Let us explore Luxembourg’s oldest town

    For hi guys welcome to ish I hope you can hear our lovely church bels should be louder in about a minute or so then everything starts yeah today we are in Luxembourg oldest town in Luxembourg actually and now it starts So welcome guys I’m yulani your guide here usually I do tours in Tria but also in Luxembourg so today I took my car and went to Luxemburg to AA it’s a small town about 5 and a half thousand people left here it’s 4:00 in the afternoon and we’re lucky with the

    Weather today this afternoon it was quite bad earlier on this morning and we looking at the Abbey here in asak asak is famous for its Abby for vport he was a missionary and he founded the whole town and the Abbey well the Abby was actually a small Convent and he

    Got it as a present from somebody called yina she had a big Convent in Tria and she gave him land a tiny conent and he made a pretty ABY and this was at the end of of the 7th Century so quite a long time ago this church is not as

    Old it’s 20th century they did build one during the 11th century Romanesque but first the French Revolution happened and you see those pretty pretty buildings here it was a pretty Convent today it’s a school but the French uh they made it into a factory so you had um porcelain made here for

    Quite some time until the people complained during the 19th century and they wanted their Abby back so they got their Abby back and then it got destroyed during the second world war which is quite a shame but the rebuilded we are not going inside today um there were many people spraying

    Inside today I just checked earlier on and I don’t want uh to disturb them so we are staying outside we will walk through this Tiny Town and we will end probably on the bridge towards Germany so you might get two countries in one today and here you see it’s quite

    Big and I can’t film here because it’s Saturday so no school Today and this part here was built during the 18th century and it’s really a pretty town Here let me show you the rest of today’s school we can’t go in to the park because it belongs to the school Now but it’s really really pretty So let me show you at least like this and at former times they had plants inside and it was a guest house I’m not putting my gimbal through here because I might drop you and I don’t want to drop you you will get a nice view of front of the church quite soon

    So stay tuned and you see lots of cobblestones here nice to look at horrible to walk on when it’s raining we will be out of the sun quite soon so don’t worry you get a better Picture and you see I got cute cute Street lamps here like it was first town in Luxembourg actually that got electric light and it got it before the capital so they already had street lights during the 1880s I mean it helps if the guy who developed stuff lives more or less in

    The town and he offered it to the town First and Luxemburg it’s an independent country small country about 660 to 680,000 people are living here and it’s a monarchy so it’s the only Grand duy in the world head of state is kuk Ori but he has no power power lies with Parliament and here you see it’s Romanesque B from the 20th Century it’s not yet really tourism season here in Luxembourg but it starts we are slowly getting our cruise ships back they also come to Luxembourg so in a few weeks it will be quite busy we also got lots of accommodation here you get some nice coffee places Some nice places to eat and if you like hiking you can go from here to a region called M meaning it’s really pretty they had Ms there beforehand I can’t do a life tour from there I H I have no signal I tried it but for the pretty stuff you don’t have

    Signal but I might do a few videos and here you see a typical small town so we are walking towards our Market Square which is not far from our church here so I’m showing you a little bit of the real town as Well yeah the town got badly damaged during the second world war the church town because it’s a Border Town so same with v Bish also getting damaged also another small village in Luxembourg On the Border but here you’re going to see the different styles so we have older homes we have

    20th century we have modern C And it’s really a nice small Town you can use it as a base if you want to go hiking or just come for an afternoon take a look at the Church and just to show some time outside Yeah and here our pedestrian Zone starts with a little bit Yeah of bike traffic and it’s really a small town so you can walk around as long as you manage cobblestones You can also get nice ice cream here they got a lake a little bit outside of town with free parking and buses and public transport in Luxembourg is Free so if you don’t want to pay a lot of parking in town go to the lake and yeah drop your car next to the lake and take one of the fruit buses as you see we already have outdoor dining we had it before Co and as soon as we got

