This is a video 2 years in the making, with one theme… e-bikes. They are everywhere folks and I don’t think it’s good for the cycling industry, which is suffering right now. These things are big, they are fast, they are taking up more space on trails and pathways and roads… and they’re increasingly being ridden by people who don’t know what they are doing. They also don’t encourage cycling… you know CYCLING… peddling a bike.

    I tie a number of things together in this video and my conclusion is… e-bikes are not good for cycling or the cycling industry.

    #e-bikes #cycling #bikeindustry

    Hi I’m John and welcome to cycling on a Sho string I’m not going to show the regular intro right now but it’s coming up in a moment it is March the 8th 2024 and I’m here in Fish Creek Park a lovely day for bike riding and I bring up the

    Date because it’s relevant to this video because this is a video 2 years in the making now let me explain it was February of 2022 I sat down in front of my computer and it recorded a video very very laid-back video and I didn’t know

    If I was going to release it and I didn’t I didn’t put it on my channel later that summer something else happened I recorded a video wondering if I was going to release it and I didn’t but you’re going to see both of those videos together today right now and what

    Brought this video on today is a number of creators on YouTube talking about the troubles with the cycling industry right now meaning big bike industry is in trouble um some companies are going under employees are losing their jobs independent dealers are having issues when just a couple of years ago during

    Co it was boom time folks now I haven’t watched all the videos but one of the things I’m hearing from these people who know a lot more about the industry than I is that maybe some of these companies have bit off more than they can chew maybe they’re not making bikes for the

    Average person right now they put a lot of research and development into high-end bikes that are very very expensive I’ve looked at bikes there ain’t no way I’m buying a new bike right now it’s too expensive and I like bike riding you got to get the average person

    On to bikes and these big bike companies sell expensive bicycles in fact if you look back at what happened with the the the cars right Henry Ford saw the average person in cars and he sold them a good car for a good price and he revolutionized the industry and that’s

    What a lot of the creators on YouTube are saying the bike Industries have to change because they’re losing business now from my standpoint I started looking at it from an ebike issue and that’s why you clicked on this video I see more and more people riding ebikes and I’ve made comments about I

    Don’t like that um in other videos on my channel I like to see people riding regular bicycles but if 50% of the people are riding ebikes right now I don’t think a lot of them are riding tracks or canones or Canyons or any of the big bike companies because they’re too expensive

    I looked on Amazon this morning first glance $59 9 for an ebike in Canadian dollars that’s what people are riding on bike paths and that’s a huge percentage of the bikes I see on the road right now so are ebikes a problem with the bike industry I think they are let me know

    What you think I’m going to tell you again at the end of this video I’m going to show you what I did two years ago in its entirety and this is the last you’re going to see of me sitting right here but let me know what you think at

    The end of the video I may be kind of kicking a hornets nest here but I think ebikes are a problem right now in more ways than one so let’s look at those videos I was taken out by an ebike on a bike path yesterday and I’m Pissed wor hi it’s John and welcome to cycling on a shoes string out of my shop right now putting some new bar tape on my bike having to do this because of what happened to myself and my friend Andre yesterday when we were out riding around town

    Um I’m a little bit hot under the collar about what happened yesterday and it’s been a growing problem that I’ve been noticing lately I’ve got lots to say about what happened this is also what happened to me yesterday went face first into the asphalt because of an ebike Rider the

    Video you’re about to see it’s quite obvious when I recorded it because when I did it I put the information right at the beginning of the video and I also say that I never thought I would release it but I’ve got more to say on this

    Issue at the end of the video so please watch it and uh let me know what you think in the comments hi there it’s John and welcome to cycling on a shooring and as you can see this is a very informal video and as of this moment right now 6:25 a.m. on

    February 2nd 2022 I don’t even know that I’m going to post this video but I wanted to record it if you’re watching it obviously I’ve posted it because this is a little bit of a controversial subject and it may bother a few of you but I don’t want it to bother you maybe

    We can come to an agreement here or maybe you can change my mind about something I’ve been noticing a lot lately you know I want my channel to be fun celebratory of cycling I want it to be useful as well and hopefully when I do reviews it is useful and you enjoy

