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    Hi I’m Danny Butler hi I’m Kyrie Dickinson and I’m State and this is the tri Podcast right welcome back to a brand new podcast and uh I’m going to say it because I’ll probably get in trouble and I don’t care coming in your ears um I’m not doing the i c no no I’m not doing the I oh have you Rose above that now

    Are you beyond that no if I do it every week it’s just going to be you know they’ll get over it they’ll just get over it all right I like what you’re doing there yeah well I was in shock um it’s coming in your eyes as well I

    Couldn’t out myself so you going catch up with the tri podcast as always on Spotify apple and on YouTube which uh is the visual platform all right I like oh look it’s a visual platform guys long content you can watch people just talk title tattle yeah um it’s a cool thing

    And before we get started apologies to all of our subscribers and viewers and people that comment because um in between us filming the last one here at Road and trials which was weeks ago yes and we’re now in summer and we’re now in summer the um I read some of the

    Comments on one of the podcasts that’s recently gone out and I got told that I need to go back to trials uh get this I need to go back to uh trials school and learn my history better because I got the the syn wrong that Doug Lin was

    Riding I knew it was a gar Gar Zero by the way so uh oh it’s always a Percy perfect to correct I was just wrong wrong year I mean obviously when that person was watching it they were already 30 I was three matter it don’t matter it does matter anyway and I think

    You’ll find that the Ty wasn’t a 1980 it was a 1976 well it was 1970 when the ty250 was injected if you’re listening in the car right now that was epic um we’re just going to crack on right let’s say say where we actually are well we’re back at

    Road and trials if you can’t guess um just simply because One Stop Shop oh wait there what was that car barnsley’s onetop shop years barnsley’s onstop shop of 20 years of Trials where you can buy all sorts of motorcycles yeah Road and I I love that some have called it the Dream

    Factory okay depends what your dream is doesn’t it it does and you know what my dream is to have a really nice road bike and a really nice TR no no my dream is to own a TRS electric kids bike because I’m going to be honest as a kids platform or bike

    To ride when you’re a kid the right we said a few weeks ago that the ty80 was an epic machine still is oh sorry was is not dead not yet um I feel like TRS have taken it seriously they’ve not they’ve like they’ve made a decent effort you

    Know what I think about electric bikes don’t you and I love this little bike I love this little bike do you know what do you know why I love it so much go on cuz it looks like a bloody Tri bike it’s lovely if you’re a 5ye old and you rush down and

    See what Santa’s bought you and that’s there wow oh you are living your best life do you not think W look at it it’s like Mom and Dad’s big bik that they compete on it’s incredible it is that’s not a raml thrown together thing oh no that’s like the rockar of the

    Electri bik G kit right there and I love it well talking about bikes that we’ve got in the um in the road and trial Studio this week we we also have a 2024 Factory Shiro St and a bike that uh well the reason why we’ve got this bike in

    Here is because Carrie rides one don’t you Carrie of course the best the best bestest bike you’ve ever had not matching Nails matching Nails right so very important this week just so you know me and Stu do not have bite matching Nails uh I took mine off before

    I got here um mine is a bit black mine’s a bit black cuz I hit it with a hammer just listen girlriend you get yourself down the shop as down the down the salon um now Carrie it’s wonderful to have you on the podcast by the way thank you for joining us T

    Cheers they talk a lot don’t they yeah they do honestly very they wear subtitles on what what for your for the accent yeah but Donnie aren’t you you’re you’re actually she’s further a field further basically if you go past barnesley through Mordor Middle Earth Doncaster is that t with beay yeah if

    You are From Doncaster it’s a joke no it’s a joke people in Doncaster don’t get offended mate okay they’re too busy but anyway um Carrie it’s great to have you on because simply Carrie is is one of the few lady riders that I know female

    Riders that um I’ve got to take my hat off to you at this point Carri because I’ve rode with you a fair amount you know so we’ve gone practicing together and we’ve been at the same trials at the same times we’ve basically Sat On A banks side or two completely wet through

    Contemplating Our Life Choices contemplating life choices yeah at the same time and Carrie is by far one of the most Hardy Riders this isn’t like women Riders I’m not saying it like that what I’m saying is if regardless of sex Carrie is just AR As Nails mate a

    Grafter proper grafter yeah um I’m not going to be able to get out this door when I leave you know what reckon you feel good about yourself right now okay um solely because she not only you know she gets herself to the trial she does

    All that malchy she does a lot of the B prep herself when she’s not bringing it into roding trials for any serious surgical work y um and you know what God loves a tria and scenes of carry upside down in in streams attached to Mud banks with or

    Without bike uh normally with Rook sack on back because when you need extra weight to weigh you down underwater when you’re drowning wear a rock sack you know like as it has catapulted you into the yeah yeah not only is she trying to get extra grip by putting more weight on

    Her back between sections she’s also so using it as an anchor point to drown and I I I was talking to Tony earlier who is sorting out her Forks that have had some sort of crazy malfunction the the break fairies have just happened and now he shedding more light on what actually

    Might have happened was a big Crush one lady owner never race r or thrashed no but Carri is um car’s hardcore and let’s be honest for for a lot of Us carry um a lot of people follow you of course over social platforms and you’re

    Not just a trial Rider tell us a bit about yourself what else has been getting on I’d get to do quite a lot of awesome stuff I’m quite lucky really since I guess obviously social’s catapulted in during lockdown um theyve worked with Triumph on stuff riding the

    Adventure bikes been out to Spain with them for the new um tiger 900s just last December that is awesome you tiger 900 yeah you yeah tiger 900 um there’s a bit of a weight difference there is a weight difference there boy yeah wow how did you find it other than bloody

