Another training week in my Ironman prep. Join me on a long run, an upper body gym session, a speed run workout…and I reveal the bike i’ll be using on my Ironman 70.3 Bolton and Ironman 140.6 Portugal Cascais!

    0:00 – Intro
    1:10 – Long Run
    6:19 – Gym Intro
    8:33 – Upper Body S & C
    12:38 – Speed Run Workout Intro
    16:00 – Speed Run Workout
    19:22 – Bike Reveal

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    It’s Sunday afternoon I would normally have gone out for a long run this morning but it was Mother’s Day last week and this week but it was also my daughter’s birthday so this week we’re doing Mother’s Day so couldn’t get out this morning plus it was pissing down

    Which is a good thing I didn’t get outside I’m going to go and do my long run in a moment this afternoon uh prior to the long run I think I’m going to get just get a gel or a stuer rice bar um probably only going to need one gel I

    Think I might take a second with me just in case weather’s picking up there is actually some blue sky so I’m looking forward to heading out running I’m going running in a different location to I normally go going on the road I’m going through some country lanes and things

    Like that the route looks really good it’s going to be about 12K so I think that’s about 78 miles looking forward to it say should only need one gel I’ll take a spare with me gonna take some fluids with me as well I will catch you on the [Applause] Run [Applause] [Applause] W Day for it what’s the day for It I actually can’t wait to Summer well maybe not summer maybe spring summer get too hot but this rout in spring/ summer it’s going to be amazing just buy it to get out here through the death track that is the last Out so I am switch hands way slow it down a in only four miles in feeling good about Halfway [Applause] hey Amazing this is a great time to talk about running I guess so I used to hate running I used to absolutely hate it and then maybe like October November last year probably October just before my last High Rock I started forcing myself to do a couple of short runs during the

    Week but then a 10K every Sunday and within maybe four five weeks I hit a PB my 10K and everything just started to kind of click like breathing was breathing got a lot better though it doesn’t sound Also I saw some graffiti earlier which just said be proud and not proud enough of some stuff that I’ve done so let you everyone everyone know I’ve climbed the matter horn and I’m quite proud of that and when I can be asked I will make

    A video on it by I do have some footage and I’ve got a good story to tell so look out for uh the day I climb the matter horn video also possibly a day I climb them on blond and a few other biggies that’s my boast slash crowd moment for the Day I actually forgot about this hill this is not effortless anymore woo jeez heading to the gym at 10 to 6:00 in the morning and it is light unbelievable scenes at last I can’t winter is coming to an end spring will be here soon hopefully the weather’s going to get a

    Bit warmer although it’s freezing feels freezing this morning only 6 and 1 half though but it’s cold question so I found out there is a Sprint Triathlon um at the local Country Park should I try should I do it it’s in not till April I think it’s like the

    Middle middle or the end of April um 50 Quid to enter kind of feel like I should just do it to get used to the Transitions and um just see what it’s like to be in a in a triathlon event uh prior to the half

    Iron Man at the back end of June what do you think is it worth me doing it for all those who’ve done triathlons Sprint Triathlon obviously it’s in comparison to a half man or a fly man it’s extremely short is it worth me doing let me know in the comments thank you

    Oh oh look H time to warm up um we’re going to hit shoulders and chest biceps we basically just a whole upper body workout this morning going to get it done in probably like an hour and 20 something like that got an hour long bike ride this evening uh

    So actually I’m going to hit a run tonight we did the run tonight we do the bike tomorrow I don’t know what to um yeah right let’s go get this workout because tomorrow’s Tiing A Oh A W big session on very little sleep all done food and work time I’m now heading out I’ve got a speed workout so like an interval workout which I’m not looking forward to um despite the fact the weather is pretty decent tonight um and I’m going to my new run

    Location which is a a nice country road uh nice and flat looking forward to running there but I’m not looking forward to the actual intervals um with that said it’s running so I’m enjoying that as a as a whole so uh tomorrow morning I have a brick workout

    Bike to run 30 minutes on the bike interval 15 minute run tomorrow evening I’m going to hit a leg session at the gym I was going to do a hit class but I think I’m going to Brave it and on Saturday I’m going to do a hit class and

    At the same time as the same day as doing a hour 45 bike ride trying to get the bike fitted this week if I can hopefully Friday afternoon I can get the bike I can get a bike fit done at least on the um the bike that I’ve got in the

    Turbo trainer because my neck and my back and my shoulders were in agony after my hour and a half uh ride last Saturday so let I’m going to try and get that sorted I’m going to phone them tomorrow to see if they can fit me in

    I’ll take that over then I will actually reveal to you my other bike the bike I’m actually doing the Iron Man on and I’ll get that fitted probably next week well and I’ve got a bit more time I can’t put both bikes in the car that’s where we’re at so you can

