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    Super happy to have the following brands support me and my ol’ cycling adventures. So you will see some of their products I choose to use in my content 🙂

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    So good morning hola uh today I I’m not cycling we’ve got a quite a big ride tomorrow Val the tears today’s video I wanted to share something that I’ve not really talked about before I’ve mentioned it briefly um but it was the reason why I I’ve never actually told you this I

    Thought I was going to end up stopping cycling and stopping YouTube I’m heading to the beach I’m actually walking I’ll be honest with you I’m actually walking way but the sun’s too bright so I’m having to walk this way to film it so that the sun’s not like glaring in my

    Eyes so I want to turn around and actually go the way I’m going things we do for YouTube how pretty is this I’m about to go on that beach but I thought I would sit here in the shade and chat to you before I actually go and sit on the beach where it’s going to be way too bright to film anything this time last

    Year I was in Grand Canary I stayed here for a month and basically that was the point that I thought is like the end of my cycling now um am I going to have to give up YouTube because basically I just didn’t enjoy it anymore and I don’t know what

    It well I’ll tell you what it was um but that was like the culmination point of me being here was because I didn’t get up early like I would normally do to go out riding I just wanted to stay in bed I didn’t not stay in bed all day but I

    Just didn’t want to get up and ride like I would normally like I have been this trip I’ve been on YouTube it’s 10 years this year and although it’s not been as intense for those 10 years probably the last probably since lockdown I really upped how many videos I was doing I was

    Trying to make the videos better quality I wanted them to be more interesting I was trying to get more variety so doing like gravel and road as well and then training for those events and things that I wanted to do and actually let me just interject this by saying I’m so

    Grateful for this as a job but I’m just wanted to share like my experience I guess because I think it can help some of you sorry it’s a bit windy yeah I’ve just been doing it for a long time and I do it on my own and again I’m not saying

    This to be like oh poor me I know this is a very privileged job it’s an amazing job and I love it and I wouldn’t want to change it for the world genuinely I absolutely love it but I do everything myself so I film I edit I plan I do all

    The invoic and I do contracts I do I think there’s a lot that you don’t necessarily see on YouTube you think oh it’s just shooking up a camera putting a video on and that’s it but there I feel there’s a lot more to it that I guess doesn’t really get shown

    So I was trying to do all that and it’s just like and also just having a life outside of YouTube as well so like having a social life being um like with my family relationships friends like it’s just it felt like it was a lot and

    How I look back on it now I just felt and this is maybe like warning signs for you if you are doing a lot I just felt highly stressed for long periods of time and I felt like I never had any free time that I would was always doing

    Something so I was either always riding I was always training I was always editing I was always filming or I was always coming up with the next video idea or I was sorting out contracts or talking to brands or I just felt like I never had any downtime and because

    Cycling was my hobby before it became my job I felt like I never had any time away from that and it definitely took its toll yeah and it was this time last year that I realized I was like wow this is this is not good like what is going

    On and even when I was here I was like normally I’m someone that gets up I wants to get up early like I’m I’m I’m an early bird um I like getting up early and doing things and I just didn’t and it felt all all I

    Can describe it is is do you know when you’ve had like a really busy week at work say for example and you want the weekend just to like recharge and have a good sleep in and then you by Monday you just feel better again you’re like right I’m ready to go

    Again no matter how much sleep or time off from videos I had it just wouldn’t go away I just felt drained and I felt like I wasn’t enjoying and it actually really upset me because I I wasn’t enjoying the things that had always made me happy

    Because in the past if I’d had like a tough time i’ thought I’ll just go to bite I go like a little Adventure but that wasn’t working anymore and I was like and I genuinely thought like is this it because I’ve been doing YouTube and cycling for so

    Long have I done everything that I wanted to do with it is this just not a thing that I want to do anymore and it really worried me cuz I like I love Cy I was like I don’t want to have worn out it’s all like exhausted my cycling my love of cycling

    And Adventures and filming and this being my job and I was genuinely thinking like maybe I’m going to have to look at maybe doing something else what else would I want to do and yeah it was this time last year and so it’s just it just reminded me of how different those

    Years have been because now this year I’m like I want to get up early I want to do all the big rides I’m just so excited about again and almost feel like just as an example last year I did two ooes I love Odo I love long distance and

    Last year I just did two I was just so drained and so exhausted and so what I would say for any of you that are in a position now because and this is a thing it doesn’t matter what job it is I love my job this is not anything to do with

    That I don’t I love filming I love riding my bike well I didn’t for a period of time I was struggling with it um well that sounds really dramatic not struggling with it but I just didn’t love it as much as I had done it can be

    Any job if you overwork yourself too much in any job even if if you love your job there is potential that you’re going to get burnt out from it so what I would say the warning signs were just not loving the same things or enjoying the

    Same things that you had done in the past if you are just constantly on like a level of anxiety or stress or just not having I think the main thing for me was just not having any downtime to like decompress from it I managed to start

