Explore the resurgence of 20-minute neighbourhood concepts under a new guise as we uncover local councils’ covert strategies to curb car usage. Discover how local governments are pushing forward plans they may not have the resources to fulfill, impacting communities and transportation. Join us in dissecting the implications of these initiatives and questioning the feasibility and intentions behind such schemes.


    https://www.patreon.com/LSBRealSolutions4U “Take Back Control”


    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:12 News article
    00:03:05 My thoughts

    Hello and welcome to the Channel so according to the easn Daily Press more than 20 of norfolk’s towns and Villages could be made better for cyclist and pedestrians through the ambitious new blueprints this article is written by Dan Grimmer the plans for towns ranging from achl to Windom would be used to push for

    Money to install new cycle Lanes fo paths and pedestrian Crossings norford County council’s local cycling and walking infrastructure plan aims to get more people cycling and walking improving their health at the same time as helping reduce Reliance on cars we know what that means the County Council says that plans along with the

    Connected walking wheeling and cycling strategy will support the government Target for 50% of all Journeys in towns and cities to be walked or cycled by 2030 oh it’s that magic number again isn’t it 2030 the council produced maps showing potential improvements in acle atra alsam chroma darum disc Downer Market

    Fakenham harston heathersett halt hunstanton heum long Stratton North bam ream sheringham spam Thetford Waton roxom hon and Windam while there is no money immediately aail ailable for the changes the idea is that identifying Roots can be prioritized for money from the government or Developers for instance in Attleboro

    Where thousands of new homes are planned a route would go from London Road to norid Road connecting existing residential areas with Central services employment areas and schools and in fakenham where 950 homes are planned north of the Town one proposed route would link those to the town center schools and

    Workplaces the council’s conservative controlled cabinet is due to approve the plan and strategy when it comes into meeting next month when it comes in next month sorry but the authorities or infrastructure and development committee discussed the proposals earlier this week David the councilor’s Strategic transport manager team manager

    Acknowledged that this was an ambitious strategy which was not currently funed but he said we have got a good track record of drawing in funding and the strategy will help us to do that councilors were supportive of the strategy with coun with conservative James benley saying it could boost

    Tourism and Robert Savage toru counselor for Windam said I welcome this proposal but I note it will be up about five years before any of them happen work has already been carried out in the counties three largest settlements Norwich kingsling and Great Yarmouth so what’s my view on this so it

    Would appear and seem that local government are still very much focused on the idea of reducing cars and the push for the encouragement of walking and cycling which if you saw some of the counselors in local government you would be forgiven for thinking that they had never done either but I digress after

    The huge uproar caused in the town of thatford when the proposal of a 20-minute neighborhood was published in this very paper where the incredibly gifted Lana Hensel was shocked to hear that cloud Schwab had stolen her brilliant idea where in a room packed of concerned people she and other

    Counselors gave their assurances that nobody who owned a car would be penalized or restricted from traveling freely the reality however seems to tell a different story it would appear that the same plans are being considered but under a different name even though Council lack the funds to see it through

    So is there really any substance to this story or are they just trying to wind us up by planting seeds in our subconscious hoping that by giving our time energy and focus to it we will somehow materialize it into fruition in order for money to be spent

    On a project like this something has to give councils clearly lack the money to fix existing roads which are becoming more and more dangerous to navigate on so what is the real deal here as always always let me know in the comments what you and how you feel about this and

    Until next time take care and see you again soon bye for now


    1. The councils have changed the narrative and renamed their plans but they are very much alive.. here in St Helens they have just called is "Liveable Neighbourhoods" instead.. with talk about 20mph and LTN's amung other things like cycling and wheeling and what not.

    2. Wehave a plan But we have no money. I want a Farrari but I don’t have any money. So I don’t go anywhere as I don’t have a bike and my legs only allow me to walk 1/2 mile in ne go. I live 5 miles from a bus route and can’t afford taxis . I am dying of starvation .But that’s all fine as my pension will stop when I die. which is what the bastards want .

    3. So we are going back in time. Tribes living apart from other tribes. No transport Sounds to me like we were here centuries ago. There truly is nothing new under the sun.

    4. It appears that the Government and councils have plans for the UK population. What plans do the Government and councils have for themselves. Transparency appears to be a Foreign language to them

    5. I hope we all realise that the 'funding' these tyrants talk about is "OUR" money, (the UK tax paying public). I presume that Norfolk Council is holding a 'referendum' on these proposals ? No.. of course they're not are they. It's all leading to no private ownership of motor vehicles as stated very clearly on many occasions by the WEF at their Davos meetings. Remember; "You'll own nothing and be happy". They mean it !

    6. Yeah right. These council idiots are unaccountable and (think they are) untouchable. They just spent £100000 on a flaming brick wall in Heartsease. Block them in their own houses.

    7. The act of union 1707 provides constitution for free movement (without a passport) in the dominions and plantations and the nations that make up Great Britain. But more over if there is a monetary allocation and listed in the council tax budget roads etc then what are they doing with the money if not spending it on the roads and pavements?

    8. We have a similar proposal in Clacton,which they are calling Hartley Gardens,which will basically fill in fields between local villages west of Clacton. And Colchester is expanding into villages towards Clacton,which will end up as a Brough of Colchester city eventually unless we stop it. We are planning a public meeting in April

    9. Covering the land with concrete, has an adverse impact upon the environment. Local government policies make no sense. Local councils are not paying for the cycle lanes, they're getting extra money that is ring fenced for the purpose of cycle lanes.

