One World in a New World with Patricia Lindner

    this inspiring episode of “One World in a New World,” host Zen Benefiel welcomes Patricia Lindner, known as The Magnificent Mentor. Patricia, hailing from Germany, brings a rich background in teaching, psychology, arts, intuitive work, and human design to her role as a success architect for ambitious professionals. Her journey from a teacher to a teacher’s teacher and now a self-employed mentor showcases her dedication to holistic methods and transformational experiences.

    Patricia shares her early connection to something greater, recalling her childhood affinity for Mother Mary and her intuitive grasp of Sophia energy. Despite feeling misunderstood, her quest for understanding led her to explore the depths of her soul’s history and her spiritual connections. This exploration has been a constant theme in her life, driving her to seek answers and embrace her unique path.

    Transitioning from a traditional teaching role, Patricia embraced her calling as a mentor, guiding others to recognize their magnificence and embrace their shadows. Her approach is not linear but rather multidimensional, focusing on personal growth and healing. She emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself, letting go of what doesn’t serve, and creating a future driven by positive thoughts and emotions.

    Patricia’s story is a testament to the power of self-discovery, transformation, and the courage to follow one’s heart. Her journey inspires us to embrace our own magnificence, explore our depths, and create a life aligned with our true essence.

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    Namaste and in lak’ ech and welcome to this  episode of One World in a New World I’m your   host Zen Benefiel and this week’s guest is an  amazing woman who lives in Europe in Germany as   a matter of fact Patricia Lindner is her name  she is known as The Magnificent Mentor she’s a  

    Success architect for ambitious professionals  she uses a lot of human design in her work so   if you get a chance to explore that please do she  is or has worked for the government of Bavaria for   nearly 20 years as a teacher to begin with and  then ascending to a teachers teacher which is  

    An amazing journey in in and of itself she’s now  self-employed uh as a magnificent Mentor a human   archaeologist and success Arch as she says human  as a human AR archaeologist I’ll get that out and   success architect she’s got a diverse background  in teaching psychology Arts intuitive work writing  

    Human design and energy psychology that she uses  to bring a unique blend of holistic methods and   transformational experience Patricia glad to  have you here so wonderful Zen what a great   introduction so great to be here with you thank  you for having me on your amazing show oh you’re  

    Very welcome uh we’ve had prior conversations  so we we know kind of the depth we can go to   so let’s just jump right into that my guess I  always explore their depth of understanding in   their inner awareness when they got in touch with  that how old they were what process was going on  

    In their lives and so on and so forth so let’s  just dive into that when because I know for you   to be doing what you’re doing especially even  going into the teacher realm that had to have  

    Been an inner desire of yours to begin with so  when did you first begin to be aware that there   was something more than the outer world and the  internal experience that you were able to Garner  

    I love the questions Zen because it there is this  quick Journey back that takes place when you asked   the question um and I’m glad that I never talk  about flashbacks right I never prepare anything   for an interview because I want to be surprised  and I am surprised by my thoughts and my emotions  

    When you ask this question because I want to say  that this is something from the early childhood   but I didn’t notice that this was it but I always  had this connection to something bigger um I have   a strong connection to like mother Mary for  example um and I would articulate Sophia energy  

    Right probably and I would articulate that as  a three-year-old uh and everybody everybody was   like ah that is nonsense what she’s talking about  and I even called myself Patricia Maria Dolores   that’s like mother Mary of the paying Dolores so  I don’t know where this came from and I always  

    Had those questions you would okay so let’s just  break off on that and and unpack that bit because   I find it interesting first of all you know the  the questions that we asked most often we don’t  

    Get the kinds of questions that we would like to  be asked in order to explore ourselves and share   with others right so then there’s the other  side of gosh what is the history of our soul  

    Where did we live and be and have our movement  in the world across the spectrum of our solar   existence and incarnations whether it be here or  elsewhere and and I think we both agree that these   things are self-evident based on the information  that’s available in the world today that this is  

    A reality yeah so with that connection with  Mother Mary is that part of a fragment or uh   you know one of the things and the reason I say  the fragment is that in reading the teachings  

    The ascended masters years ago there was a being  known as sonat Kamara who uh is supposed to be a   planetary logos and the how he got that office  was splitting his Consciousness or fragmenting   it a thousand times times into others incarnate  so he wasn’t necessarily incarnate he had this  

    Massive Consciousness right that incarnated a  thousand different ways and then he reabsorbed   those experiences in order to understand the  Dynamics of the office that he was about to step   into I find that fascinating just to think about  that by the level of activity wow so how would  

    That perhaps apply in in your mind what was the  first thing that came up of with your connection   with Mother Mary wow and so so I so first of all I  need to say I totally resonate with what you said  

    Oftentimes we don’t expect questions like these  because I could tell you everything about success   and things but I’m in the middle of reframing  what I’m really about to do and why I’m here and   so I’m grateful that we talk about this I think  there is so much synchronicity in what you ask  

