like how so much of the language and words that we use today in the English language are actually French words so I should show you guys this is

    This huge building that I’ve been walking along is the Lou and it goes on and on and on and on past here interesting dialogue there Euro oh I’m glad you like it gas on the brain hello beatric be sure to feel free to ask questions in the comments you know

    What um this church right here was one of this church and I’m thinking where else versailes I think was the other place were places that uh Kanye West when he got married was looking at to have his wedding here didn’t he eventually have his wedding in Italy

    Somewhere but he looked at this place and at Versailles to get his wedding you’re cool AF please hit the like button says Evelyn yeah guys that helps me out a lot if you hit the hit the like button uh share it later leave comments later that would be

    Great uh this was actually supposed to be on X instead of You2 but I had a technical problem have to figure out so I I have two iPhones with me and one of them uh I can do X broadcast on and the other one even though it’s accessing the same X

    Account doesn’t have the option for live stream so I don’t know what the difference between the two is theoretically they should be identical but it doesn’t work Kanye is something says Robin an emoji are you doing good on X do you get good viewership uh I don’t get Periscope level

    Viewership but I don’t really know anymore what is good on X because I don’t see a lot of people getting very high numbers on X including like you know really big famous people they kind of get moderate numbers so I don’t know why that is glad it’s on YouTube is I don’t have

    A well there you go am me mom so I I do like to mix it up I want to show you that big beautiful building uh that I showed you earlier that was all lit up that was the Samar 10 which used to be a big uh department store uh beautiful

    Building and it closed down years ago for renovation and then never never reopened uh and then they transformed it now into a mix use building so it has some some residences in there it has some some retail space was it’s a beautiful space hisor space so like our

    Macy’s yes I guess Macy’s is maybe a good example so uh Paris has a few very large departments stores uh so Samar 10 was one of them B Mar so B Mar which is on the other side of the river here is is very famous because they were the first store to

    Introduce the idea that the products for sale on display had a set price and they would put price tags on them so of course that’s that’s common today uh but you know there was a time when you would go into a store and the prices were not

    Displayed and you would just ask and so there was a sort of negotiation that would take place and you might get a great deal or you might actually be paying more than somebody else so it was a negotiated price uh and they came up with the idea

    We’ll just put set prices on everything and will end all that negotiation and either you like the price or you don’t like the price and if you set the price low enough you know B in French means a a good deal you know it’s it’s a good

    Market a good deal and uh so it’s actually kind of expensive you know naming is everything but that’s the general idea and uh and so then of course now we have a lot of department stores we have the Panton which is famous uh over 150 years old I think it might

    Be getting close to 200 now and of course the gallery Lafayette probably the most famous department store in Paris so here’s this building I was telling you about isn’t that beautiful so at one time this was a big department store but now it’s mixed space it’s got some retail space some

    Office space and some residential space and they have some luxury apartments in there if you’re lucky to live there you’re very fortunate because look where you are you’re in the center of Paris you got a view of the river you got a view of these beautiful buildings across the river the con it’s

    Very luxurious as you can see and at the same time they put in social housing see look at the DOR in here so uh so you can see you have the the fancy dor in and everything so this is one of things that’s typically French is you mix in social housing with luxury

    Housing so if you’re one of the fortunate people to qualify for social housing you might be living in a luxurious building like this one next to multi-millionaires uh or maybe more here’s a nice little building too has nice uh uh restaurant at the top and a view and stuff like

    That you’re fancy too yeah so even though you’re in social housing you’re fancy too yeah that’s a good good way of looking at it not into acts prefer YouTube says Daniel Le yeah and so you see there’s a lot of uh nice shops around here here fancy

    Shops and when we get a little bit more up this way we start getting into the more popular shops the Nikes the Adidas have you seen famous celebrities in Paris oh my God many many times so yeah i’ been very fortunate that way uh occasional brushes with

    Celebrity um but I’ve I’ve done that in uh uh not just in Paris but like in New York in London and sometimes I’ve interviewed these people if you look on my YouTube channel you’ll see I’ve interviewed some celebrities one of them uh oh this is a club by the way uh