    Sunshine we have outdoor dining but here Look beer is healthy as I tell you but the same with wine I mean it’s grapes so it’s a fruit just don’t don’t take too Much you see you can get everything you need in this little Place can get your hair done not sure how cheap it is like some B is usually more Expensive okay not so cheap but it’s okay I guess we have the same price range at the moment in Germany so not too expensive we’re coming towards our Market at first some pretty flowers some people use it as a dust bin and put cigarettes inside but it’s lovely and I like that

    Nature starts again and everything is blooming so spring is here really nearly fell over something you shouldn’t be doing Yeah they like the decoration Here So and if you want to buy a house it’s expensive in Luxembourg Luxemburg city is even more expensive but I mean here a small one that needs probably work more or less a Million oh smaller Apartments half a million and here we are now on our Market Square you see colorful houses we got a Market Cross and the Market Cross here they believe the first one was from the 13 century when it became proper town and it was not only for

    Market it was here um it was also used for quarter Flor and aign for chce and power so during the 18th century people didn’t like the power the church the Abby had so they wanted to destroy um this Market Cross because I saw it as a symbol for this bad

    Power didn’t manage it later it got destroyed and it got relocated here after the second world War so just try not to fall over I’m giving you some of the details here and it’s really really a pretty place by the way I can’t see any chat at the moment so if you ask questions I’m not ignoring you it just tells me it’s connecting and I see there are people

    Live So and here we are coming to the former Palace of Justice they also had a dungeon in here in former times not active any longer Luckily and I have to look out for cars because it’s actually a street so I don’t want to get under one and this building is from goic from the goic period i Tred to zoom in to give you a little bit of a view of those

    Figures so we got the four virtues we got the Virgin Mary in the middle and we got King Salomon on in the middle the first floor so I’m trying to zoom in so she should be can’t read it from here I guess she is prudent but I’m not sure could Be so that’s it’s Temperance then the other One one of them is Justice this one is fortitude oops and on goo so one on top should be that’s Mai and this one wisom rudence and the other one was Justice on the left hand Side zooming out again no this way and in front of it a flag of luxenburg always reminds me of the death flag but that means theyve been part of the Netherlands once so it makes sense to have a similar flag not the same but quite similar and here we got our city

    Hall you see small one and our Abby is back here again so we took a tiny tiny circle around our old town here I’m going to show you the first church where the original Abby was and we’re going towards um the Border on just letting the little bus Pass and this is a whole Market Square so really small small but pretty town and older than the Capital and here you see they got some of the signs in two languages so they got it luxembourgish and French here for the languages we got luxemburgish French and German here Luxemburg work as official languages and since we are on the border a lot of people here still understand

    German I mean it’s the dialect on the other side of the border is quite similar to luxemburgish but luxemburgish is an official language so people understand each other if they want to oh and sorry guys big bus coming big bus coming small street so I’m taking

    Cover yeah our bus drivers don’t like it whenever we tells them we go to Luxemburg and Miller so they really hate it it’s small streets really lovely to go but difficult to drive with a bus and that’s one of the three buses coming here this one goes around in a circle

    And takes you um to the Parking so let me see want to give you a better view of the church that’s coming up first we got our police station on the other side coffee drink and you see this lion that’s a symbol um for Luxembourg and this figure above the door that’s that Michael he is a patron

    Saint for the police in Luxembourg so it makes sense to have him here Actually so taking me up the hill a little bit towards the first um church here and they even had Roman uh homes here they found a Roman villa outside of the town next to the lake and they believe they had a little wmed F here where the church is today and this

    Is St Peter and Paul trying to show it to you without the toilet down here and this one is our original church it was here where I had a little Roman for and here this Amina From Tria Rich lady who had a conent in Tria she had a tiny went here she had

    Land here and she gave it donated it um to willly BR and he was the one who went to FIA as well he came from uh North ampra and he was a missionary so he tried to spread Christianity during the seventh century The church here also changed over

