In this episode, Mahnaz went to Anita and her mother to do something to free the house deed, but Anita told her that we don’t have a deed and if Yusuf wants to divorce me, I will take my dowry from him until the last figure and do something with him until Sell ​​her car and house. After meeting with Anita and her mother, Mahnaz returned to Yusuf’s house and Marjan was washing the dishes for Eid and they fed the dog with Yusuf. At the same time, Mahnaz entered and had a little argument with Marjan. #trying #document #meeting #talking #dowry #divorce #number #money #house #car #yard #dishes #washing #cleaning #dog #feeding #family #love #United States #England #India #Ireland #Italy #Germany # France #China #Channel #Explore #YouTube #Support #Trees #Animals #Nature #Child #Woman #Man #Map #Water

    Hello, dear viewers of Dehbagh channel, I hope you enjoy watching this video. Please support our channel. This video has been translated into all the languages ​​of the world. Hello, you are fine. Thank you. What happened? You came here. I had to come here.

    My life was destroyed. Marjan told Farhad everything about the document, so Marjan explained everything to him? Did you stay like this? Farhad kicked me out of the house and didn’t let me bring my son with me. I went to Yusef Marjan’s house and Yusef were living together and they got along well.

    Why didn’t you say anything to Marjan? Anita, you couldn’t do anything to make Yusuf feel bad with Marjan.

    Now I came to you to tell you that the deed of our house is under Anita’s lien. I didn’t know that they wanted to do this to me, otherwise I wouldn’t have given them my deed at all.

    Farhad says that you should definitely bring the deed. I will let you stay at home. Now you come and take the deed of your house, leave it in place of our deed and free our deed. The deed of our house is secured by a loan.

    When did you get the loan? How long ago are you right? Yes, so what is my lie? You came and deceived Anita and she returned it to me. Our document is not here.

    Mahnaz, why didn’t you tell Marjan? If I have to, I have to do something that Marjan agrees to. My Marjan said that I will not agree. If I have to, I will deliver Anita to prison and my document. You should try to prevent Anita from going to prison. You did this to Anita. You have to fix it yourself. If this is the case, it was your fault that I went to prison.

    Marjan said, “I don’t consent.” I didn’t see Farhad. He didn’t let me come with him. Now what do we do? We don’t have a document. Anita, you sit down while I tell you.

    I said, I went to Yusuf’s house. Marjan also said, go and hand over Anita. Yousef doesn’t seem to want me anymore.

    I can’t do anything. Anita, do whatever you can. Now that Yusef has said this, I will divorce him and the lady will have to sell her car to pay my dowry. Even though they don’t complete my dowry, I’m not going to jail. I

    Said to me, go and hand over Anita. I came to you to tell you that if you can prepare a document, take it in place of our document and release our document. We can’t find the document, that is, my document. Should he stay there? You either

    Shouldn’t have done this or you should have been there until the end. You made Anita miserable. It’s all your fault that you didn’t raise your daughter properly. What did I do? I’m thinking about Anita. Now do something.

    Marjan is living her life. It’s me and you, Anita, now you say what to do, I don’t know, you should have thought about these days, Mahnaz, you should tell Yusuf that I will take my dowry from him until the last digit,

    Marjan said, I will not agree at all, I will always go to his house until he gives my dowry,

    Anita, now you have to Let’s do something so that you can go back to your life. I won’t come there anymore. I want to get my divorce. Yusuf wants to put me in jail. What should I do now? You say I’ll take my dowry. Yusuf has also returned to Marjan

    . You will stay in jail, so why didn’t he give you the document of Yusuf’s house? Marjan didn’t give me the deed of Yusuf’s house. If it wasn’t for our house, Anita was still in prison. You should have left it. Yousef would have found the document himself. Yousef couldn’t find the document.

    What do you want from me? Don’t let Marjan come into the house. It was because of you that I went and took the document. And I freed Anita. When you came, you told Anita to marry Yousef. You should have thought about this as well. In the

    Meantime, your life will get better, Marjan’s life will also get better, but I became poor

    . Why did you let Marjan enter the house? I didn’t know. I entered the house and saw Marjan sitting in front of Farhan and talking to him. I kicked him out of the house. I said why did you come here?

