Forensics: The Real CSI S04E01 – Body in the Freezer – British Murder Documentary

    Please emergency um he yeah I’m sign from buet SK Services um we received a load of was in and there was a freezer part of the load and where my guys have gone to empty it it looks like there’s a decomposed body Inside it’s not the skelington it actually A whole body in a sealed free are it’s shocking it really is West Midland’s police forensic lead Sonia Parkinson has been called to investigate the discovery of a body at a way site you couldn’t expect anyone to visually identify them I mean for one thing it’s just too harrowing for

    Someone you can just see how emaciated the person is almost skeletal someone’s died and and the body has been concealed who would do that why have they been murdered and put in there to hide them the death is suspicious so we need to find out who it was and how they

    Ended up being stored in the freezer forensics don’t lie we recover evidence and the evidence tells a Story a search of the skipy yard records shows that the freezer was dropped off by a council removal team right there is with the body removed for a postmortem Sonia and the team can start to examine the freezer it smells as well this is going to need to be

    Recovered uh we got some flies from like from this Edge I think and we still got um some liquid in there aren’t we we need to take a sample of that obviously the freezer had defrosted the body had been removed so all that is left is putrified

    Body which would indicate that it’s been there for some time the sample could provide a DNA profile of the deceased but there’s a risk it’s DNA value might already be lost due to decomposition everything degrades over a matter of time and that’s the same for forensic evidence relay well I know a

    Couple of these come from the seam along with the freezer it’s the contents of these bags I think the bags brought to the site with the freezer will be examined for evidence which may help identify the body or the person who placed it in the

    Freezer you want to be able to do your job to the best of your ability any sort of evidence that’s there you don’t want to miss it you want to get everything that you can to get Justice for the person fingerprints we’re looking for any um potential dni drinks bottles um

    Paperwork the problem is we’ve got contamination because it’s a skipy yard that has rubbish delivered on a daily basis from around the West Midlands there are lots of things at a scene that probably are completely irrelevant to us it’s got maggots all around it l around the stitching and stuffff we know

    The body’s decomposed but we don’t know how long it’s been there it yeah magots yeah and maggots can give us an idea of time of death the flies lay the eggs on the body the eggs turn into maggots feed off the body because it’s full of nutrients they

    Then revert back into flies and the whole cycle goes and depending on how many maggots we have and what type of maggots are we can normally tell what cycle it’s in with the site search concluded the freezer can be removed to look for clues of who the deceased is and how they

    Died could there be fingerprints on the freezer were they alive when they were put in that freezer if we find other people’s fingerprints there then why what connection have they got with that person’s death The forensic postmortem begins with an initial examination of the Body certainly profoundly decomposed he’s got a sock on his hand yeah strange forensic pathologist Dr Matt ly notes physical features which could help identify the deceased over the course of my career I’ve undertaken a thousand or so specifically forensic uh examinations I’ve never um seen a case quite like it before

    Certainly got real looking the body is a very important piece of evidence you will often get Clues as to why they have died uh the body was that of an adult male uh a comma uh probably white likely more advanced years uh the head hair appeared to be gray white uh

    Graying short uh mustache and beard were evident we try to find Clues as to the identity of the body does he have tattoos that might assist us are there scars on the body that suggest previous surgery it might be a little scar it’s not the best the body was uh clear clearly

    Altered by decompositional change uh comma with the widespread discoloration of the uh skin surface what happens with decomposition is largely driven by bacteria those bacteria are normally kept in check because we’re alive we have an immune system and we have defenses against them but when you die the bacteria multiply

    And cause the body to decompose there are a number of very superficial uh ooid areas of uh apparent epidermal Detachment the skin will start to degrade so it can go from green to sort of Darker green to Black in places you take a picture of that Sonia

    Is once the initial examination is done Sonia can turn her attention to the man’s identity right should we have a go at these fingerprints normally we take fingerprints at post Morton by using the powder but this guy’s fingers were so decomposed in the end I I photographed them our middle our

