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    What’s up guys GS there and welcome back to episode number one of season five of The Quantas career mode uh if you do not understand why we’re call Quantas please do check the previous episode where we went through all the changes the new teams and the New Riders heading into

    This new season of our career mode and today a brand new race is upon us with the devil store a race in Tasmania 11 stages we’ll do that and we’ll do the new race to replace the seagull yeah strap in get yourselves comfy cuz we’ve got some cycling to do here’s our

    Leader for this race it’s Ed Dunbar currently in the lead in William S is G Maron um 11 stages I’ll show you the profile of the stages after this um but yeah so the Jersey we’ve got does not have an Irish champion jersey so so so

    It’s fine but we’ve got a a tempol today of 3 kilm in bridport it’s just a clim 3.4k an average of 9% a Max of 16 uh we’ll just try and survive that clim already some gaps to be fair eth already losing like 16 seconds where he’s usually a good kind

    Of riders of riders sorry in those roads but Eden bar across the line should be a decent time tral for the Irish champion 21 seconds quicker than gu Mar okay then um fair enough I’ve I removed the gr tour classification from this race because this used to be the the Celtic

    Tour obviously um so we’ve got a weaker is start L we say um but we’ve got SES we’ve got juo we’ve got pH G toas first Al vlasov we should have some fun and there are definitely some mountains coming up all right across the line across the line we’ve got vlasov that’s

    P2 for the Russian the champion of Norway Tobias first across the line is way behind byan Bo but we got P3 fix G could be a contender for the win today that is going to be 30 seconds behind Simon Yates 10 seconds Beyond Ben hilly

    Who by the looks of things I could have pushed a bit more interesting very interesting that’s p7 for Ben hilly ju Uso who by far is my main Nemesis my biggest rival across the line 33 seconds behind Yas philson is going to be behind Ed wins in Williams

    Hill and takes the lead of this devil store profile wise we’ve got a haly stage we’re going to have a tempol of like 30 km 24 km to be exact a mountain finish in Jacob’s Ladder which I think I’ve climbed in the previous race uh three Sprint stages we don’t have anyone

    In the Sprints but we don’t really care a medum mountain Hill Another Mountain finish at the Mount Washington which will be the queen stage and finally the finish in Hobert for what seems to be very similar to something we’ve got on the New Zealand Cycling Classic uh or

    The um the other four day race we had in in Australia in like the start of September whose name I’ve definitely forgotten it’s not a good day as we begin the first stage today or the first road stage between brdp put and Ma the trans for some of views to see the New

    Jersey for once for the first time maybe uh to witness or to admire should I say this Australian champion jersey of Quantas for Michael Matthews I’ve got all three jerseys uh the only one I don’t have is the Irish one some people told me to to remove the

    Shadows I think I have and it still hasn’t put the helmets on um but I think there’s no team invited here that you haven’t seen in the pre in the previous video I’ll I’ll tell you when those teams arrive it’s mostly some of the French teams um I think total no total

    Energ changed but you’ve seen it cof is changed uh Hagen bman a has changed chor has changed and I think that’s all three that is all three quti teams that have changed that you haven’t seen bit of a difficult time here in Oliver’s Hill um especially towards the end where it’s

    Very very steep we’re trying to stay off float with Sebastian bwick and Ed dunar I’m also trying to protect Michael Matthews and Cowin strong in case of a potential Sprint finish Michael is clearly feeling the the the strain of age and his stats are are going down I’m hoping that this can be

    Like his final season with me uh or at Le the final one where he’s competitive enough uh but if it’s not the case oh God God God we dropped Eddie Eddie brother brother brother good good all right don’t know what’s going to happen but we’ve got 44 rers in the

    First group and I’ve got four of them we’ve got some attacks Simon Yates Jenson toas first Alexander blov the aim here is simple Sprint for Michael Matthews to try and get the win in MA but we need to come back on the three Riders potentially four ahead if um

    Vlasov was to bridge he does indeed 9 second is the lead for fan group as Felix gas so as Ben toit Eden Bar’s going to go 99 we are here but we’re not exactly there another a great sentence by Yours Truly here edar is going to launch Corbin strong in the

    Corners I think Benet may have this I think Benet may be able to hold on to the line or maybe not I do not know I’m not an oracle Michael Matthews versus Leo hater or Ethan it’s going to be Ethan with the win today ahead of Michael Matthews and Quinn

    Simmons kind of ridiculous uh in this time Tri because I’ve only got Ed to go none of my Riders have had a single day above minus one I’ve had three minus 4 with Michael Matthews Ben hilly and Alice MAA at a minus five with Chamberlain and a minus one with EDD

    Dbal great that’s really what I wanted it’s exactly what I wanted actually toas first is going to win in winia I’m going to continue maybe 2 minutes 155 yeah 2 minutes horrendous day at the office for us I know it’s early season but hell guys minus

