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    See today is the alert because of the strong wind uh there was such information around but you see over there is my bike and the chimneys of the on the place that was former aitz tree monitz Chemical Works of the bua E faran BF AG g f such German companies they

    Were active even after War uh okay but the what was the reason to go there uh I after uh finishing s sing of shinda factory I decided uh in fact simple uh go by bike look at this uh such a beautiful bike path from the European Union money is

    They make the such plane route but is not the whole stage is the such simple plane there was a lot of zigzag and gravel puffs Against the Wind and of course flies on the way uh you see the red sunset it’s about now it’s about halfast 500 p.m.

    And barking dogs uh and uh aitz is not only museum look at this there’s the like a zone of Interest all around the staying people and like in the film of Mr Glazer the zone of interest you know people living in the shade of extinguished chimneys you see chimneys of the former

    Crematoria uh look at this that place asit tree is not visited by tourists they all going only to asit one that is the famous gate arbite M fry work brings feedom and to asit to beer Canal 3 kilometers away uh that was the other four crematoria and gas Chambers over 1

    Million people were killed there that’s why today in the such special day of Passion of Christ I decided to do such stage on the bike 90 kilom cycling from krakov uh to along the Vistula River you see over there is the river Vistula in one moment we going little bit by bike

    But is the very strong wind today is the alert of the wind and haret big thanks thank you for sharing uh information about the live stream very important live stream from aitz you know you see the chimneys of the former on that place was the former um buav ver and EIG faran

    Uh they were employed uh that’s just the for to to to work uh of course uh Jews around the world but also polish workers and uh uh Now The Chemical Works company cintos uh you see over there the uh little like from the Spielberg film objects but there are the U The such stage um 90 km KCK of aitz um and as you see I’m just alone h i met only one friendly biker that show me the proper way uh and uh just just emptiness maybe all preparing uh uh food for the Easter uh today is a very special day

    Sorry for the wind but today is alert of the wind and I had to cycle against the wind as you see okay and such a place that the chimneys are uh in the city oim and oim is the name of the city now over 40,000 towns people

    And aitz B now is the museum museum uh is the like a separate you see like a new zone of Interest the the interest of tourists they’re going only to fit and the such people oh look at this oh such such we’ve got the little like a little

    Safari look at these wild animals the deers H you see that there over there oh you see that the small wild animals or the deer yes I think the small but they afraid of me that’s why they uh they want to jump yes that the that is the Vistula River along but soon

    In the oim town so River uh joins the Vistula and uh that the solar River uh was going from the mountains and of course in the film zone of interest is the such accent that the the human ashes were were putting into the river and commandant

    Rudolph h from asit they took a bath with family and suddenly discovered any human bone uh inside of the river that’s why we say the in the film they used the replica there was the not original House of commandant but the house of command now saying people there the close the

    Camp I don’t go to aitz one or two to the standard second time on the virtual tour uh you know I do the such uh streaming only from the uh area of the of the AIT not the plate is like a Mecca or Taj Mahal all going to only to

    Museum and that is the always for me uh was very special to get the feeling how uh people live uh close uh such horrible place and how they they got for instance children they got the chance to to study in kov or working uh in the museum AIT as the

    Guides for instance they have to learn languages of course and uh that is such a view on the small village Bob on the way there were 40 sub camps and there were different uh branches uh there was of course Power Station there was a production of shoes or carpets but the

    Carpets made of the human hair uh in Goa for instance from there the Oscar shinder save 200 juice and um farming of course farming they uh use the uh human ashes as the fertilizer for Fields uh thing and on the other side you see a lot of wet land

    Wet land along the Vistula River now you see much better the river Vistula excellent oh is a perfect the YouTube is much more merciful because on the Tik Tok they could block me if I just cycling and filming but I’m going very slow pace like a know grand grandfather

    Pays on the bike it’s very safe and as you see I’m just alone that’s I don’t know the people afraid of the alert of the wind and all staying at home this is such matter but but I think internet uh uh any information about you know from

    Internet and media if they say oh stay at home uh after covid we are all uh just uh we follow just information media that’s are just the people immediately staying because they afraid that this too dangerous okay okay uh there are such you could ask any questions about

    The about the the aitz of course aitz was almost five years for cremator gas Chambers over 1 million people are killed mainly Jews over 1 million but over 150,000 polls and 25,000 even Germans austrians and other nations around the uh Europe uh the according the final solution in the van conference 20 January

    1942 and that was the final solution of the uh Jewish question there was the plan of the killing over 11 million European Jews such plan was in advance a conference that’s why the Rudolf H following orders and uh interesting I tell you only some interesting facts about the the end of the

    War H for me is the the such Gap very interesting uh the kov was liberated on the 18 January 1945 and there was the Gap over um 10 days then a Red Army moved the direction AIT maybe they thought this the nothing no one is alive there in the

