Ambulance UK ( BBC ) – Season 12 Episode 2

    Handleing service is the patient breathing someone’s been stopped it’s about 40 quick oh my God it’s just cor across the UK more than 14 million 999 calls are made for an ambulance a year with the Northwest Ambulance Service receiving a new Cry for Help every 20 seconds she doesn’t think she’s

    Pregnant or didn’t know but she feels like she needs to push as the pressure builds there’s absolutely no reason to talk to me like that I’m trying to help you here the control room has to decide who will receive an ambulance 17year old male cardiac arrest and who must wait we

    Do have delays at the moment of up to 8 hours and 45 minutes no on the ground ambulance Crews race to save lives been a serious th accident are in a serious condition and offer the best help they can always been nice of you to come so nice to talk

    To tell you what Norman You’re Made Of strong stuff black pudding black p black pudding ping I love a bit of black pudding from the picket line everyone’s going on stri because no one can afford to live to the front line are you going to be violent towards our crew this is

    The story of some of the darkest days in the history of our NHS he was quite happy to die the streets of Manchester it’s going to probably get a little bit worse before it gets better 3276 unexploded B to my home town beats Darwin nothing beats Darwin UL service patient breathing so just confirm is she unconscious having a fit or choking right now now no she’s she’s unconscious she’s unconscious can you roll on to a side I I can’t I can’t move I’m I’m this is why I’m ringing because I need help okay now I’m here to

    Help you okay and has you had nonstop neck pain since the injury Northwest Ambulance Service are currently answering a 999 call every 16 seconds I know it’s really difficult just make sure somebody’s doing chest compressions at all times okay we’re coming on our fastest response okay we’re coming as quick as

    We can 112 I’m just making sure you got the diversion through to the cat one in flixton today 14 dispatchers will be responsible for allocating 128 ambulances across greater Manchester Romeo 303 thanks this is coming through as a 79y old female not conscious not breathing it’s still over 300 DRS across

    M so when you think of it that way and how many crews you have on it’s still a lot Mel you all right doing elron yeah sorry is he ours yeah he there was no other vehicles we went on that one ah I feel like today is the first day of

    Spring I think the people of Manchester will be sensible what do you think recipe for Falls everybody’s going to be up trees and on roofs ambulance services the patient breathing yeah he was up the tree and he fell from the top of the ladder on he can’t move Feel free we’ve got a cat two coming in 50y old male conscious and breathing uh fallen from a tree back injury potential for major fall yeah no problem thanks very much senior paramedic Aiden is dispatched in a rapid response vehicle he has specialist training to treat patients in the most urgent need of

    Care 303 High a in Scott on complex incident Hub um I know you’re about to land on teene with this but I’m just letting you know we’re allocating Martin as the AP so just give us a quick sitre when you get a chance mate yeah Roger

    Mate we’ll do thank you Aiden is 7 minutes away also traveling to the scene is an ambulance and an advanced paramedic the only one on duty today who can provide the level of pain relief necessary hello is he in the back yeah did he lose Consciousness at all no no

    Hello sir my name’s Aiden what’s your name Derek Derek okay what about is the most pain at the minute it’s in the back in your back all right I’ve had SP surgery before right no problem have you got any rods in or anything uh I’ve had

    The titanium and I’ve got a cage okay bad the pain at the minute quite bad yeah okay can you Whittle this hand for me fantastic squeeze that s there yeah yeah yeah okay right you stay nice and still what we’re going to have to do is pop a

    Little needle into you give you some morphine is that okay We got a fall off a balcony 2y old I diverting man there’s every chance that that child needs some sort of enhanced Care at some point things might change quickly so how are we doing 354 hi Martin appreciate you setting off to that job for a guy out of a

    Tree um we’re going to be sending you now to a 2-year-old that’s falling from a balcony dispatchers decide to divert Advanced par medic Martin to a higher priority call leaving Aiden as the most senior clinician on scene sorry buddy nice still There can’t get access with his positioning if he can’t fit a canula he won’t be able to provide the best pain relief for Derek we got some gas in there just an update from scene he’s fell approximately 15 to 20 foot out of a tree and he’s screaming out in agony

    Okay noris um we didn’t get a chance to update you but we had to divert Martin to another job is that okay sorry we’re just cutting his clothes off now before we roll him he’s got an open fractured um bone as well that’s an open fracture as well as the

