Welcome back to the Texas News podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today’s show, we tackle the question: How close is Texas to leaving the union? TEXIT is a process that has a starting point and an ending point, and it’s important to know where we are on that path. Most people, generally, don’t stop to really consider how close Texas is to being an independent nation.

    First, we explore the strength of support for Texas leaving the union. Spoiler alert: support is riding high. Then, we look at key areas where Texas separation from the union has already begun. Finally, we discuss some highly likely events that could touch off that final break with the federal government. You won’t want to miss this episode!

    Listen to the episode here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-close-is-texas-to-leaving-the-united-states/id1691428143?i=1000650518386

    Welcome to the Texas news podcast where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of Independence in the state of Texas on today’s show I’m going to tackle the question just how close is Texas to leaving the union I’m going to explore the strength of support for

    Texas leaving the union some of the key areas where Texas separation from the union has already begun and some events that could touch off that final break with the federal government so don’t go anywhere Well so glad you could join us for this episode of the Texas news podcast we’re going to tackle today uh really and and truly what I believe is is a pretty important question and I’m I’ve often been surprised at at how people really don’t understand how close Texas is to being a

    Self-governing independent nation um you know we uh in in my book texit why and how Texas will leave the union I tried to address some of that uh but today we’re going to take a a a little bit of a deeper dive into some of the things uh

    That the vast majority of people just don’t realize about where Texas is what Texas has done to I guess you could essentially say separate itself to uh assert its independence um but it’s not enough to just really talk about those parts of it uh I think it’s also really

    Really important uh to to talk about what could push Texas what what could we see that would push Texas to jump over that Gap so before we begin though I think we we really need to understand and set set the terms of the the discussion today um because what we’re

    Talking about when we’re talking about Texas leaving the union or we’re talking about separation we’re talking about a process where Texas ends up becoming a self-governing independent nation now if you listen to last week’s podcast which I would suggest you go do uh there was a discussion about several of these

    International trips that uh that Abbott has been taking and meeting with Representatives from governments in in the UK France on and on I’m not going to recap all of that um but what I did was I put it in the context of the monteo convention okay which is this International Convention that

    Essentially laid out four part A four-part criteria for what defines a a state okay so it it’s used sort of through an international lens to say this is what we consider a state which is a term with a very very finite definition um and this over here is not

    And and not saying that one is better than the other one although being defined as a state under Monty Vio is extremely helpful on the path to Independence but but just utilizing that criteria that four-part test is is really what we’re looking for and and we could already say as I asserted uh

    During last week’s podcast that Texas already meets all four criteria right I mean we’re we’re already there um and the speculation the the speculation from last week was that Abbotts International trips meet the fourth criteria and therefore fill it all out so that Texas is a state by international law definition

    Okay now I’m not going to rehash all of that but but I did want to set up today to understand that when we’re talking about Texas separating from the union Texas becoming an independent nation that what we’re going to do today is examine it through that lens and we’re

    Going to look at what Texas already has what Texas is is doing uh and and we’re moving toward that final definition where Texas is politically and economically independent uh and it’s it’s important for all of us to understand that texit is a process and because it is a process uh we have to

    Again we have to know what our starting point is we got to know where we what our ending point is and we got to know where we are on that path to get there uh and as I said at the very beginning people I think are really shocked uh

    When they put all these things together and they realize that Texas is so much closer to withdrawing from the union than they ever anticipated um there are I think and a lot of it gets down to no one really just sits down and thinks about this aspect of they don’t put the pieces

    Together and so um you know it’s going to be it’s going to be an an interesting one today um because it’s going to be packed with an awful lot of discussion about where Texas uh is in this process so look but before we talk about how close Texas actually is uh and things

    That are happening that political and economic separation I think it’s it’s important to understand where support for Tex it is because it’s not just about the structural things some some of the legislative action but you know where is support for just outright withdrawing from the union well look I I

    I think I think it Bears a recap right we know right now that a vote on texit is the official position of the dominant political party in the state of Texas the Republican party of Texas has two planks in its current platform form plank 33 and plank

    225 that uh that call for the legislature to put the texit question to a vote of the people right and and this wasn’t a new development this wasn’t in their most recent one this was uh officially put in in a single plank two years prior so we know that from a

    Political standpoint it’s not this uh this third rail at least a texit vote is not a third rail that you can no longer touch now you couldn’t say that many years ago right but where we are right now is a texit vote is the official position of the dominant political party

    In Texas in addition to that back in 2022 you had the release of a poll from survey USA is something that I’ve mentioned on this podcast plenty of times uh the information about it is actually on the tnm news site there are plenty of Articles over there that you

    Could search for and find it but it was uh effectively for I think a lot of people a bombshell in the summer of 2022 right around the time that news broke about the two planks being added to the Republican Party platform survey USA released this uh as I said I mean it

    Look it was it was a political bomb a a polling bomb where uh they surveyed several States Texas included uh and they surveyed those States individually not as some of these other fake pollsters do and try to group them as um you know regions or survey secession

    Sentiment in all the states just you know and they survey 800 people across all 50 states and this is what they say I mean that’s just stupid right but this survey USA poll is quite interesting because they took it state by state and in Texas what they found was support for