    Heavy actually all right but I’ll generally put down all of me riding confidence and skills of being able to chuck it over to a different bike from trials oh okay oh you first lady massively oh okay Tada what what do we always say trials benefits everything and that’s proofing the pudding right

    There yeah and then trying and JW bits at mckans I like Mick we go back me and Mick go back a very long way good facility as well good venue right yeah log’s good and uh Adam’s still quick as can be yeah and a fruit loop and he’s

    Not scared of anything no yeah anything M but there you go yeah so so Triumph from Triumph obviously working a long time Triumph I know you were um part and parcel to some of the OIC promotion as well for the new txr got to to that that

    Was fun how did you find that it was an interesting little bike um for obviously a more basic thing for kids um a lot more simple than obviously like EMS um in the electric bike world that was so diplomatic I want to choke and and now the real version

    Do you want to own one um no not at all I like you and I don’t really like electric bikes on the whole all right okay so you’re on the same camp as Me In St where where when I bought my wife for Christmas oder a two-stroke she was just like what is

    This nonsense honestly T two-stroke till I die but I’ve been brought around it bought up around it as well yeah dad was a racer so I’ve been brought up in the racing pcts oh always smelt like castal since I was out the womb oh there you go

    You see that’s and that is why the internal combustion engine will never ever die cuz there’s too many fans this just in internal combustion banned by the fim no I’m joking yeah that’s that’s not a thing don’t panic if you if you’re driving right now for crying out loud don’t

    Crash no um engines is amazing there’s something about them we know that these machines aren aren’t actually living and breathing but e but is that like Toy Story but they they make something Fizz inside you that’s good don’t they you know what I mean St they St your emotions I love the

    They use the word Fizz because if you go back in previous episodes B it made my p f yeah b word it’s a different Fizz it’s a good pH a good it’s a happy phase I should say pH makes something bubble anyway but but Mo Motorsport it

    Does move your emotions it does you go to a drag race and you stood there and it’s only going to take 4 seconds but when that rolls pass you your hairs stand on it really is Magic for 4 seconds right boom and it’s gone just like that

    And uh but I mean talking about trials the the best way to get into any form of Motorsport is Trials it is uh let’s be honest it’s affordable y it’s friendly friendly for the most part you know I’ve never been in a trials um trials carart

    Where I thought people were going to try and eat me no it’s not ridiculously dangerous at all no no because there’s no real I think this is nobody’s ever died in a trial nobody’s ever died from a trial crash ever AB Hey listen if anybody has tried is carry all right

    Crush tou car Crush just car is that going to be your we’ve got a brand new bike in the studio this week and um sorry I’ve just noticed the fact that rod and trials have actually colorcoded the fork stickers exactly to the stickers of the Sho I hadn’t seen that

    That’s commitment that that’s trick is it I’ve just seen it I mean I know that sounds sad but I do the same thing with the TR tube stickers so I’m impressed um we’ve got oh wow we actually got three bikes in the studio we’ve got a TRS one

    What’s what’s it called TRS one kids one kids I mean it’s got an it’s got an it’s got an RR sticker on but I don’t think rager will be taking any um it’s cool yeah it’s cool zero cool um we’ve got a new strr Sho the 2024 factory model um

    Which there has been vast imp improvements from the 2023 model but Tony tell on thek nest and really enjoyed it it was a brilliant Bike 250 the 250 yeah it suited me yeah I think a lot of people would attest to the fact that the 50 is still got more than

    Enough power oh yeah damn right love it hey I did see a video this week of Emma Bristo warming up the new 125 fuel injected SDR wow and it sounded well mate I bet I mean like you know how 125s are normally a mix between custard and a haird dryer you

    Know both without power what would you describe this one as sounded like a right little firecracker a screaming banshee yeah it was honest it sounded dead cool I was like do that I sent you a message straight away I was like must test yeah 125 like did it all an ALG

    Short text you know what I mean as it got b82 res reactor on the back of and Ting Believe It or Not didn’t get an answer oh there you go so did you put in real text then yeah then I put it in realt you know em probably younger than

    Me and probably can’t remember that film yeah I had a stalker once that um was stalking me in that sort of you is not really yeah and I replied but please get eluan lessons said the farmer and I did um so yeah that was that was a nice

    Tangent and also very cool looking bike on that story but we do have one more bike with us in the studio this week and that is the new vertigo D lrs2 did I get that right I believe so I know I know right it’s basically the new DL new RS the

    Country is that right no is it not the right I’m being waved out behind the camera is that not right rs2 no the rs2 is in multicolors Rd rsdl it sounds like a robot off Star Wars yeah and next month next month’s vertigo is called C3PO yes I

    That I think the it’s catchy it’s catchy you know I was just about to say something nice right okay um the I was going to say I’d seen that bike in photographs and was not impressed I have seen it in the real In the Flesh and

    Shot not on a potato yes and uh I really like the holographic Graphics holographic Graphics they are pretty they like PE lles I quite like the blocky blocky it’s a bit like the old a it’s a bit like the old Audi rally cars back in the uh 8s I quite like the black

    Yeah all right yeah that Vibe yeah yeah I quite like it I like the also bit like the hill climb a I wish they’ve done something with this part of the frame though cuz it does look like it’s just an undercoat and forgotten I wish they’ done a bit Yeah but that’s fashion

    Nowadays people pay big money to buy an Audi in undercoat color oh okay it’s just maybe in primer primer Audi just maybe an it’s called Nardo gray I really like the color scheme I like the graphics and yeah it’s probably put together really well yeah well of little

    Anodise shiny bits which are nice yeah I think that’s nice I think they’ve um well you buy a works you get all that taken away then what you do is you buy a DL and sorry DL RS or the new RS to which is the DL RS but in worst colors okay

