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    Salut à tous ! pour cet épisode ,nous revenons sur la série des “Grand Theft Auto” depuis le premier datant de 1997, jusqu’au dernier GTA V sorti en 2013 .

    Voici le programme :

    *Grand Theft Auto 1 ,Octobre 1997
    *La polémique fait vendre le jeu
    *Le principe du jeu et sa conception
    *Londres au premier plan
    *GTA 2 ,les années 60
    *La fin de la première génération , Rockstar reprend la main et voit plus grand pour le futur
    *GTA 3 sur PS2
    *Un nouveau monde en 3D
    *Une pléiade de véhicules et de destructions
    *Un monde ouvert autonome
    *Un jeu scénarisé qui reprend les codes d’Hollywood
    *GTA Vice City , l’aboutissement du scénario
    *La bande sonore et l’immersion dans les années 80
    *Le meilleur selon les fans
    *Miami , les Jamaicains ,Scarface et le Parrain
    *La météo dynamique
    *Les modes font leur apparition sur PC et consoles
    *GTA San Andreas et les années 90
    *Un héros afro-américain
    *Le gangsta rap ,Ice cube ,2Pac,Snoop et la NWA au premier plan
    *Los Angeles ,San Francisco et Las Vegas
    *Une carte géante et plusieurs villes pour le plus grand plaisir des joueurs
    *Avions ,hélicoptères et propriétés privées
    *Une durée de vie énorme
    *GTA IV sur PS3
    *New york et Manhattan pour la première fois
    *Les Russes envahissent la ville
    *Une histoire dans un monde début années 2000
    *Un mode online révolutionnaire
    *GTA Lost and Damned et Gay Tony ,les add-ons
    *Boites de nuit et motards
    *GTA V , Los Angeles de retour en 2013
    *La ps4 change la donne avec la HD et un monde ouvert jamais atteint auparavant
    *Encore plus de réalisme dans la vie de cette ville reconstituée jusqu’aux moindres détails
    *Un mode histoire délaissé avec des missions insipides
    *Le mode online sauve la franchise de l’oubli après 2014

    [Music] ர [Music] one [Music] Hello everyone and welcome to a new show so we’re going to talk about GTA the series GTA grand Z Toto we’ve all been playing this game for a while and we wonder a little how Rockstar came up with the idea of ​​creating this series we are going to talk about this Rockstar franchise

    With Nico how are you Nico listen it’s going very very well then I I’m really very happy to talk about of GTA it was on the 8 p.m. television news so in 97 8 maybe 98 even in fact there had been

    A scandal in the United States there had been several children who had gone crazy which had killed or injured people with firearms and of course when there is this kind of thing we always blame it on video games and they had talked about GTA at that

    Time they had shown images of one of a of a character who shot at the police who could explode cars and it’s true that it had a little impact on me and a few days later uh I have a friend who told me well if you want to engrave him burned games

    So at the time that already existed the burning of PC games because I at the time here 97 98 I was on good I had the Saturn I had the I played a lot more on PC and he

    Told me well if you want you if you don’t know I have GTA uh he told me yeah I have to test GTA it’s great and it’s true that well I tested the game and I I became quite addicted to

    This game it was the first time you had a kind of Open World so it was seen from above so it’s true that now when you want to play a game like that uh you say but it’s it’s it’s it’s ridiculous it’s true that now this one has really aged very badly

    Eh finally uh you had seen from above and then well it’s true that the taking into account hand at the beginning it wasn’t easy eh especially uh me who had the keyboard it wasn’t easy but I got

    Used to it and then well it’s a game that I loved playing because there you were you could do what What did you want quite simply HM but it’s true that it’s a series uh which is

    A little out of the ordinary because we know uh of course uh the hypocrisy of the Americans and then of the governed moment like the English also that we ban the game Australia also I think that yeah yes Australia yeah who had banned this kind of game that’s when we

    Know what is happening in the United States with the shootings in the high schools and so on besides I wonder if I mean the kill that had had in Colombine there it’s not at that time

    So uh no it in 99 that and that they had they had put they had said that it was Marlin Monson who was in on it because they had listened to a lot, well, it was a kid who loved

    Marily Manson and then he had blamed him in fact that this music was satanic and things like that they didn’t have let’s talk about video games for that one I don’t remember that okay but there had been killings then it wasn’t big mass killings there it wasn’t

    A mass killing like there had been in for Colombine there were really accidents a kid who shot his father there were no major deaths there had been injuries too and that they had really blamed on GTA in fact ah okay okay but it’s still

    Surprising because when you see this game graphically again you wonder at what point the game is violent because ultimately it’s a shooting game seen from above et cetera it’s true that you shoot pawns who look like police officers but in the spirit I mean it

    Remains a game a video game it remains a video game after what I find violent in quotes above it is that now the the the GTA you don’t have to run over a pedestrian you don’t have to kill a cop you see secondary agreement at the time on the other hand to get

    A few points sometimes you had to crush a whole bunch of a whole bunch of passersby actually agree that was it in quotes, the violence and then you had to kill the cops to try to escape well there you can do it too now but you see now you are

    Someone apart from an enemy of d ‘a mission is secondary you are not obliged you can very well walk in the street and uh and well do what you want but there in the first GTA

    You were not as free and at one point well you had a car and you had well I’m going to explain something to you eh for example there is there is an example uh you had a car and at one point you had some soldiers who were jogging as marine soldiers who were

    Dressed in orange they were jogging and each time if you uh if you crushed them if you managed to score a strike by crushing the 10 or 12 people there were uh that earned you a lot of points in fact you see okay so it’s true that in the first GTA

    Crushing people you are the cops that gives you a bonus now uh it’s I’m not saying that it’s going to give you a penalty because you don’t lose points but it’s secondary what h it’s true that today it’s more of an avoidance we try to avoid the police to escape now

    It’s exe it’s we’re we’re not against them nor the story mode is not in relation with the police for killings and so on it’s that’s it it’s a story mode in gangs and then there’s order plus freedom you have more other things to do it’s true that in

    The beginning of the first GTA you had your mission and then after that you could walk around the city but you had you had nothing to do in fact you couldn’t go buy cigarettes you could

    N’t go for a walk in the forest and things like that because in addition there in the GTA there you have the three cities the first GTA you have the three cities you have Liberty City Saint Andreas and uh

    And Vice City except that in fact ultimately the cities look the same okay you don’t have of you have no desert you have no of finally if you have the beach but it’s it’s very secondary if you want you

    Can’t you can’t swim that’s it ENF you have lots of things like that which you I was n’t as free here but it’s it’s surprising because it’s a very small studio basically which is at the head of the creation of GTA it’s a small Scottish studio which is called DMA design

    Yeah uh so the game which was released in October 97 on uh on Microsoft Windows PS1 and Game Boy Color backs so I don’t think it was released on PS1 at the same time as the PC did you have uh

    On PC it is released in December yeah it came out a month later uh after me as I told you uh the PC version I never played because here I had the version sorry PlayStation

    I never played because uh I didn’t have it finally I didn’t have a console I no longer had the PC version and in addition Rockstar didn’t have the rights to this game you don’t have to wait for the

    2 the GTA 2 there the publisher is BMG interactive and Tech2 Tech2 which is now uh if I do n’t say nonsense everything is it NBA Tok uh smackdon r finally you finally see WWE now uh that’s it but

    Yeah it’s a small studio and I think they are for a first game they are good I find it difficult all the same because it’s it’s new as a type of game what it is

    It’s true that we can talk about it it’s a game which revolutionized a little the Open World on console with a free mission system and you who move around the map to choose a little what

    You do I wouldn’t say that it’s a it’s it’s a copy of what she can do after Electronic Arts with the Sims or things like that but it’s in the same spirit that is to say that we are

    Free to do a little bit what we want and then there you go it’s not scripted it’s not a scripted world there is always side missions from right to left that we can take in the direction we want

    After I know that I’m going to be honest the very first GTA I have I haven’t done it at all because graphically he put me off quite a bit on PS1 yeah of course I understand but on PS1 he

    Was less beautiful than on the PC already it was less colorful it was more messy with pixels in fact well it was a view from above with one of was there a piece of 3D or really it was

    That 2D no no no so in fact the only 3D moment in quotes was certain cutscenes but you didn’t have many in fact okay there were cutscenes already okay there were some cutscenes but it was very short and on the other hand the game itself is in 2D seen

    From above for those who know kickof it’s a bit like kickof what’s that if we can if we can give an equivalent what okay agreement and there compared to what I see on certain certain sites it was said that Liberty City on the first GTA looked more like New

    York while in GTA 3 the Liberty City is more D3 anyway VO it is that’s that that’s that that has nothing to do with the that has nothing to do with the the the cities of now in fact with the Liberty

    City I even tell you Saint-Andreas which is more of a city with desert and stuff like that you didn’t have it the desert in saint-andrea it was more of a grass town I remember that with

    The I haven’t played again since but the memories I have are you have a few PL d ‘water you have grass but you don’t have desert at all actually okay okay but in terms of the map did you have the opportunity to go and do tuning or things like so you

    P then tuning no but you could trick your car yeah you could repair your car because after a while you had a sound signal that your car was not running because of having crashed into into into cars in buildings yeah the car it made

    A noise but really a lot of noise so in fact you had to go and have your car repaired you also had the workshop to put a bomb in your car and then afterwards well if you want you

    Got out of your car you had 3 or 4 seconds to leave and then it exploded if you want h and it’s true that this game was released at a time when we could add sound effects so that what What memory do you have of the soundtrack that could

    Have been, was it just special effects or did you already have fake radios on the first GTA uh so I don’t have too many memories no no in fact if you want you didn’t have any you had you had music it was a sound frond if you want you had

    [Music] or it was the music that was inside the car you could no, it was really well done you also had uh you didn’t have a cell phone you had the tattoo you know there you had the little beiper what’s that and that put you well go go to

    This place I’ll find you or something like that or that could warn you for example you had cars in the game which were trapped so you got into the car that put you on you

    Wanted to steal my car you’re going to see what will happen to you and then you had 3 seconds to leave the car otherwise it would explode for example you see okay and then you had you had a city atmosphere which was quite transcribed ultimately uh if you passed

    By people killedlistened to talk but it was really little sentences which were which was not [Music] long he had a little interaction already with a little interaction and then what was good was with the with the cops what you knew straight away you recognize when you played

    GTA 1 you put the sound of [Music] cop like that you see it was funny frankly the sound that there was at the time it was it was funny little by little well you’re going to see them

    From the 3rd you’re going to see the real music and there it will have another another dimension of course another dimension that’s it yeah yeah but it’s it’s funny because I think we’ll talk about the music again especially for Vice City and San Andreas which have taken over huge tubes

    It’s somom there because it’s true that if you if you go back a little later a little more early for us in 2017 or 2013 with it’s not well it’s not great it’s great music here it’s the

    Music of now and which before well it was really about a specific era and that’s it but besides I have I have two or three little anecdotes that we will talk about in relation to music

    Maybe you are aware of it or not I don’t know but it’s it’s funny things to know uh so on the first GTA well there it was not necessarily a commercial success I found in relation to the sales figures it went a little unnoticed because of the controversy

    As you say helped to launch the game in made on the scene it was it sold well thanks to that after the month of December there were people who came back to this game saying but what is

    This game everyone is talking about it and finally because it was already at that time I know that there were big h’s already coming out on PS1 yeah anyway that’s it but that’s it but in fact

    The big flaw in the game is when even the graphics which is not which is not up to par there are games which are much more much more beautiful for for that year what are you looking at

    A I don’t know a Tomb Raider I don’t know there are there are plenty games like that Final Fantasy 7 also I think which came out around the same time at the same time which are much prettier there it’s it’s

    A bit of a pile of pixels and I’ll tell you something it’s that well I was a kid I played it I played it a lot it hurt my eyes quite a bit and I even remember that sometimes at night

    When I was sleeping I dreamed of the game so much that it took over your brain what if what do you want okay I’m not saying that you were becoming I’m not saying that you were becoming violent by shooting people

    But it’s that the view the view the view from above like that it was going quite quickly and more eh it wasn’t there yeah you had to react quickly you see and and for me I dreamed about it the night of this

    Game what not necessarily because I loved this game but it was because it went so quickly that the images afterwards they are mixed in your in your brain what yeah no I can understand there are

    Games like that like out yeah here which are quite quite pixelated which which in the end leaves you TR when you sleep if you have play too much yeah and just to give an equivalent of the top view

    For those who know of a game which was released quite recently it was recently now 6 years ago that it was released but it’s is HL Miami you see it’s exactly the same the same shot it’s from above what in fact here it is ah okay and were there

    Already bank robberies in the first GTA or not there there was no no no you could you could steal cars but you had you could enter any building in fact okay the garages things like that that’s all but it only happened in the street there you had no

    Possibility of to go into an apartment or a house you could steal the train also I remember yeah you couldn’t walk on the train line because otherwise you would get electrocuted but you could take the train you well it wasn’t the train

    Was a metro it was the metro in fact it was a kind of tram or a metro you could steal it if I don’t say anything stupid you could even yes you could steal it you could derail the Fire

    Too yeah but there you had no possibility of entering a building what and in terms of the save system in this first GTA did you have to end the show to save or you well ah no no no there you could save you relied on me it was on the

    Console you pressed escape you saved then it took you back to where you were in fact okay and in terms of playing time this first GTA how long you could do it finish it in how long then uh or I don’t know you could probably finish it quite quickly

    But you still had several missions in the three cities which in fact okay it’s something we’re going to say which is based on TR 3 4 hours something like that ah maybe a little the more I tell you, I finished it much later because at the beginning I did I didn’t

