A look at how Pluto defines what might be called eras. We consider what the shift from Pluto in Sagittarius to Pluto in Capricorn was like. Then we ponder what Pluto in Aquarius will bring by looking at what has happened in the past when Pluto was there. We consider how Pluto seems to bring out the negative aspects of signs so that we may confront our shadows. And a few words about how we can align ourselves with what may be the biggest astrology event of the next twenty years. Pluto entered Aquarius in January 2024.

    Ronnie Pontiac was esotericist Manly P. Hall’s research assistant for seven years. He’s the author of American Metaphysical Religion: Esoteric and Mystical Traditions of the New World and co-author of The Magic of the Orphic Hymns: A New Translation for the Modern Mystic, both published by Inner Traditions. He’s lectured for the Theosophical Society in America, Camp Chesterfield, the European School of Theosophy, Morbid Anatomy, The Alta Dena Public Library and the Last Tuesday Society. He’s also guitarist of Lucid Nation which evolved, or devolved depending on your perspective, from a riot grrrl punk band to an experimental rock group. He’s produced award winning documentary films including Viva Cuba Libre: Rap is War.

    Friends we have before us two decades of Pluto in Aquarius except September 1st through November 19th when Pluto returns to Capricorn just in time for the US election what does that portend you may well ask as September rolls in conservatives may look like they’re sitting pretty going into election day

    And perhaps the election will take until mid November to sort out the trend begins around May 2nd when Pluto is stationary retrograde maximum intensity on the Capricorn side around October 11 when Pluto is stationary direct with Pluto in Aquarius for 20 years conservatives however will have to redefine themselves but so will

    Progressives and one thing about Pluto and Aquarius it is unpredictable so let’s dig in and find out why but first a word about astrology astrology is a science for poets metaphor sneaking around with mathematics like dependence on psychics or the Bible astrology can drive you crazy if you surrender Free Will and

    Become addicted to constant guidance astrology is a conversation with the heavens a map of Shifting possibilities not an infallible Oracle there is no Doom in astrology only the spectrum of choices your good choice Choice maybe someone else’s bad choice hard aspects can have unhappy results of course but they can also have happy

    Results happy aspects can indicate harm caused by excess or false optimism so for example sometimes hard Saturn aspects actually Bring Us rewards and promotions if we have been devoted and we have been thorough and sometimes happy aspects cause us to make bad decisions or to overindulge the planets and their

    Aspects do not cause us to experience certain unavoidable things they are not forces that compel us against our will they are more like signposts and timekeepers or Nature’s signs of impending weather the best explanation of why astrology works I’ve found is by the Roman philosopher platinus quote the stars are like

    Letters that inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky everything in the world is full of signs all events are coordinated all things depend on each other everything breathes together end quote it suggests quantum entanglement doesn’t it and that the world is full of meaning the entry of Pluto into Aquarius

    January 20th 2024 may have been the most important astrological event of the next 20 years the other big aspect of 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Spring is another indicator that the stagnant hangover of Pluto in Capricorn is about to be swept away by waves of change of the sort that create distinct

    Transitions between what might be called eras the difference between the era of Elvis and vinyl singles and the era of Taylor Swift and iPhones one day someone invents movable type and everything changes somebody figures out ambulance ul ances and lives are saved ever after one night a curious

    Man looks through his telescope and sees Uranus the vulgar but funny English pun contained in the name of that planet Uranus is appropriate because it rules the weird and the impertinent since both are shocking to the complacent we can find an example of the shift from one era to another by looking

    Back to 2008 when Pluto entered Sagittarius commencing 15 years ruled by Jupiter in that era which began in 1995 we saw the climb to dominance of now ubiquitous companies like apple Microsoft and Amazon computers replaced typewriters as Windows 9 9 5 provided for the first time a consumer level

    Product with both a modem link and a browser Explorer 1.0 during Pluto in Sagittarius social media began on America Online Motorola debuted the Motorola star tacc the star Tac the first flip phone thrilling Star Trek fans would always longed for their own communicators wealth multiplied massively for investors driving a gold rush

    Euphoria so Jupiter but it could expand only so far the invention of lucrative derivatives that even their creators couldn’t understand fueled an endless rally of false certainty and mistaken optimism in 2008 Saturn took over as ruler of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn and the pin hit the balloon World Markets crashed all of a

