Former Scotland Yard detective Peter Bleksley emphasizes the role of gangs in perpetuating violence and criminality across the country. With research showing a surge in knife crime incidents, it is clear that a multi-faceted approach is needed to address the root causes of this epidemic.

    While inequality and lack of opportunities may contribute to the cycle of violence, strong parenting and community support are also crucial in guiding young people away from criminal behaviour.

    As calls for tougher penalties and rehabilitation programs grow louder, it is imperative that policymakers and law enforcement agencies work together to create a safer environment for all.

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    In January 2022 Joe Dicks who was 18 at the time was savagely stabbed to death by three young men Benjamin Gil Cameron Palmer and Hans Bahari the murder took place in the midst of a drugs and cash burglary and a year later at Norwich Crown Court the men were sentenced to

    Serve a term of a minimum 20 to 21 years each when speaking to the Press Joe’s parents Emma and Phil dicks said that their son was trapped in a vici cycle when he was victimized by a gang who groomed him to sell heroin and crack and

    Said that Joe almost lived a double life in addition to grieving we have silently coped with Joe’s Memorial Garden being destroyed and multiple malicious Communications via social media Justice may have been served however there are no winners from knife crime we will never get Joe back the Ripple effects

    From Joe’s murder is huge not only impacting on our family and friends but everyone who knew Joe on the Lo in the local community a year later in a Revenge attack against the gang only the money who had murdered Joe Alfie Hammet also aged 18 shocked Shoppers after he

    Brutally attacked Raymond James Quigley known as James with fatal consequences in broad daylight Hammet was jailed for 24 years last week accomplice Joshua Howell who was 17 at the time of the murder received 20 years following the tragic loss of young lives Chief Constable Paul Sanford made

    A direct message to the public in an effort to reassure the local community I’m recording this message today because I’m very aware of the concern that exists throughout norch about the recent homicide and other knife related incidents that have occurred in recent weeks I want to reassure you all that

    This is a number the number one priority for our force and all available spare resources are being directed to these problems to bring offenders to Justice I also want to say that these are not random attacks the risk of being victim of a violent crime if you’re not part of

    These groups remains incredibly low all of that being said these are serious crimes and we are absolutely committed to solving them and bringing the offenders to Justice thank you since James Quigley’s murder Joe’s parents Emma and Phil have described how Alfie Hammet often sense sympathy pathetic messages such as thinking of you without

    Realizing he was a fellow gang member they have shared their sadness that yet more parents will now have to go through the painful grief that they can so sadly relate to in an effort to combat the escalating youth crime within Norwich Joe Dix’s parents Emma and Phil have

    Created the Joe Dix foundation in honor of their son a 16-year-old boy was stamped to death in Luton last week five teenagers were wounded in two shocking knife attacks there on the same day this weekend there was a triple stabbing in Halifax two young people are dead one 21

    The other just 19 two men with stamped to death in leads barely a day passes without more of this Bloodshed this is the kind of response we get every time my number one priority uh and the thing that keeps me up at night is the safety of londoners so it’s not just about

    Policing it’s not just about stop and search that’s fantastically important it’s also about wrapping your arms around the kids and putting them on the right track the death of anyone through an act of violence is an appalling tragedy I want to say how shocked and saddened I am that three people have

    Lost their lives just words isn’t it just word salad putting arms around them is that going to stop kids stabbing each other it’s not is it we all know that for all the condolences and the talk of getting tough the fact is that people who want to hurt us no longer fear the

    Consequences if they do police numbers are down budgets have been slashed theyve stopped taking everyday crimes even remotely seriously when the Home Secretary announced last month that police must investigate all thefts was supposed to be a huge Innovation my question be what the hell were they do

    Before shoplifting is now out of control in Britain store thefts have more than doubled and they’re only getting worse in America it’s the same issue emboldened by absurd policies on not Prosecuting minor offenders shop shoplifting especially of the steaming variety with dozens and dozens of shop

    Is entering a store at one time has become an epidemic it’s little wonder that Donald Trump got an ovation over the weekend for saying this and we will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft very simply if you rob a store you can fully expect to be shot as you

    Are leaving that store there have always been horrible people you know it’s very easy to look at the situation and say oh it’s just because we’ve suddenly been giving birth to loads more horrible people that obviously isn’t the case if we look at this you know just

    Objectively if we look at the facts if we look at the statistics the studies on what causes violent crime the single biggest predictor across the board of levels of violent crime across time and space is inequality why it’s not just because people are poorer and they want

    You know to access more stuff that is a problem it’s because in a society that denies particularly young men access to advancement then violent crime becomes something of a status symbol this is born out across sociological studies across time and space it becomes you know um there’s an incentive to kind of

    Steal kill someone to steal their trainers because it becomes a state symbol because we haven’t got young because I mean tyus touched on a point in saying that in third world countries you don’t necessarily have this problem because there are actual social consequences which I think is an

    Important point he touched on when I was a kid growing up in Ghana if you stole something in our neighborhood doesn’t matter who who finds out whether it’s your neighbor or someone else once your your family gets to know there will be consequences sometimes your neighbor