    Doing that I think it’s because I I think that was the problem because I love my job too much but I loved it I wanted to do the best of it and I wanted to make the best videos and go on the best rides and share like information

    And things that I’ve learned with you it’s almost like the detriment of it because it just burnt me out and so I’m making it a priority to rest and that is why I’m doing this video today I’m going going sit on the beach I’m reading a book actually I’ll show it you called

    Nutrition and athletic performance by Doug Graham um and in it do you like when you just read something and it just makes more sense than anything has done before cuz I I knew I needed rest like friends and family and people telling me to rest and in it it says rest is an

    Activity a valuable Pastime and should be respected as such and I’ve never prioritized rest has been an activity in itself it’s always been rest has always been whatever’s left at the end of the day after I’ve done all the stuff that I need to it wasn’t a thing that I

    Actually focused on so now I’m actually planning in time to actually to not do anything B related to not film to not edit and it just took quite a while to do that so I’m like I’m so excited now though because I have got that excitement back for cycling I have got

    That excitement back for filming and doing things and I just needed to find a better balance for it and I hope that has helped any of you that are in a similar situation and so I just took more time out as you’ll notice that I’ve not filmed I didn’t film anything for

    Quite a while last year towards the end of last year um but now I I feel like I’ve had a full on when you wake up and you’ve had a really good sleep and you’re like H I am just ready to go that’s how I feel now and I’m so excited

    Just to film way more stuff this year and I just want to say thank you as well just for like sticking with me even though I had a bit of time off and thank you for watching the videos and thank you for your lovely comments and just being there and being kind supportive

    And lovely and nice to me hello right I’ve just been SED thinking about what I’ve said in the video and I don’t ever want it to come across like ironic that that like I was complaining that like oh I’m just so busy and stressed and then I do get time

    To go away and on holidays and have time now to go on the beach but I am prioritizing this if I wasn’t in glan canera I would be relaxed and having down time doing other things I’ve actually got a bikini on it doesn’t look like I’ve got one look like I’m naked on

    This Beech but I’m not um and so yeah like with the holidays and stuff and things when I’m away they all work like I don’t ever not take my bike or not film when I’m away um this trip I am I’m going to have um a week off you’re not

    Going to know this um because I’m filming extra stuff this week to go out next week um so yeah I just I just think that I guess YouTube and content creation I guess it’s different for everyone but like for me like I spend more time than I ever did in a full-time job

    Because it’s all on me and I want it to be good and I want it to be interested and I want to do the best I possibly possibly can I’m going to go and read my book for a bit and enjoy this beach okay all right see you next video bye bye bye

    Bye bye bye bye


    1. Katie. Do whatever you need to do. If want a break take it and come back on your terms. But, please, do not lose sight of what you have achieved and importantly those you have inspired to get on the bike. Personally, I’ve had a slow start to the year with a chest infection but not missed a day at work. Rest is a great healer and if you need rest, then rest. Take that time to think what you want to do, how you want to do it and when you want to do it. So, glad you also seem to have your mojo back. Please remember, your videos bring a load of fun happiness and joy to people but do what you to, you owe us, the viewers, nothing. It will be good to hear what you decide to do next. Take care of yourself and keep smiling and thank you for all the fun videos

    2. Anyone who sneers at YouTubers ‘complaining’ about how hard they work needs to walk a mile in their shoes first.

      No one knows just how tough keeping a regular YouTube channel going is until they’re neck deep in it. I’ve only been going for a year, so I’m not even anywhere near your level yet, Katie, but even now the pressure I feel to put out weekly videos can be crippling. Trying to film and edit something that people will find interesting, informative and relatable every week is incredibly tiring, so I can’t even imagine how you must feel after a decade of doing that.

      Ultimately though, everyone needs and deserves a break and it’s no wonder you were struggling without taking one.

      So glad to hear you’re in a much better place now though but please don’t ever feel like you’re letting anyone down or have to explain yourself to any one, if it ever starts to feel too much again in the future. No one should criticise you for needing a rest.

      As the saying goes ‘Be who you are and do what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.’ ❤

    3. Love your honesty Katie. Glad you took the time you needed & are enjoying your cycling again. Don't be so hard on yourself, what you do is fab! Enjoy your days 'off'

    4. Very important comments, I try to do some activities with just photo taking or NO media recording to have a break. Strava is always tracking activities with my Garmin watch though 😅

    5. Sounds a bit like burnout , been there done that, I don’t know what the answer is , but I do know feeling stressed or being stressed out is just absolutely bad for you or anyone.
      Rest is definitely good , make a resolution for yourself, nothing is going to stress you out , I did this some years ago , if something goes bad I now laugh and say shit happens , I’ll fix it later.
      If someone pisses me off I just roll my eyes and smile .
      Have a wonderful day Katie !

    6. On the topic of rest I can also highly recommend the book ›Rest‹ by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. A lot of insights about highly creative and successful people on how the plan in rest phases during the day like walks and nap time.