    Um it’s going to be a good bike yeah man it’s a good bike it doesn’t matter what color the stickers are at the end of the day I had two Nitro vertigos same shape M I still attest that my vertigo R3 was one of the best bikes I’ve ever owned in

    My life it were like you’d come home on when when you jumped off beer and onto that because all of a sudden it just lit this childlike enthusiasm I know and then you had a Nitro and it popped I know that too it was uh yeah it was different um I

    Did start to love my green Nitro you did like but it took a long time for you took a few weeks to get on with that bike I was like you know when you know that a bike brand has come away from one shape and gone to another shape of bike

    When I owned the Nitro in the beginning I was like I’ve made the biggest mistake of me life getting rid it there was a lot of fraud evenings in our workshop and uh and then but you did eventually f it to I did I did I think bike setup is

    Everything you know I think Carri can attest to that at the end of the day Carri has a very specifically setup bike basically the bike is built for a teeny tiny person yes is that all right yes a small person a small person and uh where and it’s 100% something that you’ll

    Notice at the end of the day bike setup is going to be different for everybody um keeping my [ __ ] together I I’ve noticed you’re doing very well St thank you um that goes to a previous episode we filmed here and it’s uh yeah the previous episode here by the way I love

    That episode I do think that Tony K from rodent trials should be on stage he’s hilarious he’s absolutely hilarious oh man yeah and uh in that same ilk the you know I think from a bike setup point of view carries bike or any female in the sport is not

    Going to be close to a big tall male you know I mean well let’s be honest dependent on the size of the person is going to be dependent on the bike setup going into that I think in the ladies uh categories ladies riding it has to be

    Said there is a massive very variation in physical sizes and strengths more so than the men more so than the men trials the the it’s would you agree with that yeah I know that’s not in any way derogatory anything but yeah I thinked going the bikes are you couldn’t set one

    Bike up that would suit all the ladies they these little tiny petite ones these other other girls that are physically stronger and yeah I think the bikes your bikes must be a lot harder to set up than some of the lad’s bikes yeah also like yeah I agree I’ve had to

    Get a smaller spring a lighter spring for mine finding it really hard to move it around or I was getting chucked around at Road trials a lot especially in streams and I was thinking why can’t I hang on to this bloody bike and then changed the spring down to a 62 and a

    Half I think now made a big difference so much better there you go suspension is everything at the end of the day that doesn’t mean by the way for people that are buying brand new bikes that if you are inside the weight parameters of the spring don’t don’t start messing with

    The suspension too much no don’t mess for messing’s sake the the them people whine me up a bit what’s wrong with about nothing so what have you done well I’ve tinkered with everything what’s your tri’s knowledge and now it’s worse and now it’s worse yeah um we get them

    Turning up at chares day don’t we can you just set me bike up cuz I’ve had a play but I’m not sure if it’s right and we’re like right everything back everything back to base setting let’s go from there well that’s it and is I think

    The best one is when they turn up with a brand new bike they’ve set their their suspension settings um for people that are listening to this I did the inverted commas thing with my fingers just then and uh their suspension and which is really funny because they obviously know

    Way more about trials than gas gas vertigo Shero TRS know nothing about suspension settings and you know why would they for your for your average Clubman male Rider that bike out the box is bang on however the same bike for the ladies May not be because of the like

    Going back to what we just said the weight differences yeah I’m just big boned all right or slight boned slight boned yes I like that I like that might lose that he’s a he’s a slight thing of a lad oh yes um but Carrie you’ve obviously over the years because car’s

    Got a bit of a unique story as well about how she got into trials pre lockdown as well because where did you buy your first pite from Road and trials rod and trials and she bought a lemon now I’m joking it’s got nothing to do with the the shop

    At this point um the bike that she famous that she had was a txd pro gag bike it was not a gag bike um it was a txt pro right yeah 280 28 280 280 280 that’s a beast ready for the weekend Jesus oh my God that was the

    Wrong bik somebody that weighs as much as you do Carrie you got in the section you weren’t going in the section you were like in and out wow and out a blue if you now knowing what you know now with the experience that you now have would you recommend that bike

    To you again probably not probably not hey man I managed though you managed I just crack on well well I’m not going to lie I see that week in week out when we go to trials K’s like I just cracked on I’m like yeah no [ __ ] but but a lot of

    Lot some of I mean I I’m older than you lot and I remember at sharp Cliff Hall and and Pete beardmore was doing an Acu women’s training day and it was all to get ready when the ladies Championship was a brand new thing and remember Jude

    M used to ride in it and it’d be I think a very young Becky Coke Don and and that’s when it was at its infancy Carly shn yes and look where it is now it has it’s really rocketed forward I mean theand dable yeah numbers wise very much on the

    Up Ladi I can’t attest too much I guess because they’ve only been at it a couple of years yeah I think it’s still going fairly strong but I think there’s some improvements that need to be made oh go on go on embellish embellish I want to hear how it’s there

    Was meetings that were had for this upcoming season of what the girls wanted from the championship is because it’s our Championship who was this with with the um I think it was being put forward by Lionel of B Hamstead Club he runs like Nash Mill site quite a lot I think

    Or to do with the bur Hamstead Club okay to down south and he obviously he’s all for the girls and getting us further progressing us creating future Champions all of that so he was helping um liaz I guess with people in charge and we were like well we won’t stop allowed

    Because no Stoppers after bollocks because observers can’t consistently judge it the amount of fives I got given when I’ve then watched an expert ride a pause for 30 seconds and I’m like how is that fair it’s you wouldn’t have two sets of rules for tennis would you the

    Women are playing by one lot of rules Lads are playing by another mhm so I can’t for the life of me realize why cuz Lads can op stop and everything now yes surely surely the girls should be able to the F of the rules that trials is now

