We visit the manchester airport hotel in stanley, we investigate whether they are still housing illegal migrants.

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    Hello guys welcome back to the channel today we’re at the Manchester Airport Stanley Hotel uh in Manchester obviously just on the border of Manchester in Stockport at this migrant Hotel it seems very quiet on approach however I think the this one’s been done up um but there’s only one way

    To find out and that is to go and investigate and and have a look around the ground see what’s going on um probably more of a document sort of one that will go on the document list yeah it’s very very deserted very very big hotel they’ve obviously they might have moved them

    Onto some somewhere else however we will see if there is anybody um in there now there’s a desk there don’t know how well you can see it with a CT CCT TV on so there’s obviously I think there’s some form of security around somewhere uh so we’ll we’ll keep having

    A walk around investigating well look at that right by the airport very convenient uh this is also part of the otal here which is the Health Club and Spa um I’m just going travel look through this window to see what we can what we can see been hundreds of migrants in yeah

    There’s obviously been loads and loads and loads of men here and maybe their contract has ended so or maybe they’re getting ready for the next wave uh yeah the Hotel and Spa I’m going to see if I can walk around the corner and sort of get get to this a little bit

    More so we’re just following this round um just seeing where I can get to this looks like a rundown sort of part of it um but we’re just going to see what sort of I don’t know evidence or anything like that we that we can pick up

    Um see if we can see any sort of remnants of them or anything like that there’s not really much around here I’ll got the camera up there so you can just see in if they were here they’ve left it to all aren’t they um but yeah let’s

    Go around the the other side again and see what we can get so we’re walking back around again guys um what I can say is that this one is another one of them suspicious ones where like we’ve just looked through the window we can see the desk the CCTV

    Screen we can see a file on the desk so maybe there is still some left here just not many of them we got a plane taking off just up there right there but there is no movement at all but the Stanley Hotel needs documenting because they are

    Sellouts sold that country out uh for the king shilling well if there’s nobody here guys that means I can I won’t be challenged when I have a look through the windows and stuff let’s go up and more into the grounds I tell you what I bet they were

    Loving it when they were here or if they still here don’t think there’s nothing in that window guys nothing worth looking looking at but if you look up at all the rooms there that I can see lights on um Nets skating drawn things like that so I’m wondering whether they sort

    Of like almost like self-contained apartment sort of thing and maybe do they let them come and go things like that obviously no security no security at all but it is close to the public guys I forgot to mention that there’s nothing in there and then we’re heading around the back

    Uh just see if I could see any sort of things moving there’s air conditioning units turned on there and as you can see all the curtins are closed so maybe they are the rooms that are occupied I don’t know maybe I’m just throwing stuff out there um well that’s the feeling I get

    What as I’m here them bowels have been there for a long time uh let’s just go up to here and we’ll have a look if we can see anything nothing is there there’s nothing worth seeing through that window there uh nothing we have seen um yeah very

    Quiet um I reckon these are like selfcontain apartments and I reckon that they let them come and go as they want yeah so that’s why you’re not seeing a security guard that’s why you’re not seeing any movement um somebody definitely and there’s a lot of security cameras up as

    Well so uh yeah there’s another security camera there uh yeah so an investigation one on this one guys uh yeah so I’m going to hit it with a zoom now and I’m going to show you how many of these windows or curtains are drawn so let’s do

    That so guys as you can see more curtains drawn Tel signs that open window just there more Tel signs that there is somebody here um yeah there’s the reception there I don’t know how well you can see that and but that’s where the front desk is and there is like paperwork on the

    Desk and stuff and uh a computer monitor looking at it’s all the CCTV so yeah I definitely think there’s somebody here guys I don’t know how well you can see that but as you can see there’s the computer monitor there’s the boook on the table there some what looks like

    Some fresh bottle of water chocolate bar wrapper kind of Diet Coke um and it’s all working it’s all there so that’s a ttle sign that there is people here or maybe are they getting ready for people to come in there you go so as you can see in the window is sort of

