super Mario cipollini top of the range made in Italy bikes are a marketing scam, where the reality is that they are made in Bosnia by a shoe manufacturer that has been employed by THE BRAND CIPOLLINI BIKES to make carbon bike frames for them from beginning to end…..



    Hello welcome back to channel my name is Benji I’m the controversial cyclist and I’m a massive cenut but it takes a cenut to know a massive cut so today I’m out in another c not but we are staying with Super Mario chiellini and the bike brand that is officially now a

    Massive cenut now my previous video actually proved that that bike process for chiellini bikes uses the same mold as the tri Fox X10 these are the facts the geometry is the same the mold must be identical and the process is different okay they are facts there is a different process that’s involved

    How how are we going to say that how do we know that they don’t come out the same factories I stated that from the beginning but the that were in the comment section that can’t handle it what I’m saying are trying to say that the bikes are completely different they’re not

    Completely different the mold is an very expensive part of the process for the manufacturing point where they cost a lot of money to be made let’s look at this you’ve got one of the top 10 probably most expensive manufacturers maybe in the world which is chiellini bikes they’re not cheap but the bike

    Frames are around about 6 s Grand that’s where they’re starting at 6 7,000 Euros pounds dollars you know pretty much the same around about that that’s where their bike frames start at not the complete bikes the bike frames and you have Tri Fox the cheapest carbon bicycle frame manufacturer in

    China okay possibly the world and the frames Ms are identical now there’s not many people that make frame mods okay so wherever they’ve got them manufactured whether chiellini made that for tri Fox which I I’m going to say to you they couldn’t have done because chiellini as we’re going to find

    Out now and that cheeky bastard Super Mario it’s a brand it’s not a manufacturing engineering process they don’t actually own any processes okay it’s outsourced to DMT shoes or diant srl okay which is DMT shoes and you will that they make cycling shoes okay I’m going to give you this information so

    This is not like a massive conspiracy theory but this is the way that it’s going so for these dipsticks or idiots that come into the comment section or people that love to have Italian stuff and they stand by it it’s not Italian I’ve already proved that it’s made the actual frame chipilin

    Frames are made in Bosnia they even state that Mario chiellini super Mario state that on his website that it’s made in Bosnia herova okay so now you tell me where all this quality and expenditure an artist and tradesmans ship is coming from because that’s already outsourced

    Okay we can see here that the chiellini colors at Tri Fox even copied the colors so they couldn’t be that many trademarks going on here they they they have openly bought bought this mold either from Tri Fox I don’t have the evidence of that or they bought it from

    The same place that Tri Fox did now if Tri Fox can knock out this X10 frame for 500 euros and you’re talking 5,000 to €6,000 for chiellini where’s 10 times the cost when they’ve already outsourced it to to Bosnia he it’s a it’s a shower it’s a

    shower it really is so let’s quickly come out of this and let’s go to who are diant srl so let’s quickly load this up okay diamant SLR are a shoe manufacturer for DmC cycling shoes let’s find out who they are d d oh let’s translate first of all we’re getting

    This from the horses mouth in Italian diat is manufacturing company producer of sports ftware for cycling and football sneakers for the luxury sector and producer of carbon frames under the chiellini brand they are they’re made under Chip’s brand so they make the whole frame for chiellini chiellini does not make a product

    Guys it’s woeful now that doesn’t mean to say that he couldn’t have outsourced it and there’s Artisans involved but what it does mean to say you’ve got a shoe company making a bicycle frame that you were tricked into thinking was made by Wizards and you know purist Italian romant trained

    Artisans that were knocking this beautiful carbon frame up in their backyard in tiny numbers when the reality is it’s in a stinky Factory in Serbia um sorry Bosnia herova and the wages for that Factory will be like average 500 per factory worker if they’re lucky and it’s made by a shoe

