This SECRET Makes Ragnar BROKEN in Rise of Kingdoms
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    Rise of Kingdoms is a Real-time Strategy game released on Mobile and PC devices. In Rise of Kingdoms, players choose a civilization, join a kingdom, and play alongside alliance mates to become the strongest they can be. Rise of Kingdoms battles happen in real time on the map. Anyone can join or leave a battle at any time, allowing true RTS gameplay. In Rise of Kingdoms, fight alongside your alliance to take control of a vast kingdom. Clash with other players and use superior tactics to emerge victorious in this MMORPG strategy battle royale. Rise to the top and you and your civilization will be written down in your kingdom’s history! #RiseOfKingdoms #RoK #MobileGames

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    NEW players should check out my video “Rise of Kingdoms BEGINNERS Guide 2024! Rise of Kingdoms Tips – Best Commanders & Civilization in ROK”

    KvK STARTS! My 5 BEST Armies in Rise of Kingdoms (Talents, Pairs, Equipment, & Armaments)

    I Had a MELTDOWN Getting THIS Commander – Rise of Kingdoms

    Aethelflaed BEST PAIRS to Use Her PROPERLY in 2024! Rise of Kingdoms

    0:00 Ragnar BROKEN in 2024
    1:16 Skill Review and Relic
    3:34 Rage Engine for Ragnar
    6:04 My Testing Parameters
    10:08 INSANE Test Results
    18:47 Max Tech Test Results
    20:12 Why This Works
    21:10 The DOWNSIDES of Ragnar
    23:51 Final Thoughts

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    What if I told you that I found a usable pair for  Ragnar in 2024 that actually kind of breaks the   game yes I’m serious no this is not clickbait  of course there are downsides to running this   specific Commander pairing which we will also  talk about later in the video but the test  

    Results that I got from using Ragnar as secondary  is actually shocking so let’s go over everything   but first what’s going on guys cheers now Ragnar  was first introduced in Rise of Kingdoms in 2021   when they first put Vikings into the game and  he was pretty much immediately written off as  

    Like a caesar clone a lot of their stats are very  similar they’re both leadership conquering attack   commanders attack tree for leadership isn’t like  super good and he’s a gold key Commander right   so pretty much from day one people just tossed  him to the side and said oh he’s pretty much  

    Just marketing material and to be honest that’s  true I mean there’s been nothing substantial that   has come out of Ragnar being implemented into the  game until now which is a shame because Ragnar’s   design is absolutely incredible rible I love  the way he looks I feel like Vikings are super  

    Cool and so the fact that we might actually have  a somewhat viable pair for him in 2024 is actually   really exciting for me especially because I almost  have mine expertise I haven’t used any universal   sculptures in him at all but since Ragnar is  pretty much a forgotten Commander let’s quickly  

    Go over what exactly he is doing with his skills  his active skill when it’s expertise gives you   40% more damage and you take 20% less damage  for 5 seconds that is an unbelievable active   skill to be honest with you guys 40% that’s all  damage okay and 20% less all damage in 5 seconds  

    That’s like half or more of your entire skill  cycle duration right so even though there’s no   massive like damage Factor on this active skill  this is one of the strongest and longest Buffs   in the entire game looking at his second skill it  gives him 20% attack and this is universal attack  

    This works for any troop type and whenever you  launch a basic attack you have a 10% chance to   reduce the target’s healing received by 40% for  3 seconds that second half of the skill is not   that useful because we don’t see that many healing  commanders in the game right now although I will  

    Say with the introduction of the new formations we  have the circle formation which increases healing   and we have the testudo formation which also  increases your healing I think in the future   it’s possible we could see more healing commanders  probably this year or in early 2025 and if that’s  

    The case this second half of the skill could be  much better as we move forward into the game the   third skill gives you 10% damage when hitting  a city that’s not very good and we don’t care  

    About that in the open field and the fourth skill  gives you 10% more troop capacity and if you’re   rallying you also get 10% rally army unit capacity  as well in the open field the first half of this   skill is the only thing that does anything but  troop capacity is really important because the  

    More troops that you have in your army the more  damage that you can deal now there’s a downside   to that as well which we’re going to talk  about later in the video so stay stay tuned  

