IN THIS EPISODE: On August 6th, 1848 the crew of the HMS Daedalus spotted something monstrous from the deep – and it has become the most well-documented sea serpent sighting in history. (The HMS Daedalus Sea Monster) *** A notorious criminal is brought to justice, and later found to have just as notorious of a brain. (Hanging of a Notorious Brain) *** A burst of UFO activity took place on New Year’s Eve outside of New York in 1982… so many sightings and reports it was impossible to ignore, even by skeptics. (The Hudson Valley Flap) *** A social experiment initiated by Stalin’s Soviet Union ends with hundreds dead on the first day – but that was only the beginning of the horrors of what would later be known as “Cannibal Island”. (Joseph Stalin’s Cannibal Island) *** A woman is involved in an accident, and once out of the hospital everyone appears to be afraid upon looking at her face… even her. But it’s not the scars that are causing terror. (The Reflection That Drove To Death) *** One day in 1863 Doctor Joseph Rogers found himself dealing with a very distressing case. A young pregnant woman had been sent to a workhouse because her circumstances were so dire. Her name was Sarah Ann Eldridge, and her husband, Alfred Eldridge, was in prison waiting to be executed. (The Murderer’s Wife)

    “Hanging Of a Notorious Brain” by Traci Taylor for
    “Joseph Stalin’s Cannibal Island” by Garret S. Griffin for
    BOOK: “Cannibal Island: Death In a Siberian Gulag” by Nicolas Werth:
    “The Reflection That Drove To Death” by Julia Njord on
    “The Hudson Valley Flap” by Jazz Shaw for The Debrief:
    “The HMS Daedalus Sea Monster” by Michael Kilianski for Creative History Stories:
    “The Murderer’s Wife” posted at London Overlooked:,
    Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library.
    = = = = =
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness.
    = = = = =
    Originally aired: January 16, 2023


    Ads heard during the podcast that are not in my voice are placed by third party agencies outside of my control and should not imply an endorsement by weird Darkness or myself stories and content in weird Darkness can be disturbing for some listeners and is intended for mature audiences only parental discretion is strongly Advised for over 20 minutes the crew of the HMS daus a royal Navy warship watched what they claimed to be a giant 100t long snake likee Beast with a dragon’s head swimming near their boat scientists today think they most likely saw a whale but wouldn’t a bunch of experienced Sailors know the difference

    Between a whale and a serpent I’m Darren Marler and this is weird [Applause] Darkness welcome weirdos I’m Daron merler and this is weird Darkness here you’ll find stories of the Paranormal Supernatural legends lore the strange and bizarre crime conspiracy mysterious maob unsolved and unexplained coming up in this episode A

    Notorious criminal is brought to Justice and later found to have just as notorious of a brain a burst of UFO activity took place on New Year’s Eve outside of New York in 1982 so many sightings and reports it was impossible to ignore even by Skeptics the social experiment initiated

    By Stalin’s Soviet Union ends with hundreds dead on the first day but that was only the beginning of the horrors of what would later be known as cannibal Island a woman is involved in an accident and once out of the hospital everyone one appears to be afraid upon

    Looking at her face even her but it’s not the scars that are causing Terror one day in 1863 Dr Joseph Rogers found himself dealing with a very distressing case a young pregnant woman had been sent to a workhouse because her circumstances were so dire her name was

    Sarah Anne eldrid and her husband Alfred Eldridge was in prison waiting to be executed but first on August 6th 1848 the crew of the HMS daughterless spotted something monstrous from the deep and it has become the most well documented sea serpent sighting in history We Begin

    There if you’re new here welcome to the show while you’re listening be sure to check out weird for merchandise my newsletter to winner contests to connect with me on social media plus you can visit the Hope in the darkness page if you’re struggling with depression or dark thoughts you can find

    All of that and more at weird now bolt your doors lock your windows turn off your lights and come with me into the weird Darkness first launched in 1826 the HMS daus was a 46 gun top-of-the-line fr of the royal Navy having never been used in combat in that capacity after 18 years of service in 1844 the HMS daus was literally cut down in size and recommissioned as a smaller faster more

    Maneuverable 19 gun Corvette of the royal Navy on August 6th 1848 the HMS donus was cruising in the South Atlantic about 300 miles off the coast of West Africa the weather was dark and cloudy and seemed to pressage the the onset of A Midsummer thunderstorm at sea at approximately 5:00 that afternoon

    Midshipmen aboard the donus alerted their officers to a most unusual site the ship’s Captain Peter McKay along with the first lieutenant and all of the ship’s officers rushed to the quarter deck to view what the crewman had described as a sea serpent swimming above the surface of the water alongside

    Their ship captain McKay an experienced Mariner to say the least with nearly two decades of service in the Royal Navy under his belt stated in His official report our attention being called to the object it was discovered to be an enormous serent with Head and Shoulders kept about 4 feet constantly above the

    Surface of the sea another ship’s officer who viewed the supposed sea serpent that afternoon but chose to remain anonymous in a report he gave to the London Illustrated news sometime in October 1848 just after the daus returned to Port stated that the animal was moving at probably not more than 10

    M per hour hour the water swaying under its chest it was not more than 200 ydd from the ship the eye the nostril the color and form were all distinctly visible to this day the sighting of a giant unknown serpent-like creature in the waters of the South Atlantic by the