    Four again one Zer this time for dunal wow what did I do to deserve this what while one here we go then as we begin Jacob’s Ladder I don’t have a lot of energy with Eden Bar and Sebastian bowick uh the stage was quite difficult

    On us the rhythm of the peltin was also quite difficult I’ll see if I can maybe recover at the very beginning here I’m going to guess that’s a no cuz I’m I think CL is going to base but as long as the Rhythm stays like so I may be with

    Nope Shan Flyn want to Pace as well all right we’re going to have to increase the Rhythm otherwise we’re we’ve got a breakway of eight No Big R I guess maybe pH G know he’s already 9 minutes behind and yeah let just try to okay we’re getting drop dropped okay Sean

    Flyn let me take a quick look as to why you could be doing this F any c possibly yeah I could see that one thing I did not pay attention to is that the road is quite narrow and also the energy is very low genuinely very low 9k to go

    I don’t have a lot of yellow left withen bar I’m going to have to recover a lot here we did come back on some of the brothers that had attacked in between I think Mari was one of them as I see here juo will bart mat Jens and the winner of

    Parin um all right I think I can go back to maybe 59 here as uh willart leads one two for the us right now but it’s uh a very tactical stage so far very very tactical think we’re back in 2019 here with Prim Mari as the swis attacks once

    Again Ed dbar able to just make his way at the front of this group but I do not want to be the one pacing so I’m going to let my uh my my my my teammates I guess do most of the work here but I think the Swiss Rider may

    Have just clinched the win today in Jacob’s Ladder I’ll use the gel on Ed 36 seconds make that 34 seconds as we increase the Rhythm even more with bar I think I can hold on for 80 78 to 80 Until the End we’re going to try and

    Catch Mark but with the amount of Corners I think he should be fine 20 Riders left in the first Group H Uso is obviously still here so is the leader of the race to be as first actually no that’s vas off and he’s at the very

    Back let’s go 99 I did not think there would be that many corners Ed is going to finish right in the wheel of Mari and it’s a oh God am I going to jump him on the line ha yes sir it’s a win for edar today in

    Jacob’s L ahe of Mari juo Quinn Simmons and Simon Yates very good win love that and finally the race day seem to be positive as we leave Longford to join lrob in 140 kilm Sprint stage GC wise Tobias for has taken the lead of Alexander vas off as they didn’t BX a

    Huge comeb back into the top 10 MP5 with a 52 second deficit with one more mountain finish which will be on stage 10 it’s all right James Shaw as well with a very good performance yesterday I did not see that coming at all from the um British R

    Ofi but fair enough PA is in P10 he’s won two stages no he’s in P4 sorry but he’s won two races yesterday or something like that I don’t know um but yeah not bad bit of a Madness being uh well happening I guess there was a hill The Paradise Road and I

    Figured you know what how about I try and have fun so I I set bwig and Ben hilly to Just Launch a drain with everyone in his wheel however I forgot that Oscar chamain has 66 Fitness that’s that’s clearly my fault uh and he kind of killed my train and then got dropped

    So that was not ideal uh but with 22k to go there’s a break away with s and Ben hilly and Michael Matthews is well positioned in the Bellon so it’s all good 5 kilm as we approach lro we are getting overtaken by the UAE train for yasper philipson and that makes a lot

    Sense that that I’m really not surprised by all of that uh Ed Dunbar is going to be able to to do something in the coming meters I have lost the wheel of Michael Matthews we have gotten the wheel of Michael Matthews once again as Corbin strong begins his effort oh it’s way too

    Far oh it’s so far from the line oh me there we go have fun it’s I’m I’m going to crack there we go we’ve cracked it’s not going to be win it’s win today for Yas philson to the shock of no oh me AEL Axel Alto Mass

    Forson wow spe for today and we are back to our usual bad day with um what but minus on everyone except coin strong with a plus one and an injury now to Ben Hill this part of plus one um but yeah this is not going to be a very fun stage

    The beginning looks extremely Rus and I think after the Cradle Mountain Road we should be able to rest for the Sprint in Bernie 5.7 km remaining here in Bernie we are getting absolutely swarmed and the minus three Vala MAA is really not helping the cause at

    All but we’re trying to exist um we’ve been pacing for about 20 km mostly because it’s been downhill for about 55 km um so yeah the the the aim to be well positioned was clearly something we had in mind we set our sight towards this Sprint oh it’s a horrendous launch it’s

    It’s a horrendous launch yeah safe uh it’s a win for Matthew walls without any difficulty today our former Sprinter takes a win ahead of Peno and Shan Flyn yep fair enough F enough and wonder way for yet another Sprint stage between war and Queenstown 116 km today um bad days