    Me absolutely especially coming out of Co where  everybody is recreating their new normal yeah   yeah and I feel like so it resonated a lot when  you said fragment um I never thought about that  

    Before I thought like maybe that’s my spirit guide  because I used to really be a big fan of Jesus I I   used to yeah I I used to recall places I’ve never  been to that were like those places where things  

    Happened and I could really have a picture of  them and then look them up uh on the internet   later I like I I I I know that but I’ve never been  therey right makes you feel really weird yeah and  

    What you do just oh okay okay right moving on yeah  just moving on and I felt like maybe that is so I   always and I have been refusing to see what we  are just talking about because it is easier to  

    Put yourself out there as I the one who can tell  you this step by step method in X Y and Z to be   successful I can do the mindset work linear path  yeah but this is really this is anything linear  

    It’s the nonlinear approach of multidimensional  I think goes into a non-local scenery as well   yeah and so I think I did not really take it  that seriously um but just what would you do  

    If you did what a strange part of all of that is  so I told you the name of u m Mary’s name is Mara   doosa which is the Latin name for her and I called  myself Patricia Maria Dolores and a thing that is  

    My ongoing theme in life and I never shared that  before maybe a little bit um but not in the depth   of what it is to draw those things out there  is this ongoing pain in my body which sometimes  

    Drives me nuts which sometimes feels like oh I  just need to dive into that and embrace it fully   to know where this is guiding me to because you  can’t deny it I mean you and I both know anytime  

    You deny something or you keep it aside it’s  going to keep reappearing in Greater fashion   for you to be able to pay attention to it because  it’s going to get your attention whereas you know  

    And this is one of the thing self-love right you  embrace all the parts of your being no matter what   in love just as they are without attachment to  change and then you begin to question okay what  

    Could I do what is yeah and so this is the aspect  of the connection to Mother Mary that is like   she had such a lot of pain when it comes to her  relationship with Jesus everything around her just  

    Feeling this immense pain and uh turns out that  yeah I’ve been do you think the pain was from the   experience or from the lack of his message getting  through oh wow so first of all being a mother of  

    Two it makes me give this impression that it is  really a lot of pain when you think about your   son um needing to die being killed so I think that  is a lot of pain but also I think there is part of

    This message this message of love and resolution  and Liberation that didn’t get through back then   maybe and it wasn’t he was the first one to  say either I mean it aligns perfectly with   the vedantic philosophy that was in the vas  15,000 years or 13,000 years prior yeah that  

    We’re all Divine threads of unity Consciousness  or unitive Consciousness capable of being godc   conscious now it doesn’t mean that we’re  the creators right and they are plural in   the book what it means is that we can control or  that’s not a good word to use we can create our  

    Realities we do create our realities whether  we’re conscious or unconscious of it yeah and   I know you found that to be true so where would  that pain because the trauma leads to Triumph how   would that process engage you in in moving from  that place of pain to one of triumphant and um

    Transcendence first of all um you talked about me  being a teacher and that was for a reason I think   pain is involved in this as well because as a  child as a pupil I I could see that and that  

    That that was so in the early 80s I could see that  there’s something wrong just from the side of um   how schools work and I could see there’s something  wrong in the education when I think of how I was  

    Brought up and there was a lot of um mental  and physical violence um in my upbringing so   I feel that I was driven by this pain to create  a better world a different way of Education new   cing strategies right for kids because temporarily  anyway and working on actually creating structures  

    And things that you can Implement to yeah help  your life evolve as well yeah and just today   so now that is many many years later and I’m out  of working as a teacher I just had two hours of  

    Working working with my son and his friend because  um they are going to write a final exam soon and   they decided they decided all by themselves it  was a hard decision but they decided to ask me   could you just support um our just studying  and learning for the final exam when it comes  

    To English because um you have a variety of cool  stuff to share and then when they were working I   saw this amazing individuality and this greatness  in both of them they are so different and yes   there were some when you speak of grammar there  were some mistakes there were some misconceptions  

    In what they delivered but it was so great to  empower them and to see their uniqueness in a   different way and I could see their faces lit up  when I said there is so much potential you should  

    Continue and you should just try to be who you  are and embody this I totally love guiding you   through this um and so there is this connection to  teaching still and I have it too I I spent almost  

    A decade teaching high school and special ed and  even at a residential treatment center yeah wow   and just having it’s not being heard and so these  were adjudicated they’re either on their way to   potentially to juvenile detention or having just  got out and need to process some things in order  

    To reintegrate and most of these kids just want  to be heard they want someone to just listen to   them and and let them speak about themselves  their hurt their pain their sorrow and their   aspirations and the teaching environment is in  education today in our school in America that  

    Doesn’t happen no and you you are meant to be part  of a system that creates more of the same and my   son is one of those pupil 16-year-old that want  to break out of this crusted system and whenever  

