My Father’s House is more than a church. It’s a family of saints who share a burning desire for God and are committed to making a Godly impact in this generation. The word of God is our ultimate authority.

    E e the Lord of lords the Ancient of Days the one who has brought in here safy the fact that you can talk the fact that you can breathe it’s not by your ability not by your strength D is unfailing love we can see you New Day come into His gates with Thanksgiving and into his cour to PR with a grateful heart I want you to lift up your voice lift up your hands say some beautiful words in your M if you know he’s been faithful to you I want you to open your mouth and bless him

    Lord releas our voice in prise wee our hands in Praise oh God accept our Praises Lord accept us oh God thank you Jesus For oh Lord are high all all the Earth thou are exed bar oh God and th oh Lord are high above all the Earth And thou are exalted power above oh God I Exore I Exore the Iore the oh Lord now ex the I ex the I [Applause] Oh Lord just open your mouth and say thou Lord are LIF th is AB the Earth is this now exted exed far he’s far above every God every human every Th you are above all the Earth th exalted exted for our We lift up our voice and say we exalt the king of King I [Applause] ex I want you to open your mouth and praise your makeer the on say I ex You we ex you Lord oh Lord we Ex we ex your name Jesus from the bottom of our heart we say we ex you we ex you we ex you [Applause] name High We Ex we above [Applause] We We We exalt you Lord we exalt the We ex the Lord we exalt you oh Lord I ex so you I Ex You I ex you mighty Oh Lord hallelujah Jesus I good morning church good morning church say good morning neighbor say good morning to your neighbor say good morning I’m happy to see you this is the day the Lord has made it is our encounter Sunday and I’m going to encounter the mercies of God the sure mercies of

    David this month the Lord will hasten to perform all that we have asked all that we have prayed he will hasten to perform in the name of Jesus if you believe that say Amen say Amen put your hands Together tonight I’m going to sing about the greatness of God this morning don’t say ah say ah Ah that’s how great our God is incredible can descri awesome you are awesome love so hard Grand you are Grand Des descri awesome you are aw not enough aw not you Are Aw you are I [Applause] That’s great you are so I that’s how great you are can you are awesome Awesome you are a you Are that’s how you Are great you are you LIF me out you stretch me while good morning and welcome to really my prayers is the last one for the week and God has been faithful we thank him for being with us from the beginning of the week from Monday Tuesday Wednesday

    Thursday and now Friday what a glorious God we serve is the one who indeed keeps his promises his promise to preserve our going and our coming and has done that he has sustained us while we slept it has been his grace and mercy all the way

    And that grace and mercy will also be able work in our lives today in the name of Jesus Amen so we start our Bible reading from first Thessalonians chapter 4 it will be displayed on the screen as well so but I read from here finally then brethren we urge and exalt in the

    Lord Jesus that you should abound more and more just as you have re received from us how you ought to walk and to please God for you know what Commandments we give you through the Lord Jesus for this is the will of God your sanctification that you should

    Abstain from sexual immorality that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor not in a passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter because the Lord

    Is the Avenger of all such as we also fored you and testified for God did not call us to uncleanliness but in Holiness therefore he reject he who rejects this does not reject man but God who has also given us his holy spirit con but concerning brotherly love you have no

    Need that I should write to you for you yourselves are thought by God to love one another and indeed you do so toward all the Brethren who are in Macedonia but we urge you brethren that you increase more and more that you also aspire to leave to lead a quiet life to

    Mind your own business and to walk with your own hands as we commanded you that you may walk properly toward those who are outside that you may lack nothing but I do but I do not want you to be ignorant Brethren concerning those who are fallen asleep lest you sorrow as

    Others who have no hope for we believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again even so God will bring him those bring with him those who sleep in Jesus for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we are alive and remain

    Until the coming of the Lord will by no means preceed those who are asleep for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel Angel and with trumpet of and and with the trumpet of God and the dead

    In Christ will rise first but we but do but then we who are alive and remain shall be CAU up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and do we we shall also be with the Lord therefore Comfort one another with these

    Words chapter 5 now which is the last chapter of the book of First Thessalonians but concerning the times and the seasons Brethren you have no need that I should I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief

    In the night for when they say peace and safety then sudden destructions comes sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon the pregnant woman and they shall not Escape but you Brethren are are not in darkness so that so that this day shall overtake you as a thief

    You are all sons of Light and the sons of the day we are not of the night nor of Darkness therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober for those who sleep sleep at night and those who get drunk are drunk at