    Texas becoming an independent nation was at 60% of overall voters and 66% of likely voters now that’s that’s Earth shattering it’s major and especially when you realize that survey USA is consistently ranked one of the most accurate polling uh companies by 538 which again is sort of this

    Aggregation of polling I think they’re owned by ABC news now or whatever so um but what they do is they they track outcomes and they say that survey USA is ranked typically one two or three somewhere in that ballpark of most accurate uh polling companies and so

    That’s got a lot of weight to it and while we’ve had subsequent polls that have shown less support than the survey USA poll uh it is still significant with well over a third of support being shown in the poll that was commissioned by Redfield strategies from Newsweek as

    Well as a ugu poll and while those two polls may have had some accuracy and methodology issues um we talked to the world’s leading expert on Independence referendums and he says that even with those numbers Texas is well ahead of the curve here’s what he had to say well

    First of all I mean I don’t know if it’s an outly or not I haven’t seen any other the polling that’s relatively new I think what I take from this and this is where I sort of wanted to be you know beat myself up as referendum expert sort

    Of all around the subject is that generally in referendums you need to have a cushion of 10% to win them because in most referendums you stop s of losing support um as you as you go along uh what is interesting about independence referendum is Independence referendum tends to work in the

    Different way he they what my my colleag um laurance luk in in Canada called an uphill struggle so people start from behind and then they move up what is interesting about this one is that if you look at 2010 so four years before the Scottish independence referendum uh the support for Scottish independence

    Were actually lower than it is in Texas now so Texas is actually of the curve um if we compare it to Scotland now in addition to the support from the people you’re beginning to see that you’re beginning to see an outcropping of that you’re beginning to see that uh really

    Enter into the political sphere right it’s it’s one thing to have polling it’s another thing to have it on a party platform but now what we’re seeing is a significant number of candidates that ran for office in the Texas legislature in this cycle won their primary in March

    After signing a pledge to file legislation giving Texans a vote on texit so again it it is further proof that support for texit is Riding High in the sense that it is no longer that political third rail as as evidenced by the fact that candidates were willing to

    Sign a pledge that they would file legislation to give Texans a vote on this issue uh if it were as the opposition says often times uh political poison uh they wouldn’t have come within 10t of signing that pledge but they did and not only did they they ran for office as I talked

    About on a previous podcast uh it it is very clear that those candidates that signed the pledge and were attacked for signing the pledge by the incumbents outperformed those that did not sign the pledge they were they came out even when they entered into runoffs they ended up

    As the top vote getter with one exception so you know we know that support is Riding High not only this you’re seeing it in the media all the time right every other day it seems Newsweek a you know world renowned publication is writing about texit we’re

    Seeing it appear in op-eds either for or against we’re seeing um you know this issue particularly with its Nexus to the Border appearing on Fox News I mean my email Emil notifications for texit or secession or uh Texas nationalist movement mentions uh is is going off multiple times a day every single

    Solitary day so we know that support is there and not just support for a vote but support for texit and I think that is one of the prerequisites if we’re going to examine how close Texas is to leaving the union the one thing you’ve got to determine right out of the gate

    Is is there any support for it whatsoever and I think it is abundantly clear but beyond that uh I think it’s important for us to really look at the fact that political and economic separation is already happening okay now you know you can look at this two ways

    You can look at it from the sense is Texas structurally prepared to be a self-governing independent nation but find those but then you can look at that and say look if there are any gaps what is Texas doing to assert its independence short of this texit vote

    That we’re talking about and and I think what you will find is quite interesting is that the separation began a long time ago because the Gap was not nearly as wide as many people think you know one of the common slurs against Tex one of the common opposition arguments is is

    That Texas could never make it as an independent nation we don’t have what it takes but and they do that uh and they’re not even joking about it when they say it uh you know they they look at us we’re the eighth largest economy we we’ve heard uh preliminary reports

    Will say that we will probably jump to the seventh largest by Q4 of this year um and beyond that we’re we’re set up uh economically in in ways that most already self-governing independent nations if you want to call them that would be we’d be jealous of and and the

    Vast majority of that is not because of our Rel Rel ship with the federal government but in spite of our relationship with the federal government but I think it’s important to to look let’s just let’s just look structurally at where we are Texas has its own Constitution right the Texas Constitution of

    1876 a very weighty document but it exists with its own Bill of Rights uh and so we have a governing document we have a rule of law and all of the statutes that come from that we have an executive branch with a governor and a lieuten Governor we have a bamal

    Legislature with a house and a senate we have a supreme court and technically we have two of them uh one that deals exclusively with criminal matters and one that deals exclusively with civil matters right so structurally speaking at a fundamental level governing document a structured government guys that’s that’s literally

    If you look around the world that’s what countries have I mean it may be structured differently but they have a functioning government go back to that that Monty Vio convention right but we have those things and I’ll tell you this and I know for some of you you think

    Well of course we have a constitution but you would be surprised at how many people IAL to that don’t realize that Texas has its own Constitution and those are the same people that are surprised to learn that every state has its own Constitution right but it’s important