    Lower back pain is hems free at all leave it with me I’ll uh I’ll come back to you he sounds in a lot of pain hems the helicopter Emergency Medical Service respond by Road and air with a crew of highly trained paramedic and doctors no problem so when he fell off it looks

    Like he’s landed on this uh left as you can see the bones protruding from the skin so we’re just going to address this to reduce the chance of infection okay do you want to come here sweet is that all right we’ll we’ll we’ll borrow the wi okay then got pain in

    His so keep going on that gas Bud you’re doing really well all right you okay there 303 we are sending you one of the H’s crew they’re running from black pool I by car we’ve only got one aircraft out today and the other incident that I’ve diverted Martin to unconscious I might

    Need to dock for so at the minute I’m going to run them down to you with some pain relief which gives us a shout if to change their ETA is going to be about 25 to 30 minutes yeah no M I’ll carry on extricating at the minute I’ll let you

    Know if anything changes sorry dere you’re doing really well mate because of the position is in it’s very difficult to assess it looks like his lower backing about his so we’ll once we’ve mobilized him okay sweet we’ll manage the pain and give him a proper check

    Over okay I just don’t want to leave him outside and be too cold you know so I’m thinking scoop and they just roll him onto it manage on gasing it Derek we’ve got a board okay behind you and we’re going to roll you onto it all

    Right buddy once you’re on the board we can get you on to the ambulance give you some stronger pain relief all right so just trust us pass it under his body take some nice deep breath on this and we maintain your spine more concern just right so I’m happy are you okay

    There yeah are you the side of your head okay going on three one two three okay good man okay yeah excellent fantastic well done keep going that gas fantastic that’s fine well done well done buddy well done fantastic yeah we’ll get him on where it’s nice and

    Warm have you got all your GE LS yeah I’m just going to try and put a little can in your foot nice and still okay okay right we got access so I what we’ll do we’ll be giving the morphe now the txa on Route I’m just a little bit curious about this

    Left wrist in case right I’ll just jump 45 minutes after arriving on scene Aiden is finally able to provide Mor fend to ease Derek’s pain 303 go ahead I’m just wondering ETF of hem just cuz we’re ready to depart to S they are showing four minutes on my screen do you

    Need them in terms of pain relief still negative I’ve managed to get access in his foot to be it’s managing quite well I’ll get them stood down just so they’re not any closer thank you right so pre- alert to sulfur mate when you’re ready Yes not anymore you’ve not Derek I have give you some pain relief is it still quite this uncomfortable yeah okay buddy I’ll give you a little bit more all right just try and relax working as a solo senior paramedic in Manchester brings all types of

    Incidents we have a a Tre hour system in place to try and get out to the most unwell people when they actually need us the most did you feel a little bit woozy at all but I’d like to think at the moment of the the most critical of

    People who call us that we’re able to provide a service and we’re able to save lives and that’s what it’s ultimately why we’re here is the sorry listen to me don’t apologize buddy that’s what we’re here for okay accidents happen all right I know the main thing is you’re talking

    To me all right so it could have been a lot worse but we’ll look after you I absolutely want to improve outcome you know more people surviving out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest more people surviving trauma what 10 years ago they probably wouldn’t have survived I’m really passionate I love my job right

    We’re just approaching sford now all right buddy life is precious you you live today tomorrow is never guaranteed right Derek are we ready just a couple of bombs going out you okay you all right all right buddy where are You ambulance services the patient breathing it’s wet it’s cold it’s Wednesday and I think it’ll be Busy so the amount of blood that you’ve lost is it enough to soak through a towel okay so we’re going to have to start CPR and him okay so are you within easy reach with him now you went to the dentist and you what sorry you’re bleeding so just to make

    You aware we I’ll visi the mot but we’ll be with you as soon as possible or as soon as you do have an ambulance available couple of jobs waiting so it will be straight out the dispatchers are back on duty i t thank you this job CPR progress can you

    Give us a sit rep as soon as you land on scene please we’ve got a doctor 322 is going on a cat 2 on East Alpha 212 thank you um this is for a 59y old male currently vomiting blood 112 So details for the job are a 17y old female

    And patient has been stabbed in the eye with a needle and there is a car running on this as well uh come please have a hot two to the RTC in strangeways four C just dropping in 69 i’ gotop for you now if you’re

    Good to go oh yes always ready it is a 27y old who’s currently someone’s not conscious but breathing with a hand injury outside a bus stop it does State the patient uh detail have been obtained from a wristband uh and could be missing first from hospital good