    For that but there’s one other important thing to  remember about Ragnar and that is that he has a   double Museum Relic which gives him 35% Universal  troop defense and you take 15% less normal damage   that’s really quite good now of course most of  the damage you take these days is skill damage  

    But I mean hey 15% less that’s nice considering  remember his active skill already means you’re   going to take 20% less all damage for 5 seconds so  the combination of his Relic with his second skill   means you’re going to get 55% of stats for anybody  that he’s paired with which is really really nice  

    Now the inspiration for this video actually came  from a video that I made a few days ago where I   talked about whether or not you need the Horn of  Fury on Liu Che because of his expertise what we  

    Discovered is that this expertise gives you 86  rage every single time that it rocks which is   crazy this is basically like a built-in Horn of  Fury you guys want more information about how   this expertise works exactly go ahead and watch  that video but one of the comments on that video  

    Said hey omniarch if you run Liu Che with the  Horn of Fury as a primary Commander would it be   possible in theory to have the active skill go off  while you still have the buff from Julius Caesar’s   active skill because his active skill gives you  30% more damage and Julius Caesar’s Relic also  

    Gives you another 20% all damage which means you  would have 50% all damage during the active skill   for Liu Che which is an insane thing to consider  especially because Caesar gives you a lot of March  

    Speed with his Relic as well he gets 20% Universal  March speed and I thought okay well that could be   possible so I ran a couple of tests I threw a horn  of Fury on my Liu Che put Julius Caesar behind him  

    And as you can see here our first active skill  casts on turn nine Caesar casts on turn 11 and   then what is this we see Liu Che casts again on  turn 15 which means he still has the attack buff  

    Defense buff and 30% all damage buff from Julius  Caesar which means he casts his active skill with   50% all damage with the Relic which is absolutely  insane so now that I’ve proved the concept in game   with actual test results we know that this is  possible I compared Ragnar to Julius Caesar  

    And I thought well okay when he’s expertise sure  he gets 10% less all damage right because Caesar   has 50 Ragnar has 40 but Ragnar takes 20% less  all damage for 5 seconds and 15% less normal  

    Damage all the time whereas Caesar only takes 10  % less all damage and with the rage engine on Le’s   expertise plus the horn we’re going to have this  skill up pretty much all the time guys which is  

    Unbelievable but on top of that you actually get  more stats with Ragnar than you do with Caesar   because remember we get 20% attack and 35% defense  and Caesar actually has no stats here except for   the 2020 that he gets on the active skill 20%  attack 20% defense so you’re literally just  

    Getting more stats with Ragnar now you also are  bringing slightly less troops to the battlefield   than Caesar but again the 20% all damage taken  reduction is just so good so with that in mind   I jumped over to the Rock battle simulator now of  course I don’t have Ragnar expertise and I don’t  

    Actually think I know anybody who has Ragnar  expertise as well and I know we haven’t talked   about the battle simulator in the last couple of  weeks but Speckoh the creator of this simulator   has been hard at work completely reoptimizing the  battle formula which he says is about 99% accurate  

    At this point which is a really bold claim and  in the past I’ve said that this simulator is   about 90% accurate already which is is not perfect  but it’s good so the fact that he’s made it even   more accurate than it’s ever been is actually  insane and yes he did actually implement the  

    86 rage that you get from the expertise from Leu  I reached out to him and said hey did you see my   video he double checked the data and said yes  it does appear to be the case that Liu Che is  

    Getting extra rage from the expertise so now that  Liu Che is working as we expect in the simulator   and the formula is apparently more accurate than  ever according to him I ran a bunch of tests now  

    I would not have been able to do this video if it  weren’t for Speckoh and The ROK battle simulator   so there’s going to be a link in the top of the  description it’s going to be to his patreon you  

    Can go over there please support the rock battle  simulator he’s put in so much work to make this   for the community and it is such a valuable tool  I’ve been using it for months and yes it is not a  

    Perfect replacement for in-game testing but with  each update it gets more and more accurate and it   is just it is such a good tool to have if you just  want to quickly Theory craft and test a couple of  

    Things so let’s jump into the test results but  first let me share with you guys exactly what   I did so you guys know the exact parameters that  we are testing here now what you’ll see for the  

