Watch all broadcasts live on ! IOF Orienteering World Cup Round 2, Česká Lípa, Czechia
    Full duration broadcast of Long distance

    Commentators: Katherine Bett & Jonas Merz

    Date: 2023-08-06

    This broadcast from iof TV is brought to you by chicator and luminite [Applause] [Applause] thank you Foreign Of the World Cup 2023 we end this round with the long distance race uh first of all for the women and then for the men this is a little Glimpse through the trees with a lovely drone shot of exactly what the challenges are that these athletes will be facing we are

    Back again in this Sandstone terrain we use for the middle distance yesterday we’re back in the same Arena uh it’s got a little bit muddier overnight it’s basically been raining uh ever since we left this Arena why ever since we arrived yesterday basically in this Arena and the conditions certainly are

    Going to be really tough but for those who’ve been competing at the top level for the last couple of years this terrain is uh pretty familiar uh lots of preparations went into those orienteering World Championships two years ago held very very close to him in fact these courses were initially

    Designed for a pre-World Champs Euro meeting they’ve been adapted for today’s event so couldn’t waste these courses at all and they’ve been adapted as well after a late change of Arena but I think it’s going to provide quite an interesting long leg towards the end you

    Just get a sense of how steep the climbs are from these shots suddenly you’re in amongst the trees and then the ground just Falls away uh underneath you and it’s uh it’s really quite unique quite exciting and very very beautiful terrain as well even in the rain it’s going to

    Provide lots of great challenges I think this is the the Run ghost going along the track right next to the arena oh yeah and actually this part isn’t that relevant for the rest of it it’s great it’s actually Greener there than on the rest of the course so maybe not the best

    Thing to get a picture from most of the course today but of course they they’re going to be there in the very end exactly it’s going to be a lot more visible uh than that but there is a huge challenge awaiting the athletes you can see there it’s a 9.4 kilometers but take

    Note of the estimated winning time then 82 minutes uh as the winning time for the women’s course gradually gets longer and longer until it is the same as the men’s but let’s have a look at the challenge that awaits them and we’re in a quite a compact area but this is how

    The course looks and we start with a short control to rather short controls um it’s the challenge today is going to be quite similar to yesterday I mean there are of course it’s a long distance we have a few longer legs as three to four but we don’t have these extreme

    Long legs as we had at the world championships in 2021 if you remember that one it was more or less all about those rude choices two or three and the whole course and you had to get it two or three times right in order to be fast

    Today I think it’s more about the micro root choices again as yesterday of course there are rude choices but um the legs are going to be about between five to yeah 10 12 minutes as the longest so I think it’s more about this executing the legs you can see uh

    Those controls here short turn in the sense so it’s extremely steep around 10 to 12 and 13 then TV control number two at 17 before we go back again to the area where we have been yesterday this exactly here is the hill we had the Middle Easterns at so this root Choice

    Here it’s kind of a similar problem as yesterday in the middle Essence will you go around the hill or will you climb over it depending on of course if you have some energy left or not um I like the course uh it’s demanding it’s in my opinion more technical than

    Usually the long distance the Races they are mostly about the root choices and executing today it’s it will be a lot about the last meters towards the control as well not only when it comes to technique but also your mindset and how much you have energy have left to be

    Fighting all the way to the control you can see here uh this is actually the one of the bits they say that was bad runability the blueberry is there about 15 centimeters high so that’s what they call bad runability in czechia that this here is the good runability and you can

    See yeah you could almost Play Gold on that one yeah um and this is obviously approaching the control from above on this there’s lots of different kind of micro root choices you can you can take on this one and where you want to take the climb and trying to minimize

    The climb as well seven to eight again similar kind of concept I mean there are this one that you see the dark blue option it’s extremely long around I think it’s you’re not gonna choose rude choices like that especially when you had the dark blue you could have cotton

    Straight up to the park there you wouldn’t need to do the s-shape because you have to climb up anyway but it gives you an idea about the different possible rule choices I think that the red one here is rather good you have to do climbing anyway no matter what you do and uh

    Well sooner or late you have to climb and here in this part it’s good to get it not at once when you have to do the climbing all that within a few meters but if you can kind of yeah move it to a longer distance because the runability in the

    Slopes as yesterday is really good uh that that’s the problem I’ve been talking about before 17 18 quite similarly a few of the runners especially if we go in the red the route uh they will recognize it from yesterday because the second part of this route

    You could do on exactly the same kind of line as yesterday this downhill here when you come down from control 17 one of the green a bits of the course uh you have to get down to this bigger Street and here on the very top if you have the runners have almost been

    A minute they have been Crossing this exactly this section here from right to left on the way to the second control in demands and a few of them also the women’s foreign yeah so lots of root choices lots of variation as well and a different kind of style start list today because we

    Have the uh best women going in the middle of the start list that’s to kind of fit everybody within the broadcast window so the best 70 in the world rankings are kind of going in reverse order as the first 70 uh Runners out here so who who do you want to pick out

    Then there’s some of our favorites um well the very big favorites on the very end I think the first one we’re gonna see that I think can perform very well today Elite Monson started 10 21 and then now from 11 so around now we have we’re gonna see here on the

    Duracorn for for sure a good name and then slightly going into the biggest names that is quite well yesterday as well as the the whole Swedish team basically I think Lisa rispy we can expect a lot from her today Sarah Hog’s room Natalia camping didn’t have the best race yesterday but

    Maybe get to show to prove that she is very good in that kind of terrain anyway and then of course simuna episodes yep so those are the starters that we’re going to focus on here’s the current leader Um from Switzerland uh her running time 97 34 so still 15 minutes off the expected winning time yeah and I think we will I think we will get down to that 82 minutes um I think in the end those are the standings so far at the Finish as you can see I know Mancala in the second place then for Finland a couple of Danes in there too and as you can see lots of big gaps at the moment not had a whole load of people into the Finish already The running times getting to be pretty long and we’re actually going to have the lowest ranked in the world ranking starting after the red group today so um I think the organizers might be here for a long time for some of the some of waiting for some of those women it’s so

    Grueling and so a few of the runners they booked the travel home for tomorrow and not for today yeah I think that’s a good idea uh it’s really challenging out there but let’s take a first look then into the terrain and into the start ER from Finland

    Yep she was 17th uh yesterday in that middle distance she’s the bronze medalist from the European championships and you can get a chance to see just how steep it is down there when we see Annika gasner here at this TV control it’s incredible but back to the finishes is more than angry Chris

    Johnson actually that was the second glass control I think we’ve seen her at uh so quite close to the Drone shot we’ve seen in the opener [Applause] Is gonna go into second place at the moment Just 22 seconds behind the leading time here’s Annika gasnant yet he said that she was right close to the last control and this will be a new leading time here then for the the Austrian working hard on these final stages of the race and you will go into a new leading time here

    Very happy with that I think happy to get around this course as well we’ve got one of the Czech athletes too Glover it’s going to be about 10 minutes off the pace [Applause] just to give you a short overview of the standings at the first TV control is about 147

    Behind the leading the fastest time having held by Agnes at the moment so quite a good race for Anika gasner the fighting face on but she’s going to be quite a long way behind you can see she was being caught up by some of the other Runners there Foreign so on her way to control number 12. You can see she’s already behind as you just said they own us cracked in the current lead at that point after 53 minutes of running her laundry laundry into second place you can see there the little animal tracks this is quite a complex area to read especially at one to fifteen thousand as

    Well go around here yes or then it’s on top of this one yeah Rocky’s bird top is this it’s quite special because you have a few controls also cracks when you have the control location on the top of the crack yeah which is very you don’t see that very often in

    Orienteering usually you just see the the feature on the map and you think it’s a crack so then it’s always below the benefit of the crack but here every now and then it’s it’s on top so you have to be really careful when you approach the control

    So that was our first look then at control 12. and I know two misto there Grace Malloy into 10th 20th sorry in more detailed look then at those standings at this control the 12th control TV split number one you can see there are four runners within a minute of cracked of the Dane

    You could see the leader in the finish at eight position at that moment after around 55 minutes of running that we can head back to the start this is taking a sixth place a Podium place in the uh in the middle distance had a very good run there helped the

    Czech team on the way to a silver medal in the uh Sprint Relay this is Ellen Monson also to split control number one see she’s got exactly the right picture of where that control is and you can see often how these little animal tracks like underneath the rocks

    But she’s made a good level and she stayed quite High to that control very good attacking position and she’s into second place you see her she’s just taking her time to read all that detail make a plan for control number 13 does she want to kind

    Of stay at the same height does she want to climb and drop again she want to go a bit more of a zigzagging route well she climbs up out of the control they’re a little bit the kind of plateaus you can run alongside very tough you want to read about next to start

    11th place yesterday she took a top six at the European championships long distance and has the potential for a good performance today foreign quickly towards number one so the first time we get a bit of GPS here so this is the root choice to control number four you can see different approaches

    Customers staying up there for a long time saving some height but it’s too far distance wise then going straight to control five interesting yeah yeah and it’s different to control six again staying below and then you can see how tough it is to get up there yeah and

    Losing that lead again and it’s it’s it will be a lot about this kind of orienteering it’s like how you approach basically how do you climb up to the control in the very end or do you try to stay on the same height in order to avoid this climbing uh just before the

    Controls this is Victoria mark in Hungarian and it’s very very close to a new living time after more than 90 minutes of running she’s gonna take the new leading Time by just two seconds in Victoria Mark of Hungary into a new leading time great runs by the Hungarian let’s have a look then

    Versus Victoria Marg and on their way to 17 that’s actually the second TV control you can see that they’re quite similar at that point Casino straight out going to the left on this long leg Mark choosing to go kind of the way we have seen yesterday but taking the whole climb

    Of course then from here she’s gonna build up speeds quite similar as well I didn’t think actually I would have expected castner to be ahead in the Finish because she didn’t have all the climbing in her leg towards 18 but good speed from Mark on the last meters

    So Florence and I in towards the Finish then and maybe just into fifth place then for the French athletes [Applause] nearly 100 minutes of running and yep she’s gonna go into sixth place and I think let’s crap it’s your best day at split number one this is control number 12. [Applause]

    Let’s see the huge shapes huge rocks there [Applause] she’s got a climb all the way up to this control see how slippery it is especially when it’s so steep and they’re still like quite an early Runners really comparatively so same time then as touristo and I think we

    Should hear then from uh the runner now in I think second place uh let’s hear from Annika gasner so Anna can guess not into the elite here uh and with the best time you look to be smiling are you happy about your race yes I’m really happy um I didn’t do

    Any mistakes and uh um I don’t know about root choices but I think most of them I did good and I catched quite many girls so that was really good motivation during the way and yeah then yeah it was a really cool race I really enjoyed it

    And how’s the two range today it’s been raining a lot how is it to run out there today yeah it was really really slippery and because we didn’t have any spikes so all the wood was really slippery so it was a real Adventure it was really fun in the

    Beginning it was still a little bit dark or not really dark but in the forest it was hard to read the map and some clouds so yeah it was really fun and now you’re here in the best time what do you hope for what what result

    You think you’ll be able to do today really happy with some World Cup points um yeah so let’s see now all the good girls come so let’s see how far I can go thank you thank you she also just saw Maria Larson starting their fifth place for her in the middle distance

    Um yesterday and this is spin house for it she was 15th in that middle distance and just taking a lot of care to read to the first control quite a short first control not too much time in the first controls and then you get to the really really steep

    Area especially around control number 12 as well Annika gas no mentioning she thought it’s quite slippy um the says in the bulletin that Runners are not allowed the metal dobs in their shoes today so they’re only allowed the kind of rubber rubber soles of the shoes

    Uh it does make it very very slippery it’s actually kind of on those rocks as well let’s take uh Teresa chica into the Finish though running all the way along this track towards this last control and she should go into fifth place here [Applause] [Applause] It is a fifth place for her almost 100 minutes I think the relief to be finished on that course they’re just completely takes it out of you and let’s take a look then at her root choices on the last section compared to some of the others oh going pushing that control from below

    14 not sure that’s entirely necessary it’s good to see that they’re really splitting up on different routes and I mean it’s not only it’s hard to say at some point because we see that the roots uh they’re quite similar a few of them even though you go quite different ways I

    Think it’s it can be a lot about that it’s hard to say which one actually is the fun fast that it’s quite individual as well if you have a strength in uphill running and then of course you should use that one and it doesn’t mean that one rule Choice generally is the faster

    This can be like individual differences as well yeah I think to analyze what was the quickest um here today is going to be really tough especially when so many different route choices have been made uh maybe by the end of the race we’ll get some idea

    Of what is good but I don’t think any of the athletes are going to take all the optimal route choices either kind of source a little tracking with aylin Monson who is kind of chopping and changing losing time gaining time on the others as well then how are you European long distance champion

    And that race in Estonia last year she didn’t uh so she made an eighth place in the middle distance Mariana Anderson to split one this must be the control beforehand though between the boulders number 11. now it has to Contour around to 12 and reading the detail on this one to

    Fifteen thousand map really really tough about the 43 year old this is the control she’s looking for let’s see she’s just below the control now but you can see now Hanover’s nieska the current leader at that point a 53-45 and Marianne Anderson in about a minute and a half slower

    Just a few seconds quicker than Victoria Marg who is our current leader in the finish and let’s hear from her Victor I’m out a good performance today as well what do you think about your race thank you very much well it’s just real it was extremely

    Hard for me physically and I uh also made some mistake with the root choices I I think but uh but in the end I think I managed to gain back some time with my speed but yeah it was really tough we saw today 18th control that you

    Took this straight unroot Choice with uh with the most climbing was that the idea sorry yeah Control 18 with quite much of climbing yes well I started to go from C 16 in the way to the right so I then realized that there is a root choice in

    The left which was literally not some not so much climbing but I already choose that route and I just thought this is my last up here so I I will do it as hard as I can interesting to hear that from the current leader Victoria Mark here is

    Lisa risby and with the seventh place yesterday but two top six is a fourth in the long and the sixth in the middle in the World Championships held in very similar terrain it two years ago she could be one who could perform very very well his Christiansen and she’s on her

    Way towards the Finish see this is an area that’s a little bit greener than some of the others and she’s heading on her way it’s still towards the last control oh no she’s overshot it it’s in a re-entrant I think it’s on the on the cliff sorry on the foot there we go