    Around actually no few plus ones plus two not bad shame that Michael Matthews has a minus one though sixk to go I think we’ve done an all right job positioning ourselves as we approach Queen toown and uh there is this downhill portion it’s us against the UAE once again yasper philipsson versus

    Michael Matthews meaning I’ll most likely lose and so will he oh it’s going to be a very late launch from us oh God this yeah this is not good this Ben H cannot get past Sebastian bwick uh he’s sprinting and yet he can get past philipson philipson is launched with 1.7

    To go it’s still downhill it’s going to be a very very easy win for for Philips in Queen hell in P2 either shelling in P3 no no no Exel in P3 once again we are nowhere to be seen uh actually maybe p8 seventh Forman strong seventh it is terrible day all around

    Here in Tasmania as we leave Queenstown for wild Peak zero for dbar a plus two for Sebastian bock and then minus threes and minus four for the rest of the team I guess the only two riders that I need to care about have actually woken up on the correct side of the

    Bed thank you Ed and thank you Sebastian we started the wild Peak 15 km at an average of 4% but the first 3 km are at 809 so we need to be quite careful of that edar is well positioned I’m trying to get Corin strong to hydrate the boys oh Lorenzo honestly

    Q like he’s he’s moving sideways just to prevent edgie from getting water I don’t care BWI doesn’t have water I just need edgy there we go good and we’ve got some attacks at the front Jam sh has been joined by Juan Uso and Simon Yates as we’ve entered the final 5 kilometers of

    The race Eden Bar is somehow not directly in the wheel of Sebastian Bock as I youo no that’s Mari Mari goes again maybe this time he’s actually going to get a stage win because it’s a very very strong attack s tries to follow with G zimman James Jonathan NES for Milam

    Proving that the German team does exist Sebastian B is going to try and launch D Bar but I think the win today will not be able to be challenged by anyone in the Pelon Mari is going to take the stage in Wild speak as James Shaw has started his effort to immediately stop

    It that’s very very smart it’s a Swiss win ahead of Jonathan NES can I get P3 at least with Ed yes I can good the leader has been dropped as well so that’s an alha to Asos we’re going to get closer to that ochre jersey with

    Three stages left is that plus five I’m seeing for Sebastian BWI hell been a while since I’ve last seen some green on my screen um mon from MAA that’s fine zero for coin strong that’s fine GC wise Edie has climbed back up to P3 on the lowest step of the podium few

    Seconds away from Mari who no sorry from toas fos and 39 seconds away from juano the new leader following yesterday’s debacle of to Asos but but um yeah interesting tday in uh Lake peda uh this this screams Sebastian this screams Michael Matthews actually F wait what hold up how’s that happened five

    Kates ago I was going to say that like we have attempted a breakway but it didn’t work out but it it seems that we it kind of did cuz we’re starting red null with a 22nd lead of the pon blame me love that uh well let’s try and not kill every

    One but we’re in a good position here I did not expect that I didn’t think I’d drop anyone on that that very small hill at the beginning but there we go proving that size does not matter it’s how you use it I am talking about the hell right let’s be let’s make it

    Very clear uh I will take the win with Ed dball because bonus seconds and up please let me take the win with good thank you I I have one with benil it’s one two three four nonetheless and it’s it’s the GC because juano is really

    Far behind plus four for dbar as he is once again wearing the ochre Jersey of leader of the devil’s tour Devil’s Road devil store the devil store Gretna kunani Mount Washington a final with a 10 km climb at an average of 8% and a Max of 14 it’s

    Not going to be easy at all once again we’ve got a hat trick of riders at the front here with Michael Matthews Edon B Sebastian Bock a minus two today for Sebastian Bock plus three for Chamberlain I don’t really give a about Michael Matthew will be a key

    Rider in helping us today uh I have to put a a consistent Rhythm I think but the start of the stage is so tricky that that’s that’s ai’s Paradise right here you’ve heard of gangsters paradise but this this is ai’s Paradise so we need to be very very careful but got

    High hopes that maybe just maybe Ed can win this race and succeed to no not succeed and follow up Darren rafi’s win last year to make it two back to back wins for Ireland I think if ju us has a good day there is categorically no

    Chance that I can do anything and he’s got six Riders oh wait no he’s riding for Red Bull now wait who who’s U bacing for oh for Mar that makes sense actually does it he’s he’s he’s ninth in the GC I don’t know I’ve kind of L

    Of everything but we move Sebastian is dead Michael Matthews is going to protect Ben sorry he going to protect Ed dunar I got my um my Irish confused as Mar has attacked Yates has followed with James Shaw James Shaw is having the race of his life go on son genuinely go on

    Sebastian bck you don’t have to follow m Matthews you’re dead all right uh I mean if Mari wins I don’t care genuinely I I really don’t give a if anything gets better for me cuz that means there’s no bonus seconds just need to keep him within a minute 30 seconds 3.7