    Right it’s important to start there and understand where it is now diving deeper uh if you want to look structurally it’s pretty pretty clear uh and to me it has been for many years but typically not for everyone they’re like how are you going to exist how could you exist

    Without all the things the federal government does but these are the same people who don’t realize that there is a very clear and direct state level analog for every Federal cabinet level department right so like on the federal level you have the Department of State

    On Tech on the Texas side you have the Texas Secretary of State you have a Department of Treasury on the federal side on the Texas side you have a Texas comp troller Public Accounts you know they they have a Department of Defense we have the Texas Military Department

    Which has been in the headlines over the Border issue over and over they have a Department of Justice we have the Office of the Attorney General they have a department of the Interior we have Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Texas State Soil and Water Conservation board and the Texas commission for

    Environmental Quality they have a Department of Agriculture we have the Texas dep Department of Agriculture they have a Department of Commerce we have a Texas Economic Development and Tourism office they have a Department of Labor we have Texas Workforce Commission I mean it goes on and on and on for every

    Single federal level cabinet position or Department there is a there is at least one clear analog at the state level and it may be structured a bit differently for example they have a department of energy and ours is is actually split between the Texas Railroad Commission and the Texas

    Public Utilities Commission right or they have a Department of Education which is something people say the federal government should abolish but we have a an elected State Board of Education and we have the Texas Education Agency and they both have very distinct IND Reet functions and interestingly enough our state board of

    Education as I said are elected as opposed to this executive level thing on the federal government called the Department of Education that frankly probably should not even exist well it definitely shouldn’t exist but it is also very clear that when you compare what you have on the federal side and

    The Texas side it’s not that we just have a clear analog it’s that they even do better right right so structurally speaking and and you know because we don’t have all day to go through this but I think structurally speaking it’s important to understand that Texas is already structured like an independent

    Nation right so if if tomorrow the snap of the fingers happened and we were independent that’s not how it’s going to happen but if we were independent tomorrow structurally and functionally we are like an independent self-governing nation and and we can handle our own but I think it’s important to

    Understand also that we’re we some of these gaps lie and granted when we talk about this we could go back and talk about well look the Texas Military Department is not a full-blown military you know our our secretary of state here in Texas doesn’t have um the ability you

    Know doesn’t have really a foreign affairs function right we can talk about those gaps um but they’re not significant gaps right and and one of the gaps that I think it’s important to understand that Texas is definitely moving forward on obviously is is uh the Texas Military Department it has been

    The position of the tnm for well over a decade now that the Texas state guard should be fully militarized uh and and there have been because of the Border situation there have been uh there’s been more discussion about that um I I suspect we probably will see

    Legislative action on that in the next session right uh to to help close that Gap but I think there are really two major really three major areas if you want to see how close Texas is to leaving the union and and the the movement that it’s making to close those

    Gaps I I think there are really three key areas which shock most people uh the first is in currency in banking and then of course International agreements which we talked about last week and that in Border Protection and if and while this is not the sum total of all of the

    Movement that Texas is making uh I think it does give a a clear indication you see most people don’t realize that back in 2015 uh Governor Greg Abbott signed the Texas bullion depository bill or it’s often called the Texas Gold depository Bill uh because that was how it was

    Actually known when they tried to pass it a couple of sessions before that um but it was HB 483 and the Texas bullion depository Bill essentially established for Texas its own Fort Knox a state-owned precious metal storage facility that is exempt from confiscation where by law the state says

    Look we’re we’re not going to allow the federal government to come in and confiscate precious metals in this depository um and and it was important as a show of sovereignty initially to say look we don’t need to store any of the gold owned by the state of Texas

    At a at HSBC Bank in in New York uh let’s repatriate our gold to Texas our precious metals our investments and most of that was tied to one or more of the Sovereign wealth funds that are owned by taxes okay now you will hear wonkish uh economists talk about how every

    Self-governing independent nation has its own Sovereign wealth fund that’s essentially what it was it was a part of a an investment portfolio for one of the uh Sovereign wealth funds that Texas has and that’s the you know you have the permanent University fund permanent School fund it goes on and on that

    That’s a whole other podcast episode for the more wonkish among amongst us but it was important from a sovereignty perspective to repatriate that goal to Texas but the the more there were really two two important things that were done in relation to that piece of legislation

    And the first one was is that it created this depository it didn’t just say look move the gold here stored in a bank it moved the gold here in our own precious metals depository and open that depository up for people that that own precious metals to also use that as a

    Depository so they didn’t have to store it in their house in their houses so that was number one a a publicly owned precious metal depository generally tied to Sovereign wealth funds that was protected by the state okay that’s number one number two is is that it called for the creation of

    An electronic system of transaction denominated by deposits of precious metals in the depository well interestingly enough if you cut through all of that legal ease what it essentially did was call on the com troller to create an electronic transfer system basically an electronic currency based off of the precious

    Metals a way that you and I could transact if I had uh precious metals in there and you had precious metals in there it would be a system for us to transact that without having to go and get the physical gold and you know you

    Get yours and you give it to me and I give you cash or vice versa it allowed the exchange of those precious metals electronically at least it called for it and and although it never got done the movement has been happening to uh to force that into being in in fact uh if