    Them and I I appreciate you being here but my question is about the bike industry and I’m talking about the bike industry when it comes to uh companies that make bicycles I just got an email in that kind of spurred on this video from Competitive Cyclist and it says

    Launching Santa Cruz’s new Heckler and it’s the next gen e mountain bike and if you’ve been bike riding over the last year year and a half two years you’ve noticed that ebikes are taking over the roads I don’t know that it’s 50% of the bikes I see now but it’s getting pretty darn

    Close my question is is this good for the cycling industry I’m talking about cyclists I consider myself a cyclist I ride bikes I don’t ride motorized bikes and I fear we’re getting into a situation where down the road we’re not going to have people riding bikes they’re going to be riding for all

    Intents andp purposes motorcycles and my issue is this I am 57 years old this month and I see so many young people in their 20s riding electric bicycles and I would prefer if they were riding bicycles they’re never going to ride a regular bike if they’re riding ebikes

    Right now and I don’t think this is good in the Long Haul for cycling down the road just think about what happens when professional teams are looking for cyclists and what they’ve got is people who have been grown up riding ebikes I think they’re amazing things for people who have physical

    Disabilities for people who are older to get out might be a way of introducing people to cycling that could be the argument here but I know that young people as young people we always take the easier way out I always did as soon

    As I got my chance to ride a car and to drive a car car I left my bike behind I just happened to come back at it later on so what do you think I’m seeing too many ebikes on the road that is my point I think we need to encourage people to

    Ride bikes not ride motorbikes like that Santa Cruz email I just got in what do you think changed my mind have you been thinking the same way I have because I don’t think this is a good thing for the future of cycling so obviously you see I recorded that in

    February and I really didn’t think about releasing it until what happened to me yesterday so what happened well first off I like to think that I’m pretty responsible on my bike and I’m always looking out and ahead of what’s happening on the road because you have

    To be that way if you’re a cyclist so my friend Audrey and I are riding along at about 25k an hour on a bike path maybe a little bit less than that I’d say maybe 20K an hour Andre hasn’t been able to ride much this year and a guy on a

    Behemoth of an electric bike we were on the asphalt came out from behind some trees on a dirt Trail pulled in front of us and decided that he was going to do a U-turn and he did this and stopped right in front of us didn’t even look I had no

    Time to stop I was 15t behind him when he got on the trail I plowed into the back of his ebike which had tires about that wide on them and I went over my bars and and hit my face right here on my shoulder and

    All of my weight landed on my neck thank goodness I was wearing a helmet cuz I could feel the helmet hit the asphalt I was bleeding from this it stopped bleeding now Andre was behind me and he didn’t have time to stop he ran into the back of me and I was pissed

    Off I was really hot really hot this guy first thing he said was I didn’t see you no kidding you didn’t look and that video I did back in February talked about whether we’re encouraging to ride bikes and I said this the other day in another video I Did You Know by

    Promoting electric bikes are we really encouraging laziness or are we promoting cycling and I think these things can be of great benefit but now you have a bunch of people who had never got on a bike before and are out on on the pathways and I said maybe 50% of the

    Bikes are electric I think there’s more of them in calary than there are a regular cyclist Now by a long shot I also said in a video the other day is an ebike you don’t have to Pedal really a bike or is it a motorcycle and this Beast this guy rode away on

    Yesterday he wasn’t pedaling it had pedals but it had an accelerator and I’ve ridden Behind these people at 35k an hour and they don’t know what they’re doing they’re a danger out there I could have been killed or in a hospital after what happened yesterday and I think this is

    Irresponsible to allow a lot of these things again you don’t have to Pedal them to be on our bike paths I see packs of these things out there I call them pathway locusts cuz these are inexperienced Riders who are putting my life and my safety in danger cuz they

    Come tearing around corners and they’re hanging out around the outside of a corner coming right at me at 35k an hour and I’m pissed about this I had a pretty sore neck right now I’m lucky didn’t break my neck I’ll probably be worse tomorrow because it’s

    The second day but I have a real issue with this a real issue I remember years ago seeing electric mopeds that you could ride on the road and didn’t need a license for them because they put pedals on them well these are motorcycl Les on bike paths now and they’re big and

