The NATO-led KFOR mission in Kosovo announced that about two dozen of its troops were injured while dispersing ethnic Serb protesters in the town of Zvecan on May 29. Some demonstrators set fires and attacked KFOR troops with stones and bottles.
    Originally published at –


    1. Trebala je vojska počet da puca sa svi strana jer da ste ih ubili jedno 20 ovih srbski huligana naučili bi ih pameti… 😉 Živjela Nezavisna Republika Kosovo 🇽🇰🇽🇰🇽🇰💪💪💪

    2. Šta će ovi nato satanisti kada dođe nas 2 miliona Srba na Kosovo i Metohiju,a ovaj brat ih sam pomlatio!!!!!

    3. Серб убийца в Боснии было убито до 300 т человек👨👤🚶 серб их сжигал и изгонял, тысячи человек женщин было износиловпно, с севера колова серб сдигая села исжигая людей живьем изгонял албанцев в 1999 г, это серб убийца и Маньяк и Вор!

    4. Srbi počeli u tudjoj drzavi pravit barikade kaminoma zasto??? Alo zasto? I došla albanska policija da otvori promet i eto pucnjave. Jel ste primjetili tamo gdje nema srba da je mir i milina za zivjet. Podrska kosovarima

    5. There is a simple solution to the problem of unrest in northern Kosovo:
      1. military administration
      2. introduction of a curfew, arrest of those who go out after curfew
      3. identification and arrest of riot participants

    6. Every day Albanians attack Serbs, women's Child's . KFOR DO nothing to defense them . This is rebellion for freedom and human rights. In the last Year we have 430 attack on Serb. We gonna defend out self, and this demonstration was only 0,1 %. And good luck i wish to All Albanian's.

    7. To all Americans who are on side of albania,i can say that is just a welcome messege.This shows how weak NATO peacekeepers are,they have shields,batons tasers and protection.But these people with nothing they are still making them suffer and cry for help?Wow man.Serbia will stay Kosovo forever.Deal with it. RS!(also im not sure of that these are NATO or KFOR so yes)

    8. Why Kosovo is a country? To my opinion is not a country it’s supposed to be the heart and the territory of Serbia and the province of Serbia 🇮🇩❤️🇵🇸❤️🇷🇺❤️🇷🇸❤️🇹🇷❤️🇬🇷❤️🇮🇷

    9. Also Greece, Russia, Indonesia, Palestine and Romania we don’t recognize Kosovo as a independent country we recognize Kosovo as a heart and a province of Serbia 🇷🇸

    10. And this is how fashists exercise democracy……
      Since those riots organised by belgrade sending a bunch of criminals to destabilise northern Kosova (even by threatening serbian Kosova citizens), plates RKS has been implemented, energy billing in the north has been implemented, serbia elections in Kosova territory has been forbiden, payments in fuckin dinar has been forbiden, 3 serbian terrorist has been killed in banjska, albanian mayors has continued theyre job regularly as per Kosova constitution, and still no riots………. How about that?

    11. Дорогие наши Сербы!
      Подождите ещё чуть чуть!
      Мы с вами станем одной Страной, и пойдем вместе, дорогой что Господь нам всем пророчил.
      Славяне, вместе мы мощь!
      А европпы не будет, развлиться и США, так старцы глаголили. А те кто сейчас, по другую сторону ждите змия антихриста, он вас чертей и пожрет.

    12. Razdvojila nas politika braćo Srbi, ali podržavam svoje susjede. Neću valjda tamo neke šiptare s kojima nemam ništa zajedničkog. Pamet u glavu, nedajte zapadu da nas dijeli.
      Nema predaje, Kosovo je Srbija.
      Pozdrav iz Hrvatske

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