    Stop and hop yeah across the board so therefore having a Non-Stop championship for the ladies from a national series would be counterintuitive it’s completely perplexing why would you have two different rules I mean why would you have why would you have two different sets of rules but it’s the same sport

    You know the comments are igniting right now telling me that I’m the worst person I don’t know i’ you’re telling me all about it so um what what else is grinding in your gears about removing the 5050 Championship so the one that would be half and half route two to Route One

    Yeah so if I want to then progress further I’d have to go straight to Route One and I would probably die against how am I going to go against them from where’s where’s the stepping stone let’s also be honest the championship for the ladies is shall we say um

    Less well known and as a stepping stone of getting the ladies to that level that would be a great thing to do yes of course it would like surely they want us to get to trial GB to be able to compete an expert but how are we ever going to

    Get there if we can’t progress to even our own top route and you’re also going to have people sandbagging on our route and taking the championship from someone who actually deserves it on in well said well well said because we are like that’s true mate I ate a pot Hunter I

    Don’t know about you oh my God I I genuinely now cringe if I go to a club trial and get called that guy from trial tube when I get there and like you know people point the finger and do the you know the thing where they’re nice to

    Your face but then talk [ __ ] behind your back and like when they do that that is like my pet hate and they’re like well why does it come to this trial maybe I’ve gone to that trial cuz it’s local to my house maybe I’ve gone to that

    Trial because it’s the trial that I know I can get to have a day riding on my bike enjoying my Sport and then get home in time for tea and do your actual work work tomorrow yes and like actually just enjoy the sport you know same as

    Yourself and I think that people if you win a route for instance let’s propose a solution because I hate people coming to the channel and saying why didn’t you do that and this is but they’ll they’ll you know they hate on you but they never actually give you a solution yeah so

    Let’s let’s propose a solution yeah the solution is basically a listen to the writers B you haven’t got a championship without him yeah no Riders no championship at the end of the day that’s fine you can promote a championship as much as you like but if

    People don’t turn up it don’t exist y okay get the young ladies more inspired to ride MH give them the classes that they want listen to the Riders and then as it shall we say progresses down the line once you’ve got a healthy um a healthy you know register

    Of or so I was going to say like healthy amount of athletes riding that Championship then promote it even further yeah you know try to ease people into the championship and I know it’s the British Championship that you R about the ladies British championship and I know that’s the highest level but

    If you’re setting out two routes adding a 50/50 route is easy because you just say ride section 2 4 6 and eight on the lower route SE 1 3 be easier you go to Every Club trial and they do it effortlessly yeah so just perplexes me

    Why that’s not a thing it doesn’t make sense do we think you know Carrie obviously I’ve never been to a lady’s pry Championship um frankly I just fake fun yeah you know I just feel like I just haven’t got the equipment do it um and uh too much equipment or or too much

    Equipment hey Jerry’s out there you go um but got to make a joke then one that I’ll probably have to edit out later about me identifying as a woman but can’t do that out later um that’s me reminding me to edit that out now Dan

    Prick um so can I ask a question so the the lady lady’s Paddock friendly Bunch yeah everyone’s really nice so is it is it quite a big camaraderie I’d say so everyone really helps each other yeah that’s good then you get there’s no cattiness no not not that I’ve ever seen

    That’s just amongst the male minders or the m and dads no no don’t talk about M and dads at youth trials so top let let’s I like putting people on the spot who is the nicest person in the padet what a nice question that you just

    Go oh she’s mint who is the nicest girl that you compete against just not not necessarily the best Rider not the worst Rider the nicest always smiling always happy to be there I can probably name two good one them n Nikki Louie yeah who’s usually always there oh no there’s

    Also Donna Fox when she’s there we know Fox even lives down road from me but yeah Nikki Louie she rides at scunny club with me and is part of the organization and obviously she’s she’s been riding lers British since the first one the very first in

    99 so she’s been there the entire time pretty much on and off not always not every year competing but since the start she’s been there um and Izzy copy young glass uh was on scorpa now sherko same as me was on a Fado last checked but

    Just usually me and her paired up a lot last year and Adam my minder and her dad we’d help each other if we need a spot in two spots that’s nice to have a nice Paddock isn’t it yeah a nice Paddock can make the difference nice people nice

    Smiley people just just like a British Championship round yeah um what else can go you ask a question yeah no wores actually can we Awards can we talk about Awards yeah let’s talk about all the yeah this this is now this is free therapy this is the trial Tu podcast therapy session we

    Carry the conern it’s actually I’ve got I’ve got a pointer about this about Awards um so there is a young lady rider in the UK Alicia Robinson M whose dad you know we were saying unsung heroes uh he came up in conversation the other day uh and we

    Were saying the Robinson family do a fantastic job of a putting on events B Alicia’s a fantastic shall we say ladies idilic Rider you know um and does a great job obviously rides for John Lampkin yeah but at the same time as a family of unsung heroes like their super

    Trial is amazing and they still find the time to do a full lot of world championship campaign and ride all the British and probably the ladies yeah and at the ladies British Championship I mean where does this guy find the weekends oh sorry and girl found the

    Weekend at Big Britain probably when I was upside down in a ditch and he was like you’re right car and I was like been better I feel like Robinson is always there like if you’re upside down stew is there is the like if you’re at a

    Trial on the back end of nowhere on Land’s End stew is there J’s just a cardboard cut out like an action hero yeah Robinson action hero out next week um yeah sorry carry on y go on gr thear Awards awards I got for coming P free ladies in

    Certificate and pride wow I got a certificate thousands of pounds and all my sponsors lovely effort and a certificate I got a certific I got a certificate yes that I went on a course so I can move chickens to the marke and back really yeah and I’ve got a

    Certificate and you’ve got I think she put a bit more eff you know what talking about certificates I got a certificate oh yeah dentist no no best dad award a did your little girl make it give it you no it was from Step family no that was a joke by the way