    Crew of the HMS dois remains one of the most well-documented and controversial sea monster sightings in history from the very moment that the dotus returned from its Voyage to its Home Port in Plymouth England controversy and debate have swirled around what was or was not witnessed by the crew on that stormy day

    At Sea in August of 1848 with the testimony of literally hundreds of sailors and dozens of Royal Navy officers to draw upon the story of the so-called daughterless sea serpent immediately became a mid 19th century Victorian era media sensation the first report of the daus’s sea serpent sighting the after action

    Report of none other than Captain Peter McKay was published published in the London Times on October 10th 1848 less than a full week after the HMS daus had returned to Port writing with both the detailed Detachment that was demanded of a 19th century Royal Navy officer but

    Also with some of the emotion and wonder of a person who had just had a close encounter with the Unexplained Captain McKay echoing the anonymous statement of his fellow officer in the London Illustrated news remarked that it passed rapidly but so close under Ali that should it have been a man of my

    Acquaintance I should have easily recognized his features with the naked eye what makes the daus sea serpent sighting so remarkable is that so many officers and Men of the ship were willing to stake their careers reputations and even questions of their own sanity by publicly stating the members of the virging Victorian print

    Media descriptions of what they had seen for that reason even nearly two centuries later the sighting by the crew of the HMS doist Still Remains one of the best pieces of evidence that we have for the existence of sea serpants or unexplained Cryptids of the sea the fact that the dotus sea serpent

    Was cited by crew members including a substantial number of officers of the royal Navy gave reports of the sea monster instant credibility in British newspapers at the time Royal Navy officers were expected to be gentlemen men who were cool under pressure and Under Fire both literally and

    Figuratively by the middle of the 1800s naval officers were by and large educated men with at very least a working knowledge of mathematics meteorology navigation marine biology and any number of other Natural Sciences men like Captain Peter McKay were not normally given to telling Yarns or tall tales of the sea newspaper readers

    Across Great Britain greeted reports of what the Press dubbed the HMS dotus sea serpent with Wonder and astonishment but but that isn’t to say that the tale of the unknown sea monster wasn’t without its detractors Sir Richard Owen was an English biologist and anatomist who lived from 1804 to 1892 and was known

    For his pioneering work studying ancient fossils he’s best remembered for coining the term dinosaur singular form dinosaur meaning terrible or a great reptile in the 1840s and for his criticism of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species and the theory of evolution that it propounded in the 1860s

    Though Owen himself admitted that some form of evolution probably did occur within species he believed that Charles Darwin’s take on the whole matter was far too simplistic and contained some glaring emissions anyway the purpose here is to not get bogged down in an age-old evolutionary debate but rather to establish Robert Owen’s credentials

    As one of the most respected scientific Minds in all of England during the mid 19th century in the Autumn of 1848 in the wake of the HMS dotus sea serpent reports Sir Richard Owen was one of the faculty at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland in literally rewriting our

    Understanding of prehistory with his research into dinosaurs only a week after it chose to break the story of the HMS daus Sea serpant by publishing a transcript of Captain McKay’s official report oddly enough perhaps to Simply stir up debate among the general public and selmore newspapers the London Times published an

    Interview with biologist Sir Richard Owen in which he stated that what the crew of the HMS daus most likely saw was nothing more than a large swimming elephant seal Owen went on to further suggest that what the crew of the daus had interpreted as the Serpent’s nearly

    60t long tail was simply the Wake left behind in the Water by the swimming elephant seal when Captain McKay heard what the times had published in direct contradiction to his official report and when he read that famed biologist Sir Richard Owen had accused his crew of not

    Being able to identify the body of a giant swimming elephant seal from that of an unknown sea serpent he was Furious and he fired back at his critics and detractors in the Press immediately unfortunately for McKay within weeks of his after action daus report all of his talk of sea serpents

    And sea monsters in the British press was causing the Royal Navy no end of embarrassment things got so bad that Parliament launched an official investigation into the sanity of top ranking naval officers and ships cap McKay included within the Royal Navy Parliament questioned how any self-respecting let alone sane officer

    Of the royal Navy could have allowed a report in which he claimed to have cited a sea monster be willfully published in Great Britain’s most widely read newspaper as it turned out neither Captain McKay nor the Royal Navy had an answer to that but rather than back down from their critics and detractors

    Captain McKay along with other members of the crew of the hmus took the offensive Captain McKay worked in conjunction with an artist commissioned by The Illustrated London news perhaps the London Times Chief competitor and produced a series of remarkable sketches and Engravings of the HMS dotus sea

    Serpent for all the world to see the British admiralty was a gast but the public aid up the pictures that they saw in the Illustrated London news and the images were reproduced literally and mass around the world it should also be remembered that in his attempt to

    Explain away the sighting by the crew of the HMS daus respected biologist Sir Richard Owen never once even bothered to consider the possibility that what the crew saw that day could have been some sort of species of sea serpent or some type of crypted still unknown to science

    At that time at a time before published photography these professional images of the daughterless sea serpent many of which you can find online which were painstakingly based on the eyewitness accounts of the 6th of August 1848 firmly cemented the sighting of the HMS daus sea serpent as one of the most

    Remarkable and at least to the Victorian reading public one of the most believable encounters with a purported crypted sea creature to ever take place in history though even today there are those who attempt to discredit and explain away what the crew of the HMS doist saw on the afternoon of August 6th

    1848 including most recently a study published by the skeptical Inquirer in 2015 which asserts that what the crew of the daus witness that day was a rare species of whale swimming past their ship there has never been a 100% satisfactory explanation to explain away the sighting of the HMS dolus as