    Night but let us who are the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation for God did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us that when that whether we wake or sleep

    We should live together with him therefore comfort each other and edify one another just as you are also doing and we Ur you Brethren to recognize those who labor among you and are over you in the the Lord and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love for

    The work for their work sake peace be at peace among yourselves now we exalt you Brethren War those who are unruly Comfort the fainthearted uphold the weak be patient with all see that no one renders evil for evil to anyone but always pursue what is good both for

    Yourselves and for all Rejoice always pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you do not quain the spirit do not despise prophecies test all things hold fast to what is good abstain from every form of evil now may

    The God of Peace himself sanctify you completely and may you and make and may your whole Spirit soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus he who calls you is faithful who also will do it Brethren pray for us all the Brethren with a holy kisse I

    Charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read to to to all the holy Brethren the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you amen praise God that is the end of the book of First Thessalonians I’m going to start second Thessalonians right now starting from chapter one Paul

    Sylvanus and Timothy to the Church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ grace to you and peace from God our Father father and the Lord Jesus Christ we are bound to thank God always for you Brethren as it is fitting because your faith grows

    Exceedingly and the love of every one of you all abounds towards each other so that we ourselves boast of you among the Churches of God for your patience and faith and and in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure which is Manifest evidence of the righteous

    Judgment of God that you may be be counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which you also suffer since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you and to give you who are troubled rest rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from

    Heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking Vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ these shall be punished with Everlasting Destruction for the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he

    Comes in that day to be glorified in his sense and to be admired among all those who believe because of our testimony among you because our Tes our test excuse me our testimony among you was believed therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you

    Worthy of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness and the Walk of Faith with power that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and may be glorified in you and you in him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus

    Christ chapter 2 now Brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by Spirit or by word or by letter as it is from us as though the

    Day of Christ has come let no one deceive you by any means for that day will will not come unless the Fallen away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of pedition who opposes and exalts himself himself above all that is called God or or that is

    Worshiped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God do you not remember when I was with you I told you these things and how and now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time for the

    Mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who who he who now restrains will do so until he taken out of the way and then the Lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the bread of his mouth and Destroy with the brightness of his coming the

    Coming of the Lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the love of the truth that they might be saved for this reason God will

    Send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they may be condemned who do not believe the truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness but we are bound to give thanks to God always for you Brethren beloved by the Lord because God from the beginning chose you for salvation true

    Sanctification by the spirit and believe in the truth to which he called you by Our Gospel for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ therefore Brethren Stand Fast and hold the Traditions which you were thought by word or our epistle now may our Lord

    Jesus Christ himself and our go and God our Father who has loved us and giving us everlasting consolation and Good Hope by Grace Comfort your hearts and establish you in every good work praise the name of the Lord can we lift up our voice and begin to bless God we thank

    Him this morning the one who is who was and is to come our Shield our buckler our Rock our Fortress Is The Giver of Life our way maker the King of Kings himself the Everlasting father the helim the God who sees us the God who knows us

    The God who has already gone ahead of us to make a way he makes a way all the time let’s give him praise let’s thank him this morning we’ve come before the throne of grace of the king of kings and as we have come will not ask a me

    Everything that we ask him will be according to his mind so that we can receive Speedy answers so just bless his name this morning give him praise give him praise give him give him all your adoration thank him thank him he’s a great God he’s a great king he’s the one

    Who rules on Earth and still rules in heaven he is the god that we do not see but the work of his hands are evident in our lives and in our mid every day let’s give him thanks this morning he’s the most high God ah thank him thank him

    Thank him thank him for his goodness in your life for his goodness for his Mercy for his faithfulness why will you not thank him you you didn’t wake up today by your own strength or by your own knowledge or by your own wisdom or because you ate well you rested well you

    Exercised well it is God who sustained you he’s the one who woke you up so give him thanks thank him for the gift of Life the Bible says that a living dog is better than a dead lion we are not dead lions neither are we living dogs we are

    Human beings we are a LIF SP we have the Breath of Life the Breath of God in us let’s thank him that we have the Breath of God in us death has no remembrance of God or the grave The Works of his hands we are alive and well today we have

    Remembrance of God we know we can Rec his good works his great Deeds let your soul magnify his name Rejoice rejoice in him this morning thank him because you you you have sinned today you know that God is at work in your life to do great and might things oh thank him this