    Liu Che with Ragnar is I gave them 5% for all  three of these stats just assuming that you’ve   got a couple of stats from every Armament then  I assumed that you would have a 10% Health Rune  

    And a 5% Health City Skin I also assume that you  would be running France because of course there’s   no skill damage on this pair at all and so you  get a ton of bonus Health with France which is  

    Insane I also assumed that both sides had a 10%  defense token with iconics in every slot that   is available here and I reduced the amount of  all damage and attack to be a little bit more  

    In line with what sort of a mid spender or low  spender would have of course if you’re a whale   then you’re going to have this all maxed out  and we’ll talk a little bit later about what  

    A whale could expect from Liu Che with Ragnar  as well cuz it does change slightly and then   for the enemy I changed it depending on who I was  going up against as you can see for both sides we  

    Don’t have any special talents or anything like  that because again I wanted to test sort of a   real scenario I think of course if you’re watching  this and you are a whale then you might have a lot  

    Of talents and everything but for most players uh  you’re not going to have a special talent on your   weapon and a lot of this other stuff so I just use  legendary for everything with a iconic crystal in  

    Everything and if I was going up against a skill  damage Commander pair I changed them to ottoman   gave them the 5% skill damage from the city skin  and then remove the 5% Health City Skin over here  

    And everything else is pretty much the same and  the last thing that I want to point out here is   that if we look look at the Battle report you’re  going to see that Liu Che Ragnar has more troops  

    And I got a lot of questions about this when I  did some Caesar testing with huo I made a video   about that a few weeks ago a lot of people were  confused about that but it is literally Ragnar’s  

    Fourth skill to bring more troops so you will have  more troops than your enemy unless you’re going   up against a whale with a 50% expansion and all  this other stuff so you could say of course that  

    This is going to win because there’s more troops  but that’s the point you will have more troops   it’s not fair you are stacking the deck in your  favor and there is a downside to that which again  

    We will talk about later but my point is the Liu  Che Ragnar having more troops in the simulator is   an accurate representation of what you can expect  to be the case in a real open field fight now the  

    Last thing I want to mention here is that you’ll  see that there is an empty accessory slot on both   sides I intentionally did not put a ring of Doom  on these pairs I know that would be a little bit  

    More accurate for what you could expect in the  actual game but the Ring of Doom adds a lot of   RNG to these test results and look these tests  aren’t going to be perfect anyway I just wanted  

    To get a more consistent results from what you  might expect from these pairs and again I did   run a couple tests later which we’ll go over that  do include the ring so for those of you that are  

    Upset about that just wait till later but with all  of that out of the way let’s take a look at some   of the results and of course the first Commander  pair that I wanted to test against was nevsky Joan  

    I think this is kind of the tried and true open  field pair now of course this is a duel which   is not exactly what nevi Joan is best at because  nevsky gets a more powerful debuff when there’s  

    Multiple troops surrounding the enemy which is  often the case and joan of arc of course has a   double AOE which the value of that will not be  reflected here but the first battle report here  

    You could see that there is 21.8k SE for Liu Che  and 28.2k sev wounds for nevi Jon you’ll see we   have 45k remaining for the Liu Che Ragnar and the  nevi Joan loses moving on to the second report  

    The Liu Che Ragnar loses but it’s very close of  course more SE wounds over here we’ve got about   18K remaining for the nevi Joan the third report  shows the Liu Che Ragnar winning again with 25k   remaining and less SE wounds moving on to the  fourth report once again Liu Che wins less SE  

    Wounds and 27k remaining fifth report is kind of  a tie I mean we actually see more sev wounds from   the Liu Che Ragnar but it does survive because  it started with more troops so yeah these were  

    Very very close results I guess you could sort  of give the win to the Nevsky Joan honestly it’s   a better trade and then the sixth report you’ll  see that the sev wounds are higher for the Nevsky  

    Joan and Liu Che Ragnar wins with 32k remaining  so four out of six reports the Liu Che Ragnar   was a clear winner next up I tested against  Guan UCO and you could see here first report   Liu Che Ragnar wins with 60k remaining second  report Liu Che Ragnar wins again 54k remaining  