    Ring fingerprints are one of the last things that degrade but obviously in this case it will be more difficult to identify the person if they’re on record the photographs of the man’s fingerprints will be searched against the police National Database police have traced the van that took the freezer to the way site to an address in Birmingham homicide detectives join the forensic team for a search of the flat we will investigate any suspicious death and if you’ve got a body in a freezer it looks like someone’s tried to

    Get rid of it then it is a murdering Quiry your mind is racing you think what am I going to find in here what else will be here will there be a scene will there be blood splatter is there a possibility of finding other bodies in There you just never know until you open that door do you want me to go first just gr any sort of evidence that we could find in that flat to link anyone to it we looking out for is the power on no no this smells pretty strong here oh

    God so this is the cupboard where the freezer has Been it’s like nothing smoke before really take your breath away something that’s been there a long time the reality of what has actually happened is quite Bleak that’s liquid that’s leaked out of the freezer there’s dead maggots and putrified liquid on the floor whether it was here all the time

    Obviously we don’t know at the moment but but there’s no power socket in there no there’s no plug socket which means when the freezer had been sitting here for however long it had been in there for potentially it hadn’t even been plugged in which would increase decomposition with confirmation that the

    Body was in the flat detectives start speaking to neighbors to find out if they noticed anything unusual hello sry TR my name is Paul Jones I’m a detective from the police we want to find out who’s been living there what’s been happening who’s been in and

    Out what can we find that could help us progress our investigation sorry to bother you from the police um we’re not sure we’re just doing an investigation at the moment I reported this right oh go on who did you report it to I reported to the building Administration

    Which totally ignored me twice I said some some exension like really terrible smell is coming over the apartment when when was that uh that was back in in December sorry in DEC time so if there’s something going on I like to see them okay so sorry to disturb you but you’ve been very

    Helpful the neighbors saying then he’s reported a smell November or December because somebody’s taking Rec you know we just need clarification around it or well yeah because then you think they cross reference yeah if the neighbor’s dates are accurate the man could have been dead 9 months before his body was discovered at

    The way site are we potentially looking at somebody who’s been murdered and put in a freezer are we looking at somebody who has died of natural causes there could be offenses of cons stealing a body preventing a lawful burial of a body we need to work out what’s happened to this Person poor guy in bundled up in a freezer and dumped as police search records of who lived in the flat photographs of the man’s fingerprints are examined to see if if he can be identified using the police National Database so we start off by scanning one of the photographs

    On the National Database holds 7 million sets of fingerprints it’s a great tool but the limitations are you’ve got to have been convicted of an offense previously so all I’m doing here is marking the ridge characteristics with a National Database there’s an algorithm that runs looking for those ridges looking for those

    Characteristics the first challenge is the quality fingerprints all this here because of how the skin has started to Decay we can’t actually use any of that information so we’ll actually remove those then Mark them up myself just to make sure they’re in the correct place that algorithm it’s not foolproof how it

    Searches as only good as the fingerprints that have been put in you can see things with your naked eye that don’t necessarily show on a computer screen we make sure that all that information that’s in that DEC set of prints is definitely in I fingerprint form so that’s been

    Launched and our results are already back so the system always sends about the top 15 the computer is saying I think it’s the one of POS these 15 possible people so you’ve still got 15 people to check so this is what’s called a twin loop pattern so it’s where it Loops up

    To the top and then comes back down and curves back around we know that this is just a loop pattern so just by that pattern alone we can say that but it’s not that person fingerprints isn’t guesswork you you you’ve got to be certain and again our short area here isn’t in this

    Area so the person that has been found their fingerprints are not held within the National Database while fingerprinting has not yielded any clues to the man’s identity detectives have been trying to track down the last resident of the flat where the friezer was removed from officers we’ve spoken to citizen housing think they act on behalf of Birmingham city council um they’re the ones that own the

    Property the tency was in the name of John Wayne Right um he was the sole occupant although it does say that he’d be living at the address with his son Damian Johnson I think they moved in in 2015 a search of police records reveals that officers attended the flat 9 months