    Something other than an unknown monster of the sea when Weir Darkness Returns Dr Joseph Rogers found himself dealing with a very distressing case a young pregnant woman had been sent to a workhouse because her circumstances were so dire it was 1856 her name was Sarah Anne Eldridge her

    Husband Alfred Eldridge was in prison waiting to be executed the story of the murderer’s wife is up Next nothing goes better with chocolate than vanilla and nothing goes better with the darkness than vampires so we’ve combined all of them into a new blend of weird dark roast coffee called very Vamp pill this bloody good blend combines a medium dark roast coffee with hints of

    Chocolate vanilla and just a tad bit of dried cherry too so good you’ll want to sink your fangs into the fresh roasted bag itself weird dark roast very Vamp Pilla the only thing at stake sorry not sorry bad pun is is your dissatisfaction with your old coffee sip it while the

    Sun is down if you’re one of the undead or when the Sun is up if you just feel dead and need a bit of a boost get your weird dark roast very Vamp pill at weird coffee that’s weird coffee Joseph Rogers was a doctor and as well

    As campaigning for improvements in public health provision he worked as a medical officer in the infirmaries of two Metropolitan workhouses first for the Strand Union and then for the Westminster Union in all that he did and said and he was certainly outspoken on many matters he demonstrated integrity

    And genuine commitment to the welfare of the poor and the marginalized many an overlooked Londoner had reason to be grateful for the timely interventions of Dr Rogers the setting is the Strand Union Workhouse in Cleveland Street in his Memoirs Rogers gave a detailed and uncompromising account of the building

    And its unfortunate occupant he was clearly horrified at the conditions he encountered in the year of his arrival which was 1856 and he highlighted the particular difficulties he experienced in the discharge of his medical duties there were no paid nurses and the routine care of the sick was carried out by female

    Poppers who were more or less infirm and who were only occasionally helped by strong younger inmates just outside the male Wards two upright posts and a crossbar had been set up for beating carpets which generated so much noise that it was difficult for the sick inmates to sleep

    As well as filling the yard with dust so thick that the windows had to be kept closed the male in San Ward was at the top of a flight of steps which made it absurd ly unsuitable for the sort of unpredictable behavior that was frequently manifested and the female

    Insane Ward was immediately beneath the lying in room so that the cries of the lunatics unsettled the expectant mothers one day in 1863 Rogers found himself dealing with a very distressing case a young woman in her mid-20s was Heavy with child she was already a mother and had an infant son she came

    From Kent and had formerly been in the work house in Canterbury but her circumstances were so unusual and so problematic that the Guardians were unsure that they were able to deal with her and so they sent her away arranging for the workhouse in Cleveland Street to

    Take her in her name was Sarah Anne eldrid and her husband Alfred Eldridge was in prison in Canterbury waiting to be executed Alfred Eldridge was born in October 1830 in wallworth his father William eldrich was a house painter his mother Maria eldrich had no no recorded occupation but she was Mother of several

    Children and she would certainly have had her hands full we know nothing else about Alfred’s childhood but we can draw a detailed picture of the life he led in his 20s for we do have it on record that he enlisted in the Army and served with the 54th Regiment this would have been

    In the 1850s a turbulent decade in which a man in uniform would have seen a great deal of action and during the course of which young eldrich was caught up in two major military incidents these were the Crimean War which broke out in 1853 and lasted until 1856 and the Indian rebellion of

    1857 later it would emerge that Eldridge had served with credit in his time in the Army although a less favorable assessment was also recorded namely that he’d been discharged with a blank character either way he was not in the Army for the Long Haul and around the

    Age of 30 he had returned to civilian life and was working as a laborer in 186 1 he married Sarah Anne Webb in Canterbury they had a child George Thomas eldrich who was baptized early in 1862 at this point in the story more information about the sort of man Alfred

    Eldridge was begins to emerge we know for example that he was a navi and that he was employed on a new line that was being constructed by the Southeastern Railway company between Canterbury and Hearn Bay he was also apparently a man of strong passions who was inclined to

    Bear a grudge in fact his volatile nature had landed him in trouble and at the time of the incident that is Central to our story he had only recently come out of St Augustine’s jail in Canterbury where he had been serving a prison sentence for stealing Timber now at some

    Point he had lodged with a man by the name of Richard Ste in Maple a village situated between Canterbury and Hearn Steed who was in his 50s and about 20 years older than Eldridge earned his living as a carrier delivering Goods with a horse and cart laterly he had

    Concentrated his efforts on the Navies men like eldrid making frequent runs between mapole and the railway works with kegs of beer and other essential supplies however for reasons unknown he and Eldridge fell out and Eldridge took himself and Sarah Anne off to a cottage in some other part of the village where

    One guesses he allowed his resentment against his former landlord to grow and grow early in 1863 Steed went to find elderidge in order to recover a debt the details are not all that clear but it would seem that Steed was claiming repayment of a few Shillings which Eldridge refused to hand over in

    Response the older man took out a county court summons against the former soldier who irked that the issue had come to court visited Steed at home offering him a shilling by way of settlement when Steed rejected the offer the two men quarreled Steed turned eldrid out of his

    House and Eldridge in his turn voiced a number of threats one of which was that he would do for steed and that he would do for him before very long in a matter of weeks to be precise for a while nothing unted happened it looked as if the storm had