    You go to the last legislative session in the 88th legislature one of the things that uh that really went under the radar because of all of the other drama that happened during the legislative session uh was a a series of bills I’m going to cover one of them but

    Understand that they all dealt around some of the same subject matter but Senate Bill 2334 was related to the establishment of a digital currency backed by gold essentially what it was setting out to do was extend what was done in HB 483 the Texas bullion depository Bill extended out and

    Effectively create a digital stable currency backed by gold right so instead of being governed by the flick of the switch of the printing press it essentially would be backed and exchangeable by assets that were stored in the Texas buan depository so th this was was Major and how more uh I guess

    How it didn’t get more attention is beyond me but maybe it’s because that people don’t see its impact and where this is headed you see currency uh C currency is is one of those things that self-governing independent nations typically want to have it’s on the it’s at the top of the

    List and there is this this prevailing sense that the federal government uh is is driving the economy particularly the monetary system into the ground with some people even talking about the high potential for uh an economic or monetary collapse based off of the federal debt I mean there’s there’s a ton of reasons

    Right but this this is a concrete step for Texas to literally refer to it as a currency because at the moment that they refer to it as a currency that tells you pretty much everything you need to know about where this is headed because if you snip that tie and Texas

    Has a digital currency that’s a that’s that’s a major signal for where this is headed so look in short if you have a sovereign wealth fund you have a state owned equivalent of Fort Knox and you’ve got a digital mechanism to trade the precious metals that are on deposit there you’re

    Literally one short step away from laying a currency on top of that system right so I it’s an amazing thing you know we don’t have a currency but let’s be honest it’s it’s not 100% necessary but the fact that Texas is taking concrete actions to implement its own currency

    Should tell you that Texas is closer to leaving the union than most people realize and so you do these things with this you know the The Sovereign wealth fund and and the depository and everything else and you you look at that in the context of the existing state chartered banking system which most

    People don’t realize we have more State chartered banks in Texas than we have have federally chartered banks in Texas you take that into the context of of this currency play and what you have looks a whole lot like an independent nation or at least someone or a state or self-governing independent

    Whatever you want to call it a a group a state it definitely looks like a state that’s making the move to separate itself and understand that these are not um these are not long plays these are not what we’re talking about here is not 10

    Or 20 year plays I mean these are things that are happening there’s nothing literally preventing Governor Abbott from calling a special session and putting this on the call in fact there was discussion uh during the four special sessions that were called uh this go around that this was going to make uh

    One of the calls the the Revival of s SP 2334 so understand that when it comes to the currency and banking issue the the Gap is about a hair’s breath uh wide and it’s not impossible for us to jump over it in a matter of uh 30 to 60 to 90 days

    That’s just the way that it is but then you got to look at the the international agreements now it’s something that I covered um a lot on the last podcast I’ve already mentioned it a couple times on this one um but the ability for Texas to go out there and engage in these

    International agreements now some people will say these are photo ops right these are feel-good things but let’s let’s look at it Greg Abbott has made these trips to uh the UK uh there have been discussions with France and U agreements with Finland and it you know the list

    Goes on I’m not going to repeat the list from last time but but understand that those foreign trips and those Agreements are uh in particularly at the velocity that they’re happening right now are not usual for countries that or for states of the United States it’s just not a

    Normal thing to see so much of that happening in such a short time frame but it’s not about that because I don’t want to deal with the economic aspects of it but it’s important to know that while these have been economic in scope the bottom line is if you can hammer out a

    Statement of mutual cooperation how hard is it to out an actual treaty you know and and that would include trade agreements travel agreements Mutual defense packs and and much more but it also means that if you can execute these that you are perfectly capable of signing on to International multilateral

    Covenants and conventions in other words it’s not so much the context of it but that the activity is happening and how little it would take to flip that switch over uh if tech Texas made the decision to do so if Texans went to the polls and vote you

    Flip that switch and now all of a sudden these are not Economic Development missions these are diplomatic missions so again much like the the currency in the banking issue the gap between where we are and and where we need to be to be separated from the union is about a

    Hairs bread wide now the final area that that I think it’s important to look at is in Border Protection now we covered the Border issues extensively on this podcast uh they are all in the news and in fact um you know there was a a a Fox

    News article that that hit just over the weekend that dealt with uh that we got to talk about there was an interview with me where I got to talk about the the Border issues that are happening but understand and and so I’m saying that to

    Say that I’m not going to cover it um in in a deep dive but I do want to give to mention because it’s clear that Texas has recently shown its willingness to protect its own borders and engaging its own immigration enforcement outside of what the federal government says we can

    And cannot do if the federal government is failing to do it Texas is stepping up and fulfilling that role or responsibility and basically saying to the federal government pound sand and so with Texas is taking these steps for Border Protection to go and and directly address Border Protection

    And immigration uh if it can do it in this context at this level with the federal government dragging its feet and our political uh our elected officials still being a bit apprehensive about um you know really going toe-to-toe with the federal government over this issue

    Uh it is uh it is just again a short step for Texas to flip that switch and take care of Border Protection and immigration on our own so it’s again when you look at this political and economic separation it is already happening across a whole host of issues when you have the current