    They’re heavy and they’re wide and it’s the idiots riding them that are making us unsafe I said to Andre on the way back to the house I feel safer on the road with cars than I do on the bike path these days because at least people in

    Cars have to have a license and know the rules of the road to drive their car as I said in the video I recorded back in February I do want to be controversial on my channel and I don’t want to piss any of you off but this needs to be addressed they’re everywhere

    Now I don’t think this is a good thing I don’t think this is good at all thank you very much for watching and listening please leave your comments below tell me what you’re experiencing when you’re on out on bike pass and I do appreciate it please give me a

    Thumbs up if you like the video if you don’t give me a thumbs down tell me what you think if whether you agree with me or not because I’d love to hear your thoughts but at least subscribe to the channel I’ll see you next time on cycling on a Sho string


    1. "They also don't encourage cycling… you know CYCLING… peddling a bike." I don't like bikes that have a throttle rather than the motor engaging when you pedal. Which brings me to pedaling, not peddling. When I owned a bike store, I certainly peddled bicycles. Now, I just pedal them. I'm also bothered because, for years, as a member of a local cycling advocacy group, we spent most of our time trying to figure out how to get more people on bikes. Better infrastructure, more education, safer streets, and on and on. Turns out that what people wanted was just to make it EASIER. Not safer, not fewer cars, not separate bike lanes but just make it take less effort. Make it so they don't have to work so hard to turn the pedals. I agree with your concerns. People with very little cycling experience riding HEAVY bikes can now easily attain speeds hitherto reserved for fit, experienced cyclists who learned how to handle bikes after many miles and years of cycling. I think a lot of these new, e-bike riders are going to learn through painful experience how hard and abrasive asphalt is and how inattentive and inconsiderate motorists can be. At 71, having started riding derailleur equipped bikes over 55 years ago and having taken many long rides and having commuted by bike for years, I am not encouraged by this trend. I agree with your view on this subject.

    2. That’s gonna change because it’s they are currently making new laws regarding all ebikes first you have to have a license & insurance & you have to be of a certain age probably 18 I’m guessing but it’ll be interesting to see what it’s going to involve but we are going to find out real soon. Curious enough off-road ebikes mountain bikes have not figured in yet & honestly I don’t know how they would even enforce the laws. I’d say out of all the people I see riding ebikes 70% shouldn’t even be on them I’ve seen people crash on the bike path when instead of stopping hit the throttle & went right into a wooden fence & on that same bike trail which is paved & flat I’ve seen people taken away by ambulance’s. Now I’d say ebikes make up the majority of bikes on our bike trail I personally do t ride it anymore because people have no manners or common sense it’s kind of like the gun thing when they say it’s not the gun it’s the people but in this case the Ebike industry has gone unchecked that is till now. People ruined it for others & now laws are being made to stop a lot of the nonsense.

    3. My feelings are the same about yours on e-bikes. If you need an assist because of a physical disability by all means an e-bike is for you. If everything works fine why get lazy and ride these baby motorcycles? If the e-bike riders knew how to ride (announce your presence before passing for one) it might be more tolerable, but they dont. So now on a bike path you got the demon e-bike riders, joggers with buds in their ears so they cant hear you announce your presence, people with strollers walking two deep who wont move and of course dog walkers. Im with you; the streets seem much safer than a bike path. Oh yeah, cant forget about cars and delivery drivers who deliberately park in bike lanes too!

    4. Personally, I think spandex is the bigger problem. Spandex discourages bike use for the average person who does not want to feel obligated to dress up as a clown in order to enjoy a simple outing.

    5. I don't like pedal assist "e" bikes, it's a stupid idea. When they first came out, everybody said they would help get the old and disabled into cycling. Now, they say that people who have e bikes get more exercise than non e bike riders. It can't be both easier to do and harder to do than regular cycling. I have no problem with full electric motorcycles, but pedal assist is just a bastard child. Full electric should only be used on motorized trails and in the lane on roads. Now, I mountain bike, almost exclusively, and where I live, we enjoy an e bike ban on most of our singletrack. It's just more mining hard to find materials in 3rd world countries by exploited workers.