    Morning the one who knows you who can hear your eyes pray and fulfill all your desires when he opens his hands towards you one that bestows on you his loving kindness and his mercy and his favor is The Giver of Grace and Glory is the one that watches over you with

    His eyes your every step he watches over is the one that shows himself strong on your behalf when the enemy comes at you like a flood to consume you to destroy you the Bible says it raises a standard at all times thank him for the many standards

    He has raised for you that you were not aware of thank you Everlasting father for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed we’re going to pray concerning our day the Bible says in Psalm Psalm 3:6 I would not be afraid of the many thousands of people who set themselves against me all

    Around you’re going to pray that today because God himself is with you the man of war the lion of the tribe of Judah the Lord of hosts because he’s with you nothing will make you afraid you will not be afraid of whatever evil the day hold whatever the enemy want to set

    Against you all around you will not be afraid of it because God himself is with you today you have the wisdom you have the knowledge you have the understanding you have the Insight everything that you need to make today successful for today to Bladen your heart for today to bring

    You joy and peace it’s in You by the grace of God I want to lift up your voice and thank him that nothing will stand against you successfully to this they can set themselves all around you but you will not be afraid because God is with you today the 22nd day in the

    Month of March you will not be afraid as you set out if you have already set out and you are planning to set out nothing will make you afraid nothing will steal your joy nothing will steal your joy today nothing will steal your joy the enemy will not trunk any Destiny and you

    Will not become Afflicted suddenly today at work God will give you grace and favor in the sight of everyone it will magnify the little that you will do with diligence in the mighty name of Jesus no one will trouble you today no colleague will trouble you no manager will trouble

    You be your kings your servants they will save you no no G up against you will succeed as you walk into the office in your place of business as our children go to school they are surrounded God gives his angels Char over them will do me good because it is the

    Day that the Lord has made and he says in the day there are benefits for me there are benefits for you those benefits are yours those benefits are my those benefits onto every member of my father’s house in the name of Jesus my is Sanctified my words are

    Sanctified my steps are ordered whether I drive I take the train I take the bus I cycle I walk the eyes of the Lord is upon me no accident no brushes because of a CL of fire pill CL moving as I Mo as I move moves as I stop it

    Stops Shield me from the element of the world from the forces whe in the on thank you Everlasting father for in Jesus mighty name we’ve prayed couple of prayer points from the chapter of the book of Thessalonians that we’ read this morning and I start with verse one it

    Says that you should abound more and more just as you received from us how you ought to walk and please the Lord you’re going to pray that I Sarah my children you put your name there your children’s name your husband if you’re single doesn’t matter put your name that

    You you will abound more and more on how you want or how you ought to walk so that you can please the Lord that you will abound more and more on how you want to walk and please the Lord the Bible I think it’s some somewhere in

    John 9:31 I’m not exactly very sure he said those who worship God and do his will they say God hears them I AB bound more and more on how I ought to work and how I ought to please the Lord I want to lift up your voice and pray this morning

    That I abound more and more on how I ought to walk how I need to worship God how I need to reverence him how I need to adore him how I need to do what I do how I serve in whichever place I find myself unto the Lord pleasing to him so

    That I can receive answers to my prayers I abound more and more I because those who are worshippers those who do the will of God they are the ones that God answers because Lord God I I know how to walk I know how to worship you I do your will father you

    Will hear me in the name of Jesus I abound more and more on how I need to work to please you thank you Everlasting father Blessed Be Your holy name for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Amen in four in that same four in three mean chapter four

    Ver4 it says that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in ification and honor I don’t even think I need to hammer on this we all know what we are inundated with all around the social media the influences out there the things we even if we don’t want to

    Hear we don’t want to see there has has of filtering just trying to contaminate us trying to make us Unholy trying to tarnish the the word of God and the things of God in know you’re going to pray because this this verses it is our responsibility that each of you should

    Know how to possess your own body in sanctification it says and in honor they’re going to pray that for every member of my father’s house every man every woman every boy every girl that we know how to possess our body in Holiness in sanctification and in honor that we

    Will not do anything that will defile our body in the name of Jesus all our choices will be holy all our choices will glorify God In The Name of Jesus that in this last days will not be taken by every wind of doctr in the name of Jesus going to take

    This prayer Point again I was SP to somebody a couple of days ago that I had an interaction with someone and I was just getting to know her a little better and I asked a couple of questions I find out some hobes about her and she was

    Telling me some things that she she does I mean to her credit she was quite honest about it speaking to me she didn’t think to to just cover a couple of things up she was quite you know honest about it so to accredit and I I

