For St. Patrick’s Day, we’re looking at places in NYC that are either part of Irish History or are celebrating it. The Irish Hunger memorial is an incredible spot to look at pieces of ireland carefully put into a part/installation. It also is an incredible selfie spot.

    FYI we are still raising funds for kids in the hospital
    Here’s the whole campaign:
    Here’s to donate:

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    #NYCwalkingtour #womenshistorymonth #womensday

    Why we stayed I turned it sideways because I I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to answer the phone call it supposed to be a telephone call yes Ally was worried so we called her did it actually work cuz I I think it’s supposed to

    Disconnect did you get to see my ear my lovely princess ear my mom says I have a little um my mom says I have small ears and so she calls them princess ears we saw the whole thing so you got to see my lovely ear interesting who knew

    Wild you’re not supposed to be able to video like record video and call at the same time so I don’t know how that’s working but that’s said is starting YouTube if it is started um that way we will have a VOD later so if you’re watching this

    VOD please comment about how lovely my ears are we’re trying to find a bike I have gone to multiple bike cradles so far they all say they have bikes and they do not so that said if you are just wandering on in in please know that I am Lexi I am Lexi

    Of the dynamite twins Ally will be joining us shortly we’re going to be exploring New York City but more importantly we’re going to be going to the Irish hunger Memorial down on the west side because it is March it is St Patrick’s Day not only that but we’re

    Also going to see some amazing sunsets because now the Sun is going to set at about 7 instead of 5:30 and finally we’re going to talk about some female pirates because March is women month so I’m super excited about it last note of business we are raising funds for Starlight starlight’s a fantastic

    Organization it helps give kids in the hospital gaming systems comfy gowns and just makes their stay so much more enjoyable cuz I know that when I was a kid and I was in and out of the hospital it was super super scary and sometimes it’s the little things that can make you

    Feel a lot more at home so with that in line we’re going to C cross our fingers for a bicycle plus yes too if you are a tourist and you’re coming to NYC you’re going to see that the hunger Memorial is actually one of the best places to take

    A selfie apparently it used to be better we’ll show you why but it is still one of the greatest places to take a selfie oh nope there are cars oh thanks shant um I can’t I can’t really show it that well oh I thank you so um but it is it is a

    Um it is a little a little bow hi Tycoon welcome on in how are you we’re just waiting for the street stre to cross and then we’ll be biking so as always oh know there’s a lot of people by the bikes I swear we may we may be

    Ending up walking quite a bit to get some bikes then we’re going to be biking down which is going to be great it is actually one of the best times in New York to bike cuz it’s not too hot it’s not too cold and it’s actually pretty sunny

    Today also we do have a user voice um if you want to vote for that we highly recommend it obviously cuz it’s something that we care about um right now if you get a shout out in somebody’s Channel you can’t necessarily figure out why you are given the shout out and

    Where in the VOD it is we have a bike U but the user voice would say hey twitch um can you please make sure that you um that you have it so that it breaks it up the VOD a little bit so that if you’re a streamer and you’ve

    Been shouted out you can just go into it all right I am going to just set you down you guys are going to get a bird’s eye view it yes it is going to pause but for now I’m just setting you down because I need to do this first oh

    Actually fun fact you can’t have it on the stabilizer cuz the stabilizer must go in the Backpack and then we will be off I promise also since a lot of the Irish came by C we’ll be talking about what they might have eaten on the way over besides you know the famous potatoes uh one minute let me try to connect that and then connections I’m going to

    Put text to speech on everybody so please keep that in mind hi OG how are you just give me one minute everybody I want you need to have a voice okay I’m going to set up I’m going to set up the mount set up the mount and then we will

    Get going Ally is going to meet us at the memorial we’re going to be talking a little bit about the architecture but I do have some questions for all of you so it’s not just going to be like boring history I thought long and hard about

    How to make the facts I care about that I find interesting interesting as well 1,763 says good morning Lexi good morning everybody cat bubble says what’s my ideal Sunday what is your ideal Sunday you mean like ice cream or like Sunday Sunday okay it’s going to go away

    This to commercials for Just 2 seconds it is not actually commercial it’s just going to be for me to get the bike out okay everybody I mean I can’t say that that looks bad actually why we cat bubble says it’s got hot fudge peanut butter sauce whipped cream dinet

    Win says scen switch to live Mike Lucas says Lexi you look positively ravishing today a thank you okay hopefully this is okay in terms of height we’re going to put it right under my chin so hopefully that helps and then we’re going to bike over oh my

    God this bike is really heavy for some reason it may also be that I accidentally forgot we were streaming today and so I have tons of groceries in my back pack if you are hopping into chat iosa babby says you are very cool thanks I don’t think of myself as cool

    But I want to be I aspire to be cooler than I am currently but like cool in my own way cuz I’m very nerdy um but everybody guess what groceries I have in my backpack rooy says your all the temperature you want cat bubble says just the

    Facts the a mountain dragon says totally cool also guys it may be a little bit windy on the bike hopefully not too bumpy but if so know that T minus says we’re zooming we say big bottles of wine the a mountain dragon says nerdy coie oh yeah I do not have any alcohol Giraffic dinosaur says yes awesome and amazing oh you’re good rooy says some cheese and bacon okay so what kind of cheese Crystal cat 73 says hello single cat lady from Iowa hi cryst welcome on it I do not have any bacon but I dob says hi Crystal cat

    73 giraffic dinosaur says naom naom Crystal cat 73 says at cat Bobble hello guess what kind of cheese I have cat Bobble says cheddar nope no cheddar rooy says shredded Maza weff says Brie 21 SD Century world says potatoes cstat 73 says ham and cheese is

    Good yeah so I I actually do have ham cat bubble says I have ham and then I have cheese so I have um I the dragon says Gara chantai B says provon o I should have Bic dinosaur says pepperjack it it is fun fact the cheeses correspond places we’ve lived or visited on

    Stream we visited these two countries on stream Big Boy draw says havar cat bubble says blue cheese oh my God no not blue cheese cat 73 says Havi so I’ll give you I’ll give you says camat 73 says Swiss they both start with G and a b g and a

    B oh my gosh sh just shut down stream says donate for Starlight Children’s Foundation app chantai B says GDA rooy says gambert Nope not gamber chantai B says Bri Bri and um we have Bri and Huda and then there’s one more space Cat spot says good blue cheese the mountain dragon says

    Hopefully H Irish cheddar carry gold is the best Adrian L at 347 says hello we just says I said both I actually don’t know if that’s Swiss or French I thought it was French but I’m think Crystal cat 73 says does the sea smell 21 s Century

    World says Baba Bell so I do I do love a good Irish cheddar growing up in Wisconsin we had a lot of Cheddars that we ate when we were kids um I’ve never tried carry Golds cheddar I think of them as B says yeah I win I

    Guessed GDA and Bri you do win actually Adrian L A 347 says I might come to New York on April woo April is a great month not this I don’t really love this little corner here see how tight it gets South to Twitch says Irish soda

    Bread is my fave yeah so if you like Irish soda bread cat Bobble says LOL a bunch of my wife’s co-workers are ordering buddy squirrel really I actually to order more buddy squirrel we ate through them I think I’m going to order a bunch of the vanilla the normal

    If you guys don’t know what buddy squirrel is Buddy squirrel bubble says yes is a um cat Bobble says it’s so good a chocolate confectioner that we used to eat as children uh and now cat Babble sends it to us every Easter cat bubble says Maple is good but

    Vanilla is so nice Darth credible hawk says I love Scottish cheddar English cheddar Irish cheddar on the other hand I do not like maybe it’s just that Irish cheddar sold in my country is poor quality but I have jet to find an Irish cheddar that isn’t bad the a mountain

    Dragon says I only Buy carry [ __ ] butter but they also make great cheeses cat Bobble says chat don’t eat chocolate confectioners a few gamer n says hello o slash chantai says that’s so nice of you at cat Bobble to send them buddy squirrel for Easter did you guys know

    That the Irish have cherry trees I don’t know why that is startling to me I I didn’t I think of them bubble says enchant I thank youy says I would never admit to buy English seriously can’t bring of it anymore iby says do you wash your hands I’m biking

    Says check it out and put in a note that the twin sent you yes we would love to partner with them I don’t think they would do that but one can dream and we stop and we go if you guys did your grocery shed H says cherry trees do exist in many

    European countries yeah so South to witch says bumpy do you know why there are a lot of domestic cherry trees across Europe there are local varietals that but they’re not like edible I went on a bunch of wormholes today just take a guess rooy says there was a lot of Cherry in

    From of my old apartment a few Gamers says fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy ride Space Cat spot says pedal to the metal it’s this the street is not very good Everybody cat bubble says lucky roro it actually has to do with the Romans um so the Greeks were credible H says we have lots of edible cherries in Germany so the first people to cult says a common to cycle on the left in NYC cat Bobble says they won’t do Cobblestone

    Torso this is what we get trap Stu says we will survive this street I hope you can um I think we’re we’re talking about going saying retweet D’s latest going live tweet chantai B says the Romans chantai B says in one ad a few Gamers n says at

    Faster we runs oneway streets so normal i j so Hopey says hi Lexi hi everyone what time is it everybody is it like 6 o’ or not yet the mountain dragon says at Darth credible h Darth I’m in the Eastern us so I only have limited Irish and UK

    Sources I guess I could always go to a specialty shop next time I do I will try Scottish cheddar dite twin says 530 cat Bobble says 530 chantai B says 531 p.m. Space Cat spot says 2:30 p.m. where Roger says it’s 5:31 2:30 so you’re in I actually don’t know

    I know Central Time giraffic Dino say 53 1:00 p.m. eastern Daylight Time how is everybody liking daylight evenings what does Europe have 2 says 532 does that are you guys on the same calendar is a few Gamers n says Daylight Saving strikes again I know it’s it’s Mr wi says 12:32

    A.m. Dynamite twin says you got to go quick Lexi remember 600 p.m. Darth credible hwk says Europe still on winter time until end of month Roya says Daylight Saving in 2 weeks iser says I want daylight savings to die LOL trap Stu says yes we have an EU

    Chantai B says when a sunset in New York uh the sunset is 7 marsnik says 700 p.m. is so we’re trying to get there by 6 because that’s when the bikes get really not great in terms of pricing oh we can’t go yet oh yeah we can d 2 says Daylight Saving

    Sucks big boy draw says in the South it gets hot it just makes for long days 21 SD Century world says more Daylight good cat Bobble says just weed back and forth and take up the whole Lane this hill is the best in some well so the reason people weave in and

    Out of the bike lane is for the reason I just did which is to avoid all the manholes the mountain dragon says I prefer Daylight Savings Time on I hope it eventually stays on oh my gosh Ally always wonders why3 says looks like a time to get home and

    It’s cuz everybody is so slow biking after work it’s like don’t you guys want to be home like I know you guys all know how to commute I see says now I was joking about the man balled in front of you space Cat spot says Mario

    Kart no I mean I I World 64 says hi like it’s not his fault but like also like come on dude move it giraffic dinosur says I love that it’s light later so I can go to my Wednesday evening food distribution and get home before it gets dark I hope we

    Just stay here permanently I don’t normally talk politics but hope that Bill gets ratified cat bubble says I would be so slow it would make Lexi mad says people parked in bike lane a few Gamers says Lexi is this your own bike or Big Share uh this is a sharable

    Bike also if you were wondering this is 55th Street across the way is a really cool little Park it’s small we’re going to turn right past it but it is it it does have some like really nice green space we’re going to actually then turn left says almost there South tow switch

    Says so nice that it’s still light out I know it’s beautiful so we’re going to go towards the What’s called the ship terminal um and then past that is going to be the inid so it’s going to be kind of a beautiful little bike ride to get to the uh hunger Memorial

    Trapa says how is the wind okay guys it should be much smoother now now that we’re going to a bike lane cat Bobble says I almost took a walk today but the wind made me say nah is it windy by You cat Bobble says bump bump all right guys much smoother sailing coming your way then I think allly and I are going to work on getting the GoPro up if you are just kind of tuning in and you like a lot of Irish history women’s history just kind of cultural events as well

    Coming up this weekend bubble says now Lexi is picking up speed is it St Patrick’s St parade Roger says we are sailing confirmed a few Gamers says nice to see the bike in for being used janga girl 23 says hello everyone traper says I live in Netherlands so 75% of time it is

    Windy so we’re going to make it down to that Memorial um in the meantime Pio says careful oh yeah I’m cat Bobble says at janga girl 23 hi hi I think Ally might beat us knowing where she’s coming from janga girl 23 says at cat

    Bobble d 2 says weird no audio on Twitch only YouTube what is there really no audio trap St you says this is a nice spikin wait is there says while 91% of votes do not believe in Lexi for shame chat if you can hear me on on Twitch can

    Says there is audio a few Gamers n says audio is okay cat bble says audio is fine Darth credible hawk says twitch audio good chantai B says audio is fine Jang girl 23 says there is audio on Twitch trap St says audio is fine chant

    I b says I can hear it on Twitch Space Cat spot says twitch is fine jtf2 bus says Hey the USS Enterprise travel World 64 says a trap St you I just followed you d 2 says a cat bble reboot cat Bobble says LOL Mike Lucas says I missed

    The vote but I believe in Lexi a few Gamers n says helpful chat hio says audio is fine the streamer is fast weno 2,763 says I can hear you all the way here in Australia F we says T was a jump scare stream Min says Dynomite twins is

    Now live streaming just chatting NYC Irish NYC and female pirate gang C at Starlight is Charity follow at dite twins donate just waiting for it to turn green everybody you’re wondering this says at traveled World 6004 so sweet of you Roy says stream moments is slow today dite twin

