Proseguiamo il nostro viaggio verso nord seguendo la costa Oceanica Portoghese e le sue belle onde. Scopriamo la bella penisola di Peniche con la sua città fortificata e le scogliere a strapiombo sul mare. Quindi arriviamo a Nazarè, famosa per le imponenti onde, amata da surfisti di tutto il mondo.
    #camper #camperlife #viaggioincamper #ronik #portogallo #portugal #peniche #cabocarvoeiro #lagoadobispo #nazare #sailingboat #barcaavela #vacanzeinbarcaavela
    Il nostro S/Y Ronik è a riposo durante l’inverno nelle tranquille acque del porto rifugio di Andora in attesa della prossima Stagione Velica 2024. Noi proseguiremo con un progetto che Ci porterà alla scoperta di nuovi orizzonti. Questa volta via terra e non via mare. Continuate a seguirci!
    Sailing Ronik non si ferma continuando a scoprire spicchi di mondo per noi e per voi! Sailing Ronik on the Road.
    Sailing Ronik è viaggio, il viaggio è scoperta e conoscenza, la conoscenza è cultura, la cultura è capacità di potersi emozionare per le piccole grandi cose che scopriamo ogni giorno.
    In un viaggio non è importante la destinazione ma il viaggio stesso! Vivere per viaggiare e non viaggiare per vivere!
    Amiamo viaggiare ed ogni luogo che visitiamo, in barca a vela, in camper, in auto, in moto, in bicicletta od anche a piedi è sempre una piacevole stimolante scoperta.
    L’amore per la vita, la curiosità di conoscere il mondo, la gioia di vivere le emozioni e il benessere della tranquillità; sono solo alcune delle esigenze che ci hanno spinto a decidere una “vita in barca a vela”. Siamo una coppia, Betty e Mauro, che da diversi anni condivide vita e lavoro a bordo della barca “Ronik”. Una barca a vela Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 52.2 del 2001, progetto Bruce Farr. Abbiamo il piacere di rendervi partecipi di queste emozioni ospitandovi a bordo durante le nostre crociere in Mediterraneo: Riviere Liguri, Costa Azzurra, Arcipelago Toscano, Corsica, Sardegna, Isole Pontine, Sicilia, Isole Eolie ed Isole Egadi…. e domani chissà… il mare è grande!
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    Here it is! Do the Portuguese call this a mill? azenhas! this is why I said before if you remember that it reminded me a bit of my Genoa in Zena because it is pronounced Zena, Zena and this is the azenha so we can say that Genoa is a mill!

    These earthenware jugs, yes they are earthenware, very beautiful we wanted to stop because these mills are characteristic of this area they also have the cockerel on the top and in fact here too there are all the mills with the amphorae but they have the cloths as well as the amphorae anyway So we are going up the western coast of Portugal always towards the north it started to rain first of all and the forecast says rain for the whole day so we stopped for a lunch stop in a car park at the Praia di Santa Rita

    I’m waiting for Mauro who something good prepares me! Because soon we’ll get to? Nazare! which is famous why? because it has the highest waves in Portugal! of Europe… Here you go look, look… look at the beautiful waves that are arriving now! We’re coming to Peniche! Portuguese dinner tonight: bacalao pie, cod, it’s called bacalao brasao, brasao with chips and a mix of vegetables and what shall we drink? green wine, the Alvarinho green wine… the Portal Dominho which is an excellent green wine

    That will accompany us with this bacalao brasao… here in Portugal the bacalao is considered the national dish a bit like macaroni with sauce in Italy, a something like that or spaghetti Here we are in this ASA camper area in Peniche…

    We arrived last night, we didn’t pick up last night because it was pouring, in fact there is… it poured all afternoon, even that same evening… Today it’s not nice but it’s not raining and it’s cloudy but

    We decided to take a tour around this beautiful city of Peniche… Peniche is this city built on this fortified peninsula in antiquity and we’ll take this bike tour and you’ll be with us to see see this beautiful city! Let’s go! Here is the fortified city of Peniche which was built this wall to protect the city on the fjord and therefore on the sea water and which makes it difficult, certainly made it difficult in ancient times to invade the city.

    Peniche is right on a peninsula… in fact the name of Peniche derives from peninsula We are on the tip, on the tip of the Fort… this beautiful little village here with the houses overlooking the sea where the ocean waves crash with thunder . Mauro and I are discussing what we would like from life!

    There’s a beautiful film that Mauro, as a cinephile, knows very well… Now he’ll explain what it is! Which? In time! Film not a masterpiece but the idea is very beautiful! the main actor is Justin Timberlake… there is no money, there is no money, but you buy things,

    You work by buying time and spending time! Well… very often in life we ​​waste a lot of time trying to accumulate wealth when we should have time… time to finish… because these are beauties that deserve to be visited always throughout our lives.