    What we’re saying is all of that effort can be made and you need a big trophy for yeah man a little trophy you take a little trophy granted though men are also getting the same treatment but they’re also not happy about it no I know um and again

    This this is like therapy if you are a male that doesn’t talk about your feelings what you go on what what’s the Cs of it what do you want to tell there your you is now your mic the into that camera and tell the ACU what to do to

    Make it better just care about us give us just more than a certificate just care about us oh my God is it like one of the PC adverts yet is Everyone crying can you put some like sad music in back yeah I can definitely find some I was

    Expecting a big burst of aggression there and go listen you I think you’ll find that that doesn’t happen amongst the ladies ladies talk about their problems whereas men we suck it up actually yeah that seems to be a thing in the wider VAR you know the wider consensus nowadays but on a

    Good notes obviously When you mention your sponsors and stuff like that obviously Roden trials have backed you for how long now since I got the yeah 2022 sh so December 2021 December 2021 and that’s a good s yeah shall we say un unknown entity to the sport at that time as well

    So you know Tony and kry and the team put some put some backing behind you but I have got a view on sponsorship okay now my view which I think you probably may agree with me and you probably will too MH I think sponsorship should be more than a two-way street so oh

    Completely no matter what support you get from the person you have to give more back show more value in that time logo everywhere if they cut you down the middle it needs to say rad and tri absolutely 100% which is the way I think it should work yes okay and I’m coming

    From a place of experience if anybody doesn’t know my previous I rode for Fox Clothing for 10 years as a trials Rider and riding for a Motocross brand for 10 years as a trials Rider I was not in the right Camp I was lostly and fox were not

    Afraid to fire anybody no okay it’s like riding for Nike y now big company big company and also great company you know what when I was dropped from Fox I said thank you I was like thank you so much for backing me for 10 years I literally

    Walked out the door smiling because I was never supposed to bloody be there no you did well you know what I mean so you’ve done exactly that with rodent trials every post every video yep you plug plug plug plug carry is one of the only riders that does an after race

    Report that’s what you should do that’s what I think it’s the least you can do it’s the bare minimum Rolla absolutely it’s a good shall we say level um obviously the Pinnacle of ladies trials Riders is Emma brist would you say a massive role model to to you yourself

    The other girls everyone yeah even men should look at her and be like Dam she spanked me at UK woods so and we know this we know she’s just phenomenal she’s a National Treasure MB is it here is another honest question hit me so at some point she’s

    Going to retire H got the boots up who’s going to be the next hot shot to step into those very big boots I think Alice sp’s probably won I think she’s working hard she isting yeah she’s taking a few big knocks as well you know like keep going anybody that

    Has surgery and comes back you know we all all know rocking the uh the uh operating table is not the one that you want to be riding I feel like she achieved a lot last year European British she was European and British champion was she she was part of the

    Trials Don Nations team on and finished top five of the world championship yeah that’s a lot I think that’s a solid call that I think that’s a solid call yeah absolutely she’s very nice I’ve seen her at many Road trials and she’s like car we try that line and I’m like did and

    Then I’m upside down and I’m like well thanks for the advice but that was that was for your level the ex Robinson picked her up you know the the ad was great the execution on my part was the fault wow but I appreciate it anyway so car’s got

    Something in common with youu which you may not know about she’s a a Dairy Farmer she’s not a Dairy Farmer I’m not a Dairy Farmer you’re not a farm a be farmer yeah I was the last time you a Dairy Farmer um 10 years welcome to Farmers weekly um the uh

    Carry Nam stuff she names her bikes yeah and you must it’s a must you must you must must my van my my nice new van outside is called Duran Duran de van he is I thought you named it after after the uh rally cross driver rally

    Cross hero you know Pat Duran no no it’s just Duran driver just going to be like rename before that Manan before that was called Stan the van and then the one before that was Dan the van there you go so what what do you name uh me current

    Tries bike is Santos Santos one before was uh stavos there a theme yeah these are themes one before Santiago all shos yeah three shos all the letter S I like I like this I know it might sound completely nonsensical but hey whatever works and the first one

    Was sparus sparus next one Gary no no she Dave Dave I think we’ll go for Santos the second Santos the second coming Junior do it then and then we’ve got Victory the van outside Victory the van yeah he brings you Lu brings you if you don’t name it it’s a bad bad

    Omen called oi yeah the one before that was called R I think that was about bad Lu yeah I haven’t had bad luck I just had you know not enough luck to keep getting out riding for me it’s uh it’s time is riding you you have to even if at your

    Worst time at least if it’s named you can bollock it name com you oh you Sebastian you if you just go you bike it doesn’t flow it doesn’t vent your anger off no I know yeah but not in the Ladies pdic of course but in the men’s pdic they’re

    Well Judy yeah and I can’t take that can you imagine standing in the middle of a British championship game listen here Veronica the ver vertigo you’d have felt better felt better better you just going have a bunch of youths in CarX say you know he’s not

    Weird on the internet he’s weird in real life too I’m weird I’ve got you know I’m a classic BMW geek and love him and my black E30 is called gabri Gabby after Gabriella sabatini the tennis player cuz I thought she was fit as [ __ ] when I was

    15 did you yeah and I want that was my dream car when I were 15 I just thought you meant when you turned the key it went no no that’s me when it won’t start yeah single indicator was fitted um guess the gas gas’s name go on

    Guess it do you want me guess oh for for me having a gas gas down no no mine oh your gas gas Gaston I like that but no no Gerald no also like that go on Giovani Giovani of course I tell you what you yeah

    Gi’s a them I can’t wait till next Sho comes in name Steve you not so not so exotic yeah fancied a bit of Donnie like who who’s the new bike name well it’s moved into donc cast I think you’d find his name Steve Steve spell the conventional way the his doll on Tuesday