    Third report Liu Che Ragnar wins again almost 70k  remaining fourth report Liu Che Ragnar wins again   77k remaining fifth report 71k remaining they win  again and sixth report wins again 72k remaining so   an absolute blowout Liu Che Ragnar just blew Guan  Yu Scipio out of the water and you can see over  

    Here talent tree that I used it was the same gear  everything was the same except the Ottoman Empire   civilization and they had a 5% skill damage bonus  now some of you might be saying well omniarch this  

    Is not even a meta pairing anymore Guan Yu  Scipio but I disagree I think Guan Yu Scipio   still performs really well and again this is a  duel which is not exactly what Guan You n Scipio   is made for but it is saying something that it  gets absolutely clapped by Liu Che Ragnar next  

    Up I tested Scipio Liu Che because this is the  meta pairing for infantry and guys this is this   is insane okay Liu Che Ragnar wins 46k remaining  next report Liu Che Ragnar wins again with 37k   remaining third report Liu Che Ragnar wins again  42k remaining fourth report Liu Che Ragnar wins  

    Again 58k remaining fifth report Liu Che Ragnar  wins again 47k remaining and sixth report Liu   Che Ragnar wins again so a 60 Victory against  the L Al meta open field commander pair for   infantry now I thought this was a little bit odd  and I thought okay well maybe I’m doing something  

    Wrong first of all I had Ottoman Empire here and  I had the Scipio Liu Che with a 5% skill damage   skin because I thought Scipio is still dealing a  lot of skill damage so perhaps that would be the  

    Play you can also see the talent build that I used  for Scipio down here this talent build for Scipio   has emergency protection which isn’t going to do  anything going up against Leu Ragnar and you might  

    Say okay well I’m near that’s not fair but this  probably is something that the enemy will have in   the open field they’re not going to be building  their talents around trying to counter Liu Che   Ragnar right so even though this talent build is  unfavorable considering Le Ragnar doesn’t have  

    Skill damage I think it is the reality that you  would see something like this in the open field   so then I said okay let’s change to the France  civilization we’ll give them 5% more health and   remove the skill damage bonus for the city skin  and then the results changed a little bit you  

    Could see here that the Liu Che Ragnar still won  but only 20K remaining next report they one again   24K remaining but you can see the sev wounds  are they’re pretty close here right remember   they’re starting with more troops third report  Liu Che Ragnar wins again 32k remaining fourth  

    Report Liu Che Ragnar wins again 51k remaining  fifth report Liu Che Ragnar wins again with only   19k remaining and the final report the cpio Liu  Che actually wins 5K remaining and they win the   sev wounds trade so slightly better results  switching to France with the extra Health but  

    Liu Che Ragnar won five out of six duels against  Scipio Leu now I’m going to say this again before   people comment I know that this is a 1 V1 duel  and I know this isn’t the perfect representation  

    For how these things will go in the open field so  then I thought okay let’s go up against gorgo Liu   Che this is another really powerful infantry pair  in the open field and you can see here that the  

    Liu Che Ragnar wins but only 16k remaining next  battle report it loses gorgo Liu Che pulls out the   victory with 33k remaining next battle report  gorgo Liu Che wins again but really this is a  

    Tie I mean the SE WS are basically a tie only 5K  remaining here I’m going to call that a tie even   though it’s slightly in favor of the gorgo Liu  Che moving on to the fourth report Liu Che Ragnar  

    Wins with 31.4k remaining moving on to the fifth  report we could see that the Liu Che Ragnar wins   again 16k remaining and the final report the gorgo  Liu Che actually wins so I would say there was one  

    Tie here and the gorgo Liu Che won two out of the  six so definitely performing better than a lot of   the other Commander pairs we’ve seen before but  the Liu Che Ragnar dominance is kind of shocking  

    Next I wanted to to test this against some Cavalry  pairings so I tested against huo William and you   could see here that we did go back to the Ottoman  Empire we do have the basically meta open field  

    Talent build and they do have the 5% skill damage  City Skin and here you can see that the Liu Che   Ragnar wins 39K remaining next report wins again  47k next report Le wins again 41k next report Liu  

    Che wins again 37k next report 50k and final  report 82k remaining so the Hua William gets   absolutely destroyed by Liu Ragnar and look huo  is kind of a dueling Commander like he deals a   lot of single Target damage and I mean look I  know William is a little bit more supportive  