    My while a passing first AER is on the phone to 9999 Aaron and Emily make the 7-minute journey to the patient yeah it looks like she’s unconscious hello can we get you on the ambulance and then we’ll have a chat there is that okay no you can’t stay here it’s freezing are

    You do you know her no we just came on scene that was first a we took over and rang the ambulance service um she’s she said that she’s um been insult for hospital today okay she’s been sectioned in hospital yeah I believe so and then she said the police are looking for her

    Keep you’re freezing we’re going to get freezing so do you mind if we just pop you on we’ll have a look at the hand I’ll do that do you want to take my hand hi um we’ve just got to this job um and it’s made aware to us that it looks like

    This girl is on a section and whether she’s managed to have gone from the police or not I’m not 100% sure so I don’t know whether it’s worth getting in contact with the police yeah thank you hi it’s emblin service um we’ve got a patient in our Care at the moment

    Which at some point today is left sford Royal Pro Aquarian possibly missing possibly SE if you have any details section 136 of the mental health act allows police to convey someone experiencing a mental health disorder to a place of safety for up to 24 hours

    Sorry to ask just yes or no it’s fine did you do that yourself yeah okay and is it true what them them gents were saying which is just you’ve just came out of the hospital today is that right what were we in for text were you on a section did you

    Manage to get away from the police then no did they let you go right okay have you got mental health problems what do you suffer with vision have you have you harmed yourself anywhere else or is was it just there where where we were seeing

    And can I ask you this have you taken any overdoses or anything like that yesterday yesterday 169 169 good evening are you fre to we police have nothing officially however they have a call from the lady today advising she was struggling and she’d left hospital and

    Was a couple of miles away I’m not sure whether she has actually absconded um right how about if you are running this lady into Salford Royal uh I will have a chat with a and see if I can get any further information maybe we can take her somewhere where she’d come out

    Of rather than yeah Roger that would be great how we getting on we’re not too bad we’re getting there okay um are you under any mental health teams not yet pardon not yet not yet none at all 169 sorted right cool she isn’t a missing right something’s happening in

    The early I was where she sell phone G in with the ples she was Sting self for Royal W and she go to stord while she’s waiting she’s G pleas she she needs some so we need we need to create a bit of a plan of what what’s going to happen

    Don’t we I don’t want to leave you back on the street want to make sure you’re okay all right what I’d like to do if it’s okay with you is it okay we pop you back up to selford just because I don’t you know you’ve self hared again

    Straight after and you’ve and you’ve taken an overdose I think your mental health just not the best place at the minute and you’re not under any mental health teams or any social workers for me to give a call to so I’d like to pop you back up you can talk to somebody up

    There is that okay police no the police aren’t involved I’ve just spoken to our control the police aren’t involved well obviously the police might get called then if you have scun from the Hospital right well let cross that bridge when we come to it and let’s just go to the hospital first get assessed by the nurses to get that properly dressed and then we can take it from there is that okay Yeah when we go out to people and we go to patients we don’t really know what we’re going to get most of the time it’s not our job just to get people and just bring them into Hospital but at the same time I can’t just leave

    Someone on their own you have to do the best you can for Them while Aaron and Emily make the 99-minute journey to hospital one mile away Alpha 212 Tom and jod are attending to a patient who also needs urgent medical attention at sulfur Royal can you come up and have a sit on the bed for us Tom Tom has been vomiting

    Blood are you a bit breathless after that little wall yeah yeah do you mind to have a little look at your tmy is right I might Li you a little flatter so where abouts is the pain if you just point with a finger there right in the middle yeah okay A little

    Feel is that pain for when I press little bit we’ll give you some paral through the VIN you’re not allergic to anything are you no at least that way as well Tom it’s not going to irritate you tummy rather than giving you tablets and then you tummy having to sort them out

    Have you always been aaed last time no one’s perfect don’t worry you we’ll start him out won’t we Tom I’ll jump in the front have you got um a cardboard Bowl just in case got a feeling I’m going to throw again get that horrible metallic test don’t you just up of

    That I won’t go too far with this ball all right it’s not looking good is it it means it’s pumping out doesn’t it it mean well it means it’s coming from high up which if we want to be bleeding from anywhere we want it to be coming from

    High up cuz it’s easiest to fix Just about to pull in now in a minute all right want a wheelchair we’ll go in on the bed if it’s okay bed can I give you that I’ll car that load you up like I’ll stick that on the back all right Aaron and Emily are a mile away from