    Necessarily do the mission there was just one day when I said to myself well why not the whole game I had to spend a week at a rate of 1 hour of play per day which you see well it’s not

    Really good all the time but uh uh but yeah you I think there was still a little bit of a little a few hours to play with it anyway because there were a lot of missions

    Per city even though we know that at the time I mean the games on PS1 were 650 m maximum and I remember that the GTA the very first it was around 400 m so finally uh it’s

    True that the fact that graphically it is not very supportive and demanding on the CD I I think that yeah it could exceed certain games on the console at the era which lasted 3 years while being armored with cinematic images and so on, the graphics I think were quite simple and that

    Could increase the lifespan in terms of the game, we will have to look at how many about time this game lasted but I think yeah around 5 6 he you could finish it in my opinion yeah that must be it I think yeah it’s possible was there something at the end you

    Had one think where you had a cutscene and then after no it stopped there in fact so well you had nothing that was unlocked eh it’s not like now you had you had you had finished well afterwards well you could walk in the street you could

    Simply redo the missions and did you have the choice between several protagonists yeah so I don’t know how many I don’t remember but I know you had a guy called amor flel ah okay uh you had uh I think I wonder if you didn’t have a woman

    In it was it a translation of the English names because there for example I have English names but well of course there is Travis all that but That’s in fact the game. In fact the game was in English originally and you had to choose the French translation in it in fact okay

    So it was the the the names the English names amfel it’s called Amel even in England what does cordcord even in the Anglo-Saxon countries what okay okay yeah it’s we’re going to say that in any

    Case it’s it’s the basis of the game grand Z auto that is to say that it’s the great thefts of car that’s the name it starts from there it’s a game which is based mainly on carjcking and then the

    Discovery of the city through the car I just saw that there are radio stations in in GTA GTA in the first but I think it’s a lot of the DJ what music DJ music you see you have trans techno you have a little bit of country it depends where you’re going

    Actually agreement but it’s it’s not in fact it’s always the same it’s almost always the same composers you see you have corner you have Jamy dton so I don’t know if it’s people known in the middle of the music or if it’s musicians like that who are independent

    There but I don’t remember recognizing any of the real sounds in it it was it was more there you listen to the music but even in the car in fact yeah yeah yeah of course if the doors when the doors were closed you just listen to the background noise what h but it’s

    True that it’s it’s a little episode that had difficulty getting started and then which became, however, it worked well in the Anglo-Saxon countries in France, there it was, unfortunately, a little denigrated because there was its violent side and you know that in France, there’s the

    Video game straight away that can make a child very very violent it can make a child a terrorist because of video games like that it’s true that we were already worried about the state of health of children are video games is a drug can video games

    Create split personalities in people there are questions about in how to say the TV shows of the big debates in quotes uh with Christophe de Chavane where you said it’s my choice in France right away it’s hello there we are there or

    There it was quite limited debates there was no there wasn’t yet youtube Things like that which allowed you to see things to see what was happening abroad but we will say that people were already worried about the mental health of certain players in relation

    To the games played but at that time still 97 you had games like Resident Evil ah well there you go you still had games which were quite quite violent he more than that therefore which was graphically more explicit than let’s say that there it was rape if you want in fact it was

    Gratuitous violence in fact because you could attack anyone, quite simply, you killed animals in your Brador, we killed animals, yes, yes, you killed animals, dinosaurs, people, extinct animals, that’s it, yes. that’s exactly it no but hey it’s true that I think that there is no harm I mean in worrying about

    The health of your children but there were games much more uh uh how can I say dangerous for the health of the players I think only those who had epileptic seizures or things like that compared to complicated games there GTA if you watch the game again I think it will

    Make you laugh more than anything else thing by the way it would have been funny if he made a little story eg in the GTA 5 by putting the first GTA for free ah well on the other hand it was free

    On the Rockstar site and was even available on Steam uh there is there some time ago but we could play again we could play for free and so that’s it you can’t there you could no longer do the entire mission because frankly the game it would hurt your eyes

    It’s not possible it’s it’s it’s it’s not beautiful you didn’t think it was too bad at the time even at the time you found it a little disgusting graphically there it’s not even worth it hey there it’s too much it’s it’s it it’s pixel mush it’s it’s it’s it’s unplayable you see

    Okay but to get an idea of ​​it you could download it yeah yeah and then there so they released spinof then up to 99 with London 1969 and 61 so I had the 69 I didn’t have it

    For long but it was exactly the same it was the same graphics engine you just had here are some English cars which were which were added you even had one a Rena 16 which was in it but me I that the one I remember the most was the Eston Martin I loved this

    Car I took it all the time it’s the same it’s the same kind of thing it there’s nothing there’s nothing that changes you have a few more missions uh on the other hand the 61 I never played on the other hand that

    One I switched to the two not long but I switched to the two after which and why exactly they made a version 69 and 61 which means they are in the M same period practically what is the point I mean they were packs well at the time it wasn’t called DLC

    It was expansion packs it was free so it added a few missions to you which it was for uh it was to extend the life of your first GTA what if you want and yeah in this this version 69 the them little funny things is that they

    Reproduced English monuments like the Wembley stadium Big Ben Buckingham Palace and then there are several allusions to famous cars like the Ston Martin from James Bond yeah to the Jaguar from ustin powers the Fiat 500 as you say the Renault 16 and then all the minis that we

    Could see in London at that time which the radios were not too bad because it really made you think of the maadore rock of the 60s and 70s you had you had this time you had a bit of music that looked like well it was music not known at all eh yeah

    But it was good 70s atmosphere you see h well there I see the soundtrack of the game there had 15 different music in this version with this is the atmosphere of what I remember the radios were saying like a kind of background noise on the other hand you had no one

    Speaking you see it was you didn’t have you didn’t have a presenter you didn’t have there you didn’t have a radio presenter now you’re listening a guy who speaks just before each music there it was music which followed one another which followed one after the other which in fact followed one another yeah

    It followed one another so yeah it’s a version which came out in April 99 and in March for the PC and it was released in France only in May so there was perhaps a delay due to changes perhaps I know that there are games that we from which we removed

    Sometimes the blood sometimes from the acts in the game et cetera which were censored so that it came out you had the blood you had the blood but it wasn’t yeah ENF it wasn’t scary what there was nothing about

    GTA 3 for example they had deleted they had put one a kind of bah it’s not an anti weaving patch because at the time even you could by shooting in someone’s head you could tear them off directly in GTA 3 in fact if you want okay uh and that was

    Removed for European countries in fact okay you could when you were playing on PC then you could add it with a patch which well a patch was called BL the Blue patch actually okay okay and and what’s funny is that version 6 61 is a free mission pack in fact for

    The game 1969 that’s it yeah and uh the same you have you have the same radio stations apparently with the same titles so yeah you just have a TR mission in addition in fact that’s all yeah but I’m also asking you how finally on PC I mean after on console how

    You could download you had to buy the double pack version with the two games or uh I think that the more it was more for the CDs it was more for the PC version that you could download because the London 69 he sold the CD and the pack

    Then there I don’t know is it really was it released on console I don’t know maybe it was released it was perhaps only released on PC yeah it was perhaps only released on PC but well there I see that in my opinion there was surely a compilation with the two games

    That’s why it’s possible or that’s why I think it was it was released on PS1 but or it was included entirely on PS1 we’ll have to see that or because when you look in France it was released in May and on June 1st they released the 61 so

    Yeah they must have added something to it I I don’t know yeah it must be that yes it must be that finally here it is for the the beginning of the GTA series which was launched with its first two

    Titles and really who who launches this series in another world I think uh did you if you got it right away this version because I have I have it I came a little later than the release also the version of which of GTA 3 gTA 3 on PS2 in October you go

    Because there was there was GTA 2 if you want I just talked to you about it for a few seconds GTA 2 we had it we gave it to me on PC too and on the other hand I I wasn’t at all hooked

    Because for me, well, I don’t know, you were still in a kind of 3 3D environment but the characters were in 2D in fact if you want it was weird uh the the player was always on top but I couldn’t get hooked at all because it

    Made me feel it was futuristic in fact the game was futuristic it was in a city plus it was called anware City is a city that we will never listen to talk about in fact and yeah it was futuristic and I didn’t like it at all it was dull like the

    First GTA there were a lot of colors and things like that there you had it happening uh almost all the time at night in fact the colors were dark it was uh Glo a little bit it was

    N’t I don’t know I didn’t get hooked on it at all I what did I play uh one uh I must have played it for a week and then I stopped HM there because I didn’t like it at all uh there on the other hand there was a lot of

    Violence also because there was a mission where you had to have a one you had a truck uh so you had the truck of ice but you especially had a tanker truck and you had to do it on purpose to cause as many deaths as possible in a limited time which was really

    Violence, extreme violence and what’s more it was right in the middle… it wasn’t yet finally if I got it I got it this game after the September 11 attacks so in fact if you want it was

    A little weird yeah to play that of of of of to play that to kill people en masse for fun and then now I didn’t like this one at all and that’s when I said to myself well GTA frankly it became rubbish until that you just said GTA 3 and GTA 3 I

    Didn’t get it I didn’t get it right away uh I waited I had to wait I it was released in France I think it was in October uh I had to wait until February to play it uh I had and

    There I had waited I had tested on the PS2 uh because at the time it was Carrefour in my town which finally offered to test this game but it was only a demo in fact and you didn’t have the possibility to do much uh besides when you start at the beginning of the

    Game you are uh you are dressed as a prisoner you have to you have to go home finally you have you have a certain mission to do you don’t want to get spotted by the cops that’s it and

    Uh I was hooked because it was the first episode in 3D there frankly it was beautiful finally it was for the time it was quite good and it was from here you started to see the possibility of doing something other than lesemion what yeah and it’s funny because you

    See in GTA 2 there was always this notion of a gang with the group and so on you have your points your dollars r you had the yakuza you had the Chinese mafia I think you had a whole bunch

    Of things like that but well in fact each because it there was its each neighborhood had its gang it made me think a little bit after Saro who had taken over a little bit what had taken over this this this

    Kind of thing with the gangs a little bit in each corner of the city what in fact yeah and then your way of playing I mean you had the respect of the gang where you had where you could get

    Shot because you were precisely weak and so on there were things there was this aspect in quotes gang simulation the only one thing the only thing that made me laugh in GTA 2 was that they had made a little nod to Elvis they had there were guys

    Walking in the street who were dressed as Elvis and then who who passed next to you and said, you see, he repeated little phrases from d’vis’s song it was it was funny but I don’t have a good memory of it because it wasn’t it’s it’s was

    Not colorful it was sad as a game what the graphics were slightly more worked but it was it was it was yeah the graphics were dull what finally that’s what it was happening that night almost at night and then it’s it’ is still a version that was also released

    On Game Boy Color so I don’t even know how they managed to release this game at Nintendo with it so was there the bonus show with the ice cream trucks and so on I I don’t know but we can ask ourselves questions about Nintendo which needed to make money at that time and

    Which took a bit of everything and anything when we know that certain Mortal Combat games were censored on Nintendo home consoles it’s it’s a little resible that’s it but well then that’s what so here goes GTA 2 as you say it wasn’t it wasn’t it wasn’t a success because ultimately the

    First two you had fun uh in a mind uh the game has not progressed in fact that’s it I think I have the impression well the game has not progressed and that’s it but I find that playing

    Only at night uh the atmosphere was not at all not at all the same you had a colorful atmosphere and there it was really uh it was really well yeah it was retro futuristic it was me I

    Don’t really like the games too futuristic you see there was a moment uh it wasn’t Call of Duty which goes a little bit into futuristic or Battlefield or something like that and I stopped there because I don’t really like everything that is everything that is futuristic game like like sensro sensro

    It became futuristic from the from 3 a little bit it became a big nonsense afterwards I don’t really like it I still like these games like that in the present what do you see

    Or I understand and the game a bit well for me that m Well then it’s because I don’t like this type of game maybe some people liked GTA 2 eh but for me it didn’t like it at all

    What it was it was really an atmosphere which was completely the opposite of the first one what yeah of course or well especially when we talk about the time the time of bony and CDE in London or things like that well it’s there is there there is always this historical side that

    Comes back to which we can identify but immediately when he is in a city called Anywere City the city of nowhere well it’s you already say to yourself I don’t know where I am there are guys attacking me they look like nothing we know they are Chinese ok am

    I in CH where I am elsewhere I don’t know there is there is this problem of identification with the city which is which is awkward from the start it’s as if you I mean you’re playing a game of football and you’re

    Playing with a team that doesn’t exist in a stadium that doesn’t exist uh well you have trouble t ‘identify and how to say the immersion that’s yeah the immersion in the game it’s complicated for the player since he has no reference point from the start well apart from the storyline was

    There a storyline in GTA 2 where it was still in free mode a bit ah well no if you had a storyline you had some well you had to do a mission against all the gangs but frankly I didn’t have all of that put me off so much that I

    Didn’t do the mission what okay so there it is we’re going to say that it’s the end of 2D in GTA and and then we find ourselves on Liberty City for me I associate it with D3

    The city of D3 but it doesn’t look like D3 either in we’re going to say it’s an American industrial city with a New York side in addition it’s still a city which is between two we know I think they were afraid of making a city without having the rights to make monuments to

    Make you look too much like TR in fact there and then for this game I know that I didn’t come as soon as the game came out because ultimately graphically it didn’t particularly appeal to me yeah and it’s funny it was once I did Vice City a year later that

    There I was. took the GTA 3 to try to do it okay and well finally uh GTA 3 for me I don’t have any great memorable memories I know that here is the fact of being able to use several

    Vehicles of being independent of not wanting to see the history of gang from the start you walk you you are free I mean there is there is this little story that we do not reveal to you

    All all the phases you start in the game as if it were an adventure game and this gang simulation side practically no longer exists uh how did you perceive this game when you got it well I have it I waited for it well I wasn’t necessarily expecting it because for me

    I was at 3 I say I said to myself but if it’s the same the same dobe as the 2 uh frankly there’s no point in me buying it and then well as I told you I have it I have it ‘tested it and then

    Yeah I said it’s not bad we can we can do almost what we want in it it looked a little bit like driver me who had played driver plus I had I’ I had the impression that the two characters resembled a little bit, they resembled a little bit anyway.

