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    [Applause] oh Power going slowly hey why didn’t you just do that in the first place a tight well it has been a pretty miserable and boring day mostly just been clearing this first half of the day but it is clear All this has not only been cut back but we moved all the debris all the way along this and we’ve gained probably at most 7 to 8 m more before we get to the Hedge now which is more than enough space to set up the mill we’ll give a

    Little tour and show you exactly what Nick’s Next plan of attack is while I’m working on the roof anyway the day is far from over [Applause] E see it out Anymore [Applause] you know it’s serious when the glasses come Out What the one of the main reasons for getting the mill up and running is that it’s the time of the year that Nick can finally start clearing around the swimming pool we’re waiting for the depths of winter when all the sap is low in the trees so he can start saving what

    Is left of the swimming pool structure here is where we can see mostly where the roots are like just basically breaking the wall apart you can see where the base of it was it’s just got this huge bow where the roots are pushed out from there and that is

    Actually rout yeah there that corner you can see where it’s actually being pushed down by an old the tree at some point yeah kind of that end and this end seems okay but it’s all the walls isn’t it so it’s not going to be long before it all caves

    In so the idea is going to be to try and clear the initial ring all the way around and probably stop at the Oaks just on the other side of the outlet so what what how many have we got to go down well all these trees that surrounding

    It about 35 trees and Silver Birch is growing out through the middle yeah yeah so all these trees basically are growing into the wall of the swimming pool and just they’re just collapsing it so if we’ve any hope of restoring it in the future we’ve got to get these out get

    Them down into length see how straight they are cut them into lengths for the mill and then extract them to the forest with the my um extractor Timber extractor on the back of the tractor yeah so we could just drag them out on four wheels so we’re not doing any

    Damage to the forest floor yeah and then all this can get milled into usable stuff for projects around the ground and stuff like that fencing seats yeah structures yeah nice yeah for those of you that didn’t catch a live I did update people in that the well has now

    Run completely dry for some unknown reason but definitely trees can’t be helping that then we got all the ones around this big u tree which I haven’t shown you too much we see the one at the back um but this is not far off the same

    Size so there’s a lot growing through it and immediately around it but I mean this will be quite an age already this you um but these do are really long liveed so that’s why it’s quite important to keep the trees like this yeah and plus it’s part of the original

    Planting from the shatow similar aged yeah you know the nice u tree next to the swimming pool yeah a lot of this is self self-seeded over the last probably about 25 30 years it’s not actually that old the speed of what these grow at yeah I mean we’ve seen photos from the day

    The shadow burnt down and there’s barely any trees here at all even around the to drivein Okay so this is well long overdue this is a hard from the fire above here that I took out so so so so long ago nice small chunes nice small CHS a fine okay scaffolding save the floor just as I planned know this whole thing has just

    Been about a rise to the top so each level just got done what needed to get done and move on to the next one Now’s the Time to go back tidy up get things Ready So by tomorrow The Sawmill will be up and running fully ready to use which is an amazing thing for the chatau Nick and Cameron are going to start making preparations to take all them trees down super complicated because they’re all so close together and we don’t want to damage trees that we’re

    Keeping while they’re doing that I’m still waiting on this roof wood which is annoying me but there’s plenty more to do inside and I’m going to make a start on a couple of jobs tomorrow and I will see you guys Tomorrow


    1. You mentioned the other week about. Of putting a temperary stair case in because of the dogs can a make a suggestion start from the first floor upwards still stopping the dogs getting up and making your life a lot easier

    2. I live in a 280 y.old granite nobleman's home in NW Spain. We have a very similar "pool" (lined on the side &floor with stone) to this, but it is NOT a swimming pool. Rather, a natural spring runs into this area, where water is accumulated (roughly 60k litres). The water can then be released under pressure via one of 2 drainiage holes +/-25 cms. dia. located in one of the vertical walls, at the base. Surrounding fileds located at a lower elevation can then irrigated at will. My counsel is to go slow at the baseline and look for the holes– there may be roots to a wayward tree growing into the hole, so try NOT to break the stonework when removing. Good luck.

    3. I come and binge his videos after waiting for a few to post. I have no problem with his “inconsistency” personally. What he is doing is hard and time consuming. Most of his viewers know that. Keep up the good work Dan! What you are doing is amazing!

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