    6. I'm 75 and my wife is 72. We;ve been riding ebikes for 9 years, putting on about 2400 miles together. At 12 mph, that's over 200 hours of riding. Yes, we go at bike speeds, I might add another 800 miles solo. Last year, 500 of them were on a regular bike.Here in the midwest, ebikes have overwhelmed the bike paths yet. It's like 10% on a weekend, less on weekdays when no one is out.

      You're right. Too many people don't have bike trail etiquette, but that includes regular cyclists. It's common for people to ride two abreast and take up 5/8-2/3 of the lane, Very few people call out when passing. At my age, I'm used to it. My wife is used to it. We try to get out when there's less people.

      Happy riding.

    7. My thoughts. Suck it up, adapt, because you have no way to change this. E-bikes are here to stay. FWIW I ride both. Regular bikes for more exercise in a shorter time, and e-bikes for longer rides. I have bad arthritus on both knees. 66 yo. Have you ever tried an e-bike?

    8. Your rant is understandable given the event cited, even if it's 2 years and a couple of leaps in e-bike technology late. In this day and age, the term E-bike is far too broad to simply lump them all together and say they’re collectively a problem. Clueless, inconsiderate riders are the problem, an E-bike just magnifies the effect. Personally, the Santa Cruz Heckler SL I purchased in January – my first E-bike – is the perfect solution to a problem. After riding pretty hardcore mountain biking for the last 25 years, my 62 year old body still craves the same climbs and downhills, but my stamina doth protest. Once I felt that minimal, measured assistance with pedaling, on a proven full suspension platform of respectable weight, I knew a problem had been solved. So I respectfully disagree with the notion that every E-bike is a problem, but I can certainly see how an inexperienced or careless rider becomes more of a problem when on an E-bike.

    9. I am with you. Unfortunately, the cycling industry can only exist following trends. Convincing people that whatever they already have is not good is the game. Bicycles are now too loaded with disposable tech. I am a Luddite admittedly so please disregard my comment.

    10. I agree we need good simple quality bikes. But honestly, I’m a raging retro-grouch at 52 yrs, who only rides old single speeds to rebel against industry. True bicycles are pure. I won’t ride an E-bike until my official handicapped parking sticker is issued and I’m completely broken. Complicated, overbuilt, expensive E-bikes aren’t helping anything.

    11. Listen, I've ridden mtn and road bikes for 35yrs. My e-bike is the first time I've been able to commute by bike to work. It's safer on the side of the road, I don't show up to work sweaty and exhausted. Idiots on shared paths are going to be idiots. E-bikes are great

    12. It doesn't matter what the idiot was riding. Could have been a horse or a tricycle. It was the idiot that caused it not what he was riding. Plenty of idiots on pedal bikes too.

    13. As an e-bike "hater" from way back I remember having a disagreement with my LBS owner who had just started selling e-bikes in the early teens. Their argument was that the bikes were 250 watts maximum and that the only people buying them were people with disabilities. I said "yeah now they are, but give it a couple of years". A couple of years later the average e-bike now has 600 watts or more and even though they come out of the factory speed restricted removing that restriction is a plug and play operation. I was also basically forced to buy an e-bike if I wanted to keep riding with my buddies who all have them. Don't get me wrong, my e-bike is awesome. But there is no question that it changes the landscape significantly. A 30 mile hard ride on a standard bike becomes an easy dawdle on my e-bike. It has definitely opened the door for new people and along with that idiots to go places they really shouldn't both on the roads and paths as well as in the mountainbike parks. Beware the idiot.

    14. It’s a matter of etiquette and respect. As a hiker, I’ve been nearly run over countless times by rude mountain bikers who don’t respect right of way and come crashing down the trails at ridiculous speeds. My daughter was literally ran over by an ebiker last year, and the coward didn’t even stop to see if she was OK. So when I hear bicyclists complaining about lack of etiquette, there’s a part of me that snickers a bit, yet another part that feels your frustration. That being said, banning and regulating are just going to make matters worse. Some E-bikers are a nuisance just like some bad drivers are, and just like some bikers are. Such is life. I’m sorry you were injured, and I truly sympathize. I try to live by example and hope others will follow. There’s always going to be bad apples, but that doesn’t mean a particular group is bad, just that particular person. Karma can be a powerful thing.