    The world is small but at the same time large enough for a single life! It’s difficult to get to know the world in just one lifetime… it’s not enough for us! so to summarize what we would like to buy right now is precisely the time! These seaside fishermen’s houses are delightful, truly delightful… they overlook the sea on the somewhat protected side of the peninsula so the violent waves don’t arrive but the beautiful waves still arrive! What prepares a tree for a boat? Yes bow of the boat! Calbardao! this wood? pinho! Oh it’s pine! Well yes there is sex in Peniche too! We are at the Furninha cave… this fireplace has been temporarily closed but you can hear the sea underneath and above all you can hear the waves, the hot, very hot air coming up… I’m silent, listen eh!

    Sense? precisely because here under the cliff there is a cave that cannot be seen from above, it can only be seen from the sea and this puff comes from above! Can you see where we are? Cabo Carvoeiro! Here we are still on the Penice peninsula from here we have the lighthouse and behind me the islands of the Berlenga archipelago which are the ones down there

    That broke away from the Iberian peninsula between 200 and 350 million years ago so they are very very old during the summer there are shuttles , we saw down at the port, which lead to the islands on one of this island there is a lighthouse and a monastery where the monks practiced isolation

    But what joke did you make? this area is very beautiful… Portugal is inspiring us more and more day after day, very beautiful indeed… These beautiful rock formations that are here eroded by the wind and the sea are very, very similar to those we found at Torcal de Antequera above Malaga except that those were at 1500 m above sea level, those too had once been submerged by the sea

    But are today at 1500 m above sea level… These are really cliffs overlooking the sea! Spectacular! Bettina plays at being an explorer! We are at the Revelin dos Remedios… Look at this beautiful sculpture created by the wind and the sea today the sea is not even particularly stormy but these ocean waves always create a remarkable spectacle… this viewpoint is in front of an old man convent

    Which is linked to the convent of the monks who were on the island of Berlenga I filled myself with earth and red sand… which now you will bring all of it to my camper van! Carletto won’t be very happy! The power of the ocean! these waves travel 4,500 miles before breaking here so and we have not yet arrived at Nazarè which is famous for being the place in Portugal with the most impressive waves that we will see in the next few days for now we are we are here

    Entranced by the power that the ocean in these places… you can’t help but remain silent and admire! How violent these waves are! a remarkable force of nature that expresses itself here in these places I am fascinated… I would stay for hours admiring and absorbing the energy that this sea gives you! Today we were a little late… it’s already 3:30 in the afternoon and we just left from the Peniche camper area parking, okay we did 16 km by bike this morning, we recharged the bikes, we changed the ‘water to the camper a little bit of shopping… I have fun with all the bacalao

    That is worse than women this… if you leave it in a supermarket it will never come out again! he told me bring only one bag… two weren’t enough! I taste a bit of wine… above all! so let’s go back up now let’s set off again and go back up towards Nazarè!

    We have how many kilometers about 60 km This is the Baleal peninsula which has the sea to the east and the sea to the left… packed full of surfers! Here we are at the Lagoa de Obidos… Here there is a long fjord which is actually a lagoon which then connects to the sea… full of huge beaches of very clear sand and here the waves start to get pretty challenging Just before Nazarè we have this circular fjord which is very beautiful… here there is a very quiet beach because obviously the mouth of the bay dampens the waves a lot outside you can see very very high waves but here everything is very quiet

    Betty stayed in the camper because we have the premiere of a video now and so she has to stay to answer Baia Azul which is also the village of San Martinho do Porto a circular bay What a wave… Look at that wave! Madonna! We haven’t updated you on today! last night we arrived here and we are exactly in Nazarè where there are the highest ocean waves in Europe! We are parked right here behind me, you see Mauro and Carletto… in this very spacious free parking lot, sexual morning as Mauro would say! turning of chestnuts…

    We worked all morning, beautiful day but we worked all morning on the computer In short it’s almost 1pm and we’re finally going out! Here it is the city… Damn, there’s this truck behind it, damn it! and behind me the peninsula… behind you… and behind me… Look at me… wait I don’t remember the name! Berlenga


    1. Nonostante io non sappia nuotare e il mio mal di mare, ADORO il mare mosso, le grandi onde. Si, anch'io, come Mauro, rimarrei ore ad ammirare, senza stancarmi, in silenzio. Stranissime quelle rocce, suggestive. Anche i mulini. Decisamente il Portogallo è un Paese da visitare ❤

    2. Vi adoro. Bellissimo il Portogallo, stupendo viaggiare con voi. Se avessi tempo vi passerei tempo con l'orologio (In Time). Grazie anche per parlarci di film che conoscete… io adoro quando mi dite di un film che non conosco o che ho visto tanto tempo fa. E' grazie a voi che ho riso con la mia ragazza vedendo il film "Una piccola impresa meridionale". Vi mandiamo un grande abbraccio. Francesco e Isabel (sardo di Bosa e spagnola) da Gran Canaria

    3. Coucou les amis. Encore de belles vidéos de voyage. Je ne me lasse pas de vous suivre et je pense que je voyage avec vous. Bisous et à bientôt, Didier du Gers.

    4. Il tempo è il vero lusso…sarebbe bello averne di più e impiegarlo al meglio, magari anche come fate voi😘….bellissime le scogliere e le onde straordinarie🤩

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