    Says I cannot find a bike Lexi Darth credible hawk says I didn’t see a but I believe in Lexi too Lexi is definitely real a few Gamers n says Lexi be right in Hypersonic Ally maybe hop on a normal one and when you hit the bike path okay

    This is not turning why is it not going all these people I took so much time to pass are now passing mecl this is slow but you know what he’s on an noral light we can’t Dynamite twin says just go now well we’ll just have to pass him

    Again F we says clear the way for the Convoy mvmo says I don’t think I’ve ever seen somebody stop for the red bike light South says she obeys the rules cat Bobble says no have I considered not stopping I think any person who is dynamite TN says at MVM we follow

    Rules but in general it’s just safer when everyone follows a few Gamers says MVM we haven’t met them yet oh dude space Gat spot says there is a ludicrous song here all right everybody I’m going to wait for him to go Through dragons 20 says hey hey how are you at Dynamite twins says that guy wants to race I don’t like to race I just I feel like if you have a powered bike you should use 100% of the power unless of course like I don’t know so I started

    Writing d 2 says a cat bubble that did it audio okay on Twitch weird I originally cat bubble says I don’t know why but bikes just don’t want to stop even for pedestrians dragons 20 says I’m doing well also and happy to be here Platinum squid says hello twins I

    Originally started Bubble says hi squid these bikes instead of a normal bike because I hurt my ankle and it was just too much on my ankle to have a normal bike for whatever reason it just hurt my ankle more so I started using these and now I can’t go back I would love

    I was so close disconnected say sorry Oreo Challen says elri yes yes I am Ali will be joining us Dino my twin says might be in and out by the water it’s fine cat bubble says we back some buffering but we wait we should have the live view back up and

    Running um the the thing about the live view is you can’t go in and out like you can’t zoom very well which is trap ster says back right Bor we says it was psychedelic that’s okay guys a few Gamers n says every day I’m buffering jro says adoro Al Dita hopefully it’s back

    Everybody apparently not Bor we says k w rooya says yes it’s all good okay dragons 20 says how can I connect Dolly I can’t hear you over the wind I’m sorry jtf2 bus says film location all so we are in New York City I see D Ms says you already at Chelsea

    Pierce yep we’re at Chelsea Pier we’re going to be heading all the way down to the hunger Memorial if you guys can let me know where I have to stop that would be great oh please use both hands my dude especially when you Turn Weno 2,763 says I thought you were being taken over by cyborgs South towas twitch says intense bike ride cat Bobble says the only bad thing about Pier 57 is when they have to slap the back of it to get the boats out what I don’t get that trap sterio says

    So sweet of you to stop no we have to stop it’s the law oh no while they understand it is much cheaper in order evil saabi says that dude with stop sign was cool cat bubble says Hines ketchup joke jtf2 bus says hin 57 like I I did

    Not catch that I don’t eat ketchup can you tell like we sometimes eat ketchup but it is a rare day ketchup really only weno 2,763 says Hines varieties to turn maleo pink jtf2 bus says Bast we says hold it cat Bobble says the hindes cats up bottle is famous for

    Having to smack the number 57 to get the cat soup out ni Ms says close call trap Stu says a cat Bobble we have to catch up time to win cuz what you’re gonna try to catch me on your bicycle cat Bobble says LOL I’m not 100% sure where where we

    Should Park the bike I’m assuming we’re going to park it kind of by where um we would park if we were going stream says see something you like 91 but clipping helps us make additional content I love how it says content a few Gamers n says bicycle bicycle bicycle

    Race cat bubble says you can see Leaf buds coming inide want ride Bic want ride where I cat bble says yes content and live I live hey watch it I’m biking here I live for your live content cuz it makes me content trap St says wow you have a nice

    Voice go cat bubble says why did it say content right then weird uh are you going to go no okay jtf2 bus says Lexi Queen covers on CD the other one I really like to sing on the bike is Daisy Daisy South twitch says content it won’t be a proper mer I

    Haven’t got a carot but you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle cat bubble says people and bike shorts do not stop I don’t know the ones that get me are the people that don’t stop when they have the little tractor trailer on the end like that seems wild to

    Me oh wao we are right away we not just supposed to turn jtf2 bus says get Lexi CD for 1 cent on Columbia House cat bubbles probably if someone paid you if you’re in chat if somebody paid you to bite cross country says a cat Bubble at least they do not ride the

    Streets instead of the bike lane trap steru says middle finger for the rude careno 21,7 63 says let’s find some Cobble streets cat bubble says a few gamers in this they do that too no we don’t try to find the cobblestones we’re almost there everybody and then it’ll be

    Stabilized sorry guys Sky candy 1,234 says yo cat bubble says can’t stop the Cobblestone dreams you can’t stop the music music music chant says time is 5:50 p.m. jtf2 bus says where we go we are going down to the uh the Irish hunger Memorial it’s one of the best places in

    Says chat only wants one thing and it’s bump bump bumpity bump it also has an amazing history um because of the architecture because of the plants that they grow there I don’t know if any of the plants will be able to see but it Gamers says heck that song makes me

    Nostalgic and it has an amazing view um I think we’re then going to talk a little bit abouto 2,763 says it’s 8.20 m Wednesday here we’re going to talk a little bit about Irish gangs Just a Touch uh we are going to sort of note a particular um female

    Gangster she was not Irish I don’t believe um we’ll take a look and just double check but she she ran into the Irish gam bubble says I think you went in fall or late summer and it was beautiful yes and then we’ll also kind of be touching on the Potato Famine but

    Like all in like fun ways we know 2,763 says that cat Bobble the bumpier the better so we’re going to talk about like sea fairing this and Pirates who doesn’t have Pirates I literally so my work server was down today everybody I was very tempted to leave at 2:30 rees’s

    P07 says you remind me of James Cunningham who’s James C bubble says chat you want to join a g i to park the bik join us for sea of Conquest Platinum squid says did someone say sea fairing yes sea fairing uh because we we are going to be by the water um the

    Sea is also super important for Ireland because obviously Ireland is an Ireland but also because a lot of Irish and a lot of Irish women came over after the Potato Famine so we’ll be talking about some of those stories but like the best parts of those stories cat bubble says at Reese’s P

    Isore 07 wcome in oh please take this bike oh my God is it down really okay one more time everybody no it’s down Reese’s P isore 07 says hello Cat Bobble okay we’re going to try again cat bubble says the ladies knew what they wanted and it was potatoes jtf2 bus says Lexi

    Force streamlab says we use antis scuff fir use this link to check them out 21 SD Century world says AO Shipmates rooya says by TTS no Reese’s P isore 07 says I am Irish trap Stu says annoying dock jtf2 bus says aoy huzzah weno 21 763 says use a Hammer Hammer fixes

    Everything rer says our beautiful voice cry says yay we’re going to just set this down for a minute dancing cocan 80 says free ride if we can’t deactivate you bike in five tries jtf2 bus says OAS uh we’re not going to make it cat bubble says a dancing Coan 80 no they just keep charging you forever even when it’s locked cat Bobble says oh wow TTS says G is weird minute trap St says for the bike ride Mr wi says Lexi crush the docks

    Jtf2 bus says homeless bike Now I’m of Girl [ __ ] thank you thank you gilfrey 1 minute gilfrey 1 minute I have to just sit you down I’m trying to get this stick out Thank youe says finally waited for you to stop okay Ah cat bubble can you replay it please cat bubble says I can replay chant i b says a Gil Frey wow so good cat Bobble says ads stream love says putting out some ads to help without incentives please pray it rains money on Say make [ __ ] I Don’t make [ __ ] Don’t perfect typ for one one night s cake quick doesn’t make me a [ __ ] I don’t really care no way was sweet really sweat me off the feet but it’s Stu you choke when you say Rope A C quick doesn’t make me a [ __ ] I don’t really care no no no thank

    You thank you guys cat bubble says your top is really nice yeah it was piratey H hella Kitty skit says noise better than old performan s Reese’s p07 says Spider-Man over in New York thank you everybody for that I’m really glad that we made it thank you all

    Right I’m just going to look up where it is Ah okay I don’t really know the best way of getting there but I think we can go this way yes I know we did it we did it chat did it thank you guys this means that we have two switches um one will be going to a vulnerable hospital hospital

    That really needs it the second we’ll be going to a hospital of our choice uh we are having Starlight double check to make sure that it actually is um a hospital that’s also in need and if not we’ll ask them where they want the second switch to

    Go but thank you everybody I really do appreciate it we are going to leave it open in case people want to donate more but thank you also can we please say thank you to Dominic he does a lot for Starlight the street and by make it uh I don’t she reminded

    Me of something that unfortunately would have been really good to know earlier cuz I probably would have taken a taxi actually to get down here can we get no is it 2,000 to get three switches I don’t think so I think the next goal is uh $5,000 if you can get

    $5,000 then they actually have a gaming station that they put they they put um in to a hospital in need so it’s like a full gaming station the pictures I’ve seen have like Mario on it which is super cool I don’t know I just want the monies for kids in need exactly

    Exactly hopefully we make it hi traps welcome on in how are you okay so we are super close super super super close we cannot get lost cuz if we get lost it’s all over and then we’ll go through a little rambling yeah so this area right here

    Tends to be a little bit newer so you’re not going to see as many like scaffolds it feels like it could just be they haven’t put them up yet I really appreciate you all being here hanging out with me especially as I try desperately to get there

    Are we on the right path at least yeah we are so we’re going to see it on the left- hand side I think pens you mean like penguins we are going to come back to this little Park here but as of right now we are not we are not stopping there you got

    $50 all of the all the money that gets donated goes to local children’s hospitals that’s so cool so evil I have asthma so no no guys we have to make it to the memorial thank you so much for helping and donating when we get to the memorial I will I will redo this Okay and then I’ll be able to check who to B which is super sweet trap $40 thank you so so so much thank you I really do appreciate it once we get to the memorial we’ll get inside and then we will dance how about that is

    That okay trap I just want to make sure that I just want to make sure we get there because Ally said that they may not have their summer hours open yet which means we are going to be butting up right against closing time and I want

    Us to be able to see it so just going to run really quick we’re going to do the outside once we’ve done the inside we if if we get inside we’ll be able to show them we’ll be able to show you what it’s like from the top but we have to get

    Inside first so the goal is to get in so trap we’re going to get in thank you for for the run I’m like not able to like run fast all right this is the outside of the memorial we’re going to see if we can get

    Inside it’s open if it’s open we can do it so guys does this remind you of anything right here in here do we have any guesses so this is the Irish hunger Memorial it is actually an Irish home that was relocated here so you do have your Hearth on the

    Other side you could see Windows like this for example is a window as well yep it’s an Irish and Irish Cottage and it has I believe it’s going to be roses that will end up being here Irish roses so all of these I know it looks a

    Little Barren because it is spring all of these are going to be Irish plants plants that are native to Ireland I love how it tells you to not climb the walls as soon as I see this sign I immediately want to climb it I believe it’s in

    1800s Cottage but I will double check for you you can also see here some of these These Walls will be very green as it reaches into the summer so you’ll have mosses and succulents and little flowering plants as well I’m sorry about that Boston yes so it it helps memorialize the Potato Famine which was 1845 to 52 um and let’s see Brian is an internationally renowned sculpure and he’s the one that made this made this happen so he he works a lot with architecture and buildings so on the outside when we

    Go around we’re going to take a look at it but do you see these Stones these stones are part of the reason that we say that it’s kind of one of the best places to get a selfie is because you can stand on these Stones here and then you can angle it really

    Low to get a picture with the uh with a 9911 Memorial arach which is cool too yeah it definitely is a little bit of the countryside and what’s interesting too is from below it looks really kind of like harsh now this slays me so what you should be able to see if

    You looked this way actually is a Statue of Liberty Unfortunately they built this port authority terminals you can’t see it so in theory what you should have been able to see was the Statue of Liberty one way and then Freedom um the other way and what’s kind of cool is you get

    To see all of the country and the greenery and on the open ocean not ocean but ocean is that way but the river along this side it’s a beautiful view you get a wonderful view of Jersey but you also get a a beautiful view of the

    Freedom Tower I just only wish I only wish they hadn’t built this because originally these uh when this was built it was that you could see the Statue of Liberty since a lot of the Irish came in this way Yeah yeah nice is going poort Authority I do understand because like people are waiting here so in the summer here I’ll show you in the summer it gets very hot and if if it’s raining if you’re waiting for this uh New York Waterway you do want to have like coverage but like come

    On yeah it is it is really beautiful here in monam does anyone know like are these names or are these words in in Gaelic does anyone know so the words are monan and Ally further up further up Ally it’s it’s it’s like five it’s like two streets up and

    Over just go up and over one allly can’t find the place to park her bike Ally look on your phone yeah find the carousel there okay she can’t hear me and then I don’t does anyone know gck is this gck or is this a name uh this is New York

    City yeah this is New York City Cliff thank you Cliff I don’t know why that didn’t come off when we leave the memorial what we’re going to do is we’re actually going to go and um we have a we we are still fundraising for Starlight we hit our 1600 that’s what’s going to

    Get us the two switches in place and everything else is cream on top is going to help kids in need so we have a dance to do and then we also have your sub dance but thank you so much for the tier one I really do appreciate it thank

    You both are Town names okay according to Irish mythology it was one of the great Royal sites of Gaelic Ireland and the capital of olster oh cool H wins okay wait guys we’re going to wait until Ally comes back to do the dances because it’s it’s not going to go off

    Anyway and because it’s a memorial for like quiet we will we will dance them and do the alerts when we’re back is this cool this is like really one of the best places to get snapshots you can also get some really nice ones down uh like at the little island or up

