Mark Ogden joins ESPN FC to detail the latest on Manchester United assessing potential replacements for their current manager Erik ten Hag.

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    Right then you take a look at the top four ODS if you have fancy Manchester United they are 15 to1 to close the cap to Aston Villa who of course currently sit 11 points ahead of tenh side the big talking point over the last 24 hours is

    Who could come in who is the preferred manager let’s welcome in Mark Ogden Mark give us that top three list well it’s not a top three list it’s a list of names that they are considering there’s more than three names in I’ve been told but the three

    I’ve been told today are Roberto derer Thomas Frank and G Southgate now all different managers and the other managers that might be out there that are potentially on the list gr Potter zenine zidan they’re all different types of managers and some some will go elsewhere you know the problem United

    Have got this summer is that if they do make a change with ten hag Barcelona Bayern Munich and Liverpool are also looking for new managers so it’s a really congested field and if they make a change and it’s not being completely decided that tag would go they have to

    Be in a position to to hire a manager so I think right now what it is they’ve got a regime that’s come in to take control of football operations whove never appointed a manager before they’ve got s Dave braford who’s a cycling guy they’ve got Dan ashith coming in they’ve got

    Omar bar coming in from Man City but unlikely any will be there before the start of next season so they have to address this situation with the manager before the end of the season because ten haag’s got a year left in his contract this summer and he can’t go into next

    Season with him not being given a new contract because that would look a massive lack of faith in t so they they’ve got a mess they’ve got they’ve got a mess to deal with and obviously let’s be honest ten hag’s results the performances the tactics there’s not

    Really a lot in ten hag’s favor right now so everything is pointing towards a change of manager but another issue they have to consent with as well is the cost of getting rid of ten Haag and the cost of hiring a new guy if he’s under contract so they got all these little

    Issues flying around which is why they’ve got such a strange list of potential candidates which that they’re assessing all their availability their suitability and you know if they end up with Gary South I’d be very surprised but he’s on that at least because he could be available this summer bunkers

    In it I mean Roberto deser right he’s coming in he’s great reputation they’ve been a bit Topsy tury this season they’ve had a bad run they’ve had a bad run they’re having a great run in Europe right which is obviously for Brighton it’s a completely different story for them uh the European

    Competition uh his League form has been patchy particularly recently and I think Thomas Frank has done a a great job at brenford right the way they recruit down there they they they used the analytics and and all that sort of stuff and I know he was upset at the weekend because

    His fans were booing when they were behind against Chelsea and he’s like guys you know how far have we come sort of stuff but for me he’s not a man united manager I’m sorry that’s a big step and GIS South kit right you you can

    Forget that I mean you can they build a nice environment you can forget I mean he’s done great with England don’t get me wrong but you you can forget that so I think even for me being a big derer fan even that for me at the moment is a

    Stretch so who wow that that that’s a big that that’s the question I I I I don’t really know at the moment who who else uh I mean Zen zenan zidan is not moving to Manchester no that’s one sa alono definitely he’s he’s going thereo say nine what about Thomas tle

    Thomas tle is actually I’d almost take him even though i’ I would wise I would take him over all those in that list even though I think you know obviously Bay won yesterday but let’s over yeah not very good uh but he’s managed top clubs he has been there seen

    It and done it but again his stalk has fallen yes but my god he has to be better than what’s on that list gr Potter no sorry Gran Potter had his chance at Chelsea didn’t take it other people have failed at Chelsea other people have been successful at Chelsea

    As well not since the new regime came in Robert that’s harsh yeah but that I think he was the first one of the new wasn’t he well yes but he’s then you judge him by that yeah from what I could what I could see he didn’t have control

    Of the players the players didn’t seem to want to play for him uh he messed around with the tactics he messed around with the team as a manager you’ve got to be youve got to deal with what you give him and he he didn’t do that I don’t

    Think at Chelsea so you would go tle I would go tle I’m not a great fan of tle in terms of his mannerisms and the way he talks to the press and all that sort of stuff but he did well at Chelsea for a good year and a half he won the