    Yeah Don earlier on as well didn’t we yeah you have to name you have to name name talk about naming things uh let’s name our sponsors very quickly we do this halfway through anyway um obviously this episode is sponsored by the lovely team at rod and trials it’s not the

    Reason why car’s on we bought Carri on because we like it and we also wanted to give a bit more elevation to to the ladies style of absolutely focus on the Fantastic female Riders out there um there’s a lot of young ones coming through isn’t he we currently train

    Young Kaye Rich she’s absolutely trials mad I can’t get more than than two words out of her cuz she’s so shy funny I can’t get her shut up so sh really no oh okay um she’s super shy but there is a very healthy I mean and I think it’s

    Because we have got the higher Role Models the young girls can look up and the spite inspiration and I think that’s fan bloody tastic it’s great um good that you’ve had some niggles how things can improve if things will never improve unless it’s voiced well again you might

    End up being the spokesperson for the ladies Championship we’re going to sit down we’re not asking for much that’s all I think you need to just this might be a nice platform to wake the ACU up and sit down and go right we’re having another meeting direct to the top I know

    And I mean I know yeah that people from the ACU listen to this oh I know I know hi so so please don’t cancel my license please don’t Carrie said something against the ACU canceled think I I think if there’s going to be a lot of girls

    That agree with you I think when you get into that padic they’re going to be coming up after this is a and high fiveing and you’re going thank you for speaking up there’s been some girls taking action anyway I think Miler Deval had meetings back in December with um a

    Bunch of other girls to obviously voice what we wanted after our asks had been denied to try to do something about it but so far I believe we’ve had no progress I’ve heard there’s a march on Rugby I’m there P Fox yeah so uh watch out if you’re getting out of your car

    And rugor you’ve just got to all group together stick your guns and and get a group of voice that they can one voice at the end of the day absolutely they can’t in the past let’s be honest there’s been occasions where many trials Riders have come together you know and

    Voiced the opinion and the ACU did whatever they wanted so there is this other big thing called amca ah and all the girls could just go TR we’re going over there what do you want we’d like this okay I me we found a lot of clubs now how let’s be honest so

    Uh where are you riding this weekend Carrie uh STW Robinson Wallace cup Wallace cup um I’m coming guys he’s just everywhere this man um well I’m getting to cting pastures and Stu’s doing the same I am out to retirement and 12 years since I L Ro trial wow I spend sometimes

    4 days a week teaching people out to P trials getting people into the sport and I’ve forgotten that I should be doing what I love as well yeah it’s true and it’s easy to talk about it to teach it to promote it um for many people that

    Possibly haven’t put their bike over a leg for years and years on end and we know they were trials Riders but even people that should we say live through it such as I’m going to name names but I know this guy was a trials Rider Jake Miller who obviously put so much time

    And effort into the the dl12 and stuff like that yeah um and events in the past but some of these people that are so critical to our industry don’t get time to ride which is another thing that I personally like about coming to Road and trials because I know that on a Sunday

    Tony goes to ride yeah which I think is sick you know there’s not many riders out there again actually also you know other people that we’ve had that run shops a lot of the good shops because there’s a difference between good shops and the others is if the people that run them

    Actually take part in the sport then that makes a huge difference to the mindset of the people that are coming to to the we know everybody some life gets busy life can be crazy life can can get on and uh I I I’m looking forward to it

    Because I think I’m just going to go and enjoy not mean St day the trials instructor the trials promoter I’m I’m going to just be able to go by and just shut myself down and go no this is the old stew this is stew going through Flags having a giggle talking to folks

    Off duty yeah H just having fun and I’m looking forward to that and I don’t care where I finish I don’t genuinely do not care I just want go and have a fun do you know what I feel there be no Hissy Fits or dummy throwing no I’ll do that for us um

    I um yeah I’m not I’m not uh I don’t like dabbing it’s against my religion um and I think you know for me it’ll be be a personal win because I have campaigned for a while to get stew back at a trial carry honestly you’ve been chipping away

    For the last four years better late than never better late than never yeah it’s just there’s been a lot going on and I did break my back in two places such futile excuse I need I need be more I know I need just man up duct tape du

    Tape I’ll get Rosie get tiger Bal I’ll be righty man if I I zip ties zip ties tiger Bal and some duct tape put the vertebra sounds like a good night I know so just going through this um right weird Story come on um I love these little Snippets of Dan’s weird

    History go on uh I must go back to tri’s history School sorry I’m I’m such a child um we’ve got as Fair sier correctors so we call them correctors rather than just grumpy little nerds you know it’s always going to you know I’ll meet them in real life and they’ll be like anyway so the Japanese team at by trials

    Uh bicycle trials R about right now oh right cycle trials cycle trials wouldn’t wear their good riding shoes during practice and would use flip-flops what this is a tangent off one why is that seriously thing it’s a thing because the pedals were so sharp they didn’t want to

    Damage their like Monty Factory style trainers at the time and many of them had flipflops held together with duct tape nice more weird trials trivia coming I might start riding my sliders do you think that’s a thing nowadays I think that’s a Dumbass Dumbass Dumbass hey I’m telling you now

    There’s some banging Japanese riders in flipflops have you ever ridden a tri bike in a pair of shorts yeah once yes I did once and I my leg stuck to the exhaust and that was a lesson learn kids gas right there yes it was a gas me too

    Also um that’s one of those yes and you’ve got that lovely bubble that you can’t stop playing with and popping it wreck and then you wake up stuck that tells you if you’re going to ride your bike up and down outside your parents house or I think I I think I think at

    The time my dad was trying to teach me how to stopy just like every dad would teach their kid you know by saying go faster pull the front brake harder yeah like but the only thing that was happening was I was riding around that much on a sunny day that the front pip