    At the little island compared to here um but we’ll take a look on that on the way back I believe we’re just going to wait here for a little bit while we we wait for Aly yes thank you WS Serpico do you hear it I did not hear

    It did you guys hear the dancing on your end sure yeah cuz I guess that will show you kind of what it would look like here here I don’t know if we’ll be able able to Oops you might need like a higher stick or someone to take it for you but if you if you do it the not hamburger way where are we trying to line it up I was going to try to put it on the ground but you get the idea

    Yeah so it’s for the Irish um hunger it’s Irish hunger Memorial it memorializes the Potato Famine which I believe ended in 1852 yeah it is golden hour so we’re waiting for Miss Ally to come through allly looks so happy look at the alley up the rambling fields did you

    Find a place to park it yeah it’s right there oh oh I missed that you go up and around and something I was said right here here Alie get up on here so that I can show them see this is see this is why we say

    It’s one of the best it’s easier to do when portrait mode instead of landscape yeah Allie’s going to try to take a photo with us take a screenshot everybody okay wait I my hair got whipped in my face I can’t do it it’s bad it’s hard to do

    Horizontally we will ad it’s very hard to do horizontally you need like yeah put those selfie emotes in chat Allie did you know that when you when you get a phone call Ali it doesn’t stop so they saw my ear they didn’t hear anything but they saw my

    Ear which is its own sort of funny okay ready ready everybody five four you can move it a little further over but whatever it’s idea it is beautiful and now you’re going to have sunsets at 7 wait you want your own here right it’s super like quiet and calm want me

    To Allie look they’ve started they started to add like the ly and stuff or maybe the lyen was always here and it’s just starting to like Sprout did you did you know that all these stones are directly from Ireland yeah they are um and the cottage is an

    Actual Cottage that was moved here did you talk to them about the Limestone no so when we leave when we leave we’ll talk about the limestone a little bit too we have a bunch of sub dances to do with iie yes and Alie we hit the 1600 for

    Starlight and an add a Chanel 40 woo thank you thank you so much Al’s like smile but yeah we we are not happy with the Port Authority we aren’t well they added oh this right so like if you’re cuz originally if you were at this corner you could see it now because

    Of like the landscaping and stuff it’s very hard to see so like if you you have to come all the way to this corner I oh wait here we’ll do it this way here look like you can barely see it and you have to go all the way to

    This specific point in order to see the Statue of Liberty do you see it everybody whereas before you could be at the opposite end of the uh of the memorial and you could still see it unfortunately this blocks a lot of the memorial from The View but thank you so

    Much for following but like it is free to follow and it helps the Channel all the follows everybody got to get their selfie on oh do you want me to turn on the hot spot yes probably I just put it from my phone good afternoon music lover how is

    Everybody we have a little bit of time we could stay here for the sunset otherwise we can keep walking what do you guys want to do it is really good to support charity we also do have um sea of Conquest that we’ll be doing and talking

    About so if if you are in Discord we are all playing it together there um otherwise you can play it on your own too you just have to have a mobile version of it Allie they made it a statue of Liber tree who said that um Mike Mike did

    Mike mik mik m Mike Mike Mike Mike the Buster did you get what she wanted I mean maybe we should double check and I will yes everybody it’s Sunset make a wish take some screenshots for us I actually saw that um somebody just got to level um got to got through chapter 7

    Today we do have to talk to you guys about that game too if you’re playing it um I’ll explain when we get there New Jersey does have a lot of skyscrapers yeah but think about it like if Manhattan here is so expensive it’s literally just a ferry ride or a train

    Ride in and it’s right there so it it’s actually like in some ways faster to get an apartment right here if you can’t afford this exact area depending on where you have to go in for your work or whatever you like to do in this City cuz there’s a lot of Transit like

    The that will take you right into um Court Authority and maybe yeah so I love this do not climb walls I did not think to climb the walls I legitimately did not think to climb the walls because it’s such a de a steep drop until they were like yeah maybe don’t climb the

    Walls but like I could see people deciding to have an illegal picnic here defin would not suggest that though cuz it’s a steep drop it’s quite a drop oh it must have been pretty windy look oh yeah the uh whole police barricade is down oh W look at there are duckies down

    There oh there are ducks we’re going to go we’re going to go see the Ducks yeah please don’t Memorial yeah don’t it just looks like stes but these are very important these are these are like from Ireland so when I see stuff like that

    I’m like oh no I mean it is kind of human nature though Lexi here wait a second I’m going to your bag slightly open there you go Lex is just taking video cuz we want to make some content but hi movie Trav by the way hi

    Mad hope y’all are doing well I didn’t kind of expect it to be this um I didn’t I didn’t expect it to be this um warm out actually because it was supposed to be warm yesterday and then it was was definitely not look at this cool view from up here so this would

    Have all been um thatched roof and then that’s the chimney right there but the interesting thing about thatched roofs is that when they’re maintained they’re like really good with the elements but the the minute that like there isn’t someone maintaining it consistently it all just kind of falls

    Apart and that’s they chose this as one of their spots because they were like it shows that hunger is the same way that if you’re not consistently trying to have a stockpile or maintain it it can easily go Ary and what I didn’t realize like I’m I

    Have a lot of Irish Heritage in me I didn’t realize that like farming was incredibly hard in Ireland where they would actually take algae and attach it to rocks to kind of create um new soil because it was so Rocky there but this is like where the Hearth would be and a little

    Window kind of cool right um if you C if you can’t sub it could be something to do with not having a verified account maybe I’m not sure or um double check cuz for me the first time I subbed it actually um was flagged to

    Spam by my or not spam but an illegal transaction by my bank because it was not something that I typically would spend money on but I just had to like clear it with them and then then I had All the Monies I love you hear yourself Echo here yeah

    It’s really nice it gets really quiet and then in here so this is what I was talking about with the Limestone so if you do want more information you can click this QR code ah I think you travel the world um but you can see here these are

    Actually going to be fossils in the Limestone now Ireland has some of the oldest Lim Stone in the world and so the thought process here was that not only is it Irish Stone but it’s a tail as kind of old as time that you’re always struggling against um starvation so they wanted

    This kind of area to also feel like one of the graves in Ireland cuz a lot of the older graves will actually have a walkway like this the MS yeah it’ll be the Mounds so you would enter into it so it’s very much like entering another void or Another World so fun

    Facts thank you for the tier one sub movie thank you for the 10 oh no it’s a it’s a hype train Lexi I didn’t do the outside yet it’s a hype train though yeah I know that’s why I was thinking we could maybe yeah you’re like yapping away but that’d be

    Good just maybe away from where there’s water yeah we can do it right there thank you for starting that hype train we have four minutes to hop on the hypey hype train where you want to go I don’t care I thinking have yeah that’s a good

    Idea do you want me to just set it down no because what do you mean oh I guess it isn’t tall enough laxi was right well we don’t need to have two on the ground so we have to replay Aly three is three it’s a magic number thank you everybody for getting

    Us to a level three hype train so far and also thank you everybody who’s been donating to Starlight it means a lot we have a bunch of stuff to replay is cat B around or do I need to replay it I think you might need to

    Replay it can you make that the the angle you would like please just a minute oh see now it’s too tall so I don’t think see look you can make it shorter no cuz then it’s just our heads and our [Laughter] arms so Allie’s right actually Allie’s right needs to be further

    Down this isn’t as hard there we go Ally look so we just got to replay it okay I’m trying he clicked replay Allison you’re good did he cuz uh maybe instead of doing replay next time maybe like a follower alert see there it’s Coming me [Laughter] thanks to for my sub gift twins cat Jam twins cat Jam twins cat Jam twins cat Jam twins cat twins cam twin C Jam twins cat rounding I Be My Bad Boy be my man be my we be my friend you can be

    My I don’t you my you be my boy my be my you be my I don’t need you again no I don’t need you again thank you thank you everybody you have 30 seconds half the the hype train wiggle wiggle wiggle please M the gap between the train and the platform

    Wow 30 seconds thank you for the th bits capable maybe I’ll turn you said I you take me home I said There a chees wiggle wiggle wiggle maybe it would be better if it was down a little bit farther even though you can’t see the whatever here yeah that’s fine see then away till the next day thank you for the follows the real follows following is free and it helps

    Out the channel so thank you so much we Have 3 minutes three minutes all right let’s keep walking you ready everybody let’s go unless we have to do the replaying of we have to replay for the $40 Alie but we can do that where wherever we are that’s fine let’s just leave it there let’s keep going no cuz right now

    It’s a hypee train so we can’t do it anyway mhm okay so Allie’s going to push play on that as well and then we’ll get going then we’ll get walking everybody I’m worried that it will cut our heads off Alie so so change it just it a little

    Bit I fine just make it a little higher it’s fine I think it will be fine I just did it allly they did it allly okay did it I don’t believe you did it or you would be playing we just have to be patience Al patience is a virtue

    We have two minutes to hop on the hype train two minutes 2 minutes he thinks you didn’t do it or it’s broken it couldn’t be broken it doesn’t take that long does it maybe who is to say they said it takes a little bit Ellie okay the camera is nodding I think

    That’s the wind Everybody [Laughter] Round and be my back or my man be my we and but don’t be my friend you can be my forever understand that I don’t need you my life again you be my b boy be my man be my we be my friend you can be

    My I don’t need you again no I don’t need you again 30 seconds to h a bar the hype train 30 seconds 15% of the way so thank you everybody a wiggle Wile I think guess we’re playing all of them W such is life 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

    1 all right guys let’s get a move on wo oh no you said no no no I said no you say take me home I said no said [Laughter] I I almost hit you like every time thank you oh my God I made it through oh my God thank you for the a th000 bits everybody’s like oh the twins have alerts on Today no it’s not I know it is I see the little thing going up understand that I don’t need you in my life again you be my boy be my man be my we be my you be my I don’t need you again no I don’t

    Need ready yeah wa move over a little bit so our Center ready yeah dab dab dab thank you everybody we have 2 minutes a half before the hyp train 1 2 3 4 5 everybody in let’s go for a drive you have 2 minutes and 40 40

    Seconds to have aboard that hype train we so excellent and happy to have you all here considering that we’re talking about Irish immigration we should probably say that um W there’s a bike there down the human pa um that we are we’re on a boat but

    We’re not on a boat cuz we’re still on train trains did bring people back into the Midwest though so I might as well take some some photos while we’re at it happy Tuesday to everybody this is also a really nice selfy spot come over here it is actually come here stand right

    Here you got to have that sweet sweet content to let you all know that we’re live we will be live for St Patrick’s say yes so we will be on Saturday uh and Sunday so wait what was the other one this one you like this one thank you for the tier one

    Look I’m ready Uhoh alerts are a little slow today we didn’t wake up from daylight savings time just like us we 1 minute and 15 seconds if you do want that special emote you’ve got to get uh at least 100 bits in that’s all it takes said I said no no no

    You say take me home I said no you said I said three less than three they mean a heart a heart you have 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 seconds to hop on the hype train 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 all right let’s go all right everybody thank you so much for getting us to a level four and this started on level five hpe train we’re going to keep walking everybody Ellie don’t I need that when the steam wears off Ellie I got I I have good news for

    You what is the good new I got some Trader Jones T so we can throw them at the birds no you can’t feed the Ducks you made it sound like I could feed the Ducks Lexie it made it sound like I could feed the Ducks for a Second feed the Ducks feed the Ducks I don’t know if you’re actually allowed to feed the ducks or not I think that people I think people can feed the Ducks I’m almost positive like certain places it says don’t feed the Ducks I don’t see I do

    Not see a single sign that says we cannot feed the Ducks do we have treats though apparently not so when I heard from laxi that she has treats from Trader Joe’s you know what I thought great we have treats we can feed them to the Ducks

    I’m like trying not to have the kid in there I’m I’m I’m terrified the kid is going to fall into the water like sweet definitely terrified oats right yeah um I’ve seen them eat cheese puffs I wouldn’t recommend it but I’ve seen them eat cheese puffs bread rice

    Though you have to make sure that the rice is cooked it’s one of the reasons that we don’t feed we don’t throw uncooked rice anymore is it kills Birds cool ducks I know it’s recommended that we not feed them but like if we want to maybe we could it’s not illegal you

    Know I’m pretty sure NYC ducks have eaten everything too I know oops oops that was a fast transition sorry about that but look at how nice and beautiful it is here just look at that oh they can totally eat those Lexie no they can’t they lime in them they’re for

    Us all right laxi does not want us to feed the Ducks the lime chips we definitely can’t eat these oh God these are so good these are delicious those are those are definitely not duck fodder bread is also bad am I supposed to be eating this right

    Away no you can put on my my backpack I would say by the way that we have a lot of content to put out in today tomorrow the next day and the next day after that so if you want to see some tips about New York if you want to

    See some dancing if you want to see some cool cool content make sure you follow all of our socials see I’ve never had plant chips with lime well I feel like so we had actual plantain chips in Mexico that had real lime in like on them like sque oh yeah

    Well wow this needs guacamole though yeah it’s missing something without the guacamole or guacamole I don’t know yeah how can you say no to me feeding the Ducks Lexi how can you be so heartless hm so guys guys girls and nonb humans let’s get a walking yeah do you

    Have room in your B if not I’ll keep yeah I do since we hit the goal should I get rid of the um thing sure I mean otherwise at this point I don’t know if that works I think it’s under a charity right now I okay guys we’re gonna get walking but

    I’m just fixing my backpack because it’s a little loose I don’t remember the commands to my own channel my own Channel oh I is it wow streamer can’t even remember their own commands wow well I would ask my mods but I don’t know if they would remember either we did walk like a duck Benny waddled away Wadd Wadd then he waddled away then he waddled away to the very next