    Ago after reports of a disturbance hello sir coming have a chat Damen Johnson open the door I want to go through the B cam just to get an idea of how he reacted towards officers can we come and have a chat talking out here we have to come in you

    Don’t have to come in actually so he’s initially quite obstructive but obviously they’re in the flat with him now are you on your own I live on my own are you on your own at the moment you got any visitors or guests okay shut the door and have a chat

    Then we know that Daman doesn’t actually a tenant we know the tenant is John you saw that but officers attending they haven’t seen John in the premises to bear in mind I want to look for this freezer as well as they’re going around on the footage that’s the cupboard isn’t it

    That the freezer was found in but the doors closed to that I used to be my dad’s car he passed away okay so he’s talking about his dad that’s what he calls John he’s suggesting that JN has passed away but obviously he hasn’t reported the death of John what was he

    Thinking relax this is my home I’m asking you to leave I am asking you to I am asking you to leave relax he could be panicking because he knows that he’s got a body in that flat and the officers are there yeah he’s he’s worried about God

    If they start looking around this flat I me I’m in a lot of trouble yeah Daman has informed the officers as John has passed away so when they’ve then spoken to the housing company to inform them of this Damian was evicted that happened N9 months before the flat is being

    Cleared we know that nobody’s been in that flat sense it could be John might be still alive we haven’t got a death record but I think based on what we know we have got to suspect quite strongly that that is John whose um body was in the

    Fraser now detectives have a lead on the name of the deceased a photograph of John way is sent to a specialist in Dental forensics to try and formally confirm his Identity and I’ve been supplied with some um I think it was Facebook photos of this Individual I’ve also got the CT scans from West Midlands police so 3D images of the skull and so we could potentially do a superimposition of the skull um over the image I’ve been supplied uh with by the police we do identification cases all the time from dental records but in the

    Absence of any other um information uh such as DNA fingerprints or dental uh information potentially we can use crano facial superimposition it’s pushing the boundaries this is really the sort of Last Resort of trying to identify that the remains from the images of the skull

    We can create almost like what we call a hollow volume overlay if you’ve got a three-dimensional CT scan of the skull it gives me a bit more leeway to position the the skull on the on the software into the right position that the photograph has been taken from and

    Then from that I can actually use that to create the the overlay to do the super position so we’re examining uh the shape of the actual skull the the the cranium we’re looking at the position of the eye sockets themselves the the nasal aperture the the hole where the nose is

    Uh and then obviously the shape of the cheekbones and what we’re looking at is if we can move the the size and the position of it is that consistent with the images that we’re seeing with that individual you can never make an assumption that it’s definitely this individual so there’s a bit of

    Apprehension thinking is it is it going to matter or is it not going to match and if it doesn’t match then obviously uh potentially is this somebody Else I can confirm that with the shape of the skull the position of the eye sockets the shape of the cheekbones it certainly fits anatomically there consistency so whilst it doesn’t give 100% identification I’m satisfed that the remains that we’re looking at are the individual uh that we suspect it

    Is 4 days after the body’s Discovery police confirmed the deceased as John Wright an arrest warrant is issued for his flatmate and carer Damen Johnson John’s been put in the freezer and nobody’s reported that which is crime and until we find out how how Jon has died we are looking at the offense

    Of murder so priority is to arrest amen and get his account hey it’s Brandon from P just let you know we’ got uh one on route from W Derby on suspicion of murder there to the pleas in the neighboring County of darbishire of course homicide detectives have located key suspect Damen joh

    Right then Damian before we commence with the interview is there anything you want to Yes uh Damian’s asked me to read our prepared statement I have known John Wayne wri for 27 years throughout that time he has acted as a father figure two John Wayne Wright suffered from dementia

    And I was his registered carer from 2015 onwards John Wayne wri passed away from natural causes in September 2018 when I discovered the body I was overcome by grief without thinking rationally I put his body in the freezer I think I’ve just not ready to let him