    There is a task to do he would start to discuss  it and just look behind the scenes and behind the   curtain and say oh this is nonsense I don’t know  why I should do that because and then he brings   up an interesting aspect that thoughtful right  critical thinking yeah absolutely I love that  

    And I can only support this absolutely that’s our  other national deficit here in America yeah yeah   not only in America just just I projected on the  rest of the world I I’ve just lived in America  

    And I’ve traveled the country and it’s now we got  a big problem with critical thinking yeah and so   maybe this wound or this pain is part of that  and also it’s part of the physical pain which  

    Makes me so I think I’m this sacred Rebel that  wants to I would agree reform or just bring some   new aspects a new awareness to people so the  next aspect is talking about medicine so I’m   not medically trained I need to just um share  that but I’m well read in things around Medical  

    Treatments and medicine and um also experienced  as my father passed away um because of a severe   form of cancer and I could not stand the way  that doctors Western doctors would treat him   or would want to treat him and so I think that  is again part of this maybe Collective pain of  

    Not being Sovereign being treated like in this  big machinery that cre money I mean cursor is   approach based on symptoms not causes right  right how do you see that shifting so I think   there is more awareness in smaller or maybe even  larger circles um I still see when I sometimes I  

    Go to the doctors and I bring up this different  form of awareness I just see the eyes roll but I   need to say I also met Western doctors that are  open to more than what they what they took on or  

    Learned at University but I think that is more  and more accepted it is more and more accepted   that we are this body of energy M um but as long  and I need to say but I hate to say but as long  

    And as long the rest of it’s true right and in  addition in and in addition to that as long as   and this is just my opinion and I hope no one is  going to reach out and just harm me for that but  

    That is my opinion as long long as pharmaceutical  Industries and the medical system just are going   hand in hand this is not going to change so fast  it’s the mentality of the meter drop right the  

    More we can burn and churn the more profit will  be had and so the agenda of profit over people in   Planet continues and what we need to do is shift  it to people in Planet over profit which is the  

    Kind of conversations we’re having you know I I  found it interesting you you know you mentioned   the shift in how small groups maybe larger groups  are are beginning to address this I I have two   things one I went through with a psychiatrist  after my Spiritual Awakening at 18 that told me  

    I wasn’t crazy I’d had a spiritual awakening and  then took me upstairs in his two-story historic   home office and read my tarot cards yeah here’s  a psychiatrist in the mid 70s in the midwest in   a very conservative area that just totally blew  me away that he was willing to even Explore that  

    Let alone share it with me then many years later  it was U after my U show on on one world I moved   into a commercial project and one of my hosts was  a medical doctor it was a holistic doctor and had  

    Actually an uh special on ABC produced because he  had taken a woman that came to him with chronic   ulcers and took her through various regressions  past life regressions identifying where the event   first happened yeah which was according to  her she was part of the French group during  

    The inquisitions and they captured her and um  drove a hot spear through her abdomen wow when   she first experienced it she came right out of  the session just hysterical after about a dozen   sessions she was able to look at it watch it with  no emotional response whatsoever and her ulcer was  

    Gone yeah yeah that’s amazing yeah and I could  be past lives and I also am a strong believer in   the fact that suppressed emotions mainly anger or  even rage are causing ulcers back pain migraines   and when you treat them with medicine maybe a a  pular is something that you would choose if you  

    Need to show up maybe sometimes it’s a bridge but  go you need to go to the root cause uh to resolve   the issue and so I think that is the way that I  want want to go the path that I want to walk so  

    It is more to you can own your power when it comes  to Medicine you can own your power when it’s a   decision making process when it’s your education  when it’s religion when it’s spirituality so you  

    Own the power so and I came up so and I don’t know  if this word is loaded or not I I refuse to use it   it’s about healing and there could be any sort of  healing there could be physical healing that could  

    Be mental healing that could be Financial healing  so this is what is inside and it just needs to be   addressed and embraced and I’m grateful may be  undressed and embraced yes because we got to get  

    Really naked with it we’ve got to really look at  ourselves at a core level how we think and feel   about ourselves and about life right now does this  healing shift toward an attitude of gratitude what   kind of difference does that make because I’ve  heard you mention that before I think could yeah  

    Could you repeat it so I I heard you say when  gratitude comes in what when you make the shift   from that constricted perspective to an attitude  of gratitude which which opens you up what what  

    Do you notice in that process so I think it is  always and I have this amazing um person that   I connected on LinkedIn um he’s the Gratitude guy  and I think gratitude is such a huge door opener   even portal opener to so many things because  it makes you wider it raises your vibration  

    When you see things from this angle or Viewpoint  of gratitude um it releases something inside of   you there is expansion and um I think it is like  of a a lot of chemistry shifts in the brain that   brings up these hormonal experiences the cortisol  which comes from the fear which condenses us so  