    Day look it is not it is not Clos yeah the Tilted F Alexandra what happened get out way so show them first well we’ll have to use a special thing to get it out it’ll be Fine yeah that don’t work so well huh I have another one that works Ally so if you’d rather have that one that’s rder it’s really hard to put your makeup on when it’s whip wobbling around here I made do am I do cuz I’m a champion alamp my Friends we keep on scaming till the end we are just streamers we are just dreamers no time for real jobs yeah we need to have them just for now I think it’s good I don’t know I can’t get it to work I look the lighting

    Is a little weird today I look tired and that’s okay all right let’s go everybody you ready that’s okay okay soor ready to learn about some female pirates alley is that how it works oh my God I need to know the story she had she goes it smells like

    Poop what do you mean I need to know the rest of Story the twin sauce started a live Instagram and I missed it 3 hours ago how dare dare I I love those guys so much they’re so cool I love them in a platonic I don’t know you kind of way

    And not in an they have an amazing content type away like I really I think if we get it closer to it we’ll be able to see the variation yeah wow then we’ll keep walking all right let’s walk let’s roll oh here you can see the buildings a

    Little bit better on going to walk up the water I thought so oh by the way when it was going so slow was it because two people were talking to one another on the bike no well so there was a bunch of different things one people were weaving

    Back and forth in the bike l so you couldn’t pass them yeah okay that traps here wait we should go around this way no yeah and then um people there was another person who was a skateboarder holding on to the back of a bike please

    Don’t do that by the way yes it will save you money but like very dangerous so the um so I took forever to get here because there were two people that were talking to one another and completely blocking the lane so there was a ton of traffic going uptown and

    Then we were going downtown and the downtown people two of them were not on electric bikes and were just talking to one another and so I might have told them hey can you guys like pull over if you’re just going to block the road and what’ they say

    Ally they said shut up lady and I said that’s what I asked you to do and then they got real mad and I sped off cuz they they they were mad enough to have stopped the bike so I could go around them oh my gosh I didn’t mean to be

    Aggressive I was just like dudes no one can get around you and you’re going slower than molasses if a child on a bike who 10 is going to go faster than you I’m just saying it’s it’s up there with the um people on dates that hold

    Hands while they try to hold hands while they bike those people just have death wishes or un alement wishes we can go look it also there’s a bunch of daffodils daffodils um actually a lot of them are imported and they’re from Ireland are you attached to the h I don’t know yeah lies and C just it’ll it’ll work it didn’t there we go look look at the look at the trail left in its weight wo it’s kind of cool there’s a lot of soap on top of the water

    Today like a lot a lot is that normal do you think I don’t know you can kind of see like there’s there’s going to be some Bubbles and stuff but like it looks almost slick I wonder what happen yep there is a parade this weekend we will be going to

    It if there’s a in New York City chances we will go go to it it’s the beginning of parade season we need like a walking Lane a biking Lane and we need a running Lane running Lane oh that did not sound like it was to be from a friend did you hear that

    Ellie oh no she goes listen from a friend’s perspective oh no that does not sound very friendly in that tone it sounds like you’re about to drop either some hard truths you’re going to be really not a friend either or hey Alison what when you hear the goat what do you think

    Of no uh Simone B okay right yeah but did you know there was another person referred to as The Goat Who and it wasn’t from today who it they were from the 1800s okay was it like Houdini no who was it so her name is Sadie farell she was an Irish American

    Gangster really do you have any idea why she was called the goat chat do you have any idea why why she was called the goat you can have serious and not serious answers just as long as they’re appropriate as long as they’re appropriate cuz I don’t think of as the goat being

    Like we have bike lanes for a reason sir we had bike L because she had paper she had a really nice beard she was an escape artist I guess I would think of that too like ghosts can climb or ghats can climb really well she was the devil you’re getting

    Closer but not really do we have any other game uh guesses if you don’t have that does not work milk and her whiskey I have never heard of that but actually that would be kind of cool all the way to here um so the reason that she is called

    The goat is that she was known for essentially mugging people oh I shouldn’t laugh it’s just the image of it is like startling to me she would do this Ally your hold chat oh no she she’d Pate on them she would them she would Z down them she

    Would literally headbutt them she’d Z down them oh my god get them to lower their guard because she was a a little woman she would headbutt them and then her male counterparts would take everything that they had my God exactly now so she used to operate further down down in the Five Points

    District closer to the sea port but the reason that we’re impartial um reason that we’re here right now is that she actually couldn’t operate for their town you want to know why the Italians no there was another Irish gangster who was a lady she was a lady a lady bouncer a lady

    Bouncer what the heck does that even me she was a bouncer for a bar who was a lady could you could you be like I couldn’t get into this bar cuz this little damsel decided I couldn’t go so she was most um this this is also a character she was known for biting

    People’s ears off oh my God Alandra can we talk about something beautiful that I can clip in front of the sunset instead of like like okay I’m like wow we’re going to have some really great we’re going to have some really great like pictures we’re going to talk

    About really gorgeous things we’re going to have like funny clips we are we are not we’re not talking about death destruction I find your reaction to this kind of funny so she was known for doing that oh my God and you continue I am not done I am not done I

    Will finish my history lesson and it kills me oh my God join sea of Conquest exactly do we have to start that um we can we can start it if you’d like um we can do it after this Alie um but if you want to hear the rest please

    Put please put something indicating in chat cuz otherwise Allie’s going to show off this beauty that is right here look at how nice this is this is a great picnicking spot it is a gorgeous day for a picnic by the end this place is going to be

    Full of full of people because this is one of the best spots there’s another spot up this way that has really good really really good um sunsets but but I think we’re going to stop there a different day we might have to stop there tomorrow Cuz no no need yeah isn’t it beautiful accid yeah of course we’re facing we’re on the west side do you want to hear more about that about why we’re on the West Side everybody part of the reason that we’re on the west side is that she had her run in with this

    Bouncer and they got into a CLE and she bit off her ear so Sadie faral lost an ear and because of that she was essentially downgraded what do you mean downgraded she wasn’t as respected down in the seaport so she took to The Rivers she took to the East River and the west

    River and she flew the Jolly Roger and was one of the few Pirates here along the river often times we think of privateers being out in the ocean in the Caribbean which by the way 15% 15% alley uhhuh of the Caribbean pirates were Irish nice this would be a nice spot for a

    Picnic too if they didn’t stop you from picnicking right there um but but there were also people that took cargo that robbed people all up and down the river like nowadays we think of the river as being pretty calm actually we think of it as the land of cruise ships and

    Taxis and ski Jets and sailboats and kayaks but in the 1800s this would have been like a super highway 15% must have used Geo very true anywhere the English were the Irish go yes very True I didn’t realiz there was like a little um stage over there too oh giant isn’t this where they had D on Blanc that one year is it I think it is I don’t know so we went to D on Blanc uh one year down

    But I think you might be right no I think it was here I think it was here I don’t know the reason we say think is it ended up being like very very dangerous and so there was lightning thunder and lightning across the entire field Al had

    A massive golf umbrella and almost got sucked away I literally the wind literally took me and threw me backwards almost into traffic and the car kind of stopped right in front of me I could have been a down a a a goner also fun fact we have a lot of um Irish

    Pirates but some of the most famous IR Irish Pirates were women so Gran Ali or Grace Ali I know a lot of people think of her as English but she was Irish hm what’s that I don’t know let’s go look they didn’t have jet seis in the 1800s I

    Mean look at how it go I’m going to get there before the Sun dies it looks like it can see through oh cool it is getting more and more beautiful I have a lot of anxiety I don’t think I’d make a good pirate I think it’s an art piece there how translucent it

    Is looks like somebody had lunch there just left their lunch must not have liked those dumplings too much over there let’s keep going Allie look at this see there’s like a little sculpture garden here Ali I didn’t know about this Allie look look at this little sculpture garden oh that’s kind of cool

    I do love how New York makes sure that there’s a lot of cool sculptures especially for kids to enjoy I see you too like Ally these are some big feet to fill big feet with a tiny little hum Ally look look look what they’re kidnapping oh no

    The monkeys and the money men are kidnapping cheese they’re kidnapping a cat exactly that’s why we were saying it’s cheese cuz it looks like one of our cats but you are right it is a cute cat it looks like you can have um you can look at isn’t this fun

    Right yeah yeah say hello yeah sure say hi hi nice to meet you look at this massive head oh no Allison look at look it they’re living inside the head so this is all somebody’s dreams alley look it’s really cool I like how they’ve included the

    Little chest thing this is the same as um 14th Street right yeah I think so I have to say I love this massive Penny though you can tell this is the old Penny on the old pennies it’s kind of fun because there isn’t just one a Abraham Lincoln there’s two oh my gosh

    Al it’s okay no worries they’re having fun Ally It’s a massive vacuum wait what it’s a vacuum it’s a vacuum creature vacuuming up all the pennies it’s really cool I just love all those little details even like on the inside it’s been like molded with all the coins which is

    Cool hello killy hi bro uh Dynamite twins right now we’re on Twitch so we’re mostly on Twitch and Tik Tok What do you guys post so we mostly post um so for twitch it’s it’s live streaming exploring so vlogging on Tik Tok is a little bit of everything but mostly for

    Our lives on Tik Tok is also vlogging um but we do do some dance challenges and stuff which is always fun nice to meet you look at it shall we Ellie I hope they come back for it oh they will it’ll all be gone by tomorrow a good night what did he say Alie that um he left used to be a sparrow he said um but the sparrow um a so the cold weather feels like it’s end it’s ended today actually it

    Definitely does it definitely feels like it ended today everybody uh it is 65 it’s going to be 68 tomorrow I have finally stopped wearing my under um like I have like leggings I wear under most of my clothes in the winter today I did not wear them

    Potato oh thanks Omni that’s what we try to do every day it’s going to be 4 next week don’t crush my dreams no it’s not please don’t it’s not going to I promise Ally what what do you think would make someone become a pirate uh desperation desperation do we have any other ideas

    Chat so some of my favorite stories are actually about people that become privateers in Revenge Revenge of what Ellie because I want to headbutt people that is true that is true there’s actually a lot of Irish uh gangsters that were women that were often worse than the

    Men like some of the Articles literally say about these women that they were worse than the men like the of the time so there there’s a um there is one woman I believe her name was Sally she started as a privateer she was not Irish she was

    British and she ended up becoming a privateer to take on the British because she says that her husband was improperly un alived by like the government yeah by the government he was feel like that he he was um yeah he was UN un alive for for privateering and so she’s she was so

    Incensed that she took up the Helm of his crew and became a privateer in Vengeance it sounds like if that was his crew then um he might have um I don’t know been a been a crew was immediately like yeah I’m going to go I’m going to

    Go privateering then it it feels like that that um he might have been a pirate I’m not I’m not saying that I’m victim blaming here but it feels like he may have been a pirate the buoys I’m not 100% sure on um I believe I don’t believe it’s this

    Stretch of water it might be the one over but in the summer not I don’t know if it’s here or the next one over they have sailboats but I I don’t think that’s here so I’m not really really sure what those are for if you know let us know he

    Lost his ship in the divorce with his head Ellie’s like oh my god get me out of this conversation I’ll have no fear like a woman scorned I know right has anybody been following everything that’s happening with Kate Middleton wow I don’t it doesn’t look as pretty here but look at this View

    Okay so it is for parking boats I just wasn’t sure oh there is some really unappealing trash over here as well modern day look that beautiful you should post some of them Alie a little bit more about that oh nice yeah that’s I’m going what do you mean Mike I think I missed

    Something so we’re coming up on pier 26 there are soccer fields they also do have um over here basketball courts a lot of the times are taking up with with like leagues there’s a volleyball pit over here but again usually they’re like got they have wegs in

    It apparently she only charges oh yes yes that’s what you were talking about yes so that picture is wild I haven’t really been paying in any mind either but the New York Times put out not I think it was the New York Times or CAU magazine one of them

    Actually put out a big piece about how it shows that there’s something going on with the royal family yes yes we have space cut yes we in New York City I look you can see the moon actually can see the moon it’s really funny this way you see

    Just traffic feels very Urban then the other way it’s just like and beautiful chessire cat Moon I know right like a little thumbnail in the sky I know I wish I wish they would no the queen is no longer with us but Queen Elizabeth is gone has moved to a different plane of

    Existence here your backpack is open I think I know it keeps open guys I have to set you down for just a minute cuz I have to get a Trav updating on Twitch okay guys I’m just grabbing a thing so that I I I’m trying to find

    By the way if you guys are wondering um this is the um this is the game that we’ve been playing if you want to join us um oh I did get us these o where did those come from Lexi a from a place called aair we got a little crunched

    I don’t know the flavors I believe one is pistachio um but the reason I’m bringing it up is because um we were part of a sponsorship and um there’s there’s it’s almost impossible to get the third tier so if you do play to um the the seventh

    Chapter which it took me under an hour it took me like 35 minutes I want to say because of all the powerups then let me know if you would have potentially bought Cordelia for 9 cuz trying to get her like randomly is very diff near impossible um stream stream elements is

    Going to be working with us so so please uh in Discord or in chat let us know if you would have bought her for a dollar from us because because we believe it would help us if you were if you let us know because it’s like I think it’s it’s

    Literally it would have been like $1 and we would have gotten $10 right so anyways I believe this is pistachio we was the person that got to chapter 7 last night yeah it takes under an hour cheers cheers and I don’t know what flavor this is Mystery flavor M it’s

    Good I don’t know what do oops wrong way I can’t not the flavor on that I actually can’t not strawberry strawberry and cream Maybe like a vanilla and strawberry yeah no WS it’s not going to show up so the item you can get for 90 cents is Molly not um