    Go the more time that passed the worse it got and I couldn’t bring myself to report it to the authorities I did not harm him in any way or play any role in causing his Go uh Daman it is a a hard interview for you to conduct I I can fully understand that Damian’s admission means John Wayne Wright’s body was concealed in the freezer not for 9 months as police thought but for nearly 2 years when you found John did you put him in the freezer

    Immediately or how long had passed two to three days so you could have been two or three days why didn’t you call an ambulance do you wish to answer that question I’ve got um a picture of the freezer Damian it is just the freezer but I want to

    Show it to you so you can confirm whether it is that freezer I don’t want okay okay in that case I’m going to terminate the interview sometimes the death of somebody close to you could cause some kind of breakdown and you can understand how people don’t want to let go of their loved One but if you’re evicted from somewhere and you know that your loved one is in that flat by themselves in a phaser how much was that person a loved one with no forensic evidence that he could caused Jon’s death Damian is released on bail pending further Investigation so the interview did you go no comment throughout prepared statement or he remains silent okay Nicola meets with senior investigating officer Stu to review their next steps there were a few little bits that he gave but not much at all so no detail about the passing away natural causes no

    He he wouldn’t answer any questions in relation to where he’ found John how he had found John and then um we got any next of kin for Mr W no we haven’t at this moment in time we have no friends and no family identified so all the witnesses you’re

    Going to give me now are friends or family of the suspect yeah they all state the same thing that they knew um victim for about 20 30 years through the suspect they think that the victim helped the suspect with some kind of housing arrangements and finances the flats in

    Mr Wayne W’s name any anything at all on that that needs further work but due to the age gap between victim and suspect which is around 20 years the suspect will call the victim Dad okay that’s interesting and is that because I know he was 20 or

    30 years older so he was what early 70s yeah or victim was he in ill health did he need caring so Damian his friend say that victim had dementia he was Fallen he was declining so had the friends witnessed this themselves not really no they would only ever see John

    Really for fleeting moments if they ever went to the flat um Damian told them when John’s died his sister has come to take care of the funeral arrangements yeah but there was no funeral but John’s death has never registered Damian has given us that prepared statement but he hasn’t told us how JN

    Has died potentially Daman doesn’t want to implicate himself in a murder but until we get results of the forensic postmortem he will still be a murder suspect so I just want to be 100% certain when he puts him into a freezer Was he alive and suffocated in the

    Freezer and is there any damage are there any scrapings we need to look at that freezer to see if John’s fingerprints are on the inside we are reliant upon the forensics to help us piece together what has happened to John okay forensic technicians cat Harold and Danny McGary prepare to chemically treat

    The freezer to search for the presence of fingerprints within it if the victim’s fingerprints are found inside this could suggest he was put into the freezer alive this is sonen PL super glue that we put in here and this is like a hot plate so this will heat up and then that will

    Circulate the superglue around the cabinet and it will rehydrate any finger marks that are in there C acly reacts with our chloride ions within our sweat and it deposits a white substance so that then is visible I mean it’s hard to see on the white freezer the hard thing with this case is

    The cyan acrylate process is a white deposit so the white deposit on the white freezer isn’t ideal which is why we’ve got the basic yellow 40 which is a staining agent which can stick to it aderes to the cyan acrylate the finger marks more visible under fluorescent

    Light hopefully we can enhance the and go on to get a proper fingerprint now No no value C let’s do the lead Yes there stuff on here oh my go right across oh yeah they’re lovely they are right I can’t believe him what just show up now can you the prints on the lid are photographed and digitally enhanced so that they can be analyzed by the fingerprint Bureau

    Okay this is definitely the case that we won’t forget how do you explain the finger marks on the inside of the lead are they the man that was inside of the freezer were they his trying to get out fingerprint expert CLA Lynch will compare the print to those taken from