    Hospital with their patient and when you took this overdose last night did you want to end your own life is that the first time you’ve ever felt like that or have you felt like that before you have felt like that before right were you thinking about doing it when you left the

    Hospital do you have any intentions to doing anything like that now don’t know so what is it is it twice that you’ve been in with your mental health before the sulfur no been here about s time well look hopefully this time will get sorted all right I’ll tell them everything that’s

    That’s went on okay and I’ll put that Safe Garden in for you too all right right ready we’ll grab your stuff okay nice step I’ll come with You ambulance services the patient breathing she’s just took an overdose okay is she awake have you lost any blood from quickly so yeah it’s being like pouring and if you just put your hand on him her chest back or abdomen does she feel a normal temperature to touch at the

    Moment we are extremely busy and we aim to be with you as soon as possible or as soon as we have an ambulance available we have delays of up to 30 minutes there are currently 97 Crews attending patients across greater Manchester all the crews are out now on

    Jobs I’ve got one available have you seen this guy dangling off a bridge suicidal uh I’ve put an SP on it cat Yeah the other crew I think they 169 their patient has absconded from the hospital but we’re just outside with her now and she’s saying she’s going to head to a bridge and kill herself um would you mind getting GMP down thanks yeah no problem thanks I’m hoping we can talk

    Her back inside and we can might be able to stand them down Bud thank you what’s happened she doesn’t want to go to the hospital she doesn’t like it but I’m saying that I don’t want to get the police involved I’m going to have to if she carries on because she’s not in

    Place of safety and she’s threatening suicide darling we’ve taken you all the way let’s get out the road the best thing I know nobody likes a hospital and I know you don’t want to be here but we’re going to have to grin and bird aren’t we can we please just walk onto

    The pavement at least to have this conversation cuz we’re in the middle of a road and I do not want you getting on me L on me hi please ambulance can we request your assistant please I’m going to use 336 for my side 30 or two thank

    You just regarding this incident it is a 25-year-old female conscious and breathing H come through two people fighting male choking the female scene unsafe uh about six people watching all smashing bottles around them police are on Route we have an ambulance with a 2-minute ETA and an AP running I don’t

    Think we’ve actually stopped since we got in for the last two hours it’s just been constant been reasonable and you’ve been nice to me the whole way through so I feel as though I need to tell you what I have to do so place they’re going to put you on

    A section and they’re going to bring you back but if you go in you’re going off your own accord you’ve been loving me so I might as well just level with you all right you go in off your own accord you you’re you’re more in charge of when you

    Can when you can’t go and what treatment you get you’ve been through the system before from chatt come on you know you know yourself we’re going to have to go back in Alpha 169 she is starting to walk away from us um she started to walk towards echo’s old road yeah

    One can you stop two seconds cuz my legs can’t go as quick as yours look can we not go back to the hospital come on yeah the police are coming we’re going to have to go back in so it’s it’s one way or the other

    And it is what it is we are going to have to go back I’m so sorry darling just round here you think you not need tell to be looking after all right what’s happened now why have we gone up to Hospital do it just leave me we we’re just trying to help you alliv us we can’t just leave you can we I’ve have come on blue lights to come and see you so I can’t just say out and go work like that come on come and sit ambulance we can finish talking

    So we’re not getting rain we’re coming in your ambulance is that all right come on lovey let’s get you up here we need to get that hand seene too don’t we sit come On that’s it come on doll mind your here put that on the side sit yourself on that seat for us love you all right let’s get you back over there I’ve been qualified as a paramedic for a year and a half and I still feel relatively new and fresh I think in life

    With we all need someone to talk to since we’ve been here I’d call home I’d speak to my mom pretty much every day because I need that support communication and specially listen is just so vital in what we do as an ambulance service we’re in a very privileged position that when

    People are at the worst were the ones that come on do you want to we hand down don’t go and speak to them when they most need it room for me room for a little one saw her in there and I’ve met her before be met her on a job yeah I’ve met

    I’ve met I think I’ve met her once or twice but it was just when I saw her wonder and off I thought oh no that can’t be any good so it’s just a really difficult one isn’t it because obviously we’ve got a duty of care but she’s got

    Capacity to make her own exactly just turns into that revolving door where they want to support them in the community but the support isn’t good enough in the community so we just go around in that Circle of the phone 999 we go out to them they don’t want to go