    Way it’s the same well I said it was the same the same publisher but it’s not the same publisher but I found that the two characters looked similar and then finally I played it and

    Little by little I said to myself but we’re a little bit bored in this city in fact yeah uh it’s a bit well it reminded me a bit of GTA 2 it was quite dull it was really

    An industrial city it was was you didn’t have you didn’t have a lot of color what it was you had the impression that it was always bad in this which rained all the time yeah which rained all the time afterwards there were things there were nice things hey in the

    Game I loved trapping cars and then uh waiting for a thief to come and steal your car because you often had your cars stolen if you parked it wrong you always had a guy who passed by was always the same the same person eh you

    Found yourself you recognized after a while the guy he was dressed in a certain color and you knew that this guy at a certain moment he could steal your car so in fact you were trapping your

    Car the guy stole your car and as soon as he started he exploded with what you see there was some pretty funny stuff uh but I don’t remember finishing the game by against yeah

    Well it’s true that I don’t either but I know that I know people who have finished it and at the end you have nothing at all what it’s like thank you for playing that’s like what and finally it takes up

    Quite a bit the plot of the GTA at the level at the level of the missions and even at the level for example you could go there you could go and trap your your car you could repair your car at

    A garage or you find almost the same the same thing as on GTA 1 uh but after uh it’s not on this game that I spent the most time in fact yeah and the story is quite

    Similar to what we can find in the GTAs which will arrive in the future that is to say that you are a you are a person who uh who is taken by a mafia godfather finally for whom you

    Work et cetera because you left prison ago a little bit of this side uh film from the 90s which is like the great films which had in with the freedmen the godfather et cetera from the 7080s

    Uh and then you have you have you always have little nods to the great films also good I don’t remember the exact sequences, I remember more San Andreas and and Vice City where you had nods to great films like scarf and C yeah yeah yeah yeah Miami

    Vice yeah and then there you are you you are always caught between your clan and then kill other people from other clans or do business against these people there are always the yakuza you also have an American gang for the first time or remember and you pass next to a uh well

    You had no maybe I’m confusing it with GTA 4 that you’re missing out on they’re also there yeah that’s it yeah you’re missing out on stores with well the cannabis leaf things like that

    What yeah it’s true that well afterward no but yeah I don’t know I found it very good at the beginning then little by little I got bored a little bit because ultimately that’s not where you end up it’s not in this one that you manage to do you do the missions but outside

    Of the missions you don’t have much to do in fact well we’re going to say that you have to follow the Story it’s quite scripted in the end you have very little in fact it’s a virtual freedom that is to say

    You can walk you can take your time doing what you want in the city but ultimately if you don’t make history to such and such moment the tour what you can do nothing else don I there

    Is not really a side mission the plot of the story you really have to follow it there are very few things aside to do but the only thing finally the thing which is good in from this GTA there

    Is that you see you have an interaction with the with the passers-by yeah uh you have an accident you have the you have you have the ambulance which comes you have the firefighters who come when who come when he

    There is a fire uh you start to have a kind of urban simulation which starts little by little you have the weather changes also you will go from good weather to rain in the evening you will

    See the fog uh if you lose your temper by the way he’s going to try to give you the point back uh uh there it’s it’s not bad and what’s good also in this game which we don’t find in the last GTA it’s that you have guys who steal money from people

    Or uh no who don’t want to no in fact they are chased by the cops if you stop the thief if you manage to make him fall back for example you are the cop who thanks you then you can get a little money or a little bonus, okay, okay, but it’s funny because

    In the scenario of GTA 3 it’s a bit like the premises of Vice City. that is to say that you find Carl Johnson who you will find in the next one who doesn’t speak and then your hero

    Either Claude who is discreet his name is Claude speed ultimately and yeah and I always believed that it was Tommy Versetti, in fact, I’m this guy, it’s not long ago that I looked at the plot of GTA 3 and I said to myself, but it’s his name is Claud Speed,

    The first one I find that ‘ looks a little bit like Tommy Versetti in fact but it’s the start of a script which is quite spectacular because it looks a bit like the film we talked about at the

    Start of the show with the films of De Niro and d’pacino et cetera that you have an escape on a bridge with an armored van which attacked to free a character from a Colombian cartel

    So I don’t know if it’s in the film with hit you know yes yes you see see he took it back h he took it back there in GTA 5 on the other hand yeah yeah clearly yeah clearly it’s sure and

    Uh there you have you have our hero who who is taking advantage of the escape of the Colombian for for s ‘escape also and uh he escapes with another person called headball who will present him precisely to the boss of the mafia and then uh you have you have a whole chain afterward

    With the gangs and so on that’s it ‘is enough there is a fairly constructed scenario eh you know you know roughly where you are going and then you want to discover lots of things and then the history of the

    City with the port the city center finally I want say it’s a pretty big map eh there’s there’s more the story of the compass like in the first GTA you have a mini map now and

    Then you can follow with your car well there’s a little thing that is revealed there it is it is that you you do not yet have the possibility to ride a motorcycle in in in in the first GTA in

    The first GTA it is from GTA Vice City that you can that you can take scooter motorcycle no there you couldn’t there were only trucks and vehicles yeah and the programmers had revealed that it was from the rush of the release which had not been able to integrate other

    Vehicles and that there were difficulties in programming the game which was not finished we will say when it was released they released the game on a date which was supposed to be a bit like Tom radar 3

    For those who know in the future and then they found themselves with a game that was after you can feel it when you play GTA 3 you say to yourself hey there was C there was that and then you can you ca

    N’t do anything with it that’s it and you say to yourself that the game finally there would be had DLC at that time downloadable on PS3 well you finally on PS2 sorry you could have done really interesting things

    With this game but hey it was released on DVD and then it was it was made like that what you can and there also had the possibility so this is the pr the first game also where you have

    Well if you do too much stupid so you have the cops little by little you have the FBI which is stronger than there then you have the SWAT also you as the FBI which is stronger than it is and then you kill

    The army with the tanks and things like that and there it is practically impossible to get rid of to stay alive what because there he is not looking for him pull into the pile and there compared to the GTA now at the time the the the simplest way to avoid being spotted

    Was to have your car repaint okay and as soon as you had repaint your car your stars they disappeared your stars of of police disappeared in fact that now in the GTA of now you can do what you want already a you can’t even repair

    Your car because you have the cops on your ass and uh and there you have to well this time now in the recent games you have to hide to avoid the police finding you okay and it’s the first GTA also where you could pay a prostitute for avir

    For her services that’s exactly and that was a great first also because uh I remember that at the time so in the crossroads in Montluisson many came to play this game just for that in fact agree to see how it is done to see how to do it yeah

    Yeah and also here it is It’s the first GTA where you have the map which is divided into three parts which will open once you have completed each mission yes and there is a little story eg also that is to say that the cinematic scene at the beginning with the escape you can

    Access this part of the island which is which is at the top of the erased map and you can actually get there by plane if you take a plane which is sleep but that was impossible it was impossible to fly but I I got angry several times because frankly the

    Uh already in order to take off he finally had to really have to have nothing uh on the runway or even the place where you were for taking off because it was slow to take off and then and well for

    The to pilot the plane it was moving in all directions it was but it was horrible and the problem is that if you fell into water the character anyway you find in Vice City didn’t know how to swim so you would die straight away agree agree agree but it’s true that

    With all the different weather and then uh the living environment with the pedestrians and then the firefighters the police the Swades as you say uh there were a lot of things going on in the city at the same time as you were doing your mission and you had the impression of sharing

    A little bit of the la life of the citizens in it was enough it was quite immersive as a game for a for a start of the franchise on on the consoles in 3D what and I had I had appreciated this game

    Even if I did it a long time later I said to myself that in the end it wasn’t so bad and I would have liked more, it’s true of this game when I I almost went to the end but

    I didn’t finish it because I know not I think there were other games that interested me more at that time well I didn’t play again afterwards because when you play GTA Vice City you don’t want to go back to GTA 3 Well honestly afterwards you did it to him because you hadn’t

    Known this game yeah but me who went from GTA 3 to Vice City I didn’t want to pick up GTA 3 anymore because Vice City is finally was the SOMUM what at the time

    Yeah it’s sure that uh we’re going to say that it’s one of the big strong points of the series even compared to games that were released on PS3 like with the Russian pops in New York et cetera

    Which was a good game but not as significant as that on the other hand yeah I’ll talk about it later yeah and then you had you had radios also in this game but they were fake music VO it was fake music yeah it was but but looked

    A lot like real music there it looked a lot like there was no but there was really good music I remember in particular radio you had a lot of it was the [Music] music but even the music I thought he had good music it wasn’t bad done uh flashback FM also already

    Yeah and then here it is this time you really had the you really had the the presenter on the radio you had the ad always funny adverts afterwards it’s true that when you play you you don’t really have the opportunity to listen but now that you have the possibility on Youtube

    To listen to GTA radios there yeah uh I love listening to the commercials because it’s funny what these things are but completely uh it’s really second degree but it’s funny what it is it’s it’s it’s it’s great it’s always really the humor of Rockstar humor

    What in fact yeah yeah yeah it it’s always always second degree at Rockstar it’s uh besides we’ll talk about it for future GTAs but it’s it’s I love this humor I love I frankly love Rockstar they make games finally the GTA I love it because it’s

    Always second degree you have the impression it’s true but there’s always a big second degree in it in fact yeah yeah it’s obvious yeah but just for example the music that was created for this game especially you really have the impression that it’s music from the 80s

    Rock music it looks a lot like what we could do yes because we have to say what ‘we didn’t say it’s that we’re not in the present yet anyway it’s not the present eh

    It’s uh so I don’t know GTA 3 it’s I don’t know if it’s the present if it’ is not I don’t know in it’s 2001 yes finally the release but in the game what year are we in the

    Game because Vice City we are in the 80s it’s it’s 2001 it’s am I telling you ah yeah yeah sorry excuse me okay ok yeah yeah so it’s really the present but from GTA it was it was the present at the time it was 2002 for the game yeah that’s it yeah

    Ok from Vice City we really go it’s retro what we go to the 0’s what yes yes yes we go back and so on but it’s a game which has had a lot of success eh I

    Remember that quite a few people we talked and they were playing uh for me it’s the same at that time well when you’re young he you mainly look at the graphics but you look it wasn’t a game which exploited enormously the console we will say it was especially the map which was great

    For an Advent game an action adventure game but graphically good you had games on the side which could be more interesting for other players but hey it was in another style eh that was the GTA style frankly it was unique and I don’t remember that there was anything

    Equivalent they released I remember the games on the big films like Le Parin Scarface on PS2 yeah but it were you already bored in these games you even had yum vice also that they had released which was which was a total nullity for you he really covered Don

    Johnson and then his comparison there I don’t remember how he his name is the actor ENF jeis say nugget but I don’t know, no but that really took up the two actors from the 80s

    What it was it was really the the game of the series but it was bad it was beautiful but you had no background in the game whatever there I at City ok maybe it wasn’t necessarily the best game

    But you were in you were in the atmosphere what right away yeah well is- what you want to move on to I was in Vice City so ah yeah well V City if you just want the first time I played or the

    If you want the I played one evening or the finally the day before a going on vacation to Cann yeah and in fact it’s it’s when you look at CAN in fact it makes you, in quotes, think a little

    Bit of Vice City because you have the palm trees and things like that you have the people who drive in scooter without a helmet you finally see some maybe now I don’t know but 10

    Years ago when I was in Cannes there was one he rode without a helmet it made you think a little bit of Vice City what and you start the game you go on a scooter and you listen to Michael Jackson something crazy and there no but you walk in the street you listen to Michael Jackson you are wearing a floral shirt it’s it’s huge to start with what you can’t better start and ah there but what could I have spent hours and hours

    On it ah but this game there it marked me it marked life what it is it’s a revolution what yeah it ‘is a game for once which mixes reality and fiction while once again being a video game and it’s quite incredible because you find yourself in 1986 in

    Miami with exactly the dress code and the radios of the time ah yeah you also find the way of speaking of people with the Latinos who arrived in Miami and from Cuba and Cubans the Puerto Ricans ah yeah yeah there are all these people there are vintage cars in addition to the

    Vintage cars here you have after there is no there is no how to say still the stores with the the signs which resembled the time because there were sponsor problems still in yeah but the cars all in the in the rich neighborhood well you had the kind of

    Ferrari you had like the Lamborghinis you went to the Cuban neighborhoods you had the old well the old cars like you see in Cuba there it looks like an old old car no but frankly it was it was well transcribed what no it was it was really a game which

    Copied here the films of d’alpacino once again with the great Scarface and you really had the impression of participating in a film a big a big production and and for the people who bought this game at the time on PS2 uh we didn’t put it so I remember one thing

    Is that the collector’s edition mention for a game did not yet exist like for DVDs they started to release this collector’s item a little later maybe a year later yeah uh precisely and that’s it for V City if you had the chance to buy this game at the time

    You had uh a poster inside with the map of the game of fake advertisements from the period you had a really colorful instruction manual with characters and then you not only had the keys but you already had this extra booklet inside which was given with the game and you