    Gratitude is the pathway to I think health and  well-being but as well it’s hard to be grateful   for the trials and tribulations right how do you  work through that the tribulations the trials and   tribulations right the the crap that comes up that  we have to face address move through yeah however  

    We do it so first of all I feel like um when  you face those turbulences and you see them as   something that is so a trigger or um the shadow is  part of the whole Spectrum so you need to face it  

    You need to address it that it builds a bridge to  your magnificent to the light Po to the love part   and I think um for me a big shift took place when  I got to know logosynthesis I don’t know if you  

    Know it um which is um a model for growth and  expansion and self-development and the minute   I got to know it I could deal better with those  triggers emotional triggers mental restrictions   um and could see them as a part way because  whenever a Shadow shows up um it’s got a gift  

    It is the gift because just think of the night sky  it is pitch black dark and so just look behind you   and look behind me you only can see the beauty  of what is on the dark like background right  

    Because it is dark and the other part is radiant  so the brightest stars shine most beautifully in   a dark night sky and so I think we just need to  see both ends and embrace the Shadow and seed  

    Or embrace the trigger um as a pathway to to the  light aspect now can you offer maybe a real world   experience where something has triggered you you  you had a particular perspective of something the   way you looked at at it that when it happened  it triggered you initially and then you saw  

    Beyond that to your responsibility in making the  choice of how to perceive it or the perspective   to have yeah so there are many so I I just need  to decide I’m sure there are can you what flashed   right like earlier in our conversation was  there anything that flashed immediately yeah  

    As we said we can go deep um there is a big  trigger that whenever I shared about pain I   shared about um me not feeling well and I shared  that with people and especially I just talk about  

    The biggest trigger when I shared it with my mom  then she would dissociate so this this this was   just come back where’d you go great right so I’d  say hey there is a lot of pain and I don’t know  

    I’m so frustrated I I can’t stand it I don’t know  where to go no doctor can help me and she’d say oh look was this there yesterday H and the neighbor  and I were like what is going on why isn’t that  

    So frustrating because you’re in a moment  of pure vulnerability and you’re trying to   be Fearless in it right because in real you know  there’s trust and there’s vulnerability trust is   love-based vulnerability is fear-based because  you you feel like something could happen right  

    And then you know to have that total deflection  away from your intended conversation that’s got   to be tremendously frustrating so how how did  you bring it back or or have you been able to   so um I need to tell you it took me a really  long time I’m speaking of decades because um  

    Because you want it first of all which means  you’re pushing or pulling her to move right   yeah so sometimes I was disappointed sometimes  I was like what needs to happen to me do I need   to die so that she sees how I’m feeling so I had  those scenarios that’s an extreme right extreme  

    And then I thought I need to become wiser so I  need to study all the ancestral blockages and I   really did deep studies in epigenetics ancestral  teaching generation coding to understand my mom’s   habits and dissociative patterns so this helped  to some extent you kind of became the epitome of  

    Tub’s fifth Insight right seek first to understand  before being UND do it yeah so I really wanted to   just do it um with my my just intelligent brain  and understand what was going on and there was   emotional well the emotional intelligence would  come into it as well yeah yeah because you have  

    To create that space to communicate and that’s an  emotional process that’s not intellectual yeah and   then I did some logosynthesis just to help me live  through the trigger and the triggered moments and   so honestly and this is not a long time ago  I don’t know if it is the constant work that  

    I did and I guess it is um and my mom is still  alive thank God she’s still alive so I confronted   working on her I confronted her and I just said  why are you disappearing whenever I’m in need of  

    Your presence um you are are my mom and so it was  like this wakeup call I could see I could see a   different face when I made her face reality um and  believe it or not it shifted it really shifted um  

    And I think there are many layers there is her  ancestral wounding her upbringing her horrible   story of being given away way as a baby and um so  there are many aspects and now being confronted  

    With what I needed I told her what I need and  that was a hard one for me because I was like   no don’t ask people never ask people don’t be  a burden for others I told her what I needed  

    And she could receive it and uh this changed a  lot that’s awesome and and sometimes you know   now that you’ve expressed kind of a little bit of  her history sometimes we’re bereft of being able   to give others what they need because we don’t  know how yeah that’s the root so we’re afraid  

    To try and then dissociate right right and so  this is so whoever needs to hear that when when   you don’t know what you don’t know and I didn’t  know about her story of being given away being  

    The daughter of a Catholic priest given away uh  just from day one to a hospital where they would   just do experiments with her that was postwar  um and then finally finally finally after quite   some time she was adopted by um some relatives  so this is just this bonding phase and the phase  

    Where a baby need needs to have this connection  to her mother being left alone so I totally get   it that she needed to dissociate when it came to  ah I listen to your sorrow I’m there I’m full of  

    Love I’m open it was not something that she she  so it would have brought her to her deepest wound   right yeah yeah proceed with to healing and I I  can relate to her being adopted at six weeks yeah  