    Attorney general and the governor who who was once attorney general essentially bragging that what they do is they get up in the morning they see the federal government and then they go they go back to bed and that happens to be their day um it’s very clear that across many

    Metrics Texas is already asserting its influence asserting its its independence and moving us ever closer to being an independent self-governing nation to having this separation from the federal government but the question here is and we get it all the time you know what what is it what what could be

    The thing that takes it all the way to the Finish Line in other words look you you’ve looked at this thing structurally you understand that Texas is making moves across a whole spectrum of the issues to close those gaps that effectively make Texas de facto independent um but what could

    Precipitate the jump across that Gap to take it from yeah we’re moving this direction to no we’re we’re there and we don’t need the federal government anymore now and and I want to talk about this in the context not just of the texit vote right we understand that that

    The texit vote does that but I want you to understand sort of the the much larger picture of what will push Texas over that Tipping Point and it’s important to look at really the the two factors of this on one side there are internal pressures right there are political pressures and economic

    Pressures within taxes that push Texas closer to Independence and then there are the external pressures these external forces these things that could happen that are outside of our control that would effectively flip that switch and and make texit happen uh almost immediately to accelerate that you see the the texit timeline

    Accelerates when texit becomes the primary driver in Texas politics right this is internal that I’m talking about here so when you see the texit issue become the prime mover in other words it becomes the the the king maker or the one that everyone wants to Rally around

    Or against right if they’re ra if they’re raing if they’re rallying for it or ring against it either way if it becomes a a major issue in Texas politics then understand that that timeline accelerates and that’s what I would call the internal pressures look already talked about the level of

    Support that it has so understand that for us to get that the rest of the way that all you have to do is kind of turn that dial up a bit you have to convert that support into actual organized political muscle right and so you know when essentially what you’re looking at is

    When the prot texit voting block becomes large enough to influence campaigns and the outcome of Elections you’re you’ve got you’re at that Tipping Point for uh Tex it to happen for it to go all the way and I will tell you there is an argument to be made that we are there uh

    You knowe as I stated previously we have support from the voters right if if you look at the polling even with the bad polling it’s obvious we’re on a trajectory to get there but let me just put it in in real terms so you understand right so the Texas

    Nationalist movement a as an organized voting block is well over 620,000 strong at least uh when I looked at the number um right before I got on I mean maybe we had a big surge while I was walking up the stairs to this microphone I don’t

    Know but as of this we were well over 620,000 strong right and if you look at that as an organized voting block if texit is the primary issue for that voting block um that becomes a number you can work with and and you can begin to look and see if those internal

    Pressures are building to the point that texit is an inevitability so I’m just let me just throw this at you so you look in the in the recent primaries in March 5th the 2024 Republican primaries uh for this is obviously a ballot that the office of president was on uh and

    You had 2.3 million votes cast for president which is a sizable number in the Republican primaries now before anyone complains understand that I I’m looking at the the primaries first I’ll get to the general election in a minute okay so if you look at 2.3 million votes cast for president the 2024 Republican

    Primaries and you were to assume that the tnm votes as a block okay uh then what that means is the prot texit side potentially controls by about 26.9% of the votes in a party’s primary right and I say potentially because the assumption is is that the you know

    Supporters from the tnm are going to vote as a block and you never have 100% right you’re never going to get there um but the fact of the matter is is if they did vote as a block at least a sizable number of them um then what you’re

    Looking at is the ability for the protex side to control just shy under 27% of votes in a party’s primary which is where most of the legislative and down ballot races are decided because of Jerry mandering typically who wins in in a in a party’s

    Primary uh is the person who goes on to uh fill that legislative seat because of how the districts are drawn now what what does that do it it means that if the TN were to grow from 620,000 to 1.2 million you know just not even quite doubling the number where it

    Is now it means that it could effectively control all of the legislative election outcomes in one party and nominate prot texit candidates for all Statewide offices at will I mean you know let’s be honest 27% can influence the outcome of Elections and that’s where we are right now we we

    Know that the prot texit side can influence these party primaries one way or the other but if you want to run the table you take that number from 600,000 up to 1.2 million and and that’s how you do it that’s how you run the table it essentially means that whatever the

    Protex side wants in legislative races it gets and it also means that because you control the outcomes of those primaries uh what what that does for you is it says okay uh it’s only going to be protex at nominees for Statewide offices as well so that’s the magic number now and

    If you only want to see how that plays out into the general election you only need to look at the last gubinatorial election in 2022 uh to see that a voting block of this size could play a major role in the general elections right because we’re looking at at state level Offices here

    And it’s important to do so but understand that in in in the 2022 election uh in the general election Abbott won re-election only by a 10 almost 11 Point margin okay so that amounts really to he won by 891 th000 votes which in Texas terms is not uh

    Extraordinary it’s not a lot and so if you give the same conditions before of the tnm voting or not voting as a block uh it would only need to acquire the support of 271,000 more Texas voters to force Texas to become a major issue in a hotly contested general election okay

    What that effectively means is you have enough voting as a block to control the outcome and so with the number of tnm supporters growing daily and more legislators that support a vote on Texas than ever before heading into the next session uh it looks like those internal

