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    Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Volta a Catalunya 2024 Stage 6

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    Footage | Amaury Sport Organisation
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    Can anybody stop T pagat in catalunia maybe the only thing is a police motorbike that he wasn’t very happy about near the finish this was the sixth stage of catalunia the queen stage even though it didn’t have the longest climbs it was the hardest overall stage a beautiful one featuring a number of

    Climbs between 7 and 15 minutes but the longest one was actually the Colt deel which is much longer than the others up to 1700 meters and it’s got very very steep pinches in it another two climbs after that about 15 minutes in length and finishing at the monastery in qualt

    But if you want to get fit to hit the climbs in summer it’s not far away you need to download the join cycling app the best adaptive training platform on the market through the link down below you get 30 days free trial no strings attached download join below sunny

    Weather leaders jersey medium Mountain sort of finish coming up for Pacha he was the heavy favorite for the stage and the coverage started before that main climb the C Pell and it was actually vimma Lisa bike chasing the Breakaway which had mullmer and Hugh karthy un VTA

    And Robert Hing pacing so they obviously wanted to try something either for cous or k Brooks probably for cous because he looked the better of the two uh riders for visma on GC so far but they’ve not had a good week so far on volter and Pon they were both uh lacking particularly

    On voler and Steven Chik begins to up the pace you see when the pelton’s going this slow it means that it’s seriously steep when shavez attacks it’s uae’s responsibility to close that down with COV Solair and grar the pacing and then it kicks up again the last three KS very

    Very steep Ras in humas and we begin to see seus the Mano likely pacing for leaving a gap and looking back which can mean only one thing that he obviously wasn’t feeling good when KF was pacing but the pace continues another 200 M he’s slid into the last five wheels of

    The group so he’s going in One Direction and chire keeps the pace going there’s all the other GC riders in the top 10 still there it’s not like someone of major importance had dropped at this point in fact it was cous that was really the first dropping out of those

    GC Riders none of them the others were really under too much pressure beral Marosa Landa vlasov Harper all there and in fact patcha he led it over the top of the climb in the last K or so and about 133% just doing his own Tempo with Al MAA and

    Solair in the wheel hter Brooks also got dropped about a k from the Sumit chry fik having to bring him back and UA had it all under control three Riders are made at the back he moves back up they’ll have more coming back COV in the groups behind here which chases in the

    Valley and so Solair just goes on the front and keeps everything under control not that anybody was going to attack in the valley uh before the isidra climb anyway but you’ve got a lot of guys here Bernard vov M Harper jabber all wanting to move up in GC Lander’s got a pretty

    Good hold on second CU he’s been so good this week already but there’s still two climbs that are hard coming up steep sections a lot of the domestiques are dropped a lot of isolated Riders and it’s a hard stage has already been a hard Pace up to this point so we get to

    The co desant isidre 5K is 8 and a half% very steep sections and Evan SAA he’s back Mar he’s actually look good good this year so so in Parts he he looks like a valuable Mountain domestique for moar he hits the front and it’s obviously a serious Pace cuz

    Pat is decided to move up to Second wheel it drops still there Alid is struggling seventh eth wheel and M is obviously trying to move up in GC into the top five or better and then pogy attacks over the top Bernal initially gapped actually you see he’s not in the

    Group with Lenny or vlasov who then gets spat and the last man to go like all the other Mountain stages is mik Lander who is best of the rest but with pogy going clear 29 to go still 2ks to the summit you know 6 seven minutes of climbing the

    Stage result can only have one outcome which is T paga going up the road whereas the battle for the podon GC really gets interesting here all these Riders B Lov are within about 30 seconds of each other from 320 to 350 vlasov is a bit closer on 250 Martinez M Tiber

    Vlasov and Bernard and they’re playing cat and mouse they obviously they’re not going to cash batet they gave up justifiably irrationally a few stages ago Bern now counterattacks the group there’s Lander in the middle somewhere doing his own pace and no one can follow Egan beral blando maybe 25 30 seconds

    Behind pogy at the top but pogy extends It On The Descent which was twisty but had some pedaling sections in it as well where Pacha really extended the Gap and now it’s a question in this Valley what about 12K Valley here before the final climb can vlasov get across to Bernal

    Who started today in ninth a minute behind vlasov but is now threatening his Podium GC position and the group’s not cooperating that well cuz they wouldn’t mind attacking vlov themselves so mus decides to be brave he goes across Pacha looks like he’s he’s working hard in the