    Had this trademark of Rockstar which which which was inked that only they know how to do in fact ultimately because still good that of Vice City it is for a first it is indeed that of saintandreas it will be even better because frankly it’s really the book the

    Little booklet with the CD inside you have everything but it’s crazy what would you think you really think you’re playing a real game what a game well I don’t know, you explained everything in there, all the radios, all the maps, everything that is in the city, it’s really

    As if you were going to a city and then you went to the tourist office and who will give you the book with everything it’s crazy about, what’s funny is that in the booklet you have addresses of nightclubs or pink telephones and if you dialed

    This number on the phone and well you could have the outlines and Cera it was quite fun and uh I remember looking for little historegs everywhere here and there and then there were quite a few but not the ones that I so in fact you discovered things

    That we had told you here and there and uh I think that this game arouses how to say it was already of great interest to the social networks in quotation marks of players who had created a GTA community there were special GTA websites well it was from

    This first one that I started to patch on GTA to put more recent cars for example I had a twingo at the time I drove in Twingo I had managed to integrate the green Twingo into the game instead of the stores I had managed to put the

    Lidl sign whatever its Gren anyway of ah yeah no but without messing around but hey no but that’s an addition a little more reality and yet unfortunately finally it was years finally in the game it was 80s and you had recent brands well you would have had to look for Mamou or limit

    Félix Potin or that no but it’s true but hey it’s from this game finally on PC where you could well there is a community which was created to patch and then to establish you could even change your character you could dress differently with clothes that you

    Didn’t have in the game that’s from there that I really started to do the game from top to bottom no it’s not necessarily VI City it’s more saintandreéas that I did from top to bottom but uh no it’s it’s it’s from there you can completely modify your

    Game when you have the PC of course yeah so in I in relation to what you said earlier there we are really Tommy versity there that’s it that’s really there that’s it’s a game that has been that has been ported to several platforms also you definitely had uh

    PSP versions over time later stories of Vice City City yeah yeah you had Liberty City too but you had more recent versions which were released in HD also on PS3 and PS4 over time which have been really redone well we will say that the images have been smoothed eh but that

    Shows to what extent it remains the same game yeah it remains the same game but you imagine a game all the same which was released in in 2002 October 2002 uh 10 years later we’re saying it again because

    It had such an impact on players it’s you can compare it to games like Mario Bros or things like that practically it’s still crazy he but I know that then me for the anecdote I remember that I was one of the only ones in my circle of friends to

    Have bought the game because yeah it’s quite surprising because I remember one thing I was me I I was in a hurry to love it because I love the 80s, what is it, watch out, it’s not the French 80s that I love, the French 80s, I hate that stuff,

    The music of B and C, I hate it stuff like that I’m talking to you about American pop culture which arrived in France over time after we had it maybe in 89 90 we had it a lot

    At the end of the 80s but they it was in progress since 83 84 with everything that was Michael Jackson prince of life what there it is it’s a way of life and so on finally you you you you live then the rise

    Of the advertisements on Nike TV all that finally there were a lot of people visually the 80s in the United States it was it was an orgy for the eyes what it was something it was something

    Fantastic and uh to see a game that takes place in 1986 with the music of the period uh and then everything that was I mean the dialogues the gangs et cetera which reproduced what had been done in the films uh I mean it was something extraordinary and the

    Crazy thing too is that it took uh actors to do the voices of the real actors and they even went even further they took real gangs real gangsters to do the voices of the gangs to see no but it’s true they went really far but

    That makes the game real yeah but and everyone remembers the beginning of the game with this cutscene mixed with dialogues like a film where you see a godfather of the finally a small gang chatting at a table and so on. suddenly which will come up finally it’s

    Great what the scene and then this background music that I have in mind but I couldn’t say the title of the song I don’t remember it anymore but uh it’s I mean it’s something which marks

    In the history of video games a game like this and and I find that today we actually lack games which mark which mark the generation of young people currently that I don’t think that GTA 5 will stay in people’s memories because there is there is not the same well I don’t know

    It’s that there they really managed to touch people because it it was a time when the United States was the hype the time you had you had everything everything that everything that the United States was doing it was great yeah you see but there I don’t know with the new GTAs I

    Don’t know you can’t you can’t prigné the same I don’t know it’s not it’s not the same what it is h yeah I understand yeah but then for the record I know that they had used for example music of which they they didn’t have the rights they had licensing problems

    Over time later they had to settle some financial rights but uh I mean releasing a game like that with so much music which meant a lot to some people it ‘it’s something exceptional and uh I once again

    Here Rockstar he creates as he creates a thing as he creates they have created lots of things over time because when you see games like Red Dead Redemption on the western or you see other games that they have made over time you say to yourself that maybe it’s the uh what is

    The game called there I don’t know there with yeah here it is in the private schools there with uh it’s I mean there is there is a way of seeing uh uh the RPG but through an open world not neither scripted nor in battle there you go you

    Always do action adventure missions but with this side of fun and deep immersion in in in in the time and it’s really something which will be very significant for this series and there you have a VI City sincerely I I think it’s the flagship episode of the series for me because San Andreas

    It is slightly below I found a little too long that is to say that it was really very good at the beginning but it dragged on on San Andreas one moment at the end and there you still have

    Here you have even more possibilities in the game with everything that is meeting sport and so on you can move to several places which are open there was a stadium a baseball stadium or I don’t know what there, a baseball stadium you had a golf course you had uh yes

    Well I think those were the only two things you had yeah yeah and you had really different weapons there well you have the chainsaw inspired by scarfest which is there you have you have here hammer baseball bat you have everything that is good the knives as usual and

    So on good there you have the motorcycle which is integrated you have several vehicles uh so is that there were there were the stripteases already I have the impression because I see that we are talking about

    It there yeah yes yes uh otherwise here is how you did you finish the game already you succeeded GTA Vice City yeah I finished that one yeah yeah we all finished it I think I feel like well it was so good that you did the you did the the you

    Had to do it because well it was good to be able to walk around at the end but it was so absorbing the show and then it’s true that when you really like the 80s this is

    This the show It’s really really 80s pure and simple what with the the the mafia finally the the godfather and stuff like that what so if you really like this kind of film this kind of year uh you have to like the you have to like the missions what

    Yeah and then you have here you are you are you are in the hand of this big boss of the mafia who lives on an island of the island of the rich in the middle of in the middle of Miami there you cross a small pontoon there

    Pu there you as only Lamborghinis, Ferraris, you find yourself in the Magnum series, you know, luxury cars everywhere, you pass by with your little Cuban car, it’s yeah, it’s stupid, no, but it’s it’s it it was well done too yeah what I loved

    About this game, I remember it was the show was very very varied, that is to say that there were times you had to go, for example, to destroy advertisements that put other people uh other members to sell things and then you had to destroy that and and on the other hand you

    Sometimes had to do huge deeds by assassinating an important person he had guards of the body or things like that finally there were very varied things it started from nothing to the most difficult thing and then you also always had the history of the weather the

    The weather changed quite a bit there were some beautiful sunsets finally everything was reproduced really magnificently in the game for what it could I mean for the little that the console could give at that time it was already very very beautiful what was it exactly uh otherwise

    I personally I finished the game too yeah it’s one of the GTAs that I finished I didn’t finish much of it uh finally I finished uh me if I have I finished the last ones but uh here

    I am of TR I didn’t finish as I told you and then uh but it was still a game for me which marked its era and uh I don’t know about you there are some notable missions uh which remind you of something special today uh actually no for me

    It’s more in the vice city stories well but that’s what it looks like a little bit eh in vice city stories you have to protect uh you have to protect Phil Collins okay and if you want while

    You protect him he is singing in the air tonight in the air tonight there his song there of the ‘time or yeah but it’s so well transcribed that well you have to play but from time to time I look on Youtube and uh I listen to the music because it was so

    Well done that wow finally it was that it was a pleasure to play what in the normal VI City I ah it’s been a long time since I played I don’t have too many memories I think there’s

    A mission for a moment in the uh in golf if I’m not talking nonsense but ah I don’t remember very well the missions in this one on the other hand I really remember the universe and things like that having spent hours and hours poking around a little bit throughout the

    City uh on the other hand I don’t really remember much about in the first Vice City plus Vice City Story in fact I remember the missions in fact there you have the Little Havana district where a lot of things happen

    At the start of the game yeah you also have Escobar airport at the end of the game where there are missions relating to drug trafficking planes and so on for a while you don’t have to go into a store and smash everything so that the guy pays you or something like

    That I don’t remember there were people like that you had escort missions also you could you had to drop someone off at a place finally there were lots of stuff like that tuas little ha with the vudou you know and this mission is not bad because you have lots of people

    Far away you are with your sniper placed in a place and you have to shoot the members of the gang who which move a bit like zombies and that’s where on the map where you have the big cinema studio uh ah yes indeed yeah I remember that so where I don’t know

    But in fact yeah you have it you have a film studio with no but it’s a game which is very varied you have a military base also the military base is present a lot in Vice City Stories that’s it you start there already you start in and you get

    Screwed by the you get screwed by the colonel and then you have to you have to take revenge in fact no no but frankly and then there are lots of there are lots of little things business also in

    In GTA you have lots of lots of springboards also that you can use so you take your motorbike you go hard uh finally there are lots of things it’s it’s hours and hours of work and

    Then in a secondary mission well you can take an ambulance and then you can go save people you take the fire brigade you can go put out fires you take the taxi you can then do the taxi

    What to take people to a place that they want finally there are there are lots of things like that which are it’s hours and hours of playing GTA but it’s true that there are there are

    Already all these clichés with uh you have a lawyer you have a glassy politician and so on you have a porn actress also there you have a hard rock band from Hard Dr and you saw well in GTA

    V if I don’t say nonsense you can you have them you have their T- shirt it’s the same it’s the same group yeah it’s the same group in fact you can put their T-shirt in it and you can dress like

    Them with the well I have me I tried to do Randy SAV Matan and I wore zebra pants with a high bah in fact it was it’s the clothes of the rock group in fact agree agree agree and yeah I remember these missions precisely you had the

    Hard rock group there which asked you especially you say nothing in public I am I am gay and so on here is bisexual in fact yeah yeah yeah then you had you had the Cuban also uh from the game

    Who was who was very matchy who spoke badly to people and so on you had well he There was already the biker gang too you had uh well the lawyer we find the lawyer guy who is rotten you know who

    Wants to do shenanigans we find a lot in the other GTAs also afterwards he is always present it’s one of the clichés of of GTA that’s doing business with the politicians and uh and then here’s what you have it’s a game that is really complete eh there is you

    Have a dozen different characters with whom you do missions and uh and then do these missions under the on the musical themes au comp you are on your motorbike or in a plane or the small plane there

    The same a seaplane there are a lot of nice things to do there are still planes which are difficult to which are quite difficult to fly in fact yeah at the same time really from GTA uh saint-andreas that you can almost make a plane fly

    Correctly yeah but I think that there the graphics engine was for a lotin c that is to say that the cars already move in a rather strange way, the motorbikes could turn quite quickly in the bends also it was very very focused on fun but not too much

    On realism still at the level of the vehicles themselves if again in the new GTAs there recently uh the cars don’t necessarily move like real cars either no no no no above all what it fits into finally still it’s auto-bumper there it’s more

    Auto-bumper and but there is a thing that I remember in Vice City they said that did you do the mission but you have to do it because look listen remember at the beginning they tell you that all the bridges are closed because of ‘a hurricane which risks arriving

    On the coasts yeah and as long as you have not done the missions you cannot go to the other side of the city in fact okay yes yes of course so you are obliged to do the mission to

    Unblock all the all the bridges in fact to go from another city that’s it that’s that and on the other hand what was annoying is that on the other hand when you went from another city you always had a loading time yeah uh between the two cities and sometimes it could

    Last a little while while it loaded everything on your console what h yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s sure that I remember that there were little loading times, that wasn’t really noticeable either, eh, it wasn’t something, well let’s say that when you had a

    PC that you had a lot of patching on it after a while, yeah, that’s it. it could last a long time yeah yeah yeah but it was one of the games that was best configured at the time on PC it ran

    Well but it was also beautiful eh yeah when you had a good graphics card hey I mean that’s it was you had a good graphics card and then two good speakers I mean it was really a treat ah yeah that’s it and then you could make your own MP3 list on

    PC uh I think so I don’t know if céit from saintandreas that we I remembered yes it’s Mo it’s from Saint Andreas that I could that I could that I did it in fact that’s true that

    Yeah you could well put back some other hits from the 80s where you have where you have you your period music finally recent music you could also what h yeah of course yeah uh do you want to add something to this game no because I think that we have said everything

    But here it was a it’s a very very good a very very good memory this game what yeah it was also very well received by the video game press with scores ranging from 9/ 10 up to

    18/ 20 and so on even if GTA 3 was very well rated but here we are a level above once again graphically it was good it was well rated because it was a revolution

    GTA went into 3D and then there you go you had the possibility of the possibility of doing a little bit what you wanted what that was the novelty what that’s why it has a good rating GTA

    3 yeah I think it will play yeah indeed yeah and finally that’s it and finally in GTA V City you can use motorcycles scooters things like that yeah and then this game uh there it was still sold 15 million copies it’s something quite enormous for the time

    It’s equivalent to a FIFA today for example well at the same time the GTAs were sold more and more eh so there was no deterioration in terms of the figure of no that’s it is always sold quite well in fact in the end yeah that meant that it was always exponential compared

    To the next and next release each time well it’s true that maybe some players are disappointed with GTA 5 but I mean the Story mode was so botched that maybe it’s going to slow down some people for the 6th but I don’t have the impression I don’t