    And this is what you were kind of saying about the middle distance and also saying about this long distance which is you can kind of get between the controls fairly easily apart from like those last few meters where it’s like horrible because you can see it as well Very very close into the finish and she maybe would have been in the top three without that mistake just to the second to last control she’s not going to win the family battle today it’s going to be very very close with Marlon and Eda Christensen from Denmark into fifth

    Yeah yeah no I think she’ll be annoyed just then no so we saw Emma bsmo just back there here She is again on this climb up to control number 12. just looking around and getting the control there she was 10th in the Sprint 25th in the middle distance and 18th Place here currently

    Let’s grab the next runner in towards the Finish Agnes new God cracked is the next one another Dane in here and could this be a new leading time [Applause] [Applause] yeah really really good race and gonna be into the lead just less than a minute yeah and it’s paid off into a new lead no this is quick yes foreign so a new leading time for uh me and itinen oh here you can see it uh especially down from seven to eight

    Very good rule Choice by no get cracked this one going backing out going all the way around avoiding the climbing in the beginning And doing all at once or if she’s like doing it a bit in pieces here the last bit up you can see see she starts climbing then hits that small track there getting to path in order to get uphill usually it’s a bit faster if you can do

    The uphill on paths today actually well since the runnability is so good it doesn’t matter too much but uh often it’s a bit easier to be on the path in the uphill but then me and knitting looks like she’s staying in the slope there towards control 10 and that’s pretty good

    It’s where she gets a little bit of a gap very good in navigating through the features in the slope so back at the start Elena Ross in her last Forest race on the World Cup she’s going to retire at the end of the season and with only a Sprint European

    Championships to come this is her last ever Forest World Cup race she has actually taken a World Cup win in a long distance race that was in 2017 World Cup Final in Grindelwald on home soil for her in the Swiss Alps And the standings then a reminder of those standings at split number one that’s control number 12 me and internet a pretty significantly at that point this is Ingrid londoners this is control number 11. And we uh wait for her at the top at the next control but she’s already lost a huge amount of time here five whole minutes behind me and knitting in it’s gonna put her outside of the top 20 and some struggles in the first part of this course they’re more struggles to come

    She’s definitely looking for the control below the feature as well and not really heading into the right direction here oh yeah okay coming back here no she’s figured it out and you really have to take a look at this control this gear yeah permission as she was doing right now

    That’s exactly what you don’t want to see is like either the control being at the top when you thought it was at the bottom or even the other way around and to descend and come back again but that is maybe 30 40 seconds mistake from Ingrid londoners

    Okay so three minute tail there you can see that London has already here’s uh three minutes approximately three minutes behind that still the same at control five quite far around to six then going down anyway here uh we see another cracked I think the knitting and had a very good time and almost

    The same route as wisnievska but yeah of course yeah you know you see it now uh when you do the GPS analysis of course you always have to be a bit careful with just taking the splits from the GPS but it looks as if he was the

    Fastest between seven and eight me and nine and ten as well yeah very well through the slope there we should see even oh no missed her then uh there I wonder if she probably came through the second fastest time but we do we are able to hit from uh from cracked I’m the

    New leader at the Finish let’s say from now but I didn’t make like any mistakes but sometimes I was like unsure and I was about to make some mistakes but I I catched them before they like turned into something so and the speed I was a bit nervous about the speed because it

    Doesn’t feel that fast and and you’re alone and all alone in the forest and you don’t have any comparison but yeah I’m okay satisfied yeah [Applause] Roblox so we just saw starter hogstrom uh to taking her start we’ve also got Natalia gempeler uh maybe some struggles uh yesterday

    16th place for her she was silver in the Sprint earlier on in this world cup but she does have two consecutive silver medals at the world’s Champs long distance both from 2021 here in it’s kind of similar to rain and 2023 in Switzerland as well

    So how will she be able to cope in this terrain as much kind of shorter route choices uh here at the in this race compared to two years ago at those World Championships we remember if you remember there’s a was a really really massive long route Choice like where you

    Could go quite a long way around and save a lot of climb here the climb is pretty unavoidable 720 meters of climb that’s what’s certificate laundry has done and she is going to be into seventh place here at the Finish You can hear from her reaction that it was a tough race yeah very exhausting let’s have a look at this final route Choice then see the different options that get cracked going all the way around very much around actually same for kalon tree we had the comparison before between mug and castner

    That’s a Advantage foreign I think later on in the competition we’ll see them heading up a little bit earlier this is Alexander Hornick yeah the pole was 21st in the middle distance which is not going to be the best polish athlete here at this 12th control as we wait for her

    At the top of the cliff let’s see brought her in the terrain but now we’ll head back to the Finish El takuza not going to be in the top three this is a pretty solid race here from the Latvian [Applause] number four one hour 36 minutes and Hornick as you

    Can see punch that control into sixth place foreign going all the way down has to climb here that’s internet smart way not kind of going straight up the hill and there in this route very well by nitinan a similar way think it’s good to not head down there

    Into this uh depression because you go down and have to go up again I think it was a small mistake in there for hornik as well I’m just kind of going down and up again quite strange one anyway no talking into sports to finish but she is more than eight minutes

    Slower than cracks from Denmark thank you not sure that map is entirely in one piece but back towards the start here’s Andrew and Benny minson World long distance bronze medalist and 10th in the middle since yesterday still no International win we’ve been saying for the last couple of Seasons it

    Feels like it’s only time before she manages to take her first World Cup win can’t you do it here today it’s going to be a tough ask especially compared to the last two starters in the red group ABBA sold and Alex Anderson of course and let’s take a look at control 13 you

    Can see nitin and really continuing which was what she was doing already earlier staying in the slope has to climb there wisniewska with uh and maybe not the best way to control 13. I think that was an actual mistake she didn’t quite understand how high she was on the slope I feel

    I first looked then at split two control seventeen and isibase just dropping down the slope you’ve got to find it it’s on a boulder but in a little section of kind of white and yellow in between the two bits of green which you can kind of see on the picture

    The back to the start a Simona abasold yesterday’s silver medalist she is the world champion in the long distance taking her first ever World title denying taupe Alexander ending and endings over Alexander some streak and one of the favorites of course for this race there is place there another great run for her

    Foreign Can be treated to some of the world’s best orienteers at the end of their course of the the public braces went into the middle distance to Reign yesterday so they’ve got some idea of the challenges being faced by these Runners here’s Joseph and Shannon and on her way towards the Finish

    She drops down to the track and takes the last few meters it’s pretty good run it’s not going to be the new leading time but not going to be too far off for shenland singers fighting foreign Foreign Choosing to climb a bit earlier towards control 17. see that mug behind there at this point ready then go monkey we know it’s gonna climb over the hill Shannon learned going this middle route where I think we will gonna see most of the runners later on I can see that she definitely gets

    Closer here towards control 18. yeah really catches up a bit of time here’s Hannah visca wait some traffic at the control yeah and she’s into seventh place there which means she’s lost time because I think she was was she leading at the other split she was uh it’s hard to see because we

    Can’t compare them to a different person but yeah it’s it’s she has always been about those two minutes behind it’s over Alex Anderson then our last starter today she has won both the individual races uh here at this World Cup round in fact she won if you weren’t about today’s world

    Championships two years ago she took every single gold there and of course she is the huge favorite for this race The Climb is really going to suit her it’s because we compare her to her teacher she’s behind so we have a teach covered with the fastest time

    The moment put a special route here to control eight it’s quite different to the others do you see falling quite much and then had to climb again to control eight this is uh Joe Shepard into the Finish she’s going to be more than 10 minutes behind though and outside the top 20 at

    This point based in Norway [Applause] working hard on the last few meters but it will be about 11 and a half minutes slower than cracked and Joe Shepard finishes her race into 24th thank you So we do now have all of the red group of women out onto the course and in about 80 minutes time we should have a result for you to build the tension here in this Arena we have that first TV split well the moment they’re going through that in

    About 50 minutes or just over 50 minutes and then you have a second one not so shortly afterwards foreign 18. [Applause] it says approaching the Finish ing his caught her actually by those three minutes as well so a group of three of them here and the quickest one in that group is Annika Simonson from Denmark into sixth place as well uh foreign foreign having to climb with the very ends see

    Monsoon yeah at least quite a bit of time there Jeff you can the problem is that that you have quite a lot of climbing even go even though you go around but it’s it’s I mean it’s not all at once it’s kind of hidden when you

    Look at it it looks like as if you are avoiding a lot of climbing but in the end it’s of course you don’t do as much as on the root choice to the right but you still have a lot more distance to go and you have climbing there as well yeah

    It’s just that you’re kind of taking it almost all in one go like especially at the end there you can see climbing up out of the valley let’s add in Andrea’s friends into the mix then with the GPS and we know that the TV control uh it’s the second fastest time behind suspense

    Control seven I think too far north yeah uh maybe a bit tired after the climb going all the way up there you see that extreme climbing by harpala and spends onto this control uh of course I mean either way when you do you have to do climbing in the very end

    Spencer’s staying very high there to nine you can see that though all the others they try to get on top of the hill in order to build up some speed but if you compare it to nitin and she was able to create speed as well in the slope

    You’re a good good option for hotichkava 213. yeah very good do we know what what position Swenson punched that TV control in number 12. yeah she was in fourth position 141 behind the lead there Mia let me know for example that the next radio uh just about 11 minutes later

    Was behind 143 so she lost almost two minutes on this one kilometer between the TV control and the next radio control okay far behind but far above not stopping for a drink here keeping going straight down and part of it is a kind of about throwing yourself down some of the

    Slopes having no fear the adding NBS mode then into the picture see it Tale three minutes it’s quite far behind there this is the last stages of the race yep probably a new leader yeah it looks good indeed for Ellie Monson to be having a new lead she was behind the craft

    To control 17 so the one before the root choice so she did a good job here it always seems to perform consistently ahead of her seating often coming into Lucina coming into a new leading position takes the punch there almost punches the tree as well and Ayla

    Monster and then it’s going to take a new clear leading time go under 95 minutes there we go that’s the new best time this is yeah dropping down here in amongst the blueberries interesting now because you can see that she is clearly the fastest so far one 46 ahead of nitinen

    And this is the root Choice leg you could tell you know Emma bsmo who we saw go through there she just dropped down immediately from the control just taking the drink so making sure she’s punched first and then taking a drink and going on that

    Root Choice as well I can see here the difference yeah you can see that neat in a knot on top of her game to control 13 losing on this route uh maybe not having full control over the height when she was running in the slope very well executed by ochichikova

    15 was the pre-warning the radio controller was talking about then you have the long yeah control 16 up there where the GPS disappeared and then the long leg to the TV control well it’s good for her at the moment let’s have a look Ben at those standings

    At the Finish Ellie Monson which is head in for a new leading time okay a minute and a half quicker and Agnes no good cracked instead Victoria Mark who heard from as well another great run for her into fourth place and that’s how the top 10 shapes up at the moment

    With all of the top women best ranked in the world all out on the race so far let’s have a check then of these last stages and why alien Munson called up the time they did it burned like they are not replayed from control 17 so they’re starting with the disadvantage

    Or the advantage they had at start you can see Monson going all the way on top of the hill clearly faster but I think you know didn’t execute it very well in that section when it disappeared from the map uh didn’t have like the straight line

    To the control so I need to mister follow me with the Drone and that just for me gives you a sense of how some of these some of these are kind of plateaus incredibly flat on the top and then just a steep steep descent down awesome but she started before Ellen Monson so

    As you can see there far from a new best time To the finish I’m going to be more than six minutes slower [Applause] it will be 19th at the moment for her very keen to get out the way the camera operator and doesn’t even wait for the okay this is also the last control this is who started a three minute after See we get the time down there you can see this so um yeah yeah maybe into third position not gonna beat cracked but I think she has a good chance to beat Chan loans 22nd yesterday Grace Malloy probably has some cramps there so position three four four also in towards the Finish Yeah Grace looks like she’s in quite a bit of pain there she’s a very tough runner though and Buffet rewarded with a third Let’s have a look then adding Buffet into the mix and it’s gonna be interesting she was behind Chad Lund at 17. oh she really well very close very very close yeah I just think she’s going to go the other way do you still have to climb quite a bit okay I mean like

    Scene from the GPS Channel and then possible quite similar at control 17 so let’s see here this is where I think norger Clark didn’t go perfect way that was still similar here it’s down to the 19th control where she made the difference so next up on the way to the finisher Mariana Anderson

    And I think we can hear then from Ellen Monson the new leader at the Finish it was good technical but it was really tough so in the beginning I was really tired and I was afraid I didn’t make it to the finish and what what do you say about your performance today

    It’s more uh a little bit much to round Paula gross of Switzerland there into the first TV splits let’s have a look though at londoners who we just saw through into the second TV control but nearly 13 minutes off the pace you can see she’s just kind of

    Getting stuck in the slope there nobody take and yeah too high as well nobody doing as good as hochichkova on that one Disney Esther from Poland next one into the Finish we can catch her with the Drone yeah she is ahead of his nieska sprinting here all the way into the Finish

    Outside the top five for her but not lost too much time since the last radio control To the big screen Towards finish into eight yeah Okay we go back this is a yanashikova yeah at split number one and it’s good for her she goes into second place just 13 seconds behind knitting and we’re nearly into the last 10 Runners here as well Marika Taney has been caught and a good start for yanashikova

    And then she’s just got to take the next root choices though right so that’s where her was really good but Mariana Anderson is next in towards the Finish uh this looks like a great run from Mariana Anderson I wonder if she’s had a really a great last few controls because

    She’s not too far behind Monson overtaken cracked as well and here a ready to cross the line into second place so Marianne Anderson the Norwegian at 43 years is into second at this world cup long distance race let’s have a look at Anderson’s route then all the way around Rather than you’ve got so much climbing up to the control oh no okay it’s quite far though I mean you don’t avoid a lot of climbing uh really you can see that he tries to go around whenever she gets a chance to this one this is a tough one up there

    We’re pract in the process though again it’s kind of about executing those root choices as well a sweet seed to replay for you know I think soon we expect Mario allows and to this control as well she had the fastest times at the radio controls so it’s gonna be interesting very soon months

    So much time to climb up there to control six if you come from straight below then I mean she goes you first go down from this bit with the houses and then you have to climb up again so I think it’s better to actually stay on the path and

    Go all the way around to the north which does just about gets that control first in the end so we’ve got a lot of strength there and finding kind of good root in this slide a little bit further down the way as well yeah pretty strong there

