On our 13th day of Bikepacking across the Czech Republic, we leave Brno by train to Strážnice. In Strážnice and Uherský Ostroh we visit a traditional folklore clothing producers. Visit the country’s second largest church, the Velehrad Basilica before arriving to our end destination of Otrokovice. Here we would visit Europe’s largest private Harley Davidson collection.

    Full Day Details – https://goo.gl/dt5Hfz

    We rode along #47 – Prague Vienna Greenways bike path – Eurovelo 4

    Biking distance and duration: 57 km, 3 hours 33 minutes
    Map – https://goo.gl/1wjfbu

    Lunch – https://www.facebook.com/SlovackyDvur/
    Harley Pub & Pension – http://www.harleypub.com/
    First Folklore Clothing stop – https://goo.gl/WJFDJm
    Second Folklore Clothing stop – https://goo.gl/fX13YN

    Bike Rental – https://youtu.be/pJ1fw6FBylg

    Biking Tips Czech Republic – https://youtu.be/c_4tXQYxH8U

    Train Info – https://youtu.be/ipKEx9i0tew

    For more information visit the Czech Tourism website:

    This video was sponsored by Czech Tourism


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    Cameraman – Garrett Dan Galvan (TheTravelHuman)

    I don’t even know what day it is. My name is Brian Cox, but most people know me as The Travel Vlogger. I am always in search of extraordinary experience, and on this adventure I will be biking over 700 kilometers across the Czech Republic. Come with me

    To see what makes this destination so special. Dobrý deň and welcome to day 13. We woke up super early this morning in Brno, and grabbed a train and took it about 100 kilometers to the town of, I am going to apologize because I can’t pronounce it without looking. The town of Strážnice. Strážnice,

    And we are taking it to Otrokovice. The total biking today will be about 47-48 kilometers. So, let’s go see what we are going to find on this awesome journey. Come on! First thing we did was meet two new riders. Lenka and Petr. Our first stop was this family run shop,

    That has been opened since 1905. Famous for their traditional blue fabric, died in indigo and decorated using wooden molds, with various motifs to choose from. It was really neat to see the process. Next we would head to the town center. Here we would climb up the watch tower,

    Where we would get a good view of the town, as well as do this… [bell ring] It was finally time to start our journey. We rode about 12 kilometers until we stopped at another shop specializing in traditional folklore clothing. Here I would learn so much about the different designs.

    Every small town has it’s own unique design, and it changes depending on the age, sex or marital status of the individual. Thank goodness Petr was there, he was great at translating and helping me understand. Now we would follow the Bata Canal for the next few kilometers

    That is until we hit a bump in the road. Garrett: Hey guys, Hey Brian. Garrett: Why are you walking? So we got another flat tire, so I’m guessing that patch is no longer working, that or we have got a new whole. If we are lucky, there will be a cycle point coming up.

    As it turns out we thought we were super lucky, because the flat tire happened about 1 kilometer away probably less than 1 kilometer away from this really nice bike shop where they quickly put a tube in, but that is when things took a turn for the worse. Apparently we need a new tire.

    There is kind of a rip in the tire. The next place to buy the tire is 10 kilometers. So, fingers crossed that the new tube holds up, and that we can make it 10 kilometers to get a new tire. We decided this was a good time to grab a quick bite to eat.

    Update! We just heard some amazing news. The really awesome dude at the bike shop, went to the other town while we were ordering lunch, and he got us a new bike tire. So we are totally ready to go, as soon as I finish this amazing plate of ribs. Czech ribs!

    I was so happy to see the bike back in riding condition. Now it was time to keep riding. New tire is sexy! Garrett: Alright! That was really awesome that, that guy was able to do that while we were eating lunch. This is why I love the Czech Republic.

    The people are super friendly, super nice. I thought we were going to spend all day there trying to get this all sorted out, but really we at a fabulous lunch, and got it all figured out and even saw this really cool place if your are biking.

    They have all kinds of cabins, a restaurant and stuff for the family. After about 8 kilometers, we came up to another town with another difficult name to pronounce. Uherské Hradiště This is where we would say good bye to Lenka, And hello to Zdenek. Ahoj! He was a jolly man

    That was a wealth of knowledge and passion for the region. The first place he took us to see, was a huge basilica in a small town. What is this place called? We are in the Velehrad. Velehrad is very famous, and very important pilgrimage place in the Czech Republic,

    But not only in the Czech Republic, in all of middle Europe. This basilica is the second biggest church in the Czech Republic. Wow! Ya. This place was an extrodinary surprise, even more so when we heard a young group of musicians practicing. As we exited the basilica

    We found out that Petr had to leave us. We still had almost 30 kilometers left until our end destination, so we got back on the bikes and kicked it into high gear. An hour later we needed a break. It is pivo thirty, time to get some beer. Beer for you. Na zdraví.

    That was just what we needed. Loosening up our muscles so that we could ride those last few kilometers. The sun was setting and before we knew it. We had arrived to our final destination. Alrighty! We made it to Otrokovice. About a 47 total kilometers.

    I feel pretty good, I think I am getting used to it. Just as the trip is winding down. Tomorrow is our last day, but here we are at the Harley Pub. Microbrewery and pension. I wonder what kind of trouble we are going to get into tonight. If you are a beer fan

    And you like Harley Davidson motorcycles. Then the Harley Pub is your holy land. Attached you will find a museum dedicated to all things made by Harley Davidson. It is really worth a quick look. If you have any questions about today’s trip, leave them in the comment box below.

    If you liked this video, go ahead hit that like button. Until next time… Ahoj. On day 14 We ride to industrial city of Zlín, Try on some wild hats in Nový Jičín. Eat some Štamberk ears, and finish the cross country journey in Ostrava. To see tons of great photos from the journey,

    Or to post your own shots be sure to check out these hashtags on Instagram. Don’t leave yet! There is tons of great videos to keep watching. More importantly… Did you subscribe yet???


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