    Cordelia so especially if you s if you spent that dollar thinking that was Cordelia that’s not her please let me know because that was Molly anyways we’re going to move on oh my God dragon fruit Lexi is dragon fruit oh I bet you’re right I bet you’re right I didn’t even think of

    That all right shall we keep walking everybody yeah it’s really it’s actually quite easy you just have to make sure that you don’t get sucked into too many of the side quest that red is very well it also had like little black dots on the top I

    Assumed that that was supposed to be like you know the seeds of a strawberry but it had almost like a vanilla creamy kind of flavor which I guess is more akin to like a dragon fruit so we that’s that’s the thing we’re saying that like we’re we

    We’re talking with them so if you would have bought it for a dollar please let us know because that is what we’re going to say like hey if if you’d made it like a Molly or something like that that would have been more attainable so that they can fix for

    Future people but then also po but also potentially compensate us accordingly 230 Kong shells and no Cordelia I know yes that is a great a great question everybody if you had if you had a pirate ship what would you name it I love this playground so much I do

    Not have a child but I just love how they set up this playground it’s a it’s a really cool and inventive playground but it’s also really fun this SE dragon Ally and I are actually um allly and I have been watching um I think what is it called best and

    Blow yeah it’s a glass competition but it’s over it’s a glass competition we watched all of it and they have a piece that’s called The Venetian dragon in it which is super cool the saltless dog R8 pirate the game ends on Thursday it ends on Thursday at 400 p.m. p.m. East

    Eastern Al it looks like these are all going to be a running club there are different clubs throughout NYC running clubs especially are popular all of these people look super super fit I would name mine the most beautiful name in the world Jenny yeah sleep well trap thank you so much

    For being here I really do appreciate it I’m going to show you the my favorite part of the game and you’re all going to laugh what is it fishing I like fishing and I like cooking I thought it was a staff I thought you were like trying to find land with a divining

    [Laughter] Rod we are on the West Side yes so the west side is the prettiest obviously during sunset cuz the East doesn’t have the sunning Sun Also I know it’s going to be a little bit hard to see but we are going to try to see it there is an

    Amazing sculpture across the way you might have to put it in the center let’s see hopefully you guys can kind of see it it’s like a it’s a thinking head that is looking towards Manhattan you’ll hear a lot of people say West is best I will say there’s a lot more

    Jogging but not West Coast but not West Coast they mean the west side of Manhattan um there’s a lot just more Park and like places to run like this this Riverside Parkway you can get all the way to past Inwood right into Inwood via this correct

    Correct cuz if you didn’t if you didn’t know Ally and I we did a a walk and bike to different sculptures here in New York City since there are only six of them that are dedicated to real life women and we were all the way up at like

    120 and over here I’m not exactly sure where we are but we are right down by the the Freedom Tower running got you in shape congratulations gy that’s that’s a lot to do it’s very hard like I don’t know everybody’s different but for me I have a hard time losing weight working out

    Sometimes I love to work out but I don’t I don’t always have the time for it so congratulations that’s a lot of work Ally and I tried to run a lot too but our our knees are not made for running our doctor actually said hey you

    Have to stop running it’s not going to be good for you and I was like oh oh no I will say there are actually some really beautiful new parks on the east side as well coming up some of them are partially completed Alie what what are what are your Pirates

    Eating in Sea of Conquest alley um well first I was going to actually switch us into that category but do that do that well we don’t have to it’s fine nobody will find us there we’re fine so Ally what what is your what is your pirate since see of what do they

    Eat um well Lexie if I could remember well they eat they eat a lot of eggs a whole stuff oh gosh the whole group the whole New York runs we’re getting inundated by Runners if I had known I would have walked faster so apparently this is a a thing called New York

    Runs look at them all I’m going to let them pass right Ally we’re going to let them pass they’re running to catch their ship their pirate ship is leaving without them oh Omni I didn’t realize you had severe vertigo I’m glad you’re able to work out at home though I love ring

    Fit well that actually is a look at this view it’s really nice it’s really pretty let them pass exactly well it’s more like look at the baby wandering away uh no we’re letting them pass everybody because we didn’t want to get run over cuz we don’t we don’t run we walk all right

    Wait if you start as a runner you can become a stunner I don’t know why that struck me as really funny pirates eat some turducken sort of uh not really they they they often ate a bunch of like really interesting foods to me none of which sound great

    Um and when Ellie when Ellie catches up she’s going to tell me what her Pirates and see of Conquest are eating I believe that you CU you can cook in the game so I want to see what they actually are know um know for usually usually they were not eating great stuff

    You guys know what a Sea Biscuit is besides the horse cuz there was a horse named Sea Biscuit we’re not talking about that one do you guys know what a Sea Biscuit is it sounds yummy right like I think of biscuits and I think of I think of huh

    Like cookies cookies I think of like I think of cookies I think of like fluffy roll milk Laden rolls what do you all think of when I say the word biscuit what do you all think of when I say the word biscuit biscotti well yeah kind of I mean I

    Think of like the southern biscuits the floofy kind of half sconesy kind look at how pretty it is over there Lexie look at how pretty it is I mean besides I getting run over by the r SE biscuits so SE biscuits were a big part of a a pirate’s

    Diet I’m going to say the other name for it closer to what it was which is going to make it sound closer to what it was anybody know oh I do know I do know anybody know yes I know what it is you

    Want me to say yes I know what it is no I want I want chat to guess but I know no I want I want chat to guess but I know chat guess it’s called hard T called yes hard T yes hard tack is what

    Hard tack is what it is a hard tack is like flour makes a really and stiff dough makes a really stiff dough thinking like so instead of thinking like oh it’s a light and fluffy biscuit oh no a cookie if you fluffy oh noie it

    Was not a fluffy roll or a cookie hard it was essentially the hardest cracker W look at that you ever thought of what was that look at that what is that they’re different marine animals they’re different marine animals Ally look it this is the time Al and I eat CRA every time

    That Ali and I eat crab very bad we walk away with more stars very bad it the American eel there’s an echo there’s an echo there shouldn’t be an echo should we there shouldn’t be an echo should we research it doesn’t look like there should be an e it doesn’t look like

    There one person or multiple people one person or two people maybe uh but I think two people maybe but I think it’s okay they said it’s okay also if you did want to have some like this here as well to see across the water this is here as well no we we

    Don’t have we don’t have no we we don’t have we don’t have Tik Tok on this is just for you guys um so by the way if you want to go through this game faster if you want if you click the yellow part if you the yellow that’s like underneath um that’s

    Like underneath that’s underneath the um there’s like a little dot with A’s a little dot it’s underneath your profile picture you just follow your profile picture you just that would be the one that you get more quickly and that would be the one one that you would get from so

    Like so like okay I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to do okay I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to do I’m going to restart um just to make sure that everything is a okay okay it might be through this running through this

    PH well it could be through here in which case this is the issue so if they still hear us it says it’s muted but like all right well I’ll just restart this restart the app and okay guys we’re going to restart really quick okay thank you Chad Dy in

    French I’m not a fan of Frozen Let it go Let it go I won’t let it go at all Let It Go Let It Go not until you’ve paid for it I don’t care if you’re going to say that the storm raage John I’ll make sure you pay anyways in the wrong wrong

    Spot it’s it’s just slow oh I didn’t know that Mike is it better y back and there is no Echo beautiful is it on there Alie no not yet okay so Allie’s gonna put this back on and then we can get walking walk catch up okay Allie’s gonna catch up with

    Us I feel like if you if I walked 9 miles though I’d be very exhausted too much better so we think it might actually be how we’re getting the game on there so Ally will be putting it on there in just a minute hi Justice welcome on

    In we’ve been talking about pirates and their food and since it is women’s month we’ve been focusing on some Notorious female pirates particularly the Irish Pirates it does look beautiful doesn’t it I love all of the let see look at him go let’s see if they’re going to go smell so strongly of flowers oh the G is following me Hey at least it’s announced by music yes and thank you thank you [Laughter] for thank you ch Dy in French I’m Alie this is we’re twins can’t you see it on our faces we’re identical except my face is more round and hers is more like the perfect oval anyways we’re not going to

    Talk about Allie’s defaults right now defects defs not defaults I can’t even talk today yeah that’s the claim that you’re trying to sell tickets and stay ony Thank you so much for the follow friend new friend I think it should have yeah okay so I had to put it through my

    Phone just give it a minute no it just makes it impossible for what I wanted to do it’s okay I’ll just I’ll just just do it another day once no I I can I can do it it’s just going to take me a little bit I think if we restart your phone

    It’ll be fine and then once your phone’s restarted then we can figure it out there all right we are going to walk no more Sunset I will say this is like a very popular spot I know it does look like a green screen black see look at this spot look

    At how pretty it is you should take a v a a picture when you have the chance wow this way like that yep or a video look at how nice it looks horizontally too like see how the lamps are all lined up like that it’s my iral Pro isn’t

    Working yeah you should start if you want if you feel like you’re missing out you should 100% start I know if you could give me your phone I can try to do I’m try to inform you that it won’t even restart I know but if you

    Give it to me I can try and figure it out all right I am marching so we can get a better view I will wait right there this is one of the other fake buildings I mean not fake buildings but more so just um but it’s got like a whole bunch

    Of like I can’t remember if this one’s one of the data buildings or if this is just for um releasing like some of these are for train lines other ones are going to be for like you know utilities but over here this actually releases the tunnels um like the the

    Tunnels to go between Manhattan and New Jersey it releases a whole bunch of air so there’s air that goes in and there’s air that comes back out there’s actually two of these it’s restarting good now everybody put the prayer emotion chat and hope that Lexi’s phone turns on cuz it’s been having some

    Issues lately so it’s all good all right we’re going to no it’s not then it is not all good well it’s fine it’s fine wait till I crazy lot crazy lot Allie Allie Allie yayen than it was our fault not Stephen’s fault Stephen’s great Stephen’s the best put a one in yep

    So we’re all good we’re back in business pleas do you want me to um snap it hold us for one minute I want to snap myself in place I thought she was playing by herself somehow magically I didn’t see that die there for a second these people who’s winning who’s

    Winning unfortunate it’s women’s month he should let you win no have a good have a good night Alexandra you’re you’re you’re you’ve got a tail aka the charger I’ll give it back to you is it working now yes you know who also loves sea of Thieves alley uh it’s

    Not sea of Thieves or sorry sea of Conquest sea of Conquest oh my God Mac Mac does our cat Mac does he loves the music the music’s really great but would you haven’t heard any of the music but you know yep shé it it came out before I was

    I meant to say see a conquest we all know cuz we’re going to conquer divide and con but we are in Alie that’s that’s that’s what we were Al what so that’s it’s on mobile if you have played it before you would I appreciate you letting

    Us yep thank you call her we’re working on it maybe what we’ll do is we’ll go away from the water yeah maybe It’s good now maybe it was just that one little area maybe if we go continue this way up we might hit the little Island right Ally okay well let us know he glitching and we’ll we’ll go in the city just one minute Ally I can’t I can’t get

    Taxes I’ll take some pictures I guess no it’s okay don’t worry about it we were right above the Men in Black headquarters who knew so we’re going to follow this up we’re going to walk right past the Island and we’re going to go from there it just takes me a little bit to

    Start out Okay so please let me know when Ally has the game up it’s going to take me just one more second it’s just more so for me to know Al that’s all I have to get rid of this now it’s have I have to get rid of this

    Now the volume should be okay on the there’s actually did you know there’s a lot of buildings that are made to look like parts of nautical like either like ships and stuff like ships or like nautical like I was thinking vessels but yes same idea oh good excellent so allly likes to

    Fish a lot in the Game I will say it’s a lot better with headphones too huh what wait Ally we have to get away from p 40 okay cuz it’s like I can’t load but she’s always wanted to go in it’s also better Work I mean I haven’t even gotten to like half the um like half the world spoken to them like though cuz it’s such an expansive Universe okay what what what places have you visited already mermaid Harbor Pearl something there’s one Ally would you go to mermaid Harbor because you’d be able to like

    Meet mermaids or is Pearl Harbor better because you could like literally scoop up all the PE I don’t think it’s exactly called Pearl Harbor it’s like Pearl something Harbor because Pearl Harbor is in Hawaii um I went to mermaid aisle or mermaid Harbor several times thinking

    Cordelia was there no she was not she was not there this everybody looks a little ugly it is currently under construction that is why but it is going to end up having a lot of really cool things in this little this little green spice I will say too that unlike some of the

    Other mobile games Lexi if somebody like attacks you it might stop what you’re doing but it’s not going to like make you lose everything yeah it’s not like one of the other games where I got attacked so often because I was like a streamer I think and because I just

    Didn’t know exactly what I was doing that like I legit couldn’t play for days this I literally got got attacked died and they were like so do you want to pay this type of currency or do you just want to go randomly somewhere else on the map and I was like randomly

    Somewhere else on the map and then I got to discover a new Port because of it that’s kind of cool yeah so Cordelia is the extra step but here’s the deal if you it’s very difficult to get Cordelia um and they so if I’m going to click on one that I actually bought

    Because oopsie cuz I um I actually thought that this was Cordelia as well which told me that something was wrong because it is not Cordelia it is not $9.99 I I accidentally bought Molly for 99s um but Molly is not what we need so

    If you make it to um chapter five or six I forget one of those is when you can potentially have bought her but but they did a patch recently so you cannot buy her so if you raise your hand and you say like hey I would have liked to spend the 99

    Cents so the twins could have gotten the tier three we believe that they will still compensate us but we don’t know exctly we don’t know we have to ask them about it because there’s no way for you guys to spend the money but I do really like

    This uhoh where did my boat go my boat is gone Alie you not only get lost but you lose ships as well I do how can you do that oh here’s my other cooking project so so they they they have built in they’re like we know that not everybody