    John way at the postmortem they’re not suitable enough to go into the National Database there there’s just too much background information um from the lid of the freezer so I’m going to first check to make sure the pattern that we’ve got matches the patterns that this gentleman has

    So we know whose fingerprint this is this is from the deceased we don’t know whose fingerprint this is so we want everything to match so if the characteristic isn’t in the right place in the right position then it’s definitely not that person we call it coincidence sequence it’s just where we have the

    Same characteristics in the same relationship to each other in the same placement from one to the other so we’re looking for this regend in here but we’ve got a regend in here and a Rend in here so we know that we need to get those two above that it

    Takes one characteristic to say that it’s not an identification can one two three and on what would be the fourth Ridge would be that Ridge ending so one two three that’s not there we can discount the deceased for this PR just based on these two points

    Not being in the same in the in the correct position none of the fingerprints that we had on the inside of the freeze are LD belonged to the deceased we have to assume he was put into that freezer when he was Dead detectives are searching for any evidence which might confirm Damian’s statement so this is the recovered uh Facebook account of Damien Johnson even though it’s under his previous name Jason Johnson DC Paul Jones accesses Damian’s social media posts from around the time he claims John died his State of Mind at the interview

    Obviously is very distraught his suggestion is that he just wasn’t thinking straight we can see entry made by Damian still can’t come to grips with reality we lived together for 21 years and now you’re not here you and my wife it seems heartfelt and he’s made a tribute to him

    Of how much he misses him you can’t believe it’s a year ago today d uh you’ve closed your beautiful blue eyes and you drift away and the interesting thing on that is that the date on that entry on 24th of September 2019 Daman saying that John’s died a

    Year previous to that so 24th of September 2018 he’s remembering the death of John and he’s putting dates on those Facebook pages so he can backtrack now it might be that he has got a genuine Care for John and maybe it was a relief to him to finally think at

    Least now I can get this out in the open but then there’s a period where clearly daman’s living Liv in that flat with somebody saying he cares deeply for he loves in a freezer just next to him it is very very strange it just makes you wonder if this emotion’s genuine is it

    Calculated are these the posts of a man who wanted to give the impression of someone who was caring Right I’ll try to pick out anything that looks like an injury with no obvious cause of death the forensic team still have to establish how Jon died because his death has been concealed is it because someone else is responsible for his death or is this natural

    Causes one of the things that I do is shed a light on what could have happened here poor nose has had better times isn’t it it’s a bit distorted it’s definitely broken the cheekbone it’s the cheekbones bust there I think we’ve need to check it out didn’t we despite Advanced decomposition

    Dr ly is able to identify signs of trauma there look to be signs of injury to the bones of the man’s face if they are fractures have they occurred close to the time of death and therefore could they be linked to injuries that have been connected to the death or are these older

    Injuries it’s lost some teeth we do these sockets yeah I mean they’re all kind of distorted and I don’t know I just wonder if he has had some sort of bash on his face the injuries by themselves all they will do is show that there has been

    Trauma to the face they will not of themselves prove necessarily how they’ve been caused photographs of Jon’s cheekbones and teeth are taken for further forensic analysis Right we’ve got thyroid Time 1 prostate Time 1 pancreas SL liver tissue samples of major organs will also be examined for evidence of death by natural causes so we’re looking at the shape of the socket and the actual the shape of the gum itself in Sheffield Dr kubel examines

    The photos of the teeth and facial trauma to determine whether the injuries were caused at the time of death so in the lower jaw I can see that there isn’t a hole there there’s a space where the tooth was certainly on the lower jaw some of

    The teeth have been lost antim morm so during life and we can tell that they’ve been lost during life because the bone heals up and the gum heels up and the bone actually goes smoother so you don’t have an open socket and then moving onto the uh upper

    Jaw there’s evidence of what one two 3 four five uh sockets or open holes where the teeth roots will have been in the Jawbone itself potentially there’s evidence there these may have been lost either um just before death or postmortem after death but there’s actually a tear and

