After checking out the OS Map of the area around Manchester Airport, I’m curious to explore the various trails around the perimeter of Runway 2, and even a tunnel beneath the runway! But I then discover the route back towards Knutsford is a complete and utter mud bath! Can I negotiate the sludge and make it to the wonderful lakeside avenue through Tatton Park, and more importantly, a much needed cup of tea?

    Hello everyone Welcome back to the channel and for another cycling adventure My name’s Dave and today I’m in north Cheshire I’m in the village on Rostherne this morning which is half way between Knutsford and Altrincham It’s a bit of a last minute  decision to come here really

    My plan today is to head east from  here towards Manchester Airport Which is a bit strange – I’m not  going on holiday unfortunately! and the reason I’m heading around Manchester  Airport is because I was having a look on Google Maps and Ordnance Survey last night

    And I noticed that around the airport perimeter there are some tracks and trails which look quite interesting and even a tunnel under the runway! So I’m going to head over east  towards the airport and explore that I’m then going to skirt round back through Knutsford and the estate of Tatton Park

    To complete a circuit on what should  be hopefully a lovely spring morning Let’s go! Ah now unfortunately I’m actually starting the ride with an  uphill which I don’t really like doing but let’s grind it out and get the ride underway

    I’ve just stopped for a sec to get my breath back after that initial climb and find myself on this road which is very quiet today but 10 years ago if I’d have stood in the middle of  the road like this I would very quickly have  

    Been run over because this is the former A556  which until 2017, when they built a bypass,   was the main road north into Manchester You can’t really believe that not long ago this was the main routh north  into one of England’s largest cities 

    It used to be four lanes of complete  chaos but now it’s quite pleasant  They’ve actually converted the  northbound carriageway into a cycle lane  I’ve spotted my first plane so must  be fairly close to the airport now  OK so this is Wood Lane and it’s showing as a no through road on this sign

    But this will take us right up to the perimeter of the  airport where the lane will stop, but if I’ve looked at Google Maps correctly, that’s where the trails around the airport perimeter will begin  So I’m presuming before the airport runway was built, Wood Lane would just carry on

    But now we have these big gates Let’s go have a quick look!  So the lane is running parallel to the runway now although can’t see a lot of the airport  a lot of undergrowth between  the lane and the perimeter fence 

    But let’s carry on and see if we  can see a lot more further along  Well I haven’t seen much of the airport yet  it’s behind a load of undergrowth and a big high fence but occasionally you can hear the roar of an aircraft engine  But I’ve just dropped down into  this beautiful river valley 

    This is the River Bollin which flows beneath  Runway 2 of Manchester Airport and this is where I   think I’ll find the tunnel which I saw on the map Let’s go and explore!  That is a very secure fence they really  don’t want people getting in there! 

    Wow! When they said a tunnel they meant a tunnel!  Look at the size of this! This magnificent spectacular feat of civil engineering is the River Bollin tunnel   which carries the river below runway 2 of Manchester Airport

    And look at the size of the thing! You could probably fit a jumbo jet through the tunnel! I had absolutely no idea it was this huge let’s go and take a look inside So this tunnel was built around 25 year ago when Runway 2 of Manchester Airport was constructed

    And what they had to do was basically fill in the entire valley of the River Bollin so that the runway could pass overhead and where the river itself is they built this huge cavernous  tunnel to allow the river to flow through Oh this is a bit of a hill Oh it’s muddy!

    Gotta push this bit Oh it’s really muddy Well that’s a cool view! OK so we’ve got a great view of the airfield now but this part of the trail is an absolute mudbath I can’t bike through this I don’t think I’ll even be able to walk through it without falling over

    But let’s give it a try Oh my god! My poor clean shoes! That little section of trail here  along the perimeter of the airfield this little bit here is the muddiest  muddiest track I think i’ve ever been on  How I have managed not to fall  over is an absolute miracle 

    Hopefully it’s a little bit drier ahead  and I can sit and get my breath back  Well I’m having a bit of a rest while  I do a bit of plane spotting here!  I’m right by Runway 2 which is actually  miles away from the terminal you can  

    Probably see it over there in the distance  and you wouldn’t believe that I’ve just   passed under this runway in that giant tunnel There is no evidence at all of it from this angle  Now I’m here I’m going to have a little bit  of a break and go watch some planes land 

    So now I’m back on this lovely lovely tarmac!  and the plan now is to head away from the airport  skirt around Mobberley and head into Knutsford  Will I get to the light  before it changes back to red?  Stay on green! Yeah! 

    (Man) Thank you so much sorry about the wait (Dave)Thank you very much! Aww a hill! As I leave Knutsford now I’m heading through  the beautiful estate here at Tatton Park  and look at that lake look how blue it is Stunning Well I’ve left Tatton Park now and crossed over  

    Back into the lanes as I complete  the circuit back here at Rostherne It was a great little run through  the park there very busy as you’d   expect on a Sunday but the sun was  out and the lake looked beautiful

    Well I’ve made it back to the finish line in one piece I’m back here in the village of Rostherne  It’s a lovely place and it’s a great starting  point if you want to explore Tatton Park,   Knutsford and the surrounding area It was quite an adventure, that! 

    I lot of Smiles per Hour except that muddy bit Didn’t enjoy that at all!  But other than that it’s been a  great morning and a great ride  I hope you’ve enjoyed coming along with me If you have don’t forget to give me a thumbs  

    Up and subscribe to the channel and  I’ll see you next time for some more   cycling adventures here at Smiles Per Hour! I’m Dave and from sunny Cheshire see you later!


    1. Thoroughly enjoyed your video. A proper cycling adventure where you don't know what to expect around the next corner! Look forward to watching more 😊

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