    Barracks because the Germans started the death marches um but I think that was the matter with that factor is interesting uh they uh Russians sent the experts from the taking the machines from the chemical works because was the production of synthetic petrol and buav and the chemicals and they took deep to

    Russia and then on the time Soviet Union and ah yes yes I tell you soon of p and that is the interesting matter uh Soviet side wanted get the secret of such production of The Chemical Works the IG faran EIG faran was relocated to frankurt am mine and the two years

    Afterward they used the stamp with the word aitz there go the Ste that is the for me the shocking after second world war two years uh was common use in the West Germany the such a stamp with the word aitz now about petki thank you Kristof say exactly I want today alive

    Some experience of the Polish hero officer petki V petki um um he he was the of course tried to organize resistant in aitz oh look at is such beautiful Chapel but it’s the upside down Polish flag red and white that’s is the joke there I think is that

    Not not coincidence just to put upside down Polish flag that’s just jokey thing first time I see is the like a little is not not proper we have to uh put the proper the flag is the because it’s like a Monaco another country look at this as

    The Holy Mary and but is no swimming no swimming in so or VISA uh not because the ashes also but this are not recommended and uh you know um vital petki was the volunteer uh to die uh is the famous book uh he tried to organize

    Um resistance in aitz but there was the home army with the government in London and uh government of course created by Joseph Stalin and Starin and was invisible uh to collaborate also they just invisible and and he work in bakery at the edge of town uh there is

    Exactly over there you see now the town of shim we got cycling little bit and then you see the Chim is very close and there’s the town of shim and just over there was the bakery and uh at night he organized escaping very clever and uh he

    Getting uh to the river uh visa and uh they could miss the traces of the dogs and then with the little boat and running along the Vistula to alverna in the monastery um ala in the that that area you got the such support of uh Polish people and

    Then over 100 kilomet along Vistula escaping to boha that was the long long one month escaping of V petki that was such incredible uh you could you know fear because look at this if you met any person then you have to trust him you have to think oh that’s is

    Such the that person uh is that he wouldn’t kill you or he wouldn’t denounce you that’s important denunciation was the such like a biggest biggest problem uh but then we getting to the bridge uh you see over um visa and the SOA River exactly over left side there’s the joining Vistula

    River and we are in the busy way that hundreds of buses going with tourists to aitz but no one even think about the alive uh distance uh between the kov and osit 90 km by bike as you see I’m cycling as such as you see and

    In one moment I show you also the the sub Camp of aitz is the excellent weather because of strong wind is the still alert about the uh danger and they alert say stay at home don’t go out but you know I just my passion to perform oh

    This first biker is coming over it’s only one biker I saw the first bike after 50 minute cycling there a such a such such coincidence and have a look uh now we see uh the sub Camp the former sub Camp lion and Yanina Coline we are

    In the coal region you know it’s very rich region in coal and you see look at this I zooming over there you see the the uh Towers uh that was the libon Yanina uh sub Camp of aitz and prisoners every day had to walk uh or there were L

    The transport between the main camp and that uh that UPC uh that say the distance from here uh that’s the about the 15 kilom 15 kilm Y and there this Salia yes uh Stupid self okay uh I I suppose there maybe any spam appeared uh you know I published the the my commemorating fromo ghetto to Monument blash off and that started discussion Ines very but I write any comments just I expect a discussion of course no no

    Problem but you know in the such time like a eastern time uh we have to do something special for me was the such you know from feelings for them what I think after uh guided tour at the shind factory just we like beautiful weather I decided to cycle toim of course I coming

    Back by train I’m not so strong that by Night cycling look at this at the such uh uh Magic uh sunset uh sometimes uh pictures speaks speak speaks uh more than my talking oh you see the Lori going in the truck uh but okay but I try to get a

    Little closer that maybe you see the tourist buses getting after s seeing aitz yes that’s why we are uh just uh at the route that tourist by bus going about 1 hour 15 minutes to kov but you could go also by Train by train is the special on my Tik

    Tok I put the short uh um um impression from the uh railway station orim and uh you could see much more maybe any short uh also on the on the YouTube sorry because the battery on iPhone is so so uh you know weak and slowly I’ve got the

    Slowly 20% that’s why I would live stream and show you more but I didn’t take a power bank and all best wishes to you thank you for sharing for any support virtual C always appreciated as you see I try to show different corners of Poland not

    Only that’s why now we are after 90 km cycling by bike in just oim town but also M okay all the best to you and yours big thanks from this by bike 3 and a half hour 3 and a half hour this s May asphal

    S tarmak and that’s 3 and a half hour big thanks and all the best to you and yours uh Happy um Eastern Time bye-bye a


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