    There’s damage in the actual bone that would be on the outer surface of the root in this case there’s a clear laceration on the gum and that’s an indication that tooth hasn’t just dropped out that’s an indication that that tooth’s actually been knocked out or had some sort of trauma to it had

    That occurred before death potentially that would have healed up and this is obviously an open uh wound it could be a punch or some sort of impact from an object or it could be some sort of traumatic fall let’s say the kned a two out and then in addition to this we can

    See there’s also fractures on the bones as well so the right cheekbone been fractured and the maxilla the upper jaw has been fractured as well on the right side we’ve also got a fracture of the nasal bones as well we’ve got a number of injuries which are probably from high impact

    Trauma trauma of sufficient Force to have knocked teeth out to have actually broken bones but facial fractures per se and dental injuries per se generally wouldn’t contribute to somebody’s death it’s not confirmation this individual has been murdered all I can comment on is this trauma has occurred at or around the time of

    Death Mr Johnson around with evidence suggesting JN suffered injuries at the time of his death police bring Damian back in to question his earlier account so Dam when you arrested you gave a prepared statement about John you you’ve said that you died of natural causes can you explain that to us how he

    Actually died he just started to lose weight I just carried on each day as I always did I go and check on him to make sure he was washing because sometimes he just sit in the bathroom but he just went down out it was strange so there the prologist

    Report what he finds is that right side of John’s CH fr this frature would have been caused by direct BL impact not B he’s got a fraed nose just before his death can you explain that no he’s got um missing teeth and lacerations to his lips so put

    It into him looks like somebody SM mou SM mouth making lose yeah do you remember that I don’t remember that did you cause those injuries not as far as I know it’s quite a vague answer not as well as you know I would have no reason to hurt

    It so has there been any other inance you any more Falls or anything oh he pinball through his while his there was a couple of times I went in his room and uh he didn’t have SCU do who I was and he he’d go he he’d go for me and how did

    You react to that I’ve I’ve grabbed not grabbed his I’ve held his hand as he sat down and I’ve left I walk away from situations and I’ve come back about half an hour 40 minutes later and it’s like it never happened have you ever had to strike him oh God

    No I’d hurt myself first I’ve put myself in Danger first we have a little break have a breef that Yeah you can see the the basic outline uh of the individual tissue the samples from John’s organs are examined for any signs that he died from natural causes looking at samples from the heart from the lungs from the liver we can establish whether those organs are healthy or whether they’re unhealthy and

    If they’re unhealthy is it a disease that could have caused death this is the lung there are all these holes you can see in the tissue now sometimes people with a condition called empa or pul pulmonary empyema they can have large airspaces in their lungs but the problem with decomposition

    Is that there can be a lot of gas formation and that gas formation can sometimes mimic uh empa these are small samples that I took from the heart and this is one of the arteries here and this bit here is some fibrous auma with calcium in it so normally that wall should only

    Be this you know should be like that thick whereas instead the wall here is expanded by this he has aoma uh fatty uh accumulation that happens within arteries it’s very common usually as you get older people have got more aoma uh in their arteries this man certainly has some

    Coronary artery disease but just because he has some coronary artery disease doesn’t mean that that’s why he’s he’s died the problem is that although we have the finding in the heart the degree of decomposition means that it is difficult to exclude or confirm whether that cause

    Death this man could have had high blood pressure he could have had uh diabetes there are some early changes of that but again these These are kind of background findings they’re not going to explain why he’s died Suddenly so we have a number of question marks we’ve got symptoms that potentially fit death from some sort of natural process but the internal organs like everything else are decomposed so how this man has died remains unclear So looking at joh he had a number of regular monthly payments into his Barkley’s account for his pension also from DWP detectives continuing to investigate Damian’s relationship with JN have now accessed details of Jon’s finances you would expect post John’s death that there wouldn’t be any Financial transactions but there are

    Quite a number a lot of small transactions 1520 Etc a great portion of these transactions have come from one of the news agents just around the corner from where Damian would still have been living at that time so strongly suggest that uh Damian has been using John’s