    It’s a maybe a bit of flow through those controls and then this is when the whole titular takes a really good route janashikova again losing time being in the slope there that is pretty optimal for hoshitkova So we went at finish I’m a BS mode maybe the next athlete seeing we’ve got in what England has dropped a lot of time so maybe me and nitinen uh is one of those we can see fairly soon that’s what I was catching up with but the Swedish team with so much

    Success especially in the women’s course on that middle distance but I’ll be hoping to emulate that but as I said me and italan is the next in towards the finish and she set a new lead at the first TV control when she was there I just stop in time for those for this

    Control that’s a tactical slide down maybe maybe good that there is a drone another camera operator because otherwise it would get even more slippery she’s out on the track then what can Mia knitting and do it’s very good here for the fin definitely gonna take over the lead you

    Can see it and now we’re getting close to under 90. clear here here especially kind of towards controls to eight to ten as well she’s going to be really rewarded here with a new birth time and a new birth Time by just under four minutes as well outstanding running for me and itinen

    So she goes in towards the finish and it’s 90 minutes and nine seconds Giving it absolutely everything on this of course and she should be really pleased with that run let’s have a look then That part a few times now need in a very strong here between nine I mean between 9 and 12 then losing time to control 13 compared to hojitkova and uh soon to the Finish as well And then I think we’re gonna see a new leader actually punch that look at the amount of leaves 13th control yeah Taking these controls incredibly well here’s the 17th and Ida hapla just dropping down I think she was just looking around just to check that it wasn’t as high because you have to drop down then realize the controls are actually much further up that’s such a pain but into Seventh Place

    You can see their whole chitchconvert the lead but this is Svenson and actually Swenson has caught up caught up happily despite like a small mess to control seven So within two minutes of Hotel his mmbs moment in towards the Finish she was caught by Mia nitinen and so

    It’ll be outside the top ten then for Emma biasmo and I think we can keep the camera here in the Finish because very very soon we will have what approaching the last control distance race here she is this is her and she has had a really good really

    Really good root choice to number 13. you can see the time ticking by there it’s going to be good enough for a new leading time for the Czech athletes and she will get lots of cheering from the slightly soggy Spectators as she comes all the way in for the finish here

    Maybe losing sometimes compared to Nissan at the very end but this is certainly going to be a new leading time here and a great time goes under the 90 minutes 89 46. takes a new leading time Meanwhile I mean I’ve been talking about before at the first TV control we didn’t see her in the picture Mario allow some new best time with the clear new best time one and a half minutes ahead of me Anita truly have a meeting in this comparison but you can see

    Or cheat going over the hill as well this is the replay from Mario Larson at the TV control you can see tier 134 I had a meeting and that’s through with a new lead yeah that was done then yeah comparison going different way compared to the cheats

    Quite far ahead of nitinen at this point climbing out from control 7 to this path and going all the way around that’s what I was talking about I think it’s better to go the ulasan way compared to the yanosikawa Bay because the under Seeker has to climb there

    Second part that to get up in this part again good to roots to eight as well come down to nine let’s see if she stays in the slope to turn up she’s climbing so not anything way to control them courses then a more convenient entrance to control 10 because you can come from

    Above doesn’t have to do this slope running yeah so for me their time made on the 8th and the tenth controls uh really good kind of entrance yeah yeah that’s it’s it’s clear where you’ve got to kind of look at how high up the slope the control is

    Um is it high up in the re-enter and it is on top of the cliff is at the bottom of the cliff which if there’s two kind of tiers of cliffs which one exactly is it on so it’s really going to kind of inform the root Choice as well

    Um but we can go back to our standings at the finish with a new leading time for vanilla huchiskova into second place and then a big gap back to Ellen Monson so just under 90 minute winning time at the moment good mix of nations in that top ten at

    The moment but we’ve got a lot of faster swedes Swiss and a couple of quick Norwegians Angela Benjamins and Maria loudson who were that big new leading time at the first TV split as well still to come please please comparison you also have the distances right there blue one being the dark blue

    One being the shortest you can see it it’s not the whole church we’re going in a kind of a mix between the Reds and the light blue one proving to be the fastest here staying in the slope to control five I mean she she doesn’t do any climbing there basically

    So strong in the root choices and a corn here and she it’s climbing but she shouldn’t be climbing she yeah has not quite got control of the situation maybe she expected to find it on the opposite side of the hill but now she comes down the slope she spotted the control

    It’s climbing up to the camera operator yeah so energy Court it was a fourth place in the middle Essence that world championship she didn’t run the long so middle turning to be a little bit better for her but fifth place at the moment 317 behind her chichkava

    Now back at the finish this is Alexander Hornick polish athlete who started I think just three minutes after her chip cover so it’s not going to be as fast as the Czech athlete but not too bad either third best time so far definitely it really will be Foreign But otherwise I think it was okay I’m not sure about your chases but it was very interesting and fun to run this course and being on home ground in czechia how has it been running and running today yeah it’s perfect I mean the crowd here is is awesome and running

    On the Homegrown of a special and I didn’t get a chance to compete at the home ground World champs two years ago in the forest so I enjoyed this very much I think here they have a Mario and Abby and so tell you that we have a new leader at

    The first TV control uh Lisa risby from Sweden was there 49 56 so 22 seconds ahead of Mario Sun but I’ll be into 21st shared 21st bit more than eight minutes behind here’s the replay from speed good approach into the control well prepared and that means she takes a new lead

    Takes a lot of time into the next control let’s look at risby in the brown color going a little far around she didn’t really pay off if you compare her to ulau son quite similar control before climbing up here very quick in the climb then going up to this

    Pass a bit higher up in the slope I think it’s good oh climbing early there haven’t really seen that going to this Junction taking the small path and it’s just a good option to eight compared to loud son and then going down early I think it was a bit better for Oola ocean

    Not really going down that far as it is bit but please be staying in the slope as we see in nitin and doing maybe a bit slower has to climb a few meters up to control 10. but then here we know that it’s better to stay below if you remember

    To control 13 I think this is going to lose time to this control 13. yeah I think you’re right that slope is quite a lot slower so hard to tell in the northern facing slopes tend to be a little bit less runnable yeah and still pretty runnable

    But slightly less yeah you could see that as well I mean it’s more bushy when you see these pictures and and compare them to what we have seen yesterday in some of the Southern slopes Ben Lahore you through that control 12 well then six minutes down she was overtaken by Lisa risby

    But back uh towards the Finish now Ingrid londoners that hasn’t been the best run for her today she was nearly 13 minutes down at TV control number two and it’s going to be over 15 now we could see one of the mistakes that the first TV control where she didn’t expect

    The control to be on the spur maybe a day full of kind of small frustrations like that that just add up if you make those on every single control that’s going to be very tough here at the uh control number 12. and into third place and then now we’ve had Eleanor rostro

    Here we’ve only got Sarah hogstrom Natalia Gambler Andrew Alexander still to come but Elena Ross made a good start so though dropping down into that track now taking the climb quite similar very similar um good exit here I like that because you don’t have to climb a lot they’ll

    Ask me just controls I did not have to go too far around there Not Afraid Of The Climb here Illinois proves to be good see she picks to control eight yeah then going down there you have to climb a lot on those last meters it was quite quick in the uphill of

    Course you have the path but it’s steep there it is be with a good route to control it taking the climb there quite early you can see that it was lost a bit to control eight and then nine also climbing as oolausen going around taking the control from above

    It’s interesting now control 12 to 13 if she will drop down or if she and hard to say this is camping but she loved having done all that climb from the previous control is kind of paying off but whoa look at this yeah it’s a big new lead good lead for gambler

    Of course it suits her with a physical uh race you can see that she takes that planning of the route very seriously and I don’t think we’ve had sort of hearthstone to this point which means Natalia gempler has overtaken her somewhere let’s take a look at gempeler’s Roots going

    Choosing to go there on the path tries to find the places where she can I wish yeah all the way around before well it’s good for her I don’t know if anyone like if the others would have been as fast as she was on that route but it was good

    Definitely for her and I mean she was faster and she avoided climbing this is sliding down to this third last second last control second last one In towards the arena last few stages on this track and this is last Patrol it’s gonna be into fifth position for her number [Applause] I will finish so it is fifth time for it this is Andrea Svenson on the way to the Finish Yeah a really good run for spend The top three let’s add Spencer into the mix then on this last stage as you can see such a lead for hojitka at that point I mean it’s about two minutes yes in the Finish oh yeah different approaches in climbing but in the end both of them go take the hill

    Quite similar speed maybe small mistake there just approaching control 18. it’s a few small mistakes for Svenson but still into third okay control 17. yes indeed it is just outside the top ten and I think we should see and Chic over there fairly soon as well we know she’d come making an entrance

    It’s one way of putting it [Applause] to add in powder grosses yeah good root to control 13. yeah we like that one 10 stayed quite quite some time at 13 maybe planning the route a small mistake just before control 16 by Paula Cruz choosing a different approach to 17 going more around

    Well in the mg okay she stays down there Very different approach yes indeed this is some other episodes what’s the time you can see that Alexander has been there already oh this must be a replay yeah so you can see two so she must have so um seconds ahead yeah exactly 12 seconds uh of course behind so here she is

    So together now episode so let’s see Why episode not a good exit from control three you can see that she lost quite some time just rounding that till like I was gonna say does Alexander go the gamble away but not quite oh she’s climbing yeah very good it’s too much

    Better you can see about the minute one and a half ahead already 10 episodes yeah staying too low in the slope and different approaches here at Alexander climbing very much in the very end not three minutes here yet though uh episodes wait kind of planning the route

    Quite some time at seven then choosing the same as Alex Anderson and heading up the slope early was quite similar that one yeah she must have lost a bit uh yeah and approaching towards control 12 episodes uh lost time compared to a cheat code as well uh looks like maybe Rita felt

    It is more interesting [Applause] and this will be a new lead for Maria Larson again she took the lead when she went to number 12. that’s since been overtaken by Tove Alex Anderson but a new lead here by just 45 seconds and caught up I’m gonna read a felt

    Getting into the green let’s have a look at olausen then ah not maybe not the best approach to 13. better than yanosikova oh and I think this is what Jana zika was losing time that is not necessary she lost time to 13 and 10 to 14 as well let me think allowsense GPS

    There I guess it’s quite similar to hotichka’s root Choice difficult task to run it slope here it’s getting more precarious uh as every Runner comes through uh and the hat is really really tough but under a corner it’s actually made that look very very easy uh but she might just be

    Outside the top three Justin about becoming quite consistent in her orienteering and to come on her way to the last control here it is oh my God thinking to a fourth position So Norwegian looking strong in the last few stages looking pretty happy as well and across the line into fourth place then for another corn from Norway fourth place for her Foreign I’m not a fan of that I mean it’s I don’t think it’s so much more distance to go but it’s much more difficult to execute than the other one and you don’t get a few steps on the street in between so I think if you if

    You climb the hill then do it in the ways when some uh So let’s take a look at those standings at the Finish which we’re still with that lead let’s take a look then at all of the top Runners through the first section and we can also say that benjaminson was passed by both Alex Anderson and abusot started six minutes ahead of Alexander

    Zone and the three ahead of episode uh that’s what we have seen gambling going far around uh was as fast as episode but Alex Anderson clearly the fastest to control four the many different approaches on these root choices can’t be listening all the way below climbing at one stare up from six to

    Seven straight the same for episode more or less really but she takes the climb a little bit earlier here is a difference for episode not using the path as long as Alexander some this is Emily casiko yep on her way into the Finish the Estonian European Middle distance silver medalist

    It’s 26 though in the long distance a couple of years ago on similar Terrain and katsuku we’ll be into sixth place ahead of Ayla Moore’s son Looks quite tired yeah should I go ahead there to the left so she’s just ahead of dew corn you can see that comparison then these two different kind of root choices here to 18. yeah I think it looks like there’s a lot of downhill there but that climber for the

    End out of the Ravine is so steep um and that is really losing people a lot of time so we’re waiting at the Finish we’ve got the likes of our power grows still to come uh we’ve got janashikova olausen she took the new lead at control 17.

    Let’s have a look as we said olausen it’s called housefit in the picture too I guess we’ll see next that controls 17. so I lasted about 45 seconds quicker than her chitch cover at 17. oh she goes all the way around let’s see if this pays off or if it’s

    Hard to say from GPS there if ulasan really wasn’t taking the path I guess he was uh interesting now which is she picking to control 18 is going to the left oh it’s going to be interesting compared to what it is really will be very interesting I said

    On the way to 17 the second TV control and I was about to say she said a new fast time at the first TV switch she’s gonna set a new fastest time here 71 minutes and a minute and 18 ahead so Lisa risby still looking good [Applause] maroon Abby and towards the Finish

    But she was overtaken by Everly cascue and Anna dukon so outside the top 30. for the Swiss Runner So uh something very interesting we can spot from the splits here is that Alexander some must have done a quite a big mistake between 12 and 15 because suddenly she’s only one minute ahead of episode episode now running together with gambler oh um so they managed to get away again

    From Alexander’s on two minutes uh so let’s see how this is gonna develop as we’re looking on the tracking From Misery speed 18 ahead at control 17. yeah she doesn’t look that far ahead in those pictures but uh um a little bit better by the time she actually gets to the 17th control

    I think the next athlete we’re waiting for is uh Mario Larson next big time so let’s see here Alexander this is where she must have lost the time to control 13 compare now with episode oh See the difference here uh and you can see now it’s only a minute so Alexander’s an episode were together at control 12 so what we can see now is that the episode not together with Alex Anderson anymore Amazon done such a good job gone to the wrong control going to nine again from

    12. Goodness Me mistakes from these top Runners mistakes I can tell you that episode and gamble they seem to be together okay quick running team but I feel like Tova is gonna have to make another mistake for her not to come into the new lead here’s a pound of gross [Applause]

    Outside top 10 for her Um [Applause] let’s take 11th position foreign A day there is still in the lead [Applause] for her to be in that position I think you’ll be the next ones to challenge that lead s try and stay dry in that Leader’s chair uh sometimes they have deck chairs if only it would actually show weather making themselves comfortable there

    Is control uh 17 and then how are you coming from below I haven’t seen that very often well there’s a reason why we haven’t seen them very often no but a few people came around the side like it’s been a house where it came around to the side

    There’s a few other people kind of like dropped all the way down the Valley from 16 all the way down the road I wonder if we’ll see that root Choice as well you can see how do you hear now maybe we get the no way she’s coming