    To the hospital we get the police they end up on a 136 they go to the hospital get referred to the the home treatment team and then out we go and then it starts all over again so just that vicious cycle hope they don’t meet you again tonight

    CH not an easy night you know let’s go 4 hours into the shift already 16 patients in Greater Manchester have required the presence of more than one ambulance crew at their emergency Child 2 months old she just had like a bit she just gasping for her last

    Breath there’s been a crush near the TR Center involving two vehicles haven’t seen the driver get out of the car what the address of please McDonald tell me exactly what’s happened she’s having heavy bleeding she doesn’t think she’s pregnant or didn’t know she can’t move she feels like she’s in labor right

    Okay so she wasn’t aware of being pregnant or anything like that no but said feels like she needs to push so I have a range that emergency ambulance we are coming to you on blue lights and Sirens both a senior paramedic and an ambulance are dispatched help I

    Need you okay Bree you breae I don’t give you yet feels like she’s going to pass out so you know two minutes deep breath deep breath he done it deep breath yes yeah they here F I leave you in the alpha 417 are already on scene alongside senior paramedic Ryan 42 go

    Ahead on a P1 been delivered in McDonald McDonald’s it’s a birth that’s taking place in McDonald’s Alpha 417 SP on scene and now yourselves please no worries mate we’ll be there in about 4 minutes reckon we’re going to get more baby well I don’t know actually cuz

    They’re asking for a second crew so they’re going to split woman baby up they said what sorry the mother’s bleeding M’s bleeding 212p ask for an update due to bleeding from mother 212 arrived on scene you got baby put baby on your vehicle yeah got I’ll give you update

    When we got a bit warm so baby is born at 20 302 uh mom the man just didn’t know she was pregnant whil we discuss an next vcation she cord SNS on arrival that baby’s still a bit wet should we get the other towel out and get this door closed get

    That heat in are you okay for a second we go make sure all right all right bye a second make sure the crew are okay I’ll give her a bit of a hug that’s sweetheart come to me oh well done how does she feel come get a temperature right

    Can try hello sweetheart hello I reckon it looks good on me this you know you reckon yeah suits me it does all right you’re not going to like this chicken I’m sorry glow right let’s get it warmed up a bit more then proper wrap her up

    Right ready is that just from the card that blood yeah okay ready yeah that’s itwe right let’s get going let’s get going your M all right have you spoke to teide yet so mom’s going now right what I’m going to do I’m going to put for a second pre-alert to tamide the baby

    Going to ride with us yeah I’ll ride with you Tom and Jodie will travel the three miles to tamide hospital while Mom Olivia receives Medical Care in another ambulance following behind them we’ve got a baby appears to be delivered at term temp is low uh ETA to teamside maternity is 5 minutes how’s

    Mom is she okay mom’s okay she’s a little bit shocked hello hello this is not what we was expecting tonight hello you opening your eyes already oh hello 21 thanks can you di to di to 0 please they must be they must be busy up there oh she’s got me finger

    You gave your mommy a righty surprise you did oh I know I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s a story to tell when you get older in it what like for a hat just putting a hat on jod oh that’s much better that that’s better said that’s to call it ronal well

    That’s what wa said on the way here ready hi you how are you you okay I don’t know if you know much about this baby but born in a McDonald’s back room mom didn’t know she was pregnant oh that’s a little I’ll voice up boost isn’t it for the

    Night that was a really that job made me melt I know I saw Alpha 212 I’m in I’m in tree please well well we’ve done the um a MC delivery um young woman didn’t even know she was pregnant apparently sp’s walked in hand out caught a baby oh

    Amazing by your girl little baby girl thank you very much guys I’m glad it was a cracking job thanks it talk to you later that’s the only thing I wouldn’t like about working in the control room is that you don’t get to see that side

    Of it yeah the outcome for all he knows that could be the job from hell when it was actually nice and calm really really sweet nice job yeah One thank you all we’ve got at the moment is a person not breathing not conscious 432 thank you this is coming through as a 51y old male Charlie Papa 432 which SP has also been again Tom and Jodie are 4 minutes away from the category one emergency do you really think it’s an

    Arrest dup in earlier on was from him which was a pain with liver and now it’s gone in as uh just not breathing it’s Catch 22 that is it seen the warning yeah just we’re still waiting for a name however a warning has just gone on History of Violence and weapons Cru

    Farmer risk assessment I’m pleased to attend if it is a cardiac arest we’re going to have to go um I’ll update you if we have any issues when we get in Tate oh they’ve just landed at C q1 two are you happy to go straight in

