In all things — conflicts with friends, marriage problems, financial issues — Jesus makes us more than conquerors! Learn more in this encouraging message from Pastor Jeff Perry.

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    More Than A Conqueror | Pastor Jeff Perry | St. Louis Family Church

    Hey guys one of my favorite subjects in the New Testament is in 2 Corinthians 5:17 and it underscores what Jesus said in John 10:10 that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy he Jesus the Good Shepherd the Messiah the lamb slain before the foundations of the world the

    King of Kings the Lord of lords the wonderful counselor Mighty God Everlasting father Prince of Peace comes in on the scene he said this Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to The Afflicted to bind up the Brokenhearted

    To open up the eyes of the blind to set the captives free and he says if any Paul the Apostle says about Jesus therefore if anyone is in Christ if anyone has bought into it submitted to him surrendered to him humbled themselves as many as receive

    Him John 1:12 to them he gives the right or the power to become the children of God there’s a an empowerment there’s a spirit of adoption that he brought and not a spirit of fear leading to slavery again but a spirit of adoption where we cry out God you’re my father you’ve

    Connected me you’ve brought me back you went out and found me one time when I was in Boy Scouts oh I I wandered off from the camp and the camp uh leader called my father my father left work and drove way out to the camp and they were looking for me

    And when I came back there was my dad and he and the camp leader the cat Boy Scout leader they were looking for me and uh God seeks and saves that which is lost He sent Jesus on a dispatch to to go out and find the Stray sheep of the world

    All we like sheep have gone astray each to our own way that’s the that’s the selfishness the collateral damage and The Human Condition we’ve all sinned and all fallen short of the glory of God and all we like sheep have gone astray we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of

    God it’s a it’s a pathetic and terrible position to be in and that’s why the appeal of the good news particularly this right here that if any man woman or child is in Christ this person is a new creation you could have been a meth addict or or a crack addict or heroin

    Addict you know you could have been disoriented in your identity and you could have just been harsh and angry and and and brutal and and uh Paul the Apostle was harsh angry and brutal and it describes his pre-christian life religious but not right with God and

    Harsh uh there’s hope you guys you know as you watch the news cycle whatever whichever broadcast you watch whatever it’s it it it it underscores the depravity of man the fall of humanity the lostness of our of our world and the necessity to tap into a rescuer you know Colossians

    1:13 he rescued us Jesus rescued us from the Dominion or the domain of darkness and he transferred us into the kingdom of his dear son in in Ephesians chapter 2 it says we’re saved by grace through faith and that not of ourselves it is a gift of God not according to Works otherwise

    We’d be able to boast So Many self-actualization religious tracks you you end up you know going through these processes and toward Enlightenment and you brag about how you’ve achieved this or you brag about how humble you are that you’ve humbled yourself to achieve this but really it only goes like this

    The only thing that can keep that break this just perpendicular pattern of lostness is the resur Resurrection Redemptive work of the one who ascended and rose again and tapping into him I’m holding on to your coattails because you’re going up I want to go up I don’t want to stay

    Stuck I got delivered in a swimming pool when I was a kid I was drowning in a pool and a a person you know swam over and pulled me to the side of the of the pool I was so great grateful I can’t tell you how good I felt how panicky I

    Was and helpless I was weakened to the point where I couldn’t push up anymore I was starting to go under and this boy saw me this this teenager I was a little kid and I am so grateful he turned away from flirting with the girl and he went

    Over and he noticed me and he got me I I owe everything to that guy and to the god that motivated him and uh I know another story about a u a woman who was coming home from work and the traffic was backed up on the

    Highway so she took a side artery Road and then that artery Road had a had a coffee shop and she was going to go into the drive-thru but it was packed and thought now I’ll just go home went home and found her husband on the floor overdosed and and they said it was

    Within two to five minutes they couldn’t have revived him well that would be God redeeming somebody from the pit you know these deists that say well maybe God created everything but he’s not involved with Humanity anymore that is not the message of Christianity I’m not a deist I’m a

    Theist meaning there is a God who is a very present help in the time of need and whatever you’re going through whatever you’re facing whatever you’re dealing with he left the Splendor of Heaven came to this Fallen mixed up world during the Roman occupation of the of the Mediterranean

    Area uh born of a virgin fulfilled all the Hebrew prophecies concerning who the Messiah would be what he would do and he suffered and he died for your sins and mine so we could be rescued saved by grace through faith and that not of ourselves it’s a gift of God

    Not according to works lest any man should boast and I’ll finish with this uh at verse 37 of chapter 8 of Romans in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him Who Loved Us in all these things in life that you and I face marriage problems career issues finances struggles with your kids

    Apathy Temptations sin we have a cure for for it all we have help from God go to him and say God I need help my marriage my wife and I are we’re not we need to get on the same wavelength help me Lord your kids Lord

    I God I’m I’m trusting you to deliver them from Temptation and heal their hearts and renew their minds and draw them to you oh God and for our nation oh God I pray you would move on my country that I live in if you live in Poland

    Pray for Poland if you live in England pray for England if you live in the United St States pray for America where Mexico wherever you live let’s believe God that in all these things we’re going to win we’re more than conquerors in Jesus name amen for