    15. I'm a golfer and this reminds me of the young people who ride golf carts. They are often the people who disregard the rules and have bad etiquette. Golf carts damage the course more than walkers, especially when they disobey the rules. Like e-bikes, it's probably giving access to the lazier younger generation and the overweight and unfit which, unfortunately, is increasingly a higher percentage of the population.

    16. I think that anything electrically-assisted over 20mph should require a motor license regardless of pedal or throttle actuated. It's too much power at too little cost or responsibility. Pre-pandemic, I'd see e-bike commuters flying down multi-use paved trails at 25mph+, weaving around pedestrians and going wide on underpass blind corners. Almost got taken out by one of those one time coming right at me going wide on a blind corner.

    17. It is always cringe when people are so dead against things that they haven't tried or understand. It is one thing to have an opinion. But it is another thing to be so dogmatic and authoritative when you simply have an opinion like everyone else. Ebikes and regular bikes will both have a place in the market. Ebikes have greatly expanded the bike buying market and also have had people with health issues also be able to get on bikes when the could not previously. Many of us have both types and it has caused us be cycling much more than ever.

    18. I am sorry for your experience. Are e-bikes bicycling at all? I applaud them as mobility devices and transit options. In fact, I sort of want one….maybe someday when I need it. But yeah, take the asshole or idiot out of the car and put him on a bike….you get an asshole or idiot that doesn't need insurance or a license. So, for cyclists, it is a zero sum game, except these people are on a 45 pound vehicle rather than a 3,000 pound one. I'd take it.

    19. I've been a cyclist all my life. Started with MTBs and Road bikes in the 80s.
      I rode manically and religiously for decades.
      I had a hip replacement 6 years ago and had lost my love for riding.
      Then, I built up a sweet Kona honzo hardtail diy ebike. So awesome! I'm back in love with riding. E bikes offer all the joy, mental health and moderate cardio with none of the misery and suffering inherent with hill climbs.
      Don't malign ebikes or ebike riders.
      Your take reminds me of how hikers and horse people used to call the trails "our trails" when us "idiots" started riding MTBs on them back in the 80s.
      I'm old too, get off your high horse.
      Ebikes are an awesome thing.
      Just built up an E Honzo ST, building an e Fat bike next. Riding and enjoying riding as much as I did when I got my first MTB back in the mid 80s.
      I used to be a snob towards ebikes, not anymore. They rock, especially the diy versions.

    20. An added benefit of my renewed love for riding and owning sweet ebikes is my vehicle is parked most of the time. In the past 6 months Ive logged 5000kms on ebikes that would have been in a car otherwise.
      They are life changing.

    21. Totally agree I’m no lover of this new trend. I think e-bikes do have a place particularly with older people or someone who has a condition who cannot ride a regular bike. But here in the UK they are also getting extremely popular and most are having them chipped so they literally a low powered moped. They are also much younger people who really should not really need them but they always claim they can ride further or get more laps in. It does not wash with me. I think most people are actually riding the wrong type of bike for where they are riding, essentially meaning they are over biked. I got into cycling because of its simplicity and using your own power / fitness and skill. It’s a wonderful sport and think it is currently being ruined by this new fashion trend. They are essentially motorbikes that should really need their own category of insurance and possibly even a license like you said. Because of there speed and weight they are a danger to others trail users. I also see a lot of conflicts on the trails between different riders because of e-bikes something I’ve never seen before with mountain bikers. I don’t even like the fact they are so environmentally unfriendly, the large batteries the constant recharging then you got the disposal of them at the end of their life. It’s just not what cycling is meant to be…

    22. I would bet the rider who caused the accident is a bad driver regardless of the type of vehicle they are operating, muscle or motor, 2 or more wheels.