    And I don’t know what my history was from I know  I was given away at Birth so I spent some time in   foster care I know from being around it that I did  not get the touchy Fey warmth from mother that all  

    Babies need and I’ve often wondered if that’s  what really gave me the impetus to see others   as family everybody and not be concerned about  getting my love from a single Source in that in   that regard and you know as an adoptee my parents  were so loving unconditionally and supportive and  

    Encouraging me to be curious and mischievous  and all those kind they regretted it later but and so there was that mix of you know I started  this way and that I experienc this so why would  

    I want to go back to the disconnection yeah when  the connection was even so much beyond that and   gave me the ability to connect with others from  that place because we’re all connected and then   eventually science began to prove that totally  and now that you say it so my mom is a great  

    Connector she has this huge family sometimes  I envy her because she has this huge social   network so there are similarities in your stories  oh absolutely so back to your story though in your   process now coming in that’s one facet of it  and then you shifted from being a teacher in to  

    Being This Magnificent Mentor right and you just  mention it right before we went on that one of   your stories that was included in a compilation  just suddenly came to mind this morning and so   how did that affect you in in participating with  others and finding that reflection that honoring  

    The acknowledgment of yourself regardless of how  the book did yeah right the book sales National   bestseller and all that kind of stuff that’s great  however the experience of it what did that offer   how did you receive it so in the book which is  called corporate dropouts um it is initially  

    Um an anthology of stories where women and men  drop out of um being employed and then becoming   self-employed and interestingly and this is like  so many synchronicities my story is called a body   Compass to alignment that is my chapter and so I  think I need to really shift to this more of this  

    This healer part but I don’t want to call myself  healer maybe um it is more of Alchemist something   like that don’t call yourself anything just do  what you do let I think people come up with enough  

    Labels you don’t need to have any right um and so  because I did not have the capacity or nobody in   this crusted world of Education could hear what  I wanted to implement my body again my body would  

    Create an IM immense amount of pain I could not  even crawl out of bed because my my fingers my   back my knees my everything just hurt so I could  not drive a car and I had this leadership position  

    As a teachers coach or teachers trainer and so I  decided to um take one year off but of course as   I said I didn’t want to be a burden I didn’t even  want to be a burden to the government um thing um  

    I said without any payment and I wrote this story  down in yeah this chapter of corporate dropouts   and um my body and this is what is an ongoing  story so I I could not tell you oh I’m there  

    Yet uh there are some aches and pains and some  strange things going on sometimes but it feels   like my body keeps this wisdom or has the wisdom  to guide me to more more and more alignment and  

    So I thought um so I did all those thousands of  apprenticeships that could be human design that   could be logo synthesis that could be Soul art  that could be improv theater you name it so I   could really give you a list with thousands and  thousands of things that I did because I wanted  

    To figure it out I right you were curious enough  and you had the ability time and wherewithal to   explore all those things yeah it’s fascinating and  what a wonderful gift to yourself yeah thank you   for saying that because that adds another flavor  because I thought like oh she’s the crazy one that  

    Is the endless seeker of something and I heard  people say ah couldn’t you stop it you are so   like always looking for the depth of everything  funny how people tend to limit others as well as   themselves and we constantly do that we it’s like  we don’t realize that you know the god participle  

    Right if you’re familiar with English and mechanic  I was an English teacher and my mother was so she   wanted a preacher and a teacher and got both and  then some um she is uh just she was wonderful  

    Woman and now I’ve lost my point because I got  caught up in her recent passing and uh she had   dementia for a number of years didn’t know me  for the last five and uh at her funeral I got  

    Up thinking I was going to you know go through  this Litany of points of order and praising her   and man I just lost it I just I didn’t ball like  a baby but it was um very emotional and I did not  

    Anticipate it at all I thought I was going to be  this stall you know 66 year old man that stands up   in front of a a group and delivers something which  I normally do but this was just too much and uh  

    I’m trying to remember what my point was to that I  think that is so important that you lost the point   because one can see one can really see and witness  this men’s love between you and your moms and  

    That is such a gift that you just share it in our  conversation and I’m so sorry for your loss Z yeah   you know it it had been coming for quite some time  so it wasn’t that much of a shock and yet like we  

    Normally do I held back the the emotions like okay  I’m you know until that moment and then the dam   burst and away it went um as an educator though  teaching me English and the god partile that’s  

    Where I was going participle is a noun or it’s  a a verb ending an ing that then becomes a noun   or adjective so I love playing with language right  and and it’s so simple the participle is is simply

    Being and you know there so like wow I never  thought about that right when it first occurred   to me it was like oh I got to share this right so  I wrote a book about it called the god participle  

    Um one of my you know meanderings and I love to  be able to do that she gave me the gift and the   inspiration of wanting to write and express so I  appreciate that for her so back to the storyline  

    Of how you took that chapter now you you mentioned  your self-examination further and looking at okay   where can I go with this now that this gift  has reappeared in my own writing back to me  