    Was just getting like glowing glowing hot you know um nearly molten really very warm and then when I stopped like every small trials Rider does yeah looking at you Carrie small person small person would stop it you then sit in the kind of like shall we say like the the

    Crevice area of the airbox like the you know like the the lowest part of the frame you’d sit down there wouldn’t you and put your legs forward in front of the pegs and as doing so therefore melting your leg to the to the front very fun it’s passage it is a right

    Passage if you’re a trial without getting your leg SC it’s a wrer passage like ripping your little finger back when you get too close to a tree with one yeah it’s these there is these things laughing at your mate behind you cuz he’s a [ __ ] and then riding into a

    Branch and having Instant Karma yeah instant lap coma when you’re riding around a venue that you don’t know laughing about the section that you shouldn’t have had a dab on then you look back at your friend and you’re like ah you had a one turn around tree bang yep it yeah exactly there

    No now that is definitely definitely a thing um and that’s why we love trials and that is another reason why we love Trials of course now Carrie from your outside observation from you know because speaking on a male perspective because that’s the only perspective I’ve got to speak on um unless there’s breaking

    News breaking news no just parking hey Monty Python did it I want to be named Loretta very very funny scene very fny um I want to have babies and anyway from an outside perspective yeah um from the male side of the sport I thought it was brilliant to see the

    Ladies have their own um indoor at Barcelona yeah yes arguably when me and Ash went to Barcelona last time as well it was i’ go as far to say it was like a nailbiter to watch do you think there should be in the intermission a ladies quick round quick

    Fire ladies round a DL yeah DL done right I agree that’d be sick I agree also it should be done it would be brilliant for the sport for the ladies for the people watching what are you waiting for get it done be fantastic could add me in as a stunt

    Show quick for Rider shootout with with with a change of presenters you’ve got the love the lady presenters come on bum bum bum an hour of fantastic entertainment that’d be brilliant yeah 100% I I I completely agree I think that the Barcelona ladies trial was a lot better this year um I

    Thought the section level was also a lot higher y you know um it was a massive jump from the previous one that was a bit of a pressure cooker where there wasn’t really much to ride on the year previous but it did make it entertaining

    For us to watch because you know an easy trial it’s easy to drop a mark at an easy trial what if he even had uh two teams of four ladies and it was like a relay trial that would be entertainment it’s fun it’s great to get look at this we’re

    Like this would be a good idea that would be a good idea and C’s just like anything anything anything I’m a broken person please anything for the ladies please but it should be yeah be 100% 100% I think um there no brainer it’s it’s almost like a what’s the word for

    It it’s just I just feel like it’s a piece of content that’s missing well here’s here’s the thing the ladies pay every single penny as much for their bikes as we do for ours give them the same back sport give them the same back yeah what that’s that what’s the problem

    Like what’s the problem what what is what’s the problem every has class down boom give give them give them the spotlight let them ride in front of the home crowd let them get the Applause it’s going to boost the confidence it’s going to can want to ride harder and

    Compete better right just an idea just on camera don’t know if they’re listening I know they’re listening I Barry um wouldn’t it be cool because I know that the British Championship may may not that I’ve heard a rumor May sorry Barry become a two-day event where they

    Have the youths on the Saturday and the adults on the Sunday which is the way it used to be years ago and I used to really enjoy that because you go to a venue as a kid Rider you’d watch sorry you’d ride and then after you do your

    Trial on the same venue Etc the next day the adult sections were open you were there the day before you could walk the adult sections it was sick man you felt part of you it was like you were preparing for when you lat in life you

    Know you were hyped so put the girls on the Saturday the ladies on the Saturday yep great idea what’s wrong that you know what that’s called common sense a good idea hey don’t start telling my wife I’ve got common sense is it not common no okay there’s no sense either

    Oh according to her anyway yeah would you think that’s a good thing to do that’ be correct why should there be two separate championships why does it not just the British Championship that includes the British men and ladies you know when you go 5050 options with options but

    Wimbledon not two separate Wimbledon one Wimbledon there’s Wimbledon yes correct one sport don’t in done makes sense to me the only thing that we should segregate in Trials is people that ride no stop they can have their own thing they can have their own championships they

    Can have their own said it because I know I’m going to get a reaction listen i’ I’ve only said that cuz I know I’m going to get a reaction all right yeah they they they just that’s their own thing no stop it’s like grass or clay different different things different different

    Folks Different Strokes yeah you’ve it yeah you kind of one’s right one’s wrong so now believe it or not time does always fly when we do these podcasts it does and uh and if you’re still listening right now thank you very much for staying so committed to the cause

    Because um and listening to this accent and listen the brain power the brain power that’s behind it and the counseling session you know what’s funny right I’ve never I’ve never really worked this out cuz when you watch Carrie she moves quite quick quickly and when she does things she does things

    Quite quickly but then when you speak to her she’s like the she’s the yin to my yang did you get my dri I speak yeah yeah you know what I’m saying like I speak really quickly yeah I do I’m the opposite of that I can speak really quickly but my body is that

    [ __ ] now I’m just move slow I’ve just got this mental image of like a man’s body running slowly but their mouth gain really really quickly running after meows that’s me running after me cows now in I’m like oh God when I told to Carri it’s like all right Carrie I’m all right

    Yeah okay could you imagine if she’d had a split just or there’ just be one noise yeah have you ever seen that obviously you wouldn’t have seen this but I’ve got a young daughter at home and there’s a there’s a film called zootropolis right it’s a Disney film I have heard of it

    I’ve watch where all the characters like in most Disney films are animals right and as a part of this tangent by the way sorry for listening to this and you’re expecting trials s um there’s a character in it anyway and he works at the DMV or DV dvia dny remember name SLO