    From below so how’s it went went straight down the valley here yeah I wonder if Holly does the same yes she does you can see that she’s losing a bit of time physically though compared to how sweet going all the way around even more extreme than housewit

    No the time lost then as a result this is trying to approach the second last control it could not drop too much just about saved it and it’s a great with touch screen exactly good and it’s not free today but yeah on her way then to the Finish she’d caught up um teeny

    Um but I think just looking back through she said she had a pretty good start but the root choice of 14 going all the way down nearly to the bottom nearly to the track I think has taken a lot of time uh out of her race so she’s going to be

    Outside the top six uh so not gonna better her performance in the middle distance race I’m not gonna be as quick as would you convert as well her teammates pushing hard on the last stages he’s got a great Sprint finish but it’s going to be interceptions for her

    We should have Maria Laos until the Finish as well yeah she started six minutes after janashikova and she it’s like she’s been done for a new leading time there she is again crawling to the second glass control absolutely maintaining lots of points of contact there with the slope it can

    Always feel that he knows that she did a good race when you look at her body language how hard she’s pushing here yeah she’s got no fear down this slope and it’s looking really Speedy on these last stages as a drone Zips through the trees o’loughson is

    Going to take a new leading time she looks really good here looks nice and relaxed she looks very positive body language as well especially very quick very very quick and she is gonna take a new lead depriving her tits cover of her post on the leaders chair allowsen fifth place in yesterday’s

    Middle will this end up being better today allowsen takes the lead 88 minutes and 22 seconds with less than 10 women still to come it’s very very good Ryan he’s gonna read a felt yeah who started three minutes before o’lalson so it’s still gonna put her in the top six So it is for for reader felt Here’s Simone absold then dropping into the 17th control [Applause] no Alexander song this is a big lead here see this big newly there for Simona abasold by nearly six minutes but I mean at the compared to ulau’s in those seven minutes before the last one she’s too high yeah

    Interesting gonna be now how big the Gap is compared to Alexander’s home in third but interesting that she will have maybe lost the back of abysold as well though so it’s going to be quite interesting episode lost compared to another she lost about a minute so we wait for Alexander and then we

    Stay here because she’s due very soon so she was nearly three minutes ahead at the last TV split we know she lost two minutes with that mistake to 13. I think she punched there you could just see her arm coming from behind the song really

    Not what she does want to get the TV time she doesn’t want the TV time here and it is a new lead by two minutes and three seconds look at the control you miss it moments because um that is about going I think the minimal distance as well let’s see what happens

    Here in the comparison this is actually the part when Alex Anderson could win back time I’m not perfect to control 16. having it did go this way around as well that’s why we saw her just entering the picture from the right she’s absolutely spot on height into the control though

    Okay that does mean we’ve had the uh the last starter of the red group through to that control through to control number 17 and it is a lead of uh two minutes compared to Simone abbasold we’ve not yet had Angelina Benny minson through here but she has been overtaken by those leaders

    So as we probably expected the two favorites Tova Alexander and Simone Abba sold with a huge gap back to the rest of the field those two are incredibly strong Runners and they’ve really been able to take control of this race great to see Lisa risby into a third place could it be uh

    First World Cup medal for her individual I was getting too excited and actually Lisa risby is probably one of the next Runners Next Top Runners we’re going to see at the Finish we know it’s been a house Rich vendor how are you losing some time in his house to it though first [Applause] Great endurance then from housefit it’s gonna be tights compared to Newton but I think she’s just gonna make it oh she isn’t oh two seconds down Control [Laughter] So very soon we’re gonna have a new leader let’s finish the house for it so yeah neck and neck with knitting and even at 16 here yeah big bit of an advantage is 15. you know that she did a different route to control 17 compared to need dinner

    The only thing I’m going a bit around avoiding climb there as well not too big of a difference a few seconds in advance for foreign very similar as if they were running together very soon we have three speed to finish as well just a few seconds I guess

    Lisa risby here then dropping down towards this control here and the this looks very good for a new leading time it’s gonna be a very special one here for frisbee on the last meters you can see that the whole Swedish team is gathering together in the Finish

    At least be announced that she will retire after this race here so here you can see the whole Swedish team baiting for re-speed to get to the finish with the new leading time and maybe as you mentioned it with the top three today yeah it could be for him and there she is

    She’s making it to last meters and it’s going to be a new leading time and you can see her smiling on the last meters enjoying her last meters of the career great to see her and her senior career with a great performance here and all of the Swedish team oh my God [Applause]

    [Applause] no I don’t know maybe she would have preferred to get some rest just after you finish before she’s descended on by the whole team and to set a new leading time she’s not a great way never in her career Heather bottle of champagne in her hands that quick after the Finish Line

    What a great site there uh surrounded by the whole team to celebrate her retirement there and I mean it’s gonna be interesting for her it’s the fight that thing between Gambler and the risby for this third position and it’s tight yeah at the second TV control wow it was 36 seconds

    Between the two of them and he and his look at the replay then really see the small Mistake by Alex Anderson to control 16 then going all the way around to 17. think that actually Alex Anderson could win back about a minute on this one and

    I’m good exit as well it goes another 10-15 seconds and I mean when they together here you know that they’re running together as well so now uh yes this is that we’re live with both of them then now I think so this is how it is then in the forest with Alexander’s

    Are nearly catching up there it’s an alcohol-free making a point here [Applause] it’s so great to see that that whole kind of team atmosphere that they have which I’m sure will continue they will definitely continue if it ends up with a great result for Lisa risby

    Which it may well do as we can see so we’re live now with all all the runners you can see hugstrom gampa having gone the other way around Amber souls and Alexander said on the same route so a lot of those top Runners then all descending into Control 18 very very

    Shortly of course most of the climb now done for abisol and for Alexander still has to kind of climb up out of that Ravine going east into the control it’s very very steep there we’ve seen lots of people take a long time to get up that slope so that one is a particularly

    Tough haven’t seen so much of a hogstrom actually in this competition we don’t really have the splits or splits in the system as well she’s been out for 84 and a half minutes uh let’s see yeah 84 and a half minutes at that time recipe was at the second last control or

    The third last control we also don’t have Eleanor Ross in the picture either foreign but I think it’s in advance for at least be anyway at least if the GPS here is accurate it’s hard to say sometimes we have a delay from the GPS as well

    So we have to make wait and see yeah but hogstrom definitely the next one in I think that’s if she’s running quicker than Eleanor so she just punched a control yeah she punched Control 18 Elena Rose so I think we’re gonna see first hogstrom then the rules and then either

    I think then it’s Alexander’s on the episode and then gameplay let’s see now time for re-speed 8705 oh you think she’s just gonna come in ahead I think to be honest and probably deprived risby all the top three here today she must have a good finish we didn’t

    See a lot of her throughout the course but if if it’s going to be a medal then for a Hearthstone to get a second bronze of the week she was in fourth place yesterday after the middle it seems to have taken a lot of fourth faces in her

    Career but this does look like it will be the new leading time here and we saw the heart threat into the lead Lisa only 18 seconds in it between her and her teammate and now this is Elena Ross as well dropping down towards the finish

    On it no it’s down yeah but up again this drone is bouncing back but Eleanor Ross in her last ever Forest World Cup race it’s going to be outside the top six a great career and she will end it at the European championships in that season where she returns to the

    Sprint disciplines where she has had so much success with Eleanor Ross said in towards the Finish See if she can end up with the top 10 result at the moment she is just under four minutes slower than heartstrom and uh at Control 18 we also got the punch from applesold and Alex Anderson and about a minute later also from gambella so soon we’ll have the three of them and

    I can say that the difference between gameplay was only 12 seconds [Applause] not being her day today she’s down into 25th Place soft day in the forest for the Finn the European long distance Champion a very very different test you can you can’t really get to more dissimilar

    Terrains the long distance in Estonia compared to this one here today in czechia very very different characteristics but a couple of Runners are great at all of them including episode I think we’ll see Alexander’s just in the background very very soon yeah well we see her in

    The picture she nearly got caught up by uh Alex Anderson at controlled uh 12 but she had a clean route to 13 where we saw uh Alexander said make a mistake but we keep an eye out for October in the back of the shots but Abba sold is going to

    Be a big lead here massive time count ahead of Hearts run but I fear it will be second place for abasol today another silver medal at the very end so the Gap will be just less than three minutes to take her third individual win here in czechia

    To match the world champs two years ago when she won every single race there it takes it to 77 minutes of running and to win there for Tova let’s have a look at natalic Emperor she’s just gonna come in between heartstrom and risby I think on these last few stages

    Not a clean race for Gambler Mountain control number nine instead of control number 13 but it’s Fourth for the Swiss and we can take a look down at the top three all together there after a very long and Brewing race I think there would have been potential for more today foreign

    But it wasn’t the right one so she was very surprised she noticed where she was clear It was okay can’t do as well as those two today they are those two Alexander thank you everybody checking their routes making those comparisons and it is really hard from the GPS tracking to kind of see exactly all those micro routes where where exactly was best but you could see

    Tova had such a lead already into control number four she’s picked a really good route to that one and and kind of as is no real surprise and I mean it’s it’s both technical aspect but it’s also that she is just in this uphill when it’s very very steep she’s

    Physically so strong that you can see that she is always making a small Gap every time it gets really really tough then she’s just a few seconds faster than the others it was just also like kind of right right there but it was not right yeah

    I was like I met Sarah two times so I was like okay multilingual conversations uh taking place uh but we can look then at those final results and I mean those that’s such a big gap for the two favorites Alexander and Abba sold and David Alexander coming back

    From a couple of small mistakes great to see Sarah hogstrom upgrade uh fourth to the bronze medal today and fantastic to see Lisa risby into fifth place so she’s got a fourth fifth and sixth from this kind of from this Czech Terrain in the last couple of years and

    Uh another top six for her to round off her career big work Maria laosen a fifth and a sixth as well sick here today in the long distance and vindula hochichkova taking a top 10 result there uh for the home nation really strong for her Eleanor Ross in her last Forest race

    Just in the top 10 as well and we can look further down the results Alexander Hornick a great result there for 14th for the poll Everly carsku also in the top 20. and we look down to big big gaps as well let’s have a look then at the top few

    Runners we’ve picked out the top five for you to compare their roots oh it’s good to see from hawkstrom at once we haven’t seen so much from her throughout the course see Alexander’s on here between three and four going differently already eventually exited uh control three

    Uh then this the first time what I was talking about before when it comes close to the control in this very steep uphills she is so strong you’re splitting up a lot and those controls you see Campbell Alexander son going down on the path coming from below to control six you can

    Also see that both Alex Anderson and episode going back to that path rounding to the East Campbell hogstrom and three speed go to the West very different approaches here you can see at ESP doing the climb all at once to get up to this path and almost as fast as Hawks drum

    And at Ctrl 12 it’s where we had the TV control we could see that episode and Alex Anderson more or less together and here is where Alex Anderson did her big mistake uh getting to the wrong Plateau then having to go back again to control

    13 and that 13 it was only a minute uh between episode and Alexander song and also here it’s same big mistake by gameplay getting back to control 9. uh she did lose definitely the bronze medal spot there a different Drew Choice 16 17 between abrazold and Alexander’s and we could

    See that Alexander actually could win back about a minute on this one and then also when she did this more straight exit from the control that was I think a different another 15 10 to 15 seconds uh them here I think they were you can see it from the tail they were almost

    Together again episode and Alexander song different approach for gambler going around to the left very similar you can see that it is actually a small Advantage for 3sp still on the bronze metal spot here Must have been on the very last meters where she lost it would have been interesting to see I think it might have been the speed when we compare hogstrom on the last meters just what I remember from her running is that she had a good speed here and I think that

    It this made the difference in the very last meters that she had the power to push all the way to the Finish let’s hear then from the winner let’s hear front over Alexander enemy with the two of Alex Anderson congratulations on yet another win for you here in czechi how was your race

    Today yeah thank you the first half of the race was very good for me when I catch up with Simona I don’t know I maybe relax a bit but after that I did a quite bad rule choice and the mistake also on that leg so I lost quite a lot

    Of time so the second half was not that good I’m a little bit disappointed because of that because it was a so good race in the beginning but of course I’m happy with the race and it was really a fun course which we give you choices all

    The time and another great win for you with a clear margin your shape must be really good yeah yeah it’s great and also the all engineering techniques so yeah I’m really satisfied with the week here yeah and if we remember back two years you had a lot of

    Gold medals at the world Champs here what’s what’s with this terrain that suits you so well you think yeah I really love to be here and also I think it’s always so good courses and everything and I really like the town here it’s twinkle in cheering but everything is really clear and the

    Apparent it’s many little choices and shelter engineering and yeah also it’s quite physical so it’s with me well and I like to be here and race and we haven’t got all the points yet but you must have a huge lead in the in the overall World Cup standings what does it

    Mean to you yeah it looks really good yeah it’s been so much to me the World Cup is important for me I think it’s really big to be the one that are the best during the whole season and on all different disciplines but it’s two races

    Left and you have to here I come there in good shape as well so it’s not over yet you can’t relax now in two months we’ll go to Italy for the European Champs which is also the the end of the the World Cup season this year with with

    The sprint races two individual sprint races what will you do to prepare for them in the next months yeah I’m really looking forward to that day I haven’t to run like any screen designs the walk last year almost now it’s time to start to yeah run some swing training again so

    Yeah it will be fun and I hope it’s enough with time to get in a good spring shape we’ll see thank you YouTube and congratulations again thank you well she’s already clearly in some good Sprint shape from her win earlier this week but once again showing that she can

    Master pretty much every terrain here every taking another yet another win in the monsters technically demanding and physically demanding course Interesting to hear she she wasn’t as happy with the the second half of her race she’s such a perfectionist when it comes to her orienteering and really wants to be kind of at the top level all the time I mean she’s not happy with the second half of the course but

    If you look at the finish time she’s five minutes faster than the predicted winning time in the end so it definitely uh good speed but of course I mean if you do a mistake as she did quite a big one losing two minutes on it then if

    Yeah I’d run it like two ways not satisfied with that no but we move on to the men’s competition now where their men have been starting for quite a few hours already and they look at the stats there it’s going to be a absolute monster nearly a whole

    Kilometer of climb just says 990 meters nearly 13 kilometers it’d be interesting to see how far the runners actually run with all the root choices as well it’s going to be a really grueling one and I mean sometimes you have a lot of climbing anything yet but it’s kind of