    Have the impression I’m waiting for the 6th ultimately I don’t know but I think that at least all the people who have played the 5 they will buy the 6 already a big low it’s always it’s always

    Quite expected in GTA the releases of GTA yeah so that’s it for this vice City which was at the time a great one which is one of the best anyway it’s one of the best in the franchise

    Yeah and then so here we come to San Andreas uh which was released in 2004 if I’m not mistaken yeah and uh it it took a little time to release this one because already the development was long because the map is bigger there is it’s a game which is in several parts uh

    You have you have San Francisco you have Los Angeles and then you have Las Vegas at the end yes or so it’s a game which is quite huge I remember having difficulty repurchasing the game a second time because

    Las Vegas I couldn’t finish it on its first CD d second hand that I bought there was I say on PS2 the loading times were very long and in addition P detailed it wasn’t even ah that’s very capricious because in my opinion the tracks had to be in double layer on the end

    There so it must have been quite complicated and then it was a game which was in the vein of Vice City but much more ambitious so it was released practically 2 and a half years later yes and uh ultimately it’s a game which happens in 1992 then in the heyday of

    African-American African-American gangs in the ghto of Los Angeles with the films that you may have seen like boys in the wood the films of this cube et cetera from the time all the Gangstar rap which is linked to that also there is there is a huge musical base ah well there is it

    ‘s very rap based eh uh it’s true that if we don’t like rap we don’t not very well served because there it’s really a 90s gang atmosphere yes and what’s more the hero is of color he’s a colored hero we’re going to say wow that’s it and it’s a it’s a hero who

    Finds himself in this ghetto in the middle of a war and then the story exactly is it goes a little in all directions if I remember because at the beginning he wants to avenge someone and

    Then finally he murdered in fact he comes back he comes back to town he had left uh he had left for Liberty City so we had seen him in in the 3rd and so he comes back to his

    Neighborhood for the funeral of his mother who has just be assassinated and then well the first mission will already have to avoid a gang on your bike you will have to avoid a gang chasing by car

    What yeah yeah and so it’s this Carl Johnson who will find himself mixed up in his stories because he arrives from the airport the cut scene at the start of the game it’s it’s based once again on

    Vice City you see the same kinds of sequences cut between dialogue and between you have a false arrest so it’s funny because you have them you also have the clichés from American films

    Of blond police officers who stop a black guy who is in a car and so on who has passed the papers and then strangely the cop lets him go because he knows this guy who was in the getto before

    It was a finally good it’s it can it can make you think of films like lethal weapon or things like that yes here it is there is there is a comic base in the in the serious always at Rockstar with all these winks to these great American action films and so here

    As you say Carl Johnson who returns to Los Angeles to help the members of his family and his gang at the time in addition to Los Angeles 92 8 16 we’re going to say it’s the great era of the rebellion

    Of the gangs because there was a story so what year it was I don’t know uh you had a black guy who had been beaten up by the cops white people in the ghetto and then they set

    Uh they set fire in fact to an entire neighborhood of merchants in Los Angeles and uh precisely there was Ava there was there was material to make a big story with this game in going back

    A bit to the basics of what happened in real life you have the you have the Crips and the Bloods gangs which are represented by the Balas and yeah I don’t know what the other one is called

    The other gang in the game but the same they have it’s in relation to the colors and so on you have the Latino gangs finally there are all the street codes of Los Angeles from Campton in fact that’s

    It here is the Campton neighborhood in Los Angeles which was taken over to make this game practically Compton which is one of the hottest in Los Angeles at the time you should

    N’t walk around I mean alone at night all alone even during the day I mean during the day if you are a Latino you go to the black neighborhood there you are going to get shot that’s what happens like

    That what yeah that’s like that anyway well it was it was a game really which was which was very good in fact in the scenario it’s true that it went in all directions because you had

    The impression who also wanted to touch the the the gangs the gangs the Chinese gangs with shinaton and then you had the Black ones you had the Latino ones afterwards I mean the game goes straight to Las

    Vegas towards the end with area 51 finally there are lots of things it’s enough it’s quite long I do n’t remember having finished it’s one of the GTAs that I didn’t completely finish I

    Arrived in Las Vegas and I didn’t finish after that ah I had to finish that one I think I finished it and well but I loved all the winks that could be there you went to restaurants

    Just in a restaurant next to zone 1 you had a huge flying saucer on the roof of the yeah on the roof of the restaurant and then you went inside you had lots of photos of flying submarines and then well it’s in there that you had historegs galore in fact in

    This game including one where you were obliged no but it’s What’s huge with Rockstar is that you had to use the code to get the jetpack yeah and you had a Mister egg at the top of the you know the big San Francisco bridge yeah uh and above that it’s was marked bravo

    You found this historeg but you’re not cool because you used the code you see in it was okay okay okay you see you had this kind of thing there and then well you had uh you had

    An eastereg in fact that a lot finally it was a thing that had been launched like there was a a Yeti ENF a sasquatch as they call it there uh in in in I don’t remember

    What place of of of game but it was really in the place where there was the forest and at a certain time you could see the the Yeti in fact and I I this this game Mo I spent hours

    I spent it thoroughly I really know every nook and cranny of this game and finally in fact there was no there was no sasquash there was no Yeti in in GTA Saint Andreas and that’s it. that’s why for a moment if you want it took on such a scale that Rockstar had to

    Deny that there was a squash in the thing and that’s why you find in GTA V at one point a cutscene with with Franklin where at one point he leaves he leaves I don’t know in the forest

    He comes face to face with a yti in fact and at the end the Yeti it turns out to be a guy who is disguised as a Yeti what in fact they made a nod to GTA saintandreas thanks to this fake

    Easter egg actually agree agree agree it’s true it’s it’s not bad it’s it’s the kind of thing that GTA loves to do yeah it’s true that there are quite a few things like that in the game but the mission was so varied also there I remember that at one point

    You find yourself at the top of a mountain in one in a small cabin where you have you have a shot with finally you no you have a nod sorry to the Evil Dead series with

    The small abandoned house et cetera in the forest uh you have I mean you have you you have a lot of things that allow you in fact ultimately the the the hero he’s a he’s a he’s a

    Black gang member but ultimately he does a lot of very diverse things compared to all the communities in the game he he associates with almost everyone in in the game eh yeah and you tell me you tell me about this cabin in the forest if you look closely the tools are

    Filled with blood in fact yeah that’s it that’s it av a s with lots of blood you have a hammer and stuff like that it’s armored with armored with blood yeah and you have lots you have lots of things like

    That which are which are funny you what do you also have at one point when you go deep into area 51 you have a hole with corpses in it which are covered with a plastic bag in fact you have lots of things like that and the zone 51 I always try to get

    Into it, well you always get fooled by the missiles yeah but there was also a kind of Hor, well it wasn’t a historeg it was someone who threw it out like what if you managed to get into the uh in the basement you could see a flying saucer

    In fact but you never could that it wasn’t possible because you always got killed you always got killed in fact yeah afterwards that’s anyway I mean graphically the game how it was made there you were going to see something you were going to see a 3D model

    Of a dry section but it wasn’t necessarily going to be an extraordinary revelation either that’s it there had no interest, I mean stupid, to look for places where you could find things but ultimately when you found them there was nothing visually special to see it was

    Quite disappointing just the airport which is in the desert which is an exact copy of what we have in GTA on PS4 today uh it’s I mean it’s exactly the same thing

    With the AV the mition with the plane and so on the guy is in the cabin in the in the airfield that speaks to you and so on finally there are lots of things like that it’s it’s quite interesting in fact to

    Imagine things that can happen but ultimately the game is quite also scripted and you don’t have you don’t necessarily have any surprises for me I always have when I played this I each time I said to myself maybe there will be that maybe there will be C maybe there will be that

    But in the end you’re you’re you’re staying on your end I always found in this game compared to Vice City where you were really stunned each time finding a the end of the show which was super

    Original and apart from two or three things that I remember like the mission where you burn yourself with the flame thrower you know everything ah yes the cannabis field there in the it’s true things like that but I mean the game itself ultimately he had a lot of hope

    In this game but it was more in the graphic side than the Story which was not necessarily extraordinary well I remember doing the show but where I had the most fun was in doing in doing in mode you could take a tractor and you drove around

    The city what in it was stuff like that and what was great about this game also was that you PIR if you drank too much because in more had to manage had to have to how to say manage

    Manage the end also because if you didn’t eat he said that you had a huge slab so you had to eat then you had to go to a fast food if you could too if you ate too much you became

    Huge if you could if you didn’t eat enough you became skinny so you had to go to the gym to lose weight and then to gain muscle you had lots of kinds of interactions which were really good at the time and which unfortunately you don’t find anymore in in the

    Games of now you could also learn a combat sport you could learn boxing you could learn Kung Fu uh you had all these kinds of things it was great if you did a lot of cycling well you became quite sporty you you could gain stamina well you had

    Lots of things like that I finally found for me everything that was outside of the missions it was great because you could spend even more hours on this game yeah but you had the possibility of going to the restaurant it’s true it’s something that I did

    N’t understand why it disappeared I mean on PS4 or at the limit it was an additional interactivity in the game which was present on PS3 already in New York could make you friends too not to mention because you had the cofie mode you had the COFI mode which you could download on PC

    Which really allowed you to make love really finally it was in quotes realistic you could do whatever you want with your girlfriend but there if you didn’t have that you could well if you saw your girlfriend enough then I know that you could also do it in GTA 4 there with

    Nico Bellic I think you could maintain a relationship with a woman and it didn’t go any further yeah that’s what was a shame that there you could conclude you invited her to the restaurant you could you didn’t have much interaction you couldn’t live with her and do things

    Apart from making love apart from being a guest at the restaurant you couldn’t do anything with her you could walk around with her if you wanted but that was it uh but it was it wasn’t

    Bad and that they removed and it’s a shame because well it gives a little more life to the game, yeah absolutely and then it’s true that compared to what we said earlier by compared to the boxed edition of the PS2 the booklet in advertising and then we called it

    Is even more provided uh if you see if you see the false advertisements for real estate or for the I mean the meeting stores or the erotic meeting boxes chapel et cetera for things it’s quite exceptional what they did the false advertisements you also have how to

    Say things for the penitentiaries finally there are lots of different things the restaurants also the steakhous burger shot yeah burger shot which was taken later with Nico Bellic in New York has the Bell cling with the characters dressed in dressed as chicken

    Yeah it was in fact the CL King Bell it’s it’s the way to divert from KFC in fact yeah yeah of course of course and then you also have a quite exceptional soundtrack there because for once there you have really titles you have radios with

    Super long song lists there you have we’ll say you have you have about 15 songs per radio and I mean look at radio Los Santos uh you have 16 music playing for example radio Los Santos it’s

    Modern hip hop so it goes from tpac you have SBE NWA learned Dre in you have you have what else easy finally here you have you really have what was best at the time what yeah or yeah ah you

    The really interesting stuff in terms of sound and then the little anecdote that I have on country radio in fact the DJ of this radio thereah it’s Axel rose ah who does the voice of this Radi there

    [Music] his name is K and it’s true that this era disappeared from the screens and uh you you we’re going to say that it was a little wink to the song welcome to the jungle which is present on another radio and uh it’s for me it’s something that I discovered over time much

    Later eh it’s I I hadn’t made the connection at all or heard his voice especially and uh here in the city you also have some car modifications for tuning so I think tuning had already appeared perhaps in Vice City no no no you that’s it’s true

    Really in the in that one yeah yeah you can you can tune your car yeah okay okay and then that’s something that will also allow players to escape the police to take back their car and so on and then you can swim you can climb the wall also which you could

    N’t do before yeah before you couldn’t climb on the you couldn’t pass you had a wall and well you had to go past it you couldn’t climb on it that from the saintandreas that

    You can climb a wall that you can do from the from the ‘climb what if you want and then swim at least swim go underwater and the hairdresser also there is a hairdresser yes of course put tattoos things like that too yeah yeah so ultimately it’s a game which was the premise

    Of what would have subsequently even if we had to wait a very long time to have a GTA mod after that on the other hand there were crazy modders there were some who managed to

    Completely change the map they were able to add snow so on the whole map they were able to put snow I mean in California well that’s it it’s a bit stupid but hey yeah ah but

    There are there are lots of things like that it’s it’s really it was really well done what it is it’s me I really spent hours on it but as I tell you not necessarily at the level not

    At the level of the missions but at the level apart from that you didn’t have you didn’t have the possibility of doing the same as now you didn’t have everything everything you could go to the restaurant you could do that

    But you had so much landscape that it was it was enormous and then the radios were was it was great you had skinerd liner which played when you were on a plane that you had the sunset

    You had this music there but you thought you were in a film what it was really it was really great what yeah yeah in fact yeah I had I really liked this game but as I tell you I didn’t finish it yes I frankly it was a game that was super

    Long super long that is to say that the show was difficult to complete already you had quite repetitive missions several times at the beginning where you often had to go kill the members of a gang in the next street and so on burn down someone else’s house and so on well

    It was it was quite repetitive and very long I remember and the game honestly I think it took something like maybe 15h or 12h 12 15h to finish the game in continuous continuous without losing it was very very long and uh we could easily spend yeah 3 months playing

    This game without finishing it it was finally afterward there were people I think who were really stubborn too but casual players as we could be it was a big challenge to finish this one -there because just arriving in Las Vegas by finishing the plane mission

    And the mission the Smar mission plane mission it was hot and the submarines there I don’t know where the military base but I is on the other hand what was great in Las Vegas It

    Was the story with precisely the the godfather of the casinos there and then you had you had a first mission for for who introduced a little bit this new landscape in Las Vegas with the ride

