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    1. When two people are at fault, it falls on the person driving a two ton piece of metal ,who has supposed to have passed a test in order to qualify them to drive, to drive accordingly.

    2. This is a junction that Mikey knows incredibly well. It’s directly opposite where he catches all the mobile phone users (nothing wrong with that!). He knows full well that it’s one of the more jankey junctions around, that goes from two lanes to one basically as it goes across the junction with a left kink thrown in, it requires road users to work together with a bit of give and take. The traffic light is already green as Mikey arrives. Why not just stay behind the Mercedes Mikey? Almost all drivers knowing that junction would have held back and slotted in behind.

    3. Hi Mikey -there seems to be a rather sad, pathetic troll brigade on your comments of late, who are obviously trying to put your reporting of dangerous and illegal driving down. That and porn redirection spam. Keep up the good work and don't feed the trolls.

    4. Was the right turn originally allowed when the lanes were marked out. It's a nasty junction with both lanes marked to go ahead. The approach road needs the markings sorting out to make a safe entry.
      Poor marking, poor driving and poor riding caused a close situation. Rider or driver could and should have made this a non incident.

    5. That was your fault. He was not steering into you. He was going straight ahead. You should have held back. He was always in front of you. I wonder if some of these are deliberate to make the footage?

    6. Already loads of comments going that it's Mikey's fault.
      Firs things first, if you would've done it differently that doesn't mean Mikey's at fault or the driver isn't at fault. You drive and cycle however you find comfortable and if you don't endanger anyone, great, you do you.
      But as the Dutch PSA went "Ritsen 'n goeie gewoonte" (Merging, a healthy habit). You're supposed to check if there's room before you push your vehicle on another lane. This is also true for every other maneuver that makes you swap lanes. I'll honestly say that I don't know about the highway code, but in the Netherlands changing lanes for any reason is considered a 'special maneuver' where you have to give everyone priority.

      It takes only 2 to 3 seconds to check the rear view mirror, the side mirror, physically look slightly over your shoulder, use the blinkers (seeing a lot of comments you don't need to do that, I would, but if that's true you can skip this step), and then start your merge.

      Now I will agree that the driver isn't the only one at fault here. What the fuck is up with this intersection? Two lanes, with each a "go straight only arrow", each lane a traffic light (also parking in both lanes!), and at the other side of the intersection there's only 1 lane? Did the engineer lose a bet? Does he have a car repair shop? You could argue that this is because it's a road redesign and they were stuck with how the old space was used unless they wanted to make it more expensive. But here's a thought; take all the parked cars on the left, join them with the cars on the right, and angle them at a 45 degree angle. There's no reason to add conflict on conflict areas like intersections.

    7. In The Netherlands we do have something called (translated) "Traffic educational measure". The costs may vary between €700 and €1.300 and in time 17 hours. It is enforced in cases of very dangerous road behaviour

    8. Looking at the road markings both lanes go straight on yet there isn't enough room, while the car should have waited for you, you can see what the issue was

    9. Driver at fault for sure, didn't check mirrors for filtering cyclists before setting off and cut the corner. The passenger definitely has a phone in their hand and seems to be looking down and towards the driver, could the driver also have their phone out? It does look like a possibility, as they're clearly distracted with poor observations, road position and a bit slow off the line.

      There is a learning point for defensive cycling here though, which is to not put yourself in a pinch point like this. As the lights change, with a 'no right turn', it's clear this vehicle is either going ahead or possibly turning left without indicating. Overtaking on the left when there is ambiguity over this vehicle's road position and direction is surrendering control of the situation to the competency of the driver.

    10. @CyclingMikey I think that's a harsh punishment for the driver, Mikey.
      You were overtaking on their left, in their blind spot.
      I know they shouldn't have crossed the solid line, but it's very understandable.
      You could have easily avoided the danger by slowing down a little at 0:24 when you can clearly see they're drifting left.

      I am a staunch advocate for bicycle and pedestrian rights, and usually take their side – but I think this is the wrong call.

    11. I'm normally with you Mikey, but really, you could have cycled more defensively here. Yes the driver was at fault, but a sensible cyclist would have anticipated that sort of manoeuvre and hung back accordingly.

    12. It was a lane change and dangerous. I’ve had near misses like this where I’m in a bus lane and as it ends a car in the adjacent lane swings in as if I don’t exist. At the same time, this junction needs tuning if it is two lanes merging after the lights. Traffic planners like that as they can get twice as many vehicles through the lights in the same green phase, provided that there’s no queue in front and everyone merges safely. They’re bad for cyclists in general though -here is just an example of a specific driver making it worse than normal

    13. Poor driving, bad junction design, and I do reckon cycling into confrontation a little. A fair bit of time where I reckon I'd have slowed to avoid the situation.

    14. While you're technically in the right here, given the other driver changes lanes into you before the lanes end, that wouldn't help you if you got seriously hurt. On balance, it's best to just let the other driver merge in front first, especially since it was quite plain to see what they were about to do, given the configuration of this junction (which, tbf, is absolute dogshit).

      Sometimes the road is badly designed and you have to expect drivers to negotiate the road in predictable ways that contravene the markings. The driver's manoeuvre here was 100% predictable, and I'd very surprised if it did actually catch you off guard given how much experience you have on these roads.

    15. wat een enorme (censuur)!
      hij kijkt waarschijnlijk alleen in een spiegel als hij zijn haartjes kamt…
      (wat ik vrijwel nooit doe, ik heb geen spiegel nodig voor mijn kapsel. ik gebruik wel de spiegels op mijn e-bike, omdat je daarmee meestal flink hard rijdt en tegelijkertijd de weg voor je neus in de gaten moet blijven houden.)

    16. That's one strange lane set-up – the lanes basically merge into one another and cause a bottleneck-effect at the lights.

      That road is crazy.

    17. The merge must have started before the yellow box junction as there was only one lane after that box. Im all for you Mikey. But,this time i have to agree with the car. He was merging first as you entered the box. Your a good guy who does a good job around London. But,were all human whether we walk drive or crawl. And we are all guilty of getting it wrong despite what the police say in this instance. You put some leg work in to undercut him Mikey it seems. You seemed to go faster when you noticed the possibility of a challenge. Keep catching scum on phones. Im not against you. I often watch your channel and in 99% of cases agree but,not this one. And im talking to Mikey here. Not biased cyclist or drivers.

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