    Hidden throughout the course well it’s not it’s very very tough you can see a similar start compared to the women go with a few short controls out over the street there then a long leg to control three four and five then go back again we haven’t seen that in the women’s course

    All the way to the very east of the map getting back to the start part of the course and then the long route choice this one’s similar to the one we have had in women’s race um then also the man will head down to the South West uh

    Where we had the pre-morning the radio control 14 15 and here then the first TV control at control 18. the one on the spur as we have seen a long Loop here as well from control 19 that’s the one we had the good rude Choice uh quite decisive one in the

    Women’s race 1819 then more controls before we head back to the second TV control short loop on that hill and then the long long route quite equal as in the middle distance where you can choose to go over the hill or to go around um see more of the women going around

    Here compared to the middle distance let’s see how it will develop for the man foreign choices uh the red one was the one we have seen gambling running for this control eight nine If you remember to Alexander Moore going into this a bit more to the right and then climbing up to the control right yeah it’s not quite the same um controls as the women’s course but I mean the concept the same exactly the same We’ve seen this one the red one that’s the route we episode was running it’s also seen the blue one we have seen options on the blue one as well where Runners were climbing as lizard is be straight up the hill foreign concept behind the root Choice as in the women’s race

    You can see that it’s no problem to run in the slope and it’s going to be a lot slippier than that because uh those were shot before all the rain this is the last rude Choice then the last yeah longer lack of the course 26 to 27

    You’ve seen mostly the middle and the red option a few of the runners going to the left as well I think that the idea of the course Setters is like they expect it to be faster to go to the right or to take the climb but they think of course when you

    Have a long distance a tough long distance in your leg and it’s one of the last controls to take then it’s very tempting to go around and save a bit of energy or like it yeah use what you have left and if you have not left anything

    Then can’t use it then you have to go around yeah and that the late change of the Arena um after kind of changing permissions uh I think has opened up the choice for that long leg which I think is really a really nice a really interesting long

    Leg to have right at the end of the course bit like in the world championships and kind of can make a little bit of difference right at the very end of the course when you’re tired everything like that I think it’s quite nice to have uh that option there we’re

    Looking at the start list of course uh and we account the runners up again this is done by world ranking so who are we looking out for who could we see what we can see is that in the Finish we have a check leader it’s number 80 here on the screen

    And here actually good split times from the very start to the finish so he’s in second position at already the first radio or still at the first radio control so good race for him is leading by approximately two minutes ahead of laurenon but of course the big favorites towards the end of the

    Start list um gonna see especially I would highlight Casper Foster I mean if we look back at the last long distance races he has been dominating the World Cup and the World Championships uh but I think I mean there are many Runners who can do very well today would be interesting to see

    If emulus Vans can come back he wasn’t really on top yesterday still due to the sickness he had earlier through the week but then Matthias keyboards had a good performance yesterday the winner from yesterday will be interesting to see him in the long distance didn’t have the best long

    Distance race at the world championships was very disappointed after it even though he finished I think 11th um but I mean this could suit him he showed yesterday that he can perform well when it’s this Sandstone terrain so there are a few names that will be very interesting to follow today

    Yes he just just rudely at the same to see very similar route choices there all the way back out and round the hill to eight better executed then I think then on more on the Alexander’s root winning back a few seconds to control nine and 13. going more to the north

    On the more or less of the green roots which is the shortest one yeah it was quicker than that then on this one than staying in the slope a bit low maybe has to climb a lot here to control up to control 16 again you can see it lasts quite some time

    To go down there we have seen that in women’s race you can see that he was about a minute faster big big differences between 18 and 19 between the runners and 23 to 24 going on different routes here again could go all the way around as Alexander’s on did to 24 quite similar

    Again then of course interesting here you can see they’re splitting up then on the head a few seconds that he could play with compared to Rooney so let’s see we know of course the result in the Finish fortunately we can’t really see it but I

    Guess that it was a little bit faster to go to the right and over the hill yeah I think I think it’s a bit more even more advantageous for the men to go straight uh compared to the women but recap them those standings at the Finish Rudy with

    The minute 47 lead ahead of no no no we just saw the comparison between those two Runners the thinking about the minute we’ll have a Runner coming to the Finish can be a threat for Martin Luther who will most definitely be tokusep but punched at the I think third last control

    And had a lead of 47 seconds there let’s see then if he’s going to take over the new lead changing already we’ve nearly had a lot of Runners out to the start as well here’s Nicholas castner from Austria but he started before uh rudney so it’s

    Not going to be uh a new leading place here in fact 12 minutes down and we say our expected winning time is 90 minutes so can people go more than 15 minutes quicker than the current news and this is going to be a new best time

    You can see it more than a minute ahead and good very good split the whole way around this course actually being in the lead right from the start as well even compared to those later starters so Chico sepa rewarded with a leading time here one hour 46. has happened before for me

    So chatting to Eric dula of Germany who took us up a court by four minutes let’s have a look then at stepper compared to Rodney who’s just overtaken the lead so quite uh we’ve got a three minute tail here so nearly all of those three minutes ahead there at control number

    19. yep I mean we were talking about that control 19 before it’s a very decisive like even if it doesn’t look like this on the first site but the big difference if you go down or stay in the slope but through here I think he was able to win back time

    So even if it looks on the split as if sepa had a good a small mistake at control 24 Choice 23-24 from setback no but if you look at the splits it looks as if separate a very very good race but then you see that both of them did a few

    Mistakes every now and then what was going over the hill Not Afraid Of The Climb here it’s just around 27 it’s a bit Greener it’s a bit more dense than on other parts of the course so what can Ms we ‘ve 40 seconds didn’t run in the Sprint due to some illness and

    Um really he’s going to be hoping he can do a better job this time he’s certainly capable of it with a fourth place at the World Championships long this summer a fifth place when it was held two years ago in similar terrain he also took silver medal at

    World Cup round one this year when that was held in Norway so it’s just for me whether he’s been able to recover physically I think that was the the main difference basically with his result yesterday but those are the standings at split one which for the men is control number 18.

    And tuko sepa still with a lead there and which he has maintained around the rest of the course even with some kind of slightly sub-optimal route choices Pick up some places here is Ollie oiano and the Finn is going to really attack this one he is the world uh bronze medalist from that race just a few weeks ago seem to come out of nowhere to win that bronze medal but he has shown for many races in the last

    Kind of couple of Seasons that he has always got that potential so watch out for him again today Michaela LED Nick then descending here into control number 17 dropping all the way down this re-entrant and then he’ll get the time at the next control at number 18. [Applause] okay that the Polish athlete

    It will be six minutes slower I’m going to take the climb a little earlier and can just head out on this little spur to take the control what a great location for a control at the bottom of the hill and you think it’s at the bottom there that’s less

    Good but let’s look into your 20th let’s take a look at the comparisons we have a legend also in here going over the top of that Hill seen a quite a few others go round most athletes with a very similar route toys actually from control eight to nine oh sepa

    You can see kind of little lost time initially but then it could get on the top of that spur where it was a nice descent nice and nice gradient to run down and attack the control as well Legend it going down and up this is Eric Lange Del Breivik into control number 17.

    I mean something that you could see on this GPS replay now that was very obvious is that sepa really tried to avoid always avoid like five or ten meters of climbing when he got the chance to use rounding and like running on the counters more than uh than Martin

    Luther did he was more uh well attacking or straight ahead in his orienteering but I think in the end I mean that I could save quite a lot of energy by doing that maybe not on one control but if you do it in every control throughout

    The course uh and I think you have a bit more energy left towards the end yeah you can yeah actually attack that last Hill try and uh make some time up Brave going through into fifth place it was it does have a tenth place uh in

    World Cup that comes from the middle of Norway his Joey had on though and I think actually if you look at how this long distance is built up with it’s a very physical course it’s very tough to run in um I think he could do very well today

    He had a good run yesterday technically as well no if he keeps looking around like that yeah but I mean you have to plan the yeah of course yeah there’s no big route to the first one but you have seen many of the runners hesitating a bit yeah

    Really double checking if they have to go down into this uh Green Valley but he could do good today as I said a lot of climbing suits him well uh had a good race technically yesterday had a good race in a very difficult middle distance so I think his self-confidence

    Should be on top and uh will be interesting to follow him today I’m Force at the end of last season where that climb up and he just caught so much time well then we just talk about the relay two weeks ago yeah that’s true and the climb is incredible but here’s Larry sales

    And the route through to the 18th [Applause] dodging through these smaller trees just checking the exact placement of the control reading the control descriptions and it’s very unusually kind of on the top of the spur it’s not where you tend to get controls placed quite a cool control

    Still not quite going as straight maybe yeah a couple of times I was gonna say I think there was a bit of a loss at control four as well not just five interesting as well that you can see on almost every leg and now we only have three runners in the

    Comparison but almost every leg they are splitting up so there’s so many different options you can run we were talking about that in the women’s race already very much depending uh if you have the root choices also to your personal skills in orienteering uh both technically and physically maybe more

    Physically I mean if you’re good in the uphills then you’re not going to be afraid of going down and up quite steep bits but you can try to avoid it as tokusepa did as well so it’s definitely interesting and of course here we can see there’s still women starting we

    Mentioned that before it was the red group was not the last group starting just started uh second place yesterday the European Middle champion uh obviously his best results coming in that shorter distance so at the Finish we wait for some more runners in still took her separate with the lead here

    This is uh Ricardo Ryan Khan into the Finish but he started two minutes after tuko sepa so the spin finished quite a while ago so Rankin will be eight and a half minutes slower than SEPTA oh yeah and a couple of French athletes also into the finished

    Is one of those number 88 so the Runner behind and maybe uh Maximus as well into sixth place then for French team two teammates running together into another French athlete it is look up Ben also have rid of surness yeah who’s caught up like cat Burn by two minutes

    This is split number one [Applause] quite a good start for Rudolph SanDisk you can see it maybe the threat for Martin group name of course she has to do the climbing here but that looks good and I think ruderson is trying to get um like really taking that control well

    Prepared well trying to maybe drop the Frenchman behind him so let’s add in Rudolph Sonos into the mix in the black the tail is three minutes here almost three minutes behind you know from split that he’s only one and a half minutes behind at Control 18 so he has to get closer

    Here again I think getting a little bit closer at this point to control 10 here it’s about one and a half minutes so that’s the Gap he’s gonna have maybe a small hesitation into control 13. going on the same route even more straight than root net then not heading down as the other

    Straight from control 15. or 14. this is Daniel Loop and at the start you can see it’s sixth position at the World Championships view only two weeks ago this is Alex in near me quite a lot of time in the beginning or in the beginning this is the second TV control so foreign

    [Applause] another comparison you can see the tip and the root me now we were talking about that 1819 a lot it’s good to go down there straight from 18 let’s see what the Emmy is gonna do here not really going down either something in between 19 there Thank you see no bigger problems finding the controls for near me but losing time from one control to the other executing them this is good very mom foreign double checking if he really has to go down that this small Valley here just after the start and here we’re waiting for Timo suited

    To the Finish let’s see maybe into third position yes indeed this is between the um [Applause] I’ve lost time in the very end of the course to the finish here 48. Quite far off that so far it’s kind of indicating it’s a tough long distance ah oh God well let’s look at what happened then to suit her because he did have a split where he was in the lead let’s look at this quite the key here

    Still ahead of Rodney at this point uh then not the best exit maybe from that control then going all the way around and even running this fence yeah it would be good to see the end of that but I think that’s where it was lost River cast going down the slope here control 24 [Applause] and the men’s course goes straight left at that point so here’s cubic ass you can see that he went all the way up the others that thing stayed in the slope and then he gets into this slow Pier

    That’s what you’ve seen I think Emperor doing template ended up at the control at control 15 then which the men’s race this is Matthew Perry I think he’s too low we’ve only just come out of the 11th control though so taking the climb quite early which I think is quite good

    You should approach the control level I think if he stays at this height he has to go all the way up there is to do the climb now there we go on that level spot I’m at two minutes down Street there too the street thing courts bear buy it per

    Hour and it’s five minutes down at the moment so into 23rd let’s add then Street and Pera into the GPS animation which is a little bit slower into eight maybe dropping down on the spur to get on the next plateau losing time I think in those uphills as well

    Apparent pretty close here behind the two leaders Pascal hooks now down into the 24th control is again about two minutes down but into third and there’s a chance to make an impact on this part of the course as well and I mean if you look at the splits it

    Was five minutes behind tokusepa first TV control now it’s only two minutes wow that’s a great middle part but he is very strong physically you know we know that especially in uphill running so the second to last starter is Matthias gibbert Just Begun his race there as we can look

    Towards the German by and blumenstein who did start before Pascal books so gonna be maybe five minutes down yep there we go taking both the the kind of opaque cups of some sports drink and the clear clubs cups are water they’re taking both options all of that is of course detailed in the

    The bulletin for the athletes let’s take a look at uh Pascal books then because he’s had a really great middle section you can see here is about four or five minutes behind and he’s going in the slow Pier or to say still about the same I would

    Say and then going down here that’s the big difference that one still I mean the Gap to set pass is quite big good downhill section for books this is where supper loses a lot of time here on this uh Choice as you can see that both most probably going quite straight

    And you could see that he yeah sepa lost a lot of time there so Casper fossa is the last starter he’s a new long distance King and can he do it again on this very different type of terrain he did win here the World Championships a couple of years ago

    And he of course winning the world Champs a couple of weeks ago as well recap then of the standings at the Finish still tuko separate with the lead despite that time loss on the root choice of 24. still looking very good this looks like Victor’s fence it is on

    His away to the first TV split we’ve got a time difference now of three minutes between every starter and you can see Victor Spence already lost quite a bit of time he was 17th at the middle distance and he had a really great uh set of races at the World Cup

    Final last season sixth place in the middle ninth in the long but not been selected yet for a World Championships team suspect it’s only a matter of time but into 11. so here we have the comparison with Victor svens going oh is he gonna go far away it’s the Campbell approach

    That’s not paying off the way to the first split you can see he’s reading that control description lost about half a minute from the pre-boarding so maybe uh some problems maybe not running in the slope I’m just sure see it later in a replay but a decent start for Nick dim really

    Who took eight flights of the World Championships long here two years ago place for him but as you said losing a minute from the first place here yeah he was very close to everybody here that is yeah pay off that root choice I think it’s about 40 I mean that’s the