    Or you want to wait for the SP we hav’t got Choice have we go straight in I’ll uh there a thank will you grab drugs in ALS drugs are in the middle eh I’ll see you inside okay okay just be careful please yeah hey mate where we

    Going 212 not a cardiac arrest not an arrest yeah receive thank you still need thep going yeah keep going for the m just to receive is’s a minute away it’s the ambulance service what happened tonight he’s he’s been drinking again right and he in ch has pain what’s this

    Pain that you’re getting at the moment he say he’s doing it as a suicide it’s time to go it’s not time to go me it’s never too late to get a bit of help 362 okay senior paramedic Ryan arrives 3 minutes after Tom and jod last time I

    Saw you you doing really well yeah you’ve been off the alcohol and then we’ve had this little Biff haven’t we yeah so what I think we need to do is pop you back up to the hospital no I’m not going nowhere I will end it

    Tonight so when we go up there do it [ __ ] JB no this what do that this what been doing go no cuz you’re going to hurt yourself stop let go get get finish it I I [ __ ] promise stop where’s that shot where’s that shot shouting back up Priority

    Now you can have GMP on scene rapid please yeah he’s comb if he’s aggressive with the crew and is um threatening to self harm there is weapons in the property as well so rer all received High police assemblance can I request your assistance please where’s that shot C yourself

    Down police and a priority two patrols being in here that’s probably the hardest because you’ve only got half a story you’ve got what’s coming from the job and you’ve got what people have chose to tell the C Police un scene are you cish let’s come have a outside come on now never never out there never you’re making it worth never need no I don’t no no not going outside come on come on no no that’s it have a sit on the bed no

    That’s it we’ll put a dressing on that why can’t just Die I felt useless it was a small room what can you do I know but even still as a crew mate and I care about you obviously M I felt like I just felt useless in that situation like I couldn’t do anything to help you don’t worry about It are you both okay yeah uh we’re absolutely fine thanks to me he basically was just trying to reach for things that he could harm himself with but and you don’t know if those things that he’s using himself to harm himself with are going to end up catching us on

    The way past so we have to restrain him but thankfully uh greater Manchester’s finest weren’t too far behind he Jordy all right yeah she’s all right yeah she’s a tough El alha girl this one well thank you I do appreciate it yeah no worries M we just pulling back

    Up at station now we’ll have a brew try not to send us a job just as my Brew hits the table though thanks you m up for rest don’t worry join have a nice bre thanks we’ll talk to you after are you the patient this man’s absolutely off rocker

    He’s found someone that’s breathing noisy not awake and he’s absolutely he would not be able to give CPR without instructions what’s happening it sounds like they’re fighting Lana can you describe the patient a homeless guy some guy standed on his leg and his bone popping up horrible there’s an assault in the city

    Leing you can see bone R all three or three showing for this 303 thank you uh we’ve got a cat two coming in the city center 35y old male to breeding has been aded has a leg injury and con see bone we should maybe we being advised the attacker is

    No longer on seed no worries I’ll receive thank you hi guys what’s happened with this leg have you been assaulted at all some right okay can I put a dressing on this leg please is that right is it like an Al sorry it stings a little

    Bit is it good that burger yeah yeah looks like you’re enjoying that so I’ll dress this okay now it does look very sore and it looks infected so I’m going to have to when my colleagues arrive on the ambulance we’ll pop you up to Manchester roil for listen to

    Me I can’t I can’t go listen to me I know but we don’t want to leave you on the street with this injury well how long have you been on the streets for now I don’t know a long time have you I’ve give

    One I want to die you want to die I what makes you feel like that all right don’t be giving up all right buddy I know but the problem is mate we can’t cuz we care and we want you to get some help for this leg because if this

    Gets infected you could get sepsis okay you just finish your burger and then we’ll get you sorted all right morning you okay uniform 311 arrived to take the patient to hospital come on let’s get you sorted you got honestly look at that you can’t stay out loud this

    No listen to me just I know listen I know you you’re trying to be helpful but it’s much easier for us to just pop you down the road to Manchester Royal and you definitely need some antibiotics yeah and we can bring your stuff and get you a cup of

    Tea know please let me something when I was my daughter because you like some funding I promise you it’s not about funding we don’t care about funding but government earn enough money we’ll be here to look after you all right yeah know something no no you’re just as