    As a reference point to kind of wake me up again  where are you going to go with it what what kinds   of things do you believe to be possible for you  to to take that and apply it professionally in  

    The Practical aspects of the work that you do yeah  because that’s where we go right if we can’t make   something practical and not necessarily always  pragmatic definitely of service too yeah what   might that look like so first of all I think  everything that I discovered for myself myself  

    And for my own healing and expansion and growth  is something that I want to give to the world   and one aspect of this journey was when I did a  meditation I don’t know if we talked about it but  

    Um I was led into my heart space um and the lady  said and when you enter the heart space you are   going to discover what you are all about and what  your purpose is so that is like six years ago mhm  

    Um and I entered my heart space and it was Pitch  Black talking about black again and I was like   really disappointed possibility though blank I  didn’t see that so I was a bit frustrated but  

    Then um as I practice a lot of spiritual things  and as I am a very visual person I just thought   I’m going just on purpose I’m going to light  a match just with my intention and so that’s  

    What I did to light up my heart space and what  I saw was thousands and thousands of people in   this cave and they stood in front of treasure  troves or behind treasure tropes or next to  

    Treasure troves and I you talked about weeping I  started to cry because I lit up the space so they   could see how amazing how magnificent they are are  and so now my mission and my vision is which is a  

    Really Broad and big one I want to help people  see how magnificent they are because there is   magnificence in everyone and that’s not just the  light end but that’s also embracing the shadow   part of who we are and seeing us as magnificent  people who are here to bring this magnificence  

    Forth to serve to serve the world and um I want to  help people heal I want to help people alchemize   their amazing gifts um and that could be in your  education that could be in health that could be  

    Around stress that could be in relationships so  that is where I’m and with the explation that   you had in that year right you got a wealth of  tools and training and material that you can draw  

    On to help that process now the other you know  we always and for marketing I’ve got a couple   master’s degrees in business and heavy in you  know the first one actually my bachelor was Heavy   in finance and I got into project management and  organizational Management in the marketing aspect  

    We think that you know there’s this push or pull  in the marketing world of trying to find clients   rather than placing yourself as eloquently as you  as possible and allowing that magnetism to draw   those people most necessary to you now that that  takes leap of faith patience time perseverance as  

    Well as your passion and purpose so how do you  see that with just from from that perspective   do you see evidence of that yeah because I used  to book a,1 cookie cut approach programs in how  

    To Market how to build a business because I am  a teacher as you know so I did not know how to   uh create a business and none of the cookie cut  approaches worked for me but what you just said  

    Is like this is working for me just showing up  in who I am and that is magnetizing exactly the   right people when they hear me speak about that  and when I talk about I love when people show up  

    In their weirdness because look at nature nothing  is just in order and people when they work with   me they say ah I just I’m so hesitant sharing  this aspect or sharing this picture that I have  

    And I just said go ahead yeah uh just share it  I love seeing who you are and there is no right   or own or good or bad there is and that’s the  reason I’m doing these podcasts with people that  

    You know like you that are willing to step out  and talk about this stuff to share these inner   experiences that we’re often either bereft of or  if we do have them we don’t share as we spoke of  

    Earlier because people think we’re like kind of  crazy in doing so because they’re not used to   that it’s unknown to them they don’t know how to  respond but alone interact right or share their  

    Own so my hopes are with these kind of discussions  that others will see yeah it’s okay or gosh I had   that happen to me too now I might know a better  way to deal with that right right and they don’t  

    Have it if we don’t share it and it’s funny I  was just talking with a um guy the other day that the in Target markets right we’re trying to  figure out what Target markets were for him and   his organization it’s called Beyond Being Human  so he deals with a lot of the multi-dimensional  

    Stuff and you know it’s the it’s the younger  generation and I said here’s some evidence of   we’ve got 14,000 subscribers as of today or  thereabouts and according to the statistics   that YouTube offers 65 is% of them are under  44 wow they’re they’re in between 24 and 44  

    Actually so that’s a thirsty group evidently and  I’m glad that that uh is happening one of the   main things that’s really surprising and that  177% of my viewers come from Russia oh that’s interesting it’s not interesting it’s not  so it is so intriguing right inging and I  

    Find the Russian population by and large my  wife’s Russian um and exploring their culture   their Educational Systems the kinds of things  and what we were talking about earlier with   Valentina morovan and her uh dissertation that  got her the academician title from The Academy  

    Of Sciences it was on the global mutation in  humanity and and how genetically in science   in the last decade of her studies which is what  she Drew from she found the evidence that were   of This Global Ascension that’s taking place now  that sounds really out there right but here’s a  

    Scientist that’s discovering this and sharing  it we think you know that maybe others in the   country are aware of that and that’s helping to  mold and manage their culture and personality   appearing on the global stage yeah so I think  one step in this direction is that you share  