    Of a guy that you had to terrorize yourself and put him on your car windshield and drive hard into the street with him ah yes ah that was great I remember this story I loved it uh it really reminded me of the mafioso films well it was it was in GTA you could

    Go to the casinos what you only had that in the 5 and well you still have this casino which is under construction and you always thought that when it came out in 2013 you said well in my opinion

    There we will be able to play at the casino one day and finally I I’m not sure we can go into this casino what it is maybe to make us want it and tell us that the next one will be

    Las Vegas we don’t know maybe it’s possible there is me I me in in any case I when when you know Rockstar and GTA the series you know that it goes in circles they do they do they make four

    Cities so ultimately it will surely fall back on a city that we have that we have already done but which which which has not been remade in HD so I think it will perhaps be Miami in Las Vegas I don’t see that anymore there are

    People who talk about Japan all that but GTA has never been has never been in Asia so that would surprise me a lot no then I’m not sure that it will make a seller I think that if they go to another

    Country there are many who it will perhaps not necessarily make them want to play whatever it takes that Rockstar really stays in the modified United States what they are good at there and it would be I think it would be better that it stays there yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Of course no s Andreas you can add something to it I I don’t know who you are no well listen we ‘ve been around it’s really finally it’s really a game that had as much of an impact on me as Vice City

    Vice City was more for the missions and Saintendreas was more for next to the game what in fact yeah indeed yeah you had you had a really active open world there and interactive with your player compared to especially GTA 3 where it was it was a their finally let’s say what

    M ‘had really more also in saintandreas it was that you had a whole multitude of vehicles you could go from the tractor tractor mower to the you had a combine harvester also yes in the fields it’s true that yeah yeah yeah you see a harvester thresher

    Enff here it was enormous what finally here what it was it was great well it’s a San Andreas game which takes over which is taken over completely by GTA GTA 5 there on PS4 it’s exactly the same

    Map much more provided there was already I mean the countryside with the farm and so on you had the mountain you had the desert that you had on the other hand everything was much smaller you could

    Go from the beach to the beach of Venice Beach where you had people who were muscled on the beach while passing in front you could go directly to the SIG Hollywood by doing 500 in barely 2 minutes by car whereas now you still have to drive quite a bit ah well it

    Takes 5 minutes to do I don’t know how many the time it takes to do the MAP from all the way down to the top eh you still have to take maybe 5 5 good minutes what’s more today there today I know that I’ve already done it I’ve already done nothing but go

    Into the desert with my car passing by the Hollywood sign, it takes you 10 minutes already ah yeah anyway ouord I think it’s a good 15 minutes to cross the map from above at the bottom yeah without going through the highway yeah it’s it’s super long yeah but well afterwards we’re going to

    Say that it was another era eh the PS2 there it is it was one of the games who went so far as to exploit the console to the maximum ah or that’s for sure yeah that’s for sure and then really the

    Double-layer CD which was very capricious I know lots of people also who have problems with the original CDs yeah and we were never really able to finish the game because the game was running in a vacuum well in fact what was good about the PC was that

    You could download the no cd so that means that you that you well you didn’t use the CD in your in your in your PC so you could directly launch your game there and your cd well you kept it

    Preciously in your in your book in your booklet and you damaged it no matter yeah yeah yeah but it’s true that the PS2 couldn’t do caching of the game there was no there was no hard drive so it was a bit complicated the CD kept spinning in

    All directions it was quite comical because you had car races at certain times in the countryside you had to cross a bridge at full speed and come back et cetera there was a ravine on the side and how many times the road glitches on PS2 well it was a disaster no but I

    Can tell you that I struggled just because of the loadings because in the end you were sure your controller in train could where you had to turn but there were small shifts in places that you had to know in advance and even on the plane the scenery would appear if

    You knew that there was if you didn’t know that there was a mountain opposite in the plane you took it and besides well, you tell me about that you have a level where you have a mountain yeah and in

    Fact for Rockstar they had poorly programmed a plane and this plane there it always crashed in the same place in fact ah damn it was always heading into the it was still heading into the it’s true I remember it I remember it exactly still always always there were planes that

    Were scheduled to go over the city there you go and you had a plane they had programmed it wrong each time it crashed into the mountain it’s true I remember it yeah

    Oh there no but hey it was it was nice as a game a nice game is no no but here I am it’s really all the the ones next to the game which was which made me which made me trip what

    Yeah yeah but well I think that it was it was all the same below at the level of the players’ interest compared to B City what ah well yes yes yes that’s not at all the same well you

    Go from drugs there to the real gang war what in fact and if you’re not at all if you do n’t like rap at all if you’re not if you like it not at all everything that’s a gang film it’s

    Not really a game that will interest you what h the only thing I I remember it was that when the game was announced in 2003 they released preview photos yes and I said to myself damn they did they remade Los Angeles with Venice Beach how to say Sunset Boulevard

    With the stars stars et cetera all that good for me it was it was a dream what I tell myself but wait ah me I was really waiting for it I was really waiting for it with impatience this game

    What that I remember yeah and then well afterwards when it came out well you play you you discover that you would have done better to play on PC because there were so many problems I think that the

    Xbox 360 version is one of the most beautiful because you have a little HD port which a little bit of the image and so on there is still the possibility of having it on the PS4 you can have it yeah on the on the

    PSN anyway yeah indeed indeed so that’s it for for this this series of game until 2006 with PSP versions which will be released and also on PS2 which will be put on DS also in duo here in compilation you have the VI City Stories and Liberty City Stories which are

    Spinoffs on the DS you as shinaaton Wars I think something like that Shin shinaat but then it takes it again it takes the view from above and I remember playing it and frankly I didn’t like it at all because it came back to the very first GTA and I found that

    It had that it was losing its identity in fact yeah yeah yeah indeed yeah it was really necessary to have played I think of these games at that time to be able to play them because Finally, someone who comes out of San Andreas or GTA 4 doesn’t necessarily want

    To fall back into the old principles of the game, the old gameplay with a single gang or things like that, well, it was it. is so varied I mean I was at 4 when when it came out on PS3 with New York all the possibilities that you had there we arrive so on

    PS3 with a highly anticipated version but when I say highly anticipated it’s a game that is still coming out 4 years after the last San Andreas which is the real last game in the series and there what and announces to you that

    Then for me is -what do you remember the release of the game it was announced practically a month before the release of the game the real release that is to say that uh there was no image we didn’t know where it was so that’s it yeah and a month before like maybe maybe

    Months I don’t know anymore we have a trailer and the trailer that we see well we see the metro moving through a city and then we see the Empire State Building we see we say to ourselves no

    They did New York but it was the same it was something incredible remember it was on jevideé that I saw that and uh it’s true that well I was waiting for the game a little impatiently and well I didn’t I didn’t manage to get hooked on this game I couldn’t get hooked

    On the character yeah uh it’s true that you pass of an of an African-American a guy from the Balcans uh I don’t know I had difficulty with this game however it’s true that it was very beautiful he

    It was really it was really well worked but at the time at the same time you had saintro and I was much more attached to s finally it was number 2 I was more attached to saintro 2 in

    Fact and I had only played GTA 5 I did I couldn’t get it, sorry, I bought it back a little bit after I bought it, I think in 2012, the game I never was able to, I was able to hang on to this game, I don’t know

    Why I couldn’t get to me to get used to this character in fact it’s stupid he yet it’s a European I could have said why not but no I wouldn’t yeah and maybe because it’s

    Liberty City it’s Liberty City and I I’m having trouble with this city in fact I don’t know no but the world the open world was really great and then you had you had a lot of possibilities eh you had theaters cinemas you had an an internet cafe you had it there were

    Lots of things in real life which were put into the game what so there it is, that’s the thing finally I still played but without really getting into it and that’s what seemed to me that I found it a shame that’s why when you arrived you could send messages you

    Could try to find a girlfriend why it couldn’t go further ah but in any case you already had a relationship with the girl who was with you infiltrated the police who ultimately monitored you and uh I remember it’s funny because

    You know throughout the story I suspected that she was a police officer because she had ways of talk to you and I wanted to kill this woman in fact at one point and you couldn’t kill her because she had to be there for the rest of the story

    And how many times I tried to crush her to pull on her and well she got up all the time so and uh it was precisely your date it was this woman there in fact it was the one

    You were going out with when you arrived in the United States by boat it arrived by pquebo during the night there then the cutscene is really different from the one we had on PS2 it ‘s much more dull dark film I didn’t really like the cutscene it didn’t appeal to me I really

    Liked it like the one on GTA V I didn’t like it either yeah come on I didn’t really find the interest there in fact on these HD PS 3 and PS4 versions the main hero is the setting it’s the city

    ​​it’s not necessarily the person you’re playing with uh on the other hand what they did really well I found in this game it was the way the character progressed, that is to say that at the beginning

    He doesn’t know anyone he goes to his cousin’s house he finds a job uh he’s a taxi driver in the city he talks to people and so on he can go on taxi rides without necessarily doing the show yeah there’s lots of characters who meet uh there are traitors there are

    Infiltrators uh there are really things there are drug addicts that you meet people who give you steroids who you need that’s who in you meet people who are not good to hang out with as you go along and and you’re also a killer for for to help people from the

    Russian mafia and so on finally it’s super interesting for me I found the I found the game much more constructed in terms of the storyline than GTA 5 where I found very very very quickly I found

    GTA 5 for me the mode the story mode uh and then you could move around with several vehicles he you had you had helicopters boats cars motorcycles there was a bit of everything there there was already in Vice City tenfold ah well there yes yeah and then you had

    And then well on the other hand from this episode there the music it started to be on the other hand I find that even that the this GTA there it is worse musically than GTA 5, well I think it’s worth it in mediocrity I think that if you

    Have greats you have big names in song like David bow uh Jean-Michel Jard [ __ ] we have Jean-Michel Jard in GTA 5 yeah GTA 4 sorry he must not have many words in my opinion eh ah well no he speaks he doesn’t sing anyway Jean-Michel Jard so there you have two three

    Names we’re going to say David B zo easp IG pop that’s a bit limited to that bom Marley too but well but then here they are the chosen titles are not good I think it doesn’t represent that era

    Because there the game takes place in what year so wait it’s happening it’s the beginning of 2000 no that’s happening year 2000 and we don’t know exactly that I think it’s happening around the

    Real time in 2008 when it came out is and uh because well you no longer have the Twin Toers you no longer have uh the financial center as it is it was before 2001 so you still have the possibility on the other

    Hand in New York in this city to visit to go up to the grciel et cetera uh you have you have construction sites which are which are a little symbolic of Ground Z0 at the time it is but the

    Map the map of New York is not very precise compared to reality compared to Los Santos which which is which is really we are going to say 80% of the real Los Angeles is the city of New York

    Is really not very well reproduced except in relation to the center and let’s say Central Park or things like that but I found quite a bit maybe it’s there it’s voluntary on the part of Rockstar not to make the city exactly in relation to the law and so on you have

    Monuments of course which are symbolic eh which are still there but uh we ‘re going to say that it’s it’s not you Time Square of course Time Square with advertising and so on then there were things that I liked, for example when you stole

    Someone’s car, the guy he you he could grab the door again yeah you know try to get you out of the car again and you could accelerate and then the guy who followed you with the door with his hand blocked on the door what that was funny and it’s From this episode

    I found the cops completely stupid but maybe it was on purpose in the end yes yes because you can’t you can’t for example get arrested anymore or it’s very rare even in GTA V it’s very rare when you can get arrested there he prefers to shoot you directly in fact

    It’s true it’s true it’s true and you also had for one of the first times the online mode which was really increased tenfold by compared to what we had on the PS2 which was very limited there you still have something quite huge with games organized online I

    There was no mission yet like in the in GTA V I don’t think there is but on the other hand you had car races you had things like that and it was you also had chassalom well it was super interesting I found the online mode I don’t know if you

    Have played a lot you no well no no no because no I tell you this game I have so much I have so little appreciated that then I didn’t play much online at the time either so no I’m not I missed it so maybe one day I’ll want to do it again

    Maybe I’ll do it again yeah but there for the moment I will admit to you that it still doesn’t make me want what yeah B it’s me it’s a game that I finished and and and for the anecdote it’s that I I did it the

    Game on Xbox 360 first and on I had yeah on 360 yeah and then I took it again on PS3 to do the adon also sincerely it was much more beautiful on Xbox 360 than but anyway

    All the Rockstar juxs were prettier on 360 even Red Dead Redemption on 360 it is it is really very very beautiful what is it the the the the colors are well transcribed things like

    That on the other hand you are talking about the DLC which has which had just after finally it ‘is adon it wasn’t a DLC in that yeah it’s the same thing anyway on the other hand so the lost and D version there with in it

    That’s what it’s called I don’t remember what it was call him the player there uh uh so there it’s Jonathan kbit keV kevix there yeah he’s a Jew in fact who is part of a

    Biker gang so in fact if you want the lostame it’s a bit like the el Angel in fact which really exists and on the other hand I was hooked it’s true that as we were talking off the air the

    Game really didn’t last long but uh this idea with the motorcycle gangs where you had to ride quietly in the in the city you had your gang with you on a motorbike it’s me I really liked this game it was a little buggy from time to time but I

    Really liked this game yeah but Ballad of the Gony I never finished it because I was stuck in a placeah for those who don’t know it was a game that was sold you could buy it either

    Download it or buy it in game it was additional content with two games for on a CD what it HM but you still had to have GTA 4 to be able to play it yeah but it’s a game which was finally it’s a don which was also postponed several times for lack

    Of time of of of of creation of of of C adon and of and there was 50 million dollars of development invested for for this adon with uh with Rockstar who who put a lot of money uh