    First that’s a pre-boarding so that’s from here he lost about a minute or even from control 11 I think he was still quite close to the others there here maybe we’ll kind of see it later Elias next one in another French athletes so seven minutes Take the last few meters to end up into 15th but we can nip back and then here Kim alignan who was caught by Elias He’s ripped off his control descriptions and pinned them to his top I think I mean you get the you get a loose control description for the start uh I wonder if he lost it no but I think this is one approach you can have it uh when I started

    Orienteering and did it like this as well well I see lots of very very young genius still doing it like that but most Elites don’t anyway interesting to note everyone’s personal preferences I have to agree yeah I haven’t seen that in a while but obviously you might ever to be

    Afraid that I would lose it but obviously I mean he got through 100 25 minutes long distance so obviously this works God have the same fear too next up towards the finish and this is uh better run from him it’s gonna be less than four minutes slower than supper Uh the French athletes it will be slower than Andrea [Applause] and cheered home across the line into eighth place GPS into the picture not perfect but uh key to 19 I guess it’s a good direction now it’s from 19. could head directly to the other Wally going water straightway I think that’s okay to do grounding the last meters climbing we got a legend dropping off the cliff

    Nearly losing his balance managing just to stay upright actually climbing now up the slope the next control is basically on the same Contour as this one so it could have rounded the hill but he’s maybe trying to avoid some of the green here because some of the shorter uh

    Trees really get in the way typically goes underneath the two Crags we’ll have to drop a little bit more then to the actual next control [Applause] and we can look back at a legend X um you could see him between 24 and 25 now just before option

    Take your serial line and then very quick descent into control number it’s about to say 11 but that’s the women’s control 17. [Applause] now has to cut around here you can see he’s already nearly two minutes slower than supper than his teammates let’s zero line and taking a top 10 spot

    Yesterday his best World Cup results in that middle distance as Sarah linen comes into this control looks like he’s going to go into Ninth Place he does I think we should hear from the current leader he’s been sat there for a while let’s hear the thoughts of tuko Safa it was quite good

    Straight from beginning uh I think my resources were quite stable uh control picking was quite good and then physical form was good enough so I think it’s this stable orienting straight from the beginning beginning but I think in the last part it started a bit feeling

    My in my uh lexan in my body overall I had a bit fight with my lunch there in the end the last few downhills they were so tough for me but uh I think it was as good as I could achieve this day okay and it was uh such a tough long distance

    With so many meters to climb how did you keep on fighting out there what did you say to yourself uh I was just saying I have done the reverse I was there in the world championships well it was 1.7 K downhill and so I knew I have succeeded

    Before in in the really tough terrain so just had to fight all the way thank you so much thank you yeah really fighting all the way he really managed to achieve that one on the downhill then with Martin Luther many times so they’re almost running past that control

    Maybe expecting it at the next Boulder I wonder if he’s gonna climb with them he just take this climb so he should approach the control on the right height and actually we just missed the root of Magna daily we saw him kind of hobbling out of the forest yesterday I

    Think he said he just got cramp in both legs really just needed to end his race um but Martin hopeman this is good it’s in to second place and with Zephyr we know not the best route choice to 24. there’s room for some Maneuvers there for Martin Hickman and I mean talking

    About Good split times soon gonna expect uh or soon in about nine seven eight minutes we’re gonna expect Thomas crypto at first TV control because he has punched at the control 15. and he’s in a clear lead there almost three minutes ahead he keeps a clean race it could be a

    Really amazing one there so Martin human who saw in the slope with him being one minute 24 behind things he can do foreign operator a bit up the hill preparing for the next Runners to come whether we get the standings at split one token delete there also in the lead

    In The Finish As We Know in second 124 behind and through those 10 is 126 man quite close race behind dog gazeppa but we know that a few mistakes especially on this long leg between 23 and 24. but we still have about 15 Runners still to make it to

    Split one everybody of course has started on some yep joining the camera operator in the uphill walk doesn’t look like the camera Creator wants to go up there I think we’re just before control 16. I think the control is actually up there then we will come down again that’s just a guess

    This is like me when I’m shattering uh Juniors out in the forest you mean the BR debris thing or the no like like oh they can go up the hill to that control just wait for them down here yep hey get the feeling of the uphills here foreign [Applause]

    We’re waiting for a cliff duh so crib does caught Sonic and Iran’s son as well that’s a very very good start yeah another disappointing race yesterday you did a huge mistake we guess yeah I think so and then just called it a day of course that’s very convenient to

    Be together with the winner from the day before yeah absolutely but both in a different orienteering and this is a good route up here so the lead was two minutes and 50. and actually bought an exercise to change his mind and go the other way so a new best time then at control

    Number 18 by three minutes goes into the lead and uh Bonnet will be just a couple of seconds behind Zephyr yeah eight seconds behind sir but here we are on the way to the Finish behind the Swiss kit yeah I think it’s Pascal books here he was two minutes and nine seconds inside

    And stepper at the second TV control but what does he do manage to do since then it’s gonna be about three minutes late so on the way to the finish here Pascal books of Switzerland into eight position three or nine behind so yeah losing a minute there between TV

    Two and the Finish compared to separ [Applause] yeah you could you could hear separate in the interview saying he was trying to kind of uh push well in The Descent too interesting we see Krypton we see Bo Nick or straight all the way around very quick there that’s ridiculous

    You can see that he has some experience from this kind of terrain yeah in a very wants to do and how to play to his strengths as well I think come down there even go around I think that’s very good getting the climb whenever it’s possible

    Oh maybe it’s like this too I think it is tough to get up there yeah from the path all the way around that’s good I think then heading down the valley and up again see if he’s staying in the slope between 15 and 16. didn’t really see them so no

    Probably yeah going on top not all the way up though so you can see that the bone neck enclaved at this point are together because the thing is just following and a great start for krivda really really great start and then you see that those following behind Goodman stepper

    Pretty close is their birth still in the leader’s chair yeah he’s very very satisfied of course always a nice position to be in and especially when is it a bit unexpected as well you never know when you’re leading you know often often we’re asking though um

    The the early leaders uh how they think their result will stack up and and really as an orienteer you kind of trained not to think like that you were trying to just have the best race you can and the result is the result because you’ve just got to do do the what you

    Can you can’t control what other people are doing so um you really don’t want to think about what happens with the others oh you’re right this might be uh I mean we have seen you on some just before control 16 it was far too low in the

    Slope he was already at 17 then this is where we followed him then thank you I don’t know he didn’t miss the control you could see feel that he lost a lot of time I mean he had to climb about 40 meters uh just from control 17 to 16.

    Not first time on TV far from it uh he was two minutes uh down at the first TV split now to 54 so losing more seconds compared to stepper we are yeah follow me to control 25 so that’s the short control after this long leg from 23 to 24 to the second TV

    Control here’s Ralph Street into the control number 24. it’s gonna drop down to the control itself here outside the top 20 for Ralph foreign [Applause] take some water and then again fighting through those smaller trees to control 25 [Applause] so we can follow Ralph then to that 25th control

    Going through the trees in a similar Direction emerging to the lighter green let’s add in then shot as well Pera who’ve just seen a street who you’ve just seen experience she stays very low good root but uh oh there’s a mistake yeah that’s the Alex Anderson mistake

    Was actually on the way on a good way to 19 but then heading up the slope a bit too early no over Pera and uh streets both making a similar mistake Ralph now climbing back up the slope towards 26. the two big rocks you can see there two big cliffs

    So split two is control number 24. and the leader at the Finish again a big gap but we’ve had just had streets pair out through there we’ve still got another 20 guys still to make it to that point but back to TV split number one I thought I’ve seen one in March

    So not making the crypto train instead into uh and getting time at the next control of course already slower than Bonnet but not a bad start here for souvenir Mark interesting if you followed um his split he was in a lead at the first radio control then lost four minutes on

    The 15 minutes between the first and second radio control so I hope we will see a replay there because you must have either down the bathroom choice or then miss the control [Applause] climbing just right after the control that’s not a good thing to do know that the fastest splits to control

    19 or the one just kind of dropping out from the control yeah on paper you would not think the 19th control is going to be one of the more decisive ones but it really has been uh Miller sneaker the neck into TV2 ah this is very good here [Applause]

    Very good here for Milo Smith Plus 122. and I think he’s caught time compared to the last yeah but I mean we know that uh 23 to 24 the spawning and krivda oh so not good out from the controlling not sure if they’re going to do that mistake as well yeah

    They were on the way to do it at least there I think they lost about a minute on that control I can’t really understand what they’re doing here do you have any idea why lots of athletes are making this mistake and I think they follow the wrong terrorists I think they

    Suddenly think that they’re one below because they were climbing up yeah now it’s hard to explain climbing just after the control they have to climb and I think they climb one Terrace higher than they think they are and then they follow the height and they suddenly end up at

    At the park there yeah yeah It’s so it’s so interesting that so many people have made that same mistake I wonder if there’s also tracks there leading off maybe it’s just the right amount of time around the course people are starting to get tired Okay let’s compare fossa that’s interesting so we know that Clifton did the mistake later on but still interesting to compare the two of them also going around control three I’m not sure if this is paying off well it’s bad it’s good I think it was faster on that one because it was a

    Little bit behind just after control two Goods well you can see it like totally different ways to approach it and in the end it’s not a very big difference of course now this is already about half a minute all the way around the hill it’ll be interesting

    Good good option by Cliff that see it’s about 20 20 seconds maybe and now we’re live with Foster then as well so Krueger with the advantage over the long distance world champion but still very early days and of course we saw Krista’s mistake to control 19.

    Very very interesting still a lot of the last Runners yet to make it to the first TV splits the likes of uh obviously very happy so we just run us at the moment resign clip of here then it’s down this slope the Ukrainian athlete he was 18th in yesterday’s middle

    And probably not if he continues this race in the same way that would be his best result of the weekend [Applause] Speedy through the terrain there but now he does have to climb it’s 20th the Ukrainian and meanwhile we had the krypta and bonek at control 23 and now

    The Gap only is 46 seconds compared to this episode the mistake they did was about two minutes and let’s compare Cleveland here this is kind of way but yeah slow you can see that they lost a lot of time there that’s three minutes behind already at control seven

    Then going all the way up on the hill and seen that before climbing about of 17. it’s about six minutes behind at the radio control before along okay this is dropping into the last control Rudolph sirness control it’s become a slide basically oh thank goodness for touch free punching a

    Um and now can take the run all the way towards the last control so rid of cernis as you can see there coming to be about three minutes slower than supper but a very good run though really for the Latvian and speeding up running towards the finish line foreign [Applause] into sixth place and 49 minutes of running for him one hour I’m 49. Yep This is on his way to the uh 24th control and by the daily as well who is caught good time for Mom yeah very good time for Hope man plus 12 seconds so definitely gonna give him a little boost oh we fight through the trees here just about see on

    We’re sticking on kind of the same level towards control 25. once again we see that I mean Newman was about one and a half minutes behind Okay but damn this rude Choice really cost us a lot and uh at the first radio control at control 11

    So the one most of the south south of the map we have a new best time not just keyboards punch there and he is just the head of Crystal paliman so he caught ghost love very very interesting so look catband into 22nd so they running together pretty much

    Yeah well it’s about 15 seconds between but we have to say that there are a few punches we didn’t get that that pre-warning or at that radio control and Casper Foster seems to be one of them okay so not until we see them on the camera then at Control 18 where we get

    The chance to see that so we had Hitman Nursery line and organ making that same mistake it’s three minutes you can see that took my lost time there out from 80 to 19 so the one and a half minute actually were three minutes at 19.

    Uh one a little bit back in the downhill to 20 and 21 and now this is the leg we know that’s Apple lost a lot of time I’m actually quite similar but having much better speeds man Zappa just like nearly stopped going through that on that um the slope so

    It’s hard to see if it’s really the root or if it’s just not very good very good executed yeah [Applause] so a few little groups approaching and for ragbourne he is going to be four minutes down foreign to the mix oh both doing the same route oh

    What all the way down I mean I mean um quite okay thank you boss it didn’t lose time on that no I don’t think he did haven’t seen it before like I always thought it was made a mistake was going by the previous control wow uh last uh second to last control

    For Matthew apparel the Frenchman was at 254 slower uh than the current leader at the second TV control it’s like he’s caught up a little bit of that compared to separ so a good last part of the course for Pera So fantastic job and it will be fourth for him a lot of a lot of the runners giving us the thumbs up they’re so exhausted uh show us anything more also going high up there oh it was doing the same oh yeah yeah pretty much the same

    I mean when we’re talking about the same then we’re talking about the same as we have seen many others doing almost on the way back to control 15. something with an interesting route to 24 or seen it it’s kind of the Alexander’s on the route and I mean in

    The Finish he has a I think he’s still on Fourth check that uh and third actually now we got the pounds from Foster as well at the first radio so we have kibbutz in the lead there 54 seconds ahead of Foster and then 316 ahead of Gustav Berryman and Gustav is together

    With keyboard so those two really the fastest ones so let’s take Ralph Street into the courts raise here at this world cup in czechia did a pretty good performance in the middle distance with 20th for him so he’s not gonna quite match that one today out here on this long distance he

    Was really training for the middle distance um only at the world’s championships didn’t run the long so maybe not quite got that endurance uh speed for him but now home into the Finish oh really falling down the slide Victor’s friends I was worried he was gonna end

    Up right down at the bottom by those uh the section of green going absolutely flying and Victor’s fenced is going to be outside the top three but not buying up not by March So Victor Spence is here [Applause] well I should be here soon here he is [Applause] Trying to eke out every last meter of the control take every single second fix takes it in fifth place next up we should find miloshnikudim at the Finish but in the meanwhile we had at the second TV controlled upon from Thomas crib that and diani spoonek so clear new best time

    Uh for krivda uh two and a half minutes ahead of Toko seppa oh a completely different route there from uh Victor svensk kind of almost goes south out of the control hitting the paths but really really trying to avoid the climb obviously it’ll have had the information

    From the from the women’s uh from the you know doing a similar-ish leg at the end of the middle distance as well and getting the information from that here he is here’s krifter into control number 24. so that’s it yeah play from that you can see that bonix there as well

    He tries he takes the gel though it is nicodin it was 122 at the last uh radio control and he’s fighting for a top three spot here Milo sneaker Dem pulled up time on separate towards the end he does go into second place then four Milos

    So second place and just 38 seconds down so it’s called off quite a bit of time uh 40 seconds on the leader just in the last points so in to Second this split and you can see it four and a half minutes behind well judging from his shape yesterday