    Sudden all that optimism was replaced by pessimism and everything was reduced to facts numbers and statistics instead of speculation although of course some frothy speculation continued as it does now in the area of AI we can expect just as momentous a shift now but in a different direction

    Saturn’s job was to deflate overblown Jupiter releasing the icy grip of Saturn is the job of Uranus as Terrence McKenna wrote there are times when everything seems to go right and times when everything seems to go wrong so since 2008 as we’ve pointed out Pluto has been in Capricorn during Pluto

    And Capricorn many became acquainted with the crosses and the Shadows we’ve been carrying in our own lives and those carried by our institutions of government and business these sobering Revelations and displays of dysfunction led to chronic depression and anxiety triggered by the news and the feed do the following themes sound to

    You like dominant traits of 2008 to 2023 individually and collectively of course there are always exceptions but we’re talking Zeitgeist here the feeling of the times pessimism depression procrastination intolerance suspicion bossiness negative Loops awkward W silences ruthless self-interest morbid fatalistic condescending unforgiving afraid of failure perfectionist critical resigned and easily hurt but pretends

    Not to show it perhaps you’ll agree that over the last 15 years these Tendencies have harmed Politics the world economy social media and uncountable family dinners representative Capricorn in Pluto symbols might include elderly Elites or shall we call them old goats holding on to power at any cost also murderous peace

    Officers judges who try to impose religious and business principles on a major aity who disagree and stubborn hotheads who hold on to their opinions desperately while dismissing all others unable to tolerate doubt Paradox contradiction or evidence that they might be wrong ferocious Sagittarian Promises of endless prosperity and the fear of being

    Left out had influenced billions of people Pluto and Capricorn brought Humanity back down to earth loss helped us learn to cherish or made us bitter goals changed the exploited began to work together in ways that fly underneath the radar of social media and mass media which are after all two sides of one

    Coin many of us developed some survival skills greater patience and a more mindful approach to life many of us developed our senses of humor especially the dark arts of irony and sarcasm as SRA wrote freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you Pluto’s last trip through Capricorn

    Was in 1762 to 1778 I believe you’ll find the themes of those times similar to 2008 to 2024 join me on a journey into the unfortunately all too familiar past as reflected in the history of the last time Saturn ruled Pluto then as now the world was

    Embroiled in a world war that was pretending it wasn’t a World War the Seven Years War neared its end fought by the great European powers LED by the British and Germans and on the other side the French the war also involved their far-flung colonies that war and other related Wars

    Occurring at the same time represented the maneuvering of autocratic Elites to seize more territory and wealth at the expense of smaller Nations and tragedies for millions of innocent victims the aim National and then global domination by one culture one religion and one set of political and economic agendas the

    Same old story same different day in the 1760s the American colonies suffered a financial recession which was really a depression when Pluto was in Capricorn trade was sluggish debt Rising cash hard to come by and Supply disruptions common the British needed money to pay for their expensive Wars so taxes were

    Raised at home and in the colonies leading to the American Declaration of Independence the British offered to stop the tax instead of being subject to the crown as part of the United Kingdom the American colonies could govern themselves decide about taxation on their own as part of the Commonwealth the compromise was

    Unpopular and rumors of Revolution multiplied meanwhile in Russia Bubonic plague killed somewhere between 16% to 30% of the population of Moscow in 1772 the plague struck Persia killing 2 million in 1775 the deadly North American smallpox epidemic began it would last 7 years killing more than a 100,000 a low figure

    That doesn’t include another Devastation of indigenous tribes all this and catastrophic weather led many to believe the end times were near teenage Alexander Hamilton described hurricane s Austine of 1772 in the Caribbean as quote sufficient to strike astonishment into Angels end quote the weather turned cold in London the temps froze over many

    Times the so-called little Ice Age afflicting Europe became more severe further disrupting Food Supplies and commerce so even though the places may be different and the kind of pandemic may be different and the wars and who’s involved in them may be different these themes of kind of surreptitious World War uh of

    Supply chain disruptions of Institutions being threatened and crumbling of uh disease and of of uh food issues related to weather those things were happening in Pluto and Capricorn and of course still continue somewhat typically Pluto and Capricorn indicates the furthest empowerment and protection of Elites Domin ated by autocratic males does that sound