    Join me on this speed workout I’ll catch you in a bit All right so we have what do we have we have a 10 minute warm up uh followed by 10 minutes building to a 10K pace which is is an RP of 8 5 minute recovery RP 4 10 minutes building into a 10K Pace again and then a 10-minute cool down so

    When it’s and then it says slowly build from your warm-up speed to your 10K Pace you should be be spending most of the middle part of the run at a fast pace and it should be difficult but building to a 10K pace and actually running for

    10 minutes at of 10K pace is different so I don’t really know what he’s saying there uh last week I did a 10-minute warmup then I just hit 10K pace for 10 minutes probably do the same again then 5 minute recovery and then the same

    Again so we’ll go with that see how we get on um I will report back 45 minute session 10 minute warm up yeah 45 minute sesh oh okay see how we get on I suppose all right here we go the road ahead that’s for 3 and 1 half minutes

    In just a warm up PA although at 810 I really struggle even in these I’m really struggling to go slow really struggling to go slow unless this is my new slow possibly maybe uh maybe an 8 minute M Paces my new slow that’ be nice this in summer as I said is going

    To be unreal guns out down here all day [Applause] long right 10K Pace Building to it bit annoying about these cars struggling a wee bit around 7:30 Pace 90 seconds to go turn that P4 cool down These interv sessions are brutal take it out of your legs so badly then tomorrow I’ve got the brick run so it’s going to hurt that’s where I was going to H good job I didn’t down this R all right I’m starting to I’m going to admit actually STS a lot this

    Workout 30 seconds left 10K pace and I’m done basically it’s going cool down keep pushing hello hello oh no a minute [ __ ] math the math math I’m just about to get on this bike but before before I do I’m want to show you this bike and look at the state of

    This room the kids had a sleep over in here with their friends and just destroyed it this is not a kids playroom anymore this is my man cave this is my bike room so they need to sort it out anyway that is the bike I’m going to be

    Using for the Portugal Iron Man it was lent to me by a great guy called John Hill it so I’m going to undress it and then I’m going to show you what’s underneath now I know absolutely nothing about bikes but given the price tag of this what I’ve been told the price tag

    Is I believe it’s to be fairly decent I mean it’s got you have to charge the gears up so that’s I’m thinking that’s pretty decent anyway this is the bad boy I’m going to be using on the Portugal Iron Man I need to get out on the road I’ve just got the

    Cleats for the pedals um the Shimano pedals and the cleats for uh this bike on those shoes did not fit on these pedals so I’ve had to go and buy some more but that’s cool um I’m going to take this out at some point soon I’m a little bit scared

    Because this is an 11 Grand bike um the other thing I wanted to get done before I was before I took it out which isn’t going to be possible now is a bike fitting well it is going to be possible but I’ll probably go out on

    This before I get it fitted I contacted the local uh local shop who do bike fitting and they can’t fit me until the 18th of April which is like a month basically so I wanted to get this one done because I’m getting a lot of neck

    Pain and shoulder pain when I’m on zift for a long time uh I’ve looked at a few videos online and seat adjustment was one thing I could try so I have tried that I’ve tried lowering the seat slightly and I’ve tried moving the seat back slightly

    We’ll see how this ride goes a 45 minute ride but I think I’m probably going to have a similar issue when I jump on this because it’s not been fitted to me properly so if anyone has any tips um other than what’s on YouTube already

    Then please let me know I would love not to have have a crippled neck for the next few days cuz I’ve got an hour and a hour and 45 by ride tomorrow um so I’d love to have it not have a crippled neck going forward um I cannot wait to take

    This out on the road this thing waves literally nothing just pick it up basically pick it up with my index finger um loving it looks sick and hopefully it will do a good job for me I’m going to jump on this bike now and get a session in uh thank you for

    Watching this video I will see you in the next one if you like my videos please please like them um leave a comment and also subscribe I’m going to be putting on more content as my Iron Man prep ramps up over the next few weeks the volume’s

    Going to go up quite a bit I will be taking this bike out on the road so I’ll take you with me once I get all the kit to do so um and I’ll also be making some hiero videos in that my next event coming up

    Is hiero at the beginning of May so I’ll take you along for that try and make a few more hiero training videos if there’s anything in particular you want to see if you want to see like diet that I’m I’m on right now to train for the

    Iron Man if you want to see like a full day what I do in the morning a morning routine a gym session or anything just give me you know give me some ideas um actually I might do of what I have learned in this first 10 weeks of Iron

    Man prep 10 or 11 weeks of Iron Man prep um in one of my next videos so love learn hell of a lot anyway thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next video

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