    Passed but on Saturday the 2nd of May the quarrel started up again and matters quickly got out of hand what happened was this Steed closed the door of his house in mapole and as was his usual practice he went down to the railway works at Hearn he was still there when

    The Navies were paid off at about 6:30 in the evening and went their various ways when he too left Eldridge who by now had received his wages was not far behind however there was nothing in the manner of the behavior of either man to suggest that they were at dagger’s drawn

    The situation was calm and it was still calm half an hour later when they were seen together at the Prince Albert the Prince Albert was a public house in Hearn Street no doubt it was popular with the Navies it was a substantial property built on two floors with extra

    Rooms beneath the steel deeply pitched roof there is reason to believe that it was at one time used as a safe house for local Smugglers and certainly its position on the North Coast of Kent made it attractive to the gentleman who made a living by handling Contraband that though is quite another

    Story as far as we’re concerned the Prince Albert is significant only as the place where Steed and Eldridge were last seen together on that fateful Saturday evening in May evidently they were getting on well almost as if they had decided to draw a line under the past and resume friendly relations however

    What is not clear is whether they were drinking or not some contemporary sources state that they were and it’s easy to suppose that alcohol encouraged the two men to squabble again other accounts take the opposite view that when they left the Public House in Hearn Street they were Stone Cold Sober drunk

    Or sober they were in High Spirits so much so that Steed suggested that he and Eldridge walk back to their Village together the distance from Hearn to m hole was not great under 2 miles and the only route was along a foot path the foot path passed a spot known locally as

    P’s Gardens where they were seen at about 7:30 walking side by side and evidently enjoying each other’s company but the next sighting of Ste and Eldridge was of a very different and distressing nature for about half a mile from pulley’s Gardens as the foot path approached Maple Richard Steed was found

    Lying in a ditch he was in a terrible state which one of the Sunday papers described in the following lurid terms the skull was fractured the bones of one side of his face were completely smashed one of his eyes was crushed out and was lying on his cheek these injuries have

    Apparently been occasioned by his head and face being stamped upon by a heavy iron armed Boot and his brains and blood were scattered about in all directions of Albert Eldridge the railway Navi with a tall and muscular physique and a violent temper there was no sign no nor was there any evidence of

    A struggle between eldrid and The Wretched Ste the only reasonable reconstruction of events was that the victim had been suddenly struck down as he was walking along and that he’d been stamped or jumped on as he lay helpless on the ground Steed was taken to his

    Home but he was beyond recovery and in a matter of hours he died suspicion fell on only one person Albert Eldridge accordingly on the morning of Sunday the 3rd of May superintendent William Walker of the k constabulary knocked on the door of a cottage in the village of

    Mapole intent on performing his solemn but necessary Duty he was a Scott he was in his late 30s and he had a grim expression on his face as always in cases of this sort the impact of the crime was not limited to the victim and perpetrator and another person who was

    Caught up in these horrific events though no fault of her own was eldridge’s wife Sarah Anne Sarah Anne Eldridge was only in her mid-20s and she was having to cope with the demands of of motherhood having an infant son to care for as well as carrying a second

    Child she was poor and married to a suspected murderer and her prospects were Bleak but we should spare a thought for Hannah Ste too for it was her husband who had died in the most appalling way on that foot paath she was at home in the village of mapole when he

    Was carried back horribly battered and all but dead he’d been discovered lying in the ditch by a young engine driver George Turk who dashed into the village to get help having first gone to the house of William pets a young agriculture laborer asking him to watch

    Over the injured man the men alerted to the tragedy by Turk carried Steed back to the village and it was poor Hannah who opened the door to them and who saw the Grim purpose of their visit the shock must have been very great although Hannah’s distress was in all likelihood

    Matched by that of her 12-year-old son Albert who had helped The Rescuers retrieve his father’s body she was advised not to look at her husband as he was being brought into the house for he was very disfigured and although she thought that she had heard him breathing he was soon pronounced dead their

    Married daughter Julia who lived a few doors away was also there in the house and she was obliged to witness the upsetting sight of her brother searching their father’s pockets for evidence of theft which he found Julia declared that the face of the dead man which had been

    Stomped on with considerable force was in such bad shape that she did not recognize him Albert knew what he was looking for he had been with his father earlier that day down at the railway works and he had seen him collect his wages from the pay office and count out

    9 Shillings and 9 which he then carefully pocketed only about two Shillings remained the obvious suspect was Albert Eldridge for he had locked horns recently with Steed who had demanded that he repay a debt he was duy confronted by the Kent constabulary when on the morning after the assault a superintendent William Walker

    Accompanied by a sergeant Gower knocked on his door Walker asked to examine the clothes Eldridge had been wearing on the previous evening and these were fished out of the navi’s cupboard although his socks had mysteriously disappeared this looked suspicious as the socks worn by the as salant would certainly have had

    Evidence of the terrible injuries he had inflicted on his unfortunate victim even so there were blood stains low down on his trousers Walker then asked to see eldridge’s boots these had red stains but an attempt had been made to wash them off and it was not possible to say

    With certainty that they were blood stains even when examined by two forensic experts however the boots presented two highly significant pieces of evidence namely small hairs of the same brown and gray color as the victims and small fibers of red wool that exactly matched a scarf he had been

    Wearing around his neck finally Walker ordered eldrich to show him the root he had taken from Hearn to mapole and Eldridge obliged but led the two policemen on what was obviously a detour he was immediately arrested on a charge of murder and taken to St Augustine’s jail in Canterbury we’ve already mentioned that