    So again a lot of his Valu is not being reflected  here but Liu Che Ragnar is literally popping off   so then I thought surely huo Jan will do better  and that was the case huo Joan actually clapped   Liu Che Ragnar here 42k remaining next report  huo wins again 30k remaining third report huo  

    Wins again 39K remaining fourth report huo wins  again 28k remaining fifth report huo wins 24K   remaining and sixth report a clean sweep huo  Joan absolutely dominating Liu Che Ragnar here   it is a 60 Victory so finally we see a pair that  can completely destroy Liu Che Ragnar and that  

    Is whoo Joan very shocking especially because  infantry should be countering Cavalry here but   Joan is obviously insane so yeah this is not  that surprising I suppose next I went ahead   and did a Liu Che Caesar test because that was  the original inspiration for this video was leas  

    Caesar I actually only recorded five battles  here I know it says six but I forgot to record   the sixth one but here you can see that leas  Caesar wins with 25k remaining next report is   literally even we have eight remaining bro eight  remaining that is shocking they’re basically the  

    Same here of course more SE wounds for the Liu  Che Caesar CU they start with more troops we   talked about that earlier next report the Liu Che  Ragnar wins with 18 or 19k remaining next report   Liu Che Ragnar wins again 32k remaining and the  final report was pretty much even more sub wounds  

    For the Liu Che SE so okay Liu Che Caesar does  do decently well but I think that the Liu Che   Ragnar is just better here and finally we’re  doing some Archer testing I know this is what  

    You guys have been waiting for and this is one of  the biggest downsides to Liu Che Ragnar and that   is that Zhuge Liang with Herman absolutely claps  Liu Che Ragnar 100,000 troops remaining here in   absolutely devastating Victory next report 98k  remaining next report 107k remaining next report  

    112 113k remaining next report 100K remaining and  final report 123k remaining so Zhuge Liang Herman   is dominating Liu Che Ragnar an absolutely  disgusting trade here next I wanted to see   if Boudica ysg would do just as well because  this is like last year’s open field meta and  

    Even this 95k remaining we have 100K remaining  103k remaining 82k remaining 84k remaining and   89k remaining so once again even with last year’s  meta Boudica ysg absolutely sweeping the floor   with Liu Che Ragnar and that is with Ragnar second  skill kind of debuffing her healing here which is  

    Crazy so even still Liu Che Ragnar is getting  destroyed by basically any Archer pair that   you can come up with next up I did two different  tests with maximum technology we have everything   is talented except for the accessories we also  have the horn and the ring here we have VIP 18  

    We have Max uh damage all damage and attack from  the crystal Tech first battle report you can see   that Liu Che Ragnar technically wins even though  they have more SE wound so I guess you can call  

    That a loss or an even trade Second Battle report  Liu Che Ragnar loses for sure plain and simple   third battle report Liu Che Ragnar loses again  fourth battle report Liu Che Ragnar loses even   harder 50k remaining 49k remaining for the Scipio  fifth battle report the Liu Che Ragnar actually  

    Does pull out a victory and sixth battle report  CIO Liu Che does win so with Max Tech cpio Liu   Che is still outperforming the Liu Che Ragnar so  keep that in mind all the previous tests that we  

    Did were for low to medium Spenders which I think  most of you guys are which is why I wanted to do   most of the tests like that but at the highest  level Scipio Liu Che still dominating and then  

    I also did a Max Tech Nevsky Joan to see how it  would perform against the Liu Che Ragnar Liu Che   Ragnar wins 82k remaining second report Liu Che  Ragnar wins again 45k remaining third report 30k   remaining fourth report 54k remaining fifth report  Nevsky Joan actually wins uh only 3K remaining and  

    Final report 45k remaining for the Liu Che Ragnar  so slightly better performance from Nevsky Joan   with the max Tech but still Liu Che Ragnar is  absolutely dominating okay so what’s what’s   actually going on here why is this why is this  the case is the simulator broken are we living  

    In a fantasy world no actually it kind of makes  sense that this would be the case in 1v1 duels   so let me go ahead and explain first of all with  the expertise on Liu Che and the Horn of Fury Liu  