    Card and fraud taking money out of his account there’s a total of over £17,000 Although Damian referred to his relationship with John as father and son he didn’t actually have any rights to John’s money or any of his belongings what hypothesis around Damian’s motivation is he gains financially by not reporting John’s death I’ve just noticed something this is the computerized record for the purchase of the chess

    Freezer the freezer was um ordered on the 25th of September alarmingly that would coincide to when the Facebook entries are made when Damian saying that John’s Died I expected the friezer to have been in the prophecy long beforehand but Damen Johnson has ordered the chest freezer himself this new evidence raises questions about whether Daman conceal Jon’s body for financial Gain so between September 18 and July 20 7 ,000 is taken from John’s bank account did you take that money no no no I didn’t you carried on claiming the car’s allowance for John after he’s passed away it’s £258 a month and you’d probably if we hadn’t discovered John

    Still be claiming that benefit now that comment oh my God we move on then to the freezer itself when you plac John into the freezer has anybody assisted you placing him into the no I did that or by yes unfortunately I didn’t oh fire I didn’t

    Expect him to go in the way he did his head oh went down so just going slightly back to the dental injuries the teeth any of those injuries have been caused as you placed them into the chest freezer I don’t know I wanted it over de with how long

    You had that freezer before John passed away it was bought for food I saw a cheap chest freezer oh I love that oh that looks good so that freezer was purchased on the 25th of September that’s the same thing John’s died are you trying to tell us it’s just a

    Fluke it’s been delivered 3 days later on the 28th of September and you placed them into a chest freezer but it wasn’t bought for that your original statement you given that you overcome with grief you’re absolutely distraught about what’s happened I’ll tell you there’s a motive for not reporting no there is there

    Isn’t I put it to you that the reason you haven’t reported John passing for your own selfish no gains nope that’s Mak facts you if you reported as death that the flat would be taken off you you living in that flat for extra 18 mons

    Rent free all the bills paid for and you still got access to John bank account is that not the case no absolutely not Daman doesn’t seem to have any job or income he had a lifestyle with John he had his car’s allowance and he appears to have just

    Continued in that with the passing of John our investigation shows this is a calculated decision-making process to conceal the Body with all forensic examinations completed the pathologist meets with the police forensic team to review his conclusions on John’s cause of death within the limits of what we’ve had to work with uh very decomposed uh adult male major findings of note are he has fractured right cheekbone um he has fracturing of his

    Nose more to the right side the further work on those show that they could be caused by some sort of heavy fall in terms of natural disease he does have some uh aoma you know the the sort of fatty deposits in blood vessels um and he’s certainly got quite a bit in

    The orta the biggest artery in the body um he’s got some calcification and uh aoma to the coronary arteries but the disease there doesn’t strike you immediately as an exploration for his death so I think cause a death un acetan and it would probably never be acetan it is

    Frustrating but it’s not always possible to say how that person has died we’re looking at these two years down the line and when there’s a delay it’s a lot trickier for us at the end of the day you can’t go for a merg charge when you haven’t got the evidence in front of You the crown prosecution service authorizes charges for Damien Johnson of three counts of fraud and of preventing the lawful burial of John Way very sad story unfortunately that is the one thing I’m left with this everyone wind feeling of how sad the whole thing Is It matters to do the right thing when someone’s died that is why I do this job that is part of forensics forensic was critical in this case in helping identify the deceased so that he is treated with the dignity and respect that up until this point he has had in

    Death what happened to John it’s just horrific it’s just you just can’t do that to people I think that Damian kind of owed it John to be upfront and honest and just say what happened and I suppose to a degree he’s done that by Pleading people have a right to be buried a right to be laid to rest and that had been taken away from Him what does it take to work in forensic signs to find out more and watch exclusive interviews


    1. My freezer tripped and disconnected whilst on holiday for two weeks with meat in it. The smell was unlike anything I’ve ever smelt. I cannot imagine what that smelled like rest in peace

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