    Km remaining we’re catching vlasov Jam Shaw and Yates IO is Hell uh yeah most of the rers are here another great analysis here from me uh Michael Matthews is out of energy great work today by the Oz Champion for one of his final races as Aussie champ 2.3 KES

    Ago Eden Bar will try and see if I can catch Mar but I’m not sure as many riders are getting dropped Simon Yates Michael Matthews maton and coming up maybe AO or James sh who is once again here as Mar is on his way to claim a

    Second win here on this race could have been a third if he hadn’t raised his handso is still in my wheel though watch out because the the win for the oh God they dead they’re both dead Ed dunar is going to win at the Mount Washington and claim the GC of this

    Devil get in come on Ms wa we wa we’re starting off this season well I like that all right we just need to hold on for 122 km in the Hobert Road cycle classic and we’ll have won the devil St the GC stands as follows we’ve got a

    Minute lead Ono yeah we should be fine genuinely I think we should be fine this SPID Manus three I think it is what it takes to bring Thea Jersey home it get to go when the mount nson the final difficulty of this Devil’s tour Ed is well position in the whe of Michael

    Matthews as alist MAA eventually drops to I don’t know where he’s going but he’s he’s he he’s not staying alive that’s for sure um but we just have to finish this G if I can cross the line of the mount Nelson I was in first place or

    At least in the first group the first group is me plus one Uso so I think that should be quite quite doable if I am being honest humongous Rhythm by Corbin strong was in the break away as well uh he’s he’s been absolutely Royal in this

    Stage one R has bridged that is g Mar go on g go on obviously a big fan of him due to his first name L theel on Ben Hill yes Corin strong completely explodes G Martin is also nearly on the bridge on the brink of explosion Ben hilly Michael Matthews Ed

    Dbar that is the trio that will finish on the podium of today’s stage and most likely on the podium of this devil St Michael Matthews Edge dunar Ben hilly is there any competition for the win I’m going to go ahead and say no the win today for Michael Matthews ahead of v and

    Juano remarkable performance by Quantas on their world T debut fin of the episode we are not on the seagull we are on the mul’s race I did not have any inspiration when it come to uh to writing the name of the races so yeah you’re going to have the multi race and

    If you’re not happy with it then so be it um any new team I’m seeing no uh all right so it’s a race in molta where you discover molta Bas basically this is a spot for like molta never been uh would if there’s an invite one day honestly might as well but you

    Can see the great great landscape here in il melha as we are near the Mediterranean Sea and up there is the Mediterranean Sea and that way behind the hills is the Mediterranean Sea so it’s mostly a lot of SE which is usually the point with an island now there’s something you need to

    Know about this specific lineup um it’s a lineup you are most likely never going to see this year on the channel for a very specific reason um actually you may see mil scotson a few times maybe Logan cry in case of an injury this is the

    Seven rers which I have put on every race where I don’t have my three main teams which are the jro to FR and Welter team so they are doing all of the races where I don’t want to send my good Riders um so that includes some Al race

    Like this one the the aor Frankfurt the faton FY classy cycling trips Hamburg so yeah this is the only chance for Logan Curry to actually win something in his uh in this season I think but in an 11 Rider group he has a lot of energy a lot more than I thought he

    Would have if I’m being honest uh I also did did not think we’d have 11 Waters by this point um but we we we paced we did what we could and here we are 111 group bet van Kaden gr mat P yeah we’re uh if that was Casper it could have been

    All right but M we done out we’ll try and maybe attack as soon as we go into this downhill portion there we go because I’m hoping that the downhill could maybe give me the edge it it know Matt Pon has gone from three flights behind to absolutely

    Murder oh he lost his San well done you know what P4 for Logan Curry I will gladly take that great effort son great effort I think this is the perfect time to end this video in the next one we will have the usual national championships of both Australia and New

    Zealand uh we will have not Dev I’m going to do this if the race works this year see it didn’t work so this is another variant replace the with theour which is just mountain and some some Vibes so it should be fun there’s a 40 km Mountain volcano climb thing I

    Don’t know I think it could be funny so we’ll do that and we’ll do the U and potentially the news BL and most likely we’ll finish with then the next episode we can have pin Ando which I need to change the name of but um yeah I hope

    You’ve enjoyed the comeback of the K on the channel uh I certainly have enjoyed this bit of a break and um hopefully there should be more videos coming soon in the coming days and weeks if you enjoy the video leave a like down below if you’re new to the channel and want to

    See more of this content going forward feel free to do so uh if you’re wondering why I have something that resemble a tie it’s not it’s um it this hold up no no the other one this say I graduated from my master’s degree so I’m

    Going to wear this until the rest of my life but I will stop talking have yourself a great day my name is G see You we’re getting drunk in here and what comes next we never just play the music keep it moving yeah we’re Los control we control


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