    Manufacturer okay the shoe manufacturer DMT cycling shoes are good shoes that you know I like them I think they’re beautiful I’ve ridden DMT um shoes I think they’re really nice I a good product um I think they’re fairly priced as well but they’re not a bicycle manufacturer are they that doesn’t mean

    To say they can’t manufacture bicycles obviously they can so if these bikes are good well done if these bikes are well made well done to DMT but what I’m saying to you is how can you be paying this much for this much how much of this is a lie almost all of

    It because if he put if they put on their website that all the bike frames are being made by DMT I’m pretty sure a shoe manufacturer I’m pretty sure no one would buy chiellini bikes You’ be like I like the cycling shoes but what does a shoe manufacturer know about

    Bicycle manufacturing that’s the first thing you want say Where are The Artisans that’s the second thing you’re going to say and the third thing is you’re going to say is how can this be a made itally product when it’s made in Bosnia by a shoe company that’s still based in Italy and

    Chiellini does nothing other than just put his naked ass on a bicycle seat and make an expensive video showing his roided up body that’s it guys that is it so to all the haters that are out there that can’t handle it and in denial that is chiellini bikes

    Okay this does not say that I say they ride like I’m asking the question how are they worth 10 times as much as the tri Fox and now let’s just take the tri fox out of this how are they worth as much as any other off the shelf bicycle

    Like what’s the difference how how how individual are you now bearing in mind that apparently there’s 2,000 this these are old numbers 2,000 bicycles frames produced with the chiellini name on them per year that makes 10 million because they average 10 million dollar because the average price

    Is around about it’s not actually it’s higher than that it was it it’s about £10,000 so that would be about 12,000 maybe about 13,000 13 million what AM we going about 13,000 13 million so let me clarify that 2,000 bikes they they make a year or 2,000 bicycle frames average price is

    Around about €6,000 okay now that times 2,000 comes out around about 12 million a year okay so the process itself for the bicycle chiellini brand you can see is completely outsourced so when you’re being sold something here as I scroll down they are very happy to show you DMT shoes and the chiellini

    Bicycle frame they’ve just made and you’re going oh I’m buying into markco um Marco Super Mario’s brand and he’s he’s employed all these skilled Artisans where they lay this up in Italy and it’s know it takes hours and hours and hours and hours it’s it was smashed out in

    The factory that made those shoes is that a good or a bad thing I don’t know I don’t know I’m not there to see the processes but what I’m saying to you is is that this whole thing is a absolute shower of now let’s just go back to an end this

    Video this short video to to all the naysayers and they can go and suck on my left testicle now because we will read this again for clarification for those people that come in the comments section that have either got Stevie Wonder shades on or potatoes stuck in their ears

    Let’s read through this for the last time to say that chiellini bikes are a complete shower of they are a marketing world of Lies I start this the frames of a genius well if you’re that much of a I tell you what m chiellini is a genius

    He’s a genius at lying he’s a genius at ripping people off he was a genius at doping and he’s a genius at taking roids that’s it that’s it and genius at cheating but other than that there’s no genius here because it’s Outsource completely in every other place this is just a brand

    Anyway I digress let’s put this to bed for once the chalini carbon monocot frame is a result of the perfect symbolises between raw materials and human skills those human skills were never in Italy by the way our product chain is extremely strict and comprises of a series of experiences that come together

    To achieve unexplored goals well if unexplored goals are Outsourcing and maximum bang for your buck and then maximum markup and maximum ripoff to the customer yeah that is unexplored skills isn’t it cuz I think he’s taking this to new Heights the lamination and pting painting department coordinates with the graphics

    And mechanization sections of R&D development in Verona right let’s be sure let’s read between the lines of what that’s saying for all the dim trolls out there or dumb that can’t understand this not obviously the people that do get this but before anyone else let’s clarify this the laminating and processing and lamination

    So lamination is what I think is probably when he laminates the carbon not the carbon process of the layup that’s different lamination so that’s probably the clear coat that goes on the top because then they say painting okay so it’s laminated so that’s obviously the finish

