Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Paris-Nice 2024 Stage 4

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    Footage | Amaury Sport Organisation
    Photos | ASO / Billy Ceusters

    Bora a pool all day for a rollit attack That Never Comes and what was a a pool thinking letting his teammates will go in this corner this was I think one of the most interesting profiles of this panise Edition 3,500 M climbing comprised of about nine medium Mountain

    Climbs with some pinches in there b region so not high mountains but uh 3K 7 half% finish great for someone like SK MOA normally this is sort of where Rish is dominate in the past and rco himself and his team are not too shabby on this

    Sort of stage either a day for UAE to defend with the yellow Jersey and multiple guys up there on GC Breakaway there’s no cover trages so the photos tell the story Lotto cidus EF moar Anto Mar were the ones that wanted to get in the break eventually toal and aana got

    In there too but Bora were on a mission pacing hard all day it seemed with jungles Hower and den probably before coverage started and here’s one of the the first climb of M breu they do it and they finish on this climb Remco sort of mid pack chilling almea counting you

    Know usually mid pack as well or a little bit deeper on the left so they seem to not think too much would kick off on this climb and Boro really chasing scaroni who was the last survivor of the breakway he was good in TR trao leguia he’s a really really good

    Italian Rider but Bor really really chasing him which I don’t know it seemed like they were making the race hard more than just chasing cuz they’re going to catch him on The Descent jungles just rips it apart he and saero are good descenders and there’s a split we’ve got

    A Bonus second uphill Sprint beforehand maybe they were trying to split it uh for that Sprint or so R would entering good position now we’re thinking this is a big group and a decent Gap got mnal here so UAE are pretty well covered Although our Mater is actually behind

    Egito is in group one G is in group one Jorgenson’s in group one uh so most of the GC guys there except Felix G we can infer from the kathin AZ chasing and stora for chuda Alida and Pla also missed it but what was RIT cooking up

    Was an attack coming as those two groups came back together at the base of the little 1500 meter kicker vlasov doing the lead out for rogl but Remco Evol comes out of his wheel and and duffs him easily and he was out of position Remco

    In the Bony Sprint on stage one yorg was in good position but unlike that stage where rco wanted to go on with it today he had no interest in the group going clear despite him being ah headed on GC in this group of four Jorgenson pulling

    And all the UAE teammates behind out of who are ahead of all of these guys on GC so it was kind of strange on stage one so keen and then today not keen they’re all looking behind and I understand there’s domesti chasing behind and that was probably the the right thing to do

    Is to sit up cuz gr shner and Turner will chase you down but maybe you saw a tail from rogich PL comes back he’s just been chilling mid pack back of the pack but maybe he saw something cuz on K fuana he gets his team to come over the

    Top of uh Neil’s po he’s got katano here they don’t want to let UAE just dictate a moderate Tempo they want to up the tempo with katano and vaka so I’m thinking like one day Remco this is the sort of climb far from the not not even

    That far from the finish for him where he’s going to go 25ks to go one of the strange things I’ve seen this year PL enters the corner next to katano where the climb is about to kick up three k to go on this climb the longest climb of

    The day vaka and rco right there good position get through the corner vaka kicks out of the corner and rco just lets his wheel go and then there’s PL right there next to him and pl’s leading GC out of anyone not on UAE team Emirates and rco lets his wheel go pl’s

    Wheel go katano isn’t strong enough to close it or just lets the Gap open they got the road no one from Quick steps on the radio saying hey Louie actually you’re leading out the wrong guy you’re leading out a guy ahead of Remco and everybody else except UA on GC and UAE

    Don’t buy they’re like this ain’t our problem you’re the stage favorite probably the overall race favorite you just let his wheel go and your teammates will go your teammates pulling PL up this hill and then T start chasing and plat realizes and commits to it so he

    Goes off after vak stops and it levels off here for a little bit and he really gets a nice Gap here goes from 5 to 10 seconds to 17 seconds before saero who’s looking pretty ragged he starts pulling a group with pretty much all the GC contenders goodu hit note he’s the only

    One just about with a jacket flapping or a jacket on at all he proceeds to try and take that off 1K to the summit I don’t know just loses balance uphill chops AP and poor Felix go plaps in his own world just chilling ahead of the chaos Cuts back to goo doesn’t show