    Familiar but it also exposes their disturbing Secrets the less privileged are expected and were expected then to accept suffering in the name of the patriarchy as a solemn Duty needless to say this was a time of widespread pessimism the Affliction of feeling power in a world of corrupt Elites began

    To erupt in protests and boycotts foreshadowing revolutions that were just around the corner will protest movements that arose during Pluto and Capricorn rise again the injustices that inspired the Arabs spring Occupy Wall Street and the great gathering at Standing Rock they continue we will most likely see these issues addressed again

    During Pluto and Aquarius as the great playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote quote if history repeats itself and the unexpected always happens how incapable man must be of learning from experience end quote so what does history tell us about Pluto and Aquarius as Pluto traveled through Aquarius from 1778 to

    1798 Revolutions in America France and Haiti inspired changes in governance all over the world as Elites recognize that to avoid the same fate as the red coats in the colonies and of Maria antoanet never said let them eat cake tell everyone they had to Grant more power

    And wealth to the majority of course we have a Revolution going on in Haiti right now of A Sort and we also have uh revolutionary urges in America and in France as well as other places in the world with Pluto in Aquarius the Treaty of Paris declared the American

    Revolution over and the United Kingdom officially recognized the existence of the United States as a separate nation a great expense but with minimal commitment of troops France helped strip Great Britain of its most valuable Colony America stuck France with a bill our refusal to pay it caused the financial hardships and the bread

    Shortage that led to the French Revolution the slogan of that Revolution Liber eal fraternity which can be translated Freedom equality solidarity could be a motto for Pluto and Aquarius here is a good mantra for it by vikor Frankle the great psychotherapist quote between stimulus and response

    There is a space in that space is our power to choose our response in our response lies our growth and our freedom near the end of Pluto and Aquarius in 1795 Francis Wright was born she would grow up to inspire and scandalize America with her speeches demanding the abolition of slavery

    Equality for women free love and birth control she is a great symbol of Pluto and Aquarius and the generation that will be born with Pluto and Aquarius should be also in the majority champions of causes related to equality and freedom Francis inspired the PO Walt Whitman who said of her she touched the

    Widest range of themes spoke informally colloquially she published while there the free Inquirer which my daddy took and I often read she has always been to me one of the sweetest of sweet memories we all loved her fell down before her her very appearance seemed to enthrall

    Us end quote he elsewhere described her as Serene and like a deer during Pluto and Aquarius movements to abolish slavery became popular in America and Europe ultimately leading to the American Civil War and the end of the state sanctioned slave trade here is a list of notable moments

    During past sojourns of Pluto in Aquarius the discovery of zero the carolingian Renaissance which brought advancements in law architecture art and music to the Dark Ages the Chinese invented movable printing type other Pluto and Aquarius inventions and discoveries include the astrol block printing spectacles for correcting Vision heliocentric

    Astronomy First Flight using a hot air balloon the discovery of the planet Uranus the metric system bicycles parachutes circular saws threshing machines power looms gas lamps ambulances industrial cooperatives the lathe jars for preserves ball bearings the theory of black holes cast iron prototypes of Steamboats the small pox vaccine but also the

    Guillotine Mary wolston craft published The First Defense of feminism written in English by a woman William Blake invented a new mythology that transformed art and poetry the evolution of instruments and orchestras enabled Geniuses from Mozart to Beethoven to revolutionize music we can see how Freedom weaves through these events the astrol allows

    For navigation over long distances gas lamps made it possible to continue activities that were once limited to Daylight spectacles allowed the farsighted to see near and the nearsighted to see far jars allowed food to be preserved one of many innovations that made it possible for humans not to

    Spend every day cultivating or hunting for food the Glorious era of Baghdad is a good model for the positive potential during Pluto and Aquarius Baghdad became a center of the evolution of civilization their astronomy medicine geogra geography philosophy Alchemy and Mathematics and the preservation of Greek and Roman Classics that were lost

    To the West changed not only Baghdad but the whole world immigrants were welcomed from everywhere as long as they brought books with them in a way on a side note the story of Christian Rosen CS at the heart of the rosac crucian movement began here because Baghdad may have inspired the