    Yeah that’s me he’s a sloth that’s my spirit and basically they’re taking the Mickey about when you go to get a license or something everything moves slowly but everybody that works at the dvla this film or at the DSA or whatever is a SLO everybody right and it’s like

    I’m not sitting carry when you talk to her she’s like a sloth but it’s like there’s new blood in there it might jiggle on would you reckon might do yeah I know but when you watch that film he’s just like yeah he Nick honestly you want no but the best

    Is he’s got sports car at end and [ __ ] yeah has he drives a sports car he falls up and he’s going light it’s you we know we know we reviewing I’ve never realized this weie Disney spirit animal right if you ever have like a trials paint job on your helmet it must

    Be a sloth yes like it has to be in a sports car yes yeah definitely uming Stripes racing yeah the whole shebang cuz normally I just see this like Blue Blur go past me in a trial and I’m like car yeah yeah proper like really really

    Amp so we’ve gone from Crash Test carry to carry the sloth maybe one on one side and one on the other I didn’t say when she crashed she got up fast so I call that balance ah right one extreme to the other exactly right okay I’ve got you I’ve got you now

    K I hope you’ve enjoyed being with us on the tri Tu podcast this week I was a bit scared but then I watched your chat absolute nonsense yeah we just we just talk Pi um it’s been very nice to have a ladies view a ladies episode I’m sure

    We’re going to do more of them in the future um hopefully we are going to have the queen of Trials herself on I that would be very good to do I’m sure there’s plenty of tales of All Sorts that can come if Emma comes on um anything to say to the younger girls

    You can have the last bite of this before we wrap it up uh say something inspirational to the young trials girls take your time okay literally okay in your own time anytime now no pressure he said so time nearly not me bottle of um just keep going don’t think

    It’s just for boys um at least just starting young I started at like 24 so if I can do it at my mildly older age thatly mature mature mat mature age I’ll take that don’t think I mature but we’ll go with it um you can do it and like there’ll always be other

    Older girls to help you out and progress you on um um so just keep at it that’ll do that will do that donke let’s uh let’s let’s wrap it up yeah let’s wrap it up of course a huge thank you to the team at roen trials because obviously

    They’ve given you so much support as well Dream Team the Dream Team and it’s the trials Famer it is it is you know they’re a family run business and it’s a very welcoming place to come it is a very welcoming place to be fantastic people yeah definitely and I think how

    How Forward Thinking of of them to choose Carri as their next main supported Rider at the end of the day you know why not plant to seed and watch it grow yeah and and and it has definitely from what I’ve seen over the last few years um since meeting Carrie

    Since obviously her um shall we say growth in the sport as well definitely uh through the school the Hard Knocks definitely not taking defining you’re not trying yeah if you’re not crashing you’re not trying um yeah absolutely fantastic like I say to to have that level of support from the

    Guys at Roden trials is is pretty sick very Lu very it’s cool it’s cool but we’re going to wrap that up and once again um remember to like share and subscribe if you’re watching us on YouTube if you’re listening to us on spotif find Apple Help Us climb the

    Rankings yeah we’re coming in your ears yeah still coming in your ears them t-shirts are definitely coming somewhere oh my God they really are oh you know when I have to actually upload this there’s like a little button that says is it for kids and all I have all I go

    Was like I have to sit there and honestly think to myself is it for kids nah it’s for people of all sizes all shapes little ones small big ones slender ones yeah slight things everything right okay we’re wrapping up thank you so much for listening to the child team podcast this

    Week um we’ll be back soon but until next time I’ve been Danny Butler I’ve been Cara Dickinson and I’m still St day thank you very much and good night peace bye bye well Done


    1. Nice one well done dudes 👏 Kayleigh blushing lol. Worth a mention that youth A have to ride route 1 to score points. Previously they had a choice of a 50/50 or continue on route 2. Whereas an adult you can choose to ride route one or two. Stupid rule not only for a youth A rider but also for the setting up teams having to cater for riders like Kayleigh and Alice/Alicia etc.

    2. The girls championship is very well supoorted by the girls/ladies that make the trip across from the Isle of Man, approcahing a quarter of riders are Manx. Two rounds in a weekend minimise their travel. Tagging the girls onto the mens would ruin this. Also, tagging the girls to mens would put alot of clubs off running a round, and possibly vise versa too.

    3. Another cracking PodcastVlog as funny as ever guys thank you, I was taking pics of Carrie yesterday at very very tough Cleveland Trial she always has the biggest smile on her face your a credit to the sport, Danny it would great if you had a trip up to the six days and did a pod cast so many riders to get to join you and Stu

    4. Pretty new to trials and amazed theses days with the total lack of toilet facilities @ trials .That’s obviously ok for blokes, plenty of trees about 😀 ……but off putting for females .Is this a barrier to entry for teens ? The elephant in the corner of the room in these “woke “ days of inequality we all have to navigate through. Nice pod cast btw

    5. Enjoy listening/watching Trials Tube; thank you for this. It has been 10 years since I last rode – when i was still living in Surrey – but this is starting to fire me up to ride again. Very difficult to actually find info online about riding in Hampshire, though. 😔

      I am originally from South Africa, and in 1988 I got to ride with Jordi Tarres, John Lampkin, and a few others, in a kick-start type arena trials event. The course was set by Mick Andrews, so got to spend time with the legend that is…!

      At that event we also had someone you may, or may not, remember – Tony Scarlett. He was riding the JCM at the time, and he allowed me to have a pootle on has factory bike. That was a "different" bike to say the least.

      Also, as an fyi, it was mentioned in this episode that no one has ever died in trials. I lost two friends who colliided between sections at a national in the mid-90s. It does happen.

      Danny, it would be great to have a chat with you at some point…I will look for you at VMXdN in August! 😎

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