    Kong to my left um but I’ve interviewed like the the co-founder of Reddit Alexus alanan uh who is married as some of you may know to a very famous tennis player uh so I have like a 45 minute interview of his actually might be longer might be 90 minute I know he’s a

    Very long interview uh with him on YouTube but yeah I’ve interviewed a lot of people uh some famous tennis players Maria Sharapova um Evelyn erased her message and uh you know Robert scobble a a lot of interesting people I think interesting is more important than famous right cuz there

    Are some people that are very famous but they’re not necessarily very interesting I don’t think I should name names but you know there are certain celebrities that they’re known for being famous and not for necessarily anything interesting that they’ve done or said hey your old Gallery is the very best George

    Clooney is there live streaming on Reddit so yeah there there is some live streaming R in fact one of my one of my more popular videos got popular on Reddit so I was in groby it was actually very simple video like this like a Walkin talk so nothing

    No major event going on and I was filming the uh you know like the the ski lift you know cable car that takes you to the top of the mountain and that got over a 100,000 concurrent views on on Reddit you so if you can imagine so it

    Means 100,000 at the same time were watching uh uh the broadcast so it was it was quite a surprise to me but with Reddit anything is possible because of the up voting system so if enough people upvote it gets pushed up higher in the chain and more people see

    It bad speller hey Euro hello lunal yes Hugh Grant and Robert Downey Jr absolutely miserable to Common Folk I wasn’t even thinking of them because at least at least they’ve done movies and stuff you know there are certain people that they haven’t really done anything they’re just known for being

    Celebrities you know um I mean probably the most famous example that comes to mine is is Paris Hilton who they say is famous for being famous and so you do have some people like this that they’re literally just known for for hanging around uh other famous people basically uh social housing in there

    Remarkable I mentioned this several times back on Periscope would have been glad for you to cover the Trump White House especially during Co times uh you’re good and silence um so yeah actually uh so during the first Trump campaign for the election in 2016 in the first year in 2017

    17 uh I actually did have some Trump related contacts and uh and there was some talk about me doing some type of trump coverage or White House coverage and never materialized uh but we had some really serious talks there for wow a few months and at one point I

    Really thought I was probably going to go there and just cover Trump on uh on live stream uh and that was before everything got really crazy that was really during the campaign and and the very beginning of his administration and uh some of my contacts fell through

    Because they ended up getting like uh kicked out or charged with crimes and stuff like that so it was a very very volatile time uh so it was quite funny uh cuz you know I was talking to some of those people uh I mention this okay yeah probably shouldn’t talk about that

    On YouTube I guess I don’t want to get brought into Congressional hearing or something uh do you know penguin 6 he now covers the White House and does you do of course I know penguin 6 so um back in the early Periscope days um penguin 6 and I

    Has some similarities in that first of all we both used a penguin by coincidence and we both did these sort of walkand talk things so I would be walking around Paris and just involved in Wild Meandering conversations and he would do the same thing from Hong

    Kong and uh so we ended up talking and becoming friends and then we and we also met up in person uh so that was great yeah and yes I’ve seen that now he’s now he actually covers the White House so he was he he did a lot of stuff informally

    For a long time uh yeah and so we have uh we have some other similarities in our backgrounds so it was quite interesting to to see him hey you’re what a nice surprise thank you so much well gossamer 886 I’m glad I’m glad you like

    It uh look at all these tents here so I’m trying to think what this is about so normally there’s no tents here right this is just a big Park but obviously there’s some kind of event going on maybe it’s an Easter Market what could it

    Be I should know since it’s not not too far out of my neighborhood but I really that’s the problem with Paris is there’s always so many different things going on but we have some security here maybe I can ask him okay so yeah so it is just for

    Easter so they have a little um uh what do you call that in English you know they sell they sell all kinds of like little uh little items so that’s why we have all these tents and uh it’s just till Monday and then over there we have the the Commerce

    Building uh used to be used to be a stock exchange many centuries ago and now we have a much newer and bigger Stock Exchange lots of security roaming around these tents want to make sure that nobody uh steals the the goods for sales I guess uh and that’s a

    Little shopping mall we don’t have too many shopping malls in Paris I think we have two maybe maybe there’s a third one I don’t know about so we don’t have very many and this is one of them we have some more in the periphery there’s a big one out in l