    Time it’s really really an interesting one that changed the floor level several times and it was here where Wily BR was buried first today he’s in the C in not the cathedral the Basilica the big one the big church but he was buried here first so I’m going up here we can’t go

    Inside they don’t like people just going inside and they have to close um the churches otherwise um people would go inside steal something so it’s open for church services it’s open for special tours but they won’t let us film I hope this way is easier walked up the other way a few

    Days ago and nearly tripped So taking you up some stairs and imagine you had to go to church service here so set first you see we are quite high up but we still have more stairs to go so and they’re quite Uneven and that’s a man himself no that’s since Peter sorry he has keys so he is in Peter and here I need to watch my Steps don’t want to fall over and you see quite difficult and once per year they got a nice procession here it’s a dancing procession and in former times it ended up here so you jump from one leg to the other and you had to do it until you were here nowadays it

    Ends next to the big church but today in former times it was here tiny Chapel we are going down the other side course you have a nice view from here towards our other church as Well so we climbed a hill looked at a Church and that’s house this church developed so they started with Roman F during the third Century the second one during the four and you can really see the two walls Here you could easily defend this one I mean you had to climb up as an enemy and if you defended it where you stood up here and could shoot down And through the trees here we can see the Abbey Again So you see we got our ABY that’s a school down here so it’s really big And you enter the church here so nothing for people who have trouble walking there is no elevator that’s official entrance here so let’s go down and walk to the bridge I show you the former border today you can just cross so there is no stop sometimes they stop uh cars because

    They look for criminals but it’s more or less a police control and not not a border control any longer which is quite nice and thanks to shenen you can travel like this in Europe so you don’t need to stop at a border any longer they also have the Euro

    Here meaning I don’t have to exchange money I can just um take whatever I want to spend with me we got the same money in Germany same currency makes it easier for Us and you see we did a circle more or Less and now we are continuing towards the old city wall from the 10th century and the Border um not sure for which was this was anybody here who speaks ltin who can translate it for Me and you see you can park here but not a long time and you have to pay for the parking here where else it’s free if you go to your parking ride Parking and this huge wooden thing coming up that’s the official bus stop in Town so we cross here go to the bridge wave to Germany yeah and for my next tours we will be back in Tria I’m doing one about K Marx he was born in Tria so doing one about him we are going to a Roman Temple not far from Tria and we going back to Luxembourg City and for the rest I have to Schedule I want to take you to the Zar River as well really pretty nature but it’s a nice walk through the woods and I need a little bit more green for it so as soon as our trees are ready we will do our s bent s Schlier called the prettiest place in our s Province sand and for the rest yeah I have to schedule there are few things Ina I want to Do few other things so and as soon as we have some proper wild flowers in our Vineyards I try to do wild flow tour as well but at the moment I just need more queen stuff but before I say goodbye um this tiny tiny house coming into view that’s our former customs

    Office not the gray one saying toilets this yellowish One And the houses you see here this big hotel that’s already Germany on the other side so we are here in aan and The Village on the German side it’s called esta Brook and Brook yeah this means bridge in English and I have a few Villages that have a similar name we got

    V Bish Biga Brook we got bandor bandor BR and it’s always the bigger place that gets the proper name and the smaller one gets a brick ated so you know eak must be bigger than Brook Just waiting with this car to move course it’s the back zooming in that’s one of the towers of our old city wall and today they got holiday apartments and some of it so you can spend time next to the Old City wall in one of the old towers and they had 20 Towers

    Here for the city wall but most of them disappeared so our customs building our old one and walking at least on the bridge and here you see how we write both Names and summer times you can take a small boat you can kayak here I’ve seen people swimming here not sure if it’s a great idea I mean it’s quite fast and the river is Called so I’m standing more or less now in the middle so we got Germany here and we got Luxembourg over here and I hope you liked it if you like the tour please come to my others subscribe to my channel this really helps and if you could buy me a

    Coffee it would be really great and check out my colleagues everybody is doing great tours we try to make this happen again so please come to our tours tell everybody how great this is and goodbye for today


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