    Who wanted to make in fact at the base another game and finally they made an adon they released it in February 2009 instead of 2006 it was supposed to come out 3 years in advance 3 years before the game and uh they didn’t

    Release it for cheap eh it came out for 20 € on the DLC on the then I don’t know anymore com yeah what they called it at the time on the the Microsoft Store or I don’t know what there

    Yeah that’s it eh on Xbox Live finally on the yes yeah I don’t remember yeah it was something like that yeah because it came out as an exclusive on the 360 ​​first I think yeah yeah

    And and later it came out with the full version on PS3 that’s it but for me I I loved it besides just for the anecdote we find Johnny kbits there the the guy from l lost m dan we

    Find him in GTA V yeah he gets his face blown up by Trevor in fact yeah yeah it’s true it’s true and the other he even says Trevor look I said to his girlfriend there he says look I have

    A piece of brain on my shoes you see it’s him yeah yeah but it’s true that the missions in addition in in this lost dam was much more interesting than the normal game I remember that yes that’s it yeah yeah but that’s why I liked it what’s more it was really with

    A biker gang so it was it’s true that in the games it wasn’t it was almost unheard of what in fact it’s true it’s true it’s true and you had a lot of how to say charismatic characters in in in this adon there because it’s true that afterwards they

    Released Goni’s ballad and it wasn’t I found that they had lost a bit of the yeah there I am I got less hooked with Ballad of the Gony then there was a mission that I couldn’t complete I gave up in fact yeah no but I can understand that it was much harder and

    And I don’t know there was there was sometimes I think that Rockstar wanted to release things but without necessarily succeeding in finishing them as it did wanted it was yeah it was tests in fact that they did instead of releasing it in game they preferred to release it for free what in fact

    Yeah or but the the Guer des gangs en moto that was a superb idea it’s true as you say it had never been done but Gony’s stroll uh finally Goni you hardly ever see him you still play you still play the role of his bodyguard et cetera well it’s a game which is

    Quite long eh finally this one is quite long I finished it but I finished it with suffering that is to say that in the end I finished it to finish it because the story is

    Bored me to a point I was bored uh always the same go go go get a guy kill a guy come back to the nightclub talk for 10 years dance I mean they invented the story of parachutes there that you could do ascensional you could also dance on

    The dance floors in yes with well in rhythm you had the left arrow round cross I never succeeded there I never succeeded after 2 minutes I was fed up there that was breaking it head afterwards it’s possible to play golf at the top of the you could also play golf I think for

    A moment there finally you had lots of things like that but I didn’t at all like that one either what yeah but B it was a version of the game which was released in a box

    Also a pe it was released I had it I had it with lost name on the same CD in fact yeah that’s it yeah so that must have been maybe 2 years 2 years after GTA 4 what h and that’s

    It it’s the same he it’s games that sold a lot and on the other hand on the level of space on the console well we was at 18 GB so that has nothing to do with the

    50 or 60 that we can have today out of 70 even I look at me I installed I reinstalled the last time GTA 5 on my on my PC that is 70.5 GB so you have I don’t know how many

    Hours of installation it’s crazy stuff after which it’s certain that you have textures which are in HD in 1080p while at time it was 720 yes that’s it eh it’s sure there is but it was already beautiful it was already beautiful for me I especially remember also the decor uh

    In New York where you had the Exhibition universal that you can find in man in black you know there with the in man in black these are flying jerks which are in the air and finally

    In New York they had reproduced all the big uh the big region of the city of New York uh but in a very small space and you could go around the map quite quickly by crossing

    A few bridges like the Brooklyn Bridge which was redone you had uh uh you had the North and the South and so on you had the IST River you had the airport which had no relation to the

    Position where it should be uh well at the end of the map as usual uh uh and then you really had this online mode which was really superb I found on PS3 Xbox also I spent evenings playing this with people uh on the Xbox 360 online which

    Was super effective whereas on PS3 afterward when I changed console it was it wasn’t well at all there was there was something like 7 hours people per connection and there were very few of us to go car racing kids maybe but no there were there were there were all

    Teenagers adults but the problem is that there were really limited servers because at the time on PS3 well like maybe today still finally now if there are still servers I I don’t know anything but but uh it was free so in fact ultimately

    They had created a lot of servers which were saturated and uh often the games slowed down at the bugit while on Xbox you had to pay to have live so ultimately uh you ended up with something not great uh okay anyway anyway that’s what I was never able to

    Test that because I wasn’t interested in the live at the time but because in fact I had done uh Sansro’s live and it was shit but it was shit but it was bad it was uh I don’t know I don’t know what they had wanted to do uh it was really due to

    The confrontation you had no mission it was no it wasn’t great so it had disgusted me a little what yeah finally there it is it was a me I found that it was a very good game on the

    Other hand GTA 4 with New York and Nico Bellig yeah because it was very deep in the end you had they managed to mix in the feelings uh of immigrating to the United States that you can

    Feel and then at the same time you still had this side uh uh mafia and so on scheme arrangement but there were there were more gangs on the other hand the story of the gangs that you can

    That you in S Andreas had completely disappeared or you and really I think that what was to be highlighted which was not taken up by GTA V was the progression of the character uh in

    His evolution in life in the United States yeah and really I found it a shame that in GTA V he gives us three characters who are who are FAD except perhaps the one who is in the desert

    I don’t know what his name is Trevor that’s it but the other two ultimately they are not they are not very engaging and uh all way we’re going we’re going to come there with GTA 5 uh it’s it’s a

    Game that disappointed me a lot on many points you how did you perceive it you this game level I had a lot of fun above at the level of the live in fact yeah uh afterwards it’s true that level uh

    Level finally story it’s not great what it’s true that it’s déjà vu for me it’s déjà vu in fact there there wasn’t really anything new and then even it’s a regression I think because you don’t really have any evolution uh what I loved about

    SRO is that the more you evolved the more you could example your your hideout you could modify it if you want yeah and that I never understood why GTA they never wanted to do that uh uh it’s a shame because it could be a plus since you earn money that do

    You ultimately make money in GTA apart from uh uh using your car buy cars and stuff like that I’m talking about the story itself eh because the live after that the more money you have the more you can ‘buy things but uh in terms of history in fact your money is

    Not of much use to you ultimately because you buy cars but you have 2 billion euros with 2 billion euros you can’t do anything that’s it which is stupid you can’t buy a new house you can’t buy one between finally you see there are lots of things like that which make

    It a little disappointing no but it’s a it’s a game it’s true that for me the story mode what really bothered me is that you spend 6 hours watching in hand doing impound missions

    At the start of the game yeah but that’s it here on the right and left yeah that’s for sure yeah why did they decide to make us do that at the start of the game in a redundant and repetitive way when ultimately you want to be right in the action of meeting characters

    And so on that and you you start doing forced labor missions that you can do when you’re in this sector or things like that, I don’t see the point, I mean of of it’s as if in chînemou we make you

    Do we make you work at the port for 6 hours of the game at the start of the game lifting crates and putting crates in a boat for 6 well that’s in Mafia 2 that Mafia 2 here you also have the

    Choice you have the choice to play the game of putting boxes in a boat for 6 hours no but there and there you are forced to do it no but I said no it’s not possible the game is starting badly

    For me I was full of hope afterwards I said to myself maybe it would finally be useful for something to do that but in fact it’s no use it’s no use it’s just for furnishing because you realize that the character from the beginning of the game ultimately has his story ok there

    You are learning things about his life but you you don’t get to the bottom of the story straight away and uh you spend your time raising a dog you spend your time talking to people who have no interest in the rest of the story uh the side missions are ridiculous uh the

    Girl who you help out you don’t even know why you help her out but she’s a drug addict and so on finally there you have the impression of being used as a burden uh your Tonon character is not valued

    And you you don’t want to play actually with him h and I find that the game really starts once you start to go and steal something from the house of the other character who lives in the rich Hollywood hills yeah and there the game really begins but the action

    After it really begins also once you are with Trevor in the desert there you say that it’s GTA that’s it but honestly I was very disappointed with the game during the first 10 game Hees for me it was furniture that Rockstar did that is to say what they did they

    Spent their time creating a map of Los Angeles on the smallest details the textures et cetera but ultimately the story of the game I found very very weak yeah and uh and you after how long did you finish this game for example well uh yeah I had to finish it after

    10 hours but you know uh there was a mission I kept failing myself I completed the I ah the complete game yeah uh ah yeah doing everything everything everything yes after 2 months or so yeah you see it was yeah at after 2 months yeah yeah yeah yeah you took your time anyway

    I took my time to try anyway well I tried to have fun anyway but hey it’s true that B it’s isn’t the story that you’re going to remember anyway in this GTA 5 I think it’s more the online mode yeah it’s the online mode so at the very beginning the online mode

    When it arrived on this game it’s is true that it was very very limited very buggy I remember h ah yes or yes well you couldn’t you couldn’t in fact it was in fact Rockstar they screwed us

    From the beginning to the for a really long time because in fact the online it came late in fact uh you could just do the first mission yeah I remember and as soon as you started

    The other one and well it crashed you came back to the beginning what in fact it gave you a message error yeah uh and that we had waited I think a good month before things were put back

    In place so at the time I remember I had a I had a team uh I had registered I remember which site and then I had I had a team and we were really already looking forward to this game already the game itself we were looking forward to online we

    Thought we were a little naive we thought that with this online there we could have built our character and we could have really built it from A to Z a bit like Sansro did, it’s that you could

    Really build your character from 1 to Z for those who don’t know Sansro well fa out too Fallout 4 you can build your character into a character that really resembles you in the end we were disappointed because the character you have you have very little choice in fact yeah

    And the character you have to after a while you you have to have someone who resembles your character what in fact and already that had been a big disappointment uh and then well it’s to earn money at the beginning it was complicated what had to be done odd jobs

    Had to steal cars the air to sell had to uh rob shops uh that’s it it was at the beginning it wasn’t very easy and then uh and then after a while I gave up then I left the team because no one was playing it anymore because there was

    No ‘evolution in fact h we had to wait sincerely we had to wait until 2016 I find for the 3 years for the online to change and then in fact the arrival of the PS4 finally yeah

    That’s true not the arrival no it’s that the game comes out on PS4 and then that it completely changes online in fact yes already the fact that people pay to play online you have less problems with servers which are saturated or things like that because that you have people who

    Pay precisely to have a quality service and there is less trouble and then what which unfortunately I think killed a little online on PS3 it was the moding with all the people G who had hacked their PS3 and who added fake money and then

    Fake money uh how can I say capacity for the for their players yeah sometimes well you had players it was impossible to kill them what they didn’t have never who fly who burn people without being touched finally et cetera who had tanks all over the city because

    It’s true that GTA 5 the real interest of the game ultimately when you have finished it is to pass quickly online and because something amazing it’s the first time I’m playing in GTA which has missions more interesting online than offline that’s it it’s still crazy because

    Everything that is heist everything that is uh side mission with other characters well it’s online in fact there’s more and the game itself uh which is really very, very difficult to complete because I remember at one point towards the end of the game you do the mission with the three characters

    Yeah you have to push me in in the Rabin finally all that was sluggish I couldn’t take it anymore even the missions in the car I drove over people I crossed the grass I crossed the forest I I didn’t care I didn’t care about the game anymore I wanted to finish it

    As quickly as possible gen the story was so boring even when I saw the gen in my head I still have the end credits which scrolls when I finished it on PS3 the first

    Time [Music] uh for me I said to myself but the best thing about the game ultimately is it’s the it’s the setting it’s it’s it’s not the story and when you see all the regions of California which

    Are refit by it’s super well done he ah yeah it’s super well done even on PS3 frankly it’s a blast because the console honestly I could I didn’t think it could have done that one day even on PS3 such a large map well of course there are all the

    Frame rate loading problems on PS3 that it doesn’t have on PS4 because there is still here we were talking about 70 GB and then with the adon it’s 78 apparently it’s a game which is quite huge uh and on PS3 the

    PS3 suffered enormously from the level of FPS during the car races the decorations which disappeared or which slowly reappeared well well c ‘it’s it’s a game that pushed the console to its limits it’s it’s but it’s sincerely it was it was

    The culmination of the PS3 of what it could do and I’m looking at being able to not do better could not do better way not B in terms of sales figures you still had 23 million sales on a PS3 to in fact until February 2018 in the total number of sales

    And 20 million on PS4 so that more or less means that there you have people who played on PS3 who bought the game on PS4 like me that’s what that’s what I did yeah to rediscover the game but there’s no a big big change but there is still some the character is

    Prettier already and graphic level it’s still much more it’s more beautiful eh it’s true that on PS4 there is nothing to say about this sidel it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s huge what you the the the sunset things like that the weather it’s on the PS4 it looks good what yeah yeah

    Absolutely yes good then on PC even better what when you have a good PC it’s it’s it’s huge h yeah indeed yeah and then you have in terms of the characters what also disappointed me was that Franklin finally when you finish the game with him well you don’t learn much more

    No no no that’s for sure yeah Michel uh well what’s interesting is that you discover that his wife is kitting him with the yoga teacher finally he has a fairly lively life typical of a rich person his

    Son he does stupid things he doesn’t want to work he’s fat it’s the typical American who has succeeded but uh uh his children are flemars and his wife is a woman who spends money who does nothing else depressive yeah that’s it uh and then Trevor is the guy here is

    In the desert, here we imagine that he is a veteran of Vietnam or things like that who is a Canadian in addition here who is excluded from society with psychopathic tendencies and so on finally it’s is the most amusing character I find ah me I love this character in fact