    About it and um I’m appreciative of the fact so  I didn’t know about this scientist and I want   to dive into this study because that sounds  really intriguing it is it it’s it’s boring   it’s a dissertation you know she speaks in in  Russian and it’s uh got English subtitles and  

    Of course it you know she’s delivering her  paper so uh if you don’t like to sit in the   classroom you’re not going to like it however if  you just read what’s being said it is absolutely transformational wow so speaking of transformation  and and your process and and acknowledging that  

    Yes this new notion of how to attract clients is  more in flow where it’s based on vibr vibration   and frequency rather than advertising and whenever  I try to behave show up create in a certain way  

    That business experts told me you need to do  X Y and Z you need to wear this color just use   this just use these words it never worked for  me and I even felt like a failure well wasn’t  

    Authentic no it wasn’t it wasn’t and the more I  grew grow into my own weirdness the more I find my people yeah and that’s amazing how and and  there’s science to back that up now one of  

    The things that came out of my mouth and I often  have these just really profound things come out of   my mouth makes me wonder where the hell they come  from right yet there’s the words one of them was  

    We cannot think our way through a system built  on vibration we have to sense our way through   yeah and it’s backed up with this whole quantum  theory and even you know Urban llo kind of backs  

    It up and as the grandfather of quantum thinking  is that we have this capacity and to draw and feel where to be go and do and it goes back to  the banic philosophy again right so there’s all   of this ancient stuff how do we bring it  present and applicable on a global scale  

    Because we need it right now our planet’s in  danger our people are in danger we can’t get   along there’s people who are speaking openly  about the rationale of how to get along but   because of the polarization they’re being  seen as inauthentic or still this you know  

    Power hungry control Monger um which is kind  of again back to the critical thinking and lack   thereof we we’ve been programmed um and power  Bloom presents it eloquently in the Lucifer   principle of how a few control the media and lie  to the masses and they believe it yeah yeah to

    The so how do we shift that how would you see  that from the own personal perspective in your   own dealing how could you advise another to  look at things differently in order to glean   a more Clear Vision and less chaotic yeah so  for me it’s not about f fiding other people’s  

    Perspective because I used to do that and that  is not a long time ago that’s just a couple of   years ago um I think it is producing more of  what I believe in and spreading more of what  

    I believe in just putting the emotions and  the power into what I want to create more of   and not fighting what I don’t want to see in the  world because when I focus on what I don’t want  

    To see in the world then I create more of that  exactly where you f that’s a law of attraction   Right Where You focus your attention this how  I have eventually interpreted it we’ve got to   have and with the element of advice yeah which  I tend to always give right yeah and focus and  

    Discipline of where we put our attent attention  intention and interactions when we can get clear   on that we don’t have time for the distractions  no no and you can’t convince anyone and I just   recently talked to someone who also read I I think  you read it the psychology of the masses um which  

    Is the fear-based guidance in the way that um  systems want people to go right um I think it   is really focusing on what you want to create  more of and not fighting existing systems that  

    Is what I saw when it came to education I want it  to be the the revolutionizer no what is the word   revolutionizer revolutionizer not revolutionist no  not revolutionist that it I would say evolutionist   because again you’re not fighting Revolt means  you’re fighting against something evolving means  

    That you’re flowing naturally yeah and I think I  went from this place of oh I want to convince I   want to fight what is wrong to ah I need to let go  of this fight and of this friction that I create  

    And I want to focus more on what I want to create  more of and what I want to see in the world now we   say that what evidence can you offer in your own  life that demonstrates that that actually is true  

    And it works just going back to what I experienced  in the afternoon when I saw my son and his friend   and I just did it the other way around I just let  them be who they are and now they can came to me  

    And they ask me when can we do the next lesson  when so and they really don’t like English when   can we continue they want to grow and they want  to expand because I don’t criticize them and  

    I allow my son as as you beautifully said to be  the disruptor or the one that doubts what is the   existing um notion of something MH um so I don’t  fight that I listen deeply I just see the beauty  

    In who they are or who he is and so I can expect  his growth without any expectation but I see it   this is the evidence I see that my son is amazing  he’s going to be wonderful at what he does when it  

    Comes to relationships when it comes to a career  that might not be mainstream right well and orbe   it for a mom to be Prejudice right towards your  son uh however with your background being able   to observe that and report on it without the  emotional attachment gives it that much more  

    Credibility because it you’ve got the two there  you’re not just talking about your son it’s both   of them where two or more are gathered right  the old saying was there am I also um and it’s   true because you’ve got that Collective curiosity  creativity Innovation willingness to explore the  

    Other and each other yeah as far as the goal that  you have in front of you now imagine that guys if   if we could do that more often how much fun we  would have with life instead of having you know  

    The the Monday blues you know Mondays you we need  to have Mondays like Fridays right how can we make   that absolutely absolutely and I just needed to  laugh because you talking about evidence what is   an interesting and maybe a really positive  development I [Music] see serious grounded  