    The horrific details of the assault on Steed should not overshadow the wider impact of his death his wife and children were confronted very brutally with the reality of the crime nor must we forget that yet another life that would have been affected was that of Sarah an Eldridge she was entrusted to

    The care of the canbury poor law Guardians and was subsequently transferred to the Strand Union where she came to the notice of the medical officer Dr Joseph Rogers her suffering must have been very great she was reluctant to condemn her husband out of hand and she told Rogers that he’d been

    Very kind and good to her but she added that when he was drunk he was capable of anything her unhappiness only deepened when he was examined before the magistrates at the St Augustine’s Police Court before being tried and sentenced at the end of July at the Maidstone dezes eldridge’s defense was doomed the

    Material evidence against him was overwhelming and during the period of his incarceration he’ reportedly admitted to a fellow prisoner that he had indeed killed Ste having quote kicked his brains out unquote he repeated his confession on the train journey to Maidstone I deserve all I

    Shall get for it and he must have known that the game was up even before his trial opened the jury had no difficulty in finding him guilty and the judge accordingly sentenced him to death and it was while Eldridge was languishing in the prison in Maidstone awaiting execution that Sarah Ann’s misery

    Plumbed new depths after his arrest she had sold every last possession to pay for his defense and she was now destitute she was burdened with the knowledge that her husband for whom she retained considerable affection was soon to be hanged and that she herself would inevitably be tainted as having been the

    Wife of a callous murderer she was also heavily pregnant Alfred Eldridge was executed at noon on Thursday the 20th of August the hangman was the infamous William ccraft who would eventually enjoy the dubious distinction of having carried out well over 400 executions in the course of his

    Career we might have to do a story about him someday another murderer Alfred Holden was to be hanged at the same time as Elder the two men sat up up late into the night praying and on the Sunday before their execution they received Holy Communion on the Monday Eldridge was

    Visited by his brothers Sarah Anne was not fit to make the journey down to Maidstone but she had written to him and it was believed that she had expressed great affection the execution not unnaturally was a somber occasion it was widely reported and one of the London’s

    Papers wrote that at noon yesterday the two condemned men appeared on the scaffold walking with firm steps and attend ended by ccraft the Executioner having adjusted the ropes the drop fell and The Wretched men were launched into eternity they had manifested signs of penitence and they died quickly the

    Crowd must have numbered over 6,000 but they were very orderly the news that her husband’s death sentence had been carried out was given to Sarah Anne by the matron of the Strand Union infirmary one struggles to imagine how Bleak the world must have seemed to her at that

    Moment and we have Roger’s testimony to the depressing effect that the whole Affair had obviously had on her he found her excessively distressed any efforts he made to console her were of no avail and she would simply say in a voice stammering with emotion that her husband

    Had always been good to her she had a bad confinement and was very unwell for some time after the birth of her child at some point in the course of her recovery she applied to the board of the Strand Union for outdoor relief she was instructed to attend the next meeting of

    The board but on the evening in question as she was making her way to Bow Street from her lodgings she was caught in a downpour and she sat for 2 hours in thin wet clothes she was soaked through again on the return journey and that night she

    Fell ill for many days Sarah Anne’s life hung in the balance she contracted acute bronchitis and her condition was exacerbated by rheumatic fever and heart disease but she rallied and Dr Rogers arranged for her to be sent to a convalescent home in hartfordshire he clearly saw her as especially deserving

    And later he wrote having seen her under such Affliction and having always found her to be grateful and respectable in every way I have felt for her much sympathy he maintained that his sympathy was shared by the board of guardians but red tape limited the help that they

    Could offer the young mother of Two And although she was granted a Year’s outdoor relief she was ultimately dependent on the generosity of charitable individuals who were these generous Souls the answer is quite simply members of the public Rogers had launched a new newspaper Appeal on Sarah Anne’s behalf and his dignified account

    Of her predicament not only outlined the troubles she had endured as a consequence of her husband’s crime but also presented her as a vulnerable individual whose damaged Constitution would make it difficult to earn her living by the sort of laborious Pursuit that a woman of her class would normally

    Undertake he did not hold back surely the sin of the father should not be visited thus heavily on the Widow and the children he said and he moved many hearts having received £25 in donations he was able to buy Sarah an some extra clothes and to pay for her to return to

    Canterbury there to begin a new life Sarah Anne had one further tragedy to confront though that was the death of her second child which had occurred before she went back to Kent however in all other respects her life did indeed improve she found work in Canterbury and made enough to support

    Herself and her other child George Thomas Eldridge who would have only been about one and a half when his father was was executed in Maidstone Roger’s belief in the goodness of her character was fully Vindicated when he caught up with her in Canterbury about 7 years later

    She had made such a success of her life she was able to return almost all the money that had been raised by the newspaper subscription only5 have been spent to cover the cost of her removal from London All That Remains is to answer the question why the board of

    Guardians and Canterbury saw fit to send Sarah Anne up to London Rogers was of The View that if they had allowed her to remain in their workhouse until after the execution of her husband as a widow they could not have removed her for a 12 month they therefore sent her away at

    Once to avoid this dilemma and he leaves us in no doubt that this heartless treatment of a brokenhearted young woman was prompted by cynical self-interest he was no admirer of the workhouses and his daily practice as a medical officer presented him with too many Sarah ants