    Pressures are at a Tipping Point and the fact of the matter is while it goes under the radar for a lot of people uh there is one group of people that have noticed it and uh are making their observations known and that is the media uh we’re seeing this Major Impact where

    You have people inside of mainstream media who have contorted themselves into pretzels previously to not cover this uh to absolutely start sounding the alarm that Texas is going to happen uh that’s both domestic and international uh I talked extensively on a previous podcast about uh how the Dallas Morning News

    Sounded this massive alarm that a bunch of candidates signed our Texas first pledge right we received the cover of Newsweek I mentioned Newsweek earlier every other day uh you know I mentioned the fox new the the Fox news story that was released over the weekend these are not

    Aberration understand that we have been in the media somewhere every single day since November and it’s it really is a testament I believe to the fact that uh the the powers that be inside of mainstream media see exactly what I’m laying out for you here that the internal political pressures are growing

    To a point where they can no longer really be ignored and so you have the reporters finally starting to give this massive attention over a sustained amount of time and it’s understandable how you see that play out politically as well because before all of this if Chip Roy Congressman chip Roy said something

    What they would consider outrageous on the floor of Congress they’d be oh that’s just chip but now suddenly on Twitter or on the floor of the of the federal House of Representatives when chip Roy publicly questions the fact that uh you know Texans should be considering Why We join the union in the

    First place uh it sort of has a lot more gravity than uh it would have before so uh beyond the internal pressures let’s talk about what could take it all the way externally now there is this this video that that we posted I think it was

    About two years ago uh it was from a tap a podcast taping for Ted Cruz’s podcast uh where he was being interviewed in College Station or he was doing his podcast recoring at College Station and he he took a question from the audience about Texas leaving the union and in

    That video he talked specifically he said look I I I’m not a no but I’m not yet he said but here are my redlines in fact here’s what he said um if Texas were to seced or any other state for that matter um um what would what would uh do you think

    Would be the best course of action or how do you think the federal government would respond I think I know which side he’s on I don’t know so look I got to say and it was kind of interesting I was talking with with Michael and Liz before the show and

    And and they were asking so is the question of Texas session going to come up uh and I said yeah probably um and and and listen I understand the sentiment behind the question I’m not there yet and we actually had a debate over over uh drinks last night after the

    Show listen I think Texas has a responsibility to the country and and and I’m not ready to give up on America I I I love this [Applause] country a and I think without Texas look Texas we’re Brash we’re we’re not shy we’re sometimes Larger than Life but but Texas

    Is right now an amazing Force keeping America from going off the cliff keeping America grounded on the values of that that built this country on the values of freedom I think we have a responsibility now listen if if the Democrats and the filibuster I I if they fundamentally destroy the country if

    They pack the Supreme Court if they make DC EST state if they federalize elections and massively expand voter fraud there may come a point where it’s hopeless we’re not there yet and if there comes a point where it’s hopeless then I think we take NASA we take the military we take the [Applause]

    Oil take me please take me I don’t want to be trapped what what about Joe Rogan are you gonna take him Joe Rogan he might be the president of [Laughter] Texas so understand the gravity of this you have a sitting United States senator who publicly established what his

    Redlines were his his reasons that he would jump on the texit bandwagon and what are they they are external pressures things that are external to Texas you know this this the the various issues that he talked about are all plausible and they’re all plausible because uh they are the official

    Position of the democratic party which is running the federal government and and I don’t mean just in in Congress or the presidency I mean the 2 and a half million unelected Federal bureaucrats that never show up on a ballot right the Civil Service okay so here’s here are

    Here are some things that could happen that would really push the Texan issue over the Tipping Point and I think and I and I throw these out there not to engage in uh what I refer to in the book as apocalypse pornography um but to really help you understand that these

    Are some of the issues that are within the realm of possibility that could uh be external pressures that will push this thing all the way to Texas separating from the union and and the first thing right out of the gate and and I think one of the most plausible

    Scenarios is a a some crushing defeat in the Supreme Court on Texas’s effort to secure the Border if Texas is trying to secure the Border we know that it’s happening that the Border crisis is happening it’s being facilitated by the federal government Texas is stepping up

    In the Gap to to try to address this but if Texas were to face a crushing defeat in the Supreme Court a on its Border Protection efforts uh you would see the ranks of texit swell overnight uh of the tnm you would see texit become the majority uh opinion in even those

    Crappier surveys uh polls that we talked about earlier and the political pressure would mount on the elected officials in particular Governor Greg Abbott to put this thing to a vote and let’s get taxes out of here without a doubt the the the voices would become louder and stronger

    And one thing we know about Governor Greg Abbott is if you apply enough political pressure to him things can happen now you know it just depends on whether or not it jobes with his donors but you get the point so a crushing defeat in the Supreme Court but more than that

    Something that seemed quite likely uh at the beginning of this year uh was the Federal government using Force to stop Texas efforts to secure the border now they have engaged in a campaign of harassment right which sort of led us to where we are right now where they would