    Famous Rosy cross story The Father CRC traveled to Damar in Arabia the Damar story inspired John wiri the younger to try to find a ship to Turkey so he could get the same training CRC had he did make it to Constantinople but was disappointed to find no one had the

    Wisdom he sought instead he came to America and lived out the rosac crucian ideals of learning free healing for the sick and defending the innocent to an admirable degree of attainment things to look out for we listed the negative traits of Capricorn and found they have in common

    During Pluto’s sojourn in Capricorn so what are negative Aquarius traits that might cause trouble over the next 20 years unnecessary urgency collateral damage Justified statistically in the name of an alleged greater good as bodard wrote quote like dreams statistics are a form of wish fulfillment end quote Aquarius is a fixed sign

    And aquarians can fixate on Myriad details missing the big picture or vice versa can miss crucial details while fixating on the big picture other themes include being shallow about other people’s feelings and alienated from our own using the mind or technology including pharmaceutical to suppress emotions a tendency to cause delays by contrad

    Ition and Paradox weird for the sake of weirdness and fond of shocking others hating being told what to do extremism looked no further than the French Revolution spawning the terror during Pluto and Aquarius sarcasm goes hand in hand with aloofness and difficulty trusting others detached to say the least after all

    Before this discovery of Uranus the ruler of Aquarius was Saturn most astrologers believe Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus it’s often said that Capricorns can be very cold especially when crossed but aquarians can be outer space cold some Aquarian predicaments easily bored stubborn about what they think

    They know falling down exotic rabbit holes to the the point of impairing daily life ignoring the present while obsessing on the future acknowledging other people’s problems superficially while for the most part ignoring them there is also the Aquarian problem with procrastination it can be hard to come to a decision your Aquarian

    Friend is most likely the one who gives you a collection of possible answers to your question while being Rel an to commit to any opinion on them they may however provide detailed lists of why these answers may be correct but also why they are probably wrong when asked

    What time it is quarians may show you how to build a clock while telling you the history of timekeeping we can’t move on from our description of the dark side of Pluto and Aquarius without first mentioning the nword Nazi with their obsession with technological innovation they’re all for one ideology

    They’re Crusader likee commitment to the mission of an allegedly better future their ecological activism lightning Warfare and fascination with fringe science and the Occult Nazis had an aquarius Vibe part of the furer magic was his use of a new technology called radio that allowed him to speak to entire nation in their living

    Rooms we can see burgeoning fascist Tendencies all over the world today but the Nazis gained power when Pluto was in cancer a sign that is all about defending the mother or Fatherland and that is also the case with some moms the boundaries of the motherland can be redrawn to Encompass the whole

    World so what are some positive Aquarius traits we can all cultivate to get better results during Pluto and Aquarius Aquarius is humanitarian Innovative creative inventive original impartial loyal when loyalty is earned easygoing inspired by uniqueness we can become independent friendly fond of diversity Defenders of equality and freedom

    Eager to learn free thinkers who can appreciate both sides of a paradox and all sides of complicated issues we can follow a trail of synchronicity or find the unity in diversity we can benefit from science while remembering that it has much yet to explain and that there are many Mysteries that continue to

    Deserve respect a quote from Octavio P May capture the feeling of the new era quote to us the value of a work lies in its newness the invention of new forms or a novel combination of old forms the discovery of unknown worlds or the exploration of unfamiliar areas in Worlds already discovered Revelations

    Surprises end quote let’s talk about the alchemical power of Pluto Pluto is all about moving us up the evolutionary ladder spiritually and physically if you think the new age was new AG wait till you see Pluto and Aquarius of course this is already happening the amount of pagan Eastern esoteric Western esoteric and

    Indigenous symbols practices and beliefs on social media is astounding new hybrids are being invented and traditions revived here is a quote from the Dallas complete reality schools classic the book of balance and Harmony that captures the kind of evolution Pluto and Aquarius seeks quote deep knowledge is to be aware of

    Disturbance before disturbance to be aware of danger before danger to be aware of Destruction Before Destruction to be aware of Calamity before calamity strong action is training the body without being burdened by the body exercising the mind without being used by the mind working in the world without

    Being affected by the world carrying out tasks without being obstructed by tasks by Deep knowledge of principle one can change disturbance into order change danger into safety change destruction into survival change Calamity into Fortune by strong action on the way one can bring the body to the realm of