    23. In my 50's after a long life of riding all kinds of different bikes I ended up with a fixed-gear road bike and an eBike for getting groceries. IMO eBikes are great, fixed-gear is great, I give them each half of my time. Maybe my city is different but I see a dozen road bikes for every eBike, not a big deal really.

    24. I consider myself a cyclist, BLAH, BLAH! So do I but I have a mountain bike an e-bike and a big ripper street bike! Ain't nobody going to tell me what I can cannot ride! The problem is with the drivers not the e-bikes!

    25. When anyone can jump on bike and go 20 mph or faster, there are going to be problems. I've seen the overweight, the unathletic, and the old hit these speeds on mixed use paths. If you want go fast, then use the roads like I do when I ride a normal bike. If these clowns want to ride like idiots then jump on the road and try your luck against a full size truck.

    26. Here in Australia the 250w no twist throttle law works. Higher wattage are classed as mopeds/ motorcycles that require rego, lights and safety gear are not allowed on bike paths but ok for private off road use only…everyone seems happy so far. Watch out for those hoons!!!

    27. I agree, here in Scotland I see these Ebikes becoming a real problem. They allow unfit people to access our remote areas, areas sensitive to human intrusion. The torque these things put into the rear wheel, is far greater than a bike, with corresponding damage to trails and paths. I object to the term Ebike, these things have a fuel source and an engine, they are motor bikes. Another issue is safety as you have direct experience, the little safe cycling infrastructure we have here, threatens to be turned into a danger zone, with idiots on sometimes unrestricted E machines traveling at reckless speeds. Its a problem.

    28. We got woke politics to thank for this because they promote to the masses that we should just lie down and rest and everything will be fine… Except that's fairytales, and sadly most people fall for it.

      I've said it since day one that electric motorcycles is a very very bad idea because they are also sold as if it's the same thing. People who choose these things start to actually believe they are doing the same legwork and this mentality they will carry over to every other aspect of their life, and then plant into the heads of their family, friends and so on. Life becomes harder by choosing the easy route it's that simple, that's why people who do complain about ebikes are caring more about the ebikers than they do about themself.
      Personally I am going to tell the truth whether this or that person like it or not, because that is actually what care is. I care that more people become more resiliant in their personal lives which means you should just understand there are no shortcuts in life. You got to do the work to accomplish anything in life.

      We did not have obesity problems in the past like we have today, so it's tragic to see how many are jumping on the wagon and do fat acceptance bs and what not, with Oprah promoting pills that will destroy your digestion system and can also get you killed. Like what the hell is going on with people. This isn't rocket science. You have to adjust your intake to your physical and mental efforts, and even if you have 70 iq you understand that you cannot just eat and drink trash.
      Yes, there's lots and lots of shit products sold in the supermarkets all across the world, but we can always make better choices than the easy street. Just purchase the food you can afford that is the best for you, and just do what you can do because most of the time there's just excuses blocking us from moving forward.

      The pricepoint talk of ebike vs a real bike is false by the way. Electric bikes are automatically more expensive given the battery and motor, and that's why the rest of the bike will so often have shit components. You pay so much for the electrics, and what you get in return is bs. People got to understand that price per year is the price we pay for any product, and how long will these electric motorcycles actually last, and cost as well…

      As a final point I want to add a personal experience with electric bikes, and that was one day I was out walking on a gravel road through a forest, that are used by both pedestrians and bicyclists. I was just sitting at a bench and relax when I saw an old woman coming from the right on an ebike. She was going over a crest and she started accelerating and just had too much speed. At the end is a turn and right there came a bicyclist. He was just cycling on his side of the path, and the old woman panicked and she hopped off the bike with both feet and her feet collapsed under her and she was stilling clinging on to the handlebars while the bike was still accelerating. The bike took off to the side and thankfully did not hit anyone. Shortly after her husband came up from behind on a bicycle, and saw his wife lying on the ground all scuffed up. The first thing he did was starting to blame the bicyclist that was going the opposite direction, who had nothing to do with her crash/fall.
      I immediatly got up from the bench and approach her husband and told him that she was the only one at fault here. She had way too much speed and she panicked, and that's all that happened. I saw the whole thing, and she would never ever had been able to have that much speed at this place if she rode a real bicycle that much I can tell you.