    F yeah like a little Easter Market so you guys probably know our Christmas markets which are a little bit more famous and iconic the Christmas markets then we have something similar in the Easter markets and then coming up oh my God I have to show you this neighborhood coming

    Up oh there’s one the the public toilets so we have those spread out around the city it’s always so afraid when you film security or police is that illegal uh that’s really a complicated question to answer so generally speaking you can kind of fill them but what

    You’re not supposed to do is is like reveal their identity so I just I just avoid filming them all together so there isn’t any question looks like the church is open so this is a beautiful Church the santu stach they have an amazing organ so I’m just if it’s open I’m just

    Going to pop in for a second uh to take a look I’m not sure if it’s open or not the doors look open but it also has police in front for some reason so they might be doing a a rehearsal for Easter or something like that bonjour no it is open

    So I don’t know why they why they have security but uh the first thing I got to tell you come well there’s a service going On For That come come so Said Fore I the for said For not foree all right all right guys sorry for the uh radio silence there but I didn’t really feel comfortable talking uh while that service was going on but the thing I was going to say is the very first thing I noticed when walking in there was I could smell the um the

    Incense so a very powerful o odor of incense and then uh maybe 30 seconds or a minute later I saw one of the priests walking by there uh spreading spreading that incense around uh so it was quite nice uh very beautiful I didn’t want to show too much so I

    Tried to just show things on the side and the exterior uh but the main objects of beauty were in the center and I didn’t want to film that too much because there were people actually in service there uh so I gave you a couple of quick glimpses thought we would went into the

    [Laughter] L no so I was just sort of like on the side um so in some of our churches are kind of uh tourist attractions like notam so the tourists are on the sides and they can film and take pictures but in the center are the are the actual religious

    Practitioners uh that engage in the service uh so when was 8 Mass exactly so I don’t know what time the mass started but it’s it’s um 15 minutes after 10:00 right now so I imagine that means the service must have started maybe at 9: uh I think if it would have started

    At 8 it would have been over by now I don’t know I don’t know how long Easter Mass is but I’d be surprised if it was that long uh joining Islam is like joining the Hell’s Angels with Jeffrey Epstein as the prophet very late in good evening

    EUR all oh my God planing crazy is here so on this street again you see it’s a lot of uh pedestrians and outside dining and you see there’s all kinds of fun shots here like you have a little Belgian Waffle Shop pizza places bars and restaurant look at this these

    People it’s one big group and they turned usually you would have like couples or four and what they did is they turned all the tables to face each other so it’s a it’s a small small happy Group [Applause] So they’re singing so I think you guys might have recognized it they’re singing happy birthday so somebody born on Easter Saturday yes you guys picked it up seeing the French version of it uh and that’s why they’re they’re all gathered around the table like that a small crowd

    They saw me filming and uh they were very happy to be filmed and they were smiling and waving at me I don’t know one one of the people at the table so it looked to me like it was the girl at the end there but I’m not a I didn’t ask

    Sometimes sometimes they go up and ask now look at this street here again you see it’s a pedestrian street and you see what they’ve done they’ve put up these barricades here so that cars cannot even enter even if they wanted to right so you’re like totally blocked and we have

    A lot of neighborhoods like this um we have other neighborhoods that are blocked only on the weekends so like you know so we have a lot of neighborhoods like that one of my friends lives in those so during the week you can actually drive on the

    Streets but but on the weekends it’s all pedestrian uh this one is pedestrian all the time by the way so you see the side streets again all pedestrian and this shop is really good because not only does it have a lot of like restaurants

    And places to eat but it has a lot of fun food places to shop like uh a fromagerie where they sell you know you have a cheese mongerer and they have a fish mongerer and they have a butcher uh so you can also get a lot of Fresh Foods and a

    Sh or big bad trucks yes it stops big bad trucks from getting in yeah I mean it will not surprise me if in I don’t know 20 years or 30 years we might not have any cars at all in in Paris like I could see the entire city

    Becoming uh vehicle free or at least certainly the center of the city I’m sure will be Center free I mean not Center free vehicle free in the center I mean it’s getting there already and it’s just a matter of time that they close the few remaining