    Thing the curs are all drawn on them you know so and my wife just pointed out I mean just around that part there I didn’t notice but there is steam coming out of um like the air vent system uh maybe to the kit ing so I definitely think there’s still some people

    Here yes anyway guys that is the Manchester Airport Stanley Hotel just on the border of Manchester entering into Stockport um playing there in the background uh anyway guys if you have liked that video please do give us the thumbs up and I will see you on the next one


    1. 🇬🇧🥷🏿🥷🏿🥷🏿That’s a 100% nice property in nice grounds again, any invading army would be pleased to acquire that🥷🏿🥷🏿🥷🏿🇬🇧

    2. As I always say if you British showed some Backbone and Resistance to this invitation of illegal immigrants.. it would not Happen so your children and Grandchildren will have to bare the Nightmare 😱 consequences 😱

    3. Fgs how many dam illegal immigrant hotels are there. If they let them stay where are they to stay theres already a chronic shortage of social housing. Send them straight back and for the supporters you house them at your home and pay for them. Its Its nearly summer calm seas their going to be invading in droves

    4. Our government is disgusting,there actually taking care of these illegals before our own homeless Americans and veterans, it make me sick to my stomach looking at these people coming to our country and getting everything free, when I worked hard for everything I own.
      U.S.is falling apart.

    5. Hi ive walked round part of my town and u can tell when there is folk in them they have certian blinds and mostly pulled down ,its all getting Scary as i don't know why home office have arranged through serco and other companys to mostly have young men in our town in flats thats been done out above shops and other places done out ,they keep moving them around in the hotels and some of the buildings its a invasion thats for sure i don't know if other folk have noticed and even if u ask the council u will get lied to ,they are being put in private hoses to, Serco do a contract with the land lords 2 or 3 yesrs plus contract ,some times our own folk are asked to leave so these creedy landlords can have the contract unreal ,i don't like what's going on, i dint feel safe in the small town in Northants where i live any more , what are home office and the Gov going to use these young men for i rekon there hidden soldiers for what purose no one can seem to find out ,i wonder if ever we have a situation where there is protests or possible Martial law declared in time this year or next ,its hard to say they have a plan am sure ,they don't all go out at once they go out a few at a time go bk and then some more come out to go town , I've noticed a lot of young men in our town ive lived her since about 1976 and i see a lot of strangers over the months after a while they go then others come ,i very much doubt its worth moving as this is happening all over the uk ,then we have Asylam seekers and illegals also ,what a night mare ,i wish i hsd the money to buy a home in a iskand un Scotland 😰🇬🇧

    6. I wrote to my Mp in 2020 about a local hotel with these in it. He near enough called me racist for asking questions and said they’re asylum seekers. The govt have orchestrated all of this .

    7. Wot gets me is the secrecy they hav worked under homing these illegals and turning on the people who r actually paying for this illegal infestation ….
      These hotels hav sold us out like u say for money and in that got their hotels refurbished on us the tax payer and we r the ones in the wrong for investigating this betrayal of government and hotel owners .. I can’t find the words to describe the frustration and anger this has provoked in me ..this is the biggest betrayal by a bunch of traitors in government and those greedy hotel owners cashing in on our money I hav ever seen in my lifetime 😢… we r in a recession through lockdown catch up and this government r taking in thousands of undocumented illegal migrants paying out millions and cutting vital services in that people need and rely on and don’t fund the elderly care or mental health properly but fund these none contributed fakeugees and make they lives r nice and snug … can’t get my head round how this is allowed …over the funding of the British people who hav paid into our society all their lives and now they r funding these parasites with their taxes …that shd b theirs it’s diobolical in itself ….☝🏻😡
      Thanks and respect to u guys for going around reporting this betrayal to the British people 🫵🏻🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ur doing a great job 🫵🏻🙏🏻on behalf of our nation …👍🏻

    8. Trouble is these hotels got paid to close during covid and it never picked up so the illegal crap they sold out to the goverment and filled every room they could and now the tax payer again is paying for the refurb just shows what third world pigs with an IQ of a gnat we are keeping mate

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