    Farhad hates me so much that he says don’t come to my house. My duty is clear, but I don’t know what you should do. Marjan also told me. He said, “No, Marjan is not our house, who is talking to you like this. Marjan is the owner of the house. Whatever he says is right. Did

    N’t I tell you not to get married ? Why don’t Sajjad’s children leave when Yusuf threw me out? Yusuf got along well with all of them. The children are living in a warehouse. Yousef and Marjan are also upstairs.

    I will bring a disaster to them that they will not remember for the rest of their lives. For now, they are having a good time. Now, do whatever you want, but you must release my document. Yousef must sell his drug free to pay my dowry.

    Okay, now I’m leaving. I told you that we don’t have a document, you have to find it yourself, Anita is your daughter, you have to do something so that she doesn’t go to jail, I told Anita not to get married . It’s ugly, it’s my fault

    , mother, enough, I’ll take Yusuf’s car and house from him, you always think about the car and the house, you don’t think about our reputation,

    You don’t think about our reputation, stop it, you two are the mother of my life, it has nothing to do with you, please sit down and let it go You are to blame for everything. What did I do to be guilty?

    I have nothing to do with you two, both of you are worse than each other, speak the truth, mother, that’s enough, Anita, I have nothing to do with you anymore, go do whatever you want,

    Anita, tell everyone the same things you were saying so that I too will go to Youssef, tell me, Anita said she should pay my dowry in full, maybe Yusuf got scared and let you go back, I won’t go back there, I want my dowry,

    Now you do something to release the document, I don’t know what to do to release your document,

    Mahnaz, I’m just kind of I can cooperate with you, that is to get my dowry in full from Yousef, then I will release your document with the money. Yousef has no reason to pay your dowry to me. What do I want to do with Marjan’s account? I

    Will not do this with my brother, Anita. Mahnaz, if you want to go back to your life, you should do what I say, no, I will never let you bring this disaster to my brother.

    I have nothing to do with your brother, I just want to get to Marjan’s account. I don’t know what you are doing. Just release my document, now let me go to Youssef and see what I’m doing

    . Hey mother, why did you do this? I paid my dowry in full. Do you know how much my dowry is? No, ugly Anita, think about Mah’s reputation

    As long as Marjan is there. I have to take my dowry from Yusuf. Ugly Anita, you always think about dowry. I say don’t get a divorce. You say I want dowry. Don’t have anything to do with me.

    You always want to get a divorce. You have ruined our reputation. I don’t care about what people say. I live for myself. I get my dowry from Yusuf. I want my dowry. The amount of my dowry is too much. Again, he says dowry. Do you want to help me ? Don’t break

    Them. Can you wash them? Don’t break them until I come and collect them. Take them away. Put them there. They are dirty. Bring them to wash them. Yusuf. Come on, I’m working with you. Wait, I’m coming now. Let me water the trees. Did you spray the trees? Yasir , open the door,

    You are living for yourself, you got me into trouble, we got you into trouble, or you created trouble for yourself, you left the document, mortgaged my house, you have no job, who told you to bring your document?

    What did you do Mahnaz? I went to Anita, Anata said, I will pay my dowry, let her dowry, let her do it, where are you going to get money, give her dowry, I will sell my car and house, I will give her dowry, that

    Is, you will give her Anita’s dowry, yes, I will give it to her, okay, I will divorce Anita. Take your dowry, then give me the money and I will release my blood document,

    Mahnaz, what does this plan have to do with your new plan? You said to Anita, go get your dowry, no, it’s nothing like that at all, Mahnaz, what is Anita going to do? If she wants her dowry, I’ll give her her dowry

    . Anita, you ruined my life, now you are my guest, either stay or get out of here, didn’t you leave the house deed, Anita, knowing that you should have stolen the house deed when I brought it, Farhad, you understand why you brought it around

    . So, why should we hand over Anita, Yusuf, I think you have a problem, that means Anita should be free again, hey, make a plan for us, I tell Youssef, take Anita, hand them over your blood document, I am not the one to consent, Mahnaz, come sit inside,

    Why do I have to go out? Why don’t you throw the children out of the house? Why should I throw the children out of the house? What are they doing? Well, I’m not going anywhere. He made us miserable and said, “Get out. Why are you talking now? Alki.