    Either that’s not too bad but if we remind you he did sit out the sprint races uh with a small illness you could tell he wasn’t quite recovered uh after the uh after that illness in time for that middle distance here is Emma’s fans can it was less than

    Three minutes at that point compared to krivda about one and a half minutes I can see that he loses time in the uphill there just up to control nine uh maybe some hesitation between nine and ten you can see now it’s more than three minutes so only just from before control

    9 to 10 he loses about one and a half minutes trying to avoid the climbing here as well you can see that he loses time just physically here on the path also here it’s very obvious that he tries to avoid the climbing whenever possible A replay of that second place for make a Diminutive Roots here again the same with stepper I’m still losing maybe a little bit of time doesn’t didn’t do I think what we saw Martin hoodman doing take a lot of time back on that exact root choice and at this point it was really close to some of the others so

    Let’s look carefully at his root choice on this last control a good descent off the hill that should just go is a pretty good route here you can see he’s very quick on The Descent there as well losing his roots slightly towards the end but I think that’s just a very good

    Kind of downhill route to control number 27 mean multico stepper still on the leader’s chair nobody yet to have overtaken him into control number 11 not 11 number 17. [Applause] close here the the photographers hiding behind the boulders and quickly through that but he’s more than four minutes down [Applause]

    And just we’ll take those extra seconds to go up from the control which I think will pay off the getting going on for little Terraces [Applause] thank you foreign deficit that see my new Mark into control number 24 goes fifth plus three and a half minutes very quickly through that strength

    Control through the green trees here we can barely see him the visibility for so much of the course is very very good but obviously suddenly uh delve into these trees where the visibility lowers a lot here’s Joey had on the rocks to split too and this is good

    From head on oh that’s about uh it was actually three minutes behind at the pre-warning it’s a little bit less now at the same time talking about the pre-warning we got the pounds from kibbutz and bariman uh so the lead that we created was approximately a minute behind that the

    First radio is now two minutes so two minutes late for kibbutz at the pre-woning at control 15. maybe some hesitation by Hawthorn at control five and the same root Choice same route to control six as Cliff da already having a glimpse at control 7 there uh then going

    Straight staying in the slope so I don’t know climbing anyway that sounds like a it looks like a root choice that was changed part way through and then that’s might not have been planned I guess didn’t look fast this place is a bit more than three minutes behind oh very good

    Very very very Dynamic yeah I’d love to see that Martin hoopman running really really well and he was only 12 seconds slower than seppa at the TV2 he is going to take a new lead and he’s at an absolute killer last part of this course because he will be the new

    Leader he caught up Toby Sarah line and caught up Magna daily and finally we have a new leader here at the finish and it is at Martin Hitman he’s gonna lead by a minute and a half and what a raise here from the Swiss as he takes a new

    Leading time one hour 44 minutes and 58 seconds and a new lead for Martin hoodman of God who I’ve been interesting to see he was one 24 slower than supper the first TV controlled 12 seconds slower at the second one but then pulled up to have quite a clear new

    Lead at the finish the leader’s chair just imagine if he would have missed that punch there he wouldn’t have needed I mean had so much speed yeah I don’t think he’s going to quite realize how impressive that was let’s look supper and hubman then different uh exit from the control

    I think climbing up there is a good choice because you have to take that climb anyway very good route by hook man that root choice is 27 very very good it’s paid off so now we can compare everything to that time of Martin the new leader but some anticipation

    Building at the arena because next the next group we’re going to see through uh Thomas krivda and Janice Bonnet what have they been able to do here so if he’s here in line and though first he was dropped by that pair of Martin hoodman and Magna daily maybe given a I

    Kind of gave a lot on the middle distance maybe not quite recovered as well I think actually before we’re gonna see clear with that we’re most probably gonna see keyboards and Batman at the first TV control it’s gonna be tight battle between them very interesting who we will see first zero lining

    More than five minutes deficit Also punched at the pre-warning as well at control 15 one minute behind kibbutz [Applause] 15th Place foreign The disadvantage of having a white kid it really is Albany default here he is split number one this is the 17th control we will see kibbett’s and Berryman they’re two also Daniel hubman uh yeah and I think redefelt will be caught soon maybe more than six minutes down and

    Still a bad one and a half minutes to wait for keyboard so I don’t know if they’re going to be if he’s gonna be caught soon okay yeah maybe we’ll see foreign was four minutes down on the end of Hope five minutes down and uh now um we

    Developed six minutes down here this is keyboard so they are on the way to the first TV split and of course that’s uh a good group to be in you can see everyone is at the same time to sort out these big features yeah so this is gonna be interesting now to

    The first split and then very soon as you mentioned we also have krita to the finish so a lot of action right now God is that two Swiss kits in there does that mean the hoopman is in this group as well so cute two minute leads book medals in that group yeah

    But I think has about 33 and um absolutely do we wait and see krivda into the Finish then I think we might see him next we reckon oh he has been out for 101 minutes uh hoop mom won’t let here’s Paul Nick so we’ll scrape that uh

    Neck oh absolutely sliding down as well that’s really a hook man they’re punching hey okay imagine if they would be watering that part as well oh no it’s like a woman would have been a perfect one because where is the Czech athlete I am not sure where he is but can Bonnet know

    He’s gonna be just too late I think for a new leading time where is crypto foreign [Applause] to the pre-morning as well okay let’s wait for him then at the Finish be here soon you should be here in a matter of uh about a minute maybe a second’s Time see if we can follow him as we see Bonnet into second place so behind Martin hoodman

    We lost time definitely on this last bit so maybe they went for a different route yeah I think he lost about one and a half minutes I can think you can see Bonnet kind of looking behind where is there it is a few other women yeah I think you’re right

    See if we can catch up with him as well I guess So what can criv to do what will his time be and how will it match up it’s been good again on this last section he had a big Miss at control 19 making a mistake where we’ve seen lots of other people do the same but this is gonna be good here

    Anton Johnson just in the foreground but Krueger is going to come into a new leading time here he did not finish the middle of stone pulling out of the race after a huge mistake but krivda after being such a big part of the check Sprint Relay silver medal catching up so

    Many places has had another great round here today on this home soil and it’s gonna go into the lead he’s so exhausted you can see on that last running barely able to uh keep that Sprint finish off that goes into lead a minute and nine seconds ahead but I mean this

    Time loss in the end can be very crucial because I mean you have a better man together with keyboards and uh you know it’s one and a half minutes I think he might have needed those and you can see Foster getting closer again to keyboards now it’s only 20 seconds

    So let’s see this is now we have quite a few Runners here in the comparison keyboards and Foster staying in the slope to control eight uh it’s still the best at that point yeah so similar approach to control nine for both keyboards and Foster so let’s create that

    And uh the feeling that it was a good choice for kibbutz yeah yeah clipped that they were quite similar as well at this point Clifton now fighting up the hill there it’s quite much faster by keyboards this is how about at the second TV splits [Applause] yeah he is six

    I think it’s really good opportunity to hear from uh the man who’s just been just lost his lead but we spoke to him just after he came in let’s hear from Martin hoodman foreign into the finish here with a lead a big lead of more than a minute how satisfied

    Are you with your race um yeah it’s hard to tell because that was a long way to here and I I was feeling okay but also during the race I had a I had some contact with the guy starting behind me so I I noticed that he’s he

    Was getting closer so there was a bit there behind the turning point in my race I could like relocate a bit more and try to get a better speed and he never caught me so there was a good feeling yeah and also I in the end I got a real

    A little uh feedback with the two guys I I caught up so it felt good till the endia so it seems like such a long and tough course did you like have the speed all the way yeah it’s good to say I mean um I try to like take the longer rule

    Choices around in the beginning to save some energy to avoid the very very steep climbs and uh yeah towards the end I had some energy left so especially when you get the feedback of your father Runners it helps you to keep on with this media thank you so much thank you

    Interesting to hear that from Martin hoopman how he thought he was kind of caught at the end he had to change his orienteering uh in a positive way as well but looking at those standings that split uh one now we’ve had everybody through at that point we saw uh krivda

    Was in third place at that point but with Matthias Gilbert’s gusta Bowman and Daniel hoodman in a group it’s going to be interesting to see where the crypto ends up with a medal or not I want could be third it could be fourth I think looking here

    Um we’ll have to wait and see I think the next one to the point finish with a good time will be simony Mark punched the pre-warning at control 27 238 behind in fifth position foreign quicker in the Finish I’d love to see that leg just isolated whereas if everybody started from the

    Same but you’re right simony Mark is next to come towards the Finish flying jumping down this slope it’s got that tactic spot on almost like fall down the slope keep your arm out ready to punch the control and he’s really Speedy out onto this track ing through these puddles

    And he’s on his way can he get it just into fourth place here the Mark is two minutes slower than krivda [Applause] Very good finish here for emark Able to beat tokusap on the last meters [Applause] So it does go into fourth place and if you just remember that crypto and Bonnet were together in the terrain so and so that means the three minutes difference then only being 123 at the end we did notice Bonnet took a different route Choice 227. It’s been a long day out in the red for the Swedish team but great to see um sticking around so this is a replay usually not a good thing see keyboards Running Up That slope as well as we have seen so many others too towards control 15 just one Plateau too high

    But as we know I mean the way he said that went about one and a half minutes faster so definitely a Time loss for kibbutz 219 and well my guess is that it’s the same for Barry man if they’re still together yeah but the the real person you’ve got

    To look out for is um is what has gone on for uh fossa as well but Emma’s friends he I swear he was four minutes down at the last radio control well we can check that we can check that uh yeah I mean now it’s hard

    To say because now it’s more but he was compared to trivia he was three minutes behind okay so yeah I’ve lost a bits of time but not loads [Applause] you can also tell you that the radio control at control 23 keyboards Berryman and hookman still together foreign

    To get Foster’s punch there in a few minutes yeah in order to see how much time keyboards lost compared to actually it was two minutes faster than click that so we recap Spencer’s root staying a lot closer to the red line not quite same speed as curveda I’m actually

    Going a lot more directly up the hill taking a bit more climb ing so we wait at finish and those are the standings at split two again not everybody through that point but krivda was in a big leading position there and we also got the pounds for foster at

    This radio control he’s Now 46 seconds ahead so yeah there was a time loss about a minute from keyboard yeah whole minute lost there with that was all on that mistake or not it’s hard for us to tell at the moment but crypto they’re topping the standings

    Let’s hear from him about what he had to say after his uh result what’s your race today I was a pretty good uh it’s a good to go into long distance in Check Yes I kind of know what to expect we had a long distance Champs uh last autumn in

    The sentence as well so uh yeah it was pretty good I think I took pretty good resources all the way in the on the course also like I I felt pretty tired at the end of the course as I usually do because I I usually start a very

    Offensive and then I just wait how territory will be in the at the end of the race and uh how much power uh I will be missing in the last uphills because the last stop here on the last long like I felt really bad uh I knew

    That Janis ran away from me but luckily Anton was there and he really pushed myself in the uphill and helped me also in the last controls before the arena so yeah just gonna wait now until all the runners are here and see what’s what was the result gonna be

    Yeah well we know he lost a lot of time on the last section it was dropped by Bonnet and we also could see anything why the comparison between Foster and keyboards there to control 19 I think it was almost the difference of two minutes

    So first we must have lost a bit of time then on control 20 to 23. this is on the way to the Finish uh into 16 position 5 44 behind uh Thomas let’s go back to cheeks check uh clear Bob’s route you can also look at Bonnet here with a different root choice

    Do you want a different saddle of the Hills looking at the track live a long way behind there and she’s saying quite high in this Terrain I think that’s entirely necessary Thank you so we wait for only her to the 24th Patrol you may be suggesting you approached a bit from the worst Southwest [Applause] we’re dropping here about seven minutes behind now so lost two minutes in this middle section [Applause] thank you [Applause] so maybe another seven eight minutes

    Time before we see your next group with Matthias Gilbert as well but in towards the Finish he’s like from cruising Fine Art not quite executing the uh slide down to the second to last control very tall Runner and he will be outside the top 10. but the former Sprint world champion

    Picking up speed on the last stages being chased by the Drone You smart hear it there and he exits the forest So finished just a few minutes ago and it rips in uh he’s like from cruising Foreigner’s kit there as well he’s taking a hard bath through the forest quite soon we should have the group with the keyboards Barry man and hook man if they’re still together to the second TV control

    In about a minute I guess yeah I can’t keep the speed very interesting to see Isaac from Christmas when I go all the way down to the field to that control yeah this should be here very soon to this control here we are waiting for keyboards

    For a group of three uh maybe maybe we don’t know well no somebody might have dropped someone else we kind of try and listen for them I think as well in the forest which way they’re going to approach but no let’s go back towards the Finish

    Neither of these run as a modern redborn but he punched at the pre-warning so it should be there soon he caught up Lauren how old there he is this looks like Martin rogueborn And very good last section for Martin redborn because he was four minutes slower than crifter and now it’s going to be a little over two so just showing krypton’s struggles in the end which he alluded to in his interview but Greg born is gonna go into fourth place

    Really impressive end of the course paced it well then for Martin regborn and into fourth still no punch for keyboards here is yep is he in the lead where are the others it’s gonna be a four minute lead no one else to see there but delete before

    See here I believe before was 205. and there are the others really fighting hard I think that’s Alvin readerfels as well but he lost about 42 seconds compared to krivda from the free warning to this TV control interesting bearing man into second I think that’s Alvin reader felt as well

    I wonder where Daniel Hitman is there as well oh he did punch there as well so now they’re a group of four keyboard’s just checking who’s behind him yeah is it a runner is it there is it the running camera [Applause] okay nice it says the control

    There’s loads of people out in this Forest palette is looking great for him his whole world another approach to get to the control oh it’s so Grim now it’s so steep at least it’s quite a soft Landing if you do fall but it’s not um you’re kind of flying by the seat of

    Your pants the whole way uh and the world yeah not being his race today he was caught by ragbourne overtaken as well and is going to be outside a top 20. you have to have such good climbing skills for the 990 meters of climb that’s on today’s course very very physically challenging Oh that’s full set that means it’s yeah a minute lid 102. and yeah he took a really good root choice to number 19 which is also where kibbetts lost time so with a good route choice to 27 then fossa can keep going stay in that position [Applause] foreign

    Control back up to the top of the hill now and then that long route choice to 27. and of course it looks very good now for counts before suit one minute advantage over keyboards and basically one decides the flag to come next to the Finish I think we’ll have Emily’s Vance