    Champions League with him he’s done well at other clubs he was at PSG so he’s dealt with big players he plays a decent style of football so for me Thomas took out of all those as you said is the best one available but he has been a pH at

    Bayern well yes he has and I think handling the environment of Bayern Munich he has had difficulties with the politics of Bayern Munich so I imagine that there are politics in Manchester United as well I don’t know why we’re talking about a new manager from Manchester United 10 days ago we’re

    Talking about Manchester United turning the corner oh look at this team is flying look at all the results they’re getting and this and that and the other and frankly when when you look deeply into Manchester United you know that they’re deeply flawed and 10 hack is at

    The core of all this in terms of who makes a decision to go to Manchester United right now you have to have somebody who has had a fall from grace and I think Thomas tul at Bayern Munich has had a fall from grace one of the reason we’re talking about Eric Zog is

    Because of the things he said after the Manchester City game you know we played well we nearly won the game those those sort of those sort of things turn the fans off it turns the the the maybe the board off we didn’t play well and the players by the way because the players

    Must have been thinking uh no we didn’t no no they were knocking the ball around us and we were barely hanging on and hoping that we could see this game out and there was never a chance we looked at the stats on here a couple of weeks

    Ago before the fulam game and we looked at the stats because people were getting carried away and we said here’s here’s the results that you’re getting carried away with and here’s the actual facts of the game and United barely have ever controlled a game right and every team they’ve played against

    Inferior against inferior opposition getting dominated in the middle of the park an an’s having to make save after save after save and we said this is this can’t last and it won’t last and it’s p in the sky stuff you think the leaving catch Tottenham never mind ason Villa

    You know Villa would have to lose four or five games and United would have to win uh almost every game between now and end of the season uh the problem is is you’re not going to be able to get you can change the manager at the moment

    Right or whenever you want to change him but it’s going to take you time to get some of these waster out of the club right and so in that time frame while you’re trying to get rid of the wasters that are in the playing Squad if you

    Bring a manager in who’s weak and who hasn’t got the experience of M being at a big club like this they’re going to continue to throw these people under the bus so there has to be some element of strength as well as forward Vision to who you’re going to appoint uh but we

    Mentioned Chelsea no matter what manager they bring in they don’t seem to be able to get a tune out of this squad and Manchester United in danger of going down the same route because of the Personnel they they have within their team that they’re just not good enough

    So it doesn’t matter who you bring in as a coach well they’re going to have to make Personnel changes in the playing front there’s no there is just no absolutely no doubt about that and I know Marcus rashford scored a great goal at the weekend but he’d be one of the

    First in the bus out bus out the door get on the bus son don’t come back if I could get money from them and there’s a list of them uh but but that’s going to be difficult but again I’ll go back to the argument there is a slight argument

    Against it in terms of you know with Chelsea this season and others is that what to a certain extent POA cogo has done at Tottenham right and and because let’s be honest would they finish eighth last season right they might not get in the top four they might they might or

    They might not but they finished eighth they had the best striker in Europe who by the way is still scoring goals for f at Bon and they were absolutely wretched to watch they don’t have that player now they’re playing some of the best football in the Premier League all right

    They’ve had some ups and downs and they’ve got a chance of getting in the top four so I think it’s difficult all the time to say well this manager can’t do more with this group of players there is an element of the great example manager Lonzo is a great example when he

    Went to lus they were they were second from bottom and he must have gone in there and everybody probably said and you would be doing the games they’ve got poor players Leverkusen aren’t a good team he comes in and he turns things around immediately and they’re now going

    To win the title so a manager can have a massive yeah a massive effect on a team it’s difficult but they can have a massive effect on the team how he pointed the finger on me that I said Mark who would you choose wow um it’s a t i mean I like tul

    As well but I think we’ve had this conversation now Forbe the last five years the last three managers the players are letting them down the players need clearing out they never get cleared out Victor lind’s been there eight years Luke Shaw 10 years lots of players that have been there through

    Serious different managers that nothing seems to change so whoever comes in yes they’ll press the reset button and yes it’ll be a new start but they got to sort that dress room out and got to get some more out of the players you know I