    Why do you two fight every day? Yusuf. It’s all your fault. Why Sandah?” You didn’t hurt my house. You didn’t free me from my house. Well, why are people kicking me out of my house? Why are you and I all supporting Anita ? You didn’t release me, I’m suing you,

    Why are you taking my word for it, Alki, you wanted to not put your blood bond in the middle of the day, Anita, if you’re good, what’s up with Yusuf? For Anita’s sake, please stay here tonight. If you behave well, they will let you stay here. If

    You don’t behave well, you have to leave the house that night. If you behave well, come to my brother’s house. What’s wrong with you? You and I have ruined Anita’s life . Stop it, Mahnaz, go to Anita, talk to her, go hand her over so that she will release the

    Deed of your blood, I will not do this with Anita, you are ready for your brother to be miserable, but Anita, you will not take Yusuf as the deed of your house, so that you release the deed of my house, if Anita gives her dowry. It will make you miserable Yusuf,

    Don’t support Anita anymore, if you don’t want me to support her, I will be for you. If Anita makes her dowry miserable, you will be displaced. He will make you sell your building,

    Marzan, don’t have anything to do with Mahnaz, I have nothing to do with it. Doesn’t Anita want to give her dowry to go to the performance? Well, go ahead and do it. We were living our own lives. Anita, Mahnaz, come and ruin our lives, bring a knife.

    Hi, hello, welcome, aunt, where is aunt? I have prepared the food for you, eat until I come, father, cut it off, I have nothing to do with Mahnaz, Anita,

    Mahnaz is interfering a lot in our lives, I don’t want to let Anita do whatever she wants, let her go and implement her dowry, and I will give her her dowry. I will give

    You this house, which does not have more, how will you give her the dowry? I will sell this house and go and build a house somewhere else. Why did you deceive Mahnazo? Anita went and took Mahnaz. Mahnaz deceived me. Mahnaz, your sister, will be heartbroken for you

    If I sell you this house. Where are we going, we are going to the desert, we are building a house, a hut, Yusuf , you didn’t consult me, and then you go and get Anita, why did I make a mistake in raising Sabzeh ?


    1. Почему не требуете наказать Аниту за продажу детского дома? Пусть вернёт деньги или обменяет на своё приданное и будете в расчете 🤷

    2. Не нравится мне Анита плазая 👎 девушка о предоном состоянии думает только смотреть ее противно не дай бог такую сестру как у Юсуфа Аллам

    3. Yusuf you should sue Anita for harassment and defamation. Don't give her her dowry.
      Don't sell your beautiful house you build with your own sweat.

      She is a second hand pussycat not virgin why must pay her ??

      She cause so many problems and fight with marjan everyday !!

    4. Yusuf make the transfer of this house to marjan name so that Anita cannot demand anything from you.
      Transfer your truck to her name.also !
      Do this immediately to save your money!.don't give her a cent for causing so much or hurt to marjan !!.

    5. Хотя бы дом переписал на жену, хоть было где жить это не дело идти в горы и начинать всё с начала

    6. j'aimerie bien le marie de la femme qui vient de rentre que son marie améne la la desiemefemme comme cs elle vas conprondre quise queci la desieme femme

    7. У Юсифа жена очень хорошая, во всех отношениях, и он это видит и понимает, сестра все испортила, пусть теперь сестра и анита бегают к друг другу, и Фархад молодец,

    8. They should put antia and his sister to the court and let them court taking care of them. Because his sister and antia are planing to control them get money and the house. Let the court watch all the video's for evidence

    9. Перепиши Юсуф свой дом первой жене и все имущество. Оператор передайте пожалуйста. И пусть жена взыскает деньги у Аниты за проданный дом у детей. И никакого приданого не давай она пришла ни с чем. И вообще выгони свою сестру. Это не сестра, а демон какой то. Сама во всём виновата и всех винит. Нет чтобы извиниться и во всём признаться и жить спокойно.

    10. مهناز تستاهل كل اليجرالها لأنها أرادت تحطيم مرجانه وتدمير حياتها انا مع مرجانه انسانه طيبه ومحترمه وتريد الخير للكل لكن مهناز وانيتا خبيثات

    11. Yusuf sister Mahan is a snake 🐍, She's the one who caused all the problems, And now, she deserves to kick out of the house by Farah her husband, She planned all this dirty plans for Maryann and the children, and now is coming back to her, I'm happy Maryann told the truth,,

    12. Dear Yusuf
      Please transfer all your property and car to marjan name.
      Let her protect your property and car don't let Anita take anything From you. Dont pay this greedy woman who sold Sajjad house and make him miserable become drug addicts.
      Dont give her any money 💰

    13. Ну кино не могу разобраться баб много кто кому приходиться какие то козни в общем без бутылки не разобраться…..

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