    Wants to plunder upon plunder upon plunder and so they make these little like side quests yeah side quests so I had to make a certain amount of like you know there’s like a hearty fish stew some rum I had to make a whole bunch of stuff and then I get extra extra coinage

    Oh what we didn’t experience that on our end what was experience oh the game I’m not sure but I think you’re in a different um server times different servers will have different things going on but our ours was okay I think there was an update to

    The server and if there was an update that’s probably why but hopefully it’ll be cleared up now coming up on your leftand side there’s another Park they actually have a lot of like concerts and stuff over here in the summer it’s going to be lined with people selling like water and

    Drinks and like essentially vendors will be up and down this oh yeah there’s usually a huge concert here too for pride and we always lose service right here for Pride so we may lose service again but we think it’ll be fine no it’s cuz there’s like

    There’s so many people right there no I know but I’m just in case maybe it’s just the area too oh I wish I was a runner I would run away I don’t know the rest of that song but all these people are running it’s inspiring if you could run like if you could

    Run anywhere like let’s say there’s someplace you can’t run because there’s water or there’s a border or there’s mountains where some place you would like to run to I feel like it’d be kind of cool for all the Jersey ites able to run across the water I choose music over

    Running I’ll just leave you behind me that’s that’s a good way I mean so they actually do have a silent disco run I don’t know if they still do but I remember seeing them a while back if you don’t know what a silent disco is is they put the headphones on

    You and you you essentially listen to different channels so all the greens will be one station all the blues will be one station and then you literally run the silent concert well they yeah cuz they have the silent concert but then they also have the silent I don’t

    Know what it’s called but it’s essentially people who run with those on their head to the ocean to the beach I go to the beach I don’t always I here’s the thing about silent discos I want to see everybody like I I want to like really

    Hear it like I know I know it’s kind of cool but also I know that other people can’t hear it and to me that is enough social anxiety to make me wonder o look at all this fake grass this play area hey Ally what do you fight like high Lev

    Bosses um kind of I mean right now I am I am completing fighting another gang but you can fight like giant bosses like giant sea serpents and Kraken and stuff so are you s forel fighting I do I do take out a lot of the the the good

    Guys technically I mean well s forel was going after bad guys too no no she was going after perceivably the good guys but they wronged her and and and I S Fel was the one who moved from the the Five Points up the river oh oh no okay the

    Other one the other one you mean Sally allly wants to be Sally she doesn’t want to be a a hardened pirate going up I am a Pirate no a hardened pirate going with a Jolly Roger going up the Hudson River she would rather be one in in a Caribbean like setting going through

    Different worlds right Ally I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do No true uh OG so the the Disco the people that wear the headphones and run they run here so they run on like actual paths that are are made for running like you’re not going to have cars on it but I understand is it legal to scuba dive to Hudson River with

    Equipment duh uh I don’t know no I’m pretty sure it’s not I’m pretty sure it’s not nothing’s in New York without them permits though for a while people were sure there were Mammoth bones in the East River so they were talking about scuba diving to try to dredge them up and um

    The Natural History Museum inform them that they did not dump Mammoth bones so please do not go looking for them they don’t exist they don’t exist Allie up here is it the little island yep well there’s the Park first and then the little island perfect so we’re going to show you some

    Beach we’re going to see if the little island is still open I don’t actually know when it closes in the summer technically it is summer hour so we’ll have to see it is pretty warm it is it well it this morning well maybe not even morning the middle of the day was

    65° so it’s going to be it’s beautiful today Mammoth bones wouldn’t survive in water anyways it would Decay long before that you know what that’s a good point Blaster I don’t know like I think the idea is that they were like in a chest that was dumped where feasibly you could like

    Actually get them would anybody like to do a monster raid with me it’s fine if you don’t if you are able to do a monster raid with Ally we get an extra monies please let us know I do I do I do I do I do I do I

    Do it is beautiful no so we grew up in the midwest we’ve just lived here for a very long time give you an idea of the other side looks like you chose Madrid oh that’s super cool yeah Mike it’s going to be right around the 4th of July though so I don’t

    Know if we’re going to go I know a bunch of people are are talking about meeting up there but it’s also I think on Randall’s Island which or Governor I don’t know if it’s Governor’s island or Randall’s Island I got humans what do you mean you got hum they do

    Exist I’ve never been Allie look there’s magical rocks aren’t these cool lit up everybody Lexi we got so while you look at the magical rocks let’s we are attacking the Kraken and it’s going down really fast is it yes Victory thank you everybody I don’t know

    If it was technically if it has to be a level two monster or not but but we can continue yep just give me a second I’m going to Al is going to level up a new one all right you can get what you need

    From it do you want me to undo this yeah here there we go cuz it’s kind of charged refiner 29 hi everybody give I’m trying to find some better lighting maybe I can just go by the magical Rock hi everybody hi everybody if you’re new I’m Lexie and I’m Ally we are twins

    We do outdoor IRL if you guys weren’t on refiner 29’s channel moodles was on it tonight she is a woman of stem she loves science and biology and it’s just and the universe and it’s just a really cool streamer please make sure that you follow her as well if you don’t know

    Refiner 29 amazing amazing news organization they um they just have really cool articles we first found them not from their articles but from going out and about in New York City they had a whole bnch of different popups and then later we found out that they have

    All these great articles and stuff so that’s how we originally got to know them and then you know after the pandemic happened or during the pandemic they were like oh my God they have articles they have articles amazing if you don’t know who we are my name is

    Ally and I’m like see um we today have been looking up and down the water we went to the Irish hunger Memorial in honor of St Patrick’s Day we talked a little bit about um immigration here to New York City uh via obviously uh Ellis

    Island oh wow that’s an over that is an over correction but oh my God at least you can see our faces now and then we’ve also been talking about Pirates uhoh where am I going to put this I’m trying to hurry oh no no no hold it Alexander Just Dance Dance no I Can’t oh my God the light is really Interesting hi sorry it’s not usually this chaotic but um what I thought was a um so this is um an lgbtq plus Memorial I thought this was a flat bench it is it’s not it’s a sign well we tried but we watch the entire Sunset we do outdoor IRL

    Streaming in New York City we sometimes also do mobile games which is what we’re doing right now and we’re using it as an opportunity to talk about female pirates uh and pirates in general here in New York City including CD frell who is a very interesting character I

    Don’t know if we would really call her like a privateer like a pirate when we think of pirates cuz we think of the like Caribbean uh but she did take on vessels and she did fly the Jolly Roger so follow them and that you follow moodles moodles

    Which we we know moodles pretty well now from the women’s Guild from the women’s Guild and she’s amazing y but um everybody make sure that you follow Refinery 29 because they’re amazing and because they also had moodles on and she is also amazing so make sure that you follow both of

    Them and consider following us if you like twins outdoor ourl Street learning cool fun facts Etc we’ll have to do this one then what happened is it all is it B worry on the other one yeah because I touched it by touched it Ali’s greasy fingers got a

    Hold of it oh come God I was trying desperately to make it go flat thank God I wasn’t I we literally had just finished the squad raid so we’re trying to make it up along the leftest side of um Manhattan right now we’re we’re walking upward in part so

    That we can show you the little Island part of the reason that we’re doing that is that it is one of the newest parks that we have here for those of you that are kind of interested in architecture you’re going to see that it’s it’s really beautifully

    Done it is more modern whereas the Irish hunger Museum or Memorial sorry had both very traditional shapes in the Irish Cottage and then also like super modern lines to it this is going to be truly truly modern I think it is close but leading up leading up

    To leading up to the park there’s also going to be another Park which is actually a fake Beach nope it’s open I see a volleyball flying here guys I’m going to quickly try to rub this down you want me to just do it yeah Ally hold chat you be

    Dirty and it wasn’t Allie’s fault and her greasy fingers right absolutely not did Ally have to eat those plantain chips no no I absolutely had [Laughter] to thank you for the follow by the way denova following is definitely one of the best freeways thank you see to help out the street dream so

    Thank you so much I can’t tell if the beach is open but so I used to always think this was part of the construction apparently not this is an installation to look like I don’t know what well so I always lovingly called them milk JS thank you for the follow

    Curly but they could also be Monopoly houses here put it on your face and I’ll try one more time here wait yeah Allie is trying one more time to get it a little bit cleaner everybody but thank you for all of the follows um oh it’s a little better it’s a little

    Bit better we are kind of by the frying pan it’s farther up town though the frying pan is a little bit further up if you’re wondering what this lovely building is over there that is the art museum Whitney right yes exactly oh I found an extra phone I wondered

    What was in my pocket everybody it was alie’s extra phone it’s my phone do not do not get your get it twisted that is my phone it is not an extra phone it is’s extra phone it is alie’s extra phone aren’t we sure that hi treasure Cory are you hunting for

    Treasure we were hunting for Treasure earlier today we didn’t find any not yet anyway it looks like maybe they have a an art event up there Ally yeah cuz I don’t know what the wh usually open like so we’re going to kind of cut over also guys if you if you want Starlight

    We are still fundraising for that um we did hit the 1600 for the two switches we have $40 over that so if you want to help out with that as well um please check out the links yes all you have to do is Click donate in the

    Title No get I don’t know how to say your name but thank you for following why don’t we do one more squad one more Squad raid yes because it’s it’s better it’s it’s good lit light oh it is good light it’s good light I said it right I said someone’s name

    Right for once who Den No Nagi who nugi now I’m going to say it wrong tagi but nugi yes I know I’m so glad you’re able to read us too so thank you I really appreciate it yeah so this is actually a newer area too Ally is going to start

    The raid for everybody not not we’re not no no no no no uh so for for C it’s on one side it’s a squad rid it’s a squad R should we do a hard one should we do a hard one that is not nice that is not nice looking

    Aly I don’t understand I don’t understand enter enter I am not the leader I am not the leader who is the leader who is the leader who how do I how do I leave I have to be the leader I have to be the leader all I just want it to be

    Very Le I want to be the leader the Le Echo is back uhoh I know why there’s an echo I know why there’s an echo Allie’s got it is it better is should be now is it better [Laughter] now so while Ally does this better okay cool all right whoever wants to jump on board you can in the meantime so so this sort of area which pier is it this is Gort Peninsula but I don’t remember like what Pier it’s closest to so this is a sand

    Bluff oh no nobody’s joining maybe maybe we have to keep walking Ellie sure sure sure all right let’s go and then if you’re wondering this is where we were before actually was right by the memorial Ally look look they don’t need boats they have cars Hudson River Park wherehouse look at these little

    Vehicles these are actually made to be these spaces are meant to be both able to accommodate groups but also allow for privacy so you have these longer benches followed by these little benches the idea is to help with the flow of people you starting a new one Alie I

    Tried it’s waiting Allie is waiting everybody I don’t know why it’s not matching cuz remember last time it found somebody immediately so I don’t know why this time it didn’t also what they’re including which is super cool to me is that a lot of these places they have

    Greenery at the top to help um offset but then they also have look at it restrooms they have restrooms which I know it doesn’t seem big but it’s it’s a big deal for New York how is it we found it so quickly it’s all right though we can keep walking around and

    Waiting in the meantime too bad you played it sweet thank you no it’s too bad they played it so they no true bad said I’ve played sea of Conquest today that’s right cuz we were talking we you were one of the people talking about it

    In our Discord I think so it’s like I I kid you not you can get up to chapter six so quickly and then it takes like an extra 15 minutes to get through chapter 7 so if you see we’re coming up on the little island every pirate needs an island to

    Hide their treasure right Ally ah cool so should I try and get the shark or the Clown again sure or should I try in what we now know is a doomed attempt for IA until later cuz apparently you can get her later on I know I agree so one of the things

    That Ally and I love to do is to see people’s aesthetic see their outfit see what they’re up to I think you should do Cordelia Alle just for fun well cuz I don’t think oh they said mood said did you say shark Ally did you say shark yes shark yes you can like

    Baby baby shark doo doo do do doo baby shark yes no no do whatever you want no well Allie Allie didn’t know what she wanted so we’re going after the shark you did ra us you did US you did us so you chose a shark

    Oh no am I not even going to get the shark what did you get I don’t know if I get the Clown again I’m going to have I’m going to have you’re going to have words all right oh Lord Cojo okay where’s I got [ __ ] OE I got the

    Clown I heard that language I a clown Allie wanted the shark how do you feel [Laughter] devastated I didn’t get Cordelia I got the clown and then I wanted the sh and I still get the clown guess what I always am getting the clown so if you guys didn’t know Ally

    And I really don’t like clowns we’re not a huge fan of clowns oh you guys don’t oh my gosh so what what chat what do these look like and the shark is gone oh it’s a clown Fest instead of sh of course it’s a clown look we all knew who it

    Was the minute I said as long as I don’t get the clown as soon as you doomed yourself you you wrote your fate in concrete on that one I mean the clown is a captain and apparently a good one but oh my God oh my we’re going to go into the little

    Island and just take a quick Loop for you all as you can see the city a little bit better at night I didn’t just get him once or twice Alexandra how many times did you get him three three timesing time three it’s magic number not once not twice but three

    Times cuz he is rank three oh my gosh I got him three so if you guys didn’t know while we go underneath this is supposed to almost feel like a cathedral where the stems come up like columns and then arch in the middle it is made off of lotus for rebirth and new

    Life when we go through it you’ll see a bunch of different areas and sections for for flow you have two performance spaces this is one of our favorite things that that we see people do if you hear the Chimes is because you’re actually stepping on Them does he have magical powers your crown at least yes he does he does so he’s more like he’s more like an evil jester yes he goes so if I call him a Jester instead of a clown does that make it better for you but we could have had the shark come on