    I I keep hearing a lot about derer I keep hearing that everybody wants derer that all the clubs that are out there that he’s the guy that everybody wants and you know I do think there are issues at Brighton but you know he’s been without and Cesar All Season Evan

    Ferguson’s been missing quite a lot this season he lost his two best midfielders in the summer but he’s still got Brighton competitive so maybe he is the next big thing I don’t know we won’t know until he gets that chance and I think rather than take a chance on tgal

    Who let’s be honest had a a difficult time at Chelsea under a new regime it lasted about 5 minutes because he didn’t think they knew what they were doing so if he has a similar situation at United with a new regime it could be fireworks so I’d go for dereran and the chance

    That for once United get a guy on the way up that’s actually got something to prove not senh and and just give a guy the chance but like you say that list isn’t an ideal list I wouldn’t go for Potter I think Potter failed at Chelsea the a similar job similar scenario similar

    Dressing room so I’d go for derer and you know eyes closed fingers crossed and to see what happens next I think a really positive come on I hope your pilot’s got a better Outlook not on that skiny Runway this is the captain speaking eyes closed fingers crossed everyone crossed

    Oh but I I arguably the best coach in England not in England out with kloppen uh Guardiola the best one that’s not in that list that’s probably ungettable is unry yeah un memory he’s he’s he’s a bit of everything he’s tries play good football but don’t try and overplay you

    Know he works on the team shape you can tell you what some patterns to play in team shape and he’s got experience would you be tempted to go a VI of him that’s a difficult one I ason this they’re a great story at the moment I mean they’ve been former

    European Champions a big Club but is still man united but then does he want I’m not suggesting the even he’s even thinking about or they want him but would he want to jump out of that into that fire at man united he got buned about I was going to say would he be

    Frightened of the Arsenal experience he got bumed at Arsenal but he’s got exper I mean he’s been successful in Sp his English is much better that one of the reasons he failed at Arsenal is because he didn’t come across particularly well with the press and the players didn’t

    Think quite understand what he was trying to do he’s come a long way with his English since then and I think he’d be a much better Coach me he did a great job I mean wherever he’s been generally done a great job Arsenal was a difficult

    It was a difficult one Arsenal at the time it took a to out to turn it round but you look at not just what he’s done with Villa but what he did with v you look at vial now M how many have they got had since you could throw like he’s

    Been in charge of two big clubs in Arsenal and PSG and he didn’t do anything at either of them so why would Manchester United feel that he could do I know but I’m only throwing them in there there’s not that many because you can keep talking about that’s Manchester

    United cannot go after the top tier yes and that’s that’s the reality of Manchester United what about Z yes did I tell he’s not going to Manchester well if they cannot go after top tier and so you have to go for the upcomer and hoping that that’s a guy you know here

    We go who would be derer derer had a great spell was it in in Ukraine or was it in Russia when he Ukraine Ukraine where he I think he won 20 out of 20 games at one point so he has been at a big club that were in the Champions

    League I think I’m sure that if you’re making the decision on a on a manager to come Manchester United not thinking you’re not thinking about what he did in Ukraine and however but I think if deser was where sort of V are at the moment and that had continued and he was really

    Sort of the apple of everybody’s eye as has been in patches but it’s kind of waned a little bit and I and I think that I think if he’ been up there uh it would have been an easier sale for the club I just think at the moment all

    Those names are quite a difficult sale what would it take for ten hog to still be in charge at the start of the Season Mark he has to get in the Champions League and it’s looking very difficult to do that I don’t think winning the FA Cup and finishing fifth or sixth would

    Be enough I I think it’s deeper that with tag I think you know a lot of it isn’t isn’t working at United that the players don’t look happy some of them aren’t happy we know that the tactics like I said the results have been poor the goal difference is terrible they’re

    On minus two you know it’s man united they’ve got all this great attacking Talent so it’s not just about injuries that they’ve had they’ve had a really bad run of everything so I don’t know a new raising comes in it’s very rare that a new raing comes in in football and

    Doesn’t change the manage within six months I mean it’s hard to find a club that hasn’t had that kind of turnover so I don’t think anything really can say tag apart from possibly the financial element in the sense that it will cost them around 14 million pounds to to move