    Santi bridging across him and this is what I thought would happen I thought it would kick off on this climb with so many people losing time in the TTT with finfisher black dropping Santi actually goes and has the kones teams have multiple GC leaders here Kerman for Vima

    Vana for quickstep and Santi goes to PL and now Vine does a good job on the descend he keeps the Gap pretty stable in fact puts a couple of seconds into it but then on the flat section before the final rep of M bruy PLS getting the food

    In Via sit up they got inos with four in the group and Quick Step looking at V what are you doing why AR you chasing but he’s brought the gap down to 13 seconds flov doesn’t know what to do and suddenly the gap or the two guys ahead

    Get a free 10 seconds you can’t even see Santi behind PL before Cod and inios with Castro start to Pace but the gap’s gone to 30 32 seconds now and these two guys ahead aren’t just breakway pack filler so santi’s come Podium Le Bast on Le plaps a highly touted GC talent and

    You they got a 40c Advantage at the base of M bruy and PLS ahead of everyone not on uu a on GC so perfect situation for him he sets his Tempo vanilda starts to Pace on the climb for Remco and then Santi doesn’t take a pull for a bit then

    Hits PL on the steepest section it was always going to happen that with PL ahead of him on GC bet Trier would play for the stage a bit more and you see Van Wilder sit down playing with his computer it’s not exactly in a line behind and so Santi and pla have lost

    Almost no time in the first two Cas of the climb perhaps they’ve even gain time because everyone’s waiting everyone’s just waiting letting van R the pull and no one wants to make an early move draft super important on a clim like this they get to the wooded area we know San’s

    Going to win the stage finally an attack from Remco even AOL comes Jenson on his wheel then schelm Mo’s a goal goal looks really really good counters over the top but Santi takes the win with a nice margin two big win for him welld deserved for bridging across to PLA and

    Then working with him in the valley PL doesn’t blow up 10 seconds behind Santi before Remco goes again for the final Sprint to the line scalo are coming over the top of Jorgenson to get into his wheel RIT after his team paced all day doesn’t look good at the finish in fact

    Loses a little bit of time to Remco who actually gets nailed on the line by skel moza to take those four remaining bonus seconds much to his dismay so I got to say a very strange stage I thought there’d be more action on the second to

    Last climb credit to pla ja and Bahrain Santi for going for it and I think quickstep Bora and maybe vizo will be ruin not putting UAE under more pressure on this stage particularly now with pla going into the leaders jersey by 13 seconds ahead of Santi and 27 and 29

    Ahead of the UAE guys so the UAE guys maintain their GC lead in terms of ranking ahead of everybody they do lose a bit of time because they weren’t the strongest on the clim but the weather forecast for this weekend is not looking good there could be stage cancellations

    Amendments there’s no guarantee that the other GC guys even get the opportunity to put someone of the quality of Santi or PL Under Pressure this weekend to take that time back


    1. It seemed way too orchestrated by remco to be a mistake because he was so calm when he let Plapp go. In my opinion they let him go and expected UAE to chase because they are currently so in control of GC and if they chased remco could just sit in behind the yellow jersey's train. Also they are only halfway through the 8 days so if remco takes yellow now he will have a target on his back with UAE's superteam and 3 leaders to control him and stop him for the next 4 GC heavy days.

    2. The only way to explain the tactics has to be some sort of meta season planning, in the sense of not giving too much energy too early in the season, right? Otherwise what Bora and Quick Step did makes no sense.

    3. This stage does not inspire a lot of confidence in Roglic's chances. It may be possible that the didn't burn any matches here on purpose, but this kind of finish was often where he opened up a sizeable gap. Maybe Roglic will now drift down into mediocrity after leaving his old team.


    5. It's interesting that when the women had weird racing strategy last year, everyone was having a go at them, but this stage and a few other men's races this year have also been weird race strategy and no one bats an eyelid… 🤷

      Just Remco being normal, Roglic still working into form… plus a multitude of other 'reasons' (excuses)… 😏

    6. @ 4:04 "Hey Louis! You're leading out THE WRONG GUY!" That was hilarious, Sir! 🤣 One of the many reason why LR is so darn good! 👍
      Great to see Plapp taking a rare opportunity! Superb riding – deserved the Yellow! 😁

      M 🦘🏏😎

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