    I take him all the time because he is finally he is in fact finally he has att chance he is a big disgusting yeah but I find him endearing in fact yeah yes There his well the thing is that he never has empathy he is always in the destruction in the

    Paranoid delirium he is never in the in the emotion he will never stop at a moment like Franklin to analyze the situation he is going to destroy everything he sees what that’s it there are there are several but I find that ultimately the characters are not as far from each other

    And that’s it is a bit of that which was missing perhaps it should have put a woman at one point perhaps perhaps in the 6 I think they have they announce a woman well after that it’s

    It’s still a yeah it’s still far away but I think there will be a woman in the 6 yeah and and then in this GTA 5 so you have you have you have Franklin who lives in the ghetto where San

    Andreas was located at the time on PS2 with the entire Compton district redone a little identically with unfortunately in what is a shame as we said is that you have a lot of places uh

    Where you can have Inter activity with the shops and et cetera which are closed you have a big one you have a large shopping center which is closed you can’t go in you see things it’s a shame

    What I don’t understand why they have they haven’t they haven’t done that you can’t even rob the banks it’s not normal well I don’t know there’s something missing you can do that online okay but story mode you can’t it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s stupid all the same what I

    Think they could have made sure even the history of the case in it is still not open the casino it will never open anyway well since it’s been since 2013 that’s it I think we are badly crossed there and you see I was a little naive also because I said to myself

    You see you know buildings construction and I said to myself you see I am sure that over time they will do what the building or a little more and more built what you see

    And then well when when GTA V will no longer be on sale and well the building will be built definitely and finally you realize that no what you realize but it’s funny because that they recently released an adon with the nightclubs and yeah and in the trailer you

    See the building under construction which is finished and that inside is actually luxury private accommodation and nightclubs night finally a nightclub and private car garages and the building is finished and we said with a friend while watching the trailer hey

    They have finished the building under construction we will be able to go inside and finally finally you can just buy a nightclub at the reedchaussé in the already completed apartments so finally at the top it’s always the same at the same time you will tell me change this whole

    Part of the decor was it ultimately useful for something I don’t know in the in the nightclub situation we don’t care a bit but it’s really the corner casino hippodrome which has never been made the penitentiary every time you pass above you get shot or

    Military it’s the same you can’t do anything about it it’s blocked there are plenty of places like those which are inaccessible in the game and which would have deserved more interest in relation to the developers so that they focus on what but it’s a bit shoddy I think I think that they have

    They haven’t forgotten a lot of stuff yeah but here we’re going to keep a record compared to the wait for the new GTA it’s still going to be almost 6 years next year 6 years and we

    Still don’t really have any information on what yeah well it’s true that there we can I don’t know where is it going is it going to go then logically it would be well well logically no

    Because there you find you find a bit of the three cities in in in the same game 5 here yeah I’m thinking of Miami or Las Vegas in my opinion Las Vegas there is something huge to do in my opinion of course especially if he remakes the city identically like usually with places

    In hotels which are uh we can go inside the buildings and so on finally there are things to do eh then of course you can do you can do something completely different by going to another continent but that will be for me it won’t be the GTA identity

    Yeah yes if you go to Mexico or if you go I mean it still has to remain in the American spirit I think it’s blurring the United States so ah yeah it has to stay in

    The United States otherwise I think it’s going to lose its interest GTA I think yeah yeah yeah well here I go I don’t really know what’s in store for us but compared to what we’ve had in terms of story

    It was quite disappointing I found you you didn’t like it at all either the 4th either so ultimately you’re you’re not very helpful what it’s going to be that’s it that’s the thing eh but I must

    Have a problem with Liberty City I think it’s it’s it’s all eh no but I don’t know no it was there was SRO which was released at the time which I really liked then after sansro it became big really anything and then well finally after I was at 5 I still had

    Fun with it uh uh online we had good times with it too eh that there’s no there’s no problem eh on the other hand now well to download things you have to it’s become complicated eh to install patches on it h because really the bad

    Handling and your game it’s it’s ruined he so if it’s to reinstall a 70 GB game every 4 mornings you have it for a while yeah it’s true that on PC you enjoy uh everything that is HD filters uh the photorealistic things the real advertisements the cars

    It’s something you have the modes also the apocalypse destruction modes yes that’s it yeah yeah you have lots of stuff but hey it’s I find it complicated to install in fact so I have it quickly for the moment yeah yeah yeah so here it is after the level of

    The missions this GTA well as we said it’s more interesting offline and you have a lot of things that are online sorry online yeah you have a lot of things that are really super interesting to play with others yeah several that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s the new thing I find in this GTA

    Is that the online missions are several there are not only activities like car races there there are a lot of things that you can also create also then you can create your own gang you can uh you can buy a house finally a place where you make drugs

    And then after that it interacts with the others who are on the map competitors who have to sabotage your mission it’s not bad but afterwards unfortunately I find that there is even less and fewer people on the live and then it’s full of kids

    Now yeah it’s true that even on PS4 it’s a little deserted because finally after 6 years we even get tired of it if Rockstar offers us free DLC the problem is that once you have the DLC to access the missions well you have to earn money that if you are not

    A player we will say usual to the game and who doesn’t spend his time doing online missions and then you find yourself without money having downloaded a DLC that you can’t do and or so you put virtual money on the PS Store to buy credits virtual and there you

    Can you can buy things quickly because ultimately it’s very very expensive ultimately you have to spend a lot of time too expensive when you look at the offline prices j with Franklin or the others and then when you look at the online prices c It’s for example that you buy a bino

    But yeah in the good stuff it’s going to be at 50 70 and there on the other hand you play online it has 150 300 dollars what even more sometimes so it’s way too expensive what cars it’s it’s impossible to buy a luxury car if you haven’t bought uh then

    Even buildings finally it’s it’s not possible what it is it’s it costs way too much so I know that there are certain ones I remember at the time to earn a lot of money there were certain missions which were won which paid well so you had to do them in a

    Loop to be able to earn some money yeah but uh after a while moment you’re fed up and that’s why we stopped our collaboration, it’s because we got really tired of it but in any case it goes in circles at a given moment because uh I see that

    For example the last nightclub DLC uh I got to a point where ultimately all you do is buy instruments uh for your nightclub like spots or or panels uh luminous panels on the ground et cetera which cost the skin of the skin of the

    Buttocks and the missions are always the same that is to say that you have to go and advertise your nightclub you have to go uh do I don’t know what to collect goods in the desert which are

    20 km away you spend 15 minutes driving with your cam across the map apart from driving well you don’t do anything that I’m willing but it’s not all that exciting no no no no that’s for sure SR afterwards I

    Think that you have a lot of people who despise live a little because of that and it’s not necessarily the free stuff that will make them come back, well unfortunately so I don’t know what it’s going to

    Be like its 6 is it going to be only online and not at all offline it could also be possible eh yeah that would surprise me because it’s still a significant source of income for Rockstar VO have uh but Well, I think that after Rockstar it’s people

    Who are able to thank the fans by giving free DLC on an ongoing basis and that’s something that’s quite exceptional in the world of video games today. today because when you know that electronic s charges for the slightest skin for a character €2

    There still you have you have DLC which lasts for 3 to 4 hours with new missions which are free and then give money from time to time also also and so there I think we can salute them for that even if it’s not necessarily interesting it’s not much

    But no but it’s not interesting then even the money it gives you it’s it’s it’s it’s not much what I think yeah I think he could give a little bit more so that everyone can at least buy a boomker or something like that what do you see for for to

    Have calculated in general we will say that 100,000 dollars corresponds to 1 hour of play when you have a good level that’s uh like lesmion you know car recovery car delivery well you can make 100,000 dollars in an hour by not losing so when you need 1 million 5

    Or 2 million to buy you a building or a new nightclub well you count there and that’s it that’s something like 15 hours or 10 hours of play that’s okay that’s enough it’s quite long

    Because there are moments when you are going to lose too he when you are going to do your missions for s yes because you always have a guy who is going to come and kill you and again what is good is

    That there they avoided before you could when you had 100,000 dollars on you that you hadn’t put them in the bank you lost them and the guy could get the money back now that they took that away you can’t do that anymore fortunately fortunately no because you imagine it’s the same too you

    Could steal at the time you got the guy if he had made a nice car but something super expensive and he hadn’t put an anti-theft device on it or I don’t know what ah well if you had killed the guy you

    Could take your car and go sell it you could make money like that too and now that’s no longer possible you can no longer get into people’s cars in fact oh yeah and then that’s to finish one of the things that we really can we salute on this GTA V

    Here it is the fidelity of the decorations of Los Angeles which are really reproduced to the centimeters to the nearest details of the great of the Grands Boulevards of of CC city you have you have things like Sunset Boulevard with the stars on the ground with faonom of course

    You have the shines oator where you have the Oscars you ASAS the Hollywood SIG you have you have Universal Studio finally which is not entirely done you have you have the beginning of Universal studio of the mountains you have

    The dam the famous dam which to the north of Los Angeles which retains the water and so on yeah you finally have lots of things there even the airport which is faithful exactly with how to say

    The terminal that we can see on TV and so on finally there are lots of really good things – there is also the second degree that they kept in GTA 5 when you look at all the ads even there

    A thing that they have done since GTA 4 is that you can watch TV you can watch the you can go to the cinema too or or you have a kind of semblance of a porn film in the cinema with

    This Tru but it made me laugh what it’s a thing it’s a huge thing or you have a movie poster or you have a a monkey having sex a a man I don’t remember more ago something

    Like that you see in it you look at all the ads it’s all second degree finally it’s it’s it’s really the rockstar humor that I love and uh it’s the same the cops who are completely really cop the American one but in + 10 what completely crazy cops what is

    It it’s true here I like it I like this second degree of from Rockstar what therefore TV show also like The Voice or the Nouvelle Star VO yeah and that’s the same the place where that takes place is

    The basketball stadium and we can’t access it either the big one the big stadium it’s not a gowood it’s it looks a bit like it it’s a fictitious thing yeah it doesn’t exist then but I had

    Succeeded at the time so when I was with my my group there of friends there that we enjoy in GTA we had succeeded with the cargo Bob that’s it yeah we managed to take racing cars

    And put them on top in fact on the roof of the basketball stadium and we did Nascar races in fact ah ah okay okay ah yeah but hey it was funny but that’s it without more after that we had stopped going crazy because that was fun but without more what and but otherwise

    No Rockstar they really manage to do good things which to reproduce at the ‘identical things without it being the same there is always a little thing that differs from reality what yeah yeah yeah well there is there is a funny thing it’s on the desert the

    Desert highway which goes right up to the airfield or you have the restaurant with the pink dinosaur which also exists in reality and then you have you have all the stops also of the trucks trucks there which

    Cross the United States uh up to which go up to Seattle in the highway does not go up to cattle in in the game but with all the stops in the forest with you you see a lot of you see a lot of realistic traffic with flows of cars which correspond precisely

    To the roads at certain times and so on, that’s really it, it’s well done, it’s really very very well done, yeah, so there you go, I don’t know if you want to add something, no, no. no for me Vice City will remain the best of the franchise after

    My top my top 3 is Vice City saintandreas and then even GTA 5 in 3 what but it’s true we didn’t talk about a very small thing also it is that there are quite a few Histor eg which have been revealed on

    Social networks in this GTA 5 with precisely paranormal things with the ghost in in pH at 11 p.m. I don’t know what evening you have to go you have to go on the cliff I saw it once there is also the telmaouise sequence the film in the mountain when I showed it

    Yeah I came across it by chance and I had seen it I had done it once on PS3 and no one believed me and there I was able to record it on PS4 if if I saw it

    Guys look it was there and so I came back to it one day by chance without knowing it and I know no longer what day it was but it was around 5 p.m. before the sun set at 6 p.m. there

    You go yeah and then you have you have this sequence and I that that and there are other things that’s that but that ‘s is I don’t know if it’s historeg but just after Franklin’s mission and stuff like that you can continue so secondary missions and at one point you wait

    I don’t know it’s not no it’s Michael who can go back to the what’s it called Epsilon yeah there’s Scientology yeah here’s Scientology and if you want you have you have a lot

    Of missions to do and at the end you have the possibility so to go you have a car with the the hood full of money yeah and you can either take the money to the big guru

    Yeah or you can keep it for yourself in fact and if you keep it for yourself well then you are chased by other members of Epsilon and then you have the cops too and if you manage to lose

    The cops and well the money the money is for you Franklin he has to collect all the parts of a car to build the car a car you know of d ‘extraterrestrial there forord there it is and then after Trevor I don’t remember what it is he must take people into

    A sect or I don’t know what anyway in short you have lots of little ones other side missions which are which are nice too what you see there is the game it ends late finally the

    Mission itself it is quite fast on the other hand I had done 43 he me 43 he the normal story yeah and the you will tell me 43 he it’s still not bad eh yeah it’s long and on the

    Other hand with the secondary missions you can still extend your your game what h ah but it’s it’s in the duration there’s no problem the game is very very Longin but it’s me I’m talking mainly about the interest you have in doing the show and then there you have more you don’t

    Really have any drug trafficking there it’s a lot of pursuit it’s a lot to do afraid for example the mission where Michael’s kid is uh uh in the middle of the TV set something yes bê like whatever ENF it’s or you have to reconcile Michael’s family with Michael which quite simply you

    Have the impression that you are doing side missions but you never do the story of the Sims whatever you do there well ok Nico I thank you for participating in this this show on the GTA series thank you very much eh it’s always always a pleasure to remembering mythical games

    Like this what yeah yeah so there you go and then see you next time so hi everyone hi are you tired of dad dad no one wants to hear your stupid Vietnam stories are you tired of mom hi Angel do you want to read a book or go outside no

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