      The bicyclist sort of took blame at first, and when I stepped in he just allowed me to stand up for him. I hope for his sake that he won't take the fall for the next false accusations because it's important to never give in to this or else there will only be more.

    29. Actually the real problem are hikers! Must they "hike" four abreast on trails??? Kidding aside, trail etiquette needs to be brought up again. Most MTB riders know to pull off to keep trails clear when stopped. Maybe they should introduce measures like having to complete an online course on operation, laws and etiquette which would unlock a "code" to enable your newly purchased throttle ebike. You have to take a test when you get a motorcycle license so it seems only fair. Thankfully most people are considerate in my area.

    30. the problem you have is with people not e-bikes. I know several people who think bikes of any kind should be banned from "walking" trails. I ride both an ebike and analog bike, and I get annoyed by walkers, who walk 2 or 3 abreast, or who are looking at a cell phone. Often you could yell, sound a horn, ring a bell and they would not hear because of earphones.
      Also if you are riding any bike at 35K on a where pedestrians are present, then YOU sir are a danger!!

    31. In my opinion I love both regular bikes, and e-bikes I road both mainly regular. I’m still very young, but ever since I messed up my 2 lower discs and having arthritis at a young age e-bike really helps me. I don’t think we should be mad but to help another.

    32. FWIW, I pretty much abandon riding on multi-use trails long ago. I routinely ride just below 20 MPH which is just too fast for trails. There are too many families, kids, animals, and now e-bikers on trails (and they have a right to use the trails), so I ride on the roads where I can go as fast as I want and hope the cars stay away from me.

    33. The harsh truth is that you're only going to cause your own anguish by going out there with resentment in your heart about bikes that are only going to increase in number. E-bikes are fun and affordable and they're the future regardless of how you choose to perceive them. There are always going to be idiots out there, that will never change. Your own safety is always on you.

    34. You are spot on! I ride my bicycle in NYC and Westchester on the Empire State Trail. I average 11-12 mph. Ebikes pass me within a foot, with no warning, and very fast. I stopped riding in the streets due to the dangers. Now I have to deal with ebikes. Bike trails have pedestrians and children. Ebikes weigh 50 to 70 pounds plus rider. The laws of physics dictate a disastrous outcome if it hits you at 20-30 mph. Now even NYC Citibikes are electric. They use the trail also. In my opinion they should share the road with automobiles, not with pedestrians and cyclists. At the very least only pedal assist (no throttle) may be considered on trails.

    35. The e-bike you ran into by your description was most likely a Super 73 or Surron. No self respecting Santa Cruz Heckler eMTB owner would be riding on a bike path with roadies. Your video makes it seem like you group eMTB riders and Super 73/Surron riders together as a problem. This discussion reminds me of skiers who hated snow boarders in the early days. It's a bummer that you crashed. Glad it wasn't more serious. You are vilifying all e-bikes including eMTB riders. I've owned multiple Santa Cruz, GT, Canyon, and Rocky Mountain analog bikes. I recently purchased the new Specialized Turbo Levo SL and all I can say is if you ever get on a super light eMTB you will have hard time going back to your analog bike. I get the physical challenge and sense of accomplishment of climbing. But nothing beats the smile you get from lapping flowy downhill over and over again. Good luck on the bike paths.

    36. You know how many cyclists nearly took me out on pedestrian walkways? ALOT! So logically, you are the problem. How many cyclists go into traffic causing tremendous danger to themselves and others? Look at the stats, you are the problem. So get out of the way.

    37. After riding bikes all my life and I just bought an Aventon Aventure 2. It came with an extra battery included, normally a $500 addition, for a total of $2000 delivered. With both batteries it has a 80 mile range without pedaling and more range the more you pedal. It weighs 75 pounds and has 4 inch wide tires. It is a beast. The big advantage is that I can pedal when I want and let the ebike motor take over completely when I want to rest but still keep moving. I think it extends the biking experience for older folks.

    38. Sorry, but unless you have video evidence that it was in fact an ebike rider I can't give you the benefit of the doubt. How do I know you didn't injure yourself or it was a person on a reg bike that hit you?

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