    For it to be acceptable both as a doctor and as a compassionate man to hold his Tongue coming up a notorious criminal is brought to Justice and later found to have just as notorious of a brain plus a woman is involved in an accident and once out of the hospital everyone appears to be afraid upon looking at her face even her but it’s not the scars that are causing

    Terror but first a burst of UFO activity took place on New Year’s Eve outside of New York in 1982 so many sightings and reports it was impossible to ignore even by Skeptics we look at what came to be known as the Hudson Valley flap when weird Darkness Returns there have been Monsters Among Us lurking in the darkest corners of America praying on children since the first settlers arrived on our Shores they’ve always been with us stalking the innocent from the days of the original colonies to the Gilded Age the depression and Beyond these monsters are

    Not the stuff of fiction they are blood curdling real and they still walk among us always looking for their next victim in the chilling book suffer the children Troy Taylor shines a light on the darkest Tales of Horror and hauntings from American history and presents a terrifying collection of dark crimes

    Perpetrated against our most tender victims our children his most disturbing book yet includes nightmarish Tales from the 19th century when the good old days were never good like the monster of the Northwood the poket horror and the girl in the cellar and continues into the modern day with accounts of the kluxen

    Woods America’s first school massacre wineville chicken coup murders babes of Englewood Suzanne degnan the Girl Scout camp Massacre the perfect murder of Bobby Franks and many more be warned this is not a book for the faint of heart these are Tales containing brutal agonizing and terrifying scenes of horror suffer the children American

    Horrors homicides and hauntings dead men do tell tale series book 15 by Troy Taylor here a free sample on the audiobooks page at weird Back during the summer of the saucers in 1947 and more than a decade after UFOs were a serious Topic in the media the subject received plenty of coverage as both the public and the government seemed to Grapple with what it was that people were seeing in the skies but by

    The time Project Blue Book ended in 1969 the tone in America’s newspapers and news reels seemed to change considerably many journalists openly mocked people who talked about Little Green Men and flying saucers this no doubt pleased the federal government and many researchers suspect that this was happening by

    Design that wasn’t always the case though there were some events that generated considerable public attention and were reported on by the press in mostly sober fashion one of these was the series of sightings in Upstate New York that came to be known as the Hudson Valley flap well there had always been

    Scattered sightings reported in the area a couple of hours north of New York City the real burst of activity seemed to begin on New Year Year’s Eve 1982 a retired police officer reported seeing a huge v-shaped object with multiple color lights gliding almost silently over his property he wouldn’t

    Be the last person to report such an event many others followed and by March 23rd of 1983 the local newspaper in Portchester New York was running a front page feature describing crowds of people claiming to have seen the Triangular object the witnesses who were interviewed included an on duty police

    Officer named Kevin sorilla who testified that he had seen the object twice in a 45-minute period after his Department had received more than 100 calls he described the object the same way the others had saying that he had seen it stop in midair and turn perpendicular before reversing course

    And heading away from view at no point in the article was there any suggestion of people making up stories or misidentifying something by November of that year the local newspapers were not just covering the sightings themselves but also the people who were flocking to the valley to investigate this activity on November

    11th The Journal News in White Plains New York r a two column Story featuring interviews with UFO investigators one ethologist from Connecticut was a member of citizens against UFO secrecy and he told a reporter that more aliens would probably visit the Earth if humans weren’t so hostile toward them a second

    Investigator accused the federal government of having crashed flying discs and alien bodies insisting they were covering up the information to keep it from the public the paper even included comments from Jay Allen hinck who described how and why he left in his capacity as a science adviser to Project Blue Book

    Hinck also said the researchers were fighting a publicity war with the military because military officials sought to ridicule anyone who reported a sighting the sightings were still going on well into the following year and journalists had spread out to explore other possible explanations not involving extraterrestrials on June 28th 1984 the

    Pepy journal posted a feature in which they spoke to Witnesses who were accusing stunt Pilots with small aircraft of flying over the region in a close v-shaped formation to trick people into thinking that they were seeing something otherworldly they even spoke to a police officer who claimed to have

    Followed the planes back to a local airport and spoken to one of the pilots who admitted to pulling off The hoax however the pilots were never named the paper also made a point of including rebuttals from other Witnesses who pointed out that they could easily identify a group of planes flying in

    Formation and added that no set of Pilots could account for the numerous sightings that had been reported there was once again no suggestion that the subject was some sort of joke in August of that year the same newspaper covered the first ever UFO convention to take place in the region

    It was attended by more than 500 people and reporters showed up to cover the event HCK was the keynote speaker and he described the ongoing flaps as a real mystery he and other speakers also threw cold water on the idea that a small group of Cessna airplanes could be

    Responsible for everything that had been happening sightings of the massive triangular object eventually trailed off and ended but the belief in unidentifiable objects flying over the Hudson Valley did not a restaurant named the cup and saucer opened in Pine Bush New York with a large Flying Saucer prominently featured on the sign over

    Their door a museum dedicated to UFOs in the Paranormal opened in the same town and remains in operation to this day and whenever they hold a public event or parade reporters show up to cover the action and they are still not making fun of the people who attend except for a

    Few of the people wearing more outlandish alien costumes of course the nation’s other larger newspapers spent much of the past 5 decades ignoring or even mocking stories involving UFOs that all changed with the release of the New York Times bombshell article in December of 2017 now it seems as though every Outlet

