When a big mountain bike crash caused Eric to miss XTERRA Worlds, he set off on a California road trip while Paula went to race Augusta 70.3. Along the way, he swam in June Lake, rode in Yosemite National Park, and spent time with Nick Goldston, who helped film parts of this show. Thanks to Nick for the good vibes in a very frustrating part of the year.

    Hey everyone! We’re Eric Lagerstrom and Paula Findlay, and we created That Triathlon Life!


    Please subscribe and hit the like button, it means a lot and we’re putting out videos every other week! Any questions at all that you have, fire away. If you want to see a video about any part in more detail, let us know.
    #triathlon #mammothlakes #protriathlete

    Follow our adventures daily on Instagram:

    Transition Four is my video creation company:

    Oura Ring: https://oura.link/PXPDPYX-
    Van: https://storytelleroverland.com/pages/2024-stealth-mode

    Our main camera: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1577838-REG/sony_ilce7sm3_b_alpha_a7s_iii_mirrorless.html

    I’ve heard a couple of surf films lately use the phrase whatever fills your cup second time I heard it thought it was a little bit hokey and just something that was getting thrown around but over the course of this trip my feeling shifted and having that phrase fresh in my brain when that

    Feeling hit I knew immediately what the words meant after dropping off Paula at the airport to fly to Augusta 70.3 I packed the van full of things I couldn’t actually use until my knee was better I figured worst case I would spend 5 days camping and walking around

    The woods in best case I’d be able to get in a couple of exploratory rides maybe even a run I’ve always felt like some of my biggest moments of growth have come when things seem to have gone off the rails so I was a bit optimistic about what this trip would

    Bring in terms of clarity purpose and direction for the future when things go perfectly we don’t often pause to reflect but when hits the fan we look around ask why and maybe learn something here’s learning something words cannot explain how much I’d rather be here than there like rather than being there

    Racing watching pretty much either one though oh my God Sam flying by what’s her name I don’t know you know you’re like oh I I wish these races were more exciting I don’t want this much excitement this is too exciting too much please just all run the same once you

    Get off the bike too much make it look like it’s going to be a little close but not this close this is the same thing as in new WS mhm it’s just a replay one year later how’s your knee um worse than oh then yesterday morning yeah but not a

    Ton but yesterday morning I woke up and I could barely tell it was that thing okay we’ll see nice work dude way to work that in there got to get that money go Paul we did it I took a lot out of her she was that

    Was not at all optimal built lead in all right we can go on with our day we’re emotionally completely completed I don’t know would you feel like swimming yeah I’m swimming today really for sure okay I’ll Drone Here are you on the that’s here yeah so my trigger finger stay prepared I’ve got my weapon and I got my PR cuz if you don’t run this town they walk all over you over out got run keep on till the sun goes down run out it run on run all day

    Till you can’t be down run out got to run away keep on running till the sun goes down you can on theil but you ain’t going to on me you ain’t going to me you ain’t going to you ain’t going to you ain’t going to

    When I was young my mama got to make your green R cuz if you ain’t got nowh nobody going to come for you she would tell me tales that would leave me scared so I make sure to get it through my head I’m either going to run this Town R out got R keep on running till the sun goes down out better day till you can’t be found run out got to run got to R keep on running till the sun goes down you can on the devil but you ain’t going to on [Applause] me oh there it Is oh yeah I say you better run boy oh we better run oh yeah I say you better run Boy right now y got keep the you can the was it worth the drive I yeah man of course it’s incredible how much variety we have within 30 minutes of right here I mean I just every time I drive this direction from Oregon it’s wild you can never get bored

    With all the different Landscapes and things to see like we say like the first person who was I like been walking through here for their whole life and then just happened to walk over into yosity he was like what this me here the whole time did I take some magic mushrooms by

    Accident it’s right there amazing lots of exploring to do so much exploring yet to be done for us at least after only 3 days in Mammoth I felt like the fog of disappointment had lifted and my mind was exploding with ideas for places I wanted to go roads and trails I

    Wanted to ride and films I wanted to Make as my career has progressed it’s become increasingly apparent to me that I love the process of being outside preparing for races more than the races themselves I love documenting the process visually just as much as I love the process itself But the intensity and focus required to train for races disallows a lot of the exploratory elements that I love and the chronic fatigue constantly threatens to extinguish the creative fire TTL in its current form was born during Co and this trip reminds me of that the videos and the experiences that

    I love the most came out of a time of great uncertainty where all we could do was think up Many Adventures to keep ourselves fit and busy pools were closed but Rivers were open races were cancelled but Mountain K attempts were on this trip reminded me of that and as

    I drove to pick up Paula so she could join me on the long adventure home a feeling of deepest contentment bubbled to the surface cup full All right The Descent The Descent off of that mountain pass one of the most incredible roads I’ve ever seen and and I got to the bottom and if I don’t Rite it I’ll never forgive myself uh figured I would come I’ll come back but I got to Rite it now it’s too Good Sick this is going to be alltime descent it’s a bit windy God I can’t wait to come back Here take my name out of your paper J I’ve seen something that forever change the Game forgive me love for the blame I sent to thee all the fingers I point really pointed back at me oh this fighting this unsettling stir I see you now I Surrender let the dust settle let go of the battle there’s to chicken out at about 87 K an

    Hour all right 30 mph headwind probably no headwind that is going to be wild anyway wow Hidden Gem there’s way too much out there to ride the same road every day all I got to say take my name out of your paper J I’ve seen something if ever change the game forgive me friend for all I did to be I was prvious then you were my Enemy this fighting sunett stir I see you now I Surrender let the dust settle let go of the pedal there’s too much here let these towers turn the rivers let these instincts Ste let the dust settle let the stormy weather bad news my guy the Bro trip is about to end

    How are you oh we knew you were coming Flynn come on get up on your seat Flynn up on your seat Flynn no not outside come on up on your chair line let’s go good boy W yeah aggressive see the red swir red swir red swirling on KN see the red s red

    Swirling red swirling on my Knee


    1. Eric, I'm not crying you are crying. Thank you! I wrote you long ago and talked to you in Milwaukee about how your films made my son love triathlon. (time for another Ironman camping trip adventure)!!!!!

    2. You’ve got a such a gift for this stuff – amazing work! I’m just an average dude that works on spreadsheets all day, but this got me so pumped for a quick after work run in the suburbs today 😎

      Also, cannot wait for more Glissade coffee 🙌🏻

    3. Eric this was a amazing on so many levels. Thank you for putting so much of yourself into your work. I to have been feeling the need for more "adventure" in my training as of late so this one really spoke to me.

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