    Important as anyone else yeah so listen to me listen let’s let’s we’re going to get you up there and couple two no I’m not going if somebody normally refuses we would normally ring the GP yeah and the problem is the out of our GP I can’t really tell him you sat

    Outside Spar because he won’t he won’t attend apart from hospital we’re going to be be very limited in terms of treatment so it would be much easier for you and us it would take you and look after you and get some antibiotics for these legs and I promise you I’ll [ __ ]

    Up going on please please listen I this is self inflicted it’s my own problem okay you understand that I don’t want to waste your time you not wasting hour time promise you I would I wouldn’t be sat here trying to convince you to come to hospital if I thought you was

    Wasting my time oh I’m I’ve tried capacity um yeah I know he’s um he’s slow in his words but I’ll be honest with you I’m happy he’s told me everything I need to know in terms of capacity in terms of safety n him I’m thinking GP it won’t touch in terms of

    Public and in terms of safeguarding there’s no address no phone number so as long as he’s as long as he’s aware of the rist wits I think he is in terms of you know staying at here you know especially if sepsis kicks in it could just it could just die in his

    Sleep could it um no get hey thank you very no worries be safe take care mate that is an absolute terrible story so more or less after he’ lost his daughter he lost everything else as well and ended up homeless I do you think we are missing a

    Lot of services within the city center for our homeless uh We’ve no walking centry anymore there’s nothing like say at 3:00 in the morning where do we where do we refer these people to but they obviously still need the help without the hospital admission he just doesn’t want to go he

    Said he doesn’t want to be a burden on the NHS he he’s is quite sad knowing that you know he he actually knew how unwell he was in terms of how infected his legs was and he was quite happy to get off the ambulance he was quite happy to walk

    Away and ultimately he was quite happy to die on the streets of Manchester and you know it’s heartbreaking that is sad I Know life is precious and that’s why we’re here to go out and help you know patients who need us the most that’s ultimately why we do the job because we want to help people in crisis and in some circumstances they don’t want to go to hospital and people

    Are allowed to make an unwise decision whether we agree or not it’s heartbreaking I’ve shed a few tear myself after incidents in the care and people think you’re Invincible you wear this green uniform but we’re human and we’ve got feelings you driving own thinking have I actually done everything I

    Can day three in set so I’m flagging and got a long way to go it will be straight out this Morning so it is a catto we received a call last night around quarter to midnight and for a female with chest pain it was then referred to out of hours GP as she refused to attend Ana and because she’s not answered the phone they have passed it back to ourselves as

    A concern for welfare we me 303 are showing for a cat one 303 303 thank you we’ve got a cat one got me through as a male uh found on the floor of their apartment unknown of conscious unknown of breathing uh ambulance backing you up with the 5 minute ETA hello my name is Em I’m calling from the Northwest Ambulance Service please can you call us back on 999 thank you 432 for a cat 2 Please 112 I have rang the patient’s mobile however there is no answer I’ve left a voicemail to give us a call back so if there is any issues just give us a Shout uh council perti is just asleep on his porch three three 303 you can stand down from this incident thank you uh police have updated patient is awake uh he was just asleep on his porch he’s now sat up smoking a cigarette and he’s absolutely fine and doesn’t want an ambulance so

    Down thank you no worries well at least he safe anyway I’ll speak to you a bit conscious and breathing Fallen hurt today why have you gone c one this morning I’m well over it every job there’s been an issue access can’t find the patient just delaying everything since the hospitals have already started

    Building up with Crews on vehicles and on corridors waiting yeah we’ve got four in red and three in Orange at the minute so Cruise won’t clear as quick so jobs will stack so it’ll just ambulance services to Patient breathing okay is the patient awake stay

    Where you are for me have you lost any blood at all so just to make you aware at the moment we are seeing some delays is just used this the current severe practice we on is it I’m experiencing is not serious enough or something so we we have ruled

    Out everything lifethreatening but it is you are still on an emergency response okay is the caller cleared uh all right thank you ambulance services the patient breathing yes around about half 9 this morning request in an ambulance because my 92y old Aunt can’t move in the chair

    She’s been in the chair all night let me just get a fil because she is aware that you’ve already Run Okay has her condition changed so able to go it with her hand she has a finger numb okay now does she have any of these problems unable to raise both arms and

    Keep them there yeah she can’t raise them thank at the moment has she ever been diagnosed as having a stroke no Alpha 169 thank you uh just details for this cat 2 that you’ve been allocated to it is a 92y old female who is conscious and breathing apparently