    In the country is talking about it and covering the actions that Congress is taking but out in a Backwater section of Upstate New York there are some newspapers that beat them to the punch by 40 Years Edward Howard Roloff is widely considered one of the most notorious criminals of the 19th century but his life of crime would come to an end when he was hanged in Binghamton born in Canada in 1819 possibly 1820 Roloff was one of four children who would grow up to become a

    School teacher arriving in Ithaca around 1841 rof took a job as a school teacher in dren after marrying one of his students rof moved his family to laning where he somehow became the town doctor even though he had no formal medical training things began to spiral downward in

    1845 it was that year that rol tried to convince his wife to move to Ohio but she resisted it’s suspected that rodolph killed his wife and young daughter but he was not charged with murder as their bodies were never found and there simply was not enough evidence to bring charges

    Against him although he was not convicted of their murders rof was charged with kidnapping his wife and was sentenced to a decade of hard labor at Auburn prison while in prison rof made friends with the son of ithaca’s undersheriff Albert Jarvis who may have been the one to help rof escape prison

    Another theory is that it might have been the mother of Jarvis who helped rof Escape as she was quite vocal in her belief that rof was an innocent man either way Roff escaped from Auburn prison after after his Escape rof traveled West to meville Pennsylvania where he introduced himself to others as

    James Nelson rof became friends with a local inventor and convinced the inventor to start a business with him roff’s new persona as James Nelson was an attractive one attractive enough that he was just about to accept a professor position at Jefferson College however that plan was cut short when his friend

    Albert Jarvis wrote to rof telling him that he and his mother were struggling and needed help or they would be forced to alert authorities of his whereabouts Roff attempted to rob a jewelry store so that he could send what he hoped to steal to the Jarvis’s however rof was caught arrested and sent

    Back to itha in a very bizarre turn of events even though he was believed to be a killer had escaped from prison and was caught robbing a jewelry store rof was able to talk his way out of a conviction and was let go after leaving Ithaca rof

    Moved to New York City with Albert Jarvis where they took on a new career as burglars through his crimes rof was once again caught and in 1861 he was sentenced to two years in Sing Sing prison while at Sing Sing rof met his next accomplice William T Dexter in 1870

    Rof Jarvis and Dexter made their way to Binghamton where the plan was to rob a dry goods store two of the stores clerks lived upstairs and to ensure they would not stop the robbery rof Jarvis and Dexter burn chloroform so that the clerks would not awake but they did in

    The midst of the chaos of trying to stop the three men from robbing the store one of the clerks was shot dead in the head by rof rof Jarvis and Dexter missed the boats that they had hoped to take as a ferry across the Chenango River and so

    They tried to swim across Jarvis and Dexter ended up drowning rof made it Bingington police launched a Manhunt and the next day rof was apprehended and his trial for the murder of the store clerk began on January 4th 1871 rela’s trial grew to be quite a spectacle with crowds estimated to be in

    The thousands showing up each day even Mark Twain found himself invested in the trial and wrote a letter to the New York Tribune about it on March 3rd 1871 rof was found guilty of his crimes and sentenced to die while awaiting his hanging rof admitted to murdering his

    Wife maintained his claim that he never harmed his daughter following his execution by hanging on May 18th 1871 roff’s brain was removed so that it could be examined and it was discovered to be massive in size to this day roff’s brain is on display at Cornell where

    It’s considered to be the second largest brain ever Recorded the following was written by Julia Nord I had a friend Margarita we all called her Rita in general a very sad and rather strange story happened to her which she told to me now I will tell it to you in general it all started with how Margarita got into an accident she

    Was admitted to a hospital hpit and underwent surgery everything went well and Rita was discharged when she went home all the people looked at her strangely at home as Rita told me she kept looking in the mirror and checking what people were looking at in her and she didn’t find anything surprising in

    Herself this was always the case with Margot even when we were talking with her I noticed that everyone was looking at my friend with a strange frightened look then I realized the people were looking at her face it changed after the the operation but still why did they

    Strangers look like that once Rita looking in the mirror noticed she had different eyes well not her eyes strangers she even took a picture and showed it to me Rita always had big brown eyes and in the mirror they were green and narrow a week later Margarita noticed that she had a completely

    Different face in the mirror other Eyes Nose Lips and it was in all the reflections Rita became afraid of her Reflections and developed a phobia not only did she have strange looks from strangers her reflection was strange then I realized why people looked at her like that everyone saw

    Something strange in her face and everyone saw it differently I saw strange eyes in her face and for example my mother began to see strange eyebrows in her face once Margarita got tired of all of this and she asked her mother to throw out all the mirrors in their

    Apartment but her mother did not agree and Rita asked to throw out at least a mirror in her room she couldn’t see her own reflection anymore but one night her younger brother John told me this Margot got up and went to the toilet and John followed her my friend walked past the

    Mirror and John stopped her he saw something in the mirror when Rita looked in the mirror she was very scared she had those narrow green eyes and her mouth was open and blood was flowing from it the reflection was somehow pale Rita started to shake herself off to

    Shake it off her face but in all the mirrors her reflection was like this and this reflection in the mirrors was only at night during the day someone else’s face Margarita became strange she had a fear of the dark mirrors people and then Rita committed suicide she jumped in

    Front of a train everyone was upset from her family and me to our most unsociable classmate EG who by the way hated margarita and now I often think about it and I guess it’s all because of her reflection recently I researched the internet and didn’t find anyone with

    Such a face except her grandmother her grandmother had engaged in Black Magic harmless to her friends and offensive to her enemies and she apparently decided to pass it on to Rita it’s a Pity I didn’t know about it to explain it to her when she was alive when weird Darkness Returns a social