    Yeah so they have a bunch of different um interactive pieces throughout the park so really this park is supposed to be about the natural surrounding taking in Green Space different materials so you’re going to see sort of these like polished bricks with Limestone the limestone is for drainage it actually helps to have

    Stones if you look around and for freeze thaw here in New York oh see see I’m going to show you how he does the Kaboom booms he’s it’ll be coming up any second now any second now it’ll be a giant it’ll be a did you just take a shot in

    The face boom look boom I mean that is kind of like a confetti cannon so I’m kind of okay with that but U this this this there was a billionaire essentially Who provided the funding for for this I don’t know the exact total so I really just want to say y’all

    Are amazing oh thank you what was that that was moodles moodles hoodles I really like her because she’s got a a great big noodle what you know what your brain is called the noodle oh yes and she’s smart you Le is like no her name’s Mahood yes Mo nooodles

    No I we have L getting to know you too in the women’s guilds it’s been it’s like that’s the thing about the guilds is I really love getting to know people but especially you so over here I don’t want to climb up here because it’ll be too high up I I tend to

    Like this look a little bit more um um cuz you you can see this here but if you really really desperately want to see the Statue of Liberty if you come over to this side you see those like columns over there that’s where you would

    Go yes and I I think like the thing about the women’s Guild is that it’s such a positive experience streaming can sometimes be lonely it can sometimes be like enlight and fulfilling and push you beyond what you think you can do and it can provide you with friendship but

    It can also be stressful and competitive and all of these other things like like sometimes it can be anxiety ridden right but the the guild has really provided a lot of support and have allowed us to see a lot of people’s content that we might not have otherwise seen like I

    Don’t think I would have ever come across moodles unless I like happened to cross her streets us her stream somehow more like maybe a conference maybe a conference people at a conference it’s hard to make it’s hard to remember always you know conferences are so like

    Hit or miss I feel like I see the same people 30 times and then I and then I can’t find anybody anywhere if anybody wants to join me for that Squad raid speak now or forever ever hold your peace and in the meantime while Ally does the

    Squad raid we’re going to kind of go on the inside here because we’re actually supposed to hear the Chimes and hear the water from here I don’t know if the microphone is going to pick up the water sounds especially because it hasn’t rained in a

    While but you should be able to hear the water coming through the Limestone and lapping up against the side of the columns And in the morning it’s actually really beautiful morning and sunset I think this gold uh for us too is to come and see this at night which is tonight right but also during sunset and sunrise just so you can kind of see what the buildings look like because

    They really do look different depending on what day it is and by the way this I know some of you guys know this fact before but this is where the Titanic actually was supposed to land in New York City wait thank you for coming on in Refinery

    And choosing to raid us with noodles I know it’s a little weird cuz it’s like a a semi sponsored day but but we really do appreciate you coming on in yeah for our little bit of history and our little bit of gaming I read way too many of

    Your articles when I should be editing videos isn’t that the truth for me too so as Al said like obviously the Titanic didn’t make it here but this is where the Titanic will would have would have landed so this this Arch sort of commemorates that also if you’re wondering this is

    New I have no idea what it’s For bridge there’s no one in there they know there’s no one in There you guys but it’s sort of weird to think like I would have never known this was to commemorate the Titanic go through ell what the thing you wanted to do also guys if if you do if you happen to be in New York and you do want to

    Learn more about it they do actually have more about the architect neelen and that you can listen to it so if you are ever there or you want to listen to it here it’s right there as well um you can scan that and you can listen to it and

    They they do also have on special evenings big performances usually they happen to be musical um sometimes I’ve seen comedies and theater there as well but it is kind of a really F setting to get to hear different local and traveling artists yeah so it is a newer structure

    They were building it mostly through the pandemic I think it opened did it open last summer or the spring before made it the spring before I think it was 2019 or no no no no not 2019 it was 2021 that it opened I want to say oh that’s

    Cool Ally uh they said that there’s a whole TV show that covered how this is made really super cool can you put it in our Discord I wonder how they they sunk Down The Columns you know what that makes me think of Valle the Brooklyn Bridge too which is

    Wild cuz they had to dig so deep for the Brooklyn Bridge that they that they end up getting a specific sickness essentially when you emerge from Deep Water you have to do so slowly or you can get really sick oh that’s why they had the um it’s

    Because they had to use the the it’s like pressure yes it’s pressurized I said I almost said SCBA diving I almost said water pressure they said Ally you have to invite them I did I did did I not did I not invite the peoples it’s trying to match I think you

    Can invite certain people even okay so who Am I who am I inviting Wins no it doesn’t work I don’t think yeah they got the BS exactly also the original architect for the Brooklyn Bridge what happened Ally they died he died but do you know who completed the rest of his work his wife uh vampire I’m not 100% sure how

    Many peers there are but there are a good number wow what is that wow this is cool I mean it’s I don’t want to dissuade from oh what appears no I I want you to come look with your eyes yes yes no no that’s fine I was just I love

    The outside of it no the outside is cool but the inside’s better I swear yes it’s looking at now do you want to go Alie yes you do walk eye oh my God it and then you’ll see our moon yeah wow cool it’s really cool it looks like come back but yeah it’s

    It’s it’s so cool it looks like NASA well it looks like a really high quality picture that they would put out it it’s real unfortunately that’s the worst part I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to take away the illusion but it’s real uh that’s a spotting sco if you’re

    Familiar with you know a hunting rifle about $600 I would have thought it would be more yeah there as well I’m not sure how well we be able to see it but if you’d like to try I can just’s do that going try to yeah here hold this a second so I and

    If you want to get any pictures with your phone like I be happy to help allly we might be able to get a picture I know I’m TR to so Jupiter is going to be much much smaller but you will notice that it has four moons they

    Look so Jupiter’s going to be very small but you should see a bright object it’ll have two bands running down and then you’ll see two moons in front and Two Moons behind that’s iio gamine Kalisto and Europa those are the Galilean moov oh yeah it’s looking too

    Far right like well it’s about 400 million miles away our moon is only about 200,000 so it’s a difference of about 80 times the distance oh my God your shirt’s so cute it’s not a phase oh that’s hilarious well it matches the moon I yeah you got to be a yeah you’re

    You seem to be well a cuch raon so I I believe I I not I’m just trying to keep up face it is beautiful so far away compared to the Moon yes and it but it is I’m surprised we can even see it honestly CU it’s so much more it’s that

    Bright object you can see it with the naked eye and then when we look through the telescope the reason we’re not seeing it so grisp and clear tonight is you can see there’s little bands of clouds so those clouds kind you’re welcome you’re welcome did you want to

    Get a picture anything I’m okay you’re can you hold this I want to see yeah come take a look and then if you want to I’m going to ask him if we can yeah I can get you a video of both the moon and Jupiter in one video and then pop it off

    And so let’s do it sure so just a regular camera app will get you your best capture okay we’re going to should we use your phone maybe Old school camera trips it’s called a focal photography so what is it called a focal photography so we’re just going to set

    Whichever phone you want to use to capture okay okay I’m just going to your lens is clean you’re happy with them wait actually no I’m like wait a second I I was offering it wasn’t a shaming I don’t know no it was called panic panic can you tell a

    Dad happening in predictable maners yes you know I try to I try to get out of me cuz I don’t want anybody to you like this too oh my God we be Bears we bear baby bears is the only thing that’s better look really there’s a whole

    Cartoon of just them remember the little vignettes when they were just baby bears in their box there’s a whole another like two or three seasons it’s insane okay so we’re looking at Jupiter which we really shouldn’t so I’m just going to moon to the Moon everybody our

    Settings dialed in where are you Moon oh there you are so we get all of our settings dialed in here on the moon this is and then we use the same just left I know um so uh camera mode do you have a a pro mode for your video or um sorry

    It’s okay no you’re good um just regular camera camera Alie I think it’s in the setting camera might work no oh yeah yeah there you go much better wow yeah there you go okay so that’s actually your video and and um the only thing that I’m going to do is I’m just going

    To tell it to lock and then let’s just try this real quick so you got the moon I’m going to run around in front so you can see that there was a Flash and then I’m going to just bring you up to Jupiter and we’re going to go up and

    Over and a little bit more up where are you Jupiter and there goes Jupiter and I’m this way so we don’t interrupt and then we can zoom in and oops went it disappears it’s there there she goes and there you can just barely and if we

    Crank up this just a little bit no come on come back to me there we go there go the moons oh my go you can see kind of twinkling as they pass that’s so cool this is amazing it is fun it’s a it’s a different if you love photography and

    You love video Telescope yes it is how did you get into this for like the um for the eclipse I’m hoping so yes is an eclipse uh next month yeah yes yes this one’s for you astronomy on Instagram I I don’t really op astronomy like oily bandana

    Old banana yes that’s me I do this in Chelsea about 100 times a year very cool any time you wish 100 times a year I’m going to find it thank you so much I really appreciate it pleasure meeting you please come back and see me again stream today was so

    Cool I’m going to really have to cut up this whole thing and be like I’m sorry stre El it’s all over the place but I assure you that it was worth it we’ll edit it wasn’t that amazing so that’s what we really do love about New York City is

    You never know what you’re going to find it’s this one so if you guys are wondering who it is this is this is OB astronomy Chelsea NYC astronomy me he said his telescope only cost about $600 which I feel like it’s not that much for something so cool but like look

    At how insane this was look at this video oh wait I don’t think I mean like cuz that’s what you can see that’s what you can see through the telescope it’s actually even a little bit better like look at that is that wild and that’s what we were seeing and

    That’s what we were seeing so we’ll make sure to post that where do we want to post it Ellie in Discord maybe I’ll figure it out we’re not sure what we’re going to do so follow everything wait because what we have so much footage of everything that we have to cut Apart that was so cool we went to Jupiter and for only $600 that’s right it actually does hurt a fit alley because if we think about seaf fairing yes they had a lot a whole astronomy section there’s actually a whole astronomy section in the ca game I tell

    You this game has everything I am not joking this this this game legitimately has everything thing uh-oh I might be dead cuz I left the game oops it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine no big deal so there’s a whole astronomy this thing it’s the astral what is that what is

    That it is some sort of art piece paper mâché what it is we do not know but you can stargaze and then you build stars out yes he is he is on Instagram so hopefully we’ll be able to connect with him we’ll we’ll grab a link for all of you they said it’s a jawbreaker you know what that actually does look like a jawbreaker yeah it does you can um you light up the stars and it and it Powers up your ship oh cool

    So they have like an anchor there’s a shell there’s a bucket well no it’s not a bucket it’s for a a beverage it’s a bucket of course it’s a bucket it’s not for it’s not a a Stein of of any sort but see that it has

    Everything I mean look at how cute these cows are so do you make different constellations as you go uh yeah you do it’s always in order though and it gives you a lot of ways to like earn money while you’re not playing money fake money you’re not playing fce

    Fancy I still can’t believe this is m luster Alie there luster clown Ally it was all over you should have tried for the shark to begin with you would have gotten it right away and we’d be like cursing the Sharks yeah I know I know also guys we do have a Discord

    Please join us there um we do a lot in our Discord like we watch movies together we hang out we talk about different things that we enjoy so if you have memes or entertainment we also have a section for other games so if you if you’re like

    Someone like me and you love The Sims some of that content will bleed over into those channels I always love this building coming up on the side I always think of it as like an iceberg you know what’s in there right no that’s where Tinder lives really well I don’t know if it

    Does anymore it actually looks like a lot of the office space is empty but it had Tinder match um there’s a so it’s the office building of love Yeah companies once that’s how I knew where their headquarters were and I was like it’s all the same headquarters hi bacon Hi

    Megan Alie I think it might start getting pretty dark so do we want to cut over and go up 10 sure I’d be fine cuz otherwise I don’t it get really dark up there yeah I’m not really sure if it will but then that way we can take some City

    Routes do you know what time it is it’s 8:45 oh it’s okay just i’ like to be apologized Aly what it’s the RS oh no guys this isn’t just a hole this is a rat W ships are really bad for rats great for rats actually bad for humans who didn’t want to have

    Rats yes so bacon we actually biked past it today now that truly looks like a concrete um iceberg if it’s the one I’m thinking of we literally biked right past it if you’ll notice a lot of the buildings further to the water they are going to be newer further in tend to be

    A little bit older depending on if it’s new construction or not why is that so Bedrock really ends around 9th and 10th the rest is Phil so over here we’re on 11th or 12th and that that is all landfill when I was in college I went to

    Medieval Times I don’t know if there’s a medieval times around here they told us that it was worth $70 was because the bus was so far away from a medieval times I thought that we were going to like a pool day or whatever cuz it was a surprise field

    Trip for college students and so we immed imediately bought it cuz we’re like how bad could it be and the the last people to join had to pay more so it was like if you were one of the first few people you could buy it for $10

    Tickets so we immediately I think we were like the second and third person people to sign up yeah we were second and thir like what do we have to lose if we decide not to go last day it’s only cost just $10 and so we we did that and

    Then people there are some people that paid $120 to go to go and they all went to Medieval Times I had a great time it was fun however there is no version of medieval times that has to do with um that has to do with the seaf fairing kind

    So that’s the closest we got oh there’s a medieval times in New Jersey oh interesting that is a fact I did not know the road James who is James I don’t know I just heard someone up the front wow that’s a movie kitchen why is there a movie kitchen out

    Here I mean it looks empty so maybe it’s not being used and they just needed a parking space ours was like in the it was in the midwest so nowhere near here so we couldn’t go to the same one unfortunately but they had like baby lambs they had a horse the horses were

    Like pretty cool I I definitely have to say Ally and I do love Wildlife we love animals if you didn’t know we have four cats we love them a lot I really do appreciate it I do really like those kind of experiential restaurants you know the ones that have