    7. Thank you Katie for always being so honest and brave to share. We all need to rest and recover at the best of times – I’ve found out the hard way this week as always super busy and training and planning for the next cycling adventures … until I came off my bike last weekend and unfortunately fractured my shoulder. Now an enforced rest from cycling and work but looking to the positives and all part of life’s experiences. Now just need to focus on recovery and the 12+ weeks of rehab. Enjoy the lovely sunshine and your videos will keep me motivated and inspired to get back on the bike come late summer. So full of gratitude for your videos 🙏🏼

    8. I have burned out last year, a combination of too much intense rides/racing, self induced pressure to keep training and fitness.. stopped for 5 months and just trying to get back now, but work getting in the way.. lost a bit of motivation

    9. What I like the most about your channel is that you are transparent and not just sharing the "influencer life" where every day seems to be a good day and nothing bad ever happens. You are an inspiration!

    10. Definitely sounds like classic symptoms of burnout. Having been there I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

      Great to hear that you've listened to your body and mind and leant from the experience and got your mo-jo back again.

      Looking forward to seeing some of your new videos this year and hopefully some audax content too.

      PS You're looking amazing at the moment – that beach life is really suiting you

    11. Once I said… To myself… How to get from here to there… Then when the time and distance come I give it a thought 🤔… Why I do this? Why this why that… Then I keep going forward maybe ot isn't maybe it is what I was expecting 'been there' … Then is how to get there… In the roads in Life in social media… The only way to get out of any situation is moving forward. And that is my take, is not like I stick to the letter 😅 but I can remind me this is the better way … But then sometimes I am wrong… And that's why if you or anyone want to say 'I quit' is ok… There is no reason why quitting is not an option (not a good one😅) then there I the chance of a comeback and comebacks are great for everyone. Take care and hope you all reading… Have a good day.

    12. I raced bicycle’s for for 15 years and was so burned out I could not even look at my bike… it made me sick to even look at it. I did nothing for a year and then started running for fun and stay in shape and started to get into trails and started running on the trails that I would mountain bike on. Running on trails gave me a whole new perspective and now I love running long distances on trails and have did 3 50k ultras and found a bit of a community as well and enjoy my bike for purely recreational. I don’t know why it happen but my mental is really good with running now and

    13. This is a very good video. The life of a good YouTuber like yourself is an entrepreneur so I’m not surprised to hear that there’s no downtime. The sad thing is that it affected your passion for cycling but as you mentioned taking a break allowed you to recharge. You certainly seem to be hanging out in a lovely place. I look forward to your future videos

    14. This is what self employment looks like. And not just for Youtubers, any kind. You're never off work unless you force yourself to. James Hoffmann talked about this in his "Three Mistakes I Made Starting A Business" video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcr-zcCBCEs if anyone 's curious) as well.

      If your hobby becomes something you need to do regardless if you feel like it or not, it's work. Doesn't matter if it's someone else's favorite free time activity.

    15. Thanks for some background. I live on Gran Canaria and normally go riding most days. Had my hip changed out 3 weeks ago though so now suffering the withdrawal symptoms. Hopefully valley of the tears on the menu again within a couple of months. Enjoy your holiday even though the weather has been a little wet lately.

    16. I have always found a seasonal cold weather break from cycling has always been followed by an eager attitude in the spring. Some time to refresh and do something different or new is probably going to have a payoff. I never rode the long distance rides that you do though.

    17. Hey Katie, I've followed your channel for several years. The consistent effort and creativity involved in your channel is impressive. Good idea to reduce the number of vlogs to allow more time for yourself, but please keep going. it would be great if you could join Giant..

    18. Knock YT on the head by all means but try to keep riding, it is an exercise that you can take into later life as not so many impact injuries as running, and you can always work out problems on a ride, I don’t know why but u just do

    19. Katie, I totally get it. Although something may start off as completely enjoyable to you, if done too much, too intensely, or for too long it can change your relationship with and feelings/thoughts about the activity, be it work, recreational hobby, whatever, especially if it takes a toll on other aspects/spheres of life to which you wish to better attend. I hope you find that "sweet spot" in your life where you feel and are fulfilled by what you do, and don't do. Sometimes letting go of some things can be the best thing.

    20. Make sure you are not trying to please other people, do what makes you happy when it makes you happy and share that. Was just thinking you had been quiet, great to hear all good 👍

    21. Cycling is fantastic. but also important to take a break .go the gym,run . We all should do it . I do a month where i just ride. 2 per week .1 long and and hill tempo ride .and strength train.

    22. Vlogging and editing is so time consuming, I’ve been doing it for nearly 10 years now (nowhere near the quality that you put out) but my love and passion for vlogging has decreased hugely over the past year, although my love for cycling and getting on the bike is still there even Zwifting! Keep up the great work Katie 🙌🚴🏼‍♀️

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