    Of the carbon you’re going to then you need to laminate it you’re going to laminate paint and laminate or laminate and paint either process they are come together so let’s call it painting okay Department coordinates with the graphics well that’s where they put the sticker on and that’s in

    Italy that’s done in the DMT Factory because we’ve already heard from DMT which is darmont srl not even not in shipolini Factory and that’s done in Verona in Italy so that’s how they’re allowed to say made in Italy on it cuz they painted the frame in Italy okay the excellent of

    Carbon lamination and its state-of-the-art safety levels is also verified by Italian technicians at chiellini Bike Center in Bosnia so basically it was made in Bosnia and they sent over one or two engineers and they call them technicians to oversee the process in that Bosnian Factory that’s the way that

    Works so your 100% made in Italy product is not made in Italy at all it’s 100% % painted and laminated in Italy oh and stickered and the sticker goes on inally guys that is it Mario chiellini is a SE not chiellini bikes are the biggest marketing scam going

    And I’m sorry if You’ bought a chiellini bike you’re a in my opinion that’s not to say that the bikes aren’t good and the process isn’t good is to say the fact is if you wanted an Italian made product from beginning to end and you were buying Artisan skills you’ve been

    Shafted facts that’s it the has been dispelled we’ll move on to the next one guys thanks for getting to the end of this cheers for the support and all the naysayers in who are going to come in the comments and the trolls that come in the comments it’s quite evident

    You’re not watching the videos but these are the facts and before anyone you know I’m going to get it any anyway but you can call me out as much as you want I’m just bring more facts chiellini bikes though now put to bed they are it’s to pay that much for

    Something that is not even made in Italy it’s not made in Italy it and it’s not even it’s there is no process for for chiellini bikes they’re made by DMT which is diand shoes okay and they make DMT shoes and they make Footwear and it’s made and and chiellini Bikes let’s be sure

    About this they are a shoe company diant srl are a shoe company predominantly now making bicycle frames for the chiellini brand don’t buy one of these bikes they’re a waste of money thanks for getting to the end of this video uh and I’ll see you in the next one Chia for now


    1. I never understood why somebody bought a bike with a name of a former pro cyclist on. No matter with wich company they cooperate. These frames are a donation of the fans to their former idol. As long as they are proud and happy to ride their bike, having enough money left for all the important thing and as long the stuff is not a security issue… they shouId do whatever they want 😄. I would donate money to the animal shelter in our town if I had more than I need instead of buying a miracoulously expensive frame.

    2. Thank you for unmasking these con men.
      I was always under the assumption the the bikes were made by Italian artisans.
      Meanwhile, Super Mario sits in prison making millions of dollars on his Bosnian bikes.
      My female friend was talking about buying a Cipollini.
      After I show her this video and inform her of his exploits of beating up women, which you informed us about, she will be looking for another brand.
      Thank you for an informative video once again and keeping us well-informed on these bicycle issues!

    3. At least you can't blame them for avoiding the frame manufacturing location. They more or less openly imply it through their website and they let their supplier say it as well.
      You can't really say that from much bigger manufacturers in that price range.

      Either way, at 10k€/£, any brand is not selling bang for buck. They're selling marketing. They're selling a lifestyle. For this brand, they're selling the "I'm a proper bell end, I threaten and beat my ex-wife" lifestyle. Whatever floats your boat.

      Even at 8,5 k€, Decathlon is selling the RCR pro with similar marketing targets in mind. "Cheap and smart". I bet they're still doing a hefty margin on that one.

    4. "To achieve unexplored goals"….so Cipolini reach an end product by pot luck.

      How can you have a goal or end product if the R&D has been unexplored.

      Luckily the unexplored goal came out as a bike frame really…..

    5. The Moda "Fuga" track frameset is an FM-R017 as seen from Top-Fire. 😉

      Such pristine value-added re-badging that they even have a typo in their geometry chart for size S (51), with a 493 reach listed at 498.

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