Czech Republic By Bike,travel to the Czech Republic,video 4k

    Hradec Králové (německy Königgrätz) je statutární město na východě Čech v okrese Hradec Králové, metropole Královéhradeckého kraje. Leží na soutoku Labe s Orlicí a je součástí hradecko-pardubické aglomerace. Žije zde přibližně 91 tisíc[1] obyvatel.

    Hradec Kralove ( Königgrätz în germană ) este un oraș statutar din estul Boemiei din districtul Hradec Králové , capitala regiunii Hradec Králové . Se află la confluența dintre Elba și Orlica și face parte din aglomerația Hradec Králové-Pardubice . Aici locuiesc aproximativ 91 de mii [1] locuitori .

    Hradec Králové ( Königgrätz in German ) is a statutory town in eastern Bohemia in the Hradec Králové district , the capital of the Hradec Králové Region . It lies at the confluence of the Elbe and Orlica and is part of the Hradec Králové-Pardubice agglomeration . Approximately 91 thousand [1] inhabitants live here .

    Pro své příhodné vlastnosti bylo území Hradce osídleno již v dobách prehistorických. Ve středověku šlo o věnné město českých královen a této době vděčí za gotickou katedrálu sv. Ducha na svém Velkém náměstí, která dnes vedle Bílé věže a Staré radnice patří mezi městské dominanty. V letech 1766 až 1857 sloužilo město jako vojenská pevnost, pro nezájem města obnovená a zrušená až v roce 1884. Správa města plně využila možnosti úplného řízení urbanistického rozvoje. Tím se doslova uvolnil prostor pro zlatou éru královéhradecké architektury na začátku 20. století, ze které si především díky stavbám Gočára a Kotěry město odneslo označení Salon republiky.

    Datorită caracteristicilor sale favorabile, teritoriul Hradecului era locuit deja în vremuri preistorice. În Evul Mediu, a fost orașul de zestre al reginelor cehe, iar în această perioadă catedrala gotică Sf. Ducha pe Piața Mare , care astăzi, alături de Turnul Alb și Primăria Veche, este unul dintre reperele orașului. În anii 1766-1857, orașul a servit drept cetate militară, din cauza lipsei de interes a orașului, a fost restaurat și desființat abia în 1884. Administrația orașului a valorificat din plin posibilitatea gestionării complete a dezvoltării urbane. Acest lucru a eliberat literalmente spațiu pentru epoca de aur a arhitecturii Hradec Králové la începutul secolului al XX-lea, de la care orașul a câștigat titlul de Salon al Republicii , în principal datorită clădirilor Gočár și Kotěra .

    Due to its favorable characteristics, the territory of Hradec was already inhabited in prehistoric times. In the Middle Ages, it was the dowry city of Czech queens, and it is to this period that the Gothic cathedral of St. Ducha on its Great Square , which today, alongside the White Tower and the Old Town Hall, is one of the city’s landmarks. In the years 1766 to 1857, the city served as a military fortress, due to the lack of interest of the city, it was restored and abolished only in 1884. The city administration made full use of the possibility of complete management of urban development. This literally freed up space for the golden era of Hradec Králové architecture at the beginning of the 20th century, from which the city earned the title of Salon of the Republic , mainly thanks to the buildings of Gočár and Kotěra .

    Muzica:Epidemic Sound
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    I was knocked down heard the countdown through the haze in the face of defeat yeah I was rolled down with a bailout on my own all alone left to bleed out but I rose up from the ground just like I was supposed You should know I’m about to explode Foreign You should know I’m about to explode I’m asking for permission no I’ll have to say I’m sorry I ain’t staying in the background long cause I don’t need your worries No Hahaha Foreign I know what you need I would leave for you but you’re taking somebody home I know I need to move Foreign Yeah I know what you need I would please Alone honey won’t you come up back to me baby Foreign How you really fear come closer to me All I really needs a little motivation to pull you from the other side what I need to show you is my obligation how much longer can you hide can try and push away from me Said to me Foreign Something must have gotten Lost in Translation the day is turning in tonight [Applause] Don’t fight how you how you feel sorry Foreign We Are supposed to be here I didn’t realize Foreign [Applause] Shy Now too many times Foreign So shy Now too many times But I’m too shy I want to make you my lover you feel me watching out Undercover call me when you’re all alone And set yourself free and then you come right back and gently persuade me I want to go all the way I know what you need and I won’t let it down so much I want to say come closer I just want to play I want

    To make you my lover can you feel me watching through the phone call me when you’re all alone thank you You are all I want this hasn’t been easy it’s tearing me apart it’s driving me crazy from deep inside my soul can you hear me pray and begging you please not to forsake me I want to grow all the way you need and I won’t let you down I had

    So much I need to say I’m closer I just want to play I want to make you my lover can you feel me watching through the phone like Want to make you my lover can you feel me watching through the phone hiding out loud All right it’s like we’re running in circles going around every day Getting stuck in the hurdles of yesterday Don’t you wanna go further away from afraid let’s not get stuck in our worries we’ll make our way won’t you come outside Where the sunflowers bloom breathe Look up to the Moon I’ll meet you outside away from the crowd Ed Foreign Feels like a heavy burden but I can’t relate to our actions even matter or is this our faith at least now I’m feeling better I know I’m here to stay [Applause] [Applause] away from the crowd together with us in the sky [Applause] foreign Like I’ve been walking here for days Whoa what it’s been so long I can’t remember You’re not born Foreign Foreign My way There is no fear to erase Baby


    1. Bez ju to kde mimo vy by jste to celisve celkově na celý život to bude cca za den celiplostne vymazaný přes …. VamX….. ..❤. Dcoum dávám prostor politický celoplošný celosvětový evropský. Atd. Přeji vám krásný po té výlet na ty velikonoční ostrovy. Muži v černém děkuji za vyřešení něčeho co nejde do knížky vám prozradím můžete lhát celou dobu nemusíte to žít. Vy musíte spolu být na věky věků a 30 m prostoru vždy kolem vás. Já vám blahopřeji a děkuji či děkojo. Tohle naschledanou…❤.❤.❤.❤.❤❤.❤.❤.❤. Tohle udělá už někdo jiný x

    2. 😮.😮.😮.. psst… Já vás hradem musel schovat. Jde o hodně lidí.

      . Dobrý to bude jako výmluva stačit ale to bylo nefér mamka si zapálila venku a kouří ten kyblík na kref to napadlo koho? Koberec už nezachranite. Nepůjde k doktorovy zašite davydovyvtu ruku a čelist. Hej unicovaco to nemožno tak přijeď a vletět do baráku nevíte cze jsme pytel sterjcu? Říje nebo co?. Dobrý to bude stačit. Neznamená že 140 let sem nepřijedou policisté že přijedou jiní . Povídal by to David Pavelka musel napojit a jako . Počky hrnek jo poslední Zálešák taky šel Kolínem nás všechny ale ten hrnek není že 3x zatuka paní / 42 až někde z české lípy.

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