    She’s still stuck in a chair possible suspected stroke oh no bless her having started their day in sford Aaron and Emily are now 8 miles away to the West hello hi Muriel I’m Ain do me a favor okay give me a nice big smile show me your teeth lovely and take my hands

    Okay give my hands a good squeeze try and break them all right I can’t can’t why not it just won’t it just won’t do it yeah yeah that’s good that’s good okay do you live here by yourself yeah yeah me husband never had any children right so it’s all like your nieces and

    Nephews and things yeah it’s nice that they look out for you yeah she’s been in the chair on that so unable to get up 93 it’s Muriel I’ve got a bit of a favor to ask you yeah I just want to see what you can do yourself all right so just do do

    Your normal your main concern is she just can’t get up out of the chair she can’t move and get out the chair so she can’t get to the toilet toilets upstairs right well done well done well done is it no I can’t you can take you can take another

    State D take another back down if you want to I it’s sitting down now oh that’s the issue oh because this is just a big decrease in your Mobility isn’t it so I think we’re about to take her in and get your sorted all right I wouldn’t B I wouldn’t

    Even B oh muel I know you wouldn’t I know you wouldn’t Dar you want me to give you a hand up we’ll turn around and we’ll go we’ll go on to it if you grab one of the backs of my elbows and then I’ll come underneath okay and then one

    Two three big stand stand you’re doing really well then we’ll go for a tiny step round okay if your knees weren’t bothering you there we could have went for a bit of a boogie all right all right I’ve got a date with you you can

    Hold me to that you can hold me to that one lovely to meet you we’ll get you on the bed okay how you feeling now I B WR after that and you’ve done all the work I genuinely can’t believe you’re you’re nearly 93 I can’t believe it that’s to still with [Laughter]

    Make I Long’s your husband been passed away 13 years but he had cancer oh I’m sorry to hear that what did he used to do then he was a train driver that’s a that’s a brilliant job he drove the Flying Scotsman to a retir Flying Scotsman

    Yeah Aaron I’m just going to check I loveely be two minutes busy if heing Brew time cup of tea yeah you go and make the bruise have a cup of tea shall we oh I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s so busy at the hospital I thought I’m not pH

    Trying to put it off I mean that’s what we’re here for we’re here to look after you there you are ambulance is patient breathing can I have an ambulance for the KFC please she’s collapsed on the floor an emergency ambulance is being arranged we are seeing to L at the moment anything

    Up to 30 minutes okay while Alpha 169 remain eighth in the queue at Bolton Royal Hospital there are 50 patients waiting across greater Manchester and P on the floor suspect a broken hip that’s all arranged for him we are a little bit busy but we will be with him as soon as we

    Can tell me exactly what’s happened you ordered an ambulance um the ladies theer so I just wanted if you could give me an ETA all fortunately we don’t have an ETA at the moment cuz the condition got worse yeah offed an ambulance for a member of

    Sta about 80 minutes okay yeah I can see that you have been waiting over an hour now um so hopefully it shouldn’t be too much longer hello lovely I’ll see you in there get out of the re sorry you’ve had to wait like an hour it’s not great the

    Company’s been good hasn’t it m she’s been loving it haven’t you you know what this the part I’m really frightened about oh it’s okay just speak to them how you’ve spoken to us and they’ll love you I’ll tell them everything that’s been going on Muriel Al 169 thank you I thank you in

    Love she is absolutely she was a dop like she was so lovely she just could not get out of the chair oh bless her I was at a hospital with her was she okay to go in I think she sort of knew that

    That she did need to go in to be fa just wild busy in there The yeah far Away I want to act the way I’d like someone to act to my mother or father or my grandy and Granda if they were in that position if a family member of mine was the call for an ambulance they’d always remember the crew and I always

    Try to B that in mind we drove P my house before on to s for a brew at the least uel would love [Applause] that I love my job I still enjoy coming into work every day crew mates are a bit hit in this but Alpha 212 just got you clear really Tom telling me to tell you that we’re ready he’s an eager beaver See you see this is a c a 13y old female a lower abominal p no problem thank you very much working for the NHS if somebody brings 999 in an emergency you know we want to get out there we want to help people if I can save a life there’s no

    Better feeling in the world and that’s why I love the Job the and if you’re home sick give me and I people the people nothing going drag you down oh if I had a brain If I had a bra i’ be a stone is theol All details of organizations offering information and support with mental illness or homelessness are available at the actionline pages of the BBC website For

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