    Cut the razor wire that Texas is deploying or lift it up with a forklift or you know th those are harassment techniques they’re they’re really stupid they’re really ridiculous but with Texas taking over the park in in Eagle Pass uh there was a lot of discussion about how

    The bid administr op ation would retaliate and while their only retaliation has been to go you know be old man shaking fist at cloud in in the courts hoping the courts will rubber stamp their their belief that Texas has no right to secure its own border um basically their only retaliation has

    Been economic where they made a a swipe effectively Banning liquid natural gas exports which is a major industry particularly here in Southeast Texas if anyone thinks that that was not directed at Texas uh you are sadly mistaken uh it it if it wasn’t it was really bad timing but it was obviously

    That but there was Rising concern that you would have the federal government uh sending in troops or sending in National Guard units or even breaking the idea of posy katus and sending in the military or uh federalizing the National Guard and or ordering them to dismantle

    Everything that Texas had done so if you wanted to see this thing accelerate like foot on the pedal down to the floor uh the federal government using Force to stop Texas from securing its border uh would be one of the things that you could look for that would be an external

    Pressure from the federal government that would be a terrible terrible mistake and and I I would suggest to you that that would yet again increase that internal pressure an external event or an external pressure creating the internal pressure to force this issue uh as as front and center right but

    Additionally uh looking down the road if you were to see major anomalies in the 2024 presidential election feed on the again accelerator down to the floor um the the fact of the matter is is that legitimate concerns about uh the the Integrity of our electoral system uh have have gone

    Unanswered in fact those people who raise those issues uh are marginalized demonized go on and on and on but if you see major anomalies in the 2024 presidential election the calls for texit will become overwhelming uh and I believe the same thing happens if Joe Biden gets reelected as president of the United

    States now I’m not saying that uh texit is a partisan issue but let’s be honest even Joe Biden is not popular with uh Democrats I mean he’s just not uh and people look at at his uh at his age and his potential for dementia uh because

    He’s showing some signs uh they look at the economic policies they look at the suspicions that he’s not running anything it’s the people behind the scenes that are that are pulling the strings because I mean let’s be honest he was ruled to uh mentally unfit to

    Stand trial right so if Joe Biden were to be reelected as president um you’re going to see uh Republicans and Democrats here in Texas again call for texit it will be an overwhelming cry for it and it and understand I’m just going to get this out there now so that later

    We can sound bite this and remind people that I said it it’s not that it’s a partisan issue it is a bad governance issue it is uh a an Administration that wants to expand the federal government and Crush all of us under its booill it’s everything that comes with the

    Election of Joe Biden this is not a response to Joe Biden it is just the the long end of a uh of a train of abuses and usurpations and and people will view the reelection of Joe Biden through that lens through the lens of what they’ve

    Seen over the last four years uh which brings me to the next thing that could potentially do this and that is the bursting of the federal debt bubble uh as we’re recording this the federal debt stands at about 34 trillion dollar uh estimates are it’s growing by a trillion

    Dollars every 100 days and uh you know and we’re seeing that as a function not just of the bid Administration but also of the Republican controlled Congress allegedly right and so the bursting of the federal debt bubble which would throw everything into chaos uh this economic pressure would definitely Drive

    The cost for texit because if Texas drops in the rankings from the eighth largest economy in the world and drops down to 10 11 12 or whatever the blame will go to the federal government and where we stand now with the total debt and the upcoming liabilities uh you know we’re well over

    100% of the GDP of all of the states in the union or the United States as a whole so the bursting of the federal debt bubble is 100% within the realm of possibility but another economic external pressure that you could see that could lead to a loud

    Outcry for Texas would be a massive spike in inflation uh we know right now that the only way that the federal government is keeping the economy propped up is by uh printing more and more and more money uh and and we say printing money but I mean now they don’t

    Even have to print they don’t even have to uh you know use the cloth paper they basically just go into the computers and make a ledger entry and boom there’s more money in circulation but when this if there were to be a a massive Spike and and I don’t mean look we’re all

    Suffering with inflation but if we start getting into hyperinflation territory uh 100% you will see the call the calls for taxes to withdraw from the union and the good news is is that we will have uh by that time probably a stable uh currency that we can Implement in its place

    Uh really and truly uh if you wanted if you want to see texit happen uh very quickly all it would all it would take and I say all it would take this is really the next thing on the list and and that’s one very public and gross

    Display of federal overreach uh and and I’m not going to speculate what that could be but if you saw a rogue agency do something very public uh and and just 100% abusive uh and that were to make the rounds that could probably do it but the other thing the other external pressure

    And I don’t know that it’s entirely likely but I do believe I will cover it on a future podcast uh but any other state taking action to withdraw from the union ahead of Texas would definitely put the pedal to the medal here because let’s be honest we want to be first we

    Won’t be the only one but we want to be first right I mean we’re Texas right and everybody expects us to be first but if any other state decides they’re going to take action uh I I would expect that people here in Texas would uh again

    There would be an outcry to get this thing done uh there is in in the minds of a lot of people and we say it all the time a rising tide raises All Ships and that is extremely true for self-determination uh if you were to see

    A state make this move uh it would increase support for Independence across every other state which is already I mean vast majority of states are already at sort of the those Tipping Point um percentages so um you know but th any of those external pressures any one of those could cause