    Just thought that how can someone who is a regular member of church is a is a is is um is a worker and very active in church still believes these things and is living like this he baffled me so that’s why this that we should POS possess each of us should possess our

    Body we should possess our vessel our body which is the Temple of the Lord in sanctification and honor you’re going to pray that whatever it is that is in you that you are doing that you do not know is not making you to possess your body in sanctification and honor that God

    Will reveal it to you in the name of Jesus I want to take that prayer personality father whatever it is that I’m doing whatever it is that is in me that is not making me to possess my body inan ification and honor father reveal to me Father reveal to me in this last

    Days so that when the trumpet sound I will not be taken by surprise of us will be taken by surprise in the mighty name of Jesus thank you Everlasting father for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed in 412 it says that you might walk properly towards those who are out outside that

    You may lack nothing the reason why we need to possess our vessels with sanctification and honor is because of the unbelievers so that when we are in our workplace and we say certain things and we do certain things that aligns what is expect of a Believer and

    Then we do certain things again that like so contrary to what we we profess we will not bring more Cree to the Fate that God help me to work properly to those who are outside to the unbelievers help me to walk properly to the unbelievers so that my life Lord God

    Will show who you are will show what you are able to do that what the world gives them that brings torment into their life it is only in you that they can find peace and satisfaction that they can find Joy ah father help me to walk uprightly with those who are the outside

    So that my life will be a Living Testament of who you are in the name of Jesus ah let my life let my life let it be a picture of you so that the one can see and no can feel that who you are in

    The mighty name of Jesus let not let me not be a Christian that professes just by my mouth but my my life is contrary to everything that I’m saying father give me the grace give me the grace to walk uprightly outside in the name of Jesus thank you Everlasting father for

    In Jesus mighty name we have prayed it says in uh that’s first first Thessalonian um 5 right now 8 let us who are of the day be sober like I said we in the last days be sober put me on the breast of faith and love and as a helmet

    The hope of Salvation we’re going to pray father in these last days I will not lose my faith I will not lose my salvation all I will do will be in love in the name of Jesus I want to lift up your voice that I will be sober I will

    Be vigilant I will not be a pre to the enemy I’ll be well balanced in all things where bance in my mind will bance in my life will bance in my dealings everything that I do will reflect my faith in the name of Jesus I put on the breastplate of faith and

    Love and the helmet of salvation every day every day I put it on as I wear my clothes I put it on as I carry my bag I put it as I wear thank you Everlasting father for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed that that in first Thessalonian I’m going to

    Take 19 20 2122 very quickly as one said not quench the spirit do not despise prophecy said test all things abstain from every evil you’re going to pray that father I will not quench your spirit your spirit will be alive in my in in my in my life everything that I do

    Your spirit that that is my helper your spirit that is my standby your spirit that is my comfort your spirit that is my intercessor my Advocate my mediator that said it will teach me all things I will not quench that spirit in the mighty name of Jesus I will not quench

    Your spirit I will not quench your spirit I will not quench your spirit in the name of Jesus I will from all that is evil I will T all spirit thank you Everlasting father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed is still that same for Thessalonians 523 now it say

    Now the God of Peace himself sanctify you completely and make your your whole Spirit soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ you’re going to pray father sanctify me completely and make my whole Spirit soul and body blameless till you’re coming

    Till you’re coming in the mighty name of Jesus sanctify me completely Body Soul Spirit Lord God keep me blameless until your coming ah father I Sanctified completely Body Soul and Spirit I’m blameless until your coming by your grace I’m blameless until your coming by your grace I’m blameless until your coming

    Thank you Everlasting father for in Jesus mighty name we’ve prayed second timoth second Thessalonians now sorry they same this is 13 it says because your faith grows exceedingly and the love of every one of you all abounds towards each other we’re going to pray for ourselves as a church that our faith

    Will grow exceedingly our faith will grow exceedingly our faith will grow exceeding that we will abound in love towards each other in the mighty name of Jesus that every member of my father’s house we move from that place of that simple small Measure of Faith that we

    Have we move to that Faith as able to move mountains in the name of Jesus that we grow in our faith we grow in our faith and in our love for each other exceedingly exceedingly exceedingly we grow in our faith and in our love for each other exceedingly in the name of

    Jesus thank you Everlasting father for in Jesus mighty name we’ve prayed I’m taking it from 2 Thessalonians 2:11 it says therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness and walk of