    Che’s active skill is often casting with 40% all  damage and typically the March will almost always   have 20% less damage taken as well as a % normal  damage reduction on Ragnar’s Relic there’s a ton  

    Of stats on this pair which is crazy and of course  it does have a couple of pairings that it loses to   it loses to the huo Joan it loses to basically  every Archer March which we would expect because  

    It’s infantry it’s all infantry but besides that  this pairing is shockingly good in 1V1 duels and   I know most of the time you’re not going to be  doing 1V1 duels but Liu Che does still have AOE  

    You are still going to be dealing insane amounts  of AOE damage with this pairing in the open field   so let’s not pretend like you know you’re going  to be useless if you actually ran this you could  

    Have some success but remember at the beginning  of the video I said that there were some downsides   and they are definitely some downsides what are  the downsides here first of all Ragnar has zero  

    March speed no March speed at all on his kit no  Mar speed on his Relic nothing so that means that   you’re going to be running relatively slow now you  do have 20% March speed on Liu Che and as I talked  

    About in some of my previous most recent videos  there are a lot of ways that you can get March   speed with the four piece set bonus for infantry  also the tier four and tier five iconic upgrades  

    Give you extra March speed so you won’t be the  slowest thing in the world you’ll be a little   bit faster than you might expect if you are  able to do those things and get those March  

    Speed upgrades but at the end of the day you  will still be one of the slower marches in the   open field which is a huge downside definitely I  don’t want to gloss over that no March speed on  

    Ragnar he’s basically think about it like this he  is as slow as gorgo he is as slow as Leonidas he   is he is slow another downside here is both these  commanders have to be expertised and of course  

    Very few players have Ragnar expertised the reason  for this is because it bumps this from 4 seconds   to 5 seconds and that extra second really makes a  difference when you’re trying to cast the active  

    Skill of Le Liu Che during the 40% all damage plus  it is a pretty big bump in stats here right so you   absolutely need the expertise on Ragnar to make  this work and of course you need the expertise on  

    Leu to get the bonus rage in order to make it work  as well another massive downside of this pairing   is you know I said earlier that more troops equals  more damage and that’s true always but that’s only   when you’re winning when you have more troops and  you’re losing for example you’re fighting against  

    A Zhuge Liang Herman that means your hospital will  be filled very quickly because you have way more   troops and you’re getting destroyed in the trade  Department the Liu Che Herman was like what three  

    Or four to one right so if you do find yourself in  a scenario where you are getting just Mega swarmed   or all the archers are targeting you you will get  absolutely wrecked and fill your hospital very  

    Quickly so that is another huge downside and of  course he has no March speed so you can’t run away   and the final downside is that through some more  testing it looks to be the case that when everyone  

    Is Max Tech and everyone has Max everything this  pairing seems to perform a little bit worse than   if we assume you know sort of a low to mid spend  from a armament perspective and from a equipment  

    Perspective and the reason for that is because as  all the stats are inflated the benefit from the   35% defense on his Relic isn’t as meaningful the  benefit of the 20% attack here isn’t as meaningful   now again if you’re watching this and you do have  special talents on all your gear then congrats  

    You’re in the 0.1% of all players so this video  is not really for you but that also kind of means   that it is for you because you’re probably one of  the only people that has Ragnar expertise right  

    So it’s a little bit of a weird pairing there’s  a lot of obvious downsides to the pairing but I   think it is shocking how good it is and you saw  the day you saw how many pairs Liu Che Ragnar  

    Absolutely clapped so I wanted to make this video  to give you guys sort of a Fresh Approach sort of   an off meta unique thing that you could try if  it is something that you have access to which is  

    Very few of you but it’s also just interesting to  talk about a commander that is so often overlooked   nobody ever talks about Ragnar anymore and I feel  like the results here are actually really good so  

    It would definitely be interesting to see if some  of the whales test this out see how it actually   works in the Battlefield based on my current  Ragnar skill distribution um I will probably  

    Have him expertised in a year so yeah maybe I will  test it then but guys if you made it all the way   to the end of this video drop a thumbs up on it  it really helps out the channel a ton it helps  