    Longevity bring mind to the sphere of mystery bring world to Great peace and bring tasks to Great fulfillment end quote with Pluto and Aquarius we are likely to see all the spirituality that’s been evolving over social media blossom into more public activities it will be a good time to address what bell

    Hooks so astutely observed quote I am often struck by the dangerous narcissism fostered by spiritual rhetoric that pays so much attention to individual self-improvement and so little to the practice of Love within the context of community end quote quote we are also likely to see a more playful approach to

    Spirituality with less clinging to Revelations of the past a good quote for this aspect of Pluto and Aquarius comes from the founder of Shing Buddhism kukai quote do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old seek what they sought end quote we may also be

    Reminded of Ralph Walder Emerson’s a wonderful observation that why should we be beholden to the revelations of the past why can’t we have a direct revelation of the Divine that is our own we can see astrologically speaking that there is great potential now for changing the Zeitgeist to something less

    Gloomy before we can make gold we must go through the stage that reduces to ashes both of these processes are all always present with Pluto death and rebirth when Pluto entered Capricorn some astrologers predicted that it would destroy the governments and institutions including the banking system it didn’t

    But it did expose the problems the weaknesses the cracks in them Humanity patched them up wherever possible and the monster staggered onward for a very few the times were lucrative indeed but most struggled and still do but From the Ashes of Saturn’s surrender to despair will come the surprise of Uranian genius shocking

    Changes and new generations the resistance will be strong especially in the early years but there’s no stopping it today’s entrenched apocalyptic politics of intolerant division will fade before the shock of the new here’s hoping that technology and The Marvelous inventions and cures already on the way are enough

    Of a shock to kick over the process as an astrologer I must admit that the shock could be more unpleasant than that there’s always a possibility of disasters of one kind or another with Uranus but then Uranus in Taurus while Pluto was in Capricorn caused some astrologers to predict major

    Earthquakes we didn’t really have the string of major earthquakes Wes predicted Uranus is still in Taurus but Pluto has moved on whatever the shock might be with Pluto and Aquarius it may very well be unforeseen some astrologers believe that the Joy or severity of the Human Experience depends on what we

    Individually and collectively bring to it in our daily lives because wise choices give better results Saturn punishes the false and The Reckless but rewards the devoted and consistent change has only just begun three more significant astrological events occur in the middle years of the 2020s Saturn will begin a new almost

    30-year cycle when it enters Aries Uranus will enter Gemini for the first time in about 84 years and Neptune will enter Aries bringing to an end a 164e trip around the Zodiac and starting a new one after the stagnant astrological placements we’ve been enduring these new Cycles promise exciting endings and

    Beginnings Neptune was in Aries during the American Civil War what sort of pent up frustrations might erupt into another crisis we needn’t list the Abundant candidates for most likely Uranus and Gemini brought Pearl Harbor through the end of World War II and the dawn of the atomic age so are Wars unavoidable now

    Well astrologically the people alive today are believe it or not a level up the spiral last time Pluto was in cancer from the first world war up to a year before the second started it took the ego and charismatic leaders of Pluto and Leo to get the tanks rolling Cancer and

    Leo are more likely to go to war for family and Country Aquarius respects borders but sees through them to recognize the similarities and appreciate the differences younger Generations will step up in some way when Saturn and Neptune join in Aries conspicuously displaying the inevitable Changing of the

    Guard how then shall we meet these momentous times we can be open-minded and curious about what might happen next we can stay focused on those we cherish grounding ourselves with love we can follow intuition learn how to do new things and we can start fresh we can

    Also follow the good advice of Theodore Roosevelt do what you can where you are with what you have in other words Unleash the Power of imagination letting go of what we’ve cherished in the past is never easy but finding ourselves in the future is a worthy adventure for anyone the

    Roller coaster that’s been slowly climbing since 2008 is about to let go on a wild ride that no one can really predict neither the gloomiest Doom mongering nor the most innocent faith in progress are out of the question there will be plenty of Doom and progress to

    Go around but if ever there was a time for reimagining a better fure future for ourselves for all of us according to the Stars this would be it it’s a good time for America to finally accept the invitation the Lakota spiritual leader Chief Sitting bow gave us in

    1876 let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children well I hope you enjoyed that uh somewhat brief introdu uction to Pluto in Aquarius


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