    Experiment initiated by Stalin’s Soviet Union ends with hundreds dead on the first day but that was only the beginning of the horrors of what would later be known as cannibal Island Terror began in January By the Light of the full moon the first scream came from The snowbound Railway Man Who felt the werewolf’s fangs ripping in his throat the next month there was a scream of ecstatic Agony from the woman attacked in her cozy bedroom now scenes of

    Unbelievable horror unfold each time the full moon Shines on the isolated main town of tker Mills no one knows who will be attacked next but one thing is sure when the full Moon Rises a paralyzing fear sweeps through tker Mills for snarls that sound like human words can

    Be heard whining through the wind and all around are the footprints of a monster whose hunger cannot be saded cycle of the werewolf by Steven King hear the entire novel absolutely free on the audiobooks page at weird From the 1920s to the 1950s the Soviet Union operated hundreds of forced labor camps where overall 18 million people were imprisoned the conditions in Joseph Stalin’s Googs were horrific one to two million people died of overwork starvation the elements disease or execution the camps were full of dissidents persecuted ethnic groups

    Stalin’s political enemies and anyone connected to them common criminals and more the labor was a key part of the Soviet Union’s rapid industrialization Stalin wanted the nation modernized so prisoners worked on massive infrastructure Mining and Industrial projects in the early 1930s Soviet leadership envisioned a different sort

    Of labor camp it was decided that 2 million citizens would be rounded up and transported to Siberia and Kazakhstan where they would build new communities and engage in agriculture they would have no choice in these remote areas but to become self-sufficient and plant for survival which would help fight the

    Nation’s famine one such place was ninski or nazino Island a tiny spun of land in the middle of the orb river which was in the center of Russia’s col landmass it would soon be known as cannibal Island in 1933 Soviet soldiers shipped over 6,000 people to cannibal Island

    Also named the island of death according to Atlas obscura the prisoners were given no tools shelter extra clothing or food save for some flour that could not be cooked without proper utensils and thus had to be eaten as it was or mixed with river water causing dissenter hundreds died the first night

    Guards shot anyone who attempted to cross the orb River for the other Shore there was violence over any meager resource starving the captives quickly began killing and eating each other some were killed and devoured others had body parts sliced off and were left to attempt to

    Survive I saw that her calves had been cut off a resident of a nearby Town who later met a former cannibal Island prisoner remembered I asked and she said they did that to me on the island of death cut them off and cooked them prisoners seized another girl a witness

    Recalled tied her to a popper tree cut off her breasts her muscles everything they could eat everything everything they were hungry they had to eat the guards did little to stop the horrors after a month or two over 4,000 people had died from violence disease and the cold and the Soviet government

    Ended the social engineering experiment on ninski Island shipping the frail survivors elsewhere though the survivors and residents of nearby Villages knew what happened during those bloody months as did Stalin and the USSR leadership The Wider public of Russia and the world would have to wait half a century to hear the

    Tale in the late 1980s the Soviet Union under male gorbachov enacted a policy of glass nost or openness as the nation began to democratize government secrets the Terrors under Stalin suppressed information they slowly came to light and could be discussed more openly in July 1933 a communist instructor named

    Vasel vitko had been living near zinski Island and hearing The Whispers of cannibalism investigated for himself he sent a report to Moscow documenting the events which was buried until 1994 other reports such as those generated by the government’s investigation spurred by Vito’s writing likewise did not stay hidden forever it

    Is also thanks to the efforts of the memorial Human Rights group that this history has been preserved in 1989 the group went to zinski and nearby areas to speak to survivors Witnesses and others collecting oral histories today a leading text that educates the global public on this topic is historian Nicholas Worth’s book

    Cannibal Island death in a Siberian goog from 2007 which I have linked to in the show notes Thanks for listening if you like the show please share it with someone you know who loves the Paranormal or strange stories true crime monsters or un solved Mysteries like you do you can email me anytime with your questions or comments at Darren weird Darkness

    Daron is d a r r en Weir is also where you can find all of my social media listen to free audio books I’ve narrated visit the store for weird Darkness t-shirts hoodies mugs phone cases and more merchandise sign up for monthly contests find other podcasts

    That I host and find the Hope in the darkness page if you or someone you know is struggling with depression or dark thoughts also on the website if you have a true paranormal or creepy tail to tell you can click on tell tell your story

    You can find all of that and more at weird all stories in weird Darkness are purported to be true unless stated otherwise and you can find source links or links to the authors in the show notes hanging of a notorious brain was written by Tracy Taylor for 981 thee Joseph Stalin’s cannibal island is by Garrett s Griffin for MSN the reflection that drove to death is by juliia yord on the Hudson Valley flap was written by Jazz Shaw for the debrief the HMS daus sea monster was written by Michael kilianski for Creative history stories the murderer’s wife was posted

    At London overlooked Weir darkness is a production and trademark of maror House Productions and now that we’re coming out of the dark I’ll leave you with a little light Proverbs 13:3 those who control their tongue will have a long life opening your mouth can ruin everything and a final thought success

    Is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination David a r white I’m Darren Marler thanks for joining me in the weird Darkness and we have Roger testimony to the depressing effect that the whole Affair had obviously it had and we have Roger’s testimony to the depressing effect that the whole Affair had obviously and we have Roger testimony to the depressing effect that the whole Affair had obviously had had obviously had


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