    Him on 14 million pound you’re talking about 12 million pound to get toer all of a sudden that’s 26 million pound and then you know that’s a player and United need a lot of players and they’ve got to get rid of a few this summer as well so

    It could come down to basic economics but it wouldn’t be great if United keep a manager because they can’t afford to get rid of him that isn’t a great message to send at the start of New Era so I think I think T had goals this

    Summer but it they have got a big problem finding the right guy to replace him because as you as you guys have discovered there’s not an obvious candidate out there just put one and a quarter billion of investment in with more to come they’re not going to do

    That and keep a guy who is becoming clearer and clearer is not cut for this job they they’ll sell Anthony for 100 million boom there’s your money well when he when he sits there and say Anthony will come good amongst the many many things as Robo has has mentioned

    And we’ve sat here since day one of this Premier League season and he has rabbited on with some of the biggest nonsense instead of just coming out and telling it straight and we could all sit here in the boys and the guys at right the headlines in the back of the papers

    Okay that’s fair enough fair enough not good enough or that or that but he’s come out and oh my God you’ve only got to have a a smitten of of common sense to see that he’s talking absolute nonsense he’s gone uh of course the last chance for the silverware for Manchester

    United is the FA Cup uh we’re at the quarterfinal stages a competition that you can see live on ESPN plus March 16th wolves against cry then this Manchester City against Newcastle followed by Chelsea against leester and then Manchester United against Liverpool


    1. Potter, Tuchel, Lopategui or Southgate. Tough call. Amorim might be best option but wouldn't come for free. Liga Portuguesa has some of the best young football talent in Europe playing in it, and he might be able to bring in some of that for not too outrageous price, plus the country/culture/language link with captain Bruno.

    2. Craig wants to bus out Rashford from Man U the good old fashioned way: 'get on the bus son, don't come back'. haha, that man is brilliant sometimes

    3. Is the low level idiot really questioning Jim’s appointments in the organization of the management team? 😂

    4. To say that Emery didn't have any success at PSG/Arsenal is laughable,he won 7 trophy's in 2 years at PSG & in 18 months at Arsenal got them to a European final & finished 5th in his 1st season, only 2 points from 3rd. Unai Emery is an elite manager,but is staying at Aston Villa.

    5. Last season Liverpool finished outside fourth, and currently they are playing Europa league, and Khlope still has his job..what are u media guys trying to do to man united.. destabilize the team every single season?

    6. National League is easy to manage mainly when you are one of the top nation. You can pick all the best players who are eligible. So Southgate no even deschamps no.

    7. Manager and long lasting players of this club need to go. Their attitude and mentality not good. Just manager go not enough.

    8. Brighton getting hammered yet they still talking about De Zerbi, Southgate with a group of talented players cannot do anything, Thomas Franks from Brentford really and Mark forgets to mention the injuries and ESPN are still paying him !!!! Lord the agenda is screaming at us

    9. Pundits at least it is fair bringing in solutions rather than having hidden agendas.Are you all telling me the squad Manchester United has is worthy of keeping really? Why targeting a Manager on one player who has not performed to your standards? Please humbly give Manchester United fans the manager who is suitably qualifying for Manchester United's job?
      Do you know it is so easy to manage mid table teams than these teams which have been well known in the world?
      Can DeZerbi manage Barcelona or Real Madrid really? What football is in Ukraine to be compared with the English Premier league?
      Come on pls

    10. Why should ETH get the sack after one bad season? Did you forget that he won us silverware last year since 2018? Or maybe you forgot that we had half our defense out almost all season. The only thing I fault ETH for is his bad recruitment which hasn’t been great

    11. You are having a time of your life saying that United need a reset, that some of the players have been there for the longest. Tell me how do they do it at once with Financial Fair Play lurking? Are you as a set of "club less" managers going to have patience towards MU, have you considered the amount of injuries they have to manage. You, yourselves are confused about who is going to replace him, add that on top of all that I have mentioned including Injuries.

    12. Man united need a manager who will play possession football and pressing football.
      This is the new style of play now . Look at what Alonso is doing with Leverkusen.

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