    10. Already proven that driving at 20mph increases pollution, I had to drive slower than that last Wednesday evening, cyclist in front of me, could hardly see him, wasn't wearing a helmet, wasn't wearing anything that could easily identify him, and no lights on the bike. The car behind was so impatience, he nearly tried to overtake me, if he had done so, he would have knocked the guy of his bike due to his speed. It was clear that the car driver behind me couldn't see the cyclist in front of me either.

    11. Well in King's Lynn the cycle lanes from St Germans to Hunstanton but I don't see that being used that much and the tourists are not going to cycle all the way there but if you haven't buckled your wheels on the way to the cycle lanes in all the big potholes but I presume they will start blaming the Russians for the potholes blaming them for making bomb craters😊

    12. Who do these bloody councillors think they are to tell me how to keep healthy? Councillors should concentrate on fixing pot holes and cleaning our rivers which is what they are there for, not telling me how to live my life.

    13. The council is overstepping its piwers and duties. Stick to what your paid to do. They have NO RIGHT trying to tell us how to live our lives. Just enoty the bins and keep your big government deas to youeself. Numpteyes 😮

    14. goes to show these councils are out of control…just got a "BILL" for council tax and they are well aware i am disabled and my benefits are inalienable inline with the social securities administration act 1992…even actions by my mp has not stopped them harassing me and involving debt collectors…all good fun….peace

    15. I doubt if any of this was in a manifesto by any party when the last local election was held! This is the program drawn up by the World Economic Form which has NO jurisdiction in any country on the planet so why are all these local councils all scrabbling to get on board! Local councils have a duty to see to bin collections, street lighting and road maintenance, all of which they have let slide due to their intoxication with the WEF and that other interloper DEI! WHICH HAS RUINED MOST PLACES IT HAS BEEN INTRODUCED!

    16. I'm 78 this year and live in hilly Devon. Cycle lanes are useless in a town with as many hills as we have. Yet our council is intent on making more cycle lanes. One of the projects that they have increased the Council Tax for. I was a keen cyclist as a child and teen, but not in Torbay. I tried it in Torbay when I first retired. There is no room on our narrow roads for cyclist, it's dangerous and the diesel fumes could choke you, and if not the hills could give you a heart attack. The people behind this don't cycle. You ever seen a councilor on a bicycle? Or a mayor? Nah, I thought not.

    17. Better get the old horse riding gear on and fatten up old Neddie – maybe invest in a cart for her to pull for shopping trips to the garden nursery and the like. lol!! What a load of baloney. Where the hell is the money going to come from?? Can you honestly see the likes of these so called Conservative counsellors walking or biking to meetings and such. Thanks Kris, keep up the good work. 💚

    18. They are building 950 homes in fakenham and an 11million leisure centre but in fakenham town half the shops are shut so where are these people going to work and most of the large houses are not for locals they mostly sold to people who have moved out of the cities.Plus do we get free bikes like everyone else I doubt it.

    19. Plus in most villages it will take more than 20 mins to bike anywhere if you can cycle that far ,idiots .It's someone who works in a office that doesn't cycle anywhere making stupid rules that won't work. There is a tiny bit of a cycle lane in fakenham but you can't ride in it because of the drains .

    20. Roads already exist for cycling, all it takes is a white stripe on the side for them to travel in. Oh wait a minute they are also on most roads 🤔🤣👍💚💛❤️

    21. What the bloody hell are they doing following WEF mandates when no one voted for or are able to vote for the wef , this is all part of their one world government plan for 2030 , when are the public going to wake up at what they are trying to do , the no borders climate and indeed the covid scare is all part of their plan going back years , the end result here is you will not own your own transport and like comrad Klaus Schwab says you will not have your own car you will hire them of them and you will own nothing and you will be happy , yeh right , ITS TIME YOU WOKE UP to this nonsense this council are any council that try’s to bring in these 15 Minuit enclaves should be kicked out immediately

    22. Breckland council are tory driven and in an unrelated star wars quote , "there has never Been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy"…… Seriously though, these people spend so, SO much time in meeting I'm shocked they can come up with any ideas even shockingly bad ones like this….. wonder where the tax will come from if people stopped driving…….

    23. totaly ignoring the splended weather we have for over three months of the late year..these policies do not come from councilors they are set internationaly by non elected mongrals in the un and such,given forrce by the daft compliant party political system the mugs in this country call democracy,by voting in this crap.. ha ha ha.

    24. Hiding it again are they. It's all about jabbing and tagging us the the grid with 5g to take over us and control us all. Like a motherboard they don't want us loose chips walking about disconnect. They want us in a shoe box with the head set on playing there games. They're not patching me up with there apps. 15 minute city is there to stop us foraging and collecting water, they will stave us to death if we don't win this.

    25. Not sure what is going on but every video I watch on your channel the sound isn’t in sync with what you’re saying. Might be me but wondering if others have noticed. Totally agree with everything you say though, keep up the good work.

    26. Yes, it's all to 'support the government, its not about helping any of us, look at the state of this country, run by businessmen and power hungry freaks!! All of this is more to do with pushing for their Agenda. Control corrupt government!!!

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