    Roads and you’ll just you know if you want to take your car you’ll just have to park and walk into the of the space don’t tell Steve hi you friend Terry d24 hugs hi Lois happy birthday youa oh my God somebody’s birthday that’s great they just sung

    That the birthday song will you host me if I come to Paris for my birthday man when is your birthday are you coming to Paris uh thank you 86 I sure could use one today at night if they close the street I think yeah yeah I’m sure I’m sure they would have

    Deliveries deliveries are very popular a lot of the deliveries are done by foot or by bicycle or by these little mopeds so we don’t most of our deliveries are not done by cars so I know like in the States you use cars a lot for pizza deliveries and stuff uh so

    It’s not really the case here most of the deliveries a lot of them are done on foot but the other ones are done on bicycle uh or a bicycle or like these little mopeds sometimes hey eurom mro hey there The Eclectic collector I like that the little easier squares are

    Easier to walk on it’s a lot smoother and it’s nice you know it’s just really nice and you still get the the Cobblestone effect I mean the big ones would be fine if they just put them closer together so here’s a here’s one of those mopeds you can see all the the waiters

    Standing out in front I remember one time I went to this this uh fairly fancy Affair actually it was it was at the stock exchange and they did a a formal dinner at night and uh before the dining area was open to to the guests they had all the

    Waiters lined up in formation it was really impressive there must have been like 30 or 40 waiters all dressed up to the nines and all inform formation uh in front of the dining area and then they open up the dining area have to see if I still have some

    Photos from that event how can we tip you so I’m not taking any tips but thanks uh how is trash collection in Paris I’m talking about business deliveries oh business deliveries oh you got a point there yeah so they do they do have uh that’s exactly how they do it

    They have business deliveries at night so for like the big stores so those use trucks and then they come in at night and do the delivery so they do that now uh it would just be too disruptive to do it during the daytime uh so yeah that’s a good point

    So for the stores they do have deliveries wash wishing I could tip for your walks uh well maybe someday maybe someday I should put my bank details online but yeah no for now it’s probably better this way um oh what is this guy here making CPS so he’s got his chef’s hat

    On and uh he’s putting on a little show for us oh we’re going to try when they have samples here look at that It’s really good so I love that they have free samples there oh wow I can’t tell you how good it is I’m definitely going back there it’s amazingly good what is in that oh my God it was delicious wow plus you get the little show of watching him but that was

    Really the best gallette I’ve had in a long time wow even the um even the outside was very tasty so I’m not sure if everything that was in there but there was definitely some um some Truffle in there so that was nice I don’t know I’m going to go back

    And get all the ingredients but that was like one of the most delicious things I’ve ever tasted wow that I almost didn’t even go for it I was really surprised I I wasn’t expecting it I really wasn’t expecting it to be that good but it was really

    Good and like I said even the shell was good I mean it’s uh it was impressive so I will be going back there but this street uh it’s very common on this street uh to have samples they used to have um they closed down now I think but they used to have like

    Three pizza places right next to each other across from each other so both of them would be battling out samples in the center of the street to get people to come to their side and and it was good pizza I have to admit it was good Pizza so this tree has a lot of pizza and ice cream and bars and things like that uh all right you know what I think I’m going to end the end the broadcast here guys I want to get home and I’m not too far from home so

    Um plus now I want to eat after having that little tasty entree so I’m going to sign off here thank you guys so much this was really wonderful I can’t tell you uh this makes me so feel good and we’ve had a a good size crowd uh be

    Sure to subscribe to my YouTube account if you don’t already share this out it would be great if you leave comments when the uh not the comments here but like when the video finishes leave comments greetings from Sweden another Swedish person thank you so much hero

    Thank you Luan uh that would help me out a lot if you leave likes and uh comments and then of course share it if you want and uh and uh be sure to hit the notifications on YouTube so you get notified if I do another YouTube live

    Sometime soon and when you hit that Bell you have a choice of hitting uh of getting notified sometimes or every time so yeah hit every time if that’s what you want uh thank you so much I’m going to head back into the metro and I’ll talk to you guys later uh

    And you can also follow me on X or Twitter if you want talk to you guys later bye

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