    Maybe into fourth he’s in the fight together with Martin react Pawn for this fourth position so this again between keyboards and fossa yeah same mistake to 19 lost about one and a half minutes there slightly better entrance to 20. you can see that he came closer again there

    And then 23 to 24 first of us about 15 seconds faster than kibbutz it’s easy to say because we have the pre-warning at 23 so different route choices here and here we have an email’s fans At the pre-warning so he’ll be slower than Bonnet outside the top three I think it will be faster than the eggborn I think he will He finishes this course very well much improved performance on yesterday and hairless friends fighting for spot number four foreign so ultimately into that fourth place the Gap 150 something into fourth place with Ollie oh yeah Jerry Haddon and in that group of matthies gibbetts gusta Bergman Daniel hoodman Alvin readerfeld to come and

    Finally Casper fossa who was one minute quicker than Matthias kibbetts at this point standings at split number two and for me that seems a big split between the top four and the rest I mean uh kind of interesting on this last long leg between Berryman and krivda but we

    Know that krivda lost time at the very end compared to Bo Nick so big chance here for Berryman to take the bronze medal spots Jerry Haddon has he even punched at this control yet uh yeah yes in 16th position okay 39 behind wow so I made a big time loss then between uh yeah the TV split and the pre-warning so maybe to control yeah between 18 and 19 I mean that’s the easiest guest for us yeah

    But we don’t know we’re really interested to see like hear a bit more about that mistake from some people um and where they thought they were whether there were tracks in the forest or if it just kind of looked strange not as people were expecting very interesting here’s Alvin reader

    Felt not normally a good thing and we isolate a single athlete we know he was caught by by this group here it’s okay maybe slightly off GPS I don’t think he went down there in this re-entranting up again stayed in the slope yeah I think that

    Wasn’t mistake into 15 to be honest or just very very slow so this is interesting now we are live take this three minutes you can see that Berryman and kibbutz they were splitting up on his route and we developed as well so maybe there’s a redefeld shipment group and a

    Really felt Berryman rape and a cubits hoodman route but now Foster looks to turn north yeah I think he’s heading to this path here where we have the name of Hope man it’s hard to see what the keyboards if he is like on the path if the GPS is

    Just slightly off I guess so because that was good earlier on going up there and then going taking the climb next to the the fenced section that seemed to be pretty good remember you can see that Berryman is about let’s say 15-20 seconds behind keyboards

    And if they’re all splitting up a bit uh keyboards redeveloped very mom but I think you know going diagonally up that slope is making it less steep oh yeah but I mean hookman has 50 meters of climbing in front of him yeah soon on top and the slope there where kibutes is

    Very good runability yeah I can see that Fosters back again as well going in the same route as kibbutz uh maybe still about miniature heads yeah I would say maybe a bit more even and maybe a minute but uh Foster might see Redevelopment up in the slope

    You know from yesterday how good the visibility is yeah we really do and it’s impressive how cubitsu managed to drop the other two but here’s Joey had on in towards the finish and oluiano maybe yeah the two of them together so Joey haven’t caught Ollie here

    The two of them together going down in slope so we can follow them both through with the Drone And I mean it’s really hard on he did such a good leg in this one he was he punched in position 16 at the pre-woning and now is in position six at this one of course we have a few Runners to come I mean Foster keyboard Spider-Man hoop man but still

    Yeah the man knows how to run up hills very quickly and he’s really done that on that last part and had on it’s fighting with redborn for the place it’s gonna be a little bit slower but into sixth place pulling up so many places just on the slap that last route and

    He’s so strong in those uphills head on into six into 14th again catching a couple of minutes on krivda at the end okay live then with the with nobody to be honest GPS tracks alive because we’ve lost them all on the slope to be honest and now we

    Got redeveloped to move a little bit in Paramount so there’s some data sent at least so so those GPS devices when they don’t have connection they kind of save it inside the device and send it next time they have connection again so no data is lost

    But if you’re in a an area where you don’t have connection then of course we won’t see it here on the screen so you can see that also now it’s together with the redefelt yeah so moving very quickly and now we got the punch at control 27 of keyboards and hoop man

    At the same time and they were different they come in completely different route choices yeah so hookman was 10 seconds faster from the TV control to this one interesting you’d expect keyboards to be kind of quicker on the climb and on the ascent there so maybe he should have gone a

    Straighter option or just maybe not executed this downhill quite as well so if you’re my reminder craved are still on the leader’s chair Martin hoodman in second Janice bonnick in third place but a lot of these guys here on the picture are gonna come in quicker

    I think we’re gonna see a keyboard soon at the last second last control and hookman of course here they are yes together there give it ahead of hopeman and picking themselves up on this last stage it’s a big old track out to the path and here comes keyboards then look

    At the Gap it’s huge it’s gonna be six minutes but I’m not sure it’s gonna be enough to take the win here give us into the last control then working hard on these final stages and we’ll end up with another silver medal and a long distance race in 2023 I

    Think so but he’s done such a good job to catch up and overtake the train of Runners and he does go into the new leading Time by more than six minutes we have Daniel hoopman into the finished crossing the line as well going into third place I think there and

    Yeah man at the same time equal second equal second with Thomas scrivda just ahead of his brother martin Hitman kiberts it was the best he is the best so far but starting three minutes after him was Casper Foster and I’m looking at the split still have no

    Punch for foster maybe there’s a bit of the delay but he I mean now he starts to lose time and uh well it’s quite similar actually we haven’t had the punch yet oh now we have it but the advantage is well I haven’t got the time in yet but it can’t be much Oh it’s absolutely falling yeah it is quite a lot here yeah I think so not three minutes he didn’t get the punch at the control before so definitely enough so first the long distance he’s made this his case a plane and it’s gonna take another

    Win on the World Cup circuit and the Gap is going to be over a minute look at him look at how pleased he is once again take a World Cup victory in the long distance and I think especially after a lesson Optimal Performance in the middle

    He is so pleased to be back on the top again don’t forget because of Iron Man taking the third position here uh yeah just ahead of that joint uh krivda and Daniel hoodman collapses on the ground but big thumbs up from Casper Foster [Applause] And the shared fourth for hoopman and Cliff dance you said very good result for hoopman but of course I mean if we look at the how this race developed well Berman and for a long time to get away keyboards we developed into 21st and that pretty much wraps up those uh top athletes

    And it wasn’t a super dominant performance from Casper fossa was it really but I think the control that’s been very decisive number 19. yeah definitely in both the women’s and men’s race actually we have seen Big Time losses to control 19. I think it’s the control where

    Kibbutz kind of play the way his chances to win this race uh we have seen many struggling there as you said it’s gonna be interesting to hear what happened [Applause] but it’s interesting to see when we when we saw all this GPS replay and everything so many different routes that have been

    Run by the athletes so many different micro choices and very interesting courses here of course now it’s yeah yeah let’s say I mean it’s kind of a Pity that we have so much group running among the top athletes but well if you have a tough long distance it’s just often the case

    But I mean they I think quite a lot of this happened to the second last controller yeah that is very very true but I’m solving the situation that the time in both chips is different by three minutes so we need to um but there should be no problem

    Thank you he made me nervous there so I think there was some difference between the they have two devices with them as you can see and they think it was some difference in the final time but of course uh well he can’t have two different times running no

    With a punching start for both of them it’s always nervous when you think there’s a problem maybe with the download with it as I read out but this looks okay I think I think Casper force is now quite chill about the whole situation I mean there’s

    Nothing but the the um the the head side guys have just figuring it out a little bit more I think there’s nothing wrong with the punches it’s just the time to take for three minutes between the two devices so it’s one obviously one of the devices was programmed to the wrong

    Starting time or something like that so and uh we can take a look at the final results and actually quite typical compared to the women’s race two Runners and then a massive Gap so Casper fossa Matthews gibbert fighting it out between them and then a big old Gap back to

    Because the begman who was in uh six minutes down Thomas scriverter Daniel hoodman sharing fourth place again another fourth place for Thomas grifter um but great to see uh him perform so well on home soil and the hoodman brothers completing that top six again the Amazon

    A top 10 on a World Cup result very very strong and great to see Emily’s friends back into a bit better shape after the um middle distance Joey had on it did manage to go into that top 10 and I think climbing probably about six positions uh just on that climb up that

    Last can that last long leg which uh basically that that leg only exists because we had to change the location of the Arena about four weeks ago and this is the replay between uh the top Runners well later on in the course we could just

    Have the yeah no not on the last route but a lot of group running of the three of them together with keyboards let’s focus on this replay a different exit from the control by Foster compared to the others but still here you can see the three of them

    Actually Chris kriefta in the lead at control seven then two different routes or three different options here faucy keyboards and Cliff deck lifter still in the lead at eight on the where he’s gonna lose it still all three of them together for sir losing a bit of time

    Up to nine and out from control nine and here I think Clifton loses compared to key boots very quick by keyboards in this section Three of them very similar then a small Mistake by Cliff that to 14. and then uh the decisive moment of this race now from Control 18 to 19. going up the slope ending up the wrong Terrace you can see it happened the same to create that of course the same

    Happened to hookman and Batman because now you can see that the tail they are located exactly three minutes apart from each other different true choices 224 we know that Foster’s option was about 15 seconds faster and then again different slightly different routes to control 27 out from the control here

    I don’t think that people just running up the slope there stayed on the path but you can see that battery man and keyboards slightly different options to 27 and then to the Finish yeah then you see that big gap back to the rest of them as they make their way towards the

    Finish but let’s hear it from the winner let’s hear from Casper before and congratulations Casper fossa on the welcome win first of all maybe you should explain us what happened at the the readout you’re standing there for quite a long time yeah I got a bit nervous there when they they started

    Checking my uh uh my time and my uh punches because there was something wrong with the times we have two ships on our hands and one of them showed the a different time than the other one uh so they were trying to figure out what

    Was the problem I guess uh they had just written down the wrong time on the SI number so I yeah it was luckily not not something I had done so uh but there was a couple nervous Minister here yeah where have you got all the punches with

    You we just saw the GPS uh tracking here it seems like you’re avoiding any like big mistakes um kibus is leading some of the way what’s your feeling out there how well do you execute the race yeah I it wasn’t like uh I didn’t feel amazing out there

    But I noticed that I could really keep it together on every control not not to do too many mistakes I’m I’m sure I have half a minute here and there but uh it’s Hardware where that in this type of terrain it’s uh it can be very tricky to

    Find the perfect routes but uh I knew towards the end that I’ve done a really clean race and uh then I I knew it was going to be tight so I really pushed harder the last controls and it hasn’t been your week you could say 18th in the

    Sprint just outside the the podium yesterday with the fourth place and now another long distance went just like three weeks ago in Switzerland the wealth Champs how do you explain that yeah it’s a so yeah the Sprint didn’t go perfect as as expected with the almost no flat

    Running in my training in the last half half a year so I was kind of expecting it of course I had one big mistake on the air above the Sprint and the middle distance that cost me a lot of points in the overall World Cup so I was today I knew that if

    I don’t win then I uh it’s going to be really hard to keep keyboards away uh when we only have a sprinter knockout uh left in uh in October thank you Casper congratulations again thank you Casper Falls are really thinking a lot about the World Cup points there as well

    But um two uh extremely physical extremely tough uh long races um kind of what what made the difference today for for the two winners would you say well they avoided the big mistake yeah well did they two of Alexander did actually quite a big mistake but in her

    Case I think the physical strength really decided and in the men’s it was all about avoiding the big mistake so that’s keyboards had approximately the same speed as fossa but did that one mistake too much to control 19 so in my opinion uh that was the difference today

    Yep well we’re going to look back to the women’s race award the flower ceremony it’s in a lot of the Swedish team uh kind of sticking around here in this Arena and uh we can award the flowers then to the top three ultimately it was uh in third place

    Sarah hogstrom he was able to win the tight challenge amongst her teammates and Another World Cup Podium I should be racking up those World Cup points um with great consistent running this season in second place another silver medal position for Simona abasold very very used to standing on that spot

    And again such a big gap between second and third place can feel that her physical strengths come on a lot in the last couple of years the winner today is once again over Alexander her third individual win from three at this world cup second round of the World Heart cup here in czechia

    Winning everything as well in those World Championships two years ago she’s very satisfied with the first part of her race slightly less so with the second when she called up Simona uh but there we have the top three of the women’s race congratulations then to over Alexander Simona aristold and Sarah hogstrom [Applause]

    Foreign equally thrilling men’s race with an incredible amount of climb tricky controls and all about those micro root choices as well Very slippery slopes out there in the rain it’s eased slightly now here at the arena ready for these flower ceremonies and the top three barely had time to pause for breath before they make their way towards a flower ceremony And so we can award the top three Casper Foster still hasn’t managed to change into any other kits he is be a man very much in demand for interviews and things like that so we can award the flowers to the top three once again was caught by Matthews gibberts today

    He did it put together a great race and it pulls him through into the third place representing Switzerland um leading for probably the first half at least of this race but not completely clean still another fantastic silver medal matching his result at the World Championships equally matching his results [Applause]

    He is the king of the long distance again taking the win and yet another different type of terrain really making the long distance his own and taking that Hill strength through top of the podium so first place goes Casper fossa second place for Matthias gibbert and third place for gusta Bergman

    We’ve had a great couple of days of some fantastically tricky races no expense skirts uh expense spared there in the technicality of the races in the forest and in the Sprint as well and next up the World Cup heads over to Italy where they will be fighting for some more

    Points Casper fossa with the lead at the moment over my teeth Coopers but he knows gibbetts is very very strong in the Sprint that is where we go to next in the U.S European championships in Italy that’s where we will next see them fighting for World Cup points for European medals as well

    Tova Alex Anderson’s another win cures even if it needed it doesn’t even need securing look at that Gap at the top of those uh World Cup standings ahead of Sarah huckstrand a huge gap of more than a winds difference uh compared to Sarah hogstrom so she could

    Just sit a whole race out possibly and still win the World Cup overall those are the standings of course with Lisa risby now retiring there so she’s not going to play any further Point Ellen Ross it’s also her last World Cup season as well but some great races here in czechia we

    Will leave you for the time being next up we’ll be back as I said in Italy for the World Cup final and European championships where Sprint is very much back on the agenda I hope you enjoyed these few races from czechia the coverage and the great performances from

    All the athletes we’ll see you next time see you Dan Sir Foreign [Applause] Thank you

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