    Might discipline you the issue here is a breakdown of legal and social consequences and that’s what we’re missing there has to be ostracization and actual social consequences for stealing but there also has to be legal penalties real ones are terrifi I me I got to say I’ve come around I mean t

    Talked about third world countries you look at s someone like Singapore or Hong Kong I’ve walked the streets of these places at midnight right you just don’t get this kind of stuff there because the penalties if you do are severe and I keep being told by the wishy-washy

    Brigade AA look you know you you you can’t be too tough on these kids you got to be actually why why don’t we just say right the next time a young kid is caught with a knife on the street they get 10 years in prison I can tell you it

    Would soon stop and it may sound like I’m morphed into a right-wing he Banger I can assure you most people in this country would share that sentiment so why aren’t we doing tough of things like that well I don’t know the extreme of your argument is we turn into Saudi

    Arabia and then we just throw away anyone who might you know look like they’re committing a crime or then we execute them which I’m not saying that I’m talk about people carrying a knife with intent to use it for on your point there about 10 years well

    We’ve got a prison system at the moment that doesn’t work it doesn’t rehabilitate people and at the moment we are turfing people out sorry we’re throwing them into prison and they’re coming out the other side and we are they’re they’re not rehabilitating they’re going back to commit more crime

    How are you going to stop how are you going to stop theid stabbing I think I think it goes back to what Grace is I think it’s a social issue I think that we’ve got to really tackle inequality you know we’ve got to look at this long term rather than thinking what’s the

    Shortterm solution throw everyone like you know lock everyone up and throw away the key hang on hang on okay hang on I’ll come to before look inequality seems to me what with great respect one of those vacuous generic terms like a sort of catch all excuse what is going

    On here I know lots of kids who come from poor backgrounds who do not go around stabbing people because their parents and this can apply by the way to to lower class people to middle class people to so-called upper class people I went to a fee paying school till I was

    13 then State comprehensive School I’ve seen all manner of people right and parents the common theme of kids that behaved well or at least felt shame and accountability if they were caught doing bad things was strong parenting right teachers yes and Authority yes but actually strong parenting just in

    Research conducted by the UK parliament in the year ending march 2023 there were 50,500 offenses that year alone involving sharp instruments w whilst the bombs might not be going off anymore rest assured the gangs still operate and their grip on the criminality is an iron one a vice

    Like grip and they’re not about to loosen it anytime Soon my name is Peter Bley I’m a former Scotland Yard detective the majority of my career was dedicated to tackling serious and organized crime from London to Lancashire and from Devon to dande there are gangs operating in the UK and quite simply they are a

    Danger to us all however we are not even halfway through this current year and crime has reportedly already surged by 5% according to the Ben canella Trust


    1. Most crime in the UK is Semi-organised crime. You'll get some organised crime groups like the Albanian mob and the Italian and Russian mobs funneling billions through Londons financial sector but most of the crime on the street is done by semi-organised crime gangs more on the level of street gangs.

    2. It's starts at the top…London stock market biggest money laundering in the world all legal…bank of England hinders all local and national investment into UK all legal…darwinism survival of finisterre for rest

    3. That blobde sounds like phyzer "working at the sleed of science" lets say we have a test and curfew all but english after 6 pm unyil 6 am and see if it altera OR KKK may have had a point poorly used.

    4. Why are they making it out like he was forced to sell drugs be in a gang when they ask to be in gangs it's not like gangs bully to get loyal ppl he had a choice to tell his parent but he never like they said he led a double life imagine all the overdoses kids had with him selling drugs so other parents loose there child

    5. Those 2 blonde women are so detached from reality it’s unbelievable. They haven’t got a clue what goes on in the streets and are part of the problem

    6. Just blaming wealth inequality misses the point. It's a cultural issue. In some cultures, poor kids are taught that studying, working hard and staying out of trouble will lead them to a better place. Unfortunately youth culture in certain parts of the UK is focussed on glamorising status symbols and luxury items that are completely out of reach for them and mocking anyone who doesn't have them. This leads youngsters to the conclusion they need to turn to crime to obtain that lifestyle. As a consequence criminality becomes a part of that culture, entwined with the persuit of success. If you're not involved in crime you're seen as unsuccessful.

    7. If we take back the bank of England from the rothschild family we could all be better off not just there family we could pay interest on savings and retire earlier and have better mortgages for the next generation. generations. We could fund old people care instead of taking there house 🏠 you get free care in prison from trust fund allocated at birth from dead mans corporation set up with birth certificate..

    8. If you carry a knife you are obviously military material. Your obviously brave. Don’t send them to jail. 5 years in the Army with no safe spaces or bullshit. If you refuse to soldier, army jail it is.

    9. I hate they say kids groomed into selling drugs. They are not groomed. They are let down by their parents. I sold drugs from a young age. no one groomed me into doing it. My father didnt do his job as a father. Simple as. I will not make the same mistakes my farher made.

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