    Get this video out into the YouTube algorithm so  the rise of King players might see it while you’re   down there consider subscribing to the channel  and clicking the Bell to be notified the next  

    Time I upload a rise of kin video and comment down  below what you think about this do you think that   this only works well on paper in 1 V 1s or do you  think that you could actually do something with  

    This in the open field I would love to hear from  you guys and I really hope that someone tries this   cuz it would be so funny to see just absolute  gigachad trades with one of the most forgotten  

    And useless legendaries in the game and finally  do not forget to go down in the description and   support the rock battle simulator again it is  more accurate now than ever Speckoh has been   hard at work for the past couple of weeks putting  adjustments in there you can also do 5 and 10x  

    Speed with this so you can actually speed through  the results a lot quicker than you ever have been   before so definitely go ahead and support the  rock battle simulator and guys with that being   said thank you so much for watching this has been  Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon peace


    1. А разве не более корректно было сравнивать отчеты пехотной дуэли при наличии одинаковых цивилизаций (Франция)?

    2. From my tests, LC Leo is better than Caesar and Ragnar. Not much better, it's just there's no need to wait for the second cycle and still deal same amount of damage.

    3. this is nowhere as good as it seems most of the time you will be running around in open field and just getting hit by aoe he doesn't have his active skill buff so he will melt and get below 50% troops before even starting his skill but he might be good when rallying a city

    4. 17:50 Hold up, wait a minute how is Lc ragnar beating skippy lc easily, getting dominated by ZL Hermann which gets absolutely annihilated by Skippy LC??? Someone make this make sense

    5. I would love for you to cut off the fights at like 15-20 seconds like a kvk fight would be- to see the burst damage/ applicability in real game play

    6. Is there a way to simulate a city rally?

      Not only does that mean that Ragnar gets an additional 10% all damage, but Ragnar also increases the size of the rally.

      Considering most Garrison's lack normal attack and smite damage reduction this could be a really good City killer.

      When you are trying to kill the maximum number of troops from a big city Attila/Takeda are a great choice. However, the lack of big skill damage means the rally is also loosing a lot of troops. Liu/Ragnar or Liu/Caesar might be the best of both worlds.

      Side note: I'm also curious who's better between Ragnar and Caesar because Caesar has that tiny 400 400 skill damage factor vs a 10% bigger rally.

    7. People sleep on Thutmose Imohop for Aoo, middle ark fight. We been bombing our enemies 5-7 at a time with just two of our aoo team playing it. It's not meant for damage output it's meant for debuff, and Aethel + caeser mid fight then normally we take nevsky joan. And guan Alex this is me and another re enforcement playing these. Why I mention ark of osiris is wondering if perhaps could do a video for us if you get time. Been following a while. just haven't seen Ark or champions of Olympia actually.

    8. I have Ragnar at 5,5,5,2, (early game mistakes and lucky gold chests), to think I could get something out of Ragnar would be great. I might finish him off with the Daily’s as I have the commanders I already want from there. Thanks heaps for your content.

    9. lol a bunch of nubs will watch this video and start using gold heads on Ragnar, then on the next infantry cycle we get Sun Tzu Prime or some other busted commander which will be the new primary for Liu Che and there will be a lot of sadfaces for everyone investing in Ragnar

    10. I think i just wasted my museum exhibit coins by testing this out in canyon before seeing the archer trials lol😮 I maxed Ragnar today from keys 🎉

    11. Hey Omniarch If el cid skill said for the next 1 second you can’t do basic attack then gorgo’s 1 second range 2300 damage is disabled.
      edit: if you fight Sargon or Freddy you also disable their 1 second of damage in active skill especially when they are paired with liu Che

    12. This game after the first kvk is 100% pay to win. It uses the "sunken cost fallacy" to get you to feel you committed time to your development, and this is a bait & switch. After that first honeymoon phase, the game is an endless demand for money, money, money, and what's worse is the boss of your server makes you feel like you have a job, and your progress is tracked on spreadsheets & quotas. horrible game. Probably designed by the CCCP to brainwash youth.

    13. Hey om.. Was wondering.. Smite dmg is based on bonus normal dmg. And normal dmg is from basic hit and counterattack.. U think viking civilization is good for liu Che.. It adds 3 percent counterattack.

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