    Businessmen I need to make a pause and women  open up to discovering their human design their   energetic blueprint their business energetics and  rely on that they are uh they have this energetic   blueprint and that that this is so speaking their  language that’s their Competitive Edge I don’t  

    Want to see people be competitive but they they  grow in to who they are and they don’t need to   have this elbow mentality anymore because they are  individuals that thrive without the pressure that   they put on themselves the control they from the  outer competition to the inner competition with  

    S I don’t know let’s see what I can do right  and then it’s surprising to you which is also   surprising to the others because you’ve taken that  competitive got to be better than you yeah out of  

    The picture you know you just have to be better  than you right so I did not convince them I did   not fight people that said oh that is woo woo crap  what you are talking about so I can be there and  

    When people are attracted by what I say what I  do what I offer fine but I don’t put in energy   to convince or fight anyone yeah that’s that’s no  need it’s a waste of energy anymore now in order  

    To we’re kind of coming up on our time together  for now um what would you suggest for others   that they may be able to explore for themselves  and see evidence in a relatively quick manner in  

    Their lives based on the work that you do so and  your own discoveries yeah so what I discovered is   one huge aspect is knowing thyself and could  be just discovering the ancestral lineage or   false narrative or the energetic blueprint and  I think that is the major aspect know thyself  

    And then getting rid of everything that is not  you makes you grow into your magnificence and   uh without any effort and that is really a fast  process because I just had a lady who signed up  

    For three like 90 minute sessions with me and she  sent me an email and she said and she was really   devastated she said life is like a V vacation  because I see everything through different eyes  

    And that is such a major shift there is no um  time Factor it doesn’t have to take years and   years of putting the work in there is something  that is possible in a very short amount of time  

    When you are open to maybe a Cutting Edge process  and maybe not so Cutting Edge maybe it’s just   natural within you seems Cutting Edge because  you never thought about it before right and we   do those things that that we tend to move beyond  the simple because we think it’s too simple it’s  

    Got to be complex that’s how our nature we got to  categorize title label you know compartmentalize   everything especially from a Mal’s perspective so  that we can manage it all well that’s that’s you  

    Trying to manage it what do you what we flip that  and let it manage Us by the way we’re able to pay   attention to what’s coming to us I I what do you  think of the theory of life like a individual like  

    A Tess right you’re familiar with the the geom  geometric Cube that morphs and is constantly   enveloping itself so I perceive that you know our  intentions are like the extension of the tessera   where it goes out and it touches things we don’t  know what those are going to be yet but it’s our  

    Creation right because it’s what we’ve intended  to create and then as we continue in our life   on a daily basis kind of like Ry says when you  have the question let life answer it right so   you experience that and you envelop what you’ve  created because it’s seeking you just the same as  

    You’re seeking it yeah how how could we first of  all does that make sense second of all how do we   apply that more often yeah so it makes 100% sense  and how do we apply it so what came to my mind  

    Immediately when listening to you was we should  so I want to avoid those words um let’s shift from   being driven by the past whatever the past is is  if this is this life or many lifetimes but as you  

    Said you are so and that is for me it is thoughts  and emotions that you put out there that create   your future from where you are now so you are  driven or pulled by a future that you co-created  

    Or created if that makes sense absolutely does  and I see it as harvesting our past yeah and   just cutting the cords of all the negative false  narrative defa SEC Tre running through your brain   and veins and energetic fields and create this  future where your thoughts and your emotions when  

    They come together they are like a like a canvas  force a force yeah I love that yeah cool cool so   paron gift for our audience a gift yes a gift  so there are many gifts that I can offer what  

    Comes to mind is uh whenever someone is open to a  human design chart reading and I can call it human   design chart start reading in your show uh because  that is known I do it in a slightly different very  

    Intuitive way I GI um 30 minute sessions where  people can get in touch with their chart or just   go in a certain direction on a surface level but  they walk away with a lot of benefit or the other  

    Thing is that I I I totally enjoy I carve out  space for people I call them illumin calls when   there is a blockage a pain point that they want  to heal and just think of pain in a huge variety  

    Um I just listen to them listen deeply and they  are in they have center stage and we figure out   what does it take to solve that what are the next  steps what is possible and where does this come  

    From why do they feel like they are pulled back or  they can’t move on or they can’t resolve that or   there is a lot of frustration I give them as well  that is my illumination call that is 40 minutes  

    Just for you well what speaking of treasure troes  what yes thank you so much Patricia this has just   been an awesome conversation that was deep and  wide and formative and engaging inspiring and   inviting others to step up into their greatness  and thank you for that thank you so much Zen for  

    Your beautiful questions for offering this safe  and Sacred Space and for having me on your show   my pleasure always and Namaste and in lak’  ech thank you for sticking with us for this   episode episode of One World in a new world I’m  your host Zen Benefiel and I will see you next time

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