Today we take a look at the former Bracknell – HP UK Registered Office, Amen Corner, Cain Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1HN.

    Now it is the home to EdgeCore with the most secure DataCentre I have ever seen.

    Apparantly it is being used to store data for the AI Revolution
    What is the AI revolution?
    It is usually defined as the study of intelligent systems that could execute tasks and activities that would require human level intelligence. Similar to the past three industrial revolutions, AI is leaving an incredible impact on productivity.

    Security do not engage so we have a good look around all the publicily accessible areas including the bins.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    I’ve never seen so many cameras for one site before what is this place so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in brel in barkshire and we’ve just come across this place which to me looks like a data center I have just checked on Google

    Maps there is no tag for the business so they’re not giving us any clues and of course there are no signs on the building at all I’ll just show you with the zoom camera the level of security on this place two fences ballards loads and loads of CCTV

    Everywhere and of course a massive Gate House just there with prison style vehicle lock Gates two layers of gates it does say all visitors must report to security reception so let’s have a little walk down there see if they’ll tell us what it is and go from

    There so we can see that one of the Gates has just opened behind that one so do we have a vehicle on its way in or out I don’t know or is that some people at the back testing the gates the sun’s in my eyes oh yeah

    They’re just testing the gates look even that one at the back’s opened that one’s now Clos in okay let’s carry on just look how many cameras there are wow even on the inside of the fence CCTV cameras all the way around that is crazy I’ve never seen so many cameras

    For one sight before what is this plane pin code entry system intercon system with camera on it turn Styles vehicle Lock Free Gates the same sort of access for vehicles as well this is some next level high security entrance this and there’s the key data center loading Bay so that confirms

    It this is a data center but who for I don’t know are the turn Stars locked yeah they’re firmly locked so is he going to tell us I don’t think they want to answer do they I’ve just pressed the buzzer but they don’t want to talk to us today that’s not very polite

    Guys why don’t you want to talk to us okay at least we tried so let’s get back out here and take the Drone up and let’s just see exactly how big and secure this place really is what about in the bins have they left us any clues in here no no completely

    Empty it makes you wonder is the sight up and running yet or not how new is it you’ve got free security staff in there oh yes it is operational because got lots of Staff vehicles to the right so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight

    Restrictions in this area at all secret at data center we did try and tell you what we was just about to do but you didn’t want to communicate did you so the Drone goes up by way let’s have a look take off so let’s go and have a look then shall We so the Tom does look brand new only in the Middle Lane which then takes you to the staff car park to the right where we actually have a vehicle coming out so let’s see these gates in operation shall we there a slow process getting in and out of this site that’s for

    Sure finally staff get to go home but where are they going what are they doing they come over into the in Lane oh putting something in the bin something for us to look at then I might get some Clues thank you very much so if you are lucky to get access onto the

    Site this is what it all look like you will go into the vehicle lock wait say hello to Security on the left they look very busy don’t they and then you will be onto site as easy as that yes and then you can go through another gate and when you have gone through

    Three layers of Defense you are then onto site and you will see directly in front of you the brand new data center So a data center then how can we tell well the Very extreme level of security the generators that mean the data center can operate even if there’s a power cut these antennas on the roof and immense cooling just there they do also have lots of water on standby in the silos

    But that will be our last resort won’t it putting the sprinklers on in a Place full of electronics we have another gate down here as well is that man as well let’s have a look no doesn’t seem to be manned that one and I’m surprised the rising Bard is

    Down we can hear p in the distance so are they going to show up on this one so you’re certainly not going to be able to Ram your way onto this site are you look how close together those ballards are and when it gets around

    Here to the fence the ballards do have a bigger Gap but they’ve got this rope of Steel in between them so it’s completely Ram pref this place battery level and it looks quite pretty as well aircraft will return to the home point in 10 seconds but as you just

    Heard battery is low we’ve just got enough time to do a 360° photo for Google Maps and then we’ll see where the video takes us next so the place has got great security and it looks very nice but we’ve still not found out whose data is stored here what the company is

    Called on the internet it just says McLaren build data center in brael an NDA client non-disclosure agreement so not even they could disclose it the project consists of the construction of a new Data Center building in a single story block with four phases of data Hall fit out Works include the

    Demolition of an existing hulet Packard Office and data center facility situated in cane Road brel and the removal of existing services within the site boundary so they’re not allowed to tell you will the rubbish that was put in here tell us uh just Cris packets in there and more cups really

    I would have thought there’d be something in that one should we have a look no being very careful with their waist they’ve not put anything in there that can give the game away really so credit to them on this occasion we’re not really going to find out are we

    So I think this is one that must be done a little bit more research on when back at the computer cuz it’s too cold it’s 0° today and I want to keep me glovs on and finally back on the computer we find this article edgecore data Center

    Proposed at former HP site in boxier UK former HP office so it’s definitely this site here on Kane Road former HP site on Kane Road the name is edgecore uh this is their website edgecore digital infrastructure data center campuses built for the AI Revolution this is the future then

    Guys as you’ve seen how secure the place is haven’t you AI it’s coming the location of the DJ audits key ring is under that rock there let’s just no I’m not going to lift it up cuz I had to do that very discreetly obviously there’s so many cameras they’re definitely watching

    Every Movement we make so that’s it I’ll leave that one there I’m going to move on if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. Your vids are getting boring. Rather cause arguments or retire. That's my advice. You had a good run kid.

      Or! End of the day you have a channel with a shit load of subs. Change your content…

    2. Nice video. Nice not to have to skip though 20 minutes of debate with staff in order to get to the content – more of this please. An impressive data center too.

    3. The Panels on building are similar to Amazon distribution centres around the UK.. but just a guess. With security this high must be rather important.. Banking maybe, the Central Bank digital currency maybe just speculating here.

    4. Honestly one of the biggest upsells in history the level of security Data Centres are being sold, as if anyone anywhere is ever going to break in to physically steal the data; yes the equipment value merits good security but all of the centres I've seen are absolute Hollywood-esque levels of overkill.

    5. Are you going to the site of Google's first UK data centre? Just started building it at Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire. It's supposed to be on a 33 Acre site.

    6. I bet these types of companies are processing all of our information including all of our devices voice recordings from our homes and private lives! Any other ideas??

    7. Been to plenty of data centres that look exactly like that. Some are used in the event of a total break down of communications in the UK hence the security. Some even have roofs that can withstand a plane crashing into them. Nothing to do with AI

    8. IDEA: Phone the bin company and tell them you've found a bin in the road but you don't know which business it blew away from and that you could take it back if you knew who's it was…

    9. This is how security is done. No doubt DJ was being watched, but clearly no threat so say nothing and don't make a ruckus.

      It's unlikely anyone else will want to go audit them than if there was a whole CEVA style song and dance.

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