    This thing to accelerate all the way to the finish line and and let’s be honest we’re pretty close to the Finish Line anyway uh all we have to do is just kind of go through the steps but you see when it comes to the texed issue it’s not

    When the pros outweigh the cons it it’s when the pros outweigh the pain of the cons and right now the people are clearly signaling that they’re in pain so when it comes to the question how close is Texas to leaving the union how how close are we to bouncing out of

    Here uh I I would tell you we’re we’re closer than pretty much anyone else thinks uh and it’s not that I’m telling you anything new what I am telling you is here are the Dots here here is the picture that is being drawn number one the support for it is there number two

    Structurally we’re there and where any gaps are between where Texas is and where it needs to be to be an independent nation not to separate because when you separate you close those gaps immediately or you work on closing those gaps but I’m saying where

    We are now versus where we would be as a self-governing independent nation uh the gaps are are pretty tiny and then finally Texas is is already seeing these internal pressures and the potential for these external pressures that are driving Texas to go the full distance to

    Go all the way to separate from the union so uh I I think you can go forth now and with confidence say how close is Texas to leaving the union yeah we’re pretty much there okay all right well that’s a wrap for the Texas news podcast I want to thank you

    So much for joining us I would encourage you wherever you watch or listen to this podcast to do all the cool things like subscribe comment do do all the things leave us reviews uh just do all the things to help spread the word uh about uh all we’re talking about here all of

    These things that are happening with Texas and Texas Independence I’d like to remind you at uh if if you want to help support this podcast uh head over right now and become a member of the tnm head over to tnm domme jooin and become a member today that helps us keep this

    Podcast on the air and all of our communication efforts and frankly you know growing from that 620,000 to that 1.2 million registered supporters uh definitely definitely your membership helps and so uh with that I will leave you with the words I leave you with every time we’re together they’re the

    Words of Sam Houston when he said that Texas will again lift its head and stand among the Nations I believe that time is now and the question is will you stand with Her


    1. So, lets say Texas leaves the United States Corporation and goes its own way.. what hold will the United States have on any of the citizens of Texas? Are any Texas citizens beholden to the United States, can they be forced to be or could they choose to be willingly? What of any and all benefits people in Texas has paid for via Taxation such as disability or retirement and medicare ect? What happens to all them benefits? Also if and when it does happen, what about anyone else in any of the other States.. think they will not all of a sudden not want to move to Texas? I am betting half of the people in America will be wanting to come move to Texas and be out of the United States..

    2. If Texas really get serious about leaving the Union, look for something bad to happen that Texas would need the federal government to help because Texas could not handle the crisis.

    3. As a Texan nothing would make me happier than being a sovereign state. It’s illegal. Unconstitutional. To do so would start a war with the USA. These issues are moot points

    4. I'm in Texas, it would be great if they would do this, but I've lived in Austin and they're too woke and crazy and politically connected to woke Washington and California to let any of this happen.

    5. The US is government will milk Texas dry and destroy it with their debt and stupid acts. We got to remember the CIA has attacked other countries for less money and reasons. Think the US government will let one of their biggest cash cows go that easy? We'll need our own CIA/NSA to watch the US CIA. Ours won't follow the laws either since they'll be their own government like the US.

    6. If there were any doubt remaining after this matter, the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest when he asked by a screenwriter in 2006 whether there was a legal basis for secession. In his response, he wrote: “The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, ‘one Nation, indivisible.’)”

    7. Anything to leave the war criminals call 'United States Government" that is about enslavement through peaceful slavery. Pure evil in DC, all it is….

    8. I’m in Ohio good job Texas,I’ll sale out in Ohio and move out to your great state. Shout out to Chip Roy he’s for real real for sure. I been following this invasion Governor Abbott should be commended for his job on this crisis. I just wish he would’ve jump in earlier but I do understand the uncharted waters that Jackass leading jackasses ,I mean Biden,lol presented .Thank you for doing you alls best to protect this great country.

    9. Do you really think the US would let that happen. I agree that things need to change quickly. Maybe Texas wouldn't be by itself . The dems are on the verge of running our country. So I do see a congress that's bought off. By the Billiionaire lobbyists.

    10. OK, I'll ask the obvious question. Would the people of Texas still be tempted to nationalize themselves, if Trump took office, and they no longer had to constantly be fighting the federal government?

    11. Born ready! There is no rationale to debate. We "float the boat" already; we can do better without that stifling burden of a union that is voluntary, yet we have been lied to about our state's sovereignty. My anthem has always been "Texas Our Texas" : Texas First…. Southern second and then American. The founding proper way to introduce yourself is " I am (name) of Texas."

    12. I understand the frustration and history, but America needs Texas more than ever. Why give up on America when if you’re at that point just liberate America

    13. One of our weaknesses today would be in technology. The two major tech companies in Texas are Tesla and Dell, and I wonder if Dell would even stay during a sovereign transition. And even then, everything runs on west coast operating systems (android, IOS-Apple and Windows) and I doubt they would show any favorability toward us. We need to quickly advance that operating system infrastructure to make the transition successfully.

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