    Faith with prayer that God will count us worthy whatever calling that God has given to you whatever it is that he has designed you created you called you to do that you’ll be found worthy of that calling that God will fulfill all his good pleasure in you I want to lift up

    Your voice and pray for yourself my calling if I do not know it show me if I know it already let me continue to be found worthy in my calling so that you will fulfill all your good pleasure in me all your good pleasure you will

    Fulfill in me in the mighty name of Jesus all your good pleasure you fulfill in US I’ll be found worthy of my all your good pleasure everything in your heart for me for us for our children for our men for our women Lord you will accomplish them

    All in the mighty name of Jesus everything in your heart for us you would accomplish them whatever those things are that would dis make us a display of your glory a display of your power a display of your mind displ of your goodness you will fulfill it in our lives in the

    Mighty name of Jesus that will bring glory to you honor to men blessing to Us thank you everlas father Blessed Be Your holy name for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed I going to be two two prayer points quickly the Bible says in Hebrews 6:12 he said we should not be sluggish but that we should be imitators of those who TR faith and patience

    Obtain the promise you’re going to pray for yourself that me father I will be among those who through patience through faith I will always obtain in your promises I want to lift up your voice and pray pray for every member of my father’s house we will not do anything

    In haste because we feel that God is delaying we feel that God is not moving I’m not moving I’m not progressing I see so much progression so much movement in the lives of people all around me why am I here and because of that you make a

    Decision in the flesh father I will not be among those ah who make decision in the flesh but father I will be among those who through Faith who through patience will obtain every of your promise for me my life will be devoid of Destiny making errors Destiny Destiny defining

    Errors Destiny AR that will change my destiny arrow that will bring destruction desolation into my life pain into my life but I’ll be among those who true Faith who true patience obtain your precious promises obtain your precious promises have been waiting for a year for two for three for four or just a

    Couple of months a couple of days a couple of weeks yes Lord I will not move I remain steadfast in faith I remain steast in patience I remain steadfast in hope I remain stast in trust until I obtain your promise thank you Everlasting father for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed I

    Think for the mon is in the day of his power Bible says in that Psalm 110 verse in the of his power the people shall be willing they said in the Night video that the day of his power is the day that God goes ahead of his people

    Because he’s ready to do the impossible and it’s also the day that the people choose to move in faith they choose to move in faith that is the deal the people will be willing because God is ready to display his power is already gone ahead and you and I we have to

    Choose to move in Faith to tap into what God wants to do you’re going to lift up your voice and pray this morning that whatever it is that God has said to you that he wants to give you that is going to give you that this is the month

    This is the time you need to move in faith father give me the grace to move in faith let fear be behind me give me the grace to move in FA because the Bible says that God will claim all confinement that this month every confinement everything that has confined

    You that has not made your blessing that has not made your joy to be full in this month that God is willing to display his power that every confinement in your life everything that has held you back everything that is making the word of God not to come to fullness not to come

    To manifestation in life as you believe it as you receive it in faith it is yours you are separated from every confin whether a confir you have put yourself by error Mery has come Mery has come Mery has come for you thank you Everlasting father Blessed

    Be Your holy name for in Jesus mighty name we pray this time before I Proclaim stand for something blocking my view here I have that display at the bottom I thank you I declare that this is the day of his power and his people shall be cooperative in Jesus name I

    Declare that the power of God guides and guides all my Affairs in Jesus Jesus name I declare I shall see his power and Glory this month in Jesus name I declare that my life shall be aove of the power and presence of God in Jesus name I

    Declare that the divine power has given to me all things that pertain to life and godliness in Jesus name I declare that every promise from God in my life will be performed by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name I declare that my life shall cooperate with all with

    The will and purpose of God for me in Jesus name I declare that my life shall be relevant and reliable in Jesus name I declare that I will be remembered for good in Jesus name I declare that all things are working together for my good in Jesus name I declare that the power

    Of God shall frustrate every device and machination of the devil against me in Jesus name thank you so much for joining us it’s’ been lovely having your company from Monday to Friday and so Sunday we have evolv service at 9:00 and that runs through to 10: and they they’ve been

    Studying the matrax of the of the faith so if you’re able to join please join them in the morning 9:00 a.m. uh on Sunday we have our Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. to half 10 and 10:30 we have our celebration service you don’t want to miss church uh so please we love to

    See you again so come fellowship with us on Sunday and God himself will be with you will uphold you it will strengthen you as you go into the weekend God bless you thank you e e e e e e e e e e e for

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