    Themes and I know Medieval Times is probably better because you have like bull performers you have like jousting and arrows and all of that but and I don’t know if the food is very good but the Rainforest Cafe always kind of like I really liked it as a

    Kid I did too I liked it when there was a thunderstorm and when the Mist kind of Spilled Out I really like to be like by the wall that had the actual rain come down and I liked how all the bar seats had animal butts yeah that was that was

    Always a that was always a winner though I did get a little bit upset that I had to have the Zebra versus the giraffe one and I was told that I could not always have the giraffe and then my mom chose the giraffee because because she likes giraffes

    Well no she chose a giraffe because how dare Lexi get something then no I did not see Kung Fu Panda 4 I don’t I don’t think we’ even see one two or three one two or three that’s correct three apparently is on Netflix also guys um we will be on

    Tomorrow so please keep that in mind mine is going to be beautiful so if you’re not used to us being on we had to take yesterday so because of that we will be on tomorrow instead hey Ally yes what do you think would be Mom’s least favorite place on a ship

    Um the rigging it would also be your least favorite I said the rigging The Crows Nest yes The Crows Nest is above the rigging Aly Ally and our M least The Crows Nest you get to sit in the bucket oh that’s true you don’t you have to like you have

    To like put theand s up and stuff from way on High versus Theus you just kind of walk up and you sit there and you hope you don’t fall out oh no like oh wow look at all the daffodils you can actually smell just like Greenery

    And like I don’t really know what daffo smell like but I assume they’re kind of daffodilly smell but very daffodiles the daffodil smell like daffodil no I meant the air it smells like very floral and I don’t know if it’s the daffodils or another

    One I’m sure it is but that that just I never had my birthday at the Rainforest Cafe no we just went for other reasons our our Aunt really liked it and she knew it was really fun for us and since she didn’t have kids she was always like wow look at this big

    [Laughter] boy Sally tell me what you’re doing I’m trying to upgrade my ship do you know ship making was like a major thing what do you mean I me it’s like your car now no but like if we wanted to make ships in a similar way to how they were

    Made from like the Vikings or like I don’t know even the 1700s we probably wouldn’t be able to why we just don’t have the skill of Craftsman but we also have different wood what do you mean so like for example like like one of the big things

    For Notre Dame right not Notre Dame notredam in Paris with that wood ceiling they wanted to make it as like close as possible to what it had been but we don’t have the same types of trees mean we don’t have the same types of trees exactly what it sounds like

    They don’t have enough wood what happened to them that I don’t know Al I’m not I’m not a climate not climate scientist well I’m sure they still exist in different forms they didn’t just all like disappear did they no but they’re not going to be exactly the same the trees are not big

    Enough exactly oh oh okay I got it cuz we chopped them all down they got turned into trees the trees got turned into ships oh no I know oh no by the way somebody somebody talked about the fry pan that’s going to be that’s going to

    Be it it’s not going to be really lit up so it’s going to be a little bit harder to see the frying pan is an old fireboat it is a really fun restaurant they have Oysters and like really good burgers what else do we eat there oh

    Lobster rolls lobster rolls so all of this is on the side too by the way I’m just going back and forth to increase my friendship level with the ports and to make monies that’s all all I’m doing right now yeah so guys all I’m doing right now is

    Turning for your 360 spin is it a fun how the game doesn’t turn it’s 360 and it’s so but the game cannot 360 unfortunately I will say though I feel like I love watching all of the different History Channels so when I was a kid people asked me what my favorite

    Show was I kind of didn’t get the memo everybody else was like saying like actual shows and I was like I’m I like the History Channel I like I like the History Channel which isn’t really a show but it it it it was true I don’t know why I’m stuck on if

    Somebody knows why why when I used to be able to kill level 14 ships why I now can’t and I can only do 12 do you know unsure well I know you wouldn’t know but okay so we’re going to I think cut over through Hudson yards right Ellie yeah so we’re

    On o I got the cheese I needed Alie does it specify which cheese or it is just cheese well it worked it says buy cheese I just got to make sure that I don’t we’re going to play the game yes what kind of cheese do you think I have in my backpack

    Howa is that Gudda yeah that’s guda but I have Dutch I have Dutch co-workers they got very mad at me for calling it gouda they’re like you mean Howa and they said it with like a in their throats okay and I have another too goat cheese cuz that’s how you came up with

    The goat fact no it’s cuz I was I went down I went so our our Ser no Yes nobody could get guer it’s Gudda then some cheese the head cheese is neither the head or cheese also look at all these sailboats kind of fun okay so we’re going to cut through Hudson yards I think so you guys get to see some of the buildings so on the next

    Turn we’re going to cross over everybody thank you for being here while we walked up the water I know it’s a little bit different thanks moodles thank you for coming on in noodles did you see the did you see the AST you saw the astronomer did you see astronomer I

    Was so worried that you wouldn’t have seen the astronomer she’s probably had to leave Alie but thank you I’ll clip night yes it was so cool wasn’t it I thought you were gone I was like a mudos is surely gone by now yes yes it’s like

    She brought him I know I was I was like this was a sign this was a sign that moodles was going to come in anyway have a great evening moodles and again thank you so much for your rid it means a loty shark baby shark do baby shark do do do

    Do baby shark maybe she doesn’t want that to be her theme song um I used to know a song about noodles I can’t remember the so squid I don’t know why guys so coming up this Alie what what H what copter is that blade so blade tends to be over

    Here however blade also partners with hospitals so they actually do runs between hospitals to get get organs from the hospital to where they’re needed so to and from plade actually helps to bring out um like bring those organs to the hospitals that need them because otherwise traffic is so

    Bad that they wouldn’t make it in time okay so we’re going to head on into into the C thank you all for being here I really do appreciate it also another kind of really fun installation so this provides you with extra shade it gives you space for introspection and then this gives you

    Space to work press plus alley when you search enemy ships no but I did and it said I was strong enough but I used to kill them all no they said you have to you have to finish the main mission first and then you can all

    Right I was all the way up to a level almost wor 15 ship look at all the cool uh junk there this the giant schools yep when will we start have Oregan drones well so I think drones are like so usually what happens if if if the hospitals here in this city they

    Actually take oh like it it’s like a special vehicle we’ve seen it once or twice on stream before and they literally fly it over here and then that gets flown to the hospital that needs it I don’t think organs would do well in a drone just because they um they’re too

    Pre too precious and drones cannot handle certain factors like wind but I understand that would be kind of a cool thing how goes it it goes like see look at look at the um it’s not a real mural but the fake mural look how the wind is

    Whipped it oh wow it used to be like but look at how the wind yesterday completely tore a whole bunch of them off guys do you like learning about Pirates and seaf fairing if so please let us know but more importantly what is the weirdest food combination that you know that tastes

    Good what what is the weirdest food combination that tastes good that you know of that you know of that you personally like oh I mean I don’t know if it’s really that weird Ally but they have it they have that chocolate sauce that tastes pretty good on chicken tenders yeah that’s pretty weird

    Out all right guys so we’re going to move away from the water and move into Hudson yards should we go up one more and then over or just go up this way alley I guess we’ll go in this way yeah cuz then you can see the um shed and

    Stuff I know it’s been a while since we’ve been here at night so it sounds like racing I know right oh it’s the it’s the little dirt biky things drones with liquid nitrogen fuel compartments that could work I’m not an engineer though so I will leave that to the engineers

    I will say like look if you were if you were a sailor it would feel to me like yes a lot of people were Sailors all the time but like it would feel Ain to me like going to the Moon practically yeah cuz it’s totally forign from what you

    Know I maybe that’s why they got him young first yeah I mean you’re almost like indentured servants at most points too I don’t think you truly went on that ship as like a worker worker unless you kind of sort of had to or you just had this urge for adventure I don’t think

    They really realized how dangerous it probably was well but maybe too that like a lot of people went and came back right or made their fortunes that’s true nothing nothing game kind of thing right exactly okay we’re going to turn around in about a block so B Ally what is the weirdest

    Thing you’ve caught in that game any of you fish an octopus uh let’s see what I just reading this Alle press gangs were a thing oh oh my gosh Alie someone goes wow wow this is a cool Lobby I love this 606 West Chelsea see wow somebody did a cool job designing

    That um okay so they said somebody goes press gangs were a thing and then hya goes who likes orange [Applause] juice they meant forced to serve on ships not juice pressed though Joe and the juice I’ve learned has a pretty good tuna sandwich I don’t normally like tuna but I will

    Say that I actually really do do like their uh tuna tuna sandwich so take that as you will because if you really like tuna it may not be for you since I like it for a while they purposely they purposefully did not teach Sailors how to swim oh that’s not

    Good oh so they couldn’t flee the ship right so they couldn’t flee oh man yes a glass a day keeps the scurvy away yeah a lot of their diet was like hardtack breads dried Meats sometimes they would have meals that were essentially I would think of as a very

    Bad stir fry has anybody made um has anybody been able to make undesirable food in this game I don’t think so if you’re wondering what that glowy part is right there on the building that oops that is the shed it’s lit up see I like tuna but I do not love tuna

    Sandwiches okay so we are coming around the side of this building and then when we go around the corner we’re going to see The Vessel The Vessel leads to the Highline the Highline is repurposed Rail Road that’s been turned into a Park oh it’s not lit up I somehow thought it would be lit up oh my God I didn’t know that if you speed you they said if you cook for water you got a legendary meal thankful to Sailors have much a much nicer diet today I know I mean they

    Did try to make them sound appealing they called them sea biscuits hard teack is not very yummy it’s pretty much salt sometimes not all the time but mostly flour and water and sometimes salt not very Appealing it’s so quiet isn’t it see normally we’re here during the day but at night it’s so sort of beautifully quiet oh my gosh look at the chickens I know aren’t the chicken FL what did you cook what did you end up cooking do you know

    Yet um so I cooked a lot of things we can see in the mess haul what I was making um there’s some battered fish some Seafoods yeah your Pirates are eaten really well some delicious cake at the beginning of a journey you would often eat much better than near the middle and

    End often times you see those cows they would not they’d be gone they gone though once the hay went the cows would go I swear to God I know yeah the vessel is really great it’s like a steel steel Easter egg yeah I think I always thought

    Of it as a pine cone but yes I agree all right how are we doing in terms of goals has anybody made progress join us join us join us I can imagine they said even even um even nowadays Ally yeah like the Bounty that you start

    With declines so the food does get worse and worse even on a ship today that canned hamburger is not looking so good oh my gosh salad bar looks pretty sad oh I can imagine oh wow there’s still people going into the mall it’s open they have 15 chapter 4 10 chapter 7 I wish I could see like who the people are that’s done it so I can write them specifically for that there’s a part of me that hopes that if I tell them like you know six people got back to me or five people got back to me they they

    Just give it to me we’ll see that’s my hope but who knows so if you paid for Molly let me know you want get Cordelia let me know squid says they’re two out of three what do you mean oh yeah yeah you can’t get three we figured that out you can’t get

    Three I spent an hour of my time going into the sea of Conquest servers and um becoming friends with everybody and then asking them many questions including how do I get Cordelia but apparently there was a new update and you can no longer easily get Cordelia and they all they all felt the

    Injustice because apparently Cordelia is a much better character and they were like no how could they give you Molly and I’m like well they want to give you something to strive for I don’t really mind I just needed to know if she was achievable and they were like down with

    Molly down with Molly I was like she’s doing pretty well in my game yay cuz I bought her thinking she was Cordelia and they’re like no we’re anti Molly here and then we got on the topic with Jin and iic because somebody had pointed out that tonic was a cure for um

    Malaria malaria right yeah a cure for malaria or like preventative well yeah and so they added ginatonic to make it bearable but I like tonic plane and I might have made the mistake of saying that they all were like you’re a monster and then I showed them all the

    Cool things you can make with tonic because because they CL in the dark it glows in the dark I updated my Twitch app and things are going strangely what do you think you’re going to want from the new mobile app see that works um so I actually wouldn’t mind having reacts but having

    Them to like Clips I know that reacts in their current form are going away but I would actually really like um to see I would like to see the um like having like cuz they are going to make it more similar to another platform that we all know and love

    That’s vertical just like how YouTube has been doing right yes so I mean I wouldn’t mind having comments you know I just I can’t believe it’s not lit up I guess we were only over there at night usually when it’s like Christmas I guess I mean I thought

    It looked really nice no I know but it was it’s not lit up anymore at night if you’re wondering this is face saying the Empire everybody’s on the forums everybody who is everybody squid what do you mean by forums do they in the Discord no they’re on the forums about SE of

    Conquest ah but you can also join the discords and we will do our best to assist you we love our Discord Community also guys if you are new please make sure you follow following is free it will help you find us again otherwise you may NE never find us again

    Never a thanks Southwest it is actually beautiful today like really truly beautiful no King Kong yeah no King Kong not tonight okay guys we’re pretty tired so thank you for coming on in I really do appreciate it hopefully you guys are a having a great evening and we’ll see you

    All soon um please do uh join us for the raid she’s amazing um she’s a very fun streamer she has a great personality and we’ll see you tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow we’ll see you tomorrow it’s only a stream away the r and please come back more some more some more some more hit

    The what’ you say see you tomorrow everybody you literally knocked my phone out of my hand but you caught it you caught it bye everybody goodbye bye it’s not going through but goodbye thanks for joining us everybody Bye tomorrow poke oh that’s what you’re doing poke poke goodbye guys see you tomorrow tomorrow and follow all the socials follow all the socials and we will see you soon byebye bye we got to wait out the timer everybody um it’ll still probably be going yeah it’s okay YouTu on YouTube oh

    Okay so I’ll end it here right yeah okay bye YouTube goodbye goodbye you’re still going if you’re still going goodbye soon make sure you subscribe

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