    Valley he still got another six sevenk to go to Bera where the last climb starts but M despite the brave effort despite getting within what looks like 15 seconds here just round the corner from Bernard Landa it looked like got the call on the radio to start pulling

    Hard in that Valley and they really keep M behind and so if he’d gotten AC cross Mass probably gets on the third on the podium but here’s the final climb 6K 7% and pogy does it easy Mar loses a lot of time then after the effort in the valley

    Bernard and land work really really well uh exchanging turns all the way both cementing a Podium GC position but here the road starts to narrow last 700 M all the fans on the road and the police motorbikes get caught this is kind of like on jeup plant last year and also on

    C deow when the car stalled in front of vingard and patcha is not happy he’s obviously frustrated being blocked but also from a safety perspective when you’re passing you probably want to let the let the motorbike no you’re on that side so it doesn’t Veer out and push you

    Into the crowd when it’s so narrow when you’re passing so no harm done in the end P wins by about a minute anyway his third stage at the VTA catalunia this GC is very far gone for anybody else but fantastic to see Bernal performing so well second on the stage and also moving

    Up a lot on GC they 57 seconds back another 117 to the m group who’s 2 seconds ahead of half but they’re about tired on GC now here’s what Pacha had to say after the stage W today was uh really hard stage and uh yeah it was uh we

    Controlled from the start pretty good but then uh on the long uh a special climb uh Vima liisa bike Team tried to set a harder pace and uh yeah it was super super hard on the top uh only remained 10 10 Riders and we we were quite well

    Inside with Mark Soler and so yeah we set the pace until the bottom next climb and the group came back and uh yeah mov star tried to attack there and and yeah uh I just uh launched there um I saw some people follow but I say okay we go

    To the top and uh the rest is history solo to the down and take it with a care and the final clown was really nice with all these people but uh I was suffering a lot but GC still a bit to play for from 4th to 7th tomorrow this the mck

    Circuit in Barcelona bonus seconds are up for grabs and there’s only 6 seconds between fourth and 7th so there will be attacks based on today it looks pretty short that the podium of Pacha land and Bernard is locked in I hope you enjoyed the video I’ll see you the recap of that

    Tomorrow ciao


    1. Ah yes… the Catalan traffic police. Typical amateur escort job. If they allowed the Guardia Civil to do the motorcycle escort job – as they do for the Vuelta – this would be done more professionally. But as Cataluña sees itself as an exception to the rest of Spain, Pogacar is treated to a classic display of amateur policing.

    2. Can we get back to reality when it comes Sepp Kuss. He got gifted his victory in Spain last year, and over several stages. He is not a top GS raider and never will be.

    3. Kuss looks great, Visma really has a captain debate/problem for the TDF, as a dane 🇩🇰 i really hope Jonas comes out on top of this exciting battle 😉

    4. I think the wack on the motorbike is a reverberation of the frustration Tadej felt with the moto in the Tour last year when he seemed to get away from Jonas but was blocked. Why were there motos there anyway? UCI need to figure it out.

    5. It’s possible Pogacar was not angry but simply wanted to make sure that the motorbike knew he was there and didn’t hit him.??? Media/ppl making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    6. Naw, that was just "On your left!" Pog knows the motos are going as fast as they can move ;people out of the way. In fact, riding between the two is safer than following 'cause no one's gonna jump in front of the second moto.

    7. He's really, really too full of himself. The motorbikes are there to protect YOU, dude, and if they hadn't been there, you would have been slowed by the crowd anyway–they were like Moses parting the Red Sea, and you should be thanking them and being angry at the crowds later. I wish Kuss was on his level so he could show the super-elites how to be truly great with humility and grace.

    8. Kruiswijck's forearms are bigger than his biceps.

      UAE vs. Jumbo…who can get the best dope? Who can destroy pro road cycling the fastest? Tough to say, tough to say…

      You just have to laugh at the nerve of UAE, running their doped horse hard every single dang race.

    9. Surprised Quickstep arent sending Lamperti to Dwars and was also surprised that Mangier DNF Strato Bianchi. Luke got 72nd @ Ghent Wvg. but I wonder if his roll was to shepherd around Merlier or Asgreen around. They should let Luke free to ride his best result while learning the ins and out instead of being a workhorse. I thinke he'll have the legs to ride with the big dogs if he had support.

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